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Changeset 3165007

10/08/2024 01:28:19 PM (5 months ago)

trunk update to ver 8.1.0

2 deleted
16 edited


  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/README.txt

    r3160880 r3165007  
    55Requires at least: 5.4.0
    66Tested up to: 6.6.2
    7 Stable tag: 8.0.1
     7Stable tag: 8.1.0
    88License: GPLv2 or later
    99License URI:
    157157No. Privacy regulations cover many areas of business. WP Full Picture helps you handle only a part of it, so you still need to be aware and act accordingly to be fully compliant with the rest of them.
    159 = I am using a different consent solution. Can I keep using it? =
    161 Yes you can, however we cannot guarantee that it will work with WP Full Picture. Remember to double check it. Also, please mind that the vast majority of cookie notices do not comply with privacy regulations like GDPR or CCPA - even if they claim so. This is because they do not prevent loading cookies (or scripts that use them) before users agree to tracking.
     159= I am using a different cookie notice. Can I keep using it? =
     161Yes you can. Please mind however that the vast majority of cookie notices do not comply with privacy regulations like GDPR or CCPA - even if they claim so! This is because they do not prevent loading cookies (or scripts that use them) before users agree to tracking.
    163163= Can I translate texts in the cookie notice? =
    196196== Changelog ==
     198= 8.1.0 (08-10-2024) =
     200* [New] Import/export of plugin settings
     201* [Removed] Adblock usage tracking - removed due to low accuracy
    198203= 8.0.1 (01-10-2024) =
    391396* [Removed] Saving tasks in checklists
    392397* [Removed] Hiding Pro settings in the free version
    394 = 7.0.2 (31-01-2023) =
    396 * [Fix] Google Ads conversion tracking - fixed a typo that prevented conversions from being tracked
    397 * [Fix] [Microsot Ads] Properly marked enhanced conversions as unavailable in Free
    399 = 7.0.0 (18-01-2023) =
    401 * [New] 100% NEW WooCommerce integration with blocks supports & new features
    402 * [New] [MS Advertising] Enhanced Conversion tracking (Pro only)
    403 * [New] [Woo] [Pinterest] Added tracking product categories
    404 * [New] [Woo] Undoing product removals in cart is now tracked
    405 * [New] [Woo] [Plausible] Revenue data is now automatically sent with purchase information
    406 * [New] [Woo] Tracking coupons in compatible tools
    407 * [New] [Plausible] You can now track WP data, search phrases and user role
    408 * [New] [X / Twitter] WP FP can now send to Twitter / X user’s email address for improved conv. tracking (Pro only)
    409 * [New] Added Android app redirects to YouTube app, LinkedIn app and Line app (JP)
    410 * [Update] [Woo] All “begin checkout” events are now tracked. Not only the first one in a path
    411 * [Update] [All] Phone numbers and email addresses clicked by people on the website are now tracked in a form that prevents them from being considered as PII by tracking tools (hence, not blocked)
    412 * [Update] [Hotjar] Updated to latest HJ API with “hj(event)"
    413 * [Update] Modifications and improvements to FP helpers scripts
    414 * [Update] [Woo] Brand tracking no longer requires selecting brand taxonomy when the WP FP’s brand tax is enabled
    415 * [Removed] Redirecting to the main page of plugin after activation
    416 * [Removed] [GTM] Old formatting of data sent to the dataLayer
    417 * [Fix] [Woo] [Pin] Email address for the Enhanced Match is now correctly sent to Pinterest (Pro only)
    418 * [Fix] [Woo] [Plausible] Properties for Woo events should now be correctly recognized by Plausible
    419 * [Fix] [Woo] [Matomo] In certain situations clean page title was not reported to Matomo and the default one was used
    420 * [Other] Added aria-label to the panels of the cookie notice.
    422 * Find more in [our changelog](
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/admin/class-fupi-admin.php

