Plugin Directory

Changeset 3125304

07/25/2024 01:12:56 PM (8 months ago)

refactor: code rewritten following the coding standards
fix: general errors
feat: entry status column

54 added
12 edited


  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/README.txt

    r2701411 r3125304  
    11=== SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions ===
    2 Contributors: simpleform
    3 Donate link:
    4 Tags: contact form, email manager, crm, database, simpleform addon, emails, comments, feedback, wordpress form plugin, simple, form builder, form maker
    5 Requires at least: 5.6
    6 Tested up to: 5.9
    7 Requires PHP: 5.6
    8 Stable tag: 2.0.1
     2Contributors: simpleform, gianpic
     3Donate link:
     4Tags: contact form, emails manager, comments, database, simpleform addon
     5Requires at least: 5.9
     6Tested up to: 6.6
     7Requires PHP: 7.4
     8Stable tag: 2.1.0
    99License: GPLv2 or later
    1010License URI:
    8787== Changelog ==
     89= 2.1.0 (25 July 2024) =
     90* Changed: code refactoring
     91* Fixed: general errors
     92* Added: entry status column
     94= 2.0.2 (30 March 2022) =
     95* Fixed: PHP error while deactivating the plugin
    8997= 2.0.1 (29 March 2022) =
    214222== Upgrade Notice ==
    216 This version requires SimpleForm version 1.10.6 or greater installed. If you have not yet done so, please update SimpleForm to make it work properly!
     224This version requires SimpleForm version 2.2.0 or greater installed. If you have not yet done so, please update SimpleForm to make it work properly!
    218226== Demo ==
    220 You don’t know SimpleForm yet? Check out our [Demo]( and find out how it works.
     228You don’t know SimpleForm yet? Check out our [Demo]() and find out how it works.
    222230== Credits ==
    224232We wish to thank everyone who has contributed to SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions translations. We really appreciate your time, your help and your suggestions.
    226 [See all contributors](
     234[See all contributors]().
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/admin/css/admin.css

    r2701411 r3125304  
    5555.tablenav .one-page .displaying-num { margin: 7px 0; }
    5656#screen-options-wrap.hidden { display: none; }
    58 /* Message page */
     57.tablenav select, .search-box input[name="s"] { margin-right: 6px; }
     59/* Entry page */
    5960#navigation-buttons { position: relative; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 0 4px; }
    6061#messages-nav { text-align: center; padding-top: 10px; height: 20px; position: relative; }
    8283#navigation-buttons.foggy #messages-nav a:hover { color: #8993ab; }
    8384#navigation-buttons.polar #messages-nav a:hover { color: #53a0de; }
    9085.paginated span { font-weight: 600; transition: none !important; }
    9186#prev { position: absolute; left: 0; }
    110105.plaintext.toggle { position: relative; } { float: right; }
    116107#toggle-info, #toggle-message { cursor: pointer; }
    117108#toggle-info:after, #toggle-message:after { display: block; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; line-height: 21px; content: attr(data-title); font-weight: 300; font-size: 13px; transform: scale3d(.2,.2,1); transition: all .2s ease-in-out; }
    142133.switch-box { display: inline-table; width: 100%; position: relative; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; }
    143134.switch-input { position: relative; display: inline-block; float: left; margin-right: 10px; width: 40px; height: 20px; }
    144 .switch-input input { top: 2px; left: 4px; margin: 0; position: absolute; opacity: 0 !important; width: 20px; height: 20px; } 
     135.switch-input input { top: 2px; left: 4px; margin: 0; position: absolute; opacity: 0 !important; width: 20px; height: 20px; }
    145136.switch-input input:active + span { outline: 0; box-shadow: none; }
    146 .switch-label{ display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: calc(100% - 50px); } 
     137.switch-label{ display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: calc(100% - 50px); }
    147138.switch-input input + span{ position: absolute; z-index: 1; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: #dcdfe6; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; -moz-transition: .4s; -o-transition: .4s; border-radius:20px; border: 2px solid #dcdfe6; }
    148139.switch-input input + span:before { position: absolute; content: ""; height: 16px; width: 16px; background-color: #FFF; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; -moz-transition: .4s; -o-transition: .4s; border-radius: 50%; }
    149140.switch-input input:checked + span:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(20px); -ms-transform: translateX(20px); transform: translateX(20px); }
    150141.checkmark { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #dcdfe6; border: 2px solid #dcdfe6; }
     142label.disabled { cursor: default; }
     143label.disabled > .checkmark { cursor: default !important; }
    151144.checkmark:after { left: 7px; top: 2px; width: 4px; height: 10px; border: solid white; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0; -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); content: ""; position: absolute; display: none; }
    152145input[type="checkbox"]:checked + .checkmark { background-color: #0d6efd; border: 2px solid #0d6efd; }
    237230th.request { vertical-align: top; }
    238231td.request p { margin-top: 0 !important; }
     232.dashicons-arrow-up-alt2, .dashicons-arrow-down-alt2 { color: #dcdfe6; }
     233.dashicons-arrow-up-alt2:hover { color: #f6866f; }
     234.dashicons-arrow-down-alt2:hover { color: #9bcc79; }
     235#h2-editing.closed { padding-bottom: 60px; }
     237.options-heading, .options-heading span span { line-height: 60px; }
     238.options-heading span { cursor: pointer; }
     239.options-heading span span { padding-left: 10px; }
     240.section.editing { max-height: 1500px; transition: max-height 1.25s linear,opacity 1.5s,font-size 1.5s,margin 1.5s,padding 1.5s; }
     241.section.editing.collapsed { font-size: 0; margin: 0; opacity: 0; padding: 0; max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; transition: max-height 0.15s linear, opacity 0.10s, font-size 0.10s, margin .10s, padding .10s; -webkit-transition: max-height 0.15s linear, opacity 0.10s, font-size .10s, margin .10s, padding .10s; -moz-transition: max-height 0.15s linear, opacity 0.10s, font-size .10s, margin .10s, padding .10s; -o-transition: max-height 0.15s linear, opacity 0.10s, font-size .10s, margin .10s, padding .10s; }
     242.section.editing { max-height: 800px; transition: max-height 0.5s linear, opacity 1.0s, font-size 1.0s, margin 1.0s, padding 1.0s; -webkit-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, opacity 1.0s, font-size 1.0s, margin 1.0s, padding 1.0s; -moz-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, opacity 1.0s, font-size 1.0s, margin 1.0s, padding 1.0s; -o-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, opacity 1.0s, font-size 1.0s, margin 1.0s, padding 1.0s;   }
     244#storing-notice.dashicons-warning { margin-left: 5px; cursor: pointer; width: 30px; padding-right: 5px; }
     245#storing-notice:before, .dashicons-warning:before { content: "\f534"; opacity: 0.25; }
     247div.notice { margin-top: 13px !important; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; }
    240249@media screen and (max-width: 782px) {
    241 /* Message page */
     251/* Entry page */
    242252#sform-wrap { padding-right: 10px; }
     253#sform-wrap.spaced { padding-top: 9px; }
     254div.notice-warning.incompatible { margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 10px; }
    243255h1.title { padding: 10px; }
    244256.responsive { display: none !important; }
    254266.entrie-table th { display: block; margin-bottom: 0; }
    255267.entrie-table td { display: block; margin-bottom: 0; }
    256 { padding: 10px 20px 40px; } { padding: 10px 20px 40px; }
    257269td.checkbox-switch.last { padding: 10px 20px 40px; }
    258270td.plaintext { padding: 12px 20px; }
    259271td.plaintext.last { padding: 12px 20px 45px; }
    260 td.checkbox-switch.notes, td.checkbox-switch,, { padding: 10px 20px; } 
     272td.checkbox-switch.notes, td.checkbox-switch,, { padding: 10px 20px; }
    261273a#reply { text-decoration: none; }
    262274.dashicons-external { float: none !important; padding-left: 10px; }
    272284.dashicons-external.foggy:hover { color: #72aee6; }
    273285.dashicons-external.polar:hover { color: #53a0de; }
    274 /*.reply-message.button { display: none; } */
    276 .reply-message.button {
    277     margin-left: 2px;
    278     margin-top: 12px !important;
    279 }
    280 .icon-button {
    281     display: none;
    282 }
     287.reply-message.button { margin-left: 2px; margin-top: 12px !important; }
     288.icon-button { display: none; }
    285290#submit-wrap { padding: 0 20px 100px; }
    297302#submissions-table { padding: 20px 0 10px 0; }
    298303tbody td.check-column, .widefat tbody th.check-column, .widefat tfoot td.check-column, .widefat thead td.check-column { padding: 8px 0 0 10px; }
    299305.widefat td, .widefat th { padding: 14px 10px; }
    300 input[type=checkbox] { margin: 2px 0 8px 10px !important; }
    301306.widefat tfoot td input[type=checkbox], .widefat thead td input[type=checkbox] { margin: 0 0 8px 10px !important; }
    302307.wp-list-table .toggle-row { top: 16px; }
    307312.tablenav-pages .pagination-links .current-page { margin: 0 2px 0 0; font-size: 13px; text-align: center; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0 4px; }
    308313input[type=text] { padding: 0 8px; line-height: 2; min-height: 30px; }
     315.reply-message.button { margin-left: 2px; margin-top: 12px !important; }
     316#h2-editing { padding-left: 20px; }
     318.tablenav-pages, input { margin-top: 20px !important; }
     319.entry-status { display: none; }
     320.entry-status + span { visibility: visible; }
    311324@media screen and (min-width: 783px) {
    312 #sform-wrap { padding-right: 20px; }
     326#sform-wrap { padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 30px; }
     327#sform-wrap.spaced { padding-top: 7px; }
     328div.notice-warning.incompatible { margin-right: 20px; }
    313329h1.title { padding: 10px 0; }
    314330.icon-button { display: none; }
    332348th.topaligned { padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; }
    333349td.topaligned { padding-bottom: 15px; }
     351th.column-progress, td.column-progress { width: 90px; text-align: center; }, + span { color: #D63638; }, + span { color: #85C641; }
     354.entry-status + span { display: block; visibility: hidden; }
     355.entry-status:hover + span { visibility: visible; }
     357#h2-editing { padding-left: 30px; }
    340365.columns-wrap.right { width: 100%; }
    341366.columns-wrap.right.fullwidth { width: 100%; }
    342 } 
    344369@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    345370.columns-wrap.left, .columns-wrap.right { width: 100%; }
    346 }
    348 /*
    349 .nodecoration { text-decoration: none; }
    350 .message { margin-left: 10px; font-weight: 500; }
    351 span.message.success { color: #9bcc79; }
    352 span.message.error { color: #f6866f }
    353 div.notice { margin-top: 13px !important; }
    354 #deletion-wrap { display: inline-block; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 15px; }
    355 #deletion-toggle.nostoring, deletion-notice.nostoring { margin-top: 30px; }
    356 #deletion-toggle.storing, deletion-notice.storing { margin-top: 10px; }
    357 .row { box-sizing: border-box; display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-flex: 0; -webkit-flex: 0 1 auto; -ms-flex: 0 1 auto; flex: 0 1 auto; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -webkit-flex-direction: row; -ms-flex-direction: row; flex-direction: row; -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap; -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-right: ; margin-left: ;
    359 #admin-notice > a { text-decoration: none; }
    360 */
    362 @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {
    363 .reply-message.button { margin-left: 2px; margin-top: 12px !important; }
    364 #h2-editing { padding-left: 20px; }
    365 }
    367 @media screen and (min-width: 783px) {
    368 #h2-editing { padding-left: 30px; }
    369 }
    371 #h2-editing.closed {
    372     padding-bottom: 60px;
    373 }
    376 @media screen and (min-width: 783px)
    377 .options-heading {
    378     padding: 0 30px;
    379 }
    380 @media screen and (min-width: 783px)
    381 .options-heading, .options-heading span span {
    382     line-height: 60px;
    383 }
    385 .options-heading span {
    386     cursor: pointer;
    387 }
    389 @media screen and (min-width: 783px)
    390 .options-heading, .options-heading span span {
    391     line-height: 60px;
    392 }
    394 .toggle.dashicons {
    395     color: #dcdfe6;
    396 }
    397 @media screen and (min-width: 783px)
    398 .options-heading, .options-heading span span {
    399     line-height: 60px;
    400 }
    401 .options-heading span span {
    402     padding-left: 10px;
    403 }
    404 .options-heading span {
    405     cursor: pointer;
    406 }
    408 .section.editing {
    409     max-height: 1500px;
    410     transition: max-height 1.25s linear,opacity 1.5s,font-size 1.5s,margin 1.5s,padding 1.5s;
    411 }
    413 .dashicons-arrow-up-alt2:hover {
    414     color: #f6866f;
    415 }
    417 .dashicons-arrow-down-alt2:hover {
    418     color: #9bcc79;
    419 }
    422 .section.editing.collapsed { font-size: 0; margin: 0; opacity: 0; padding: 0; max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; transition: max-height 0.3s linear, opacity 0.15s, font-size 0.15s, margin .15s, padding .15s; -webkit-transition: max-height 0.3s linear, opacity 0.15s, font-size .15s, margin .15s, padding .15s; -moz-transition: max-height 0.3s linear, opacity 0.15s, font-size .15s, margin .15s, padding .15s; -o-transition: max-height 0.3s linear, opacity 0.15s, font-size .15s, margin .15s, padding .15s; }
    423 .section.editing { max-height: 800px; transition: max-height 0.5s linear, opacity 1.0s, font-size 1.0s, margin 1.0s, padding 1.0s; -webkit-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, opacity 1.0s, font-size 1.0s, margin 1.0s, padding 1.0s; -moz-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, opacity 1.0s, font-size 1.0s, margin 1.0s, padding 1.0s; -o-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, opacity 1.0s, font-size 1.0s, margin 1.0s, padding 1.0s;   }
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/admin/index.php

