Changeset 882804
- Timestamp:
- 03/27/2014 07:32:58 AM (11 years ago)
- Location:
- wp-fevents-book/trunk
- Files:
- 17 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r870145 r882804 1 1 <?php 2 2 /* 3 Plugin Name: WP FEvents Book4 Plugin URI: Description: Create FEvents Book. Use the shortcode <code>[feventsbook]</code> to display all enabled Events, or <code>[feventsbook eventid=x]</code> to display Event with ID=x.6 Version: 0.38 7 Author: faina098 Author URI: License: GPLv2 or later10 */11 $VER = '0.3 8';3 Plugin Name: WP FEvents Book 4 Plugin URI: 5 Description: Create FEvents Book. Use the shortcode <code>[feventsbook]</code> to display all enabled Events, or <code>[feventsbook eventid=x]</code> to display Event with ID=x. 6 Version: 0.39 7 Author: faina09 8 Author URI: 9 License: GPLv2 or later 10 */ 11 $VER = '0.39'; 12 12 require_once('wp-fevents-book.php'); 13 13 //require_once('wp-fevents-6r.php'); 14 14 15 15 global $wpfeventsbook; 16 $wpfeventsbook = new FEventsBook( 'WP FEvents Book', 'feventsbook', '/wp-fevents-book/', $VER);16 $wpfeventsbook = new FEventsBook( 'WP FEvents Book', 'feventsbook', '/wp-fevents-book/', $VER ); 17 17 //$wpfeventsbook -> child = new FEvents6r('WP FEvents Book', 'feventsbook', '/wp-fevents-book/', $VER); 18 ?> -
r691214 r882804 5 5 "Project-Id-Version: wp-fevents-book\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 201 3-04-03 14:20:38+00:00\n"8 "PO-Revision-Date: 201 3-04-03 16:24+0100\n"7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-27 08:11+0100\n" 8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 08:18+0100\n" 9 9 "Last-Translator: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 10 10 "Language-Team: faina09, Arne <[email protected]>\n" 11 "Language: German\n"11 "Language: de\n" 12 12 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 13 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 14 14 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1. 5.5\n"15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n" 16 16 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" 17 17 18 #: wp-fevents-book.php:141 18 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:44 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:262 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:397 19 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:488 20 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 21 msgstr "Unangemeldet - kein Zugriff auf diesen Service" 22 23 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:210 ../wp-fevents-book.php:514 24 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:575 25 msgid "DELETE" 26 msgstr "LÖSCHEN" 27 28 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:345 29 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 30 msgstr "Lösche Veranstaltung und Buchungen" 31 32 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:346 33 msgid "Delete Event" 34 msgstr "Lösche Veranstaltung" 35 36 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:348 37 msgid "and all its booked users?" 38 msgstr "und alle gebuchten User?" 39 40 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:294 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:576 41 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:248 42 msgid "Event ID" 43 msgstr "Veranstaltungs ID" 44 45 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:297 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:579 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:681 46 msgid "Nome utente" 47 msgstr "" 48 49 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:300 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:582 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:684 50 msgid "Mail di riferimento" 51 msgstr "" 52 53 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:524 54 msgid "Cancella iscrizione" 55 msgstr "" 56 57 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1119 58 msgid "Consenso invio email" 59 msgstr "" 60 61 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1123 62 msgid "Nessun invio email per gli eventi" 63 msgstr "" 64 65 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1128 66 msgid "" 67 "Selezionare se NON si desidera ricevere informazioni su nuove iniziative o " 68 "su modifiche alle inizaitive esistenti" 69 msgstr "" 70 71 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:231 19 72 msgid " Configuration Options " 20 73 msgstr " Konfiguration " 21 74 22 #: wp-fevents-book.php:152 23 msgid "Event ID" 24 msgstr "Veranstaltungs ID" 25 26 #: wp-fevents-book.php:155 75 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:251 27 76 msgid "active Event" 28 77 msgstr "aktive Veranstaltung" 29 78 30 #: wp-fevents-book.php:15879 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:254 31 80 msgid "Color" 32 81 msgstr "Farbe" 33 82 34 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16183 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:257 35 84 msgid "Event Description" 36 85 msgstr "Beschreibung der Veranstaltung" 37 86 38 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16487 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:260 39 88 msgid "Event Date" 40 89 msgstr "Veranstaltungsdatum" 41 90 42 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16791 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:263 43 92 msgid "Event Place" 44 93 msgstr "Veranstaltungsort" 45 94 46 #: wp-fevents-book.php:17095 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:266 47 96 msgid "Expire Date" 48 97 msgstr "" 49 98 50 #: wp-fevents-book.php:17399 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:269 51 100 msgid "show user choices" 52 101 msgstr "zeige User-Wahl" 53 102 54 #: wp-fevents-book.php:175103 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:271 55 104 msgid "text to show:" 56 105 msgstr "" 57 106 58 #: wp-fevents-book.php:178 wp-fevents-book.php:179 wp-fevents-book.php:18059 #: wp-fevents-book.php:181107 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:274 ../wp-fevents-book.php:275 108 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:276 ../wp-fevents-book.php:277 60 109 msgid "choice" 61 110 msgstr "" 62 111 63 #: wp-fevents-book.php:183112 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:279 64 113 msgid "show Confirmation checkbox" 65 114 msgstr "zeige Bestätigungs-Checkbox" 66 115 67 #: wp-fevents-book.php:186116 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:282 68 117 msgid "show User email" 69 118 msgstr "zeige User-Email" 70 119 71 #: wp-fevents-book.php:189120 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:285 72 121 msgid "show User info" 73 122 msgstr "zeige User-Info" 74 123 75 #: wp-fevents-book.php:192 wp-fevents-book.php:199124 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:288 ../wp-fevents-book.php:295 76 125 msgid "show User" 77 126 msgstr "zeige User" 78 127 79 #: wp-fevents-book.php:193 wp-fevents-book.php:201128 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:289 ../wp-fevents-book.php:297 80 129 msgid "name and surname" 81 130 msgstr "Vor-/Nachname" 82 131 83 #: wp-fevents-book.php:194 wp-fevents-book.php:202132 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:290 ../wp-fevents-book.php:298 84 133 msgid "nickname" 85 134 msgstr "Spitzname" 86 135 87 #: wp-fevents-book.php:195 wp-fevents-book.php:203136 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:291 ../wp-fevents-book.php:299 88 137 msgid "login id" 89 138 msgstr "Login ID" 90 139 91 #: wp-fevents-book.php:196 wp-fevents-book.php:204140 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:292 ../wp-fevents-book.php:300 92 141 msgid "display name" 93 142 msgstr "Anzeigename" 94 143 95 #: wp-fevents-book.php:200144 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:296 96 145 msgid "all" 97 146 msgstr "alle" 98 147 99 #: wp-fevents-book.php:207148 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:303 100 149 msgid "show Total users" 101 150 msgstr "Buchungen insgesamt: " 102 151 103 #: wp-fevents-book.php:208152 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:304 104 153 msgid "booked" 105 154 msgstr "gebuchte" 106 155 107 #: wp-fevents-book.php:209156 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:305 108 157 msgid "confirmed" 109 158 msgstr "bestätigte" 110 159 111 #: wp-fevents-book.php:210160 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:306 112 161 msgid "both" 113 162 msgstr "beide" 114 163 115 #: wp-fevents-book.php:213 wp-fevents-book.php:415164 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:309 ../wp-fevents-book.php:593 116 165 msgid "Event Info" 117 166 msgstr "Veranstaltungs Info" 118 167 119 #: wp-fevents-book.php:216168 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:312 120 169 msgid "Allow data export" 121 170 msgstr "Erlaube Datenexport" 122 171 123 #: wp-fevents-book.php:219172 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:315 124 173 msgid "Team list" 125 174 msgstr "Teamliste" 126 175 127 #: wp-fevents-book.php:220176 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 128 177 msgid "with" 129 178 msgstr "mit" 130 179 131 #: wp-fevents-book.php:220180 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 132 181 msgid "elements." 133 182 msgstr "Elementen." 134 183 135 #: wp-fevents-book.php:221184 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:317 136 185 msgid "First number:" 137 186 msgstr "Erste Nummer:" 138 187 139 #: wp-fevents-book.php:223 188 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:319 189 msgid "Max users allowed to subscribe" 190 msgstr "" 191 192 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:321 193 msgid "Max number:" 194 msgstr "" 195 196 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:323 140 197 msgid "Visible to Logged only users" 141 198 msgstr "Nur für angemeldete User sichtbar" 142 199 143 #: wp-fevents-book.php:228 200 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:326 201 msgid "Not Logged users can book" 202 msgstr "" 203 204 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:331 144 205 msgid "Save Changes" 145 206 msgstr "Änderung speichern" 146 207 147 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231 208 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:335 209 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 210 msgstr "" 211 212 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:337 148 213 msgid "Clear booked users list" 149 214 msgstr "" 150 215 151 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231 152 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 153 msgstr "" 154 155 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 156 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 157 msgstr "Lösche Veranstaltung und Buchungen" 158 159 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 160 msgid "Delete Event" 161 msgstr "Lösche Veranstaltung" 162 163 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 164 msgid "and all its booked users?" 165 msgstr "und alle gebuchten User?" 166 167 #: wp-fevents-book.php:235 216 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:359 168 217 msgid "adding this new event" 169 218 msgstr "" 170 219 171 #: wp-fevents-book.php:311 wp-fevents-book.php:402 172 msgid "DELETE" 173 msgstr "LÖSCHEN" 174 175 #: wp-fevents-book.php:368 176 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 177 msgstr "Unangemeldet - kein Zugriff auf diesen Service" 178 179 #: wp-fevents-book.php:384 220 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:545 180 221 msgid "Not logged in user, please login to book!" 181 222 msgstr "Du bist nicht angemeldet. Zum Buchen bitte anmelden!" 182 223 183 #: wp-fevents-book.php:395224 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:562 184 225 msgid "BOOK ME!" 185 226 msgstr "Buchen!" 186 227 187 #: wp-fevents-book.php:397 228 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:565 229 msgid "Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!" 230 msgstr "" 231 232 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:569 188 233 msgid "Update my booking!" 189 234 msgstr "Aktualisieren" 190 235 191 #: wp-fevents-book.php:403236 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:576 192 237 msgid "ADD/UPDATE" 193 238 msgstr "HINZUFÜGEN/AKTUALISIEREN" 194 239 195 #: wp-fevents-book.php:409240 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:583 196 241 msgid "Description" 197 242 msgstr "Beschreibung" 198 243 199 #: wp-fevents-book.php:411 wp-fevents-book.php:413244 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 ../wp-fevents-book.php:587 200 245 msgid "Date (mm/dd/yyyy)" 201 246 msgstr "Datum (TT/MM/JJJJ)" 202 247 203 #: wp-fevents-book.php:411248 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 204 249 msgid "please subscribe before" 205 250 msgstr "" 206 251 207 #: wp-fevents-book.php:414252 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:590 208 253 msgid "Place" 209 254 msgstr "Ort" 210 255 211 #: wp-fevents-book.php:419256 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:597 212 257 msgid "Event EXPIRED" 213 258 msgstr "" 214 259 215 #: wp-fevents-book.php:422260 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:600 216 261 msgid "User" 217 262 msgstr "User" 218 263 219 #: wp-fevents-book.php:425264 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:603 220 265 msgid "" 221 266 "(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the " … … 225 270 "anpassen)" 226 271 227 #: wp-fevents-book.php:441272 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:623 228 273 msgid "Team number" 229 274 msgstr "Teamnummer" 230 275 231 #: wp-fevents-book.php:446276 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:628 232 277 msgid "User notes" 233 278 msgstr "Kommentar" 234 279 235 #: wp-fevents-book.php:451 wp-fevents-book.php:481280 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:633 ../wp-fevents-book.php:664 236 281 msgid "Confirmed" 237 282 msgstr "Bestätigt" 238 283 239 #: wp-fevents-book.php:467284 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 240 285 msgid "CSV export" 241 286 msgstr "CSV-Export" 242 287 243 #: wp-fevents-book.php:467 wp-fevents-book.php:469288 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 ../wp-fevents-book.php:651 244 289 msgid "Booked users list" 245 290 msgstr "Teilnehmerliste" 246 291 247 #: wp-fevents-book.php:471292 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:654 248 293 msgid "Email" 249 294 msgstr "Email" 250 295 251 #: wp-fevents-book.php:474296 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:657 252 297 msgid "Info" 253 298 msgstr "Info" 254 299 255 #: wp-fevents-book.php:477300 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:660 256 301 msgid "Team Nr" 257 302 msgstr "Team Nr." 258 303 259 #: wp-fevents-book.php:479304 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:662 260 305 msgid "Notes" 261 306 msgstr "Hinweis" 262 307 263 #: wp-fevents-book.php:484308 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:667 264 309 msgid "Choice" 265 310 msgstr "" 266 311 267 #: wp-fevents-book.php:542312 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:755 268 313 msgid "Total booked users: " 269 314 msgstr "Anz. Buchungen: " 270 315 271 #: wp-fevents-book.php:545316 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:758 272 317 msgid "Total confirmed users: " 273 318 msgstr "Anz. Bestätigungen: " 274 319 275 #: wp-fevents-book.php:548320 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:761 276 321 msgid "Total confirmed / booked users: " 277 322 msgstr "Anz. Bestätigungen/Buchungen: " -
r691214 r882804 5 5 "Project-Id-Version: wp-fevents-book\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 201 3-04-03 14:20:38+00:00\n"8 "PO-Revision-Date: 201 3-04-03 16:22+0100\n"7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-27 08:11+0100\n" 8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 08:14+0100\n" 9 9 "Last-Translator: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 10 10 "Language-Team: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 11 "Language: en glish\n"11 "Language: en\n" 12 12 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 13 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 14 14 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1. 5.5\n"15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n" 16 16 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" 17 17 18 #: wp-fevents-book.php:141 18 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:44 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:262 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:397 19 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:488 20 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 21 msgstr "" 22 23 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:210 ../wp-fevents-book.php:514 24 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:575 25 msgid "DELETE" 26 msgstr "" 27 28 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:345 29 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 30 msgstr "" 31 32 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:346 33 msgid "Delete Event" 34 msgstr "" 35 36 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:348 37 msgid "and all its booked users?" 38 msgstr "" 39 40 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:294 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:576 41 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:248 42 msgid "Event ID" 43 msgstr "" 44 45 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:297 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:579 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:681 46 msgid "Nome utente" 47 msgstr "" 48 49 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:300 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:582 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:684 50 msgid "Mail di riferimento" 51 msgstr "" 52 53 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:524 54 msgid "Cancella iscrizione" 55 msgstr "Delete booking" 56 57 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1119 58 msgid "Consenso invio email" 59 msgstr "Consensus send mail" 60 61 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1123 62 msgid "Nessun invio email per gli eventi" 63 msgstr "" 64 65 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1128 66 msgid "" 67 "Selezionare se NON si desidera ricevere informazioni su nuove iniziative o " 68 "su modifiche alle inizaitive esistenti" 69 msgstr "" 70 71 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:231 19 72 msgid " Configuration Options " 20 73 msgstr "" 21 74 22 #: wp-fevents-book.php:152 23 msgid "Event ID" 24 msgstr "" 25 26 #: wp-fevents-book.php:155 75 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:251 27 76 msgid "active Event" 28 77 msgstr "" 29 78 30 #: wp-fevents-book.php:15879 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:254 31 80 msgid "Color" 32 81 msgstr "" 33 82 34 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16183 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:257 35 84 msgid "Event Description" 36 85 msgstr "" 37 86 38 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16487 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:260 39 88 msgid "Event Date" 40 89 msgstr "" 41 90 42 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16791 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:263 43 92 msgid "Event Place" 44 93 msgstr "" 45 94 46 #: wp-fevents-book.php:17095 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:266 47 96 msgid "Expire Date" 48 97 msgstr "" 49 98 50 #: wp-fevents-book.php:17399 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:269 51 100 msgid "show user choices" 52 101 msgstr "" 53 102 54 #: wp-fevents-book.php:175103 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:271 55 104 msgid "text to show:" 56 105 msgstr "" 57 106 58 #: wp-fevents-book.php:178 wp-fevents-book.php:179 wp-fevents-book.php:18059 #: wp-fevents-book.php:181107 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:274 ../wp-fevents-book.php:275 108 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:276 ../wp-fevents-book.php:277 60 109 msgid "choice" 61 110 msgstr "" 62 111 63 #: wp-fevents-book.php:183112 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:279 64 113 msgid "show Confirmation checkbox" 65 114 msgstr "" 66 115 67 #: wp-fevents-book.php:186116 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:282 68 117 msgid "show User email" 69 118 msgstr "" 70 119 71 #: wp-fevents-book.php:189120 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:285 72 121 msgid "show User info" 73 122 msgstr "" 74 123 75 #: wp-fevents-book.php:192 wp-fevents-book.php:199124 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:288 ../wp-fevents-book.php:295 76 125 msgid "show User" 77 126 msgstr "" 78 127 79 #: wp-fevents-book.php:193 wp-fevents-book.php:201128 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:289 ../wp-fevents-book.php:297 80 129 msgid "name and surname" 81 130 msgstr "" 82 131 83 #: wp-fevents-book.php:194 wp-fevents-book.php:202132 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:290 ../wp-fevents-book.php:298 84 133 msgid "nickname" 85 134 msgstr "" 86 135 87 #: wp-fevents-book.php:195 wp-fevents-book.php:203136 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:291 ../wp-fevents-book.php:299 88 137 msgid "login id" 89 138 msgstr "" 90 139 91 #: wp-fevents-book.php:196 wp-fevents-book.php:204140 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:292 ../wp-fevents-book.php:300 92 141 msgid "display name" 93 142 msgstr "" 94 143 95 #: wp-fevents-book.php:200144 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:296 96 145 msgid "all" 97 146 msgstr "" 98 147 99 #: wp-fevents-book.php:207148 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:303 100 149 msgid "show Total users" 101 150 msgstr "" 102 151 103 #: wp-fevents-book.php:208152 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:304 104 153 msgid "booked" 105 154 msgstr "" 106 155 107 #: wp-fevents-book.php:209156 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:305 108 157 msgid "confirmed" 109 158 msgstr "" 110 159 111 #: wp-fevents-book.php:210160 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:306 112 161 msgid "both" 113 162 msgstr "" 114 163 115 #: wp-fevents-book.php:213 wp-fevents-book.php:415164 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:309 ../wp-fevents-book.php:593 116 165 msgid "Event Info" 117 166 msgstr "" 118 167 119 #: wp-fevents-book.php:216168 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:312 120 169 msgid "Allow data export" 121 170 msgstr "" 122 171 123 #: wp-fevents-book.php:219172 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:315 124 173 msgid "Team list" 125 174 msgstr "" 126 175 127 #: wp-fevents-book.php:220176 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 128 177 msgid "with" 129 178 msgstr "" 130 179 131 #: wp-fevents-book.php:220180 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 132 181 msgid "elements." 