    r3160850 r3165007  
    469469                $sections = apply_filters( 'fupi_' . $module['id'] . '_settings', $sections, $option_arr_id );
    470470                foreach ( $sections as $section ) {
    471                     // trigger_error('Serialized sections' .  serialize($section));
    472471                    add_settings_section(
    473472                        $section['section_id'],
    495494    }
    497     private function generate_rand_filename( $id ) {
    498         $chr = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    499         $name = $id . '_';
    500         for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
    501             $j = mt_rand( 0, strlen( $chr ) - 1 );
    502             $name .= $chr[$j];
    503         }
    504         return $name;
    505     }
     496    // private function generate_rand_filename($id){
     497    //  $chr = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
     498    //  $name = $id . '_';
     499    //  for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
     500    //      $j = mt_rand(0, strlen($chr) - 1);
     501    //      $name .= $chr[$j];
     502    //  }
     503    //  return $name;
     504    // }
    507505    // SANITIZATION
    508506    public function fupi_sanitize_fields_tools( $input ) {
    721719        // fupi_gtm_v2_deprecation
    722720        // fupi_gtm_v2_deprecation_2
     721        // fupi_uses_oceanwp_theme
    723722        // if ( is_multisite() ){
    724723        //  $plugins_page_url = network_home_url() . 'wp-admin/network/plugins.php';
    774773    }
     776    private function fupi_save_settings_to_file() {
     777        include FUPI_PATH . '/includes/fupi_modules_data.php';
     778        $saved_options = array();
     779        // get modules options
     780        foreach ( $fupi_modules as $module ) {
     781            $option_id = 'fupi_' . $module['id'];
     782            $option_value = get_option( $option_id );
     783            if ( !empty( $option_value ) ) {
     784                $saved_options[$option_id] = $option_value;
     785            } else {
     786                $saved_options[$option_id] = 'no_value';
     787            }
     788        }
     789        // get consent banner options
     790        $banner_options = get_option( 'fupi_cookie_notice' );
     791        if ( !empty( $banner_options ) ) {
     792            $saved_options['fupi_cookie_notice'] = $banner_options;
     793        } else {
     794            $saved_options['fupi_cookie_notice'] = 'no_value';
     795        }
     796        // get theme mods
     797        $banner_style_mods = array(
     798            'fupi_notice_bg_color',
     799            'fupi_notice_h_color',
     800            'fupi_notice_text_color',
     801            'fupi_notice_cta_color',
     802            'fupi_notice_cta_txt_color',
     803            'fupi_notice_cta_color_hover',
     804            'fupi_notice_cta_txt_color_hover',
     805            'fupi_notice_btn_color',
     806            'fupi_notice_btn_txt_color',
     807            'fupi_notice_btn_color_hover',
     808            'fupi_notice_btn_txt_color_hover',
     809            'fupi_notice_switch_color',
     810            'fupi_cookie_notice_border',
     811            'fupi_notice_border_color',
     812            'fupi_cookie_notice_size',
     813            'fupi_notice_round_corners',
     814            'fupi_cookie_notice_heading_tag',
     815            'fupi_cookie_notice_h_font_size',
     816            'fupi_cookie_notice_p_font_size',
     817            'fupi_cookie_notice_button_font_size',
     818            'fupi_notice_necessary_switch_color',
     819            'fupi_toggler_bg_color',
     820            'fupi_custom_toggler_img'
     821        );
     822        $saved_options['theme_mods'] = [];
     823        foreach ( $banner_style_mods as $mod_id ) {
     824            $value = get_theme_mod( $mod_id );
     825            if ( empty( $value ) ) {
     826                $saved_options['theme_mods'][$mod_id] = 'no_value';
     827            } else {
     828                $saved_options['theme_mods'][$mod_id] = get_theme_mod( $mod_id );
     829            }
     830        }
     831        $json_data = json_encode( $saved_options, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );
     832        $folder_path = trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] ) . 'wpfp/backups/';
     833        if ( !file_exists( $folder_path ) ) {
     834            mkdir( $folder_path, 0755, true );
     835        }
     836        $file_path = $folder_path . '/wpfp_settings_backup.json';
     837        $result = file_put_contents( $file_path, $json_data );
     838        if ( $result !== false ) {
     839            return true;
     840        } else {
     841            return false;
     842        }
     843    }
     845    public function fupi_ajax_download_settings_backup() {
     846        check_ajax_referer( 'wpfullpicture_download_nonce', 'nonce' );
     847        if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
     848            $this->fupi_save_settings_to_file();
     849            $file_path = trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] ) . 'wpfp/backups/wpfp_settings_backup.json';
     850            if ( file_exists( $file_path ) ) {
     851                $file_url = trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['baseurl'] ) . 'wpfp/backups/wpfp_settings_backup.json';
     852                wp_send_json_success( array(
     853                    'file_url' => $file_url,
     854                ) );
     855            } else {
     856                wp_send_json_error( array(
     857                    'message' => esc_html__( 'File not found', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     858                ) );
     859            }
     860        } else {
     861            wp_send_json_error( array(
     862                'message' => esc_html__( 'Permission denied', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     863            ) );
     864        }
     865    }
     867    public function fupi_process_uploaded_settings() {
     868        check_ajax_referer( 'wpfullpicture_upload_nonce', 'nonce' );
     869        if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
     870            wp_send_json_error( array(
     871                'message' => esc_html__( 'Permission denied', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     872            ) );
     873        }
     874        $uploaded_settings = ( isset( $_POST['settings'] ) ? $_POST['settings'] : '' );
     875        if ( empty( $uploaded_settings ) ) {
     876            wp_send_json_error( array(
     877                'message' => esc_html__( 'No settings data received', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     878            ) );
     879        }
     880        if ( !is_array( $uploaded_settings ) ) {
     881            wp_send_json_error( array(
     882                'message' => esc_html__( 'Invalid JSON format', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     883            ) );
     884        }
     885        // Update the settings
     886        foreach ( $uploaded_settings as $option_id => $option_value ) {
     887            switch ( $option_id ) {
     888                case 'theme_mods':
     889                    foreach ( $option_value as $mod_id => $value ) {
     890                        if ( $value == "no_value" ) {
     891                            remove_theme_mod( $mod_id );
     892                        } else {
     893                            set_theme_mod( $mod_id, $value );
     894                        }
     895                    }
     896                    break;
     897                case 'fupi_reports':
     898                    if ( $option_value == 'no_value' ) {
     899                        delete_option( 'fupi_reports' );
     900                    } else {
     901                        // scripts are encoded during sanitisation. We must encode them before they are sanitized with html_entity_decode( $saved_value, ENT_QUOTES )
     902                        if ( !empty( $option_value['dashboards'] ) ) {
     903                            foreach ( $option_value['dashboards'] as $i => $dash ) {
     904                                $option_value['dashboards'][$i]['iframe'] = html_entity_decode( $option_value['dashboards'][$i]['iframe'], ENT_QUOTES );
     905                            }
     906                        }
     907                        update_option( 'fupi_reports', $option_value );
     908                    }
     909                    break;
     910                case 'fupi_cscr':
     911                    if ( $option_value == 'no_value' ) {
     912                        delete_option( 'fupi_cscr' );
     913                    } else {
     914                        // scripts are encoded during sanitisation. We must encode them before they are sanitized with html_entity_decode( $saved_value, ENT_QUOTES )
     915                        $placements = array('fupi_head_scripts', 'fupi_footer_scripts');
     916                        foreach ( $placements as $placement_name ) {
     917                            // gets string 'fupi_head_scripts'
     918                            if ( !empty( $option_value[$placement_name] ) ) {
     919                                $placement_scripts = $option_value[$placement_name];
     920                                $i = 0;
     921                                foreach ( $placement_scripts as $single_script_data ) {
     922                                    $decoded_val = html_entity_decode( $single_script_data['scr'], ENT_QUOTES );
     923                                    $option_value[$placement_name][$i]['scr'] = $decoded_val;
     924                                    if ( !empty( $option_value[$placement_name][$i]['html'] ) ) {
     925                                        $decoded_html = html_entity_decode( $single_script_data['html'], ENT_QUOTES );
     926                                        $option_value[$placement_name][$i]['html'] = $decoded_html;
     927                                    }
     928                                    $i++;
     929                                }
     930                            }
     931                        }
     932                        update_option( 'fupi_cscr', $option_value );
     933                    }
     934                    break;
     935                default:
     936                    if ( $option_value == 'no_value' ) {
     937                        delete_option( $option_id );
     938                    } else {
     939                        update_option( $option_id, $option_value );
     940                    }
     941                    break;
     942            }
     943        }
     944        wp_send_json_success( array(
     945            'message' => 'Settings processed successfully',
     946        ) );
     947    }
     949    public function fupi_print_scripts() {
     950        $screen = get_current_screen();
     951        if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] !== 'full_picture_main' ) {
     952            return;
     953        }
     954        ?>
     955        <script>
     956        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
     958            // DOWNLOAD SETTINGS BUTTON
     959            $('.fupi_downl_settings_btn').click(function(e) {
     960                e.preventDefault();
     961                $.ajax({
     962                    url: ajaxurl,
     963                    type: 'POST',
     964                    data: {
     965                        action: 'fupi_ajax_download_settings_backup',
     966                        nonce: '<?php
     967        echo wp_create_nonce( 'wpfullpicture_download_nonce' );
     968        ?>'
     969                    },
     970                    success: function(response) {
     971                        if (response.success) {
     972                            // creates an invisible link and clicks it
     973                            const url =;
     974                            const a = document.createElement('a');
     975                   = 'none';
     976                            a.href = url;
     977                   = 'wpfp_settings_backup.json'; // sets filename
     978                            document.body.appendChild(a);
     979                  ;
     980                        } else {
     981                            alert('Error: ' +;
     982                            window.location.reload();
     983                        }
     984                    }
     985                });
     986            });
     988            // UPLOAD SETTINGS BUTTON
     990            let upload_field = FP.findID('fupi_main[upload_settings_file]');
     992            if ( upload_field ) {
     994                $('.fupi_upload_settings_btn').click(function(e) {
     995                    e.preventDefault();
     996                    if (
     997                        confirm( '<?php
     998        echo esc_html__( "This will overwrite all settings of WP Full Picture. Are you sure?", 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' );
     999        ?>' )
     1000                    ) {
     1001              ;
     1002                    }
     1003                });
     1005                upload_field.addEventListener( 'change', e => {
     1007                    const file =[0];
     1009                    if ( file ) {
     1010                        var reader = new FileReader();
     1011                        reader.onload = function(e) {
     1012                            try {
     1013                                var jsonContent = JSON.parse(;
     1015                                // console.log('Uploaded JSON content:', jsonContent);
     1017                                $.ajax({
     1018                                    url: ajaxurl,
     1019                                    type: 'POST',
     1020                                    data: {
     1021                                        action: 'fupi_process_uploaded_settings',
     1022                                        nonce: '<?php
     1023        echo wp_create_nonce( 'wpfullpicture_upload_nonce' );
     1024        ?>',
     1025                                        settings: jsonContent
     1026                                    },
     1027                                    success: function(response) {
     1028                                        if (response.success) {
     1029                                            alert( '<?php
     1030        echo esc_html__( 'Settings uploaded successfully! The page will now reload.', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' );
     1031        ?>' );
     1032                                            window.location.reload();
     1033                                        } else {
     1034                                            alert('Error: ' +;
     1035                                            window.location.reload();
     1036                                        }
     1037                                    }
     1038                                });
     1039                            } catch (error) {
     1040                                console.error('Error parsing JSON:', error);
     1041                                alert( '<?php
     1042        echo esc_html__( 'Invalid JSON file', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' );
     1043        ?>' );
     1044                            }
     1045                        };
     1046                        reader.readAsText(file);
     1047                    }
     1048                });
     1049            }
     1051        });
     1052        </script>
     1053        <?php
     1054    }
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php

