Plugin Directory

Changeset 450207

10/12/2011 10:18:33 AM (13 years ago)

Version 1.1

8 edited


  • ssp-director-tools/trunk/css/sspdt-admin.css

    r409240 r450207  
    1515    margin-bottom: 0px !important;
     18.sspdt_info {
     19    font-size:10px !important;
     20    line-height:100%;
     21    padding:0px 6px;
     22    background-color: #FFFFE0;
     23    border: 1px solid #E6DB55;
  • ssp-director-tools/trunk/includes/SSPDT.php

    r409240 r450207  
    138138            $width =  (int)$content->grid->width;
    139139            $height = (int)$content->grid->height;
    140141            $title = ($content->caption) ? $this->prep($content->caption) : $this->prep($content->iptc->caption);
     142            //$title = $this->get_meta($content);
    141143            $alt = ($content->caption) ? $this->prep($content->caption) : $this->prep($content->iptc->caption);
    142144            $out .= sprintf ("<a class='%s' rel='%s' href='%s' title='%s'>
    143145    <img class='sspdt_grid' src='%s' alt='%s' width='%s' height='%s' type='image/jpeg'/>
    144 </a>\n", "fancybox", $rel, $content->large->url, $title, $content->grid->url, $alt, $width, $height);
    145         }
     146</a>\n", "sspdt-fancybox", $rel, $content->large->url, $title, $content->grid->url, $alt, $width, $height);
     148            $out .= $this->meta_html($content, "large");
     150            }
    147153        $out .= ( "</div>\n" );
    178184        $rel = "post-" . $post_id;
    179185        $alt = $content->caption ? $this->prep($content->caption) : "";
     187        //debug_var($content->iptc);
    181189        if($showcaption) {
    182190            $caption = ($content->caption) ? $this->prep($content->caption) : $this->prep($content->iptc->caption);
     191            $caption = $this->meta_html($content, "thumb");
    184193            if($caption != "") {
    185                 return sprintf("<div id='sspdt-content-%s' class='wp-caption %s' style='width:%spx'>
     194                $out = sprintf("<div id='sspdt-content-%s' class='wp-caption %s' style='width:%spx'>
    186195                    <a class='%s' href='%s' rel='%s' title='%s'>
    187196                        <img src='%s' alt='%s' width='%s' height='%s' />
    188197                    </a>
     198                    %s
    189199                    <p class='wp-caption-text'>%s</p>
    190200                </div>",
    191                 $image, $align, $captionwidth, "fancybox", $large, $rel, $title, $thumb, $alt, $width, $height, $caption);
     201                $image, $align, $captionwidth, "fancybox", $large, $rel, $title, $thumb, $alt, $width, $height, $this->meta_html($content, "large"), $caption);
     203                return $out;
    192204            }
    193205        }
    195         return sprintf("<a class='%s sspdt_thumb' href='%s' rel='%s' title='%s'>
     207        $out = sprintf("<a class='%s sspdt_thumb' href='%s' rel='%s' title='%s'>
    196208            <img class='%s' src='%s' alt='%s' width='%s' height='%s' />
    197209        </a>",
    198210        "fancybox", $large, $rel, $title, $align, $thumb, $alt, $width, $height);
     212        $out .= $this->meta_html($content, "large");
     214        return $out;
     215    }
     218    /**
     219     * Formats content metadata
     220     * @param array content object with content metadata
     221     * @param string size content size (thumb|large)
     222     * @return string The formatted html output
     223     */
     224    private function meta_html($content, $size) {
     226        if($size == "large") {
     227            $format = htmlspecialchars_decode( $this->format_options['large_caption_format'] );
     228        } elseif ($size == "thumb") {
     229            $format = htmlspecialchars_decode( $this->format_options['thumb_caption_format'] );
     230        } else {
     231            return "";
     232        }
     234        $date_format = $this->format_options['date_format'];
