Changeset 469801
- Timestamp:
- 12/01/2011 10:01:28 AM (13 years ago)
- Location:
- scrolling-social-sharebar
- Files:
- 3 added
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r447367 r469801 5 5 Requires at least: 3.0 6 6 Tested up to: 3.2.1 7 Stable tag: 1.0. 37 Stable tag: 1.0.4 8 8 9 9 A scrolling social sharebar scrolling plugin with just 7 social icons (Twitter, FB Like, Google +1, Linkedin, FB Share, Stumbleupon and Addthis). -
r447367 r469801 4 4 Plugin URI: 5 5 Description: Scrolling Social Sharebar (Twitter Like Google +1 Linkedin and Stumbleupon) 6 Version: 1.0. 36 Version: 1.0.4 7 7 Author: Sudipto Pratap Mahato 8 Author URI: letusbuzz.com8 Author URI: 9 9 */ 10 10 11 12 11 13 function disp_ssharebar($content) { 14 12 15 global $post; 13 16 $plink = get_permalink($post->ID); 14 17 $eplink = urlencode($plink); 15 18 $ptitle = get_the_title($post->ID); 19 $expostid=str_replace(' ','',get_option('ssbar_excludeid','')); 20 $expostcat=str_replace(' ','',get_option('ssbar_excludecat','')); 21 if($expostid!=''){ 22 $pids=explode(",",$expostid); 23 if (in_array($post->ID, $pids)) { 24 return $content; 25 } 26 $psttype=get_post_type($post->ID); 27 if (in_array($psttype, $pids)&&$psttype!==flase) { 28 return $content; 29 } 30 $pstfrmt=get_post_format($post->ID); 31 if (in_array($pstfrmt, $pids)&&$pstfrmt!==false) { 32 return $content; 33 } 34 } 35 if($expostcat!=''){ 36 $pcat=explode(",",$expostcat); 37 if (in_category($pcat)) { 38 return $content; 39 } 40 } 16 41 17 42 if((is_single()&&get_option('ssbar_dpost','checked')=='checked')||(is_page()&&get_option('ssbar_dpage','checked')=='checked')){ … … 19 44 $content=$sharelinks.$content; 20 45 } 46 21 47 return $content; 22 48 } … … 50 76 margin:0px !important; 51 77 } 78 <?php if(trim(get_option('ssbar_buttonpadding','0px'))!='')echo '.sharebarbtn{padding:'.get_option('ssbar_buttonpadding','5px').';}'; ?> 79 52 80 div.sbpinned 53 81 { … … 99 127 100 128 <?php 101 ssharebar_fb_thumb();129 if(get_option('ssbar_addog', true )==true)ssharebar_fb_thumb(); 102 130 } 103 131 … … 139 167 <h2>Scrolling Social Sharebar Plugin Options</h2> 140 168 <p>Like this Plugin then why not hit the like button. Your like will motivate me to enhance the features of the Plugin :)<br /> 141 <iframe s rc="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe><br />And if you are too generous then you can always <b>DONATE</b> by clicking the donation button.<br/>A Donation will help in the uninterrupted developement of the plugin.<br /><a href="" TARGET='_blank'>Click here</a> for <b>Reference on using the plugin</b> or if you want to <b>report a bug</b> or if you want to <b>suggest a Feature</b><br /></p>169 <iframe style="overflow: hidden; width: 450px; height: 35px;" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="320" height="35"></iframe><br />And if you are too generous then you can always <b>DONATE</b> by clicking the donation button.<br/>A Donation will help in the uninterrupted developement of the plugin.<br /><a href="" TARGET='_blank'>Click here</a> for <b>Reference on using the plugin</b> or if you want to <b>report a bug</b> or if you want to <b>suggest a Feature</b><br /></p> 142 170 <table class="form-ta"> 143 171 <tr valign="top"> … … 152 180 <h3 style="color: #cc0000;">Select Icons to display</h3> 153 181 <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssbar_fblike" id="ssbar_fblike" value="true"<?php if (get_option( 'ssbar_fblike', true ) == true) echo ' checked'; ?>> Display Facebook Like</p> 154 <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssbar_twitter" id="ssbar_twitter" value="true"<?php if (get_option( 'ssbar_twitter', true ) == true) echo ' checked'; ?>> Display Twitter </p>182 <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssbar_twitter" id="ssbar_twitter" value="true"<?php if (get_option( 'ssbar_twitter', true ) == true) echo ' checked'; ?>> Display Twitter via @<input type="text" name="ssbar_twittervia" style="width: 150px;" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_twittervia',''); ?>" /></p> 155 183 <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssbar_plusone" id="ssbar_plusone" value="true"<?php if (get_option( 'ssbar_plusone', true ) == true) echo ' checked'; ?>> Display Google +1 </p> 156 184 <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssbar_linkedin" id="ssbar_linkedin" value="true"<?php if (get_option( 'ssbar_linkedin', false ) == true) echo ' checked'; ?