    r3156895 r3165007  
    366366    // =======
    367367    case 'textarea':
    368         // If it is a textarea
    369368        if ( !empty( $recipe['format'] ) ) {
    370369            if ( $recipe['format'] == 'htmlentities' ) {
    388387    // =======
    389388    case 'button':
    390         // If it is a textarea
    391389        $button_text = ( !empty( $recipe['button_text'] ) ? esc_attr( $recipe['button_text'] ) : '' );
    392390        $icon = ( !empty( $recipe['icon'] ) ? '<span class="' . esc_attr( $recipe['icon'] ) . '"></span> ' : '' );
    413411        }
    414412        break;
     413    case 'upload_button':
     414        $button_text = ( !empty( $recipe['button_text'] ) ? esc_attr( $recipe['button_text'] ) : '' );
     415        $icon = ( !empty( $recipe['icon'] ) ? '<span class="' . esc_attr( $recipe['icon'] ) . '"></span> ' : '' );
     416        $accept_type = ( !empty( $recipe['accept_type'] ) ? esc_attr( $recipe['accept_type'] ) : '' );
     417        // allowed file formats. Examples:
     418        printf(
     419            '<button type="button" class="%1$s">%2$s%3$s</button>
     420        <input type="file" id="%4$s" accept="%5$s" style="display: none;">',
     421            $el_class,
     422            $icon,
     423            $button_text,
     424            $field_id,
     425            $accept_type
     426        );
     427        break;
    415428    // =======
    416429    case 'select':
    417         // If it is a select dropdown
    418430        if ( !empty( $recipe['options'] ) && is_array( $recipe['options'] ) ) {
    419431            $options_markup = '';
    437449    // =======
    438450    case 'page_select':
    439         // If it is a select dropdown
    440451        $pages = get_pages();
    441452        $options_markup = '<option value="" false>' . esc_attr( 'Choose page', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ) . '</option>';
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php

    r3156895 r3165007  
    237237        'option_arr_id'     => $option_arr_id,
    238238    ),
    239     array(
    240         'type'              => 'toggle',
    241         'label'             => esc_html__( 'Send to the DL if a visitor uses an ad blocker', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
    242         'field_id'          => 'detect_adblock',
    243         'must_have'         => 'pro',
    244         'option_arr_id'     => $option_arr_id,
    245         'under field'       => '<p style="color: red;">' . esc_html__( 'Deprecated. This function will be soon removed due to poor accuracy caused by the recent changes in ad blockers.', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ) . '</p>',
    246     )
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-descr_main.php

    r3156895 r3165007  
    2828    break;
     30    // IMPORT / EXPORT
     32    case 'fupi_main_importexport':
     33        return '<p>' . esc_html__( 'Use these functions to make a backup of your WP Full Picture\'s settings or move them to a different site.' , 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ) . '</p>';
     34    break;
    3036    // OTHER SETTINGS
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php

    r3156895 r3165007  
    355355    ),
     358    array(
     359        'section_id' => 'fupi_main_importexport',
     360        'section_title' => esc_html__( 'Import / Export', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     361        'fields' => array(
     362            array(
     363                'type'              => 'button',
     364                'label'             => esc_html__( 'Export WP FP settings', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     365                'button_text'       => esc_html__( 'Download file', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     366                'icon'              => 'dashicons dashicons-download',
     367                'el_class'          => 'button button-secondary fupi_downl_settings_btn',
     368                'field_id'          => 'downl_settings_btn',
     369                'option_arr_id'     => $option_arr_id,
     370                'under field'       => '<p>' . esc_html__( 'Download a JSON file with WP FP\'s settings.', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ) . '</p>'
     371            ),
     372            array(
     373                'type'              => 'upload_button',
     374                'label'             => esc_html__( 'Import WP FP settings', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     375                'button_text'       => esc_html__( 'Upload file', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
     376                'icon'              => 'dashicons dashicons-upload',
     377                'accept_type'       => 'application/json',
     378                'el_class'          => 'button button-secondary fupi_upload_settings_btn',
     379                'field_id'          => 'upload_settings_file',
     380                'option_arr_id'     => $option_arr_id,
     381                'under field'       => '<p>' . esc_html__( 'Send a JSON file with WP FP\'s settings.', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ) . '</p>'
     382            ),
     383        )
     384    ),
    357386    // OTHER SETTINGS
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-sanitize-pla.php

    r3156895 r3165007  
    4949            case 'track_contact_links':
    5050            case 'track_cookie_decline_2':
    51             case 'detect_adblock_2':
    5251            case 'track_woo_purchases':
    5352            case 'track_woo_purchased_items':
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php

    r3156895 r3165007  
    430430            array(
    431431                'type'              => 'text',
    432                 'label'             => esc_html__( 'Track how many people use ad blockers', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
    433                 'field_id'          => 'detect_adblock_2',
    434                 'placeholder'       => esc_html__('Goal name, e.g. "Uses an ad blocker"', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice'),
    435                 'option_arr_id'     => $option_arr_id,
    436                 'label_for'         => $option_arr_id . '[detect_adblock_2]',
    437                 'must_have'         => 'pro',
    438                 'el_class'          => 'fupi_condition',
    439                 'el_data_target'    => 'fupi_adblock_test_cond',
    440                 'under field'       => '<p style="color: red;">' . esc_html__( 'Deprecated. This function will be soon removed due to poor accuracy caused by the recent changes in ad blockers.', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ) . '</p>',
    441                 'popup2'            => '<p style="color: #e47d00">' . esc_html__('It is best to use this option on proxied or self-hosted installations of Plausible. See the "Installation" section for more details. Otherwise, Plausible will be blocked by some ad blockers, which this function is trying to detect.','full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ) . '</p>',
    442             ),
    443                 array(
    444                     'type'              => 'toggle',
    445                     'label'             => esc_html__( 'Check adblock usage once per session instead of on every page', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
    446                     'field_id'          => 'detect_adblock_per_session',
    447                     'option_arr_id'     => $option_arr_id,
    448                     'class'             => 'fupi_sub fupi_adblock_test_cond fupi_disabled',
    449                     'must_have'         => 'pro',
    450                     'popup'             => esc_html__( 'Recommended to minimize the number of events sent to Plausible.', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice'),
    451                 ),
    452             array(
    453                 'type'              => 'text',
    454432                'label'             => esc_html__( 'Track how many people decline cookies', 'full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice' ),
    455433                'field_id'          => 'track_cookie_decline_2',
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/full-picture.php