     236        $caption = ($content->caption) ? $this->prep($content->caption) : $this->prep($content->iptc->caption);
     237        $byline = $this->prep($content->iptc->byline);
     238        $date = date($date_format, $content->captured_on);
     239        $city = $this->prep($content->iptc->city);
     240        $country = $this->prep($content->iptc->country);
     241        $latitude =  $content->exif->latitude;
     242        $longitude =  $content->exif->longitude;
     244        $search = array("%caption%", "%byline%", "%date%", "%city%", "%country%");
     245        $replace = array($caption, $byline, $date, $city, $country);
     247        $html = "";
     248        if($size == "large") {
     249            $html .= "<div style='display:none;'>";
     250            $html .= str_replace($search, $replace, $format);
     251            $html .= "</div>";
     252        } elseif ($size == "thumb") {
     253            $html .= str_replace($search, $replace, $format);
     254        }
     258        return $html;
    200259    }
  • ssp-director-tools/trunk/includes/helpers.php

    r409240 r450207  
    4747function sspdt_nohtml($val) {
    4848    return wp_kses($val, array());
     51//sanitize html formats
     52function sspdt_html_format($val) {
     53    $allowed = array(
     54        "div" => array(
     55            "style" => array(),
     56            "align" => array()
     57        ),
     58        "p" =>  array("style" => array()),
     59        "b" => array(),
     60        "i" => array(),
     61        "strong" => array(),
     62        "em" => array(),
     63        "br" =>array()
     64    );
     65    return wp_kses($val, $allowed);
  • ssp-director-tools/trunk/includes/sspdt-options-page.php

    r409240 r450207  
    6060        $format_options['thumb_align'] = sspdt_align( $_POST['thumb_align'] );
    6161        $format_options['thumb_caption'] = sspdt_bool( $_POST['thumb_caption'] );
     62        $format_options['thumb_caption_format'] = htmlspecialchars( sspdt_html_format( $_POST['thumb_caption_format'] ), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8", false );
    6364        $format_options['large_width'] = sspdt_posint( $_POST['large_width'] );
    6667        $format_options['large_quality'] = sspdt_posint( $_POST['large_quality'] );
    6768        $format_options['large_sharpen'] = sspdt_bool( $_POST['large_sharpen'] );
     69        $format_options['large_caption_format'] = htmlspecialchars( sspdt_html_format( $_POST['large_caption_format'] ), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8", false );
     71        $format_options['date_format'] = sspdt_nohtml( $_POST['date_format'] );
    6973        $defaults = array();
    127131        <?php   
    128132    }
    132     if(get_option('sspdt_format_options') == null) {
    134         $format_options['grid_width'] = '60';
    135         $format_options['grid_height'] = '60';
    136         $format_options['grid_crop'] = '1';
    137         $format_options['grid_quality'] = '75';
    138         $format_options['grid_sharpen'] = '1';
    140         $format_options['thumb_width'] = '240';
    141         $format_options['thumb_height'] = '240';
    142         $format_options['thumb_crop'] = '0';
    143         $format_options['thumb_quality'] = '80';
    144         $format_options['thumb_sharpen'] = '1';
    145         $format_options['thumb_align'] = 'alignleft';
    146         $format_options['thumb_caption'] = '1';
    148         $format_options['large_width'] = '1000';
    149         $format_options['large_height'] = '720';
    150         $format_options['large_crop'] = '0';
    151         $format_options['large_quality'] = '85';
    152         $format_options['large_sharpen'] = '1';
    154         update_option( 'sspdt_format_options', $format_options );
    155     }
    157     if(get_option('sspdt_defaults') == null) {
    158         $defaults['model'] = 'gallery';
