Changeset 3142795
- Timestamp:
- 08/28/2024 10:16:34 AM (7 months ago)
- Location:
- woo-pensopay/trunk
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3142791 r3142795 1 1 === WooCommerce PensoPay === 2 2 Contributors: PensoPay 3 Tags: gateway, woo commerce, pensopay, gateway, integration, woocommerce, woocommerce pensopay, payment, payment gateway, psp3 Tags: gateway, woocommerce, pensopay, payment, psp 4 4 Requires at least: 4.0.0 5 5 Tested up to: 6.6.1 … … 417 417 * Add: Paysafecard icon 418 418 419 = 4.10.1 =420 * Fix bug causing white screen of death421 * Add option to automatically detect language422 423 = 4.10.0 =424 * Add public admin notices infrastructure425 * Add possibility to manually create payment links for orders and subscriptions as WooCommerce admin.426 * Removes legacy WC_PensoPay_Order. Now only supports WC 3.x427 * Removes WC_PensoPay_Order_Base428 * Add filter: woocommerce_pensopay_order_action_create_payment_link_for_order429 * Add action: woocommerce_pensopay_order_action_payment_link_created430 * Introduce customer email sent on manual payment link creation.431 432 = 4.9.4 =433 * Tested up to WC 3.4.2434 * Add arg (bool) $recurring to filter 'woocommerce_pensopay_order_number_for_api'435 * Add methods to get street name used for Klarna436 * Add methods to get house number used for Klarna437 * Add methods to get house extension used for Klarna438 439 = 4.9.3 =440 * Add filter woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_fee_data441 * Clean up WC_PensoPay_Base_Order::add_transaction_fee442 * Move WC compatibility headers from README to the plugin core file443 444 = 4.9.2 =445 * Update version requirements446 447 = 4.9.1 =448 * Specify version number on static files in attempt to fix caching issues449 450 = 4.9.0 =451 * Fix: Add check if rates are not empty in WC_PensoPay_Base_Order::get_transaction_basket_params_line_helper452 * Improvement: Remove shipping from the basket data and add it to the shipping data array instead453 * Improvement: Add mobile phone to invoice_address and shipping_address params.454 * Fix: Check transaction balance before 'capture on complete' and adjust the amount captured in case a partial capture has been performed already.455 * Improvement: Add WC_PensoPay_API::patch456 * Improvement: Better error explanation when refunding in-refundable transactions through the WooCommerce interface.457 * Add: Verified by Visa logo458 * Add: MasterCard SecureCode logo459 * Add: Apple Pay logo460 * Add: 'WC requires at least' and 'WC tested up to' helpers when upgrading WooCommerce461 * Remove: Compatibility for WC 2.x462 * Improvement: Update PHP docs463 * Remove: Asynchronous loading of transaction data in the order overview to avoid hammering the backend with HTTP requests in case of large order views.464 * Add: Transaction data caching. Currently only used in order list view.465 * Add: Introducing filter woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_cache_enabled to enable/disable transaction caching. Defaults to true.466 * Add: Introducing filter woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_cache_expiration to control how long transactions are cached for. Defaults to one week.467 * Improvement: Move transaction data in the order overview from the shipping_address column to a separate payment column. Includes an updated UI.468 * Add: Introducing hook woocommerce_pensopay_accepted_callback to target any accepted callback469 * Remove: variables.plugin_version on payment creations.470 * Add: Shopsystem data to payment creations - name + version471 * Add: New filter 'woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_params_shopsystem'472 473 = 4.8.4 =474 * Add vat_rate to refund requests475 476 = 4.8.3 =477 * Add check for change_payment request in callback handler when authorizing new subscriptions to avoid subscriptions going into 'processing' limbo.478 * Update ard logos to svg according to the new payment window from PensoPay479 * Add iDEAL logo480 * Add UnionPay logo481 * Add Cirrus logo482 * Add BankAxess logo483 * Add filter: woocommerce_pensopay_checkout_gateway_icon_url484 * Move client redirect for bulk actions inside permission check to avoid incorrect redirects for regular users.485 * Add additional checks for vat rates to avoid division by zero errors.486 * Update 'Test up to' to 4.9.0487 488 = 4.8.2 =489 * Add filter woocommerce_pensopay_order_number_for_api490 * Change order of transaction ID meta key searches491 492 = 4.8.1 =493 * Remove SWIPP as possible payment option icon.494 * Add setting: Autocompletion of successful renewal/recurring orders.495 * Add payment type check in