    r3160850 r3165007  
    55 * Plugin URI:
    66 * Description:       All-in-1 privacy and analytics plugin. Install Google Analytics, Meta Pixel, GTM and other tools and use them according to privacy laws.
    7  * Version:           8.0.1
     7 * Version:           8.1.0
    88 * Requires at least: 5.4
    99 * Requires PHP:      7.4
    2121    fupi_fs()->set_basename( false, __FILE__ );
    2222} else {
    23     define( 'FUPI_VERSION', '8.0.1' );
     23    define( 'FUPI_VERSION', '8.1.0' );
    2424    define( 'FUPI_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );
    2525    define( 'FUPI_PATH', __DIR__ );
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php

    r3077165 r3165007  
    7979                remove_theme_mod( 'fupi_cookie_notice_p_font_size' );
    8080                remove_theme_mod( 'fupi_cookie_notice_button_font_size' );
     81                remove_theme_mod( 'fupi_notice_necessary_switch_color' );
     82                remove_theme_mod( 'fupi_toggler_bg_color' );
     83                remove_theme_mod( 'fupi_custom_toggler_img' );
    8185            }
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/includes/class-fupi.php

    r3160850 r3165007  
    9494        // AJAX USER SEARCH (for the settings field)
    9595        $this->loader->add_action( 'wp_ajax_fupi_search_users', $plugin_admin, 'fupi_search_users_callback' );
     96        // IMPORT/EXPORT SETTINGS
     97        $this->loader->add_action( 'wp_ajax_fupi_ajax_download_settings_backup', $plugin_admin, 'fupi_ajax_download_settings_backup' );
     98        $this->loader->add_action( 'admin_footer', $plugin_admin, 'fupi_print_scripts' );
     99        $this->loader->add_action( 'wp_ajax_fupi_process_uploaded_settings', $plugin_admin, 'fupi_process_uploaded_settings' );
    96100    }
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/languages/full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice-pl_PL.po