133 182 msgstr "" 134 183 135 #: wp-fevents-book.php:221184 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:317 136 185 msgid "First number:" 137 186 msgstr "" 138 187 139 #: wp-fevents-book.php:223 188 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:319 189 msgid "Max users allowed to subscribe" 190 msgstr "" 191 192 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:321 193 msgid "Max number:" 194 msgstr "" 195 196 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:323 140 197 msgid "Visible to Logged only users" 141 198 msgstr "" 142 199 143 #: wp-fevents-book.php:228 200 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:326 201 msgid "Not Logged users can book" 202 msgstr "" 203 204 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:331 144 205 msgid "Save Changes" 145 206 msgstr "" 146 207 147 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231 208 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:335 209 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 210 msgstr "" 211 212 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:337 148 213 msgid "Clear booked users list" 149 214 msgstr "" 150 215 151 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231 152 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 153 msgstr "" 154 155 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 156 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 157 msgstr "" 158 159 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 160 msgid "Delete Event" 161 msgstr "" 162 163 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 164 msgid "and all its booked users?" 165 msgstr "" 166 167 #: wp-fevents-book.php:235 216 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:359 168 217 msgid "adding this new event" 169 218 msgstr "" 170 219 171 #: wp-fevents-book.php:311 wp-fevents-book.php:402 172 msgid "DELETE" 173 msgstr "" 174 175 #: wp-fevents-book.php:368 176 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 177 msgstr "" 178 179 #: wp-fevents-book.php:384 220 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:545 180 221 msgid "Not logged in user, please login to book!" 181 222 msgstr "" 182 223 183 #: wp-fevents-book.php:395224 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:562 184 225 msgid "BOOK ME!" 185 226 msgstr "" 186 227 187 #: wp-fevents-book.php:397 228 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:565 229 msgid "Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!" 230 msgstr "" 231 232 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:569 188 233 msgid "Update my booking!" 189 234 msgstr "" 190 235 191 #: wp-fevents-book.php:403236 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:576 192 237 msgid "ADD/UPDATE" 193 238 msgstr "" 194 239 195 #: wp-fevents-book.php:409240 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:583 196 241 msgid "Description" 197 242 msgstr "" 198 243 199 #: wp-fevents-book.php:411 wp-fevents-book.php:413244 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 ../wp-fevents-book.php:587 200 245 msgid "Date (mm/dd/yyyy)" 201 246 msgstr "" 202 247 203 #: wp-fevents-book.php:411248 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 204 249 msgid "please subscribe before" 205 250 msgstr "" 206 251 207 #: wp-fevents-book.php:414252 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:590 208 253 msgid "Place" 209 254 msgstr "" 210 255 211 #: wp-fevents-book.php:419256 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:597 212 257 msgid "Event EXPIRED" 213 258 msgstr "" 214 259 215 #: wp-fevents-book.php:422260 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:600 216 261 msgid "User" 217 262 msgstr "" 218 263 219 #: wp-fevents-book.php:425264 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:603 220 265 msgid "" 221 266 "(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the " … … 223 268 msgstr "" 224 269 225 #: wp-fevents-book.php:441270 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:623 226 271 msgid "Team number" 227 272 msgstr "" 228 273 229 #: wp-fevents-book.php:446274 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:628 230 275 msgid "User notes" 231 276 msgstr "" 232 277 233 #: wp-fevents-book.php:451 wp-fevents-book.php:481278 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:633 ../wp-fevents-book.php:664 234 279 msgid "Confirmed" 235 280 msgstr "" 236 281 237 #: wp-fevents-book.php:467282 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 238 283 msgid "CSV export" 239 284 msgstr "" 240 285 241 #: wp-fevents-book.php:467 wp-fevents-book.php:469286 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 ../wp-fevents-book.php:651 242 287 msgid "Booked users list" 243 288 msgstr "" 244 289 245 #: wp-fevents-book.php:471290 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:654 246 291 msgid "Email" 247 292 msgstr "" 248 293 249 #: wp-fevents-book.php:474294 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:657 250 295 msgid "Info" 251 296 msgstr "" 252 297 253 #: wp-fevents-book.php:477298 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:660 254 299 msgid "Team Nr" 255 300 msgstr "" 256 301 257 #: wp-fevents-book.php:479302 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:662 258 303 msgid "Notes" 259 304 msgstr "" 260 305 261 #: wp-fevents-book.php:484306 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:667 262 307 msgid "Choice" 263 308 msgstr "" 264 309 265 #: wp-fevents-book.php:542310 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:755 266 311 msgid "Total booked users: " 267 312 msgstr "" 268 313 269 #: wp-fevents-book.php:545314 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:758 270 315 msgid "Total confirmed users: " 271 316 msgstr "" 272 317 273 #: wp-fevents-book.php:548318 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:761 274 319 msgid "Total confirmed / booked users: " 275 320 msgstr "" -
r729039 r882804 5 5 "Project-Id-Version: wp-fevents-book\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 201 3-04-03 14:20:38+00:00\n"8 "PO-Revision-Date: 201 3-06-18 13:05+0100\n"7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-27 08:11+0100\n" 8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 08:18+0100\n" 9 9 "Last-Translator: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 10 10 "Language-Team: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 11 "Language: en glish\n"11 "Language: en\n" 12 12 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 13 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 14 14 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1. 5.5\n"15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n" 16 16 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" 17 17 18 #: wp-fevents-book.php:141 18 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:44 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:262 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:397 19 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:488 20 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 21 msgstr "Se connecter pour accéder au contenu du message" 22 23 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:210 ../wp-fevents-book.php:514 24 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:575 25 msgid "DELETE" 26 msgstr "Supprimer" 27 28 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:345 29 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 30 msgstr "Supprimer l'évènement ainsi que les inscrits" 31 32 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:346 33 msgid "Delete Event" 34 msgstr "Supprimer l'évènement" 35 36 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:348 37 msgid "and all its booked users?" 38 msgstr "et tous les inscrits ?" 39 40 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:294 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:576 41 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:248 42 msgid "Event ID" 43 msgstr "ID évènement" 44 45 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:297 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:579 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:681 46 msgid "Nome utente" 47 msgstr "" 48 49 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:300 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:582 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:684 50 msgid "Mail di riferimento" 51 msgstr "" 52 53 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:524 54 msgid "Cancella iscrizione" 55 msgstr "Supprimer" 56 57 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1119 58 #, fuzzy 59 msgid "Consenso invio email" 60 msgstr "Consensus send mail" 61 62 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1123 63 msgid "Nessun invio email per gli eventi" 64 msgstr "" 65 66 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1128 67 msgid "" 68 "Selezionare se NON si desidera ricevere informazioni su nuove iniziative o " 69 "su modifiche alle inizaitive esistenti" 70 msgstr "" 71 72 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:231 19 73 msgid " Configuration Options " 20 74 msgstr "Options de configuration " 21 75 22 #: wp-fevents-book.php:152 23 msgid "Event ID" 24 msgstr "ID évènement" 25 26 #: wp-fevents-book.php:155 76 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:251 27 77 msgid "active Event" 28 78 msgstr "Actif" 29 79 30 #: wp-fevents-book.php:15880 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:254 31 81 msgid "Color" 32 82 msgstr "Couleur" 33 83 34 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16184 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:257 35 85 msgid "Event Description" 36 86 msgstr "Description" 37 87 38 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16488 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:260 39 89 msgid "Event Date" 40 90 msgstr "Date" 41 91 42 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16792 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:263 43 93 msgid "Event Place" 44 94 msgstr "Lieu" 45 95 46 #: wp-fevents-book.php:17096 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:266 47 97 msgid "Expire Date" 48 98 msgstr "Expiration" 49 99 50 #: wp-fevents-book.php:173100 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:269 51 101 msgid "show user choices" 52 102 msgstr "afficher les choix utilisateur" 53 103 54 #: wp-fevents-book.php:175104 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:271 55 105 msgid "text to show:" 56 106 msgstr "texte à afficher:" 57 107 58 #: wp-fevents-book.php:178 wp-fevents-book.php:179 wp-fevents-book.php:18059 #: wp-fevents-book.php:181108 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:274 ../wp-fevents-book.php:275 109 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:276 ../wp-fevents-book.php:277 60 110 msgid "choice" 61 111 msgstr "choix" 62 112 63 #: wp-fevents-book.php:183113 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:279 64 114 msgid "show Confirmation checkbox" 65 115 msgstr "afficher la Confirmation" 66 116 67 #: wp-fevents-book.php:186117 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:282 68 118 msgid "show User email" 69 119 msgstr "afficher l'email" 70 120 71 #: wp-fevents-book.php:189121 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:285 72 122 msgid "show User info" 73 123 msgstr "afficher le détail" 74 124 75 #: wp-fevents-book.php:192 wp-fevents-book.php:199125 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:288 ../wp-fevents-book.php:295 76 126 msgid "show User" 77 127 msgstr "afficher l'utilisateur" 78 128 79 #: wp-fevents-book.php:193 wp-fevents-book.php:201129 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:289 ../wp-fevents-book.php:297 80 130 msgid "name and surname" 81 131 msgstr "nom et prénom" 82 132 83 #: wp-fevents-book.php:194 wp-fevents-book.php:202133 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:290 ../wp-fevents-book.php:298 84 134 msgid "nickname" 85 135 msgstr "pseudonyme" 86 136 87 #: wp-fevents-book.php:195 wp-fevents-book.php:203137 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:291 ../wp-fevents-book.php:299 88 138 msgid "login id" 89 139 msgstr "identifiant" 90 140 91 #: wp-fevents-book.php:196 wp-fevents-book.php:204141 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:292 ../wp-fevents-book.php:300 92 142 msgid "display name" 93 143 msgstr "nom d'affichage" 94 144 95 #: wp-fevents-book.php:200145 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:296 96 146 msgid "all" 97 147 msgstr "tous" 98 148 99 #: wp-fevents-book.php:207149 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:303 100 150 msgid "show Total users" 101 151 msgstr "Afficher le nb total utilisateurs" 102 152 103 #: wp-fevents-book.php:208153 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:304 104 154 msgid "booked" 105 155 msgstr "inscrit" 106 156 107 #: wp-fevents-book.php:209157 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:305 108 158 msgid "confirmed" 109 159 msgstr "confirmé" 110 160 111 #: wp-fevents-book.php:210161 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:306 112 162 msgid "both" 113 163 msgstr "les deux" 114 164 115 #: wp-fevents-book.php:213 wp-fevents-book.php:415165 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:309 ../wp-fevents-book.php:593 116 166 msgid "Event Info" 117 167 msgstr "Informations" 118 168 119 #: wp-fevents-book.php:216169 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:312 120 170 msgid "Allow data export" 121 171 msgstr "Autoriser l'exportation des données" 122 172 123 #: wp-fevents-book.php:219173 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:315 124 174 msgid "Team list" 125 175 msgstr "Liste équipe" 126 176 127 #: wp-fevents-book.php:220177 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 128 178 msgid "with" 129 179 msgstr "avec" 130 180 131 #: wp-fevents-book.php:220181 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 132 182 msgid "elements." 133 183 msgstr "éléments." 134 184 135 #: wp-fevents-book.php:221185 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:317 136 186 msgid "First number:" 137 187 msgstr "Premier:" 138 188 139 #: wp-fevents-book.php:223 189 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:319 190 msgid "Max users allowed to subscribe" 191 msgstr "" 192 193 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:321 194 msgid "Max number:" 195 msgstr "max numéro" 196 197 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:323 140 198 msgid "Visible to Logged only users" 141 199 msgstr "Visible uniquement pour les utilisateurs autentifiés" 142 200 143 #: wp-fevents-book.php:228 201 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:326 202 msgid "Not Logged users can book" 203 msgstr "Non connecté utilisateur s'inscrire" 204 205 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:331 144 206 msgid "Save Changes" 145 207 msgstr "Sauver les modidifications" 146 208 147 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231 209 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:335 210 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 211 msgstr "Supprimer tous les incrits" 212 213 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:337 148 214 msgid "Clear booked users list" 149 215 msgstr "Effacer la liste des incrits" 150 216 151 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231 152 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 153 msgstr "Supprimer tous les incrits" 154 155 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 156 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 157 msgstr "Supprimer l'évènement ainsi que les inscrits" 158 159 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 160 msgid "Delete Event" 161 msgstr "Supprimer l'évènement" 162 163 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 164 msgid "and all its booked users?" 165 msgstr "et tous les inscrits ?" 166 167 #: wp-fevents-book.php:235 217 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:359 168 218 msgid "adding this new event" 169 219 msgstr "ajout du nouvel évènement" 170 220 171 #: wp-fevents-book.php:311 wp-fevents-book.php:402 172 msgid "DELETE" 173 msgstr "Supprimer" 174 175 #: wp-fevents-book.php:368 176 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 177 msgstr "Se connecter pour accéder au contenu du message" 178 179 #: wp-fevents-book.php:384 221 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:545 180 222 msgid "Not logged in user, please login to book!" 181 223 msgstr "Utilisateur non connecté, merci de vous connecter !" 182 224 183 #: wp-fevents-book.php:395225 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:562 184 226 msgid "BOOK ME!" 185 227 msgstr "S'inscrire !" 186 228 187 #: wp-fevents-book.php:397 229 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:565 230 msgid "Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!" 231 msgstr "" 232 233 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:569 188 234 msgid "Update my booking!" 189 235 msgstr "Actualiser !" 190 236 191 #: wp-fevents-book.php:403237 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:576 192 238 msgid "ADD/UPDATE" 193 239 msgstr "Ajouter/Actualiser" 194 240 195 #: wp-fevents-book.php:409241 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:583 196 242 msgid "Description" 197 243 msgstr "Description" 198 244 199 #: wp-fevents-book.php:411 wp-fevents-book.php:413245 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 ../wp-fevents-book.php:587 200 246 msgid "Date (mm/dd/yyyy)" 201 247 msgstr "Date" 202 248 203 #: wp-fevents-book.php:411249 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 204 250 msgid "please subscribe before" 205 251 msgstr "attention : clôture des inscriptions le " 206 252 207 #: wp-fevents-book.php:414253 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:590 208 254 msgid "Place" 209 255 msgstr "Lieu du Rdv" 210 256 211 #: wp-fevents-book.php:419257 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:597 212 258 msgid "Event EXPIRED" 213 259 msgstr "Les inscriptions ce sont terminées le " 214 260 215 #: wp-fevents-book.php:422261 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:600 216 262 msgid "User" 217 263 msgstr "Utilisateur" 218 264 219 #: wp-fevents-book.php:425265 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:603 220 266 msgid "" 221 267 "(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the " … … 225 271 "inscriptions)" 226 272 227 #: wp-fevents-book.php:441273 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:623 228 274 msgid "Team number" 229 275 msgstr "Equipe numéro" 230 276 231 #: wp-fevents-book.php:446277 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:628 232 278 msgid "User notes" 233 279 msgstr "Commentaires utilisateur" 234 280 235 #: wp-fevents-book.php:451 wp-fevents-book.php:481281 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:633 ../wp-fevents-book.php:664 236 282 msgid "Confirmed" 237 283 msgstr "Confirmé" 238 284 239 #: wp-fevents-book.php:467285 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 240 286 msgid "CSV export" 241 287 msgstr "Export CSV" 242 288 243 #: wp-fevents-book.php:467 wp-fevents-book.php:469289 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 ../wp-fevents-book.php:651 244 290 msgid "Booked users list" 245 291 msgstr "Liste des inscrits" 246 292 247 #: wp-fevents-book.php:471293 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:654 248 294 msgid "Email" 249 295 msgstr "Email" 250 296 251 #: wp-fevents-book.php:474297 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:657 252 298 msgid "Info" 253 299 msgstr "Information" 254 300 255 #: wp-fevents-book.php:477301 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:660 256 302 msgid "Team Nr" 257 303 msgstr "Equipe N°" 258 304 259 #: wp-fevents-book.php:479305 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:662 260 306 msgid "Notes" 261 307 msgstr "Commentaires" 262 308 263 #: wp-fevents-book.php:484309 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:667 264 310 msgid "Choice" 265 311 msgstr "Choix" 266 312 267 #: wp-fevents-book.php:542313 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:755 268 314 msgid "Total booked users: " 269 315 msgstr "Total inscrits: " 270 316 271 #: wp-fevents-book.php:545317 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:758 272 318 msgid "Total confirmed users: " 273 319 msgstr "Total confirmés" 274 320 275 #: wp-fevents-book.php:548321 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:761 276 322 msgid "Total confirmed / booked users: " 277 323 msgstr "Total confirmés / inscrits:" -