    159         $defaults['model_id'] = '1';
    160         $defaults['limit'] = '12';
    161         $defaults['tags'] = '';
    162         $defaults['tagmode'] = 'one';
    163         $defaults['sort_on'] = 'captured_on';
    164         $defaults['sort_direction'] = 'DESC';
    165         $defaults['rss'] = '0';
    167         update_option( 'sspdt_defaults', $defaults );
    168     }
    170     if(get_option('sspdt_fancybox') == null) {
    171         $fb['padding'] = '10';
    172         $fb['margin'] = '20';
    174         $fb['titleShow'] = '1';
    175         $fb['titlePosition'] = 'outside';
    176         $fb['counterShow'] = '0';
    178         $fb['overlayShow'] = '1';
    179         $fb['overlayOpacity'] = '0.3';
    180         $fb['overlayColor'] = '#666';
    182         $fb['cyclic'] = '0';
    183         $fb['showNavArrows'] = '1';
    184         $fb['showCloseButton'] = '1';
    185         $fb['enableEscapeButton'] = '1';
    187         $fb['transitionIn'] = '1';
    188         $fb['speedIn'] = '300';
    189         $fb['easingIn'] = 'linear';
    190         $fb['transitionOut'] = '1';
    191         $fb['speedOut'] = '400';
    192         $fb['easingOut'] = 'linear';
    193         $fb['changeSpeed'] = '400';
    195         update_option( 'sspdt_fancybox', $fb );
    196     }
    198135    $format_options = get_option('sspdt_format_options');
    247184    this.document.getElementById("model_id").disabled = mymodel == "null";
     187var $j = jQuery.noConflict()
     189function showhide(what) {
     190    var $j = jQuery.noConflict()
     191    if (document.getElementById(what).style.display == 'none') {
     192   $j('#' + what).slideDown(600);
     193    } else {
     194   $j('#' + what).hide(200);
     195    }
     199$j(document).ready(function() {
     200      if (window.location.hash) {
     201        var h = String(window.location.hash.substring(1));
     202        if ($j(h)) {
     203          showhide(h);
     204        }
     205      }
     206    });
    355314                        <th class="manage-column"><?php _e('Sharpening', 'sspdt'); ?></th>
    356315                        <th class="manage-column"><?php _e('Alignment', 'sspdt'); ?></th>
    357                         <th class="manage-column"><?php _e('Caption', 'sspdt'); ?></th>
    358316                    </tr>
    359317                </thead>
    383341                        </td>
    384342                        <td></td>
    385                         <td></td>
    386343                    </tr>
    387344                    <tr valign="middle">
    427384                        </select>
    428385                        </td>
    429                         <td><input id="thumb_caption" name="thumb_caption" type="checkbox"
    430                             value="1"
    431                             <?php if ( $format_options['thumb_caption'] == '1') { echo "checked = 'checked'";}  ?> />
    432                         </td>
    433386                    </tr>
    434387                    <tr valign="middle">
    456409                        </td>
    457410                        <td></td>
    458                         <td><input id="titleShow" name="titleShow" type="checkbox"
    459                             value="1"
    460                             <?php if ( $fb['titleShow'] == '1') { echo "checked = 'checked'";}  ?> />
    461                         </td>
    462411                    </tr>
    472421                        <th>&nbsp;</th>
    473422                        <th>&nbsp;</th>
    474                         <th>&nbsp;</th>
    475423                    </tr>
    476424                </tfoot>
     425            </table>
     427            <h3>
     428            <?php _e('Captions', 'sspdt'); ?>
     429            </h3>
     430            <p>
     431                <i><?php _e('Define display and formatting of captions based on content metadata.', 'sspdt'); ?>