    r2228102 r3125304  
    1 <?php // Silence is golden
     3 * Silence is golden.
     4 *
     5 * @package SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions/admin
     6 */
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/admin/js/admin.js

    r2701411 r3125304  
     2 * JavaScript code delegated to the backend functionality of the plugin.
     3 *
     4 * @package SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions
     5 * @subpackage SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions/admin
     6 */
    18(function( $ ) {
    29    'use strict';
    4      $( window ).on('load', function() {
    6        var toggle = document.getElementsByClassName("contact-info");
    7        for (var i = 0; i < toggle.length; i++) {
    8          toggle[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
    9            document.getElementById("message-wrap").classList.remove("seen");
    10            var info = document.getElementById("submitter-data");
    11            info.classList.toggle("unseen");
    12            document.getElementById("toggle-message").classList.toggle("unseen");
    13            document.getElementById("message-data-column").classList.toggle("fullwidth");
    14            var prev_link = document.getElementById("prev-link");
    15            var next_link = document.getElementById("next-link");
    16            if ( info.classList.contains("unseen") ) {
    17              if ( prev_link ) {
    18                var href_prev = prev_link.getAttribute("href");
    19                let prevParams = new URLSearchParams(href_prev);
    20                if ( prevParams.has('info') === false ) {
    21                  var new_href_prev = href_prev + '&info=hidden';
    22                  prev_link.setAttribute('href', new_href_prev);
    23                }   
    24              }   
    25              if ( next_link ) {
    26                var href_next = next_link.getAttribute("href");
    27                let nextParams = new URLSearchParams(href_next);
    28                if ( nextParams.has('info') === false ) {
    29                  var new_href_next = href_next + '&info=hidden';
    30                  next_link.setAttribute('href', new_href_next);
    31                }
    32              }
    33            }
    34            else {
    35              if ( prev_link ) {
    36                var href_prev = prev_link.getAttribute("href");
    37                let prevParams = new URLSearchParams(href_prev);
    38                if ( prevParams.has('info') === true ) {
    39                  var new_href_prev = href_prev.replace('&info=hidden', '');
    40                  prev_link.setAttribute('href', new_href_prev);
    41                }
    42              }   
    43              if ( next_link ) {
    44                var href_next = next_link.getAttribute("href");
    45                let nextParams = new URLSearchParams(href_next);
    46                if ( nextParams.has('info') === true ) {
    47                  var new_href_next = href_next.replace('&info=hidden', '');
    48                  next_link.setAttribute('href', new_href_next);
    49                }   
    50              }
    51            }
    52          });
    53        }
    55        $('#message-status').on("change", function(e) {
    56          var option = $(this).val();
    57          if ( option != 'spam' && option != 'trash' ) {
    58            $('#reply').addClass('unseen');
    59            $('.trmovable').removeClass('unseen');
    60            $('#thstatus, #tdstatus').removeClass('last');
    61            if ( $("#moving").prop('checked') == true ) {
    62              $('.trmoving').removeClass('unseen');
    63              $('#thmoveto, #tdmoveto').addClass('last');
    64            }
    65            else {
    66              $('#thmoving, #tdmoving').addClass('last');
    67            }
    68            if ( option == 'read' || option == 'new' ) {
    69              $('#reply').removeClass('unseen');
    70              $('.reply-message.button').removeClass('unseen');
    71            }
    72            else {
    73              $('#reply').addClass('unseen');
    74              $('.reply-message.button').addClass('unseen');
    75            }
    76          } 
    77          else {
    78            $('.trmovable, .trmoving, .reply-message.button').addClass('unseen');
    79            $('#thstatus, #tdstatus').addClass('last');
    80            $('#thmoving, #tdmoving, #thmoveto, #tdmoveto').removeClass('last');
    81          } 
    82        });
    84        $("#moving").on("click", function() {
    85          if($(this).prop('checked') == true) {
    86            $('.trmoving').removeClass('unseen');
    87            $('#thmoving, #tdmoving').removeClass('last');
    88            $('#thmoveto, #tdmoveto').addClass('last');
    89          }
    90          else {
    91            $('.trmoving').addClass('unseen');
    92            $('#moveto').val('');
    93            $('#thmoving, #tdmoving').addClass('last');
    94            $('#thmoveto, #tdmoveto').removeClass('last');
    95          }
    96        });
    98        $('#edit-entry').on( 'click', function(e) {
    99           $('.message').removeClass('error success unchanged');
    100           $('#message-wrap').addClass('seen');
    101           $('.message').text(sform_submissions_object.saving);
    102           var formData = $('form#submission-tab').serialize();
    103           $.ajax({
    104             type: 'POST',
    105             dataType: 'json',
    106             url: sform_submissions_object.ajaxurl,
    107             data: formData + '&action=edit_entry',
    108             success: function(data){
    109               var error = data['error'];
    110               var message = data['message'];
    111               var update = data['update'];
    112               var bubble = data['bubble'];
    113               var updatestatus = data['status'];
    114               var entries = data['entries'];
    115               var newstatus = data['newstatus'];
    116               var prevstatus = data['prevstatus'];
    117               var formname = data['formname'];
    118               var view = data['view'];
    119               var moving = data['moving'];
    120               var options = data['options'];
    121               if( error === true ){
    122                 $('.message').addClass('error');
    123                 $('.message').html(data.message);
    124               }
    125               if( error === false ){
    126                 if( update === false ){
    127                   $('.message').addClass('unchanged');
    128                 }
    129                 else {
    130                   $('#view-counter').text(entries);
    131                   if ( newstatus !== prevstatus ) {
    132                     if ( newstatus == 'new' ) {
    133                       var unread = parseInt($('#unread-messages').text(), 10);
    134                       if ( isNaN(unread) ) {
    135                         $('#unread-messages').html('<span class="sform awaiting-mod">1</span>');
    136                       }
    137                       else {
    138                         var number = ++unread;
    139                         $('.sform.awaiting-mod').text(number);
    140                       }
    141                     }
    142                     else {
    143                       var unread = parseInt($('#unread-messages').text(), 10);
    144                       if ( ! isNaN(unread) && prevstatus == 'new' ) {
    145                         if ( unread > '1' ) {
    146                           var number = --unread;
    147                           $('.sform.awaiting-mod').text(number);
    148                         }
    149                         else {
    150                           $('#unread-messages').html('');
    151                         }
    152                       }
    153                     }
    154                   }               
    155                   else {
    156                     if ( view === true /* && moving === true */ ) {
    157                       $('#view-counter').text(entries);
    158                     }
    159                   }
    161                   $('.message').addClass('success');
    162                   $('.form-name').html(data.formname);
    163                   $('#moveto').html(data.options);
    164                 }
    165                 $('.message').html(data.message);
    166                 $('#current-status').val(status);
    167               }
    168             },
    169             error: function(data){
    170               $('.message').html('AJAX call failed');
    171             }   
    172           });
    173           e.preventDefault();
    174           return false;
    175        });
    177        $(document).on('input', function() {
    178          $('#message-wrap').removeClass('seen');
    179        });
    181        $("#data-storing").on("click", function() {
    182          if($(this).prop('checked') == true) {         
    183             $('.trstoring').removeClass('unseen');
    184             $('#storing-description').html(sform_submissions_object.disable);
    185             if ( $("#counter").prop('checked') == true ) {
    186             $('.sform.awaiting-mod').removeClass('unseen');
    187             }
    188          }
    189          else { $('.trstoring').addClass('unseen');
    190             $('#storing-description').html(sform_submissions_object.enable);
    191             $('.sform.awaiting-mod').addClass('unseen');
    192          }
    193        });
    195        $("#counter").on("click", function() {
    196          if($(this).prop('checked') == true) {         
    197             $('.sform.awaiting-mod').removeClass('unseen');
    198          } else {
    199             $('.sform.awaiting-mod').addClass('unseen');
    200          }
    201        });
    203        // Prevent duplicate queries by appending the selector to move entries in the bottom bulk actions
    204        if ( document.getElementById("moveto") != null && document.getElementById("bulk-action-selector-bottom") != null ) {
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    208          bottomSelector.parentNode.insertBefore( clone, bottomSelector.nextSibling );                 
    209        }
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    212          var selectbulk = $(this).val();
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    214              $('.moveto').removeClass('unseen');
    215          }
    216          else {
    217              $('.moveto').addClass('unseen');
    218              $('.moveto').val('');
    219              $('#move2').val('');
    220          }
    221        });             
    223        $('.moveto').on("change", function() {
    224          var form = $(this).val();
    225           $('#move2').val(form);
    226           $('.moveto').val(form);
    227        }); 
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    257             $('span.toggle.' + section).addClass('dashicons-arrow-down-alt2');
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     11    $( window ).on(
     12        'load',
     13        function() {
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     21                    function() {
     22                        document.getElementById( 'message-wrap' ).classList.remove( 'seen' );
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     64                    }
     65                );
     66            }
     68            $( '#message-status' ).on(
     69                'change',
     70                function(e) {
     71                    var option = $( this ).val();
     72                    if ( option != 'spam' && option != 'trash' ) {
     73                        $( '#reply' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     74                        $( '.trmovable' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     75                        $( '#thstatus, #tdstatus' ).removeClass( 'last' );
     76                        if ( $( '#moving' ).prop( 'checked' ) == true ) {
     77                            $( '.trmoving' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     78                            $( '#thmoveto, #tdmoveto' ).addClass( 'last' );
     79                        } else {
     80                            $( '#thmoving, #tdmoving' ).addClass( 'last' );
     81                        }
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     83                            $( '#reply' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     84                            $( '.reply-message.button' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     85                        } else {
     86                            $( '#reply' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     87                            $( '.reply-message.button' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
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     90                        $( '.trmovable, .trmoving, .reply-message.button' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     91                        $( '#thstatus, #tdstatus' ).addClass( 'last' );
     92                        $( '#thmoving, #tdmoving, #thmoveto, #tdmoveto' ).removeClass( 'last' );
     93                    }
     94                }
     95            );
     97            $( '#moving' ).on(
     98                'click',
     99                function() {
     100                    if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) == true ) {
     101                        $( this ).val( 'true' );
     102                        $( '.trmoving' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     103                        $( '#thmoving, #tdmoving' ).removeClass( 'last' );
     104                        $( '#thmoveto, #tdmoveto' ).addClass( 'last' );
     105                    } else {
     106                        $( this ).val( 'false' );
     107                        $( '.trmoving' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     108                        $( '#moveto' ).val( '' );
     109                        $( '#thmoving, #tdmoving' ).addClass( 'last' );
     110                        $( '#thmoveto, #tdmoveto' ).removeClass( 'last' );
     111                    }
     112                }
     113            );
     115            // Switch the column with row actions.
     116            $( '.hide-column-tog' ).on(
     117                'click',
     118                function(e) {
     119                    var column = $( this ).val();
     120                    if ( column === 'id' ) {
     121                        if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) == true ) {
     122                            $( '#id-actions' ).removeClass( 'hidden' );