r870145 r882804 5 5 "Project-Id-Version: wp-fevents-book\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 201 3-04-03 14:20:38+00:00\n"8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03- 05 15:19+0100\n"9 "Last-Translator: \n"7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-27 08:11+0100\n" 8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 08:19+0100\n" 9 "Last-Translator: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 10 10 "Language-Team: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 11 "Language: Hungarian\n"11 "Language: hu\n" 12 12 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 13 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 14 14 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1. 5.7\n"15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n" 16 16 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" 17 17 18 #: wp-fevents-book.php:141 18 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:44 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:262 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:397 19 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:488 20 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 21 msgstr "Sajnos nincs bejelentkezve a honlapra, a szolgáltatás így nem elérhető" 22 23 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:210 ../wp-fevents-book.php:514 24 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:575 25 msgid "DELETE" 26 msgstr "DELETE" 27 28 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:345 29 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 30 msgstr "Az Eseményés az összes jelentkezett felhasználók törlése" 31 32 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:346 33 msgid "Delete Event" 34 msgstr "Esemény törlése" 35 36 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:348 37 msgid "and all its booked users?" 38 msgstr "és az összes jelentkezett felhasználót?" 39 40 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:294 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:576 41 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:248 42 msgid "Event ID" 43 msgstr "Esemény ID" 44 45 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:297 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:579 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:681 46 msgid "Nome utente" 47 msgstr "" 48 49 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:300 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:582 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:684 50 msgid "Mail di riferimento" 51 msgstr "" 52 53 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:524 54 msgid "Cancella iscrizione" 55 msgstr "" 56 57 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1119 58 msgid "Consenso invio email" 59 msgstr "" 60 61 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1123 62 msgid "Nessun invio email per gli eventi" 63 msgstr "" 64 65 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1128 66 msgid "" 67 "Selezionare se NON si desidera ricevere informazioni su nuove iniziative o " 68 "su modifiche alle inizaitive esistenti" 69 msgstr "" 70 71 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:231 19 72 msgid " Configuration Options " 20 73 msgstr "Konfigurációs lehetőségek " 21 74 22 #: wp-fevents-book.php:152 23 msgid "Event ID" 24 msgstr "Esemény ID" 25 26 #: wp-fevents-book.php:155 75 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:251 27 76 msgid "active Event" 28 77 msgstr "aktív esemény" 29 78 30 #: wp-fevents-book.php:15879 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:254 31 80 msgid "Color" 32 81 msgstr "szín" 33 82 34 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16183 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:257 35 84 msgid "Event Description" 36 85 msgstr "esemény leírása" 37 86 38 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16487 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:260 39 88 msgid "Event Date" 40 89 msgstr "esemény dátuma" 41 90 42 #: wp-fevents-book.php:16791 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:263 43 92 msgid "Event Place" 44 93 msgstr "helyszín" 45 94 46 #: wp-fevents-book.php:17095 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:266 47 96 msgid "Expire Date" 48 97 msgstr "lejárat dátuma" 49 98 50 #: wp-fevents-book.php:17399 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:269 51 100 msgid "show user choices" 52 101 msgstr "mutasd a választási lehetőségeket" 53 102 54 #: wp-fevents-book.php:175103 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:271 55 104 msgid "text to show:" 56 105 msgstr "megjelenítendő szöveg" 57 106 58 #: wp-fevents-book.php:178 wp-fevents-book.php:179 wp-fevents-book.php:18059 #: wp-fevents-book.php:181107 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:274 ../wp-fevents-book.php:275 108 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:276 ../wp-fevents-book.php:277 60 109 msgid "choice" 61 110 msgstr "választás " 62 111 63 #: wp-fevents-book.php:183112 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:279 64 113 msgid "show Confirmation checkbox" 65 114 msgstr "mutasd a megerősítés jelölőnégyzetetét" 66 115 67 #: wp-fevents-book.php:186116 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:282 68 117 msgid "show User email" 69 118 msgstr "mutasd a Felhasználó e-mail címét" 70 119 71 #: wp-fevents-book.php:189120 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:285 72 121 msgid "show User info" 73 122 msgstr "mutasd a Felhasználó adatait " 74 123 75 #: wp-fevents-book.php:192 wp-fevents-book.php:199124 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:288 ../wp-fevents-book.php:295 76 125 msgid "show User" 77 126 msgstr "mutasd a Felhasználót" 78 127 79 #: wp-fevents-book.php:193 wp-fevents-book.php:201128 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:289 ../wp-fevents-book.php:297 80 129 msgid "name and surname" 81 130 msgstr "keresztnév és vezetéknév " 82 131 83 #: wp-fevents-book.php:194 wp-fevents-book.php:202132 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:290 ../wp-fevents-book.php:298 84 133 msgid "nickname" 85 134 msgstr "becenév " 86 135 87 #: wp-fevents-book.php:195 wp-fevents-book.php:203136 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:291 ../wp-fevents-book.php:299 88 137 msgid "login id" 89 138 msgstr "bejelentkezési azonosító" 90 139 91 #: wp-fevents-book.php:196 wp-fevents-book.php:204140 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:292 ../wp-fevents-book.php:300 92 141 msgid "display name" 93 142 msgstr "megjelenítési név " 94 143 95 #: wp-fevents-book.php:200144 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:296 96 145 msgid "all" 97 146 msgstr "minden " 98 147 99 #: wp-fevents-book.php:207148 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:303 100 149 msgid "show Total users" 101 150 msgstr "mutasd az összes felhasználót" 102 151 103 #: wp-fevents-book.php:208152 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:304 104 153 msgid "booked" 105 154 msgstr "jelentkezett" 106 155 107 #: wp-fevents-book.php:209156 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:305 108 157 msgid "confirmed" 109 158 msgstr "megerősített " 110 159 111 #: wp-fevents-book.php:210160 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:306 112 161 msgid "both" 113 162 msgstr "mindkettő " 114 163 115 #: wp-fevents-book.php:213 wp-fevents-book.php:415164 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:309 ../wp-fevents-book.php:593 116 165 msgid "Event Info" 117 166 msgstr "Információ az eseményről" 118 167 119 #: wp-fevents-book.php:216168 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:312 120 169 msgid "Allow data export" 121 170 msgstr "Lehetővé teszik az adatok exportját" 122 171 123 #: wp-fevents-book.php:219172 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:315 124 173 msgid "Team list" 125 174 msgstr "Csapat lista " 126 175 127 #: wp-fevents-book.php:220176 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 128 177 msgid "with" 129 178 msgstr "-val " 130 179 131 #: wp-fevents-book.php:220180 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 132 181 msgid "elements." 133 182 msgstr "elemekkel. " 134 183 135 #: wp-fevents-book.php:221184 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:317 136 185 msgid "First number:" 137 186 msgstr "Első szám: " 138 187 139 #: wp-fevents-book.php:223 188 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:319 189 msgid "Max users allowed to subscribe" 190 msgstr "" 191 192 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:321 193 msgid "Max number:" 194 msgstr "" 195 196 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:323 140 197 msgid "Visible to Logged only users" 141 198 msgstr "Látható a portálra bejelentkezett felhasználók számára" 142 199 143 #: wp-fevents-book.php:228 200 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:326 201 msgid "Not Logged users can book" 202 msgstr "" 203 204 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:331 144 205 msgid "Save Changes" 145 206 msgstr "Változtatások mentése " 146 207 147 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231 208 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:335 209 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 210 msgstr "Delete all Users booked to the event with" 211 212 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:337 148 213 msgid "Clear booked users list" 149 214 msgstr "A felhasználók jelentkezési listájának törlése " 150 215 151 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231 152 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 153 msgstr "Delete all Users booked to the event with" 154 155 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 156 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 157 msgstr "Az Eseményés az összes jelentkezett felhasználók törlése" 158 159 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 160 msgid "Delete Event" 161 msgstr "Esemény törlése" 162 163 #: wp-fevents-book.php:232 164 msgid "and all its booked users?" 165 msgstr "és az összes jelentkezett felhasználót?" 166 167 #: wp-fevents-book.php:235 216 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:359 168 217 msgid "adding this new event" 169 218 msgstr "Ennek az új eseménynek a hozzáadása" 170 219 171 #: wp-fevents-book.php:311 wp-fevents-book.php:402 172 msgid "DELETE" 173 msgstr "DELETE" 174 175 #: wp-fevents-book.php:368 176 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 177 msgstr "Sajnos nincs bejelentkezve a honlapra, a szolgáltatás így nem elérhető" 178 179 #: wp-fevents-book.php:384 220 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:545 180 221 msgid "Not logged in user, please login to book!" 181 222 msgstr "" … … 183 224 "konferenciára való jelentkezéshez!" 184 225 185 #: wp-fevents-book.php:395226 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:562 186 227 msgid "BOOK ME!" 187 228 msgstr "JELENTKEZEM!" 188 229 189 #: wp-fevents-book.php:397 230 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:565 231 msgid "Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!" 232 msgstr "" 233 234 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:569 190 235 msgid "Update my booking!" 191 236 msgstr "Frissítem a jelentkezési adataimat." 192 237 193 #: wp-fevents-book.php:403238 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:576 194 239 msgid "ADD/UPDATE" 195 240 msgstr "Hozzáadás / frissítés" 196 241 197 #: wp-fevents-book.php:409242 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:583 198 243 msgid "Description" 199 244 msgstr "Leírás " 200 245 201 #: wp-fevents-book.php:411 wp-fevents-book.php:413246 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 ../wp-fevents-book.php:587 202 247 msgid "Date (mm/dd/yyyy)" 203 248 msgstr "Dátum (mm/dd/yyyy)" 204 249 205 #: wp-fevents-book.php:411250 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 206 251 msgid "please subscribe before" 207 252 msgstr "Kérjük íratkozzon fel előbb" 208 253 209 #: wp-fevents-book.php:414254 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:590 210 255 msgid "Place" 211 256 msgstr "Hely" 212 257 213 #: wp-fevents-book.php:419258 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:597 214 259 msgid "Event EXPIRED" 215 260 msgstr "Esemény LEJÁRT" 216 261 217 #: wp-fevents-book.php:422262 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:600 218 263 msgid "User" 219 264 msgstr "Felhasználó" 220 265 221 #: wp-fevents-book.php:425266 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:603 222 267 msgid "" 223 268 "(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the " … … 227 272 "foglaltakat)" 228 273 229 #: wp-fevents-book.php:441274 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:623 230 275 msgid "Team number" 231 276 msgstr "Csapat szám" 232 277 233 #: wp-fevents-book.php:446278 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:628 234 279 msgid "User notes" 235 280 msgstr "A felhasználó megjegyzései" 236 281 237 #: wp-fevents-book.php:451 wp-fevents-book.php:481282 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:633 ../wp-fevents-book.php:664 238 283 msgid "Confirmed" 239 284 msgstr "Megerősített" 240 285 241 #: wp-fevents-book.php:467286 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 242 287 msgid "CSV export" 243 288 msgstr "CSV export" 244 289 245 #: wp-fevents-book.php:467 wp-fevents-book.php:469290 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 ../wp-fevents-book.php:651 246 291 msgid "Booked users list" 247 292 msgstr "Eseményre jelentkezett felhasználók listája" 248 293 249 #: wp-fevents-book.php:471294 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:654 250 295 msgid "Email" 251 296 msgstr "Email" 252 297 253 #: wp-fevents-book.php:474298 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:657 254 299 msgid "Info" 255 300 msgstr "Info" 256 301 257 #: wp-fevents-book.php:477302 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:660 258 303 msgid "Team Nr" 259 304 msgstr "Csapat Nr" 260 305 261 #: wp-fevents-book.php:479306 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:662 262 307 msgid "Notes" 263 308 msgstr "Megjegyzések" 264 309 265 #: wp-fevents-book.php:484310 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:667 266 311 msgid "Choice" 267 312 msgstr "Választás" 268 313 269 #: wp-fevents-book.php:542314 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:755 270 315 msgid "Total booked users: " 271 316 msgstr "Összes eseményre jelentkezett felhasználó:" 272 317 273 #: wp-fevents-book.php:545318 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:758 274 319 msgid "Total confirmed users: " 275 320 msgstr "Összes megerősített felhasználó:" 276 321 277 #: wp-fevents-book.php:548322 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:761 278 323 msgid "Total confirmed / booked users: " 279 324 msgstr "Összes megerősítette/jelentkezett felhasználó:" -
r830934 r882804 5 5 "Project-Id-Version: wp-fevents-book\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 201 3-12-31 21:17:36+00:00\n"8 "PO-Revision-Date: 201 3-12-31 22:32+0100\n"7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-27 08:11+0100\n" 8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 08:12+0100\n" 9 9 "Last-Translator: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 10 10 "Language-Team: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" … … 13 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 14 14 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6. 3\n"15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n" 16 16 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" 17 17 18 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:44 wp-fevents-6r.php:262wp-fevents-6r.php:39719 #: wp-fevents-book.php:44818 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:44 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:262 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:397 19 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:488 20 20 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 21 21 msgstr "Utente non loggato - accesso negato al servizio" 22 22 23 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:210 wp-fevents-book.php:386 wp-fevents-book.php:490 23 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:210 ../wp-fevents-book.php:514 24 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:575 24 25 msgid "DELETE" 25 26 msgstr "ELIMINA" 26 27 27 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28728 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:345 28 29 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 29 30 msgstr "Elimina Evento e tutti gli utenti iscritti" 30 31 31 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28732 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:346 32 33 msgid "Delete Event" 33 34 msgstr "Elimina Evento" 34 35 35 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28736 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:348 36 37 msgid "and all its booked users?" 37 38 msgstr "e tutti gli utenti iscritti?" 38 39 39 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:294 wp-fevents-6r.php:576 wp-fevents-book.php:202 40 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:294 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:576 41 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:248 40 42 msgid "Event ID" 41 43 msgstr "ID Evento" 42 44 43 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:297 wp-fevents-6r.php:579wp-fevents-6r.php:68145 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:297 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:579 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:681 44 46 msgid "Nome utente" 45 47 msgstr "" 46 48 47 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:300 wp-fevents-6r.php:582wp-fevents-6r.php:68449 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:300 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:582 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:684 48 50 msgid "Mail di riferimento" 49 51 msgstr "" 50 52 51 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:52453 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:524 52 54 msgid "Cancella iscrizione" 53 55 msgstr "" 54 56 55 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:111957 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1119 56 58 msgid "Consenso invio email" 57 59 msgstr "" 58 60 59 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:112361 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1123 60 62 msgid "Nessun invio email per gli eventi" 61 63 msgstr "" 62 64 63 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:112865 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1128 64 66 msgid "" 65 67 "Selezionare se NON si desidera ricevere informazioni su nuove iniziative o " … … 67 69 msgstr "" 68 70 69 #: wp-fevents-book.php:19071 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:231 70 72 msgid " Configuration Options " 71 73 msgstr " Opzioni Configurazione " 72 74 73 #: wp-fevents-book.php:20575 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:251 74 76 msgid "active Event" 75 77 msgstr "Evento attivo" 76 78 77 #: wp-fevents-book.php:20879 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:254 78 80 msgid "Color" 79 81 msgstr "Colore" 80 82 81 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21183 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:257 82 84 msgid "Event Description" 83 85 msgstr "Descrizione Evento" 84 86 85 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21487 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:260 86 88 msgid "Event Date" 87 89 msgstr "Data Evento" 88 90 89 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21791 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:263 90 92 msgid "Event Place" 91 93 msgstr "Luogo Evento" 92 94 93 #: wp-fevents-book.php:22095 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:266 94 96 msgid "Expire Date" 95 97 msgstr "Data Scadenza" 96 98 97 #: wp-fevents-book.php:22399 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:269 98 100 msgid "show user choices" 99 101 msgstr "visualizza scelte Utente" 100 102 101 #: wp-fevents-book.php:225103 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:271 102 104 msgid "text to show:" 103 105 msgstr "testo da visualizzare:" 104 106 105 #: wp-fevents-book.php:228 