     432                </i>
     433            </p>
     434            <table class="form-table">
     435                <tr valign="middle">
     436                    <th scope="row"><label for="preview_caption"><?php _e('Preview Captions', 'sspdt'); ?></label></th>
     437                    <td>
     438                        <input id="thumb_caption" name="thumb_caption" type="checkbox" style="margin-right:20px;"
     439                            value="1"
     440                            <?php if ( $format_options['thumb_caption'] == '1') { echo "checked = 'checked'";}  ?> /> Format  (<a href="javascript:showhide('caption_formatting_help');"><?php _e('Help', 'sspdt'); ?></a>)
     441                        <input id="thumb_caption_format" name="thumb_caption_format" type="text" size="80" value="<?php echo $format_options['thumb_caption_format'];?>"></input>
     442                    </td>
     443                </tr>
     444                <tr valign="middle">
     445                    <th scope="row"><label for="large_caption"><?php _e('Presentation Captions', 'sspdt'); ?></label></th>
     446                    <td><p>
     447                        <input id="titleShow" name="titleShow" type="checkbox" style="margin-right:20px;"
     448                            value="1"
     449                            <?php if ( $fb['titleShow'] == '1') { echo "checked = 'checked'";}  ?> /> Format (<a href="javascript:showhide('caption_formatting_help');"><?php _e('Help', 'sspdt'); ?></a>)
     450                        <input id="large_caption_format" name="large_caption_format" type="text" size="80" value="<?php echo $format_options['large_caption_format'];?>"></input>
     451                        </p>
     452                        <p>
     453                            <?php _e('Position:', 'sspdt'); ?> <select id="titlePosition"
     454                        name="titlePosition">
     455                            <option value="outside"
     456                            <?php if($fb['titlePosition'] == 'outside') {echo "selected";} ?>>
     457                                <?php _e('outside frame', 'sspdt'); ?>
     458                            </option>
     459                            <option value="inside"
     460                            <?php if($fb['titlePosition'] == 'inside') {echo "selected";} ?>>
     461                                <?php _e('inside frame', 'sspdt'); ?>
     462                            </option>
     463                            <option value="over"
     464                            <?php if($fb['titlePosition'] == 'over') {echo "selected";} ?>>
     465                                <?php _e('over image', 'sspdt'); ?>
     466                            </option>
     467                    </select>
     468                        </p>
     469                    </td>
     470                </tr>
     471                <tr valign="middle" id="caption_formatting_help" style="display: none;">
     472                    <th scope="row"></th>
     473                    <td class="sspdt_info">
     474                            <h4><?php _e('Placeholders', 'sspdt'); ?></h4>
     475                            <p><?php _e('The following placeholders for SSP Director metadata are allowed in captions:', 'sspdt'); ?></p>
     476                            <ul>
     477                                <li><strong>%caption% </strong> <?php _e('The image caption. If not set, the IPTC caption is used', 'sspdt'); ?></li>
     478                                <li><strong>%byline% </strong> <?php _e('The IPTC byline', 'sspdt'); ?></li>
     479                                <li><strong>%date% </strong> <?php _e('The image capture date from the EXIF record', 'sspdt'); ?></li>
     480                                <li><strong>%city% </strong> <?php _e('The IPTC city', 'sspdt'); ?></li>
     481                                <li><strong>%country% </strong> <?php _e('The IPTC country', 'sspdt'); ?></li>