     123                            $( '#subject-actions' ).addClass( 'hidden' );
     124                            $( '.column-id' ).addClass( 'column-primary' );
     125                            $( '.column-subject' ).removeClass( 'column-primary' );
     126                        } else {
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     128                                $( '#subject-actions' ).removeClass( 'hidden' );
     129                                $( '#id-actions' ).addClass( 'hidden' );
     130                                $( '.column-id' ).removeClass( 'column-primary' );
     131                                $( '.column-subject' ).addClass( 'column-primary' );
     132                            }
     133                        }
     134                    }
     135                    if ( column === 'subject' ) {
     136                        if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) == true ) {
     137                            if ( ( $( '#id-hide' ).length > 0 && $( '#id-hide' ).prop( 'checked' ) == false ) || $( '#id-hide' ).length == 0 ) {
     138                                $( '#subject-actions' ).removeClass( 'hidden' );
     139                                $( '.column-id' ).removeClass( 'column-primary' );
     140                                $( '.column-subject' ).addClass( 'column-primary' );
     141                            }
     142                        } else {
     143                            $( '#subject-actions' ).addClass( 'hidden' );
     144                            $( '.column-id' ).addClass( 'column-primary' );
     145                            $( '.column-subject' ).removeClass( 'column-primary' );
     146                        }
     147                    }
     148                    // Display error if no column has row actions.
     149                    if ( $( '#id-hide' ).length > 0 && $( '#id-hide' ).prop( 'checked' ) == false && $( '#subject-hide' ).length == 0 ) {
     150                        $( '.submission-notice' ).html( sform_submissions_object.id_notice );
     151                    } else if ( $( '#subject-hide' ).length > 0 && $( '#subject-hide' ).prop( 'checked' ) == false && $( '#id-hide' ).length == 0 ) {
     152                        $( '.submission-notice' ).html( sform_submissions_object.subject_notice );
     153                    } else if ( $( '#id-hide' ).length > 0 && $( '#id-hide' ).prop( 'checked' ) == false && $( '#subject-hide' ).length > 0 && $( '#subject-hide' ).prop( 'checked' ) == false ) {
     154                        $( '.submission-notice' ).html( sform_submissions_object.combo_notice );
     155                    } else {
     156                        $( '.submission-notice' ).html( '' );
     157                    }
     158                }
     159            );
     161            $( '#edit-entry' ).on(
     162                'click',
     163                function(e) {
     164                    $( '.message' ).removeClass( 'error success unchanged' );
     165                    $( '#message-wrap' ).addClass( 'seen' );
     166                    $( '.message' ).text( sform_submissions_object.saving );
     167                    var formData = $( 'form#submission-tab' ).serialize();
     168                    var formname = $( '#form_name' ).text()
     169                    var formname = $( '#moveto option:selected' ).text();
     170                    var status   = $( '#message-status' ).val();
     171                    var newform  = $( '#moveto' ).val();
     172                    $.ajax(
     173                        {
     174                            type: 'POST',
     175                            dataType: 'json',
     176                            url: sform_submissions_object.ajaxurl,
     177                            data: formData + '&action=edit_entry',
     178                            success: function( data ){
     179                                var error          = data['error'];
     180                                var update         = data['update'];
     181                                var current_form   = data['current_form'];
     182                                var current_status = data['current_status'];
     183                                var entries        = data['entries'];
     184                                var options        = data['options'];
     185                                var message        = data['message'];
     186                                if ( error === true ) {
     187                                    $( '.message' ).addClass( 'error' );
     188                                    $( '.message' ).html( data.message );
     189                                }
     190                                if ( error === false ) {
     191                                    if ( update === false ) {
     192                                        $( '.message' ).addClass( 'unchanged' );
     193                                    } else {
     194                                        $( '#view-counter' ).text( entries );
     195                                        if ( status !== current_status ) {
     196                                            if ( status == 'new' ) {
     197                                                var unread = parseInt( $( '#unread-messages' ).text(), 10 );
     198                                                if ( isNaN( unread ) ) {
     199                                                    $( '#unread-messages' ).html( '<span class="sform awaiting-mod">1</span>' );
     200                                                } else {
     201                                                    var number = ++unread;
     202                                                    $( '.sform.awaiting-mod' ).text( number );
     203                                                }
     204                                            } else {
     205                                                var unread = parseInt( $( '#unread-messages' ).text(), 10 );
     206                                                if ( ! isNaN( unread ) && current_status == 'new' ) {
     207                                                    if ( unread > '1' ) {
     208                                                        var number = --unread;
     209                                                        $( '.sform.awaiting-mod' ).text( number );
     210                                                    } else {
     211                                                        $( '#unread-messages' ).html( '' );
     212                                                    }
     213                                                }
     214                                            }
     215                                        }
     216                                        $( '.message' ).addClass( 'success' );
     217                                        $( '.form-name' ).html( data.current_form );
     218                                        $( '#moveto' ).html( data.options );
     219                                        $( '#moving' ).prop( 'checked', false );
     220                                        $( '.trmoving' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     221                                        $( '#thmoving, #tdmoving' ).addClass( 'last' );
     222                                    }
     223                                    $( '.message' ).html( data.message );
     224                                }
     225                            },
     226                            error: function( data ) {
     227                                $( '.message' ).html( 'AJAX call failed' );
     228                            }
     229                        }
     230                    );
     231                    e.preventDefault();
     232                    return false;
     233                }
     234            );
     236            $( document ).on(
     237                'input',
     238                function() {
     239                    $( '#message-wrap' ).removeClass( 'seen' );
     240                }
     241            );
     243            $( '#storing' ).on(
     244                'click',
     245                function() {
     246                    if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) == true) {
     247                        $( '.trstoring' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     248                        $( '#storing-description' ).html( sform_submissions_object.disable );
     249                        if ( $( '#counter' ).prop( 'checked' ) == true ) {
     250                            $( '.sform.awaiting-mod' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     251                        }
     252                    } else {
     253                        $( '.trstoring' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     254                        $( '#storing-description' ).html( sform_submissions_object.enable );
     255                        $( '.sform.awaiting-mod' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     256                    }
     257                }
     258            );
     260            $( '#counter' ).on(
     261                'click',
     262                function() {
     263                    if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) == true) {
     264                        $( '.sform.awaiting-mod' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     265                    } else {
     266                        $( '.sform.awaiting-mod' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     267                    }
     268                }
     269            );
     271            // Prevent duplicate queries by appending the selector to move entries in the bottom bulk actions.
     272            if ( document.getElementById( 'moveto' ) != null && document.getElementById( 'bulk-action-selector-bottom' ) != null ) {
     273                const node         = document.getElementById( 'moveto' );
     274                const clone        = node.cloneNode( true );
     275                var bottomSelector = document.getElementById( 'bulk-action-selector-bottom' );
     276                bottomSelector.parentNode.insertBefore( clone, bottomSelector.nextSibling );
     277            }
     279            $( '#bulk-action-selector-top, #bulk-action-selector-bottom' ).on(
     280                'change',
     281                function() {
     282                    var selectbulk = $( this ).val();
     283                    if ( selectbulk === 'bulk-move' ) {
     284                        $( '.moveto' ).removeClass( 'unseen' );
     285                    } else {
     286                        $( '.moveto' ).addClass( 'unseen' );
     287                        $( '.moveto' ).val( '' );
     288                        $( '#move2' ).val( '' );
     289                    }
     290                }
     291            );
     293            $( '.moveto' ).on(
     294                'change',
     295                function() {
     296                    var form = $( this ).val();
     297                    $( '#move2' ).val( form );
     298                    $( '.moveto' ).val( form );
     299                }
     300            );
     302            $( 'span.editing' ).on(
     303                'click',
     304                function() {
     305                    var section   = $( this ).attr( 'data-section' );
     306                    var prev_link = document.getElementById( 'prev-link' );
     307                    var next_link = document.getElementById( 'next-link' );
     308                    $( '.section.' + section ).toggleClass( 'collapsed' );
     309                    if ( ! $( '.section.' + section ).hasClass( 'collapsed' ) ) {
     310                        $( 'span.toggle.' + section ).removeClass( 'dashicons-arrow-down-alt2' );
     311                        $( 'span.toggle.' + section ).addClass( 'dashicons-arrow-up-alt2' );
     312                        $( '#h2-' + section ).removeClass( 'closed' );
     313                        if ( prev_link ) {
     314                            var href_prev  = prev_link.getAttribute( 'href' );
     315                            let prevParams = new URLSearchParams( href_prev );
     316                            if ( prevParams.has( 'editing' ) === true ) {
     317                                var new_href_prev = href_prev.replace( '&editing=hidden', '' );
     318                                prev_link.setAttribute( 'href', new_href_prev );
     319                            }
     320                        }
     321                        if ( next_link ) {
     322                            var href_next  = next_link.getAttribute( 'href' );
     323                            let nextParams = new URLSearchParams( href_next );
     324                            if ( nextParams.has( 'editing' ) === true ) {
     325                                var new_href_next = href_next.replace( '&editing=hidden', '' );
     326                                next_link.setAttribute( 'href', new_href_next );
     327                            }
     328                        }
     329                    } else {
     330                        $( 'span.toggle.' + section ).removeClass( 'dashicons-arrow-up-alt2' );
     331                        $( 'span.toggle.' + section ).addClass( 'dashicons-arrow-down-alt2' );
     332                        $( '#h2-' + section ).addClass( 'closed' );
     333                        if ( prev_link ) {
     334                            var href_prev  = prev_link.getAttribute( 'href' );
     335                            let prevParams = new URLSearchParams( href_prev );
     336                            if ( prevParams.has( 'editing' ) === false ) {
     337                                var new_href_prev = href_prev + '&editing=hidden';
     338                                prev_link.setAttribute( 'href', new_href_prev );
     339                            }
     340                        }
     341                        if ( next_link ) {
     342                            var href_next  = next_link.getAttribute( 'href' );
     343                            let nextParams = new URLSearchParams( href_next );
     344                            if ( nextParams.has( 'editing' ) === false ) {
     345                                var new_href_next = href_next + '&editing=hidden';
     346                                next_link.setAttribute( 'href', new_href_next );
     347                            }
     348                        }
     349                    }
     350                }
     351            );
     353        }
     354    );
    280356})( jQuery );
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/admin/partials/entry.php