wp-fevents-book.php:229 wp-fevents-book.php:230106 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231107 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:274 ../wp-fevents-book.php:275 108 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:276 ../wp-fevents-book.php:277 107 109 msgid "choice" 108 110 msgstr "scelta" 109 111 110 #: wp-fevents-book.php:233112 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:279 111 113 msgid "show Confirmation checkbox" 112 114 msgstr "visualizza casella di Conferma" 113 115 114 #: wp-fevents-book.php:236116 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:282 115 117 msgid "show User email" 116 118 msgstr "visualizza email Utente" 117 119 118 #: wp-fevents-book.php:239120 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:285 119 121 msgid "show User info" 120 122 msgstr "visualizza Info Utente" 121 123 122 #: wp-fevents-book.php:242 wp-fevents-book.php:249124 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:288 ../wp-fevents-book.php:295 123 125 msgid "show User" 124 126 msgstr "visualizza Utente" 125 127 126 #: wp-fevents-book.php:243 wp-fevents-book.php:251128 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:289 ../wp-fevents-book.php:297 127 129 msgid "name and surname" 128 130 msgstr "nome e cognome" 129 131 130 #: wp-fevents-book.php:244 wp-fevents-book.php:252132 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:290 ../wp-fevents-book.php:298 131 133 msgid "nickname" 132 134 msgstr "nickname" 133 135 134 #: wp-fevents-book.php:245 wp-fevents-book.php:253136 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:291 ../wp-fevents-book.php:299 135 137 msgid "login id" 136 138 msgstr "nome utente" 137 139 138 #: wp-fevents-book.php:246 wp-fevents-book.php:254140 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:292 ../wp-fevents-book.php:300 139 141 msgid "display name" 140 142 msgstr "nome pubblico" 141 143 142 #: wp-fevents-book.php:250144 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:296 143 145 msgid "all" 144 146 msgstr "tutto" 145 147 146 #: wp-fevents-book.php:257148 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:303 147 149 msgid "show Total users" 148 150 msgstr "visualizza totale utenti" 149 151 150 #: wp-fevents-book.php:258152 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:304 151 153 msgid "booked" 152 154 msgstr "iscritti" 153 155 154 #: wp-fevents-book.php:259156 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:305 155 157 msgid "confirmed" 156 158 msgstr "confermati" 157 159 158 #: wp-fevents-book.php:260160 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:306 159 161 msgid "both" 160 162 msgstr "entrambi" 161 163 162 #: wp-fevents-book.php:263 wp-fevents-book.php:505164 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:309 ../wp-fevents-book.php:593 163 165 msgid "Event Info" 164 166 msgstr "Informazioni Evento" 165 167 166 #: wp-fevents-book.php:266168 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:312 167 169 msgid "Allow data export" 168 170 msgstr "Permetti esportazione dati" 169 171 170 #: wp-fevents-book.php:269172 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:315 171 173 msgid "Team list" 172 174 msgstr "Lista squadra" 173 175 174 #: wp-fevents-book.php:270176 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 175 177 msgid "with" 176 178 msgstr "con" 177 179 178 #: wp-fevents-book.php:270180 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 179 181 msgid "elements." 180 182 msgstr "elementi." 181 183 182 #: wp-fevents-book.php:271184 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:317 183 185 msgid "First number:" 184 186 msgstr "Primo numero:" 185 187 186 #: wp-fevents-book.php:273188 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:319 187 189 msgid "Max users allowed to subscribe" 188 190 msgstr "Limita il numero massimo di utenti iscritti" 189 191 190 #: wp-fevents-book.php:275192 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:321 191 193 msgid "Max number:" 192 194 msgstr "Numero massimo:" 193 195 194 #: wp-fevents-book.php:277196 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:323 195 197 msgid "Visible to Logged only users" 196 198 msgstr "Visibile solo agli utenti loggati" 197 199 198 #: wp-fevents-book.php:282 200 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:326 201 msgid "Not Logged users can book" 202 msgstr "Gli utenti non loggati possono iscriversi" 203 204 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:331 199 205 msgid "Save Changes" 200 206 msgstr "Salva Cambiamenti" 201 207 202 #: wp-fevents-book.php:285 208 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:335 209 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 210 msgstr "Cancella tutti gli utenti iscritti a evento con " 211 212 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:337 203 213 msgid "Clear booked users list" 204 214 msgstr "Cancella lista utenti iscritti" 205 215 206 #: wp-fevents-book.php:285 207 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 208 msgstr "Cancella tutti gli utenti iscritti a evento con " 209 210 #: wp-fevents-book.php:291 216 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:359 211 217 msgid "adding this new event" 212 218 msgstr "aggiungendo questo nuovo evento" 213 219 214 #: wp-fevents-book.php:466220 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:545 215 221 msgid "Not logged in user, please login to book!" 216 222 msgstr "Utente non autenticato, per favore autenticarsi!" 217 223 218 #: wp-fevents-book.php:478224 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:562 219 225 msgid "BOOK ME!" 220 226 msgstr "ISCRIVIMI!" 221 227 222 #: wp-fevents-book.php:481228 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:565 223 229 msgid "Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!" 224 230 msgstr "Iscrizione NON POSSIBLIE; raggiunto il numero massimo!" 225 231 226 #: wp-fevents-book.php:485232 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:569 227 233 msgid "Update my booking!" 228 234 msgstr "Aggiorna la mia iscrizione!" 229 235 230 #: wp-fevents-book.php:491236 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:576 231 237 msgid "ADD/UPDATE" 232 238 msgstr "Aggiungi/Aggiorna" 233 239 234 #: wp-fevents-book.php:497240 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:583 235 241 msgid "Description" 236 242 msgstr "Descrizione" 237 243 238 #: wp-fevents-book.php:499 wp-fevents-book.php:501244 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 ../wp-fevents-book.php:587 239 245 msgid "Date (mm/dd/yyyy)" 240 246 msgstr "Data (gg/mm/aaaa)" 241 247 242 #: wp-fevents-book.php:499248 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 243 249 msgid "please subscribe before" 244 250 msgstr "per favore iscriversi entro" 245 251 246 #: wp-fevents-book.php:503252 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:590 247 253 msgid "Place" 248 254 msgstr "Luogo" 249 255 250 #: wp-fevents-book.php:509256 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:597 251 257 msgid "Event EXPIRED" 252 258 msgstr "Evento SCADUTO il " 253 259 254 #: wp-fevents-book.php:513260 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:600 255 261 msgid "User" 256 262 msgstr "Utente" 257 263 258 #: wp-fevents-book.php:516264 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:603 259 265 msgid "" 260 266 "(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the " … … 263 269 "(se l'utente si è già iscritto è possibile modificare le Note e la Conferma)" 264 270 265 #: wp-fevents-book.php:535271 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:623 266 272 msgid "Team number" 267 273 msgstr "Numero squadra" 268 274 269 #: wp-fevents-book.php:540275 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:628 270 276 msgid "User notes" 271 277 msgstr "Note utente" 272 278 273 #: wp-fevents-book.php:545 wp-fevents-book.php:575279 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:633 ../wp-fevents-book.php:664 274 280 msgid "Confirmed" 275 281 msgstr "Confermato" 276 282 277 #: wp-fevents-book.php:561283 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 278 284 msgid "CSV export" 279 285 msgstr "Esporta in CSV" 280 286 281 #: wp-fevents-book.php:561 wp-fevents-book.php:563287 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 ../wp-fevents-book.php:651 282 288 msgid "Booked users list" 283 289 msgstr "Lista utenti iscritti" 284 290 285 #: wp-fevents-book.php:565291 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:654 286 292 msgid "Email" 287 293 msgstr "Email" 288 294 289 #: wp-fevents-book.php:568295 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:657 290 296 msgid "Info" 291 297 msgstr "Info" 292 298 293 #: wp-fevents-book.php:571299 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:660 294 300 msgid "Team Nr" 295 301 msgstr "Nr squadra" 296 302 297 #: wp-fevents-book.php:573303 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:662 298 304 msgid "Notes" 299 305 msgstr "Note" 300 306 301 #: wp-fevents-book.php:578307 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:667 302 308 msgid "Choice" 303 309 msgstr "Scelta" 304 310 305 #: wp-fevents-book.php:636311 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:755 306 312 msgid "Total booked users: " 307 313 msgstr "Totale utenti iscritti: " 308 314 309 #: wp-fevents-book.php:639315 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:758 310 316 msgid "Total confirmed users: " 311 317 msgstr "Totale utenti confermati: " 312 318 313 #: wp-fevents-book.php:642319 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:761 314 320 msgid "Total confirmed / booked users: " 315 321 msgstr "Totale utenti confermati / iscritti: " -
r851853 r882804 3 3 msgid "" 4 4 msgstr "" 5 "Project-Id-Version: \n"5 "Project-Id-Version: wp-fevents-book\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-31 21:17:36+00:00\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-27 08:11+0100\n" 8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 08:20+0100\n" 9 "Last-Translator: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 10 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n" 11 "Language: sr_RS\n" 8 12 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 9 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 10 14 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-04 17:32+0100\n" 12 "Last-Translator: Borisa Djuraskovic <[email protected]>\n" 13 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n" 14 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n" 15 16 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:44 wp-fevents-6r.php:262 wp-fevents-6r.php:397 17 #: wp-fevents-book.php:448 15 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n" 16 17 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:44 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:262 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:397 18 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:488 18 19 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 19 20 msgstr "Korisnik nije ulogovan- pristup odbijen" 20 21 21 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:210 wp-fevents-book.php:386 wp-fevents-book.php:490 22 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:210 ../wp-fevents-book.php:514 23 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:575 22 24 msgid "DELETE" 23 25 msgstr "OBRISATI" 24 26 25 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28727 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:345 26 28 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 27 29 msgstr "Obrisati dogadjaj i bukirane korisnike" 28 30 29 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28731 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:346 30 32 msgid "Delete Event" 31 33 msgstr "Obrisati dogadjaj" 32 34 33 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28735 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:348 34 36 msgid "and all its booked users?" 35 37 msgstr "i sve bukirane korisnike?" 36 38 37 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:294 wp-fevents-6r.php:576 wp-fevents-book.php:202 39 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:294 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:576 40 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:248 38 41 msgid "Event ID" 39 42 msgstr "Event ID" 40 43 41 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:297 wp-fevents-6r.php:579wp-fevents-6r.php:68144 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:297 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:579 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:681 42 45 msgid "Nome utente" 43 46 msgstr "Korisničko ime" 44 47 45 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:300 wp-fevents-6r.php:582wp-fevents-6r.php:68448 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:300 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:582 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:684 46 49 msgid "Mail di riferimento" 47 50 msgstr "Email korisnika" 48 51 49 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:52452 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:524 50 53 msgid "Cancella iscrizione" 51 54 msgstr "Otkazi dogadjaj" 52 55 53 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:111956 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1119 54 57 msgid "Consenso invio email" 55 58 msgstr "Saglasnost slanje emaila" 56 59 57 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:112360 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1123 58 61 msgid "Nessun invio email per gli eventi" 59 62 msgstr "Nema događaja za slanje emaila" 60 63 61 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:112864 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1128 62 65 msgid "" 63 66 "Selezionare se NON si desidera ricevere informazioni su nuove iniziative o " … … 67 70 "promenama o postojećem dogadjaju" 68 71 69 #: wp-fevents-book.php:19072 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:231 70 73 msgid " Configuration Options " 71 74 msgstr "Opcije konfiguracije" 72 75 73 #: wp-fevents-book.php:20576 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:251 74 77 msgid "active Event" 75 78 msgstr "active Event" 76 79 77 #: wp-fevents-book.php:20880 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:254 78 81 msgid "Color" 79 82 msgstr "Boja" 80 83 81 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21184 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:257 82 85 msgid "Event Description" 83 86 msgstr "Opis dogadjaja" 84 87 85 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21488 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:260 86 89 msgid "Event Date" 87 90 msgstr "Datum dogadjaja" 88 91 89 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21792 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:263 90 93 msgid "Event Place" 91 94 msgstr "Mesto dogadjaja" 92 95 93 #: wp-fevents-book.php:22096 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:266 94 97 msgid "Expire Date" 95 98 msgstr "Rok isteka" 96 99 97 #: wp-fevents-book.php:223100 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:269 98 101 msgid "show user choices" 99 102 msgstr "prikazati izbor korisnika" 100 103 101 #: wp-fevents-book.php:225104 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:271 102 105 msgid "text to show:" 103 106 msgstr "tekst za prikaz:" 104 107 105 #: wp-fevents-book.php:228 wp-fevents-book.php:229 wp-fevents-book.php:230106 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231108 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:274 ../wp-fevents-book.php:275 109 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:276 ../wp-fevents-book.php:277 107 110 msgid "choice" 108 111 msgstr "izbor" 109 112 110 #: wp-fevents-book.php:233113 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:279 111 114 msgid "show Confirmation checkbox" 112 115 msgstr "prikaži Potvrdi checkbox" 113 116 114 #: wp-fevents-book.php:236117 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:282 115 118 msgid "show User email" 116 119 msgstr "prikaži email korisnika" 117 120 118 #: wp-fevents-book.php:239121 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:285 119 122 msgid "show User info" 120 123 msgstr "prikaži info korisnika" 121 124 122 #: wp-fevents-book.php:242 wp-fevents-book.php:249125 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:288 ../wp-fevents-book.php:295 123 126 msgid "show User" 124 127 msgstr "prikaži korisnika" 125 128 126 #: wp-fevents-book.php:243 wp-fevents-book.php:251129 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:289 ../wp-fevents-book.php:297 127 130 msgid "name and surname" 128 131 msgstr "ime i prezime" 129 132 130 #: wp-fevents-book.php:244 wp-fevents-book.php:252133 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:290 ../wp-fevents-book.php:298 131 134 msgid "nickname" 132 135 msgstr "nadimak" 133 136 134 #: wp-fevents-book.php:245 wp-fevents-book.php:253137 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:291 ../wp-fevents-book.php:299 135 138 msgid "login id" 136 139 msgstr "login id" 137 140 138 #: wp-fevents-book.php:246 wp-fevents-book.php:254141 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:292 ../wp-fevents-book.php:300 139 142 msgid "display name" 140 143 msgstr "prikazano ime" 141 144 142 #: wp-fevents-book.php:250145 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:296 143 146 msgid "all" 144 147 msgstr "sve" 145 148 146 #: wp-fevents-book.php:257149 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:303 147 150 msgid "show Total users" 148 151 msgstr "prikaži Total korisnika" 149 152 150 #: wp-fevents-book.php:258153 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:304 151 154 msgid "booked" 152 155 msgstr "bukovano" 153 156 154 #: wp-fevents-book.php:259157 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:305 155 158 msgid "confirmed" 156 159 msgstr "potvrdjeno" 157 160 158 #: wp-fevents-book.php:260161 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:306 159 162 msgid "both" 160 163 msgstr "oba" 161 164 162 #: wp-fevents-book.php:263 wp-fevents-book.php:505165 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:309 ../wp-fevents-book.php:593 163 166 msgid "Event Info" 164 167 msgstr " Info o dogadjaju" 165 168 166 #: wp-fevents-book.php:266169 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:312 167 170 msgid "Allow data export" 168 171 msgstr "Dozvoli export podataka" 169 172 170 #: wp-fevents-book.php:269173 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:315 171 174 msgid "Team list" 172 175 msgstr "Lista tima" 173 176 174 #: wp-fevents-book.php:270177 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 175 178 msgid "with" 176 179 msgstr "sa" 177 180 178 #: wp-fevents-book.php:270181 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 179 182 msgid "elements." 180 183 msgstr "elementima." 181 184 182 #: wp-fevents-book.php:271185 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:317 183 186 msgid "First number:" 184 187 msgstr "Prvi brojr:" 185 188 186 #: wp-fevents-book.php:273189 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:319 187 190 msgid "Max users allowed to subscribe" 188 191 msgstr "Max korisnika dozvoljen za pretplatu" 189 192 190 #: wp-fevents-book.php:275193 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:321 191 194 msgid "Max number:" 192 195 msgstr "Max broj:" 193 196 194 #: wp-fevents-book.php:277197 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:323 195 198 msgid "Visible to Logged only users" 196 199 msgstr "Vidljivo samo ulogovanim korisnicima" 197 200 198 #: wp-fevents-book.php:282 201 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:326 202 msgid "Not Logged users can book" 203 msgstr "" 204 205 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:331 199 206 msgid "Save Changes" 200 207 msgstr "Sačuvati promene" 201 208 202 #: wp-fevents-book.php:285 209 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:335 210 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 211 msgstr "Obrisati sve bukirane orisnike za ovaj dogadja sa" 212 213 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:337 203 214 msgid "Clear booked users list" 204 215 msgstr "Obrisati listu bukiranih korisnika" 205 216 206 #: wp-fevents-book.php:285 207 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 208 msgstr "Obrisati sve bukirane orisnike za ovaj dogadja sa" 209 210 #: wp-fevents-book.php:291 217 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:359 211 218 msgid "adding this new event" 212 219 msgstr "dodaje se novi dogadja" 213 220 214 #: wp-fevents-book.php:466221 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:545 215 222 msgid "Not logged in user, please login to book!" 216 223 msgstr "Niste ulogovan i korisnik, molim vas ulogijte se da biste bukirali!" 217 224 218 #: wp-fevents-book.php:478225 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:562 219 226 msgid "BOOK ME!" 220 227 msgstr "BUKIRAJ ME!" 221 228 222 #: wp-fevents-book.php:481229 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:565 223 230 msgid "Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!" 224 231 msgstr "Bukiranje NIJE MOGUĆE; max BROJ JE POPUNJEN" 225 232 226 #: wp-fevents-book.php:485233 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:569 227 234 msgid "Update my booking!" 