     482                            </ul>
     483                            <h4><?php _e('HTML Tags', 'sspdt'); ?></h4>
     484                            <p><?php _e('The following HTML tags are allowed in captions:', 'sspdt'); ?></p>
     485                            <p><pre>&lt;div style=""&gt;, &lt;p style=""&gt;, &lt;b&gt;, &lt;i&gt; &lt;strong&gt;, &lt;em&gt;, &lt;br&gt;</pre></p>
     486                    </td>
     487                </tr>
     488                <tr valign="middle">
     489                    <th scope="row"><label for="date_format"><?php _e('Date Format', 'sspdt'); ?></label></th>
     490                    <td>
     491                        <input id="date_format" name="date_format" type="text" size="8" value="<?php echo $format_options['date_format'];?>"></input><br/>
     492                        <i><?php printf( __('Use PHP date formats. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Help</a>'), '' ); ?></i>
     493                    </td>
     494                </tr>
    477495            </table>
    609627                        value="<?php echo $fb['margin']; ?>" />px</td>
    610628                </tr>
    611                 <tr valign="middle">
    612                     <th scope="row"><label for="fb_title"><?php _e('Caption', 'sspdt'); ?>
    613                     </label>
    614                     </th>
    615                     <td><?php _e('Position:', 'sspdt'); ?> <select id="titlePosition"
    616                         name="titlePosition">
    617                             <option value="outside"
    618                             <?php if($fb['titlePosition'] == 'outside') {echo "selected";} ?>>
    619                                 <?php _e('outside frame', 'sspdt'); ?>
    620                             </option>
    621                             <option value="inside"
    622                             <?php if($fb['titlePosition'] == 'inside') {echo "selected";} ?>>
    623                                 <?php _e('inside frame', 'sspdt'); ?>
    624                             </option>
    625                             <option value="over"
    626                             <?php if($fb['titlePosition'] == 'over') {echo "selected";} ?>>
    627                                 <?php _e('over image', 'sspdt'); ?>
    628                             </option>
    629                     </select>
    630                     </td>
    631                 </tr>
    632630                <tr valign="middle">
    633631                    <th><label for="fb_overlay"><?php _e('Overlay', 'sspdt'); ?> </label>
     786 * Add default options to the db on plugin activation. Don't overwrite existing options.
     787 */
     788function sspdt_default_options() {
     790    $options = get_option('sspdt_format_options');
     791    $tmp = $options;
     793    if( !isset( $options['grid_width'] ) ) $tmp['grid_width'] = '60';
     794    if( !isset( $options['grid_height'] ) ) $tmp['grid_height'] = '60';
     795    if( !isset( $options['grid_crop'] ) ) $tmp['grid_crop'] = '1';
     796    if( !isset( $options['grid_quality'] ) ) $tmp['grid_quality'] = '75';
     797    if( !isset( $options['grid_sharpen'] ) ) $tmp['grid_sharpen'] = '1';
     799    if( !isset( $options['thumb_width'] ) ) $tmp['thumb_width'] = '240';
     800    if( !isset( $options['thumb_height'] ) ) $tmp['thumb_height'] = '240';
     801    if( !isset( $options['thumb_crop'] ) ) $tmp['thumb_crop'] = '0';
     802    if( !isset( $options['thumb_quality'] ) ) $tmp['thumb_quality'] = '80';
     803    if( !isset( $options['thumb_sharpen'] ) ) $tmp['thumb_sharpen'] = '1';
     804    if( !isset( $options['thumb_align'] ) ) $tmp['thumb_align'] = 'alignleft';
     805    if( !isset( $options['thumb_caption'] ) ) $tmp['thumb_caption'] = '1';
     806    if( !isset( $options['thumb_caption_format'] ) ) $tmp['thumb_caption_format'] = '%caption%';
     808    if( !isset( $options['large_width'] ) ) $tmp['large_width'] = '1000';
