Changeset 607352
- Timestamp:
- 10/03/2012 08:55:55 AM (12 years ago)
- Location:
- cat-tag-filter-widget/trunk
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r606257 r607352 5 5 Description: This plugin adds a widget to your WordPress site that allows your visitors to filter posts by category and tag. 6 6 Author: Ajay Verma 7 Version: 0.8. 37 Version: 0.8.4 8 8 Author URI: 9 9 */ … … 89 89 function tag_options($type){ //get tags 90 90 global $ctf_options, $current_tax; 91 91 $there_are_tags = true; 92 $args = ''; 92 93 if($current_tax['cats'][0]){ 93 94 … … 105 106 endwhile; 106 107 endif; 108 if (isset($all_tag_ids)){ 109 107 110 $tags = array_unique($all_tag_ids); 108 111 … … 130 133 } 131 134 $include = substr($include, 0, -1); 135 132 136 $args['include'] = $include; 137 } 138 139 else $there_are_tags = false; 140 133 141 134 142 } … … 143 151 144 152 145 $tags = get_terms($ctf_options['tag_tax'],$args);153 if ($there_are_tags) $tags = get_terms($ctf_options['tag_tax'],$args); 146 154 147 155 148 156 if ($type == 1){ 157 if ($there_are_tags){ 149 158 $options .= '<ul>'; 150 159 foreach ($tags as $tag) { … … 160 169 } 161 170 $options .= '</ul>'; 171 } 172 else $options .= '<ul><li><input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" value="-1" disabled>' . __('No tags here', 'cat-tag-filter') . '</li></ul>'; 162 173 } 163 174 else { 164 175 if ($there_are_tags){ 165 176 $options .= '<select name="' . "tag[]" . '" id="ctf-tag-select" ><option value="-1">'; 166 177 if ($ctf_options['all_tags_text'] != '') $options .= $ctf_options['all_tags_text']; … … 176 187 if ($ctf_options['tags_count'] == 1) $options .= ' (' . $tag->count . ')'; 177 188 $options .= '</option>'; 178 } 179 $options .= '</select>'; } 189 } 190 $options .= '</select>'; 191 } 192 else $options .= '<select name="tag[]" id="ctf-tag-select" disabled ><option value="-1">' . __('No tags here', 'cat-tag-filter') . '</option></select>'; 193 } 180 194 return $options; 181 195 } -
r605989 r607352 3 3 "Project-Id-Version: Cat + Tag Filter\n" 4 4 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2012- 09-30 11:16+0800\n"6 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012- 09-30 11:16+0800\n"5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-03 16:50+0800\n" 6 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-03 16:51+0800\n" 7 7 "Last-Translator: \n" 8 8 "Language-Team: \n" … … 14 14 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n" 15 15 16 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:146 17 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:201 18 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:251 16 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:172 17 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:192 18 msgid "No tags here" 19 msgstr "Здесь нет тегов" 20 21 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:178 22 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 23 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 19 24 msgid "Any tag" 20 25 msgstr "Любым тегом" 21 26 22 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 19627 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:231 23 28 msgid "Filter posts by category and tag" 24 29 msgstr "Фильтр записей по категории и тегу" 25 30 26 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0127 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5131 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 32 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 28 33 msgid "Filter" 29 34 msgstr "Фильтр" 30 35 31 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0132 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5136 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 37 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 33 38 msgid "Show posts" 34 39 msgstr "Показать посты" 35 40 36 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0137 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5141 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 42 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 38 43 msgid "Show posts from:" 39 44 msgstr "Показать посты из:" 40 45 41 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0142 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5146 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 47 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 43 48 msgid "With tag:" 44 49 msgstr "С тегом:" 45 50 46 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0147 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5151 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 52 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 48 53 msgid "Any category" 49 54 msgstr "Любой категории" 50 55 51 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 6156 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:296 52 57 msgid "Widget title" 53 58 msgstr "Заголовок виджета" 54 59 55 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 26960 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:304 56 61 msgid "Hide categories dropdown" 57 62 msgstr "Спрятать выпадающий список категорий" 58 63 59 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 27564 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:310 60 65 msgid "Categories dropdown label" 61 66 msgstr "Надпись над категориями" 62 67 63 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 28168 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:316 64 69 msgid "All categories option text" 65 70 msgstr "Первый пункт в списке категорий" 66 71 67 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 28872 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:323 68 73 msgid "Show categories post count" 69 74 msgstr "Показывать счетчик постов в списке категорий" 70 75 71 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 29376 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:328 72 77 msgid "Coma separated category id's to " 73 78 msgstr "Id категорий через запятую, которые нужно" 74 79 75 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 29576 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 5280 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:330 81 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:387 77 82 msgid "exclude" 78 83 msgstr "исключить" 79 84 80 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 29881 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 5585 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:333 86 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:390 82 87 msgid "include" 83 88 msgstr "включить" 84 89 85 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 0690 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:341 86 91 msgid "Tags dropdown label" 87 92 msgstr "Надпись над тегами" 88 93 89 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 1294 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:347 90 95 msgid "All tags option text" 91 96 msgstr "Первый пункт в списке тегов" 92 97 93 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 1898 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:353 94 99 msgid "How to show tags:" 95 100 msgstr "Как показывать теги:" 96 101 97 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 22102 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:357 98 103 msgid "Dropdown list" 99 104 msgstr "Выпадающий список" 100 105 101 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 25106 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:360 102 107 msgid "Checkboxes" 103 108 msgstr "Чекбоксы" 104 109 105 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 31110 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:366 106 111 msgid "Logic operator for multiple tags:" 107 112 msgstr "Логический оператор при выборе нескольких тегов" 108 113 109 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 35114 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:370 110 115 msgid "OR" 111 116 msgstr "ИЛИ" 112 117 113 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 38118 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:373 114 119 msgid "AND" 115 120 msgstr "И" 116 121 117 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 45122 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:380 118 123 msgid "Show tags post count" 119 124 msgstr "Показывать счетчик постов в списке тегов" 120 125 121 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 50126 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:385 122 127 msgid "Coma separated tag id's to " 123 128 msgstr "Id тегов через запятую, которые нужно" 124 129 125 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 62130 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:397 126 131 msgid "Custom taxonomy name for tags" 127 132 msgstr "Имя таксономии для тегов" 128 133 129 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 368134 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:403 130 135 msgid "Custom taxonomy name for categories" 131 136 msgstr "Имя таксономии для категорий" 132 137 133 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 372138 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:407 134 139 msgid "List of registered taxonomies" 135 140 msgstr "Список зарегистрированных таксономий" 136 141 137 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 381142 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:416 138 143 msgid "Button title" 139 144 msgstr "Надпись на кнопке" -
