5 weeks |
lebleut |
5 weeks |
lebleut |
FIXED : _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly
11 months |
lebleut |
11 months |
lebleut |
11 months |
lebleut |
Missing space issue fixed
16 months |
lebleut |
Version 5.3
5 years |
lebleut |
character error
5 years |
lebleut |
uploading version 5.2 with list of bugs fixed
Check change log for details
5 years |
lebleut |
Remove some versions
7 years |
lebleut |
Bug fixed
7 years |
lebleut |
Version 5.1.2
7 years |
lebleut |
Version 5.1.1
7 years |
lebleut |
Remove old useless tags
7 years |
lebleut |
Sanitizations and escaping
7 years |
lebleut |
Change .po files names
7 years |
lebleut |
Remove var_dump() function call
Add advanced folder
7 years |
lebleut |
Sanitize $_POST global variable
Keep functions names, constants, …
7 years |
lebleut |
Version 5.1
7 years |
lebleut |
* Add new feature 'Exclude Common Tags' (b, strong, abr, button ...)
* …
7 years |
lebleut |
Version 5.0 (Pro version is now for free) uploaded
7 years |
lebleut |
Version 3.4 uploaded
7 years |
lebleut |
Add tag 4.0.0 folder
8 years |
lebleut |
add to trunk v3.3.9 Fix data-tooltip conflicts
8 years |
lebleut |
fix conflict
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
upload v3.3.8 to trunk
optimizing images loading
8 years |
lebleut |
delete to add the new v3.3.8
8 years |
lebleut |
v3.3.8 upload
optimize images loading
9 years |
lebleut |
v3.3.7 upload
- remove importer.php tool and anonymous function
9 years |
lebleut |
* Fix iOS devices mouseout issues (iPhone, iPad ...)
9 years |
lebleut |
new version
9 years |
lebleut |
Widget showing only one word keyword issue FIXED
- Ridwan Syed
9 years |
lebleut |
wp v4.5 compatible readme.txt file update
9 years |
lebleut |
fix Alt image tooltip show
9 years |
lebleut |
Change Pricing link page
9 years |
lebleut |
change readme.txt
9 years |
lebleut |
v3.3.6 upload - now can insert css class names
9 years |
lebleut |
reglage banner-772x250.png
9 years |
lebleut |
new banner-772x250.png
9 years |
lebleut |
new icons
9 years |
lebleut |
cache problem fixed (in admin)
9 years |
lebleut |
version 3.3.5 fix on readme.txt
9 years |
lebleut |
v3.3.5 upload
9 years |
lebleut |
close button no background
9 years |
lebleut |
v3.3.4 upload
9 years |
lebleut |
no space after suffix fixed
9 years |
lebleut |
elementmedia.js loaded for audio and video shortcodes
9 years |
lebleut |
[audio] and [video] shortcodes loads as expected now
9 years |
lebleut |
v3.3.3 upload
9 years |
lebleut |
fix classes for widget keywords
9 years |
lebleut |
v3.2.3 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
add class for glossary families header
10 years |
lebleut |
v3.3.1 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
change menu name to Tooltipy
10 years |
lebleut |
v3.3 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
fix special char separator for Asian languages
10 years |
lebleut |
no pro-addon on readme.txt
10 years |
lebleut |
fix link on readme.txt
10 years |
lebleut |
tnaks to Alrik
10 years |
lebleut |
v3.1.1 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
kttg is now Tooltipy
10 years |
lebleut |
.gif loading refer fixed
10 years |
lebleut |
free on readme.txt
10 years |
lebleut |
free tag removed
10 years |
lebleut |
v3.0 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
v 2.6.6 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
readme.txt tags fix
10 years |
lebleut |
v2.6.5 v upload
10 years |
lebleut |
fix tags
10 years |
lebleut |
responsive tag added
10 years |
lebleut |
responsive feature description
10 years |
lebleut |
version 2.6.4 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
bug fixed
10 years |
lebleut |
bug fixed on widget.php
10 years |
lebleut |
screenshots updated (new glossary layout)
10 years |
lebleut |
v2.6.3 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
delete and versions
10 years |
lebleut |
hide title option fixed
10 years |
lebleut |
v2.6.2.2 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
kttg fetch all keywords
10 years |
lebleut |
v2.6.2 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
default animation assigned
10 years |
lebleut |
update settings snapshot
10 years |
lebleut |
v2.6.1 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
is_i_device functions.php
10 years |
lebleut |
v2.6.0 upload
10 years |
lebleut |
wp 4.2.1 support