     809    if( !isset( $options['large_height'] ) ) $tmp['large_height'] = '720';
     810    if( !isset( $options['large_crop'] ) ) $tmp['large_crop'] = '0';
     811    if( !isset( $options['large_quality'] ) ) $tmp['large_quality'] = '85';
     812    if( !isset( $options['large_sharpen'] ) ) $tmp['large_sharpen'] = '1';
     813    if( !isset( $options['large_caption_format'] ) ) $tmp['large_caption_format'] = '<div style=&quot;text-align:left&quot;><b>%caption%</b><br />%byline% (%date% in %city%, %country%)</div>';
     815    if( !isset( $options['date_format'] ) ) $tmp['date_format'] = 'd.m.Y';
     817    update_option( 'sspdt_format_options', $tmp );
     819    $options = get_option('sspdt_defaults');
     820    $tmp = $options;
     822    if( !isset( $options['model'] ) ) $tmp['model'] = 'gallery';
     823    if( !isset( $options['model_id'] ) ) $tmp['model_id'] = '1';
     824    if( !isset( $options['limit'] ) ) $tmp['limit'] = '0';
     825    if( !isset( $options['tags'] ) ) $tmp['tags'] = '';
     826    if( !isset( $options['tagmode'] ) ) $tmp['tagmode'] = 'one';
     828    if( !isset( $options['sort_on'] ) ) $tmp['sort_on'] = 'captured_on';
     829    if( !isset( $options['sort_direction'] ) ) $tmp['sort_direction'] = 'DESC';
     830    if( !isset( $options['rss'] ) ) $tmp['rss'] = '0';
     832    update_option( 'sspdt_defaults', $tmp );
     834    $options = get_option('sspdt_fancybox');
     835    $tmp = $options;
     837    if( !isset( $options['padding'] ) ) $tmp['padding'] = '10';
     838    if( !isset( $options['margin'] ) ) $tmp['margin'] = '20';
     840    if( !isset( $options['titleShow'] ) ) $tmp['titleShow'] = '1';
     841    if( !isset( $options['titlePosition'] ) ) $tmp['titlePosition'] = 'outside';
     842    if( !isset( $options['counterShow'] ) ) $tmp['counterShow'] = '0';
     844    if( !isset( $options['overlayShow'] ) ) $tmp['overlayShow'] = '1';
     845    if( !isset( $options['overlayOpacity'] ) ) $tmp['overlayOpacity'] = '0.3';
     846    if( !isset( $options['overlayColor'] ) ) $tmp['overlayColor'] = '#666';
     848    if( !isset( $options['cyclic'] ) ) $tmp['cyclic'] = '0';
     849    if( !isset( $options['showNavArrows'] ) ) $tmp['showNavArrows'] = '1';
     850    if( !isset( $options['showCloseButton'] ) ) $tmp['showCloseButton'] = '1';
     851    if( !isset( $options['enableEscapeButton'] ) ) $tmp['enableEscapeButton'] = '1';
     853    if( !isset( $options['transitionIn'] ) ) $tmp['transitionIn'] = '1';
     854    if( !isset( $options['speedIn'] ) ) $tmp['speedIn'] = '300';
     855    if( !isset( $options['easingIn'] ) ) $tmp['easingIn'] = 'linear';
     856    if( !isset( $options['transitionOut'] ) ) $tmp['transitionOut'] = '1';
     857    if( !isset( $options['speedOut'] ) ) $tmp['speedOut'] = '400';
     858    if( !isset( $options['easingOut'] ) ) $tmp['easingOut'] = 'linear';
     859    if( !isset( $options['changeSpeed'] ) ) $tmp['changeSpeed'] = '400';
     861    update_option( 'sspdt_fancybox', $tmp );
  • ssp-director-tools/trunk/js/sspdt-admin.js

    r409180 r450207  
    1313    this.document.getElementById("model_id").disabled = mymodel == "null";
  • ssp-director-tools/trunk/readme.txt

    r409240 r450207  
    11=== SSP Director Tools ===
    22Contributors: parelius
    3 Tags: SlideShowPro, images, gallery, album, photos, fancybox, API, SSP, SSP Director, widget, shortcode
     3Tags: SlideShowPro, images, gallery, album, photos, fancybox, API, SSP, SSP Director, widget, shortcode, photo feed, RSS, feed
    44Requires at least: 3.0
    55Tested up to: 3.2.1
    6 Stable tag: 1.0.1
     6Stable tag: 1.0.2
    88SSP Director Tools give you means for integrating SlideShowPro Director content into a WordPress blog.
    1010== Description ==
    12 This Plugin uses the SSP Director API to pull content from [SlideShowPro Director](
     12This Plugin uses the SSP Director API to pull content from [SlideShowPro Director][sspd].