228 235 msgstr "Updateuj moj buking!" 229 236 230 #: wp-fevents-book.php:491237 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:576 231 238 msgid "ADD/UPDATE" 232 239 msgstr "DODATI/UPDATEOVATI" 233 240 234 #: wp-fevents-book.php:497241 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:583 235 242 msgid "Description" 236 243 msgstr "Opis" 237 244 238 #: wp-fevents-book.php:499 wp-fevents-book.php:501245 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 ../wp-fevents-book.php:587 239 246 msgid "Date (mm/dd/yyyy)" 240 247 msgstr "Datum (mm/dd/gggg)" 241 248 242 #: wp-fevents-book.php:499249 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 243 250 msgid "please subscribe before" 244 251 msgstr "pretpplatite se pre svega" 245 252 246 #: wp-fevents-book.php:503253 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:590 247 254 msgid "Place" 248 255 msgstr "Mesto" 249 256 250 #: wp-fevents-book.php:509257 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:597 251 258 msgid "Event EXPIRED" 252 259 msgstr "Dogadja je ISTEKAO" 253 260 254 #: wp-fevents-book.php:513261 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:600 255 262 msgid "User" 256 263 msgstr "Korisnik" 257 264 258 #: wp-fevents-book.php:516265 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:603 259 266 msgid "" 260 267 "(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the " … … 264 271 "potvrdu )" 265 272 266 #: wp-fevents-book.php:535273 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:623 267 274 msgid "Team number" 268 275 msgstr "Broj tima" 269 276 270 #: wp-fevents-book.php:540277 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:628 271 278 msgid "User notes" 272 279 msgstr "Beleške korisnika" 273 280 274 #: wp-fevents-book.php:545 wp-fevents-book.php:575281 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:633 ../wp-fevents-book.php:664 275 282 msgid "Confirmed" 276 283 msgstr "Potvrdjeno" 277 284 278 #: wp-fevents-book.php:561285 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 279 286 msgid "CSV export" 280 287 msgstr "CSV export" 281 288 282 #: wp-fevents-book.php:561 wp-fevents-book.php:563289 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 ../wp-fevents-book.php:651 283 290 msgid "Booked users list" 284 291 msgstr "Lista bukovanih korisnika" 285 292 286 #: wp-fevents-book.php:565293 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:654 287 294 msgid "Email" 288 295 msgstr "Email" 289 296 290 #: wp-fevents-book.php:568297 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:657 291 298 msgid "Info" 292 299 msgstr "Info" 293 300 294 #: wp-fevents-book.php:571301 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:660 295 302 msgid "Team Nr" 296 303 msgstr "broj tima" 297 304 298 #: wp-fevents-book.php:573305 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:662 299 306 msgid "Notes" 300 307 msgstr "Beleške" 301 308 302 #: wp-fevents-book.php:578309 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:667 303 310 msgid "Choice" 304 311 msgstr "Izbor" 305 312 306 #: wp-fevents-book.php:636313 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:755 307 314 msgid "Total booked users: " 308 315 msgstr "Total bukiranih korisnika:" 309 316 310 #: wp-fevents-book.php:639317 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:758 311 318 msgid "Total confirmed users: " 312 319 msgstr "Total potvrdjenih korisnika:" 313 320 314 #: wp-fevents-book.php:642321 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:761 315 322 msgid "Total confirmed / booked users: " 316 323 msgstr "Total Total bukiranih / bukiranih korisnika: " -
r830934 r882804 3 3 msgid "" 4 4 msgstr "" 5 "Project-Id-Version: 5 "Project-Id-Version: wp-fevents-book\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-31 21:17:36+00:00\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-27 08:11+0100\n" 8 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 08:11+0100\n" 9 "Last-Translator: faina09 <[email protected]>\n" 10 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n" 11 "Language: en\n" 8 12 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 9 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 10 14 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" 12 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" 13 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n" 14 15 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:44 wp-fevents-6r.php:262 wp-fevents-6r.php:397 16 #: wp-fevents-book.php:448 15 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" 16 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n" 17 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" 18 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n" 19 "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n" 20 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n" 21 22 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:44 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:262 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:397 23 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:488 17 24 msgid "Not logged User - access to the service denied" 18 25 msgstr "" 19 26 20 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:210 wp-fevents-book.php:386 wp-fevents-book.php:490 27 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:210 ../wp-fevents-book.php:514 28 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:575 21 29 msgid "DELETE" 22 30 msgstr "" 23 31 24 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28732 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:345 25 33 msgid "Delete Event and its booked users" 26 34 msgstr "" 27 35 28 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28736 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:346 29 37 msgid "Delete Event" 30 38 msgstr "" 31 39 32 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:282 wp-fevents-book.php:28740 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:282 ../wp-fevents-book.php:348 33 41 msgid "and all its booked users?" 34 42 msgstr "" 35 43 36 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:294 wp-fevents-6r.php:576 wp-fevents-book.php:202 44 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:294 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:576 45 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:248 37 46 msgid "Event ID" 38 47 msgstr "" 39 48 40 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:297 wp-fevents-6r.php:579wp-fevents-6r.php:68149 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:297 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:579 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:681 41 50 msgid "Nome utente" 42 51 msgstr "" 43 52 44 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:300 wp-fevents-6r.php:582wp-fevents-6r.php:68453 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:300 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:582 ../wp-fevents-6r.php:684 45 54 msgid "Mail di riferimento" 46 55 msgstr "" 47 56 48 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:52457 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:524 49 58 msgid "Cancella iscrizione" 50 59 msgstr "" 51 60 52 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:111961 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1119 53 62 msgid "Consenso invio email" 54 63 msgstr "" 55 64 56 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:112365 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1123 57 66 msgid "Nessun invio email per gli eventi" 58 67 msgstr "" 59 68 60 #: wp-fevents-6r.php:112869 #: ../wp-fevents-6r.php:1128 61 70 msgid "" 62 71 "Selezionare se NON si desidera ricevere informazioni su nuove iniziative o " … … 64 73 msgstr "" 65 74 66 #: wp-fevents-book.php:19075 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:231 67 76 msgid " Configuration Options " 68 77 msgstr "" 69 78 70 #: wp-fevents-book.php:20579 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:251 71 80 msgid "active Event" 72 81 msgstr "" 73 82 74 #: wp-fevents-book.php:20883 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:254 75 84 msgid "Color" 76 85 msgstr "" 77 86 78 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21187 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:257 79 88 msgid "Event Description" 80 89 msgstr "" 81 90 82 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21491 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:260 83 92 msgid "Event Date" 84 93 msgstr "" 85 94 86 #: wp-fevents-book.php:21795 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:263 87 96 msgid "Event Place" 88 97 msgstr "" 89 98 90 #: wp-fevents-book.php:22099 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:266 91 100 msgid "Expire Date" 92 101 msgstr "" 93 102 94 #: wp-fevents-book.php:223103 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:269 95 104 msgid "show user choices" 96 105 msgstr "" 97 106 98 #: wp-fevents-book.php:225107 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:271 99 108 msgid "text to show:" 100 109 msgstr "" 101 110 102 #: wp-fevents-book.php:228 wp-fevents-book.php:229 wp-fevents-book.php:230103 #: wp-fevents-book.php:231111 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:274 ../wp-fevents-book.php:275 112 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:276 ../wp-fevents-book.php:277 104 113 msgid "choice" 105 114 msgstr "" 106 115 107 #: wp-fevents-book.php:233116 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:279 108 117 msgid "show Confirmation checkbox" 109 118 msgstr "" 110 119 111 #: wp-fevents-book.php:236120 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:282 112 121 msgid "show User email" 113 122 msgstr "" 114 123 115 #: wp-fevents-book.php:239124 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:285 116 125 msgid "show User info" 117 126 msgstr "" 118 127 119 #: wp-fevents-book.php:242 wp-fevents-book.php:249128 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:288 ../wp-fevents-book.php:295 120 129 msgid "show User" 121 130 msgstr "" 122 131 123 #: wp-fevents-book.php:243 wp-fevents-book.php:251132 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:289 ../wp-fevents-book.php:297 124 133 msgid "name and surname" 125 134 msgstr "" 126 135 127 #: wp-fevents-book.php:244 wp-fevents-book.php:252136 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:290 ../wp-fevents-book.php:298 128 137 msgid "nickname" 129 138 msgstr "" 130 139 131 #: wp-fevents-book.php:245 wp-fevents-book.php:253140 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:291 ../wp-fevents-book.php:299 132 141 msgid "login id" 133 142 msgstr "" 134 143 135 #: wp-fevents-book.php:246 wp-fevents-book.php:254144 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:292 ../wp-fevents-book.php:300 136 145 msgid "display name" 137 146 msgstr "" 138 147 139 #: wp-fevents-book.php:250148 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:296 140 149 msgid "all" 141 150 msgstr "" 142 151 143 #: wp-fevents-book.php:257152 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:303 144 153 msgid "show Total users" 145 154 msgstr "" 146 155 147 #: wp-fevents-book.php:258156 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:304 148 157 msgid "booked" 149 158 msgstr "" 150 159 151 #: wp-fevents-book.php:259160 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:305 152 161 msgid "confirmed" 153 162 msgstr "" 154 163 155 #: wp-fevents-book.php:260164 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:306 156 165 msgid "both" 157 166 msgstr "" 158 167 159 #: wp-fevents-book.php:263 wp-fevents-book.php:505168 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:309 ../wp-fevents-book.php:593 160 169 msgid "Event Info" 161 170 msgstr "" 162 171 163 #: wp-fevents-book.php:266172 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:312 164 173 msgid "Allow data export" 165 174 msgstr "" 166 175 167 #: wp-fevents-book.php:269176 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:315 168 177 msgid "Team list" 169 178 msgstr "" 170 179 171 #: wp-fevents-book.php:270180 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 172 181 msgid "with" 173 182 msgstr "" 174 183 175 #: wp-fevents-book.php:270184 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:316 176 185 msgid "elements." 177 186 msgstr "" 178 187 179 #: wp-fevents-book.php:271188 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:317 180 189 msgid "First number:" 181 190 msgstr "" 182 191 183 #: wp-fevents-book.php:273192 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:319 184 193 msgid "Max users allowed to subscribe" 185 194 msgstr "" 186 195 187 #: wp-fevents-book.php:275196 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:321 188 197 msgid "Max number:" 189 198 msgstr "" 190 199 191 #: wp-fevents-book.php:277200 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:323 192 201 msgid "Visible to Logged only users" 193 202 msgstr "" 194 203 195 #: wp-fevents-book.php:282 204 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:326 205 msgid "Not Logged users can book" 206 msgstr "" 207 208 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:331 196 209 msgid "Save Changes" 197 210 msgstr "" 198 211 199 #: wp-fevents-book.php:285 212 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:335 213 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 214 msgstr "" 215 216 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:337 200 217 msgid "Clear booked users list" 201 218 msgstr "" 202 219 203 #: wp-fevents-book.php:285 204 msgid "Delete all Users booked to the event with " 205 msgstr "" 206 207 #: wp-fevents-book.php:291 220 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:359 208 221 msgid "adding this new event" 209 222 msgstr "" 210 223 211 #: wp-fevents-book.php:466224 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:545 212 225 msgid "Not logged in user, please login to book!" 213 226 msgstr "" 214 227 215 #: wp-fevents-book.php:478228 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:562 216 229 msgid "BOOK ME!" 217 230 msgstr "" 218 231 219 #: wp-fevents-book.php:481232 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:565 220 233 msgid "Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!" 221 234 msgstr "" 222 235 223 #: wp-fevents-book.php:485236 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:569 224 237 msgid "Update my booking!" 225 238 msgstr "" 226 239 227 #: wp-fevents-book.php:491240 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:576 228 241 msgid "ADD/UPDATE" 229 242 msgstr "" 230 243 231 #: wp-fevents-book.php:497244 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:583 232 245 msgid "Description" 233 246 msgstr "" 234 247 235 #: wp-fevents-book.php:499 wp-fevents-book.php:501248 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 ../wp-fevents-book.php:587 236 249 msgid "Date (mm/dd/yyyy)" 237 250 msgstr "" 238 251 239 #: wp-fevents-book.php:499252 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:585 240 253 msgid "please subscribe before" 241 254 msgstr "" 242 255 243 #: wp-fevents-book.php:503256 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:590 244 257 msgid "Place" 245 258 msgstr "" 246 259 247 #: wp-fevents-book.php:509260 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:597 248 261 msgid "Event EXPIRED" 249 262 msgstr "" 250 263 251 #: wp-fevents-book.php:513264 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:600 252 265 msgid "User" 253 266 msgstr "" 254 267 255 #: wp-fevents-book.php:516268 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:603 256 269 msgid "" 257 270 "(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the " … … 259 272 msgstr "" 260 273 261 #: wp-fevents-book.php:535274 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:623 262 275 msgid "Team number" 263 276 msgstr "" 264 277 265 #: wp-fevents-book.php:540278 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:628 266 279 msgid "User notes" 267 280 msgstr "" 268 281 269 #: wp-fevents-book.php:545 wp-fevents-book.php:575282 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:633 ../wp-fevents-book.php:664 270 283 msgid "Confirmed" 271 284 msgstr "" 272 285 273 #: wp-fevents-book.php:561286 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 274 287 msgid "CSV export" 275 288 msgstr "" 276 289 277 #: wp-fevents-book.php:561 wp-fevents-book.php:563290 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:649 ../wp-fevents-book.php:651 278 291 msgid "Booked users list" 279 292 msgstr "" 280 293 281 #: wp-fevents-book.php:565294 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:654 282 295 msgid "Email" 283 296 msgstr "" 284 297 285 #: wp-fevents-book.php:568298 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:657 286 299 msgid "Info" 287 300 msgstr "" 288 301 289 #: wp-fevents-book.php:571302 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:660 290 303 msgid "Team Nr" 291 304 msgstr "" 292 305 293 #: wp-fevents-book.php:573306 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:662 294 307 msgid "Notes" 295 308 msgstr "" 296 309 297 #: wp-fevents-book.php:578310 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:667 298 311 msgid "Choice" 299 312 msgstr "" 300 313 301 #: wp-fevents-book.php:636314 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:755 302 315 msgid "Total booked users: " 303 316 msgstr "" 304 317 305 #: wp-fevents-book.php:639318 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:758 306 319 msgid "Total confirmed users: " 307 320 msgstr "" 308 321 309 #: wp-fevents-book.php:642322 #: ../wp-fevents-book.php:761 310 323 msgid "Total confirmed / booked users: " 311 324 msgstr "" -
r870145 r882804 65 65 66 66 == Changelog == 67 = 0.39 = 68 * NotLoggedCanBook 67 69 = 0.38 = 68 70 * Hungarian translation added - thanks to Mladen Blatnik -
r769915 r882804 32 32 } 33 33 34 .form-table tr { 35 vertical-align: top; 36 } 34 37 /*sfondo giallo (#e7ff57) e testo blu (#0934be)*/ 35 38 .wpfeventsbookform table td, .wpfeventsbookform table th { … … 94 97 #content tr td.headerpartecipazione { 95 98 background-color: #0934be; 96 color: e7ff57;99 color: #e7ff57; 97 100 height: 20px; 98 101 text-align: center; 99 102 vertical-align: middle; 100 border: 1px solid Blu ;103 border: 1px solid Blue; 101 104 } 102 105 #content tr.iscritto td { -