    r2701411 r3125304  
    3 if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) die;
    5 $form_id = isset( $_REQUEST['form'] ) ? absint($_REQUEST['form']) : '';
    6 $settings = get_option("sform_{$form_id}_settings") != false ? get_option("sform_{$form_id}_settings") : get_option("sform_settings");
    7 $admin_notices = ! empty( $settings['admin_notices'] ) ? esc_attr($settings['admin_notices']) : 'false';
    8 $notice = '';
    9 $color = ! empty( $settings['admin_color'] ) ? esc_attr($settings['admin_color']) : 'default';
    10 $form = isset( $_REQUEST['form'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['form'] ) ? '&form=' . absint($_REQUEST['form']) : '';
    11 $view = isset( $_REQUEST['view'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['view'] ) ? '&view=' . sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['view']) : '';
    12 $date = isset ( $_REQUEST['date'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['date'] ) ? '&date=' . sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['date']) : '';
    13 $search_key = isset( $_REQUEST['s'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ? '&s=' . sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['s']) : '';
    14 $pagenum = isset( $_REQUEST['paged'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['paged'] ) ? '&paged=' . absint($_REQUEST['paged']) : '';
    15 $order = (isset($_REQUEST['order']) && in_array($_REQUEST['order'], array('asc', 'desc'))) ? '&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] : '';
    16 $orderby = (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && in_array($_REQUEST['orderby'], array('subject', 'email', 'date'))) ? '&orderby=' . $_REQUEST['orderby'] : '';
    17 $back_link = get_admin_url(get_current_blog_id(), 'admin.php?page=sform-entries') .$form.$view.$date.$search_key.$pagenum.$order.$orderby;
    18 $id = isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ? absint($_REQUEST['id']) : '';
     3 * File delegated to show the entry data page.
     4 *
     5 * @package    SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions
     6 * @subpackage SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions/admin/partials
     7 */
     9defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
     11$entries_class = new SimpleForm_Entries_List();
     12$validation    = new SimpleForm_Submissions_Admin_Validation();
     13$util          = new SimpleForm_Submissions_Util();
     14$admin_notices = $util->get_sform_option( 1, 'settings', 'admin_notices', false );
     15$notice_class  = $admin_notices ? 'invisible' : '';
     16$version_alert = get_transient( 'sform_version_alert' );
     17$notice_class .= false !== $version_alert ? ' unseen' : '';
     18$wrap_class    = false !== $version_alert ? 'spaced' : '';
     19$notice        = '';
     20$color         = strval( $util->get_sform_option( 1, 'settings', 'admin_color', 'default' ) );
     21$referer_url   = wp_get_referer() ? wp_get_referer() : admin_url( 'admin.php?page=sform-entries' );
     22// Return an array of query variables.
     23if ( isset( wp_parse_url( $referer_url )['query'] ) ) {
     24    parse_str( wp_parse_url( $referer_url )['query'], $params );
     26$query_page    = isset( $params['page'] ) && ! empty( $params['page'] ) ? $params['page'] : 'sform-entries';
     27$form          = isset( $params['form'] ) && ! empty( $params['form'] ) ? $params['form'] : '';
     28$view          = isset( $params['view'] ) && ! empty( $params['view'] ) ? $params['view'] : '';
     29$date          = isset( $params['date'] ) && ! empty( $params['date'] ) ? $params['date'] : '';
     30$keyword       = isset( $params['s'] ) && ! empty( $params['s'] ) ? $params['s'] : '';
     31$query_orderby = isset( $params['orderby'] ) && ! empty( $params['orderby'] ) ? $params['orderby'] : '';
     32$query_order   = isset( $params['order'] ) && ! empty( $params['order'] ) ? $params['order'] : '';
     33$pagenum       = isset( $params['paged'] ) && ! empty( $params['paged'] ) ? $params['paged'] : '';
     34// Save query args if you are come from entries page.
     35if ( 'sform-entries' === $query_page ) {
     36    unset( $params['id'] );
     37    update_option( 'sform_entries_params', $params );
     39$entries_params = (array) get_option( 'sform_entries_params', array( 'page' => 'sform-entries' ) );
     40$back_url       = add_query_arg( $entries_params, $referer_url );
     41$back_url       = remove_query_arg( array( 'id', 'info', 'editing' ), $back_url );
     42$back_button    = '<a href="' . esc_url( $back_url ) . '"><span class="dashicons dashicons-list-view icon-button admin ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '"></span><span class="wp-core-ui button admin back-list ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '">' . __( 'Back to entries', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></a>';
     43$entry_id       = absint( $validation->sanitized_key( 'id' ) );
     44$entry_form     = absint( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'form' ) );
     45$requester_type = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'requester_type' ) );
     46$requester_id   = absint( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'requester_id' ) );
     47$entry_name     = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'name' ) );
     48$entry_lastname = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'lastname' ) );
     49$entry_email    = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'email' ) );
     50$entry_phone    = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'phone' ) );
     51$entry_subject  = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'subject' ) );
     52$entry_message  = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'object' ) );
     53$entry_ip       = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'ip' ) );
     54$entry_date     = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'date' ) );
     55$entry_status   = strval( $util->entry_value( $entry_id, 'status' ) );
     56$description    = __( 'All submitted data, and more, at a glance. ', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' );
     57$unspam_desc    = __( 'For restoring the entry from spam change its status. ', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' );
     58$restoring_desc = __( 'For restoring the entry from trash change its status. ', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' );
     59$description   .= 'spam' === $entry_status ? '&nbsp;' . $unspam_desc . '&nbsp;' . __( 'For permanently deleting the entry, back to entries list and use the specific action. ', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) : '';
     60$description   .= 'trash' === $entry_status ? '&nbsp;' . $restoring_desc . '&nbsp;' . __( 'For permanently deleting the entry, back to entries list and use the specific action. ', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) : '';
    1961global $wpdb;
    20 $item = !empty($id) ? $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions WHERE id = %d", $id), ARRAY_A) : array();
    21 $entry_form = esc_attr($item['form']);
    22 $entry_form_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE id = '$entry_form'");
    23 $description = __( 'All submitted data, and more, at a glance.','simpleform-contact-form-submissions');
    24 $unspam_desc = __( 'For restoring the entry from spam change its status.','simpleform-contact-form-submissions');
    25 $restoring_desc = __( 'For restoring the entry from trash change its status.','simpleform-contact-form-submissions');
    26 if ( $item['status'] == 'spam' ) { $description .= '&nbsp;' . $unspam_desc . '&nbsp;' . __( 'For permanently deleting the entry, back to entries list and use the specific action.','simpleform-contact-form-submissions'); }
    27 if ( $item['status'] == 'trash' ) { $description .= '&nbsp;' . $restoring_desc . '&nbsp;' . __( 'For permanently deleting the entry, back to entries list and use the specific action.','simpleform-contact-form-submissions'); }
    28 $where_form = !empty($form_id) ? "AND form = '$form_id'" : " AND form != '0' AND listable = '1'";
    29 $view_arg = isset( $_REQUEST['view'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['view'] ) ? sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['view']) : '';
    30 if ($view_arg == '') { $where_status = " AND status != 'trash' AND status != 'spam'"; $message_type = 'inbox'; }
    31 if ($view_arg == 'new') { $where_status = " AND status = 'new'"; $message_type = 'unread'; }
    32 if ($view_arg == 'answered') { $where_status = " AND status = 'answered'"; $message_type = 'answered'; }
    33 if ($view_arg == 'spam') { $where_status = " AND status = 'spam'"; $message_type = 'junk'; }
    34 if ($view_arg == 'trash') { $where_status = " AND status = 'trash'"; $message_type = 'trashed'; }
    35 $ip_storing = ! empty( $settings['ip_storing'] ) ? esc_attr($settings['ip_storing']) : 'true';
    36 $keyword = ( isset( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['s']) : '';
    37 $search = !empty($keyword) ? '%'.$wpdb->esc_like($keyword).'%' : '';                       
    38 if( $keyword != '') {   
    39   if ( $ip_storing == 'true'  ) { $where_keyword = "AND object != '' AND object != 'not stored' AND (name LIKE '$search' OR lastname LIKE '$search' OR subject LIKE '$search' OR object LIKE '$search' OR ip LIKE '$search' OR email LIKE '$search' OR phone LIKE '$search')"; }
    40   else { $where_keyword = "AND object != '' AND object != 'not stored' AND (name LIKE '$search' OR lastname LIKE '$search' OR subject LIKE '$search' OR object LIKE '$search' OR email LIKE '$search' OR phone LIKE '$search')"; }
    41 }
    42 else { $where_keyword = "AND object != '' AND object != 'not stored'"; }
    43 $date_arg = isset( $_REQUEST['date'] ) ? sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['date']) : '';
    44 if( $date_arg != ''){   
    45   if ( $date_arg == 'last_day' ) { $where_date = " AND ( date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 24 HOUR )"; }
    46   if ( $date_arg == 'last_week' ) { $where_date = " AND ( date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 7 DAY )"; }
    47   if ( $date_arg == 'last_month' ) { $where_date = " AND ( date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 30 DAY )"; }
    48   if ( $date_arg == 'current_year' ) { $where_date = " AND ( YEAR(date) = YEAR(CURDATE()) )"; }
    49   if ( $date_arg == 'last_year' ) { $where_date = " AND ( date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR )"; }
    50   if ( $date_arg != 'last_day' && $date_arg != 'last_week' && $date_arg != 'last_month' && $date_arg != 'current_year' && $date_arg != 'last_year' ) { $where_date = " AND ( YEAR(date) = '$date_arg' )"; }
    51 }
    52 else { $where_date = ""; }
    53 $submission_date = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT date FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions WHERE id = '$id'");
    54 $prev_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions WHERE date < '$submission_date' $where_form $where_status $where_keyword $where_date ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1");
    55 $next_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions WHERE date > '$submission_date' $where_form $where_status $where_keyword $where_date ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1");
    56 $id_arg = '&id='.$id;
    57 $url_split = explode($id_arg,$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    58 $url_root = $url_split[0];
    59 $url_args = !empty($url_split[1]) ? $url_split[1] : '';   
    60 $prev_id_url = $url_root . '&id='.$prev_id . $url_args;
    61 $next_id_url = $url_root . '&id='.$next_id . $url_args;
    62 $prev_button = $prev_id ? '<a id="prev-link" href="'. esc_url($prev_id_url) .'"><span id="prev" class="paginated"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2"></span><span>'. __('Prev', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) .'</span></span></a>' : '';
    63 $next_button = $next_id ? '<a id="next-link" href="'. esc_url($next_id_url) .'"><span id="next" class="paginated"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2" style="float: right"></span><span>'. __('Next', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) .'</span></span></a>' : '';
    64 if ( !empty($form_id) ) { $counter = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions WHERE form = {$form_id} $where_status $where_keyword $where_date"); }
    65 else { $counter = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions WHERE form != '0' AND listable = '1' $where_status $where_keyword $where_date"); }
    66 if ( !empty($form_id) ) { /* $form_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE id = '$form_id'"); */ $form_name = $entry_form_name; }