>> Display Linkedin </p> … … 171 199 <p><b>Background : </b><input style="width: 150px;" type="text" name="ssbar_barbackground" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_barbackground','#fff'); ?>" /> <b>Default : #fff</b></p> 172 200 <p><b>Border : </b><input style="width: 150px;" type="text" name="ssbar_barborder" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_barborder','1px solid #000'); ?>" /> <b>Default : 1px solid #000</b></p> 173 <p><b>Padding : </b><input style="width: 150px;" type="text" name="ssbar_barpadding" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_barpadding','5px'); ?>" /> <b>Default : 5px</b></p> 201 <p><b>Padding(Bar) : </b><input style="width: 150px;" type="text" name="ssbar_barpadding" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_barpadding','5px'); ?>" /> <b>Default : 5px</b></p> 202 <p><b>Padding(between buttons) : </b><input style="width: 150px;" type="text" name="ssbar_buttonpadding" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_buttonpadding','0px'); ?>" /> <b>Default : 0px</b></p> 174 203 <p><b>Border Radius : </b><input style="width: 150px;" type="text" name="ssbar_barradius" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_barradius',''); ?>" /> <b>e.g. - 10px 0px 10px 0px </b> (May not work with IE)</p> 175 204 <p><b>Shadow : </b><input style="width: 150px;" type="text" name="ssbar_barshadow" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_barshadow',''); ?>" /> <b>e.g. - 2px 2px 2px 2px #888</b> (May not work with IE)</p> 205 206 <h3 style="color: #cc0000;">Meta tags & links</h3> 207 <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssbar_addog" id="ssbar_addog" value="true"<?php if (get_option( 'ssbar_addog', true ) == true) echo ' checked'; ?>> Add Facebook Open Graph (og) Meta tags</p> 208 <p><input type="checkbox" name="ssbar_addcredit" id="ssbar_addcredit" value="true"<?php if (get_option( 'ssbar_addcredit', true ) == true) echo ' checked'; ?>> Add Sharebar link (I appreciate if you keep this checked)</p> 176 209 210 <h3 style="color: #cc0000;">Don't display on Posts/Pages</h3> 211 <p>Enter the <b>ID's</b> of those Pages/Posts separated by comma. e.g 13,5,87<br/>You can also include a <b>custom post types</b> or <b>custom post format</b> (all separated by comma)<br /> 212 <input type="text" name="ssbar_excludeid" style="width: 300px;" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_excludeid',''); ?>" /></p> 213 214 <h3 style="color: #cc0000;">Don't display on Category</h3> 215 <p>Enter the ID's of those Categories separated by comma. e.g 131,45,817<br/> 216 <input type="text" name="ssbar_excludecat" style="width: 300px;" value="<?php echo get_option('ssbar_excludecat',''); ?>" /></p> 217 177 218 178 219 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" /> 179 <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="ssbar_leftpadding,ssbar_toppadding,ssbar_dpost,ssbar_dpage,ssbar_fblike,ssbar_twitter,ssbar_plusone,ssbar_linkedin,ssbar_stumble,ssbar_fbshare,ssbar_addthis,ssbar_barbackground,ssbar_barborder,ssbar_barpadding,ssbar_barshadow,ssbar_barradius,ssbar_atype,ssbar_bottompadding " />220 <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="ssbar_leftpadding,ssbar_toppadding,ssbar_dpost,ssbar_dpage,ssbar_fblike,ssbar_twitter,ssbar_plusone,ssbar_linkedin,ssbar_stumble,ssbar_fbshare,ssbar_addthis,ssbar_barbackground,ssbar_barborder,ssbar_barpadding,ssbar_barshadow,ssbar_barradius,ssbar_atype,ssbar_bottompadding,ssbar_excludecat,ssbar_excludeid,ssbar_buttonpadding,ssbar_twittervia,ssbar_addog,ssbar_addcredit" /> 180 221 <p class="submit"> 181 222 <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" /> … … 233 274 $eptitle=str_replace(array(">","<"),"",$ptitle); 234 275 $twsc='';$flsc='';$gpsc='';$fssc=''; 276 $via=get_option('ssbar_twittervia',''); 235 277 236 278 $sharelinks.='<div class="scrollbarbox" id="scrollbarbox"><table width="60" cellspacing="1" border="0">'; … … 257 299 $sharelinks.='<tr><td align="center" ><div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style " style="width: 50px; padding-top: 5px;"><a class="addthis_counter"></a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div></td></tr>'; 258 300 301 if(get_option('ssbar_addcredit',true)==true) 302 $sharelinks.='<tr><td align="center" ><small><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#888;">share</a></small></td></tr>'; 303 259 304 $sharelinks.= '</table></div>'; 260 305 return $sharelinks;
Note: See TracChangeset
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