r851853 r882804 1 1 <?php 2 2 /* class name must be unique */ 3 3 4 class FEventsBook 4 5 { 6 5 7 private $wpf_path; 6 8 private $wpf_name; 7 9 private $wpf_code; 8 10 private $VER; 9 10 public function __construct( $name, $code, $base_path, $VER = '0.0', $option_page = true, $fmenu_page = false)11 12 public function __construct( $name, $code, $base_path, $VER = '0.0', $option_page = true, $fmenu_page = false ) 11 13 { 12 14 $this->VER = $VER; … … 27 29 } 28 30 // voice menu entry in any other submenu 29 if ( $fmenu_page ) add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_fsubmenu_page' ) ); 30 31 if ( $fmenu_page ) { 32 add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_fsubmenu_page' ) ); 33 } 34 31 35 // Load i18n language support 32 load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-fevents-book', false 33 36 load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-fevents-book', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' ); 37 34 38 add_shortcode( 'feventsbook', array( $this, 'add_fshortcode' ) ); 35 39 //register_uninstall_hook( $file, array( $this, 'uninstall_fplugin' ) ); 36 37 40 //save csv 38 41 add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'generate_csv' ) ); 39 40 add_filter('plugin_action_links', array( $this, 'wp_fevents_book_action_links' ), 10, 2 ) ; 41 } 42 43 public function wp_fevents_book_action_links($links, $file) { 44 $this_plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__); 45 // check to make sure we are on the correct plugin 46 if ( str_replace( 'init.php', 'wp-fevents-book.php', $file ) == $this_plugin ) { 47 // the anchor tag and href to the URL we want. For a "Settings" link, this needs to be the url of your settings page 48 $settings_link = '<a href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=feventsbook">Settings</a>'; 49 // add the link to the list 50 array_unshift($links, $settings_link); 51 } 52 return $links; 53 } 54 42 43 add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', array( $this, 'wp_fevents_book_action_links' ), 10, 2 ); 44 } 45 46 public function wp_fevents_book_action_links( $links, $file ) 47 { 48 $this_plugin = plugin_basename( __FILE__ ); 49 // check to make sure we are on the correct plugin 50 if ( str_replace( 'init.php', 'wp-fevents-book.php', $file ) == $this_plugin ) { 51 // the anchor tag and href to the URL we want. For a "Settings" link, this needs to be the url of your settings page 52 $settings_link = '<a href="' . get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=feventsbook">Settings</a>'; 53 // add the link to the list 54 array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); 55 } 56 return $links; 57 } 58 55 59 public function load_styles() 56 60 { 57 wp_register_style( 'feventsbook', $this->wpf_path .'style.css' );61 wp_register_style( 'feventsbook', $this->wpf_path . 'style.css' ); 58 62 wp_enqueue_style( 'feventsbook' ); 59 63 } 60 64 61 65 public function load_scripts() 62 66 { 63 67 /* 64 wp_register_script( 'fpluginxxxxx', $this->wpf_path.'jscript.js' );65 wp_enqueue_script( 'fpluginxxxxx' );66 */67 } 68 68 wp_register_script( 'fpluginxxxxx', $this->wpf_path.'jscript.js' ); 69 wp_enqueue_script( 'fpluginxxxxx' ); 70 */ 71 } 72 69 73 /* REF.: */ 70 public function mw_enqueue_color_picker( $hook_suffix ) { 74 75 public function mw_enqueue_color_picker() 76 { 71 77 // first check that $hook_suffix is appropriate for your admin page 72 78 wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); 73 wp_enqueue_script( 'my-script-handle', plugins_url('wp-fevents.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-color-picker' ), false, true ); 74 } 75 76 public function wpapi_date_picker() { 79 wp_enqueue_script( 'my-script-handle', plugins_url( 'wp-fevents.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-color-picker' ), false, true ); 80 } 81 82 public function wpapi_date_picker() 83 { 77 84 wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); 78 85 wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-core' ); … … 80 87 wp_enqueue_style( 'my-style', plugins_url( 'style-datepicker.css', __FILE__ ), false, $this->VER, 'all' ); 81 88 /* TODO: fix save $options['Scadenza'] in UNIX timestamp and display it in local language 82 $lang = substr( get_bloginfo('language'), 0, 2 );83 $avail = array( "it", "de", "fr", "cr" );84 if ( in_array( $lang, $avail ) )85 86 */87 } 88 89 $lang = substr( get_bloginfo('language'), 0, 2 ); 90 $avail = array( "it", "de", "fr", "cr" ); 91 if ( in_array( $lang, $avail ) ) 92 wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery.ui.datepicker-i18n', plugins_url( '/languages/jquery.ui.datepicker-'.$lang.'.min.js',__FILE__ )); 93 */ 94 } 95 89 96 public function init_fplugin() 90 97 { 91 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array ($this, 'load_styles') );92 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array ($this, 'load_scripts') );93 } 94 98 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'load_styles' ) ); 99 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'load_scripts' ) ); 100 } 101 95 102 // options stored in DB entry '$this->wpf_code' 96 103 function add_foption_init() … … 98 105 // register_setting( $option_group, $option_name, $sanitize_callback ) 99 106 // settings_fields( $option_group ) 100 register_setting( $this->wpf_code .'_options', $this->wpf_code, array( $this, 'foptions_validate' ) );101 } 102 107 register_setting( $this->wpf_code . '_options', $this->wpf_code, array( $this, 'foptions_validate' ) ); 108 } 109 103 110 public function add_foption_page() 104 111 { 105 add_options_page( $this->wpf_name .' settings', $this->wpf_name, 'manage_options', $this->wpf_code, array( $this, 'plugin_fconfigure' ) );106 } 107 112 add_options_page( $this->wpf_name . ' settings', $this->wpf_name, 'manage_options', $this->wpf_code, array( $this, 'plugin_fconfigure' ) ); 113 } 114 108 115 public function add_fsubmenu_page() 109 116 { … … 113 120 $menu_title = $this->wpf_name; 114 121 $capability = 'read'; 115 $menu_slug 116 $function 122 $menu_slug = $this->wpf_code; 123 $function = array( $this, 'echo_fsubmenu' ); 117 124 add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function ); 118 125 } 119 126 120 127 // Sanitize and validate input. Accepts an array of arrays, return a sanitized array of arrays. 121 function foptions_validate( $inputA)122 { 123 if ( isset($_POST['delete_eventid']))128 function foptions_validate( $inputA ) 129 { 130 if ( isset( $_POST['delete_eventid'] ) ) { 124 131 return $inputA; 132 } 125 133 $cnt = 0; 126 foreach ( $inputA as $input) {134 foreach ( $inputA as $input ) { 127 135 // value is either 0 or 1 128 if ( isset ($input['attivo']) )136 if ( isset( $input['attivo'] ) ) { 129 137 $inputA[$cnt]['attivo'] = ( $input['attivo'] == 1 ? 1 : 0 ); 130 else138 } else { 131 139 $inputA[$cnt]['attivo'] = 0; 132 140 } 141 if ( isset( $input['NotLoggedCanBook'] ) ) { 142 $inputA[$cnt]['NotLoggedCanBook'] = ( $input['NotLoggedCanBook'] == 1 ? 1 : 0 ); 143 } else { 144 $inputA[$cnt]['NotLoggedCanBook'] = 0; 145 } 146 133 147 // default altre opzioni 134 if ( !isset ($input['userid']) ) $inputA[$cnt]['userid'] = 1; 135 if ( !isset ($input['userid_adm']) ) $inputA[$cnt]['userid_adm'] = 0; 136 if ( !isset ($input['user_total']) ) $inputA[$cnt]['user_total'] = 1; 148 if ( !isset( $input['userid'] ) ) { 149 $inputA[$cnt]['userid'] = 1; 150 } 151 if ( !isset( $input['userid_adm'] ) ) { 152 $inputA[$cnt]['userid_adm'] = 0; 153 } 154 if ( !isset( $input['user_total'] ) ) { 155 $inputA[$cnt]['user_total'] = 1; 156 } 137 157 138 158 // must be safe text with no HTML tags 139 $inputA[$cnt]['Descrizione'] = 159 $inputA[$cnt]['Descrizione'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $input['Descrizione'] ); 140 160 //if ( $inputA[$cnt]['Descrizione'] == '' ) $inputA[$cnt]['Descrizione'] = 'new'; 141 142 161 // data scadenza 143 if ( !isset ($input['Scadenza']) ) {162 if ( !isset( $input['Scadenza'] ) ) { 144 163 $inputA[$cnt]['Scadenza'] = ''; 145 } 146 else { 164 } else { 147 165 $inputA[$cnt]['Scadenza'] = $input['Scadenza']; 148 166 /* TODO //convert to UNIX datestamp!! 149 $dateformat = get_option('date_format');150 $a = strptime( $input['Scadenza'], $dateformat );151 $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $a['tm_mon']+1, $a['tm_mday'], $a['tm_year']+1900);152 $inputA[$cnt]['Scadenza'] = $timestamp;153 */154 } 155 156 167 $dateformat = get_option('date_format'); 168 $a = strptime( $input['Scadenza'], $dateformat ); 169 $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $a['tm_mon']+1, $a['tm_mday'], $a['tm_year']+1900); 170 $inputA[$cnt]['Scadenza'] = $timestamp; 171 */ 172 } 173 174 157 175 // default visibile ai non loggati 158 if ( isset ($input['LoggedOnly']) )176 if ( isset( $input['LoggedOnly'] ) ) { 159 177 $inputA[$cnt]['LoggedOnly'] = ( $input['LoggedOnly'] == 1 ? 1 : 0 ); 160 else178 } else { 161 179 $inputA[$cnt]['LoggedOnly'] = 0; 180 } 162 181 $cnt++; 163 182 } 164 if ( $inputA[$cnt-1]['Descrizione'] == '' ) 165 return array_slice($inputA, 0, $cnt-1); 183 if ( $inputA[$cnt - 1]['Descrizione'] == '' ) { 184 return array_slice( $inputA, 0, $cnt - 1 ); 185 } 166 186 return $inputA; 167 187 } 168 188 169 189 public function plugin_fconfigure() 170 190 { 171 if ( isset($_POST['delete_eventid']) ) 172 $this->delete_event($_POST['delete_eventid'], $_POST['remove_event']); 173 echo '<form name="wpfeventsbookdel" method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER[ "REQUEST_URI" ].'" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">'; 191 if ( isset( $_POST['delete_eventid'] ) ) { 192 $this->delete_event( $_POST['delete_eventid'], $_POST['remove_event'] ); 193 } 194 echo '<form name="wpfeventsbookdel" method="POST" action="' . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . '" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">'; 174 195 echo '<input type="hidden" name="delete_eventid" value="-1">'; 175 196 echo '<input type="hidden" name="remove_event" value="NO">'; 176 197 echo '</form>'; 177 198 //evento defaults fields values 178 199 $evento_default = array( 179 200 'attivo' => '', 180 201 'Colore' => '#fdf28e', … … 197 218 'conferma' => '', 198 219 'esporta' => '', 199 'sceltatxt' => '', 200 'scelta1' => '', 201 'scelta2' => '', 202 'scelta3' => '', 203 'scelta4' => '', 204 'Note' => '', 205 'LoggedOnly' => '', 206 ); 220 'sceltatxt' => '', 221 'scelta1' => '', 222 'scelta2' => '', 223 'scelta3' => '', 224 'scelta4' => '', 225 'Note' => '', 226 'LoggedOnly' => '', 227 'NotLoggedCanBook' => '', 228 ); 207 229 ?> 208 230 <div class="wrap"> 209 <h2><?php echo $this->wpf_name ._e( ' Configuration Options ' , 'wp-fevents-book');?></h2>231 <h2><?php echo $this->wpf_name . _e( ' Configuration Options ', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></h2> 210 232 <form method="post" action="options.php"> 211 <?php settings_fields( $this->wpf_code.'_options' ); 212 $optionsA = stripslashes_deep( get_option( $this->wpf_code ) ); 233 <?php 234 settings_fields( $this->wpf_code . '_options' ); 235 $optionsA = stripslashes_deep( get_option( $this->wpf_code ) ); 213 236 $cnt = 0; 214 237 ?> 215 238 <table class="form-table"> 216 <?php while ( $cnt <= sizeof($optionsA) ){ 217 $aridx = $this->wpf_code.'['.$cnt.']'; 218 $options = $optionsA[$cnt]; 219 if (is_array($options)) $options = array_merge($evento_default, $options); 239 <?php 240 while ( $cnt <= sizeof( $optionsA ) ) { 241 $aridx = $this->wpf_code . '[' . $cnt . ']'; 242 if ( $cnt < sizeof( $optionsA ) ) { 243 $options = array_merge( $evento_default, $optionsA[$cnt] ); 244 } else { 245 $options = $evento_default; 246 } 220 247 ?> 221 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Event ID' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 222 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[IDevento]" value="<?php echo $cnt; ?>" readonly="readonly"/></td> 223 </tr> 224 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('active Event' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 225 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[attivo]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['attivo']); ?> /></td> 226 </tr> 227 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Color' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 228 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Colore]" value="<?php echo $options['Colore']; ?>" class="my-color-field" data-default-color="#FDF28E"/></td> 229 </tr> 230 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Event Description' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 231 <td><font color="red">*</font><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Descrizione]" value="<?php echo $options['Descrizione']; ?>" /></td> 232 </tr> 233 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Event Date' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 234 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Data]" value="<?php echo $options['Data']; ?>" /></td> 235 </tr> 236 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Event Place' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 237 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Luogo]" value="<?php echo $options['Luogo']; ?>" /></td> 238 </tr> 239 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Expire Date' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 240 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Scadenza]" value="<?php echo $options['Scadenza']; ?>" class="my-datepicker" /></td> 241 </tr> 242 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('show user choices' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 243 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelte]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['scelte']); ?> /> 244 <?php _e('text to show:' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> <input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[sceltatxt]" value="<?php echo $options['sceltatxt']; ?>" /></td> 245 </tr> 246 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"></th><td> 247 <?php _e('choice' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?>#1:<input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelta1]" value="<?php echo $options['scelta1']; ?>" /> 248 <?php _e('choice' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?>#2:<input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelta2]" value="<?php echo $options['scelta2']; ?>" /> 249 <?php _e('choice' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?>#3:<input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelta3]" value="<?php echo $options['scelta3']; ?>" /> 250 <?php _e('choice' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?>#4:<input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelta4]" value="<?php echo $options['scelta4']; ?>" /></td> 251 </tr> 252 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('show Confirmation checkbox' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 253 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[conferma]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['conferma']); ?> /></td> 254 </tr> 255 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('show User email' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 256 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[usermail]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['usermail']); ?> /></td> 257 </tr> 258 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('show User info' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 259 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userinfo]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['userinfo']); ?> /></td> 260 </tr> 261 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('show User' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 262 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid]" type="radio" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['userid']); ?>> <?php _e('name and surname' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 263 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid]" type="radio" value="2" <?php checked('2', $options['userid']); ?>> <?php _e('nickname' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 264 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid]" type="radio" value="3" <?php checked('3', $options['userid']); ?>> <?php _e('login id' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 265 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid]" type="radio" value="4" <?php checked('4', $options['userid']); ?>> <?php _e('display name' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 266 </td> 267 </tr> 268 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('show User' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?>@admin</th> 269 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="0" <?php checked('0', $options['userid_adm']); ?>> <?php _e('all' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 270 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['userid_adm']); ?>> <?php _e('name and surname' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 271 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="2" <?php checked('2', $options['userid_adm']); ?>> <?php _e('nickname' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 272 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="3" <?php checked('3', $options['userid_adm']); ?>> <?php _e('login id' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 273 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="4" <?php checked('4', $options['userid_adm']); ?>> <?php _e('display name' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 274 </td> 275 </tr> 276 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('show Total users' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 277 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[user_total]" type="radio" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['user_total']); ?>> <?php _e('booked' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 278 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[user_total]" type="radio" value="2" <?php checked('2', $options['user_total']); ?>> <?php _e('confirmed' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 279 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[user_total]" type="radio" value="3" <?php checked('3', $options['user_total']); ?>> <?php _e('both' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 280 </td> 281 </tr> 282 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Event Info' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 283 <td><textarea rows="3" cols="80" style="height: 100px; width: 60%;" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Note]"><?php echo $options['Note']; ?></textarea></td> 284 </tr> 285 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Allow data export' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 286 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[esporta]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['esporta']); ?> /></td> 287 </tr> 288 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Team list' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 289 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[teamlist]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['teamlist']); ?> /> <?php _e('with' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> <input type="number" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[teamnumbers]" value="<?php echo $options['teamnumbers']; ?>" min="1" max="50" /> <?php _e('elements.' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> 290 <?php _e('First number:' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> <input type="number" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[teamfirst]" value="<?php echo $options['teamfirst']; ?>" min="0"/></td> 291 </tr> 292 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Max users allowed to subscribe' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 293 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[maxusers]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['maxusers']); ?> /> 294 <?php _e('Max number:' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?> <input type="number" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[maxusersnr]" value="<?php echo $options['maxusersnr']; ?>" min="1"/></td> 295 </tr> 296 <tr valign="top"><th scope="row"><?php _e('Visible to Logged only users' , 'wp-fevents-book'); ?></th> 297 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[LoggedOnly]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $options['LoggedOnly']); ?> /></td> 298 </tr> 299 <tr><td colspan="2"> 300 <p class="submit"> 301 <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes', 'wp-fevents-book') ?>" /> 302 <?php if ( '' != $options['Descrizione'] ) { 303 $evdesc = ' ID='.$cnt.' ['.$options['Descrizione'].'] ';?> 304 <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Clear booked users list', 'wp-fevents-book') ?>" onclick="var r=confirm('<?php _e('Delete all Users booked to the event with ', 'wp-fevents-book'); echo $evdesc; echo '?'; ?>'); if (r==true) { document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].elements[0].value=<?php echo $cnt; ?>; document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].submit(); } return false;"> 305 <?php if ( $cnt == sizeof($optionsA)-1 ) { //cancellabile solo l'ultimo evento! gli utenti contengono ID evento (sic!) ?> 306 <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Delete Event and its booked users', 'wp-fevents-book') ?>" onclick="var r=confirm('<?php _e('Delete Event', 'wp-fevents-book'); echo $evdesc; _e('and all its booked users?', 'wp-fevents-book'); ?>'); if (r==true) { document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].elements[0].value=<?php echo $cnt; ?>; document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].elements[1].value='YES'; document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].submit(); } return false;"> 307 <?php } 308 } 309 else 310 echo _e('adding this new event', 'wp-fevents-book');?> 311 </p> 312 </td></tr> 313 <tr><td colspan="2"><hr/></td></tr> 314 <?php if ( ''==$options['Descrizione'] ) break; 315 $cnt++; } ?> 248 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Event ID', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 249 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[IDevento]" value="<?php echo $cnt; ?>" readonly="readonly"/></td> 250 </tr> 251 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'active Event', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 252 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[attivo]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['attivo'] ); ?> /></td> 253 </tr> 254 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Color', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 255 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Colore]" value="<?php echo $options['Colore']; ?>" class="my-color-field" data-default-color="#FDF28E"/></td> 256 </tr> 257 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Event Description', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 258 <td><span class="color: #FF0000">*</span><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Descrizione]" value="<?php echo $options['Descrizione']; ?>" /></td> 259 </tr> 260 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Event Date', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 261 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Data]" value="<?php echo $options['Data']; ?>" /></td> 262 </tr> 263 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Event Place', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 264 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Luogo]" value="<?php echo $options['Luogo']; ?>" /></td> 265 </tr> 266 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Expire Date', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 267 <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Scadenza]" value="<?php echo $options['Scadenza']; ?>" class="my-datepicker" /></td> 268 </tr> 269 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'show user choices', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 270 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelte]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['scelte'] ); ?