    1818* Insert widgets into your theme if you want to display a photo grid in a widget area.
    1919* Sizing and image handling are according to your default settings but can be overridden by shortcode attributes.
    20 * Use image metadata provided by SSP Director.
     20* Use image metadata provided by SSP Director for formatting image captions.
    2121* Enable/disable photo feed functionality which generates an encrypted RSS photo feed URL for photo grids.
    22 * Use [FancyBox]( to display photos in lightbox style.
     22* Use [FancyBox][] to display photos in lightbox style.
     24[sspd]: "SlideShowPro Director"
     25[fancybox]: "Fancybox"
    2427== Installation ==
    4346= Can I integrate Flash slide shows? =
    45 No. This is not within the scope of this plugin. Use [SlidePress]( to embed Flash slide shows.
     48No. This is not within the scope of this plugin. Use [SlidePress] to embed Flash slide shows.
    4750= Can I integrate videos? =
    4952No. Currently this is not possible, but it is planned for a future version.
     54= What exaclty does the photo feed functionality do? =
     56Photo feeds are RSS feeds which can be consumed by other clients. You might for example provide a photo feed for all images shown in a photo grid. This feed could be imported into an application like iPhoto and thus always keep your iPhoto album up to date.
     58However, you cannot protect this feed by password. In order to provide minimum protection, the feed URLs are encrypted in a way that they can't be guessed. So, in situations where you restrict access to WordPress, you may want to prevent easy access to your photo feeds and thus use the encrypted feed URLs.
     60Be aware that any person who has acces to the feed URL can acces the photos.
     62= How can I configure the size of the images provided by photo feeds? =
     64You can do this by editing the configuration file of your photo feed installation. When `` is the location of your photo feed installation, the configuration file is ``.
     66Edit the parameters of the `$sspd_feed_full` variable as desired. The variable `$sspd_feed_preview` is used by some feed readers (like Safari or Firefox) to display image previews. This variable can be configured, too.
     68[slidepress]: "SlidePress"
    5170== Screenshots ==
    5776== Changelog ==
     78= 1.1 =
     79* Configurable captions using a subset of IPTC and EXIF tags
     80* Some minor fixes (including this Readme)
    5982= 1.0.1 =
    6689== Upgrade Notice ==
    68 No upgrades, yet.
     91This version should work without problems when upgrading from earlier versions.
    7093== Shortcode Help ==
    80103* `caption`: Whether or not to show the caption of a single image (yes|1|no|0, default: 1).
    81104* `limit`: The maximum number of images to be shown in a grid (integer, default: 0). 0 if unlimited.
    82 * `tags: List of tags to filter the content by, separated by commas.
     105* `tags`: List of tags to filter the content by, separated by commas.
    83106* `tagmode`: Mode in which the tag filter works. Match all tags or any out of the list (all|one, default: one).
    84107* `sort_on`: The sort field (null|created_on|captured_on|modified_on|filename|random, default: null).
    86109* `rss`: Whether or not to show a RSS photo feed link below the photo grid (yes|1|no|0, default: 1).
    88 If no attributes are specified, the default plugin settings apply as defined in the sections "Photo Grid Defaults" and "Image Sizes an Handling".
     111If no attributes are specified, the default plugin settings apply as defined in the sections "Photo Grid Defaults" and "Image Sizes and Handling".
    92115`[sspd gallery="6" limit="10" tags="technology" sort_on="captured_on" sort_direction="DESC"]`: This will output the 10 most recent photos of gallery 6 which are tagged with "technology".
     117== Using captions ==
     119Image captions are automatically generated using image metadata. You can define different captions for preview images and images presented by FancyBox. Use placehoders like `%placeholder%` in your caption definitions and define how dates will be formatted.
     121List of allowed placeholders:
     123* `%caption%`: The image caption as provided by Director. If the caption is not set in Director, the IPTC caption is used instead.