    r3160850 r3165007  
    66"Project-Id-Version: wpfp\n"
    77"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Translator Name <[email protected]>\n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-30 13:16+0200\n"
    9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-30 13:20+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-07 14:53+0200\n"
     9"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-07 14:56+0200\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Planeta <[email protected]>\n"
    1111"Language-Team: Polish\n"
    4141msgstr "Raporty"
    43 #: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:992
     43#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:991
    4444#, php-format
    4545msgid "WP Full Picture plugin has detected that you are using OceanWP theme. This theme breaks the controls for styling Consent Banner in the WordPress theme customizer. %1$sLearn what to do about it%2$s."
    4646msgstr "Wtyczka WP Full Picture wykryła, że używasz motywu OceanWP. Ten motyw uniemożliwia stylizację banera zgody w panelu dostosowania wyglądu szablonu. %1$sDowiedz się, co z tym zrobić%2$s."
    48 #: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1011
     48#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1010
    4949msgid "Order conf. seen"
    5050msgstr "Potwierdzenie zam. wyświetlone"
    52 #: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1021
     52#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1020
    5353msgid "Order confirmation page seen"
    5454msgstr "Strona potwierdz. zamówienia obejrzana"
    56 #: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1021
     56#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1020
    5757msgid "Order confirmation page not seen"
    5858msgstr "Strona potwierdz. zamówienia nieobejrzana"
     60#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1122
     61msgid "File not found"
     62msgstr "Nie odnaleziono pliku"
     64#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1125 admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1134
     65msgid "Permission denied"
     66msgstr "Odmowa dostępu"
     68#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1140
     69msgid "No settings data received"
     70msgstr "Brak danych ustawień"
     72#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1145
     73msgid "Invalid JSON format"
     74msgstr "Nieprawidłowy format JSON"
     76#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1265
     77msgid "This will overwrite all settings of WP Full Picture. Are you sure?"
     78msgstr "Spowoduje to nadpisanie wszystkich ustawień WP Full Picture. Jesteś pewien?"
     80#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1293
     81msgid "Settings uploaded successfully! The page will now reload."
     82msgstr "Ustawienia zostały przesłane pomyślnie! Strona zostanie teraz przeładowana."
     84#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1303
     85msgid "Invalid JSON file"
     86msgstr "Nieprawidłowy plik JSON"
    6088#: admin/customizer/fupi-customizer-settings.php:6
    407435#: admin/customizer/fupi-customizer-settings.php:875
    408 #: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:465
     436#: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:476
    409437#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:135
    410438msgid "None"
    710738msgstr "Szukaj użytkowników..."
    712 #: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:480
    713 #: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:519
     740#: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:491
     741#: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:530
    714742msgid "Please select"
    715743msgstr "Wybierz"
    717 #: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:598
     745#: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:609
    718746#: admin/settings/pages/fupi-admin-page-display.php:40
    719747msgid "Required"
    15741602#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:209
    15751603#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:90
    1576 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:365
     1604#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:357
    15771605#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:95
    15781606#: admin/settings/modules/insp/fupi-admin-tab-insp.php:92
    24092437#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:240
    24102438#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:179
    2411 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:343
     2439#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:335
    24122440#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:238
    24132441#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:156
    33423370#: admin/settings/modules/fbp1/fupi-admin-tab-fbp1.php:200
    3343 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:296
     3371#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:288
    33443372msgid "By default WP Full Picture tracks categories, tags and formats that are attached to posts and pages. You can enable tracking other terms in the \"General Settings\" > \"Default Tracking Settings\"."
    33453373msgstr "Domyślnie WP Full Picture śledzi kategorie, tagi i formaty postów i stron. Możesz włączyć śledzenie innych w \"Ustawienia Ogólnych\" > \"Domyślne Ustawienia Śledzenia\"."
    33763404#: admin/settings/modules/fbp1/fupi-admin-tab-fbp1.php:226
    3377 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:534
     3405#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:512
    33783406msgid "Track searched phrases"
    33793407msgstr "Śledź wyszukiwane frazy"
    33843412#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:260
    33853413#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:170
    3386 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:528
     3414#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:506
    33873415msgid "Track user's login status and role"
    33883416msgstr "Śledź status logowania i rolę użytkownika"
    34113439#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:286
    34123440#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:217
    3413 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:373
     3441#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:365
    34143442#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:111
    34153443#: admin/settings/modules/mads/fupi-admin-tab-mads.php:108
    36083636#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:578
    36093637#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:244
    3610 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:401
     3638#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:393
    36113639#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:452
    3612 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:466
     3640#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:444
    36133641msgid "Tracking lead scores and custom events"
    36143642msgstr "Śledzenie zdarzeń niestandardowych i lead scoring"
    36163644#: admin/settings/modules/fbp1/fupi-admin-tab-fbp1.php:554
    36173645#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:582
    3618 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:405
     3646#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:397
    36193647#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:456
    3620 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:470
     3648#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:448
    36213649msgid "Track when specific conditions are met"
    36223650msgstr "Śledź, gdy spełnione są określone warunki"
    36253653#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:590
    36263654#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:256
    3627 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:413
     3655#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:405
    36283656#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:464
    3629 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:478
     3657#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:456
    36303658msgid "When this happens"
    36313659msgstr "Kiedy to się wydarzy"
    36343662#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:599
    36353663#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:265
    3636 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:422
     3664#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:414
    36373665#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:473
    3638 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:487
     3666#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:465
    36393667msgid "...for..."
    36403668msgstr "...po raz..."
    36433671#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:604
    36443672#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:270
    3645 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:427
     3673#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:419
    36463674#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:478
    3647 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:492
     3675#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:470
    36483676msgid "The first time"
    36493677msgstr "Pierwszy"
    36523680#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:605
    36533681#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:271
    3654 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:428
     3682#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:420
    36553683#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:479
    3656 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:493
     3684#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:471
    36573685msgid "Every time"
    36583686msgstr "Za każdym razem"
    36653693#: admin/settings/modules/fbp1/fupi-admin-tab-fbp1.php:582
    36663694#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:611
    3667 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:434
     3695#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:426
    36683696msgid "event_name"
    36693697msgstr "event_name"
    39984026#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:154
    39994027#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:93
    4000 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:289
     4028#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:281
    40014029msgid "This will track what categories, tags and formats are associated with posts and pages. You can enable tracking other terms and / or post types in the \"General Settings\" > \"Default Tracking Settings\"."
    40024030msgstr "Spowoduje to śledzenie, jakie kategorie, tagi i formaty są powiązane z postami i stronami. Możesz włączyć śledzenie innych warunków i / lub typów postów w \"Ustawienia Ogólne\" > \"Domyślne Ustawienia Śledzenia\"."
    44744502#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:619
    4475 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:442
     4503#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:434
    44764504#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:493
    44774505msgid "Value (optional)"
    44804508#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:637
    44814509#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:509
    4482 #: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:361
     4510#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:390
    44834511msgid "Other"
    44844512msgstr "Inne"
    45284556#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:535
    45294557#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:295
    4530 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:460
     4558#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:452
    45314559#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:324
    45324560#: admin/settings/modules/mads/fupi-admin-tab-mads.php:259
    45334561#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:511
    45344562#: admin/settings/modules/pin/fupi-admin-tab-pin.php:129
    4535 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:547
     4563#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:525
    45364564#: admin/settings/modules/tik/fupi-admin-tab-tik.php:195
    45374565#: admin/settings/modules/tools/fupi-admin-descr_tools.php:20
    51605188msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL język przeglądarki odwiedzającego"
    5162 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:241
    5163 msgid "Send to the DL if a visitor uses an ad blocker"
    5164 msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL, informację czy odwiedzający korzysta z blokera reklam"
    5166 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:245
    5167 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:440
    5168 msgid "Deprecated. This function will be soon removed due to poor accuracy caused by the recent changes in ad blockers."
    5169 msgstr "Przestarzałe. Ta funkcja zostanie wkrótce usunięta z powodu niskiej dokładności spowodowanej ostatnimi zmianami w blokerach reklam."
    5171 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:255
     5190#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:247
    51725191msgid "Send to the DL page language"
    51735192msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL język strony"
    5175 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:261
     5194#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:253
    51765195msgid "Send to the DL page titles"
    51775196msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL tytuły stron"
    5179 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:264
     5198#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:256
    51805199msgid "Sends both, default post/page titles and meta titles (SEO titles)."
    51815200msgstr "Wysyła zarówno domyślne tytuły postów/stron, jak i meta tytuły (tytuły SEO)."
    5183 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:268
     5202#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:260
    51845203msgid "Send to the DL page type"
    51855204msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL typ strony"
    5187 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:274
     5206#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:266
    51885207msgid "Send to the DL page IDs"
    51895208msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL identyfikatory stron"
    5191 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:280
     5210#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:272