> /> 271 <?php _e( 'text to show:', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> <input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[sceltatxt]" value="<?php echo $options['sceltatxt']; ?>" /></td> 272 </tr> 273 <tr><th scope="row"></th><td> 274 <?php _e( 'choice', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?>#1:<input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelta1]" value="<?php echo $options['scelta1']; ?>" /> 275 <?php _e( 'choice', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?>#2:<input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelta2]" value="<?php echo $options['scelta2']; ?>" /> 276 <?php _e( 'choice', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?>#3:<input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelta3]" value="<?php echo $options['scelta3']; ?>" /> 277 <?php _e( 'choice', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?>#4:<input type="text" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[scelta4]" value="<?php echo $options['scelta4']; ?>" /></td> 278 </tr> 279 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'show Confirmation checkbox', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 280 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[conferma]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['conferma'] ); ?> /></td> 281 </tr> 282 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'show User email', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 283 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[usermail]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['usermail'] ); ?> /></td> 284 </tr> 285 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'show User info', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 286 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userinfo]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['userinfo'] ); ?> /></td> 287 </tr> 288 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'show User', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 289 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid]" type="radio" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['userid'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'name and surname', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 290 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid]" type="radio" value="2" <?php checked( '2', $options['userid'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'nickname', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 291 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid]" type="radio" value="3" <?php checked( '3', $options['userid'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'login id', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 292 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid]" type="radio" value="4" <?php checked( '4', $options['userid'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'display name', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 293 </td> 294 </tr> 295 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'show User', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?>@admin</th> 296 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="0" <?php checked( '0', $options['userid_adm'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'all', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 297 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['userid_adm'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'name and surname', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 298 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="2" <?php checked( '2', $options['userid_adm'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'nickname', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 299 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="3" <?php checked( '3', $options['userid_adm'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'login id', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 300 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[userid_adm]" type="radio" value="4" <?php checked( '4', $options['userid_adm'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'display name', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 301 </td> 302 </tr> 303 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'show Total users', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 304 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[user_total]" type="radio" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['user_total'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'booked', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 305 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[user_total]" type="radio" value="2" <?php checked( '2', $options['user_total'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'confirmed', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 306 <input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[user_total]" type="radio" value="3" <?php checked( '3', $options['user_total'] ); ?>> <?php _e( 'both', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 307 </td> 308 </tr> 309 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Event Info', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 310 <td><textarea rows="3" cols="80" style="height: 100px; width: 60%;" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[Note]"><?php echo $options['Note']; ?></textarea></td> 311 </tr> 312 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Allow data export', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 313 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[esporta]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['esporta'] ); ?> /></td> 314 </tr> 315 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Team list', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 316 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[teamlist]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['teamlist'] ); ?> /> <?php _e( 'with', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> <input type="number" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[teamnumbers]" value="<?php echo $options['teamnumbers']; ?>" min="1" max="50" /> <?php _e( 'elements.', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> 317 <?php _e( 'First number:', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> <input type="number" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[teamfirst]" value="<?php echo $options['teamfirst']; ?>" min="0"/></td> 318 </tr> 319 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Max users allowed to subscribe', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 320 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[maxusers]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['maxusers'] ); ?> /> 321 <?php _e( 'Max number:', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?> <input type="number" name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[maxusersnr]" value="<?php echo $options['maxusersnr']; ?>" min="1"/></td> 322 </tr> 323 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Visible to Logged only users', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 324 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[LoggedOnly]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['LoggedOnly'] ); ?> /></td> 325 </tr> 326 <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Not Logged users can book', 'wp-fevents-book' ); ?></th> 327 <td><input name="<?php echo $aridx; ?>[NotLoggedCanBook]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked( '1', $options['NotLoggedCanBook'] ); ?> /></td> 328 </tr> 329 <tr><td colspan="2"> 330 <p class="submit"> 331 <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e( 'Save Changes', 'wp-fevents-book' ) ?>" /> 332 <?php 333 if ( '' != $options['Descrizione'] ) { 334 $evdesc = ' ID=' . $cnt . ' [' . $options['Descrizione'] . '] '; 335 $question = __( 'Delete all Users booked to the event with ', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . $evdesc . '?'; 336 ?> 337 <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e( 'Clear booked users list', 'wp-fevents-book' ) ?>" 338 onclick="var r = confirm('<?php echo $question; ?>'); 339 if (r === true) { 340 document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].elements[0].value =<?php echo $cnt; ?>; 341 document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].submit(); 342 } 343 return false;"> 344 <?php if ( $cnt == sizeof( $optionsA ) - 1 ) { //cancellabile solo l'ultimo evento! gli utenti contengono ID evento (sic!) ?> 345 <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e( 'Delete Event and its booked users', 'wp-fevents-book' ) ?>" onclick="var r = confirm('<?php 346 _e( 'Delete Event', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 347 echo $evdesc; 348 _e( 'and all its booked users?', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 349 ?>'); 350 if (r === true) { 351 document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].elements[0].value =<?php echo $cnt; ?>; 352 document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].elements[1].value = 'YES'; 353 document.forms['wpfeventsbookdel'].submit(); 354 } 355 return false;"> 356 <?php 357 } 358 } else { 359 echo _e( 'adding this new event', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 360 } 361 ?> 362 </p> 363 </td></tr> 364 <tr><td colspan="2"><hr/></td></tr> 365 <?php 366 if ( '' == $options['Descrizione'] ) { 367 break; 368 } 369 $cnt++; 370 } 371 ?> 316 372 </table> 317 373 </form> 318 374 </div> 319 <?php 320 } 321 375 <?php 376 } 377 322 378 public function echo_fsubmenu() 323 379 { 324 echo 'PAGINA SUBMENU DI ' .$this->wpf_name;325 } 326 327 public function add_fshortcode( $atts)328 { 329 extract( shortcode_atts(array(330 'eventid' => -1331 ), $atts));332 380 echo 'PAGINA SUBMENU DI ' . $this->wpf_name; 381 } 382 383 public function add_fshortcode( $atts ) 384 { 385 extract( shortcode_atts( array( 386 'eventid' => -1 387 ), $atts ) ); 388 333 389 $options = stripslashes_deep( get_option( $this->wpf_code ) ); 334 390 //evento defaults fields values 335 391 $evento_default = array( 336 'attivo' => '',337 'usermail' => '',338 'scelta' => '',339 'teamlist' => '',340 'scelte' => '',341 'userinfo' => '',342 'conferma' => '',343 'esporta' => '',344 'maxusers' => '',345 'maxusersnr' => '',392 'attivo' => '', 393 'usermail' => '', 394 'scelta' => '', 395 'teamlist' => '', 396 'scelte' => '', 397 'userinfo' => '', 398 'conferma' => '', 399 'esporta' => '', 400 'maxusers' => '', 401 'maxusersnr' => '', 346 402 ); 347 403 348 404 //nessun evento!! 349 if ($options == null) return ""; 350 351 if ($eventid != -1) { 352 $evento = $options[$eventid]; 353 $evento = array_merge($evento_default, $evento); 354 return $this->show_fshortcode($eventid, $evento); 355 } 356 else { 405 if ( $options == null ) { 406 return ""; 407 } 408 if ( $eventid != -1 ) { 409 $evento = array_merge( $evento_default, $options[$eventid] ); 410 return $this->show_fshortcode( $eventid, $evento ); 411 } else { 357 412 // loop su tutti gli eventi esistenti; visualizza quelli attivi 358 413 $rethtml = ""; 359 414 $cnt = 0; 360 foreach ($options as $eventidloop) { 361 $eventol = $options[$cnt]; 362 $eventol = array_merge($evento_default, $eventol); 363 $rethtml .= $this->show_fshortcode($cnt, $eventol); 415 foreach ( $options as $eventidloop ) { 416 $eventol = array_merge( $evento_default, $eventidloop ); 417 $rethtml .= $this->show_fshortcode( $cnt, $eventol ); 364 418 $cnt++; 365 419 } … … 367 421 } 368 422 } 369 423 370 424 // $eventid=event_id, $evento=event_options 371 private function show_fshortcode($eventid, $evento) 372 { 373 if ( ! $evento['attivo'] ) 374 return '<!-- SHORTCODE NON ATTIVO DI '.$this->wpf_name.' con ID='.$eventid.' VER. '.$this->VER.' --><br/>'; 425 private function show_fshortcode( $eventid, $evento ) 426 { 427 if ( !$evento['attivo'] ) { 428 return '<!-- SHORTCODE NON ATTIVO DI ' . $this->wpf_name . ' con ID=' . $eventid . ' VER. ' . $this->VER . ' --><br/>'; 429 } 375 430 if ( $_POST ) { 376 431 $idUser = $_POST['idUser']; 377 432 $idEvent = $_POST['idEvent']; 378 433 $txtComments = $_POST['txtComments']; 379 $boolConfrm = $_POST['boolConfrm'];380 $usteam = $_POST['NrUserTeam'];381 $scelta = $_POST['scelta'];434 $boolConfrm = isset( $_POST['boolConfrm'] ) ? $_POST['boolConfrm'] : ''; 435 $usteam = isset( $_POST['NrUserTeam'] ) ? $_POST['NrUserTeam'] : ''; 436 $scelta = isset( $_POST['scelta'] ) ? $_POST['scelta'] : ''; 382 437 $cmd = $_POST['cmdSubmit']; 438 $idUserName = isset( $_POST['idUserName'] ) ? $_POST['idUserName'] : ''; // set only if NotLoggedCanBook=1 383 439 $nuovoiscritto = array( 384 'idUser' => $idUser, 385 'note' => $txtComments, 386 'confrm' => $boolConfrm, 387 'usteam' => $usteam, 388 'scelta' => $scelta, 389 'ID' => $idEvent); 390 391 if ( $eventid == $idEvent ) 392 { 393 if ( isset( $cmd ) ) 394 { 395 $addnew = true; 396 if (!add_option ( $this->wpf_code.'iscritti', array($nuovoiscritto )) ) { 397 $iscrittieventi = get_option( $this->wpf_code.'iscritti' ); 398 $cntisc = 0; 399 foreach ($iscrittieventi as $iscritto) { 400 //estrazione iscritti all'evento in oggetto 401 if ( $iscritto['ID'] == $eventid ) { 402 if ( $iscritto['idUser'] == $idUser ) { 403 // l'utente e' gia' iscritto: 404 $addnew = false; 405 if ( __('DELETE' , 'wp-fevents-book') == $cmd ) { 406 // lo elimino 407 unset( $iscrittieventi[$cntisc] ); 408 } 409 else { 410 // o aggiorno le note 411 $iscrittieventi[$cntisc]['note'] = $txtComments; 412 // ... la conferma ... 413 $iscrittieventi[$cntisc]['confrm'] = $boolConfrm; 414 // ... il numero di squadra ... 415 $iscrittieventi[$cntisc]['usteam'] = $usteam; 416 // ... e la scelta 417 $iscrittieventi[$cntisc]['scelta'] = $scelta; 418 } 419 } 420 } 421 $cntisc++; 422 } 423 //ricompatta 424 $iscrittieventi = array_values($iscrittieventi); 425 if ( $addnew ) 426 array_push( $iscrittieventi, $nuovoiscritto ); 427 update_option ( $this->wpf_code.'iscritti', $iscrittieventi ); 428 } 440 'idUser' => $idUser, 441 'note' => $txtComments, 442 'confrm' => $boolConfrm, 443 'usteam' => $usteam, 444 'scelta' => $scelta, 445 'ID' => $idEvent, 446 'idUserName' => $idUserName ); 447 448 if ( $eventid == $idEvent ) { 449 if ( isset( $cmd ) ) { 450 $this->do_save( $nuovoiscritto, $cmd, $eventid ); 429 451 } 430 452 } 431 453 } 432 454 //^^^ POST 433 434 455 //info utente loggato ( 0=non loggato ) 435 456 $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); 436 457 $idUser = $current_user->ID; 437 $isuseradmin = $current_user->has_cap( 'edit_users');438 439 $iscritto_default = array 440 'scelta' => ''458 $isuseradmin = $current_user->has_cap( 'edit_users' ); 459 460 $iscritto_default = array( 461 'scelta' => '' 441 462 ); 442 $elencoiscritti = array 463 $elencoiscritti = array(); 443 464 //estrae iscritti all'evento ID 444 $iscrittieventi = get_option( $this->wpf_code .'iscritti' );465 $iscrittieventi = get_option( $this->wpf_code . 'iscritti' ); 445 466 $cntiscritti = 0; 446 467 $usernote = ''; 447 468 $usteam = 0; 448 469 $uschoice = ''; 449 if ( $iscrittieventi != null ) 470 if ( $iscrittieventi != null ) { 450 471 foreach ( $iscrittieventi as $iscritto ) { 451 472 //estrazione iscritti all'evento in oggetto 452 473 if ( $iscritto['ID'] == $eventid ) { 453 $iscritto = array_merge( $iscritto_default, $iscritto);474 $iscritto = array_merge( $iscritto_default, $iscritto ); 454 475 $usteama = $iscritto['usteam'] == '' ? 0 : $iscritto['usteam']; 455 $elencoiscritti[$cntiscritti++] = array ( $iscritto['idUser'], $iscritto['note'], $iscritto['confrm'], $usteama, $iscritto['scelta'] );476 $elencoiscritti[$cntiscritti++] = array( $iscritto['idUser'], $iscritto['note'], $iscritto['confrm'], $usteama, $iscritto['scelta'], $iscritto['ID'], $iscritto['idUserName'] ); 456 477 if ( $iscritto['idUser'] == $idUser ) { 457 478 // almeno un blank se l'utente e' gia' iscritto … … 462 483 } 463 484 } 464 485 } 465 486 //crea output html 466 if ( 0==$idUser && $evento['LoggedOnly']) { 467 $out = __('Not logged User - access to the service denied' , 'wp-fevents-book'); 468 $out .= ' <a href="'.wp_login_url( get_permalink() ).'" title="Login">login</a>'; 469 } 470 else { 487 if ( 0 == $idUser && $evento['LoggedOnly'] ) { 488 $out = __( 'Not logged User - access to the service denied', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 489 $out .= ' <a href="' . wp_login_url( get_permalink() ) . '" title="Login">login</a>'; 490 } else { 471 491 $out = $this->out_form_input( $evento, $eventid, $current_user, $idUser, $usernote, $usteam, $uschoice, $isuseradmin, $cntiscritti ); 472 492 $out .= $this->out_form_list( $evento, $elencoiscritti, $cntiscritti, $isuseradmin ); 473 493 } 474 return '<!-- SHORTCODE DI ' .$this->wpf_name.' con ID='.$eventid.' VER. '.$this->VER. '--><br/>'.$out;475 } 476 494 return '<!-- SHORTCODE DI ' . $this->wpf_name . ' con ID=' . $eventid . ' VER. ' . $this->VER . '--><br/>' . $out; 495 } 496 477 497 public function uninstall_fplugin() 478 498 { 479 } 480 499 500 } 501 502 private function do_save( $nuovoiscritto, $cmd, $eventid ) 503 { 504 $addnew = true; 505 if ( !add_option( $this->wpf_code . 'iscritti', array( $nuovoiscritto ) ) ) { 506 $iscrittieventi = get_option( $this->wpf_code . 'iscritti' ); 507 $cntisc = 0; 508 foreach ( $iscrittieventi as $iscritto ) { 509 //estrazione iscritti all'evento in oggetto 510 if ( $iscritto['ID'] == $eventid ) { 511 if ( $iscritto['idUser'] == $nuovoiscritto['idUser'] ) { 512 // l'utente e' gia' iscritto: 513 $addnew = false; 514 if ( __( 'DELETE', 'wp-fevents-book' ) == $cmd ) { 515 // lo elimino 516 unset( $iscrittieventi[$cntisc] ); 517 } else { 518 // o aggiorno le note 519 $iscrittieventi[$cntisc]['note'] = $nuovoiscritto['note']; 520 // ... la conferma ... 521 $iscrittieventi[$cntisc]['confrm'] = $nuovoiscritto['confrm']; 522 // ... il numero di squadra ... 523 $iscrittieventi[$cntisc]['usteam'] = $nuovoiscritto['usteam']; 524 // ... e la scelta 525 $iscrittieventi[$cntisc]['scelta'] = $nuovoiscritto['scelta']; 526 } 527 } 528 } 529 $cntisc++; 530 } 531 //ricompatta 532 $iscrittieventicmp = array_values( $iscrittieventi ); 533 if ( $addnew ) { 534 array_push( $iscrittieventicmp, $nuovoiscritto ); 535 } 536 update_option( $this->wpf_code . 'iscritti', $iscrittieventicmp ); 537 } 538 } 539 481 540 public function out_form_input( $evento, $eventid, $current_user, $idUser, $usernote, $usteam, $uschoice, $isuseradmin, $cntiscritti ) 482 541 { 483 542 $enablesubmit = 'submit'; 484 if ( $idUser==0 ) { 485 $username = __('Not logged in user, please login to book!' , 'wp-fevents-book'); 486 $username .= ' <a href="'.wp_login_url( get_permalink() ).'" title="Login">login</a>'; 543 $allscanbook = $evento['NotLoggedCanBook']; 544 if ( $idUser == 0 && $allscanbook == 0 ) { 545 $username = __( 'Not logged in user, please login to book!', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 546 $username .= ' <a href="' . wp_login_url( get_permalink() ) . '" title="Login">login</a>'; 487 547 $enablesubmit = 'hidden'; 488 } 489 else 490 $username = $current_user->user_firstname.' '.$current_user->user_lastname; 491 492 $today = strtotime('now'); 493 $exp_date = strtotime($evento['Scadenza']); 548 } else { 549 if ( $idUser == 0 ) { 550 $idUser = -($cntiscritti + 1); //NotLoggedCanBook: idUser negativo sicuramente minore del minimo presente 551 $username = '<input type="text" name="idUserName" value="" size="5" style="width:250px;">'; 552 } else { 553 $username = $current_user->user_firstname . ' ' . $current_user->user_lastname; 554 } 555 } 556 $today = strtotime( 'now' ); 557 $exp_date = strtotime( $evento['Scadenza'] ); 494 558 //$exp_date = $evento['Scadenza']; //UNIX datestamp!! 495 $exp_str = date_i18n( get_option('date_format') ,$exp_date);559 $exp_str = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), $exp_date ); 496 560 //utente attuale non iscritto 497 if ( $usernote =='' ) {498 $btnval = __( 'BOOK ME!' , 'wp-fevents-book');561 if ( $usernote == '' ) { 562 $btnval = __( 'BOOK ME!', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 499 563 if ( $evento['maxusers'] ) { 500 if ( $cntiscritti >= $evento['maxusersnr'] ) 501 $btnval = __( 'Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!' , 'wp-fevents-book'); 502 } 503 } 504 else 505 $btnval = __( 'Update my booking!' , 'wp-fevents-book'); 506 $out = '<div style="margin-bottom: 0px; border: 2px solid '.$evento['Colore'].'; border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px;">'; 507 $out .= '<form name="wpfeventsbookform_'.$eventid.'" method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER[ "REQUEST_URI" ].'" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">'; 508 if ( $isuseradmin ) 509 $out .= 'UserID = <input type="text" name="idUser" value="'.$idUser.'" size="5" style="width:50px;"> 510 <input type="submit" name="cmdSubmit" value="'.__('DELETE' , 'wp-fevents-book').'" style="background-color:'.$evento['Colore'].'; color: #666666;" /> 511 <input type="submit" name="cmdSubmit" value="'.__('ADD/UPDATE' , 'wp-fevents-book').'" style="background-color:'.$evento['Colore'].'; color: #666666;" />'; 512 else 513 $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="idUser" value="'.