    67 else { $form_name = 'all forms';  }
    68 if ( esc_attr($item['status']) == 'new' ) { $counter = $counter - 1; }
    69 else { $counter = $counter; }
    70 $counter_span = '<span id="view-counter">' . $counter . '</span>';
    71 $count_messages = sprintf( _n( '%1$s %2$s entry in %3$s', '%1$s %2$s entries in %3$s', $counter ), $counter_span, $message_type, $form_name ) . '&nbsp;';
    72 $messages_nav_class = $counter > 1 ? $color : 'invisible';
    73 $messages_nav = '<div id="navigation-buttons" class="' . $messages_nav_class . '"><div id="messages-nav">' . $prev_button . $next_button . '</div><div id="messages-info">' . $count_messages . '</div></div>';
    74 $contact_info = isset( $_REQUEST['info'] ) && $_REQUEST['info'] == 'hidden' ? ' unseen' : '';
    75 $editing = isset( $_REQUEST['editing'] ) && $_REQUEST['editing'] == 'hidden' ? ' collapsed' : '';
    76 $editing_class = $editing ? 'closed' : '';
    77 $toggle_message_class = isset( $_REQUEST['info'] ) && $_REQUEST['info'] == 'hidden' ? '' : ' unseen';
     62$form_param    = isset( $entries_params['form'] ) ? $entries_params['form'] : '';
     63$view_param    = isset( $entries_params['view'] ) ? $entries_params['view'] : '';
     64$date_param    = isset( $entries_params['date'] ) ? $entries_params['date'] : '';
     65$keyword_param = isset( $entries_params['s'] ) ? $entries_params['s'] : '';
     66if ( in_array( $date_param, array( '', 'last_day', 'last_week', 'last_month', 'current_year', 'last_year' ), true ) ) {
     67    $date_value       = array(
     68        ''             => '',
     69        'last_day'     => ' AND ( date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 24 HOUR )',
     70        'last_week'    => ' AND ( date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 7 DAY )',
     71        'last_month'   => ' AND ( date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 30 DAY )',
     72        'current_year' => ' AND ( YEAR(date ) = YEAR(CURDATE() ) )',
     73        'last_year'    => ' AND ( date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR )',
     74    );
     75    $where_date       = $date_value[ $date_param ];
     76    $date_placeholder = array();
     77} else {
     78    $where_date       = ' AND YEAR(date ) = %d';
     79    $date_placeholder = array( $date_param );
     81$ip_storing          = $util->get_sform_option( 1, 'settings', 'ip_storing', true );
     82$ip_clause           = $ip_storing ? 'name LIKE %s OR lastname LIKE %s OR subject LIKE %s OR object LIKE %s OR ip LIKE %s OR email LIKE %s OR phone LIKE %s' : 'name LIKE %s OR lastname LIKE %s OR subject LIKE %s OR object LIKE %s OR email LIKE %s OR phone LIKE %s';
     83$where_keyword       = ! empty( $keyword_param ) ? 'WHERE object != %s AND object != %s AND ( ' . $ip_clause . ')' : 'WHERE object != %s AND object != %s';
     84$search_val          = empty( $keyword_param ) ? '' : '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $keyword_param ) . '%';
     85$arguments_list      = $ip_storing ? array( '', 'not stored', $search_val, $search_val, $search_val, $search_val, $search_val, $search_val, $search_val ) : array( '', 'not stored', $search_val, $search_val, $search_val, $search_val, $search_val, $search_val );
     86$keyword_placeholder = empty( $keyword_param ) ? array( '', 'not stored' ) : $arguments_list;
     87$where_form          = ! empty( $form_param ) ? " AND form = %d AND listable = '1' AND hidden = '0'" : " AND form != '0' AND listable = '1' AND hidden = '0'";
     88$form_placeholder    = empty( $form_param ) ? array() : array( $form_param );
     89$condition           = array(
     90    ''         => " AND status != 'trash' AND status != 'spam'",
     91    'inbox'    => " AND status != 'trash' AND status != 'spam'",
     92    'new'      => " AND status = 'new'",
     93    'answered' => " AND status = 'answered'",
     94    'spam'     => " AND status = 'spam'",
     95    'trash'    => " AND status = 'trash'",
     97$where_status        = $condition[ $view_param ];
     98$where_clause        = $where_keyword . $where_date . $where_form . $where_status;
     99$placeholders        = array_merge( $keyword_placeholder, $date_placeholder, $form_placeholder );
     100$counter_query       = "SELECT COUNT( id ) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions {$where_clause}";
     101$counter_result      = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $counter_query, $placeholders ) ); // phpcs:ignore
     102$counter             = 'new' === $entry_status ? $counter_result - 1 : $counter_result;
     103$placeholders[]      = $entry_date;
     104$prev_query          = "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions {$where_clause} AND date < %s ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1";
     105$prev_id             = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $prev_query, $placeholders ) ); // phpcs:ignore
     106$next_query          = "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions {$where_clause} AND date > %s ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1";
     107$next_id             = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $next_query, $placeholders ) ); // phpcs:ignore
     108$referer             = 'sform-entries' === $query_page ? remove_query_arg( array( 'page', 'form', 'view', 'date', 's', 'orderby', 'order', 'paged', 'id' ) ) : $referer_url;
     109$prev_url            = esc_url( add_query_arg( 'id', $prev_id ) );
     110$next_url            = esc_url( add_query_arg( 'id', $next_id ) );
     111$nav_class           = $counter > 1 ? $color : 'invisible';
     112$prev_button         = $prev_id ? '<a id="prev-link" href="' . $prev_url . '"><span id="prev" class="paginated"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2"></span><span>' . __( 'Prev', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></span></a>' : '';
     113$next_button         = $next_id ? '<a id="next-link" href="' . $next_url . '"><span id="next" class="paginated"><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2" style="float: right"></span><span>' . __( 'Next', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></span></a>' : '';
     114$counter_span        = '<span id="view-counter">' . $counter . '</span>';
     115$form_name           = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE id = %d", $entry_form ) ); // phpcs:ignore
     116$referer_form        = $form ? $form_name : 'all forms';
     117$referer_view        = array(
     118    ''         => __( 'Inbox', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . ':',
     119    'inbox'    => __( 'Inbox', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . ':',
     120    'new'      => __( 'Unread', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . ':',
     121    'answered' => __( 'Answered', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . ':',
     122    'spam'     => __( 'Junk', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . ':',
     123    'trash'    => __( 'Trash', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . ':',
     125$entries_view        = $referer_view[ $view_param ];
     126/* translators: $1$s: View of the table; $2$s: Number of entries found in the view; $3$s: The form where entries were found; */
     127$navigation_note = sprintf( _n( '%1$s: %2$s entry found in %3$s', '%1$s %2$s entries found in %3$s', $counter ), $entries_view, $counter_span, $referer_form );
     128$contact_info    = isset( $_GET['info'] ) && 'hidden' === $_GET['info'] ? ' unseen' : ''; // phpcs:ignore
     129$count_forms     = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE status != 'trash'" ); // phpcs:ignore
     130$form_data_class = $count_forms < 2 ? 'unseen' : '';
     131$user_type       = 'registered' === $requester_type && 0 !== $requester_id ? __( 'Registered', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) : __( 'Unregistered', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' );
     132$phone           = ! empty( $entry_phone ) && 'not stored' !== $entry_phone ? $entry_phone : '';
     133$ip              = ! empty( $entry_ip ) && 'not stored' !== $entry_ip ? $entry_ip : '';
     134$email           = ! empty( $entry_email ) && 'not stored' !== $entry_email ? $entry_email : '';
     135$page_user       = '';
     136$login_data      = '';
     137$role_class      = '';
     138$role_name       = '';
     139$avatar          = false;
     140if ( 'registered' === $requester_type && 0 !== $requester_id ) {
     141    $user_info  = get_userdata( $requester_id );
     142    $page_user  = get_edit_user_link( $requester_id );
     143    $login_data = false !== $user_info ? $user_info->user_login : '';
     144    global $wp_roles;
     145    $user_role  = false !== $user_info ? implode( ', ', $user_info->roles ) : '';
     146    $role_class = empty( $phone ) && empty( $ip ) && empty( $email ) ? 'last' : '';
     147    $role_name  = translate_user_role( $wp_roles->roles[ $user_role ]['name'] );
     149if ( is_email( $entry_email ) ) {
     150    $gravemail = md5( strtolower( trim( $entry_email ) ) );
     151    $gravsrc   = '' . $gravemail;
     152    $gravcheck = '' . $gravemail . '?d=404';
     153    $response  = get_headers( $gravcheck );
     154    $avatar    = false !== $response && strpos( $response[0], '404 Not Found' ) === false ? true : false;
     156$name               = ! empty( $entry_name ) && 'not stored' !== $entry_name && 'anonymous' !== $requester_type ? $entry_name : '';
     157$lastname           = ! empty( $entry_lastname ) && 'not stored' !== $entry_lastname ? $entry_lastname : '';
     158$name_line          = empty( $name ) || empty( $lastname ) ? '' : 'topaligned';
     159$name_class         = empty( $phone ) && empty( $ip ) && empty( $email ) ? 'last ' . $name_line : $name_line;
     160$lastname_separator = ! empty( $name ) ? '<br>' : '';
     161$fullname           = ! empty( $name ) || ! empty( $lastname ) ? $name . $lastname_separator . $lastname : __( 'Anonymous', 'simpleform' );
     162$phone_class        = empty( $ip ) && empty( $email ) ? 'last' : '';
     163$email_class        = empty( $ip ) ? 'last' : '';
     164$data_column_class  = isset( $_GET['info'] ) && 'hidden' === $_GET['info'] ? 'fullwidth' : 'first'; // phpcs:ignore
     165/* translators: at: used to indicate the time */
     166$at = __( 'at', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' );
     167// Get the site's timezone offset in seconds from UTC.
     168$timezone_offset = date_offset_get( current_datetime() );
     169$local_date      = strtotime( $entry_date ) + $timezone_offset;
     170$date            = date_i18n( strval( get_option( 'date_format' ) ), $local_date );
     171$time            = date_i18n( strval( get_option( 'time_format' ) ), $local_date );
     172$data_entry_date = $date . ' ' . $at . ' ' . $time;
     173$toggle_class    = isset( $_GET['info'] ) && 'hidden' === $_GET['info'] ? '' : ' unseen'; // phpcs:ignore
     174$subject         = ! empty( $entry_subject ) && 'not stored' !== $entry_subject ? $entry_subject : '';
     175$editing         = isset( $_GET['editing'] ) && 'hidden' === $_GET['editing'] ? ' collapsed' : ''; // phpcs:ignore
     176$editing_class   = $editing ? 'closed' : '';
    78177$dashicons_arrow = $editing ? 'dashicons-arrow-down-alt2' : 'dashicons-arrow-up-alt2';
    79 $user_type =  esc_attr($item['requester_type']) == 'registered' && esc_attr($item['requester_id']) != '0' ? __('Registered', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions') : __('Unregistered', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions');
    80 $name = $item['name'] != '' && $item['name'] != 'not stored' && $item['name'] != 'Anonymous' ? trim(esc_attr($item['name'])) : '';
    81 $lastname = $item['lastname'] != '' && $item['lastname'] != 'not stored' ? esc_attr($item['lastname']) : '';
    82 $lastname_separator = ! empty($name) ? '<br>' : '';
    83 $fullname = ! empty($name) || ! empty($lastname) ? $name . $lastname_separator . $lastname : __( 'Anonymous', 'simpleform' );
    84 $phone = $item['phone'] != '' && $item['phone'] != 'not stored' ? esc_attr($item['phone']) : '';
    85 $ip = $item['ip'] != '' && $item['ip'] != 'not stored' ? esc_attr($item['ip']) : '';
    86 $email = $item['email'] != '' && $item['email'] != 'not stored' ? esc_attr($item['email']) : '';
    87 // $user_class = esc_attr($item['requester_type']) != 'registered' && empty($name) && empty($lastname) && empty($phone) && empty($ip) && empty($email) ? 'last' : '';
    88 $user_data = false;
    89 if ( esc_attr($item['requester_type']) == 'registered' && esc_attr($item['requester_id']) != '0' ) {     
    90   $user_data = true;