    51925211msgid "Send to the DL page numbers and archive page numbers"
    51935212msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL numery stron i numery stron archiwalnych"
    5195 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:286
     5214#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:278
    51965215msgid "Send to the DL post's terms (categories, tags, etc.) "
    51975216msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL do jakich kategorii, tagów itp. są dodane posty, strony, itd. "
    5199 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:293
     5218#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:285
    52005219msgid "Send to the DL categories, tags and other terms"
    52015220msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL kategorie, tagi i inne"
    5203 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:300
     5222#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:292
    52045223msgid "Send to the DL search terms"
    52055224msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL wyszukiwane frazy"
    5207 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:306
     5226#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:298
    52085227msgid "Send to the DL the number of search results"
    52095228msgstr "Wyślij do DL liczbę wyników wyszukiwania"
    5211 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:312
     5230#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:304
    52125231msgid "Send to the DL author's display names"
    52135232msgstr "Wyślij do DL wyświetlaną nazwę autora strony"
    5215 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:315
     5234#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:307
    52165235msgid "Please make sure that the author's display names that you will be tracking are not their real names and cannot be used for their identification (it is against Google's policy)"
    52175236msgstr "Upewnij się, że wyświetlane nazwy autorów, które będziesz śledzić, nie są ich prawdziwymi nazwiskami i nie mogą być użyte do ich identyfikacji (jest to niezgodne z polityką Google)"
    5219 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:324
     5238#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:316
    52205239msgid "Send to the DL authors IDs"
    52215240msgstr "Wyślij do DL ID autorów"
    5223 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:337
     5242#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:329
    52245243msgid "Send to the DL custom metadata"
    52255244msgstr "Wyślij do DL niestandardowe metadane"
    5227 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:381
    5228 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:524
     5246#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:373
     5247#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:502
    52295248msgid "Tracking user info"
    52305249msgstr "Śledzenie informacji o użytkowniku"
    5232 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:389
     5251#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:381
    52335252#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:436
    52345253msgid "Tracking WP data"
    52355254msgstr "Śledzenie danych WP"
    5237 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:433
     5256#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:425
    52385257msgid "Send dataLayer event"
    52395258msgstr "Wyślij zdarzenie dataLayer"
    5241 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:464
     5260#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:456
    52425261msgid "Do NOT clear the ecommerce object in the dataLayer before each push"
    52435262msgstr "NIE czyść obiektu ecommerce w dataLayer przed każdym nowym zdarzeniem tego typu"
    5245 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:472
     5264#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:464
    52465265msgid "Send to the DL customer's name and surname"
    52475266msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL imiona i nazwiska klientów"
    5249 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:479
     5268#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:471
    52505269msgid "Send to the DL customer's email address"
    52515270msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL adresy e-mail klientów"
    5253 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:486
     5272#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:478
    52545273msgid "Send to the DL customer's phone number"
    52555274msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL nr. telefonów klientów"
    5257 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:493
     5276#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:485
    52585277msgid "Send to the DL customer's physical address"
    52595278msgstr "Wysyłaj do DL fizyczne adresy klientów"
    55505569#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:328
    5551 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:551
     5570#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:529
    55525571msgid "Track purchases"
    55535572msgstr "Śledź zamówienia"
    62266245#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-descr_main.php:33
     6246msgid "Use these functions to make a backup of your WP Full Picture's settings or move them to a different site."
     6247msgstr "Użyj tych funkcji, aby wykonać kopię zapasową ustawień WP Full Picture lub przenieść je do innej witryny."
     6249#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-descr_main.php:39
    62276250msgid "These settings are experimental. They will be introduced into core if no users report issues with them."
    62286251msgstr "Te ustawienia są eksperymentalne. Zostaną wprowadzone na stałe, jeśli żaden użytkownik nie zgłosi z nimi problemów."
    65816604msgid "Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest use multiple URLs that redirect traffic to your site, e.g.,, etc. Enable this function to combine them and analyse traffic sources more easily."
    65826605msgstr "Facebook, Instagram i Pinterest używają wielu adresów URL, które przekierowują ruch do Twojej witryny, np., itp. Włącz tę funkcję, aby je połączyć i łatwiej analizować źródła ruchu."
     6607#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:360
     6608msgid "Import / Export"
     6609msgstr "Import / Eksport"
     6611#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:364
     6612msgid "Export WP FP settings"
     6613msgstr "Eksportuj ustawienia WP FP"
     6615#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:365
     6616msgid "Download file"
     6617msgstr "Pobierz plik"
     6619#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:370
     6620msgid "Download a JSON file with WP FP's settings."
     6621msgstr "Pobierz plik JSON z ustawieniami WP FP."
     6623#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:374
     6624msgid "Import WP FP settings"
     6625msgstr "Importuj ustawienia WP FP"
     6627#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:375
     6628msgid "Upload file"
     6629msgstr "Prześlij plik"
     6631#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:381
     6632msgid "Send a JSON file with WP FP's settings."
     6633msgstr "Wyślij plik JSON z ustawieniami WP FP."
    65846635#: admin/settings/modules/mato/checklist_mato.php:6
    73057356#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:361
    73067357#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:423
    7307 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:509
     7358#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:487
    73087359msgid "Track as a single event with parameters"
    73097360msgstr "Śledź jako pojedyncze zdarzenie z parametrami"
    73477398#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:432
    7348 msgid "Track how many people use ad blockers"
    7349 msgstr "Śledź, ile osób korzysta z blokerów reklam"
    7351 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:434
    7352 msgid "Goal name, e.g. \"Uses an ad blocker\""
    7353 msgstr "Nazwa celu, np. \"Używa blokady reklam\""
    7355 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:441
    7356 msgid "It is best to use this option on proxied or self-hosted installations of Plausible. See the \"Installation\" section for more details. Otherwise, Plausible will be blocked by some ad blockers, which this function is trying to detect."
    7357 msgstr "Najlepiej jest użyć tej opcji na własnej instalacji Plausible. Zobacz sekcję \"Instalacja\", aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów. W przeciwnym razie Plausible będzie blokowany przez niektóre programy blokujące reklamy, które ta funkcja próbuje wykryć."
    7359 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:445
    7360 msgid "Check adblock usage once per session instead of on every page"
    7361 msgstr "Sprawdzaj użycie adblocka raz na sesję zamiast na każdej stronie"
    7363 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:450
    7364 msgid "Recommended to minimize the number of events sent to Plausible."
    7365 msgstr "Zalecane, aby zminimalizować liczbę zdarzeń wysyłanych do Plausible."
    7367 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:454
    73687399msgid "Track how many people decline cookies"
    73697400msgstr "Śledź, ile osób nie wyraża zgody na śledzenie"
    7371 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:456
     7402#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:434
    73727403msgid "Goal name, e.g. \"Cookies declined\""
    73737404msgstr "Nazwa celu, np. \"Odrzucono pliki cookie\""
    7375 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:498
     7406#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:476
    73767407msgid "Send"
    73777408msgstr "Wyślij"
    7379 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:499
     7410#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:477
    73807411msgid "Short description"
    73817412msgstr "Krótki opis"
    7383 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:513
     7414#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:491
    73847415msgid "Goal name, e.g. \"Custom events\""
    73857416msgstr "Nazwa celu, np. \"Zdarzenia niestandardowe\""
    7387 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:554
    7388 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:567
     7418#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:532
     7419#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:545
     7420#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:553
     7421#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:566
    73897422#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:575
    7390 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:588
    7391 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:597
    7392 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:607
     7423#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:585
    73937424msgid "Goal name"
    73947425msgstr "Nazwa celu"
    7396 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:562
     7427#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:540
    73977428msgid "Track purchased items"
    73987429msgstr "Śledź zakupione produkty"
    7400 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:572
     7431#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:550
    74017432msgid "Track when a customer begins checkout"
    74027433msgstr "Śledź rozpoczęcie procesu zamawiania"
    7404 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:583
     7435#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:561
    74057436msgid "Track during checkout"
    74067437msgstr "Śledź, jakie produkty są w koszyku podczas składania zamówienia"
    7408 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:590
     7439#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:568
    74097440msgid "Attention! Each item in cart is tracked with a separate event!"
    74107441msgstr "Uwaga! Każdy przedmiot w koszyku jest śledzony za pomocą osobnego zdarzenia!"
    7412 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:594
     7443#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:572
    74137444msgid "Track adding products to cart"
    74147445msgstr "Śledź dodawanie produktów do koszyka"
    7416 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:600
     7447#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:578
    74177448msgid "Attention! If a grouped product is added to cart, each item in the group will be tracked with a separate event!"
    74187449msgstr "Uwaga! Jeśli produkt grupowy zostanie dodany do koszyka, każdy element w grupie będzie śledzony za pomocą osobnego zdarzenia!"
    7420 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:604
     7451#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:582
    74217452msgid "Track adding products to a wishlist"
    74227453msgstr "Śledź dodawanie produktów do listy życzeń"
    87638794#: admin/settings/modules/woo/fupi-admin-tab-woo.php:14
    87648795msgid "If SKU is not set, a default product id will be used. This value must be the same as the one in your product feeds, e.g. Merchant Center feed or Facebook catalog (if you use it)."
    8765 msgstr "Jeśli SKU nie jest ustawione, zostanie użyty domyślny identyfikator produktu. Ta wartość musi być taka sama jak ta w Twoich kanałach produktowych, np. w kanale Merchant Center lub katalogu na Facebooku (jeśli ich używasz)."
     8796msgstr "Jeśli SKU nie jest ustawione, zostanie użyty domyślny identyfikator produktu. Ich wartość musi być taka sama jak ta w Twoich feedach produktowych, np. w Merchant Center lub katalogu na Facebooku (jeśli ich używasz)."
    87678798#: admin/settings/modules/woo/fupi-admin-tab-woo.php:18
    90009031msgstr "Zdobądź Pro w 2 minuty"
    9002 #: includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php:86
     9033#: includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php:90
    90039034#, php-format
    90049035msgid "WP Full Picture plugin has been deactivated on %1$s"
    90059036msgstr "Wtyczka WP Full Picture została dezaktywowana na stronie %1$s"
    9007 #: includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php:87
     9038#: includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php:91
    90089039msgid "WP Full Picture plugin has been deactivated. You can re-activate it from your WordPress admin plugin management page"
    90099040msgstr "Wtyczka WP Full Picture została dezaktywowana. Możesz ją ponownie aktywować na stronie zarządzania wtyczkami w panelu administracyjnym WordPress"
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/languages/wpfp.pot