woocommerce_order_status_completed to early break out if a different gateway is used on the order.496 * Fix issue where fee was not capturable from the order view with MobilePay payments.497 498 = 4.8.0 =499 * Add WooCommerce 3 compatibility release500 * Add filter woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_params_variables501 * Add filter woocommerce_pensopay_is_request_to_change_payment502 * Add subscription status check in the subscription_cancellation hook to avoid transactions being cancelled on subscriptions that are actually active.503 * Bulk action to retry failed payments and activate the subscription on successful captures.504 * Add transaction metadata accessor method505 * Add transaction state accessor method506 * Add shipping to transaction basket items.507 * Fix typo in Paypal on icon selection508 * Remove SWIPP support509 * Isolating meta view to separate view file.510 * Fix incorrect page check for adding meta boxes.511 512 = 4.7.0 =513 * Minor settings helper text updates.514 * Add support for qTranslateX in the callback handler. Added logic to prevent browser redirects resulting in callback data loss.515 * WP-SpamShield - Bypass security check on PensoPay callbacks.516 * Improve product switching (downgrade/upgrade)517 * Fix syntax error in classes/updates/woocommerce-pensopay-update-4.6.php resulting in update not completing in case of caught exceptions.518 * Remove obsolete Google Analytics Client ID setting.519 520 = 4.6.8 =521 * Fix issues with WooCommerce-check failing on network-sites.522 523 = 4.6.7 =524 * Add dependency check before loading class files to avoid site crashes in case WooCommerce is disabled.525 526 = 4.6.6 =527 * Exclude TRANSACTION_ID from being copied from subscriptions to renewal orders.528 * Update translations529 530 = 4.6.5 =531 * Make WC_PensoPay_Views::get_view PHP 5.3 compatible.532 * Patch cases where transaction ID was not always found on renewal orders.533 534 = 4.6.4 =535 * Fix issue with WC_PensoPay_Install not being included properly on plugin activation536 537 = 4.6.3 =538 * Remove: WC_PensoPay_Install_Helper539 * Improvement: Stop relying on register_activation_hook when upgrading.540 * Improvement: Show admin notice when a database upgrade is required. This action must be triggered manually and it will run in the background.541 * Add views folder542 * Add WC_PensoPay_Views to simplify view handling.543 544 = 4.6.2 =545 * Fix issue with older PHP version not bein able to use return value in write context in WC_PensoPay_Settings.546 547 = 4.6.1 =548 * Replaced Paii logo with Swipp549 550 = 4.6.0 =551 * Feature: Add basket content to transactions.552 * Feature: Always add invoice + shipping information on transactions.553 * Feature: Add Klarna as separate payment method.554 * Feature: Add Swipp as separate payment method.555 * Feature: Add Sofort as separate payment method556 * Feature: New filters added. (woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_params_shipping, woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_params_invoice, woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_params_basket)557 * Feature: Visualize required settings on the settings page.558 * Feature: Add admin notice if required fields are not configured.559 * Feature: Add button in the plugin settings' "Logs"-section for easy debug log access.560 * Feature: Add direct link to the wiki from the settings page.561 * Feature: Add live API key validator on the settings page.562 * Feature: Simplifying the settings page by removing unused fields.563 * Feature: Add hook 'woocommerce_pensopay_loaded'.564 * Feature: Add hook 'woocommerce_pensopay_accepted_callback_status_{$state}'.565 * Removed: Autocapture settings for subscriptions. Subscriptions now rely on the main autocapture settings (Physical/virtual products).566 * Removed: WC_PensoPay_Order::get_callback_url - deprecated since * Bug: Remove subscription cancellation from callback handler, on 'cancel'-callbacks to avoid situations where subscriptions ends up in a faulty "Pending Cancellation" state.568 * Bug: Fix bug where fees area added on top of each other.569 * Bug: Clean up old payment IDs and payment links before creating a new payment link used to update a credit card. Legacy data caused problems in some cases.570 * Improvement: Complete refactoring of how subscriptions are handled. The subscription transaction ID is now stored on the 'shop_subscription'-post. Now only payment transactions are stored on regular orders which should improve the renewal/capturing process and make the UI more intuitive. This should also eliminate a lot of quirks when it