    91   $user_info = get_userdata(esc_attr($item['requester_id']));
    92   $page_user = get_edit_user_link( esc_attr($item['requester_id']) );
    93   $user_login = $user_info->user_login;
    94   global $wp_roles;
    95   $role = implode(', ', $user_info->roles);
    96   $role_name = translate_user_role($wp_roles->roles[$role]['name']);
    97 }
    98 $role_class = empty($phone) && empty($ip) && empty($email) ? 'last' : '';
    99 $name_line = empty($name) || empty($lastname) ? '' : 'topaligned';
    100 $name_class = empty($phone) && empty($ip) && empty($email) ? 'last ' . $name_line : $name_line;
    101 $phone_class = empty($ip) && empty($email) ? 'last' : '';
    102 $email_class = empty($ip) ? 'last' : '';
    103 $data_column_class = isset( $_REQUEST['info'] ) && $_REQUEST['info'] == 'hidden' ? 'fullwidth' : 'first';
    104 $submission_id_class = isset( $_REQUEST['info'] ) && $_REQUEST['info'] == 'hidden' ? '' : 'unseen';
    105 $date_class = isset( $_REQUEST['info'] ) && $_REQUEST['info'] == 'hidden' ? '' : 'first';
    106 $tzcity = get_option('timezone_string'); $tzoffset = get_option('gmt_offset');
    107 if ( ! empty($tzcity))  {
    108 $current_time_timezone = date_create('now', timezone_open($tzcity));
    109 $timezone_offset =  date_offset_get($current_time_timezone);
    110 $submission_timestamp = strtotime(esc_attr($item['date'])) + $timezone_offset;
    111 }
    112 else {
    113 $timezone_offset =  $tzoffset * 3600;
    114 $submission_timestamp = strtotime(esc_attr($item['date'])) + $timezone_offset; 
    115 }
    116 /* translators: It is used to indicate the time */
    117 $at = __('at', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions');
    118 $entry_date = date_i18n(get_option('date_format'),$submission_timestamp).' '.$at.' '.date_i18n(get_option('time_format'),$submission_timestamp );
    119 $subject = $item['subject'] != '' && $item['subject'] != 'not stored' ? esc_attr($item['subject']) : '';
    120 if ( $item['status'] == 'new') { $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions SET status = 'read' WHERE id = %d", $id) ); }
    121 $count_forms = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE status != 'trash'");
    122 $status_class = $count_forms > 1 && $item['status'] != 'trash' && $item['status'] != 'spam' ? '' : 'last';
    123 $separator = ! empty($subject) ? '?' : '';
    124 /* translators: added in front of the subject of a reply email */
    125 $re = __('Re: ', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' );
    126 $mailsubject = ! empty($subject) ? 'subject=' . $re . str_replace(' ', '%20', $subject) : '';
    127 $mailto = ! empty( $settings['mailto'] ) ? esc_attr($settings['mailto']) : 'false';
    128 $mailtolink_class = $item['status'] == 'read' || $item['status'] == 'new' ? '' : 'class="unseen"';
    129 $mailtolink = $mailto == 'true' && ! empty($email) ? '<a id="reply" ' . $mailtolink_class . ' href="mailto:'. $email . $separator . $mailsubject .'"><span class="sform reply-message button '. $color .'">'. __('Reply', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) .'</span><span class="dashicons dashicons-external icon-button '. $color .'"></span></a>' : '';
    130 $movable =  esc_attr($item['movable']) ? true : false ;
    131 // $current_form = !empty($form_id) ? $form_id : $wpdb->get_var("SELECT form FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions WHERE id = {$id}");
    132 $forms = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT id, name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE id != {$entry_form} AND status != 'trash' ORDER BY name ASC", 'ARRAY_A' );
    133 $options = '';
    134 foreach ( $forms as $form_data ) { $formID = $form_data['id']; $formName = $form_data['name']; $options .= '<option value="'.$formID.'">'.$formName.'</option>'; }
    135 ?>
    137 <div id="sform-wrap" class="sform">
    139 <div id="new-release" class="<?php if ( $admin_notices == 'true' ) { echo 'invisible'; } ?>"><?php echo apply_filters( 'sform_update', $notice ); ?>&nbsp;</div>
    141 <div class="full-width-bar <?php echo $color ?>"><h1 class="title <?php echo $color ?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-buddicons-pm responsive"></span><?php _e( 'Entry Data', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ); ?><a href="<?php echo esc_url($back_link)?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-list-view icon-button admin <?php echo $color ?>"></span><span class="settings-page wp-core-ui button admin back-list <?php echo $color ?>"><?php _e( 'Back to entries', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?></span></a></h1></div>
    143 <div id="page-description"><p><?php echo $description ?></p></div>
    145 <?php echo $messages_nav ?>
    147 <form id="submission-tab" method="post" class="<?php echo $color ?>">
    149 <input type="hidden" id="selected-form" name="selected-form" value="<?php echo $form_id ?>">
    150 <input type="hidden" id="entry" name="entry" value="<?php echo $item['id'] ?>">
    151 <input type="hidden" id="entries-counter" name="entries-counter" value="<?php echo $counter ?>">
    152 <input type="hidden" id="entries-form" name="entries-form" value="<?php echo $form_id ?>">
    153 <input type="hidden" id="entries-view" name="entries-view" value="<?php echo $view_arg ?>">
    154 <?php
    155 $email= esc_attr($item['email']);
    156 $gravemail = md5( strtolower( trim( $email ) ) );
    157 $gravsrc = "".$gravemail;
    158 $gravcheck = "".$gravemail."?d=404";
    159 $response = get_headers($gravcheck);
    160 $avatar = strpos( $response[0], '404 Not Found' ) === false ? true : '';
    161 ?>
    163 <div class="submission-data">
    165 <div id="submitter-data" class="columns-wrap left <?php echo $color . $contact_info ?>">
    167 <table class="entrie-table"><tbody>
    169 <tr><th class="option first"><span><?php _e('ID','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext first toggle"># <?php echo $id; ?><span id="toggle-info" data-title="<?php esc_attr_e('Hide','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?>" class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2 contact-info left"></span></td></tr>
    171 <tr class="<?php if ( $count_forms < 2 ) { echo 'unseen'; } ?>"><th class="option"><span><?php _e('Form','simpleform') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext"><span class="form-name"><?php echo $entry_form_name ?></span></td></tr>
    173 <tr><th class="option <?php // echo $user_class ?>"><span><?php _e('User','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext <?php // echo $user_class ?>"><?php echo $user_type ?></td></tr>
    175 <?php if ( $user_data == true ) { ?>
    177 <tr><th class="option"><span><?php _e('Username','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext"><?php echo '<a href="'.$page_user.'" target="_blank" class="nodecoration">' . $user_login .'</a>' ?></td></tr>
    179 <tr><th class="option <?php echo $role_class ?>"><span><?php _e('Role','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext <?php echo $role_class ?>"><?php echo $role_name ?></td></tr>
    181 <?php } ?>
    183 <?php if ( get_option( 'show_avatars' ) && is_email($item['email']) && $avatar ) { ?>
    185 <tr><th class="option"><span><?php _e('Profile Picture','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext profile"><?php echo get_avatar( esc_attr($item['email']), 'mystery' ); ?></td></tr>
    187 <?php } ?>
    189 <tr><th class="option <?php echo $name_class ?>"><span><?php _e('Name','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext <?php echo $name_class ?>"><?php echo $fullname ?></td></tr>
    191 <?php if ( ! empty($phone ) ) { ?>
    193 <tr><th class="option <?php echo $phone_class ?>"><span><?php _e('Phone','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext <?php echo $phone_class ?>"><?php echo $phone ?></td></tr>
    195 <?php } ?>
    197 <?php if ( ! empty($email) ) { ?>
    199 <tr><th class="option <?php echo $email_class ?>"><span><?php _e('Email','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext email <?php echo $email_class ?>"><?php echo $email ?></td></tr>
    201 <?php } ?>
    203 <?php if ( ! empty($ip) ) { ?>
    205  <tr><th class="option last"><span><?php _e('IP','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext last"><?php echo $ip ?></td></tr>
    207 <?php } ?>
    209 </tbody></table>
    211 </div>
    213 <div id="message-data-column" class="columns-wrap right <?php echo $data_column_class ?>">
    215 <table class="entrie-table"><tbody>
    217 <tr id="submission-id" class="first"><th id="thdate" class="option first"><span><?php _e('Date','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td id="tddate" class="plaintext first toggle"><?php echo $entry_date ?><span id="toggle-message" data-title="<?php esc_attr_e('Show contact info','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?>" class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2 contact-info right <?php echo $toggle_message_class ?>"></span></td></tr>
    219 <?php if ( ! empty($subject) ) { ?>
    221 <tr><th class="option"><span><?php _e('Subject','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext"><?php echo $subject ?></td></tr>
    223 <?php } ?>
    225 <tr><th class="option request"><span><?php _e('Message','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td class="plaintext request"><?php echo stripslashes(wpautop(esc_attr($item['object']))) ?></td></tr>
    227 </tbody></table>
    228 <h2 id="h2-editing" class="options-heading <?php echo $editing_class ?>"><span class="heading" section="editing"><?php _e( 'Editing', 'simpleform' ); ?><span class="toggle dashicons <?php echo $dashicons_arrow ?> editing"></span></span></h2>
    230 <div class="section editing <?php echo $editing ?>">
    231 <table class="form-table editing"><tbody>
    233 <tr><th id="thstatus" class="option <?php echo $status_class ?>"><span><?php _e('Status','simpleform') ?></span></th><td id="tdstatus"  class="select <?php echo $status_class ?>"><select name="message-status" id="message-status" class="sform <?php echo $color ?>"><option value="" disabled><?php _e('Mark as', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?></option><option value="new"><?php _e('unread', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?></option><option value="read" <?php if ( $item['status'] == 'read' || $item['status'] == 'new' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>><?php _e('read', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?></option><option value="answered" <?php selected( $item['status'], 'answered'); ?>><?php _e('answered', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?></option><option value="spam" <?php selected( $item['status'], 'spam'); ?>><?php _e('junk', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?></option><option value="trash" <?php selected( $item['status'], 'trash'); ?>><?php _e('trashed', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?></option></select><?php echo $mailtolink ?></td></tr>
    235 <tr class="trmovable <?php if ( $count_forms < 2 || $item['status'] == 'trash' || $item['status'] == 'spam' ) { echo 'unseen'; } ?>"><th id="thmoving" class="option <?php if ( $movable != true ) { echo 'last'; } ?>"><span><?php _e('Moving','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></span></th><td id="tdmoving" class="checkbox-switch <?php if ( $movable != true ) { echo 'last'; } ?>"><div class="switch-box"><label class="switch-input"><input type="checkbox" name="moving" id="moving" class="sform-switch" value="false" <?php checked( $movable, true ) ?>><span></span></label><label for="moving" class="switch-label"><?php _e( 'Allow the entry to be moved to another form','simpleform-contact-form-submissions') ?></label></div></td></tr>
    237 <tr class="trmoving <?php if ( $count_forms < 2 || $item['status'] == 'trash' || $item['status'] == 'spam' || $movable != true ) { echo 'unseen'; } ?>"><th id="thmoveto" class="option last"><span><?php _e('Move To','simpleform') ?></span></th><td id="tdmoveto" class="select last"><select name="moveto" id="moveto" class="sform <?php echo $color ?>"><option value=""><?php _e('Select a form to move entry to', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?></option><?php echo $options ?></select></td></tr>
    239 </tbody></table>
    241 <div id="submit-wrap">
    242 <div id="alert-wrap">
    243 <noscript><div id="noscript"><?php _e('You need JavaScript enabled to edit form. Please activate it. Thanks!', 'simpleform' ) ?></div></noscript>
    244 <div id="message-wrap" class="message"></div>
    245 </div>
    246 <input type="submit" name="edit-entry" id="edit-entry" class="submit-button" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save Changes', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) ?>"><?php  wp_nonce_field( 'ajax-verification-nonce', 'verification_nonce'); ?>