    r3160850 r3165007  
    88"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Translator Name "
    99"<[email protected]>\n"
    10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-30 13:16+0200\n"
     10"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-07 14:53+0200\n"
    1111"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
    1212"Last-Translator: Your Name <[email protected]>\n"
    4343msgstr ""
    45 #: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:992
     45#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:991
    4646#, php-format
    4747msgid ""
    5252msgstr ""
    54 #: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1011
     54#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1010
    5555msgid "Order conf. seen"
    5656msgstr ""
    58 #: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1021
     58#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1020
    5959msgid "Order confirmation page seen"
    6060msgstr ""
    62 #: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1021
     62#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1020
    6363msgid "Order confirmation page not seen"
     64msgstr ""
     66#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1122
     67msgid "File not found"
     68msgstr ""
     70#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1125
     71#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1134
     72msgid "Permission denied"
     73msgstr ""
     75#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1140
     76msgid "No settings data received"
     77msgstr ""
     79#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1145
     80msgid "Invalid JSON format"
     81msgstr ""
     83#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1265
     84msgid ""
     85"This will overwrite all settings of WP Full Picture. Are "
     86"you sure?"
     87msgstr ""
     89#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1293
     90msgid ""
     91"Settings uploaded successfully! The page will now reload."
     92msgstr ""
     94#: admin/class-fupi-admin.php:1303
     95msgid "Invalid JSON file"
    6496msgstr ""
    449481#: admin/customizer/fupi-customizer-settings.php:875
    450 #: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:465
     482#: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:476
    451483#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:135
    452484msgid "None"
    779811msgstr ""
    781 #: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:480
    782 #: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:519
     813#: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:491
     814#: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:530
    783815msgid "Please select"
    784816msgstr ""
    786 #: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:598
     818#: admin/settings/fupi-admin-fields-html.php:609
    787819#: admin/settings/pages/fupi-admin-page-display.php:40
    788820msgid "Required"
    18031835#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:209
    18041836#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:90
    1805 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:365
     1837#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:357
    18061838#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:95
    18071839#: admin/settings/modules/insp/fupi-admin-tab-insp.php:92
    27322764#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:240
    27332765#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:179
    2734 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:343
     2766#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:335
    27352767#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:238
    27362768#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:156
    39704002#: admin/settings/modules/fbp1/fupi-admin-tab-fbp1.php:200
    3971 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:296
     4003#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:288
    39724004msgid ""
    39734005"By default WP Full Picture tracks categories, tags and "
    40144046#: admin/settings/modules/fbp1/fupi-admin-tab-fbp1.php:226
    4015 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:534
     4047#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:512
    40164048msgid "Track searched phrases"
    40174049msgstr ""
    40224054#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:260
    40234055#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:170
    4024 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:528
     4056#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:506
    40254057msgid "Track user's login status and role"
    40264058msgstr ""
    40534085#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:286
    40544086#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:217
    4055 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:373
     4087#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:365
    40564088#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:111
    40574089#: admin/settings/modules/mads/fupi-admin-tab-mads.php:108
    42824314#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:578
    42834315#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:244
    4284 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:401
     4316#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:393
    42854317#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:452
    4286 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:466
     4318#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:444
    42874319msgid "Tracking lead scores and custom events"
    42884320msgstr ""
    42904322#: admin/settings/modules/fbp1/fupi-admin-tab-fbp1.php:554
    42914323#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:582
    4292 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:405
     4324#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:397
    42934325#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:456
    4294 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:470
     4326#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:448
    42954327msgid "Track when specific conditions are met"
    42964328msgstr ""
    42994331#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:590
    43004332#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:256
    4301 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:413
     4333#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:405
    43024334#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:464
    4303 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:478
     4335#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:456
    43044336msgid "When this happens"
    43054337msgstr ""
    43084340#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:599
    43094341#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:265
    4310 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:422
     4342#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:414
    43114343#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:473
    4312 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:487
     4344#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:465
    43134345msgid "...for..."
    43144346msgstr ""
    43174349#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:604
    43184350#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:270
    4319 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:427
     4351#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:419
    43204352#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:478
    4321 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:492
     4353#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:470
    43224354msgid "The first time"
    43234355msgstr ""
    43264358#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:605
    43274359#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:271
    4328 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:428
     4360#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:420
    43294361#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:479
    4330 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:493
     4362#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:471
    43314363msgid "Every time"
    43324364msgstr ""
    43394371#: admin/settings/modules/fbp1/fupi-admin-tab-fbp1.php:582
    43404372#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:611
    4341 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:434
     4373#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:426
    43424374msgid "event_name"
    43434375msgstr ""
    47554787#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:154
    47564788#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:93
    4757 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:289
     4789#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:281
    47584790msgid ""
    47594791"This will track what categories, tags and formats are "
    54055437#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:619
    5406 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:442
     5438#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:434
    54075439#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:493
    54085440msgid "Value (optional)"
    54115443#: admin/settings/modules/ga41/fupi-admin-tab-ga41.php:637
    54125444#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:509
    5413 #: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:361
     5445#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:390
    54145446msgid "Other"
    54155447msgstr ""
    54815513#: admin/settings/modules/ga42__premium_only/fupi-admin-tab-ga42__premium_only.php:535
    54825514#: admin/settings/modules/gads/fupi-admin-tab-gads.php:295
    5483 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:460
     5515#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:452
    54845516#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:324
    54855517#: admin/settings/modules/mads/fupi-admin-tab-mads.php:259
    54865518#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:511
    54875519#: admin/settings/modules/pin/fupi-admin-tab-pin.php:129
    5488 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:547
     5520#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:525
    54895521#: admin/settings/modules/tik/fupi-admin-tab-tik.php:195
    54905522#: admin/settings/modules/tools/fupi-admin-descr_tools.php:20
    63366368msgstr ""
    6338 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:241
    6339 msgid "Send to the DL if a visitor uses an ad blocker"
    6340 msgstr ""
    6342 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:245
    6343 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:440
    6344 msgid ""
    6345 "Deprecated. This function will be soon removed due to poor "
    6346 "accuracy caused by the recent changes in ad blockers."
    6347 msgstr ""
    6349 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:255
     6370#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:247
    63506371msgid "Send to the DL page language"
    63516372msgstr ""
    6353 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:261
     6374#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:253
    63546375msgid "Send to the DL page titles"
    63556376msgstr ""
    6357 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:264
     6378#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:256
    63586379msgid ""
    63596380"Sends both, default post/page titles and meta titles (SEO "
    63616382msgstr ""
    6363 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:268
     6384#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:260
    63646385msgid "Send to the DL page type"
    63656386msgstr ""
    6367 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:274