comes to renewal orders.571 572 573 = 4.5.6 =574 * Fix bug where certain customers are not able to manually pay a failed recurring order.575 * Add convenience wrapper WC_PensoPay_Subscription::cart_contains_failed_renewal_order_payment()576 * Add convenience wrapper WC_PensoPay_Subscription::get_subscription_for_renewal_order()577 * Add convenience wrapper WC_PensoPay_Subscription::get_subscriptions_for_order()578 * Add convenience wrapper WC_PensoPay_Subscription::cart_contains_renewal()579 * Add ?synchronized query parameter to recurring requests.580 * Add WC_PensoPay_Order::get_payment_method_change_count()581 * Add WC_PensoPay_Order::increase_payment_method_change_count()582 * Hook into woocommerce_subscription_payment_method_updated_to_*583 * Use $order->update_status on failed recurring payments instead of WC_Subscriptions_Manager::process_subscription_payment_failure_on_order to get a correct count of failed payments.584 * Append the payment count (or timestamp to ensure backwards compatibility) to the order numbers sent to the PensoPay API when manually paying a failed recurring order.585 586 = 4.5.5 =587 * Fix: Problem with fees being incorrectly stored when using custom decimal pointers. Rely on wp_format_decimals.588 589 = 4.5.4 =590 * Add support for subscription_payment_method_change_customer591 * Add transaction state check in WC_PensoPay::subscription_cancel592 * Add WC_PensoPay_Order::is_request_to_change_payment()593 594 = 4.5.3 =595 * Add possibility to disable transaction information in the order overview596 * Fix bug in WC_PensoPay_Helper::price_multiply which didn't properly format prices where are not standard English format.597 * Add WC_PensoPay_Helper::price_multiplied_to_float598 * Add WC_PensoPay_Helper::price_custom_to_multiplied599 * Add unit tests and composer.json to repository600 601 = 4.5.2 =602 * Fix problem where settings could not be saved for MobilePay and ViaBill603 604 = 4.5.1 =605 * Fix problems with some merchants experiencing failed orders after successful payments.606 607 = 4.5.0 =608 * Add WC_PensoPay_Order::has_pensopay_payment().609 * Add WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::get_brand().610 * Add WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::get_currency().611 * Add WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::get_balance().612 * Add WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::get_formatted_balance().613 * Add WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::get_remaining_balance().614 * Add WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::get_formatted_remaining_balance().615 * Add WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::is_operation_approved( $operation ).616 * Add WC_PensoPay::plugins_url.617 * Add WC_PensoPay_Helper::has_preorder_plugin.618 * Feature: Add support for WooCommerce Pre Orders619 * Feature: Add Card icons to transaction meta data. Issue #62986808298852.620 * Feature: Add possibility to capture a specified amount and not only the full order amount.621 * Add Translation template (woo-pensopay.pot).622 * Fix: Meta-box being shown when any transactionID if mapped on the order. Issue #145750965321211.623 * Fix: Avoid multiple hooks and filters. Thanks to David Tolnem for investigating and providing code example.624 * Improvement: Compressed PNG card icons.625 * Improvement: Update existing payment links on process payment.626 * Improvement: Stop clearing the customer basket on payment processing. This step has been moved to "thank_you"-page.627 * Improvement: Update translations.628 * Rename WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::create_link to WC_PensoPay_API_Transaction::patch_link.629 * Remove: WC_PensoPay::prepare_extras()630 631 = 4.4.5 =632 * Add support for multiple subscriptions.633 634 = 4.4.4 =635 * Fix problem with Paii attempted to be loaded after removal.636 637 = 4.4.3 =638 * Only make transaction status checks on orders with _transaction_id AND payment methods 'pensopay', 'mobilepay' and 'viabill'639 * Remove Paii gateway instance640 641 = 4.4.2 =642 * Fix I18n textdomain load bug643 * Add wpml-config.xml644 * Add title to wpml-config.xml645 * Add description to wpml-config.xml646 * Add checkout_button_text to wpml-config.xml647 * Add 'order_post_id' param to callback URL on recurring payments to ensure compatability with third party software changing the order number.648 * Add maxlength on text_on_statement649 650 = 4.4.1 =651 * Fix incosistent subscription check which might cause problems for some shops.652 653 = 4.4.0 =654 * Update translations655 * Change PensoPay_Helper::get_callback_url() to use site_url