     124* `%byline%`: The IPTC byline
     125* `%city%`: The IPTC city
     126* `%country%`: The IPTC country
     127* `%date%`: The image capture date from the EXIF record
     129Date formatting: Use common [PHP date][] formats.
     131[php date]: "PHP date"
     133Using HTML in your captions: You may use the following HTML elements and attributes:
     135`<div style="">, <p style="">, <b>, <i> <strong>, <em>, <br>`
     137Example: `<b>%caption%</b> (%date%)<br><i>Photograph by %byline%</i>`
    95139== Known Issues ==
    97 * A bug in the Director API v. 1.5.0 beta generates a wrong result when a query with multiple tags is done. See [SSP Director Forum](
     141* A bug in the Director API v. 1.5.0 beta generates a wrong result when a query with multiple tags is done. See [SSP Director Forum][sspd forum 29339].
     142* photo grids and photo feeds don't work for smart galleries and albums. (Seems to be a Director bug.)
    98143* The plugin currently doesn't check if the photo feed feature is installed correctly.
     144* The photo feeds don't show the real sizes of the downloadable enclosures, but the sizes of the originals.
     146[sspd forum 29339]: "API 1.5 : Bug with Tags filter on gallery"
  • ssp-director-tools/trunk/ssp-director-tools.php

    r409240 r450207  
    33 Plugin Name: SSP Director Tools
    44 Description: SSP Director Tools help you to link content from a SlideShowPro Director installation to WordPress posts and pages.
    5  Version: 1.0.1
     5 Version: 1.0.2
    66 Text Domain: sspdt
    77 Author: Matthias Scheidl <[email protected]>
    7979        echo '  var $j = jQuery.noConflict();';
    8080        echo '  $j(document).ready(function() {';
    81         echo '      $j("a.fancybox").fancybox({"type" : "image"';
     81        echo '      $j("a.sspdt-fancybox").fancybox({"type" : "image"';
    8383        if( isset( $fb['padding'] ) ) echo ', "padding" : ' . (int) $fb['padding'];
    8585        echo ( $fb['titleShow'] === '1' ? ', "titleShow" : true' : ', "titleShow" : false');
    8686        if( isset( $fb['titlePosition'] ) && $fb['titlePosition'] != 'outside' ) echo ', "titlePosition" : "' . $fb['titlePosition'] . '"';
    87         /*if( $fb['counterShow'] == '1' && $fb['titlePosition'] == 'inside')  echo ', "titleFormat" : function (title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) {
    88          return "<div id=\'tip7-title\' style=\'text-align:left\'>" + (title && title.length ? + title + : "" ) + "Image " + (currentIndex + 1) + " of " + currentArray.length + "</div>";
    89          };';*/
    9087        echo ( $fb['overlayShow'] === '1' ? ', "overlayShow" : true' : ', "overlayShow" : false');
    9188        if( isset( $fb['overlayOpacity'] ) && $fb['overlayShow'] === '1') echo ', "overlayOpacity" : ' . (float) $fb['overlayOpacity'] ;
    103100        if( isset( $fb['easingOut'] ) && $fb['transitionOut'] == 'easing' ) echo ', "easingOut" : "' . $fb['easingOut'] . '"';
    104101        if( isset( $fb['changeSpeed'] ) ) echo ', "changeSpeed" : ' . (int) $fb['changeSpeed'];
     103        echo ', "onStart" : function(currentArray,currentIndex,currentOpts){
     104                        if(currentOpts.titlePosition != "float") {
     105                        var obj = currentArray[ currentIndex ];
     106                        if ($j(obj).next().length)
     107                                this.title = $j(obj).next().html();
     108                        }
     109                } ';
    106111        echo '      });';
     163 * Plugin activation handler
     164 */
     165function sspdt_activation_handler() {
     166    sspdt_default_options();
     170register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'sspdt_activation_handler');
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.