r605989 r607352 3 3 "Project-Id-Version: Cat + Tag Filter\n" 4 4 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2012- 09-30 11:15+0800\n"6 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012- 09-30 11:15+0800\n"5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-03 16:50+0800\n" 6 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-03 16:50+0800\n" 7 7 "Last-Translator: \n" 8 8 "Language-Team: \n" … … 14 14 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n" 15 15 16 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:146 17 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:201 18 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:251 16 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:172 17 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:192 18 msgid "No tags here" 19 msgstr "" 20 21 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:178 22 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 23 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 19 24 msgid "Any tag" 20 25 msgstr "" 21 26 22 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 19627 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:231 23 28 msgid "Filter posts by category and tag" 24 29 msgstr "" 25 30 26 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0127 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5131 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 32 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 28 33 msgid "Filter" 29 34 msgstr "" 30 35 31 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0132 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5136 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 37 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 33 38 msgid "Show posts" 34 39 msgstr "" 35 40 36 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0137 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5141 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 42 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 38 43 msgid "Show posts from:" 39 44 msgstr "" 40 45 41 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0142 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5146 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 47 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 43 48 msgid "With tag:" 44 49 msgstr "" 45 50 46 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 0147 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 5151 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:236 52 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:286 48 53 msgid "Any category" 49 54 msgstr "" 50 55 51 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:2 6156 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:296 52 57 msgid "Widget title" 53 58 msgstr "" 54 59 55 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 26960 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:304 56 61 msgid "Hide categories dropdown" 57 62 msgstr "" 58 63 59 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 27564 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:310 60 65 msgid "Categories dropdown label" 61 66 msgstr "" 62 67 63 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 28168 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:316 64 69 msgid "All categories option text" 65 70 msgstr "" 66 71 67 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 28872 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:323 68 73 msgid "Show categories post count" 69 74 msgstr "" 70 75 71 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 29376 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:328 72 77 msgid "Coma separated category id's to " 73 78 msgstr "" 74 79 75 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 29576 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 5280 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:330 81 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:387 77 82 msgid "exclude" 78 83 msgstr "" 79 84 80 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 29881 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 5585 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:333 86 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:390 82 87 msgid "include" 83 88 msgstr "" 84 89 85 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 0690 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:341 86 91 msgid "Tags dropdown label" 87 92 msgstr "" 88 93 89 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 1294 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:347 90 95 msgid "All tags option text" 91 96 msgstr "" 92 97 93 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 1898 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:353 94 99 msgid "How to show tags:" 95 100 msgstr "" 96 101 97 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 22102 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:357 98 103 msgid "Dropdown list" 99 104 msgstr "" 100 105 101 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 25106 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:360 102 107 msgid "Checkboxes" 103 108 msgstr "" 104 109 105 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 31110 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:366 106 111 msgid "Logic operator for multiple tags:" 107 112 msgstr "" 108 113 109 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 35114 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:370 110 115 msgid "OR" 111 116 msgstr "" 112 117 113 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 38118 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:373 114 119 msgid "AND" 115 120 msgstr "" 116 121 117 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 45122 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:380 118 123 msgid "Show tags post count" 119 124 msgstr "" 120 125 121 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 50126 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:385 122 127 msgid "Coma separated tag id's to " 123 128 msgstr "" 124 129 125 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:3 62130 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:397 126 131 msgid "Custom taxonomy name for tags" 127 132 msgstr "" 128 133 129 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 368134 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:403 130 135 msgid "Custom taxonomy name for categories" 131 136 msgstr "" 132 137 133 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 372138 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:407 134 139 msgid "List of registered taxonomies" 135 140 msgstr "" 136 141 137 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php: 381142 #: ../cat-tag-filter.php:416 138 143 msgid "Button title" 139 144 msgstr "" -
r606257 r607352 5 5 Requires at least: 2.8 6 6 Tested up to: 3.4.2 7 Stable tag: 0.8. 37 Stable tag: 0.8.4 8 8 9 9 This plugin adds a widget to your WordPress site that gives your visitors an ability to filter all your posts by a category or/and tag. … … 74 74 == Changelog == 75 75 76 = 0.8.4 = 77 * fixed layout in categories with no corresponding tags. 78 76 79 = 0.8.3 = 77 80 * fixed a bug with tags including\excluding.
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