    247 </div>
    248 </div>
    249 </div>
    250 </div>
    252 </form>
    254 </div>
    256 <div class="sform-clear"></div>
     178// Update the status of unread entry as soon as the page finishes loading.
     179if ( 'new' === $entry_status ) {
     180    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}sform_submissions SET status = 'read' WHERE id = %d", $entry_id ) ); // phpcs:ignore
     182$status_class      = $count_forms > 1 && 'trash' !== $entry_status && 'spam' !== $entry_status ? '' : 'last';
     183$read_selected     = 'read' === $entry_status || 'new' === $entry_status ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
     184$answered_selected = 'answered' === $entry_status ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
     185$spam_selected     = 'spam' === $entry_status ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
     186$trash_selected    = 'trash' === $entry_status ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
     187/* translators: Prefix for the reply subject */
     188$re             = __( 'Re: ', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' );
     189$separator      = ! empty( $subject ) ? '?' : '';
     190$mailto_subject = ! empty( $subject ) ? 'subject=' . $re . str_replace( ' ', '%20', $subject ) : '';
     191$mailto         = $util->get_sform_option( $entry_form, 'settings', 'mailto', false );
     192$mailto_class   = 'read' === $entry_status || 'new' === $entry_status ? '' : 'unseen';
     193$mailto_button  = $mailto && ! empty( $email ) ? '<a id="reply" class="' . esc_attr( $mailto_class ) . '" href="mailto:' . esc_attr( $email ) . esc_attr( $separator ) . esc_attr( $mailto_subject ) . '"><span class="sform reply-message button ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '">' . __( 'Reply', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span><span class="dashicons dashicons-external icon-button ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '"></span></a>' : '';
     194$moving_class   = $count_forms < 2 || 'trash' === $entry_status || 'spam' === $entry_status ? 'unseen' : '';
     195$forms_data     = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id, name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE id != %d AND status != 'trash' ORDER BY name ASC", $entry_form ), ARRAY_A ); // phpcs:ignore
     196$options        = '<option value="">' . __( 'Select a form to move entry to', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</option>';
     197foreach ( $forms_data as $form_data ) {
     198    $id_data   = $form_data['id'];
     199    $name_data = $form_data['name'];
     200    $options  .= '<option value="' . $id_data . '">' . $name_data . '</option>';
     202$allowed_tags = $util->sform_allowed_tags();
     204// Page wrap: opening tag.
     205$entry_page = '<div id="sform-wrap" class="sform ' . esc_attr( $wrap_class ) . '">';
     207// Admin notice.
     208$entry_page .= '<div id="new-release" class="' . esc_attr( $notice_class ) . '">' . wp_kses_post( apply_filters( 'sform_update', $notice ) ) . '&nbsp;</div>';
     210// Page heading.
     211$entry_page .= '<div class="full-width-bar ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '"><h1 class="title ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '"><span class="dashicons dashicons-tag responsive"></span>' . __( 'Entry data', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . $back_button . '</h1></div>';
     213// Description page.
     214$entry_page .= '<div id="page-description"><p>' . esc_html( $description ) . '</p></div>';
     216// Previous/Next entries navigation.
     217$entry_page .= '<div id="navigation-buttons" class="' . esc_attr( $nav_class ) . '"><div id="messages-nav">' . $prev_button . $next_button . '</div><div id="messages-info">' . $navigation_note . '&nbsp;</div></div>';
     219// Form opening tag.
     220$entry_page .= '<form id="submission-tab" method="post" class="' . esc_attr( $color ) . '">';
     222// Hidden input.
     223$entry_page .= '<input type="hidden" id="entry" name="entry" value="' . $entry_id . '">';
     224$entry_page .= '<input type="hidden" id="entries-counter" name="entries-counter" value="' . $counter . '">';
     225$entry_page .= '<input type="hidden" id="entry-form" name="entry-form" value="' . $entry_form . '">';
     226$entry_page .= '<input type="hidden" id="entries-view" name="entries-view" value="' . $view . '">';
     228// Entry data wrap: opening tag.
     229$entry_page .= '<div class="submission-data">';
     231// Contact info data wrap: opening tag.
     232$entry_page .= '<div id="submitter-data" class="columns-wrap left ' . esc_attr( $color ) . esc_attr( $contact_info ) . '">';
     234$entry_page .= '<table class="entrie-table"><tbody>';
     236$entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option first"><span>' . __( 'ID', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext first toggle"># ' . $entry_id . '<span id="toggle-info" data-title="' . esc_attr__( 'Hide', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '" class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2 contact-info left"></span></td></tr>';
     238$entry_page .= '<tr class="' . esc_attr( $form_data_class ) . '"><th class="option"><span>' . __( 'Form', 'simpleform' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext"><span id="form_name" class="form-name">' . esc_html( $form_name ) . '</span></td></tr>';
     240$entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option"><span>' . __( 'User', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext">' . esc_html( $user_type ) . '</td></tr>';
     242if ( 'registered' === $requester_type && 0 !== $requester_id ) {
     244    $entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option"><span>' . __( 'Username', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext"><a href="' . esc_attr( $page_user ) . '" target="_blank" class="nodecoration">' . esc_html( $login_data ) . '</a></td></tr>';
     246    $entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option ' . esc_attr( $role_class ) . '"><span>' . __( 'Role', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext ' . esc_attr( $role_class ) . '">' . esc_html( $role_name ) . '</td></tr>';
     250if ( get_option( 'show_avatars' ) && is_email( $entry_email ) && $avatar ) {
     252    $entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option"><span>' . __( 'Profile Picture', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext profile">' . get_avatar( esc_attr( $entry_email ), 96, 'mystery' ) . '</td></tr>';
     256$entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option ' . esc_attr( $name_class ) . '"><span>' . __( 'Name', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext ' . esc_attr( $name_class ) . '">' . wp_kses_post( $fullname ) . '</td></tr>';
     258if ( ! empty( $phone ) ) {
     260    $entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option ' . esc_attr( $phone_class ) . '"><span>' . __( 'Phone', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext ' . esc_attr( $phone_class ) . '">' . esc_html( $phone ) . '</td></tr>';
     264if ( ! empty( $email ) ) {
     266    $entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option ' . esc_attr( $email_class ) . '"><span>' . __( 'Email', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext email ' . esc_attr( $email_class ) . '">' . esc_html( $email ) . '</td></tr>';
     270if ( ! empty( $ip ) ) {
     272    $entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option last"><span>' . __( 'IP', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext last">' . esc_html( $ip ) . '</td></tr>';
     276// Contact info data wrap: closing tab.
     277$entry_page .= '</tbody></table></div>';
     279// Message data wrap: opening tag.
     280$entry_page .= '<div id="message-data-column" class="columns-wrap right ' . esc_attr( $data_column_class ) . '">';
     282$entry_page .= '<table class="entrie-table"><tbody>';
     284$entry_page .= '<tr id="submission-id" class="first"><th id="thdate" class="option first"><span>' . __( 'Date', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td id="tddate" class="plaintext first toggle">' . esc_html( $data_entry_date ) . '<span id="toggle-message" data-title="' . esc_attr__( 'Show contact info', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '" class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2 contact-info right ' . esc_attr( $toggle_class ) . '"></span></td></tr>';
     286if ( ! empty( $subject ) ) {
     288    $entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option"><span>' . __( 'Subject', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext">' . esc_html( stripslashes( $subject ) ) . '</td></tr>';
     292$entry_page .= '<tr><th class="option request"><span>' . __( 'Message', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td class="plaintext request">' . wpautop( stripslashes( $entry_message ) ) . '</td></tr>';
     294// Message data wrap: closing tag.
     295$entry_page .= '</tbody></table>';
     297// Editing options: opening tag.
     298$entry_page .= '<h2 id="h2-editing" class="options-heading ' . esc_attr( $editing_class ) . '"><span class="editing" data-section="editing">' . __( 'Editing', 'simpleform' ) . '<span class="toggle dashicons editing ' . esc_attr( $dashicons_arrow ) . '"></span></span></h2><div class="section editing ' . esc_attr( $editing ) . '">';
     300// Editing options wrap: opening tag.
     301$entry_page .= '<table class="form-table editing"><tbody>';
     303$entry_page .= '<tr><th id="thstatus" class="option ' . esc_attr( $status_class ) . '"><span>' . __( 'Status', 'simpleform' ) . '</span></th><td id="tdstatus" class="select ' . esc_attr( $status_class ) . '"><select name="message-status" id="message-status" class="sform ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '"><option value="" disabled>' . __( 'Mark as', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</option><option value="new">' . __( 'unread', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</option><option value="read" ' . esc_html( $read_selected ) . '>' . __( 'read', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</option><option value="answered" ' . esc_html( $answered_selected ) . '>' . __( 'answered', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</option><option value="spam" ' . esc_html( $spam_selected ) . '>' . __( 'junk', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</option><option value="trash" ' . esc_html( $trash_selected ) . '>' . __( 'trashed', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</option></select>' . $mailto_button . '</td></tr>';
     305$entry_page .= '<tr class="trmovable ' . esc_attr( $moving_class ) . '"><th id="thmoving" class="option last"><span>' . __( 'Moving', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</span></th><td id="tdmoving" class="checkbox-switch last"><div class="switch-box"><label class="switch-input"><input type="checkbox" name="moving" id="moving" class="sform-switch" value="false"><span></span></label><label for="moving" class="switch-label">' . __( 'Allow the entry to be moved to another form', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</label></div></td></tr>';
     307$entry_page .= '<tr class="trmoving unseen"><th id="thmoveto" class="option last"><span>' . __( 'Move To', 'simpleform' ) . '</span></th><td id="tdmoveto" class="select last"><select name="moveto" id="moveto" class="sform ' . esc_attr( $color ) . '">' . $options . '</select></td></tr>';
     309// Editing options wrap: closing tag.
     310$entry_page .= '</tbody></table>';
     312// Save changes button.
     313$entry_page .= '<div id="submit-wrap"><div id="alert-wrap"><noscript><div id="noscript">' . __( 'You need JavaScript enabled to edit entry data. Please activate it. Thanks!', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '</div></noscript><div id="message-wrap" class="message"></div></div><input type="submit" id="edit-entry" name="edit-entry" class="submit-button" value="' . esc_attr__( 'Save Changes', 'simpleform-contact-form-submissions' ) . '">' . wp_nonce_field( 'simpleform_backend_update', 'simpleform_nonce', false, false ) . '</div>';
     315// Editing options: closing tag.
     316$entry_page .= '</div>';
     318// Message data wrap: closing tag.
     319$entry_page .= '</div>';
     321// Entry data wrap: closing tag.
     322$entry_page .= '</div>';
     324// Form closing tag.
     325$entry_page .= '</form>';
     327// Page wrap: closing tag.
     328$entry_page .= '</div>';
     330echo wp_kses( $entry_page, $allowed_tags );
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/admin/partials/index.php