$idUser.'">'; 514 $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="idEvent" value="'.$eventid.'"> 515 <table id="wpfevent_'.$eventid.'" class="wpfevent_table" border="2" width="80%" > 564 if ( $cntiscritti >= $evento['maxusersnr'] ) { 565 $btnval = __( 'Book NOT POSSIBLE; max number reached!', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 566 } 567 } 568 } else { 569 $btnval = __( 'Update my booking!', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 570 } 571 $out = '<div style="margin-bottom: 0px; border: 2px solid ' . $evento['Colore'] . '; border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px;">'; 572 $out .= '<form name="wpfeventsbookform_' . $eventid . '" method="POST" action="' . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . '" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">'; 573 if ( $isuseradmin ) { 574 $out .= 'UserID = <input type="text" name="idUser" value="' . $idUser . '" size="5" style="width:50px;"> 575 <input type="submit" name="cmdSubmit" value="' . __( 'DELETE', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '" style="background-color:' . $evento['Colore'] . '; color: #666666;" /> 576 <input type="submit" name="cmdSubmit" value="' . __( 'ADD/UPDATE', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '" style="background-color:' . $evento['Colore'] . '; color: #666666;" />'; 577 } else { 578 $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="idUser" value="' . $idUser . '">'; 579 } 580 $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="idEvent" value="' . $eventid . '"> 581 <table id="wpfevent_' . $eventid . '" class="wpfevent_table" border="2" width="80%" > 516 582 <tbody> 517 <tr><th>'.__('Description' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th><td style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight:bold; font-size:200%; background:'.$evento['Colore'].'">'.$evento['Descrizione'].'</td></tr>'; 518 if ( $exp_date > $today && $exp_date != '' ) 519 $out .= '<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap">'.__('Date (mm/dd/yyyy)' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th><td>'.$evento['Data'].' <span class="expirewarn">['.__('please subscribe before' , 'wp-fevents-book').' <span class="expired">'.$exp_str.'</span>]</span></td></tr>'; 520 else if ( $evento['Data']!='') 521 $out .= '<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap">'.__('Date (mm/dd/yyyy)' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th><td>'.$evento['Data'].'</td></tr>'; 522 if ( $evento['Luogo']!='') 523 $out .= '<tr><th>'.__('Place' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th><td>'.$evento['Luogo'].'</td></tr>'; 524 if ( $evento['Note']!='') 525 $out .= '<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap">'.__('Event Info' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th><td>'.$evento['Note'].'</td></tr>'; 526 583 <tr><th>' . __( 'Description', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th><td style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight:bold; font-size:200%; background:' . $evento['Colore'] . '">' . $evento['Descrizione'] . '</td></tr>'; 584 if ( $exp_date > $today && $exp_date != '' ) { 585 $out .= '<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap">' . __( 'Date (mm/dd/yyyy)', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th><td>' . $evento['Data'] . ' <span class="expirewarn">[' . __( 'please subscribe before', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ' <span class="expired">' . $exp_str . '</span>]</span></td></tr>'; 586 } else if ( $evento['Data'] != '' ) { 587 $out .= '<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap">' . __( 'Date (mm/dd/yyyy)', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th><td>' . $evento['Data'] . '</td></tr>'; 588 } 589 if ( $evento['Luogo'] != '' ) { 590 $out .= '<tr><th>' . __( 'Place', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th><td>' . $evento['Luogo'] . '</td></tr>'; 591 } 592 if ( $evento['Note'] != '' ) { 593 $out .= '<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap">' . __( 'Event Info', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th><td>' . $evento['Note'] . '</td></tr>'; 594 } 527 595 //$out .= 'oggi='.$today.' scadenza='.$exp_date; 528 596 if ( $exp_date < $today && $exp_date != '' ) { 529 $out .= '<tr><th></th><td style="font-weight:bold; background:'.$evento['Colore'].'; color: #666666;">'.__('Event EXPIRED' , 'wp-fevents-book').' '.$exp_str.'</td></tr>'; 530 } 531 else { 597 $out .= '<tr><th></th><td style="font-weight:bold; background:' . $evento['Colore'] . '; color: #666666;">' . __( 'Event EXPIRED', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ' ' . $exp_str . '</td></tr>'; 598 } else { 532 599 $out .= '<tr> 533 <th>'.__('User' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th> 534 <td>'.$username.' <input type="'.$enablesubmit.'" name="cmdSubmit" value="'.$btnval.'" style="background-color:'.$evento['Colore'].';">'; 535 if ( $idUser!=0 && $usernote!='') 536 $out .= '<br/>'.__('(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the Confirmation)' , 'wp-fevents-book'); 600 <th>' . __( 'User', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th> 601 <td>' . $username . ' <input type="' . $enablesubmit . '" name="cmdSubmit" value="' . $btnval . '" style="background-color:' . $evento['Colore'] . ';">'; 602 if ( $idUser != 0 && $usernote != '' ) { 603 $out .= '<br/>' . __( '(if the user has already booked it is possible to modify the Notes and the Confirmation)', 'wp-fevents-book' ); 604 } 537 605 } 538 606 $out .= '</td> … … 540 608 if ( $evento['scelte'] ) { 541 609 $out .= '<tr> 542 <th valign="top">' .$evento['sceltatxt'].':</th>610 <th valign="top">' . $evento['sceltatxt'] . ':</th> 543 611 <td>'; 544 612 $out .= ' 545 <input type="radio" name="scelta" value="' .$evento['scelta1'].'" '.checked($evento['scelta1'], $uschoice, false).'>'.$evento['scelta1'].'546 <input type="radio" name="scelta" value="' .$evento['scelta2'].'" '.checked($evento['scelta2'], $uschoice, false).'>'.$evento['scelta2'].'547 <input type="radio" name="scelta" value="' .$evento['scelta3'].'" '.checked($evento['scelta3'], $uschoice, false).'>'.$evento['scelta3'].'548 <input type="radio" name="scelta" value="' .$evento['scelta4'].'" '.checked($evento['scelta4'], $uschoice, false).'>'.$evento['scelta4'];613 <input type="radio" name="scelta" value="' . $evento['scelta1'] . '" ' . checked( $evento['scelta1'], $uschoice, false ) . '>' . $evento['scelta1'] . ' 614 <input type="radio" name="scelta" value="' . $evento['scelta2'] . '" ' . checked( $evento['scelta2'], $uschoice, false ) . '>' . $evento['scelta2'] . ' 615 <input type="radio" name="scelta" value="' . $evento['scelta3'] . '" ' . checked( $evento['scelta3'], $uschoice, false ) . '>' . $evento['scelta3'] . ' 616 <input type="radio" name="scelta" value="' . $evento['scelta4'] . '" ' . checked( $evento['scelta4'], $uschoice, false ) . '>' . $evento['scelta4']; 549 617 $out .= '</td> 550 618 </tr>'; … … 553 621 $tmx = $evento['teamfirst'] + $evento['teamnumbers']; 554 622 $out .= '<tr> 555 <th valign="top">' .__('Team number' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th>556 <td><input type="number" name="NrUserTeam" value="' .$usteam.'" min="'.$evento['teamfirst'].'" max="'.$tmx.'"></td>623 <th valign="top">' . __( 'Team number', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th> 624 <td><input type="number" name="NrUserTeam" value="' . $usteam . '" min="' . $evento['teamfirst'] . '" max="' . $tmx . '"></td> 557 625 </tr>'; 558 626 } 559 627 $out .= '<tr> 560 <th valign="top">' .__('User notes' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th>561 <td><textarea name="txtComments" rows="3" >' .$usernote.'</textarea></td>628 <th valign="top">' . __( 'User notes', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th> 629 <td><textarea name="txtComments" rows="3" >' . $usernote . '</textarea></td> 562 630 </tr>'; 563 631 if ( $evento['conferma'] ) { 564 632 $out .= '<tr> 565 <th valign="top">' .__('Confirmed' , 'wp-fevents-book').':</th>633 <th valign="top">' . __( 'Confirmed', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . ':</th> 566 634 <td><input type="checkbox" name="boolConfrm" /></td> 567 635 </tr>'; … … 572 640 return $out; 573 641 } 574 642 575 643 public function out_form_list( $evento, $elencoiscritti, $cntiscritti, $isuseradmin ) 576 644 { … … 578 646 $cntconf = 0; 579 647 $out = '<table><tbody><tr>'; 580 if ( $evento['esporta'] ) 581 $out .= '<th style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight:bold; background:'.$evento['Colore'].'"><a href="#" title="'.__('CSV export' , 'wp-fevents-book').'" onclick="document.forms[\'wpfeventsbookform_'.$evento['IDevento'].'\'].submit(); return false;">'.__('Booked users list' , 'wp-fevents-book').'</a></th>'; 582 else 583 $out .= '<th style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight:bold; background:'.$evento['Colore'].'">'.__('Booked users list' , 'wp-fevents-book').'</th>'; 648 if ( $evento['esporta'] ) { 649 $out .= '<th style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight:bold; background:' . $evento['Colore'] . '"><a href="#" title="' . __( 'CSV export', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '" onclick="document.forms[\'wpfeventsbookform_' . $evento['IDevento'] . '\'].submit(); return false;">' . __( 'Booked users list', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '</a></th>'; 650 } else { 651 $out .= '<th style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight:bold; background:' . $evento['Colore'] . '">' . __( 'Booked users list', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '</th>'; 652 } 584 653 if ( $evento['usermail'] ) { 585 $out .= '<th>' .__('Email' , 'wp-fevents-book').'</th>';654 $out .= '<th>' . __( 'Email', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '</th>'; 586 655 } 587 656 if ( $evento['userinfo'] ) { 588 $out .= '<th>' .__('Info' , 'wp-fevents-book').'</th>';657 $out .= '<th>' . __( 'Info', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '</th>'; 589 658 } 590 659 if ( $evento['teamlist'] ) { 591 $out .= '<th>' .__('Team Nr' , 'wp-fevents-book').'</th>';592 } 593 $out .= '<th>' .__('Notes' , 'wp-fevents-book').'</th>';660 $out .= '<th>' . __( 'Team Nr', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '</th>'; 661 } 662 $out .= '<th>' . __( 'Notes', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '</th>'; 594 663 if ( $evento['conferma'] ) { 595 $out .= '<th>' .__('Confirmed' , 'wp-fevents-book').'</th>';664 $out .= '<th>' . __( 'Confirmed', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '</th>'; 596 665 } 597 666 if ( $evento['scelte'] ) { 598 $out .= '<th>' .__('Choice' , 'wp-fevents-book').'</th>';667 $out .= '<th>' . __( 'Choice', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . '</th>'; 599 668 } 600 669 $out .= '</tr>'; 601 if ( $cntiscritti > 0 ) 602 foreach ( $elencoiscritti as $key => $value ) { 603 //$out .= 'Key: $key; Values: $value[0] $value[1] $value[2] $value[3] $value[4]<br />'; 604 //array ($iscritto['idUser'], $iscritto['note'], $iscritto['confrm'], $usteam, $iscritto['scelta']) 605 $user = get_userdata( $value[0] ); 606 if ( $isuseradmin ) { 607 $username = '-FnLn: '.$user->user_firstname.' '.$user->user_lastname.' -L: '.$user->user_login.' -N: '.$user->user_nicename.' -D: '.$user->display_name; 608 if ( $evento['userid_adm'] == 1 ) 609 $username = $user->user_firstname.' '.$user->user_lastname; 610 if ( $evento['userid_adm'] == 2 ) 611 $username = $user->user_nicename; 612 if ( $evento['userid_adm'] == 3 ) 613 $username = $user->user_login; 614 if ( $evento['userid_adm'] == 4 ) 615 $username = $user->display_name; 616 $username = $username.' ['.$value[0].']'; 617 } 618 else { 619 if ( $evento['userid'] == 1 ) 620 $username = $user->user_firstname.' '.$user->user_lastname; 621 if ( $evento['userid'] == 2 ) 622 $username = $user->user_nicename; 623 if ( $evento['userid'] == 3 ) 624 $username = $user->user_login; 625 if ( $evento['userid'] == 4 ) 626 $username = $user->display_name; 627 } 628 $email = $user->user_email; 629 $info = get_the_author_meta( 'annonascita', $user->ID ).' '.get_the_author_meta( 'tessera', $user->ID ).' tg.'.get_the_author_meta( 'taglia', $user->ID ); 630 $out .= '<tr><td>'.$username.'</td>'; 631 if ( $evento['usermail'] ) $out .= '<td>'.$email.'</td>'; 632 if ( $evento['userinfo'] ) $out .= '<td>'.$info.'</td>'; 633 if ( $evento['teamlist'] ) { 634 //TeamNumber usteam 635 $out .= '<td>'.$value[3].'</td>'; 636 } 637 //UserNotes 638 $out .= '<td>'.$value[1].'</td>'; 639 if ( $evento['conferma'] ) { 640 $chkcfg = ''; 641 if ( $value[2] == 'on' ) { 642 $chkcfg = ' checked="true"'; 643 $cntconf++; 644 } 645 $out .= '<td><input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"'.$chkcfg.'></td>'; 646 } 647 // 648 if ( $evento['scelte'] ) { 649 $out .= '<td>'.$value[4].'</td>'; 650 } 651 $out .= '</tr>'; 652 $cnt++; 670 if ( $cntiscritti > 0 ) { 671 //foreach ( $elencoiscritti as $key => $value ) { 672 foreach ( $elencoiscritti as $value ) { 673 //echo ('Key:' . $key . '; Values 0:' . $value[0] . ' 1:' . $value[1] . ' 2:' . $value[2] . ' 3:' . $value[3] . ' 4:' . $value[4] . ' 5:' . $value[5] . ' 6:' . $value[6] . '<br />'); 674 //array ($iscritto['idUser'], $iscritto['note'], $iscritto['confrm'], $usteam, $iscritto['scelta'], $iscritto['ID'], $iscritto['idUserName']); 675 $username = ''; 676 if ( $value[0] > 0 ) { 677 $user = get_userdata( $value[0] ); 678 if ( $isuseradmin ) { 679 $username = '-FnLn: ' . $user->user_firstname . ' ' . $user->user_lastname . ' -L: ' . $user->user_login . ' -N: ' . $user->user_nicename . ' -D: ' . $user->display_name; 680 switch ( $evento['userid_adm'] ) { 681 case 1: 682 $username = $user->user_firstname . ' ' . $user->user_lastname; 683 break; 684 case 2: 685 $username = $user->user_nicename; 686 break; 687 case 3: 688 $username = $user->user_login; 689 break; 690 case 4: 691 $username = $user->display_name; 692 } 693 $username .= ' [' . $value[0] . '] '; 694 } else { 695 switch ( $evento['userid'] ) { 696 case 1: 697 $username = $user->user_firstname . ' ' . $user->user_lastname; 698 break; 699 case 2: 700 $username = $user->user_nicename; 701 break; 702 case 3: 703 $username = $user->user_login; 704 break; 705 case 4: 706 $username = $user->display_name; 707 } 708 } 709 $email = $user->user_email; 710 $info = get_the_author_meta( 'annonascita', $user->ID ) . ' ' . get_the_author_meta( 'tessera', $user->ID ) . ' tg.' . get_the_author_meta( 'taglia', $user->ID ); 711 } else { 712 $email = ''; 713 $info = ''; 714 } 715 // idUserName, set only if NotLoggedCanBook=1 716 if ( isset( $value[6] ) && $value[0] < 0 ) { 717 $username .= $value[6]; 718 if ( $isuseradmin ) { 719 //display the idUser 720 $username .= ' [' . $value[0] . '] '; 721 } 722 } 723 724 $out .= '<tr><td>' . $username . '</td>'; 725 if ( $evento['usermail'] ) { 726 $out .= '<td>' . $email . '</td>'; 727 } 728 if ( $evento['userinfo'] ) { 729 $out .= '<td>' . $info . '</td>'; 730 } 731 if ( $evento['teamlist'] ) { 732 //TeamNumber usteam 733 $out .= '<td>' . $value[3] . '</td>'; 734 } 735 //UserNotes 736 $out .= '<td>' . $value[1] . '</td>'; 737 if ( $evento['conferma'] ) { 738 $chkcfg = ''; 739 if ( $value[2] == 'on' ) { 740 $chkcfg = ' checked="true"'; 741 $cntconf++; 742 } 743 $out .= '<td><input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"' . $chkcfg . '></td>'; 744 } 745 //UserChoice 746 if ( $evento['scelte'] ) { 747 $out .= '<td>' . $value[4] . '</td>'; 748 } 749 $out .= '</tr>'; 750 $cnt++; 751 } 653 752 } 654 753 switch ( $evento['user_total'] ) { 655 754 case 1: 656 $out .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' .__( 'Total booked users: ' , 'wp-fevents-book').$cnt.'</td></tr></tbody></table></div>';657 break;755 $out .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' . __( 'Total booked users: ', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . $cnt . '</td></tr></tbody></table></div>'; 756 break; 658 757 case 2: 659 $out .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' .__( 'Total confirmed users: ' , 'wp-fevents-book').$cntconf.'</td></tr></tbody></table></div>';660 break;758 $out .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' . __( 'Total confirmed users: ', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . $cntconf . '</td></tr></tbody></table></div>'; 759 break; 661 760 default: //3 or not set 662 $out .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' .__( 'Total confirmed / booked users: ' , 'wp-fevents-book').$cntconf.' / '.$cnt.'</td></tr></tbody></table></div>';761 $out .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' . __( 'Total confirmed / booked users: ', 'wp-fevents-book' ) . $cntconf . ' / ' . $cnt . '</td></tr></tbody></table></div>'; 663 762 } 664 763 return $out; 665 764 } 666 667 public function delete_event( $delete_eventid, $remove_event)765 766 public function delete_event( $delete_eventid, $remove_event ) 668 767 { 669 768 //estrae iscritti all'evento ID 670 $iscrittieventi = get_option( $this->wpf_code .'iscritti' );769 $iscrittieventi = get_option( $this->wpf_code . 'iscritti' ); 671 770 $cntisc = 0; 672 if ( $iscrittieventi != null ) 771 if ( $iscrittieventi != null ) { 673 772 foreach ( $iscrittieventi as $iscritto ) { 674 773 //estrazione iscritti all'evento in oggetto 675 if ( $iscritto['ID'] == $delete_eventid ) 676 unset ( $iscrittieventi[$cntisc] ); 774 if ( $iscritto['ID'] == $delete_eventid ) { 775 unset( $iscrittieventi[$cntisc] ); 776 } 677 777 $cntisc++; 678 778 } 779 } 679 780 //ricompatta 680 $iscrittieventi = array_values( $iscrittieventi );681 update_option ( $this->wpf_code.'iscritti', $iscrittieventi);682 echo 'DELETED Users at Event ID=' .$delete_eventid;683 781 $iscrittieventicmp = array_values( $iscrittieventi ); 782 update_option( $this->wpf_code . 'iscritti', $iscrittieventicmp ); 783 echo 'DELETED Users at Event ID=' . $delete_eventid; 784 684 785 if ( $remove_event == 'YES' ) { 685 786 //estrae elenco eventi 686 787 $events = get_option( $this->wpf_code ); 687 unset 788 unset( $events[$delete_eventid] ); 688 789 //NON ricompattare - ID utilizzato da $this->wpf_code.'iscritti' 689 790 //$events = array_values( $events ); 690 update_option 691 echo '... DELETED Event ID=' .$delete_eventid;692 } 693 } 694 791 update_option( $this->wpf_code, $events ); 792 echo '... DELETED Event ID=' . $delete_eventid; 793 } 794 } 795 695 796 public function generate_csv() 696 797 { 697 if ( isset( $_POST['idEvent']) ) {698 if ( isset( $_POST['cmdSubmit']) )798 if ( isset( $_POST['idEvent'] ) ) { 799 if ( isset( $_POST['cmdSubmit'] ) ) { 699 800 return; 700 801 } 802 701 803 $idEvent = $_POST['idEvent']; 702 804 $sitename = sanitize_key( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ); 703 if ( ! empty( $sitename ) )805 if ( !empty( $sitename ) ) { 704 806 $sitename .= '_'; 807 } 705 808 $filename = $sitename . 'users@event#' . $idEvent . 'T' . date( 'Y-m-d-H-i-s' ) . '.csv'; 706 809 … … 709 812 header( 'Content-Type: text/csv; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ), true ); 710 813 711 echo '"IdUser", "User", "Email", "Info", "UserNotes", "Confirm", "Choice"' . chr( 13);814 echo '"IdUser", "User", "Email", "Info", "UserNotes", "Confirm", "Choice"' . chr( 13 ); 712 815 //estrae iscritti all'evento ID 713 $iscrittieventi = get_option( $this->wpf_code.'iscritti' ); 714 715 if ( $iscrittieventi != null ) 716 { 816 $iscrittieventi = get_option( $this->wpf_code . 'iscritti' ); 817 818 if ( $iscrittieventi != null ) { 717 819 foreach ( $iscrittieventi as $iscritto ) { 718 820 //estrazione iscritti all'evento in oggetto 719 if ( $iscritto['ID'] == $idEvent ) 720 { 721 $user = get_userdata( $iscritto['idUser'] ); 722 $username = $user->user_firstname.' '.$user->user_lastname; 723 $email = $user->user_email; 724 $info = get_the_author_meta( 'annonascita', $user->ID ).' '.get_the_author_meta( 'tessera', $user->ID ).' tg.'.get_the_author_meta( 'taglia', $user->ID ); 725 $cnf = 'NO'; 821 if ( $iscritto['ID'] == $idEvent ) { 822 if ( $iscritto['idUser'] > 0 ) { 823 $user = get_userdata( $iscritto['idUser'] ); 824 $username = $user->user_firstname . ' ' . $user->user_lastname; 825 $email = $user->user_email; 826 $info = get_the_author_meta( 'annonascita', $user->ID ) . ' ' . get_the_author_meta( 'tessera', $user->ID ) . ' tg.' . get_the_author_meta( 'taglia', $user->ID ); 827 } else { 828 $username = $iscritto['idUserName']; 829 } 830 if ( isset( $iscritto['confrm'] ) ) { 831 $cnf = $iscritto['confrm'] != '' ? $iscritto['confrm'] : 'NO'; 832 } 833 $cnf = $cnf == 'on' ? 'YES' : 'NO'; 726 834 $choice = ''; 727 if ( isset ( $iscritto['confrm'] ) ) 728 $cnf = $iscritto['confrm'] != '' ? $iscritto['confrm'] : 'NO'; 729 $cnf = $cnf == 'on' ? 'YES' : 'NO'; 730 if ( isset ( $iscritto['scelta'] ) ) 835 if ( isset( $iscritto['scelta'] ) ) { 731 836 $choice = $iscritto['scelta']; 837 } 732 838 echo '"'; 733 echo implode( '","', array ( $iscritto['idUser'], $username, $email, $info, $iscritto['note'], $cnf, $choice) ) . '"' . chr(13);839 echo implode( '","', array( $iscritto['idUser'], $username, $email, $info, $iscritto['note'], $cnf, $choice ) ) . '"' . chr( 13 ); 734 840 } 735 841 } … … 740 846 741 847 } 742 ?>
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.