instead of home_url. This ensures callbacks to always reach the Wordpress core.656 * Add WC_PensoPay_Subscription as convenience wrapper657 * Support for WooCommerce Subscriptions > 2.x658 * Removed support for WooCommerce Subscriptions 1.x.x659 * Refactor the method for checking if WC Subscriptions is enabled to support flexible folder names.660 * Deprecate the TRANSACTION_ID meta tag.661 * Refactor WC_PensoPay_Order::get_transaction_id - rely on the built in transaction ID if available.662 * Rely on WC_PensoPay::scheduled_subscription_payment() when creating the initial subscription payment.663 * Add curl_request_url to WC_PensoPay_Exception to optimize troubleshooting.664 * Add possibility to clear the debug logs.665 666 = 4.3.5 =667 * Add: WC_PensoPay_API_Subscriptions::process_recurring_response().668 * Fix: First autocapture on subscriptions not working.669 * Fix: Problems with recurring payment references not working properly.670 * Remove: recurring from callback_handler switch.671 672 = 4.3.4 =673 * Minor update to WC_PensoPay_Order::get_clean_order_number() to prevent hash-tags in order numbers, which is occasionally added by some shops.674 675 = 4.3.3 =676 * Change method descriptions.677 * Disable unnecessary debug information.678 679 = 4.3.2 =680 * Fix: Short order numbers resulted in gateway errors.681 682 = 4.3.1 =683 * Feature: Add support for both fixed currency and auto-currency. Auto currency should be used when supporting multiple currencies on a web shop.684 685 = 4.3 =686 * Tweak: Refactor filter: woocommerce_order_status_completed. Now using the passed post_id.687 * Feature: Add setting, checkout_button_text - button text shown when choosing payment.688 * Feature: Add property WC_PensoPay::$order_button_text.689 * Feature: Add WC_PensoPay_Install to handle DB updates for this and future versions.690 * Feature: Add setting, pensopay_autocapture_virtual - Makes it possible for you to set a different autocapture configuration for virtual products. If the order contains both a virtual and a non-virtual product, it will default to the configuration set in "pensopay_autocapture".691 * Add filter: woocommerce_pensopay_transaction_link_params.692 * Fix: Paii specific settings (category, reference_title, product_id).693 * Remove: WC_PensoPay_Helper::prefix_order_number().694 * Feature: Support "WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers" order number prefix/suffix.695 * Remove: WC_PensoPay::find_order_by_order_number() - rely on the post ID now stored on the transaction.696 * Fix: Remove currency from recurring requests697 * Feature: Add support for text_on_statement for Clearhaus customers.698 * Feature: Add customer_email to payment/subscription links. (Used for PayPal transactions).699 * Feature: Add support for subscription_payment_method_change700 * Feature: Add transaction ID, transaction order ID, payment ID and payment links to the meta content box for easy access and better debugging.701 * Update translations.702 703 = 4.2.2 =704 * Fix: Payment icons not working in WooCommerce 2.4.705 * Fix: JSON encode and typecast error objects in case no specific error message is set from PensoPay706 * Fix: Add additional params to http_build_query to support server setups requirering param 2+3 to work properly707 * Fix: Remove obosolete pensopay_paybuttontext setting from instances708 * Tweak: Move woocommerce_order_complete hook outside is_admin check709 * Tweak: Add post data params to API exceptions710 * Tweak: Wrap process payment in try/catch and write any errors to WC system logs.711 712 = 4.2.1 =713 * Reintroduce merchant ID for support usability714 * Update keys715 * Update translations716 717 = 4.2.0 =718 * Deprecating WC_PensoPay::get_callback_url(). Use WC_PensoPay_Helper::get_callback_url() instead.719 * Add PensoPay-Callback-Url to API request headers.720 * Correct name casing in title and descriptions.721 * Add method_title to instances722 * Prefix subinstances with "PensoPay - %s" for usability reasons.723 * Disable subscription support on MobilePay, Paii and ViaBill724 * Add support for payment links. Removing old FORM method.725 * Add tooltip descriptions to settings page726 * Improved API error logging727 * Add jQuery multiselect to 'Credit card icons'728 * Change subscription description from "qp_subscription" to "woocommerce-subscription"729 * Removed all settings and files related to the auto-redirect.730 * Remove setting: pensopay_merchantid731 * Remove setting: pensopay_redirect732 * Remove setting: pensopay_redirectText733 * Remove setting: pensopay_paybuttontext734 * Add setting: pensopay_custom_variables735 * Remove