     6388#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:266
    63686389msgid "Send to the DL page IDs"
    63696390msgstr ""
    6371 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:280
     6392#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:272
    63726393msgid "Send to the DL page numbers and archive page numbers"
    63736394msgstr ""
    6375 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:286
     6396#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:278
    63766397msgid "Send to the DL post's terms (categories, tags, etc.) "
    63776398msgstr ""
    6379 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:293
     6400#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:285
    63806401msgid "Send to the DL categories, tags and other terms"
    63816402msgstr ""
    6383 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:300
     6404#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:292
    63846405msgid "Send to the DL search terms"
    63856406msgstr ""
    6387 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:306
     6408#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:298
    63886409msgid "Send to the DL the number of search results"
    63896410msgstr ""
    6391 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:312
     6412#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:304
    63926413msgid "Send to the DL author's display names"
    63936414msgstr ""
    6395 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:315
     6416#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:307
    63966417msgid ""
    63976418"Please make sure that the author's display names that you "
    64016422msgstr ""
    6403 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:324
     6424#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:316
    64046425msgid "Send to the DL authors IDs"
    64056426msgstr ""
    6407 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:337
     6428#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:329
    64086429msgid "Send to the DL custom metadata"
    64096430msgstr ""
     6432#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:373
     6433#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:502
     6434msgid "Tracking user info"
     6435msgstr ""
    64116437#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:381
    6412 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:524
    6413 msgid "Tracking user info"
    6414 msgstr ""
    6416 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:389
    64176438#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:436
    64186439msgid "Tracking WP data"
    64196440msgstr ""
    6421 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:433
     6442#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:425
    64226443msgid "Send dataLayer event"
    64236444msgstr ""
    6425 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:464
     6446#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:456
    64266447msgid ""
    64276448"Do NOT clear the ecommerce object in the dataLayer before "
    64296450msgstr ""
    6431 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:472
     6452#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:464
    64326453msgid "Send to the DL customer's name and surname"
    64336454msgstr ""
    6435 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:479
     6456#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:471
    64366457msgid "Send to the DL customer's email address"
    64376458msgstr ""
    6439 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:486
     6460#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:478
    64406461msgid "Send to the DL customer's phone number"
    64416462msgstr ""
    6443 #: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:493
     6464#: admin/settings/modules/gtm/fupi-admin-tab-gtm.php:485
    64446465msgid "Send to the DL customer's physical address"
    64456466msgstr ""
    68336854#: admin/settings/modules/hotj/fupi-admin-tab-hotj.php:328
    6834 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:551
     6855#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:529
    68356856msgid "Track purchases"
    68366857msgstr ""
    76927713#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-descr_main.php:33
     7714msgid ""
     7715"Use these functions to make a backup of your WP Full "
     7716"Picture's settings or move them to a different site."
     7717msgstr ""
     7719#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-descr_main.php:39
    76937720msgid ""
    76947721"These settings are experimental. They will be introduced "
    81718198msgstr ""
     8200#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:360
     8201msgid "Import / Export"
     8202msgstr ""
     8204#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:364
     8205msgid "Export WP FP settings"
     8206msgstr ""
     8208#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:365
     8209msgid "Download file"
     8210msgstr ""
     8212#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:370
     8213msgid "Download a JSON file with WP FP's settings."
     8214msgstr ""
     8216#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:374
     8217msgid "Import WP FP settings"
     8218msgstr ""
     8220#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:375
     8221msgid "Upload file"
     8222msgstr ""
     8224#: admin/settings/modules/main/fupi-admin-tab-main.php:381
     8225msgid "Send a JSON file with WP FP's settings."
     8226msgstr ""
    81738228#: admin/settings/modules/mato/checklist_mato.php:6
    81748229#: admin/settings/modules/mato/fupi-admin-tab-mato.php:14
    91869241#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:361
    91879242#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:423
    9188 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:509
     9243#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:487
    91899244msgid "Track as a single event with parameters"
    91909245msgstr ""
    92359290#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:432
    9236 msgid "Track how many people use ad blockers"
     9291msgid "Track how many people decline cookies"
    92379292msgstr ""
    92399294#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:434
    9240 msgid "Goal name, e.g. \"Uses an ad blocker\""
    9241 msgstr ""
    9243 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:441
    9244 msgid ""
    9245 "It is best to use this option on proxied or self-hosted "
    9246 "installations of Plausible. See the \"Installation\" "
    9247 "section for more details. Otherwise, Plausible will be "
    9248 "blocked by some ad blockers, which this function is trying "
    9249 "to detect."
    9250 msgstr ""
    9252 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:445
    9253 msgid ""
    9254 "Check adblock usage once per session instead of on every "
    9255 "page"
    9256 msgstr ""
    9258 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:450
    9259 msgid ""
    9260 "Recommended to minimize the number of events sent to "
    9261 "Plausible."
    9262 msgstr ""
    9264 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:454
    9265 msgid "Track how many people decline cookies"
    9266 msgstr ""
    9268 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:456
    92699295msgid "Goal name, e.g. \"Cookies declined\""
    92709296msgstr ""
    9272 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:498
     9298#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:476
    92739299msgid "Send"
    92749300msgstr ""
    9276 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:499
     9302#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:477
    92779303msgid "Short description"
    92789304msgstr ""
    9280 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:513
     9306#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:491
    92819307msgid "Goal name, e.g. \"Custom events\""
    92829308msgstr ""
    9284 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:554
    9285 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:567
     9310#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:532
     9311#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:545
     9312#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:553
     9313#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:566
    92869314#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:575
    9287 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:588
    9288 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:597
    9289 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:607
     9315#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:585
    92909316msgid "Goal name"
    92919317msgstr ""
    9293 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:562
     9319#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:540
    92949320msgid "Track purchased items"
    92959321msgstr ""
    9297 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:572
     9323#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:550
    92989324msgid "Track when a customer begins checkout"
    92999325msgstr ""
    9301 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:583
     9327#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:561
    93029328msgid "Track during checkout"
    93039329msgstr ""
    9305 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:590
     9331#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:568
    93069332msgid ""
    93079333"Attention! Each item in cart is tracked with a separate "
    93099335msgstr ""
    9311 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:594
     9337#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:572
    93129338msgid "Track adding products to cart"
    93139339msgstr ""
    9315 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:600
     9341#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:578
    93169342msgid ""
    93179343"Attention! If a grouped product is added to cart, each "
    93199345msgstr ""
    9321 #: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:604
     9347#: admin/settings/modules/pla/fupi-admin-tab-pla.php:582
    93229348msgid "Track adding products to a wishlist"
    93239349msgstr ""
    1138011406msgstr ""
    11382 #: includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php:86
     11408#: includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php:90
    1138311409#, php-format
    1138411410msgid "WP Full Picture plugin has been deactivated on %1$s"
    1138511411msgstr ""
    11387 #: includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php:87
     11413#: includes/class-fupi-deactivator.php:91
    1138811414msgid ""
    1138911415"WP Full Picture plugin has been deactivated. You can re-"
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/public/cookie-notice/js/fupi-consb.js

    r3156895 r3165007  
    136136        // visit_info['timezone'] = timezome_str;
    137137        // visit_info['time'] = get_date();
    138         visit_info['adblock'] = fpdata.adblock_enabled;
    140139        if ( ! prev_consents.cookies ) visit_info['cookiesBeforeConsent'] = listCookies();
  • full-picture-analytics-cookie-notice/trunk/public/helpers/fupi-helpers.js

    r3156895 r3165007  
    601601    }
    603     // Run adblock test
    605     function runAdblockTest() {
    606         if ( fpdata.adblock_enabled !== true && fpdata.adblock_enabled !== false ) {
    607             fpdata.adblock_enabled = false;
    608             let url = fp.vars.url.slice(-1) == '/' ? fp.vars.url : fp.vars.url + '/'; // make sure that we have a trailing slash at the end
    609             FP.getScript( url + 'public/helpers/ad_tracker.js', ()=>{ fpdata.adblock_enabled = !! FP.findID('privateAdManager'); } );
    610         }
    611     }
    613     FP.addAction( ['dom_loaded'], runAdblockTest );
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.