old tags before 3.0.6736 737 = 4.1.0 =738 * Add Google Analytics support739 * Performance optimization: The order view is now making async requests to retrieve the transaction state.740 * Add complete order reference in order overview741 * Add version number to the plugin settings page742 * Add support for multiple instances. Now it is possible to add MobilePay, Paii and viaBill as separate payment methods. Each instance is based on the core module settings to ensure a minimum amount of configuration.743 * Add setting: pensopay_redirect - allows the shop owner to enable/disable the auto redirection in the checkout process.744 * Remove setting: pensopay_mobilepay745 * Remove setting: pensopay_viabill746 * Remove setting: pensopay_labelCreditCard747 * Remove setting: pensopay_labelViaBill748 * Remove setting: pensopay_debug749 * Fix problem with attempt of payment capture when setting order status to complete on a subscription order.750 * Updated translations751 752 = 4.0.7 =753 * Add upgrade notiece for 4.0.0754 755 = 4.0.6 =756 * Activate autofee settings757 * Implement upgrade notices inside the plugins section758 * Update incorrect autofee key in recurring requests759 * Update success response HTTP codes760 * Typecasting response to string if no message object is available761 762 = 4.0.5 =763 * Add the possibility to set a custom branding ID764 765 = 4.0.4 =766 * Stop forcing HTTP on callbacks.767 768 = 4.0.3 =769 * Add WC_PensoPay_API_Subscription::is_action_allowed770 * Manual AJAX actions handled for subscriptions771 772 = 4.0.2 =773 * Add mobilepay option774 * Disabled viabill since the PensoPay API is not ready to support it yet.775 776 = 4.0.1 =777 * Add version parameter to the payment request778 779 = 4.0.0 =780 * Now only supports the new PensoPay gateway platform781 * Introduce exception class PensoPay_Exception782 * Introduce exception class PensoPay_API_Exception783 * Introduce WC_PensoPay::process_refund to support "auto" gateway refunds784 * Introduce WC_PensoPay_API785 * Introduce WC_PensoPay_API_Payment786 * Introduce WC_PensoPay_API_Subscription787 * Introduce WC_PensoPay_Log - Debugging information is now added to WooCommerce system logs.788 * Remove WC_PensoPay_Request789 * Remove donation link790 791 = 3.0.9 =792 * Add support for important update notifications fetched from the README.txt file.793 794 = 3.0.8 =795 * Switched to WC_Order::get_total() instead of WC_Order::order_total to fix issues with WPML currencies.796 797 = 3.0.6 =798 * Added proper support for both Sequential Order Numbers FREE and Sequential Order Numbers PRO.799 800 = 3.0.5 =801 * Bugfix: 502 on checkout on shops hosted with 803 = 3.0.4 =804 * Add filter 'woocommerce_pensopay_currency' which can be used to dynamically edit the gateway currency805 * Add filter 'woocommerce_pensopay_language' which can be used to dynamically edit the gateway language806 807 = 3.0.3 =808 * Added support for credit card icons in the settings.809 * Re-implented auto redirect on checkout page810 811 = 3.0.2 =812 * Fixed MD5 hash problem when not in test mode813 814 = 3.0.1 =815 * Added refund support816 * Update Danish i18n817 818 = 3.0.0 =819 * Completely refactored the plugin. The logic has been splitted into multiple classes, and a lot of bugs should've been eliminated with this version.820 * Added ajax calls when using the API821 822 = 2.1.6 =823 * Optimized fee handling824 825 = 2.1.5 =826 * Added support for Paii827 828 = 2.1.4 =829 * Added action links to "Installed plugins" overview830 * Fixed md5 checksum error caused by testmode831 * Fixed problem with coupons not working properly on subscriptions832 * Fixed problem with lagging the use of payment_complete() on successful payments833 834 = 2.1.3 =835 * Added i18n support, current supported languages: en_UK, da_DK836 * Added possibility to add email instructions on the order confirmation. Thanks to Emil Eriksen for idea and contribution.837 * Added possibility to change test mode directly in WooCommerce. Thanks to Emil Eriksen for idea and contribution.838 * Added eye candy in form of SVN header banner839 * Added donation link to all of you lovely fellows who might wanna donate a coin for our work.840 841 = 2.1.2 =842 * Fixed an undefined variable notices843 * Switched from WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_price_per_period to WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_recurring_total844 * Added payment transaction fee to orders845 * Changed name to WooCommerce PensoPay846 847 = 2.1.1 =848 * Fixes FATAL ERROR bug on checkout introduced in 2.1.0849 * Plugin URI in gateway-pensopay.php850 851 = 2.1.0 =852 * Bugfix: Static call to a non-static method caused strict errors.853 * Added support for WooCommerce 2.1.854 855 = 2.0.9 =856 * Bug where custom meta boxes were not instantiated should be fixed in this version857 * More currencies added (SEK, NOK, GBP)858 859 = 2.0.8 =860 * Fixed viabill cardtypelock861 862 = 2.0.7 =863 * Fixed bug where server complains about PensoPay SSL certificate.864 * Changed iBill labels to viaBill865 * Added the possibility to set a custom text on the checkout page right before the customer is redirected to the PensoPay payment window.866 * Added the possibility to set a custom label to credit card and viaBill.867 868 = 2.0.6 =869 * Fixed bug where recurring payments were not being captured properly.870 * Fixed undefined variable notice "params_string".871 872 = 2.0.4 =873 * Implemented a tweak to the "WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers"-support which should fix any problems with WooCommerce PensoPay + Sequential order numbers.874 875 = 2.0.3 =876 * Fixing issues with cardtypelocks877 878 = 2.0.2 =879 * Enabling auto redirect on receipt page which accidently got disabled in 2.0.1880 881 = 2.0.1 =882 * Updated a hook causing problems with saving gateway settings.883 884 = 2.0.0 =885 * Build to work with WooCommerce 2.0.x or higher886 * Refactoring the majority of existing methods to save a lot of code and implementing better API error handling.887 888 = 1.4.0 =889 * Implement WC_PensoPay::create_md5() which manually sets the order of the md5 checkpoints.890 * Should fix payment integration and missing mails sent out to customers after implementation of protocol v7.891 892 = 1.3.11 =893 * Plugin now uses PensoPay version 7894 895 = 1.3.10 =896 * Feature: Allow customers to select between credit card and iBill when choosing PensoPay as pay method. Credit card is ticket as default option. NB: You are required to have an agreement with iBill in order to use this feature properly.897 898 = 1.3.9 =899 * 'Capture on complete' now also works on bulk actions.900 901 = 1.3.8 =902 * Short install guide added to README.txt903 904 = 1.3.7 =905 * 'Capture on complete' is implemented as an option in the gateway settings. It can be turned on/off. Default: Off906 * This is a faster way to process your orders. When the order state is set to "completed", the payment will automatically be capture. This works in both the order overview and in the single order view.907 908 = 1.3.6 =909 * Bugfix: Implemented missing check for WC Subscriptions resulting in fatal error on api_action_router().910 911 912 = 1.3.5 =913 * Bugfix: Problem with transaction ID not being connected to an order [FIXED].914 915 = 1.3.4 =916 * Added better support for "WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers".917 * Automatically redirects after 5 seconds on "Checkout -> Pay"-page.918 919 = 1.3.3 =920 * Bugfix: Corrected bug not showing price corectly on subscriptions in payment window.921 922 = 1.3.1 =923 * Bugfix: Systems not having WooCommerce Subscriptions enabled got a fatal error on payment site.924 925 = 1.3.0 =926 * Added support for WooCommerce subscription.927 * Now reduces stock when a payment is completed.928 929 = 1.2.2 =930 * Bugfix: Capturing payments from WooCommerce backend caused problems due to missing order_total param in cURL request.931 932 = 1.2.1 =933 * More minor changes to the payment cancellations from PensoPay form.934 935 = 1.2.0 =936 * Major rewriting of payments cancelled by customer.937 938 = 1.1.3 =939 * Implemented payment auto capturing.940 941 = 1.1.2 =942 * Link back to payment page after payment cancellation added.943 944 = 1.1.1 =945 * If a payment is cancelled by user, a $woocommerce->add_error will now be shown, notifying the customer about this. We also post a note to the order about cancellation.946 947 = 1.1.0 =948 * Changed plugin structure.949 * core.js added to the plugin to avoid inline javascript.950 * Implemented payment state and transaction id in order overview.951 * Implemented payment handling in single order view.952 * Added support for split payments953 * If turned on in PensoPay Manager, shop owners may now split up the transactions.954 * Rewritten and added a lot of the class methods.955 956 = 1.0.1 =957 * Bugfix: Corrected a few unchecked variables that caused php notices in error logs.958 959 419 == Upgrade Notice == 960 420 = 5.0.0 = -
r3142791 r3142795 4 4 * Plugin URI: 5 5 * Description: Integrates your PensoPay payment gateway into your WooCommerce installation. 6 * Version: 7.1. 06 * Version: 7.1.1 7 7 * Author: PensoPay 8 8 * Text Domain: woo-pensopay
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