    r2228102 r3125304  
    1 <?php // Silence is golden
     3 * Silence is golden.
     4 *
     5 * @package SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions/admin/partials
     6 */
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/changelog.txt

    r2701411 r3125304  
    11== Changelog ==
     3= 2.1.0 (24 July 2024) =
     4* Changed: code refactoring
     5* Fixed: general errors
     6* Added: entry status column
     8= 2.0.2 (30 March 2022) =
     9* Fixed: PHP error while deactivating the plugin
    311= 2.0.1 (29 March 2022) =
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/includes/index.php

    r2228102 r3125304  
    1 <?php // Silence is golden
     3 * Silence is golden.
     4 *
     5 * @package SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions/includes
     6 */
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/index.php

    r2228102 r3125304  
    1 <?php // Silence is golden
     3 * Silence is golden.
     4 *
     5 * @package SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions
     6 */
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/public/index.php

    r2228102 r3125304  
    1 <?php // Silence is golden
     3 * Silence is golden.
     4 *
     5 * @package SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions/public
     6 */
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/simpleform-submissions.php

    r2701411 r3125304  
    43 *
    5  * Plugin Name: SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions
    6  * Description: You are afraid of losing important messages? This addon for SimpleForm saves data into the WordPress database, and allows you to easily manage the messages from the dashboard.
    7  * Version: 2.0.1
    8  * Requires at least: 5.2
    9  * Requires PHP: 5.6
    10  * Author: WPSForm Team
    11  * Author URI:
    12  * License: GPL-2.0+
    13  * License URI:
    14  * Text Domain: simpleform-contact-form-submissions
    15  * Domain Path: /languages
     4 * Plugin Name:       SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions
     5 * Description:       You are afraid of losing important messages? This addon for SimpleForm saves data into the WordPress database, and allows you to easily manage the messages from the dashboard.
     6 * Version:           2.1.0
     7 * Requires at least: 5.9
     8 * Requires PHP:      7.4
     9 * Author:            SimpleForm Team
     10 * License:           GPL-2.0+
     11 * License URI:
     12 * Text Domain:       simpleform-contact-form-submissions
     13 * Requires Plugins:  simpleform
    1614 *
     15 * @package           SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions
    1716 */
    19 if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) { die; }
     18defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit;
    2221 * Plugin constants.
    2322 *
    24  * @since    1.0
     23 * @since 1.0.0
    2524 */
    27 define( 'SIMPLEFORM_SUBMISSIONS_NAME', 'SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions' ); 
    28 define( 'SIMPLEFORM_SUBMISSIONS_VERSION', '2.0.1' );
    29 define( 'SIMPLEFORM_SUBMISSIONS_DB_VERSION', '2.0.1' );
     26define( 'SIMPLEFORM_SUBMISSIONS_NAME', 'SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions' );
     27define( 'SIMPLEFORM_SUBMISSIONS_VERSION', '2.1.0' );
     28define( 'SIMPLEFORM_SUBMISSIONS_DB_VERSION', '2.1.0' );
    3029define( 'SIMPLEFORM_SUBMISSIONS_BASENAME', plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) );
    31 define( 'SIMPLEFORM_SUBMISSIONS_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
    32 define( 'SIMPLEFORM_VERSION_REQUIRED', '2.1.5' );
     30if ( ! defined( 'SIMPLEFORM_VERSION_REQUIRED' ) ) {
     31    define( 'SIMPLEFORM_VERSION_REQUIRED', '2.2.0' );
    3535 * The code that runs during plugin activation.
    3636 *
    37  * @since    1.0
     37 * @since 1.0.0
     38 *
     39 * @param bool $network_wide Whether to enable the plugin for all sites in the network
     40 *                           or just the current site. Multisite only. Default false.
     41 *
     42 * @return void
    3843 */
    40 function activate_simpleform_submissions($network_wide) {
    41     require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-activator.php';
    42     SimpleForm_Submissions_Activator::activate($network_wide);
     44function activate_simpleform_submissions( $network_wide ) {
     45    require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-simpleform-submissions-activator.php';
     46    SimpleForm_Submissions_Activator::activate( $network_wide );
    45 /** 
    4650 * Change table when a new site into a network is created.
    4751 *
    48  * @since    1.0
    49  */
    51 function simpleform_submissions_db_on_create_blog($params) {
    52     require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-activator.php';
    53     SimpleForm_Submissions_Activator::on_create_blog($params);
     52 * @since 1.0.0
     53 *
     54 * @param WP_Site $new_site New site object.
     55 *
     56 * @return void
     57 */
     58function simpleform_submissions_network( $new_site ) {
     59    require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-simpleform-submissions-activator.php';
     60    SimpleForm_Submissions_Activator::on_create_blog( $new_site );
    56 add_action( 'wp_insert_site', 'simpleform_submissions_db_on_create_blog');
     63add_action( 'wp_insert_site', 'simpleform_submissions_network' );
    5966 * The code that runs during plugin deactivation.
    6067 *
    61  * @since    1.0
     68 * @since 1.0.0
     69 *
     70 * @return void
    6271 */
    6472function deactivate_simpleform_submissions() {
    65     require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-deactivator.php';
     73    require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-simpleform-submissions-deactivator.php';
    6674    SimpleForm_Submissions_Deactivator::deactivate();
    7381 * The core plugin class.
    7482 *
    75  * @since    1.0
     83 * @since 1.0.0
    7684 */
    78 require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/class-core.php';
     86require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/class-simpleform-submissions.php';
    8189 * Begins execution of the plugin.
    8290 *
    83  * @since    1.0
     91 * @since 1.0.0
     92 *
     93 * @return void
    8494 */
    86 function run_SimpleForm_Submissions() {
     95function run_simpleform_submissions() {
    8897    $plugin = new SimpleForm_Submissions();
    8998    $plugin->run();
    93 run_SimpleForm_Submissions();
  • simpleform-contact-form-submissions/trunk/uninstall.php

    r2701411 r3125304  
    4  * Fired when the plugin is uninstalled.
     3 * File delegated to the uninstalling the plugin.
    54 *
    6  * @since      1.0
     5 * @package SimpleForm Contact Form Submissions
    76 */
    9 // Prevent direct access. Exit if file is not called by WordPress.
    10 if ( ! defined( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ) ) {
    11     exit;
     8defined( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ) || exit;
     10// Detect the simpleform plugin installation.
     11$plugin_file = defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR' ) ? WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/simpleform/simpleform.php' : '';
     13if ( file_exists( $plugin_file ) ) {
     15    global $wpdb;
     17    if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
     19        $settings = (array) get_option( 'sform_settings', array() );
     21        // Detect the parent plugin activation.
     22        if ( $settings ) {
     24            if ( isset( $settings['deleting_messages'] ) && $settings['deleting_messages'] ) {
     26                $submissions_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_submissions';
     27                $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE {$submissions_table} DROP COLUMN name, DROP COLUMN lastname, DROP COLUMN email, DROP COLUMN phone, DROP COLUMN subject, DROP COLUMN object, DROP COLUMN ip, DROP COLUMN listable, DROP COLUMN movable" ); // phpcs:ignore
     29            }
     31            $addon_settings = array(
     32                'data_storing'      => $settings['data_storing'],
     33                'ip_storing'        => $settings['ip_storing'],
     34                'data_columns'      => $settings['data_columns'],
     35                'counter'           => $settings['counter'],
     36                'deleting_messages' => $settings['deleting_messages'],
     37            );
     39            $new_settings = array_diff_key( $settings, $addon_settings );
     40            update_option( 'sform_settings', $new_settings );
     42            $shortcodes_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_shortcodes';
     44            if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SHOW TABLES LIKE %s", $shortcodes_table ) ) === $shortcodes_table ) { // phpcs:ignore         
     46                $forms = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE id != '1'" ); // phpcs:ignore
     48                foreach ( $forms as $form ) {
     50                    $form_settings = (array) get_option( 'sform_' . $form . '_settings', array() );
     52                    if ( $form_settings ) {
     54                        $addon_settings = array(
     55                            'data_storing'      => $form_settings['data_storing'],
     56                            'ip_storing'        => $form_settings['ip_storing'],
     57                            'data_columns'      => $form_settings['data_columns'],
     58                            'counter'           => $form_settings['counter'],
     59                            'deleting_messages' => $form_settings['deleting_messages'],
     60                        );
     62                        $new_form_settings = array_diff_key( $form_settings, $addon_settings );
     63                        update_option( 'sform_' . $form . '_settings', $new_form_settings );
     65                    }
     66                }
     68                $wpdb->query( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes SET storing = '1'" ); // phpcs:ignore
     70            }
     71        }
     73        delete_option( 'sform_sub_db_version' );
     74        delete_option( 'sform_screen_options' );
     75        delete_option( 'sform_entries_view' );
     76        delete_transient( 'sform_action_notice' );
     78    } else {
     80        $blog_ids         = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs" ); // phpcs:ignore
     81        $original_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
     83        foreach ( $blog_ids as $blogid ) {
     85            switch_to_blog( $blogid );
     86            $settings = (array) get_option( 'sform_settings', array() );
     88            // Detect the parent plugin activation.
     89            if ( $settings ) {
     91                if ( isset( $settings['deleting_messages'] ) && $settings['deleting_messages'] ) {
     93                    $submissions_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_submissions';
     94                    $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE {$submissions_table} DROP COLUMN name, DROP COLUMN lastname, DROP COLUMN email, DROP COLUMN phone, DROP COLUMN subject, DROP COLUMN object, DROP COLUMN ip, DROP COLUMN listable, DROP COLUMN movable" ); // phpcs:ignore
     96                }
     98                $addon_settings = array(
     99                    'data_storing'      => $settings['data_storing'],
     100                    'ip_storing'        => $settings['ip_storing'],
     101                    'data_columns'      => $settings['data_columns'],
     102                    'counter'           => $settings['counter'],
     103                    'deleting_messages' => $settings['deleting_messages'],
     104                );
     106                $new_settings = array_diff_key( $settings, $addon_settings );
     107                update_option( 'sform_settings', $new_settings );
     109                $shortcodes_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_shortcodes';
     111                if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SHOW TABLES LIKE %s", $shortcodes_table ) ) === $shortcodes_table ) { // phpcs:ignore         
     113                    $forms = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes WHERE id != '1'" ); // phpcs:ignore
     115                    foreach ( $forms as $form ) {
     117                        $form_settings = (array) get_option( 'sform_' . $form . '_settings', array() );
     119                        if ( $form_settings ) {
     121                            $addon_settings = array(
     122                                'data_storing'      => $form_settings['data_storing'],
     123                                'ip_storing'        => $form_settings['ip_storing'],
     124                                'data_columns'      => $form_settings['data_columns'],
     125                                'counter'           => $form_settings['counter'],
     126                                'deleting_messages' => $form_settings['deleting_messages'],
     127                            );
     129                            $new_form_settings = array_diff_key( $form_settings, $addon_settings );
     130                            update_option( 'sform_' . $form . '_settings', $new_form_settings );
     132                        }
     133                    }
     135                    $wpdb->query( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes SET storing = '1'" ); // phpcs:ignore
     137                }
     138            }
     140            delete_option( 'sform_sub_db_version' );
     141            delete_option( 'sform_screen_options' );
     142            delete_option( 'sform_entries_view' );
     143            delete_transient( 'sform_action_notice' );
     145        }
     147        switch_to_blog( $original_blog_id );
     149    }
     150} else {
     152    global $wpdb;
     153    $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_submissions' ); // phpcs:ignore
     154    $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_shortcodes' ); // phpcs:ignore
     155    $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE 'sform\_%'" ); // phpcs:ignore
     156    $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE 'sform\-%'" ); // phpcs:ignore
     157    $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE '%\_sform\_%'" ); // phpcs:ignore
    14 // Detect core plugin
    15 $plugin_file = 'simpleform/simpleform.php';
    16 if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_file ) ) {
    18  if ( !is_multisite() )  {
    19   $settings = get_option('sform_settings');
    20   if ( $settings ) {
    21    if ( isset( $settings['deleting_messages'] ) && esc_attr($settings['deleting_messages']) == 'true' ) {
    22     global $wpdb;
    23     $prefix = $wpdb->prefix;
    24     $submissions_table = $prefix . 'sform_submissions';
    25     $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $submissions_table DROP COLUMN name, DROP COLUMN lastname, DROP COLUMN email, DROP COLUMN phone, DROP COLUMN subject, DROP COLUMN object, DROP COLUMN ip, DROP COLUMN listable, DROP COLUMN movable");
    26    }
    27    $addon_settings = array( 'data_storing' => $settings['data_storing'], 'ip_storing' => $settings['ip_storing'], 'data_columns' => $settings['data_columns'], 'counter' => $settings['counter'], 'deleting_messages' => $settings['deleting_messages'] );
    28    $new_settings = array_diff_key($settings,$addon_settings);
    29    update_option('sform_settings', $new_settings);
    30    global $wpdb;
    31    $shortcodes_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_shortcodes';
    32    if ( $result = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$shortcodes_table."'") ) {
    33    $ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT id FROM `$shortcodes_table` WHERE id != '1'"); 
    34    if ( $ids ) {
    35     foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
    36     $form_settings = get_option('sform_'.$id.'_settings');
    37     if ( $form_settings != false ) {
    38        $addon_settings = array( 'data_storing' => $form_settings['data_storing'], 'ip_storing' => $form_settings['ip_storing'], 'data_columns' => $form_settings['data_columns'], 'counter' => $form_settings['counter'], 'deleting_messages' => $form_settings['deleting_messages'] );
    39        $new_form_settings = array_diff_key($form_settings,$addon_settings);
    40        update_option('sform_'.$id.'_settings', $new_form_settings);
    41     }
    42     }
    43    }
    44   }
    45   }
    46   delete_option( 'sform_sub_db_version' );
    47   delete_option( 'sform_screen_options' );
    48   delete_option( 'sform_entries_view' );
    49   delete_transient( 'sform_action_notice' );
    51   $shortcodes_table = "{$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes";
    52   $forms = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT id FROM $shortcodes_table" );
    53   foreach($forms as $form) {
    54     $update = $wpdb->update($shortcodes_table, array( 'storing' => '1' ), array('id' => $form ) );
    55   }
    57   }
    59  else {
    60     global $wpdb;
    61     $blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs" );
    62     $original_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
    63     foreach ( $blog_ids as $blog_id ) {
    64       switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
    65       $settings = get_option('sform_settings');
    66       if ( $settings ) {
    67         if ( isset( $settings['deleting_messages'] ) && esc_attr($settings['deleting_messages']) == 'true' ) {
    68         $prefix = $wpdb->prefix;
    69         $submissions_table = $prefix . 'sform_submissions';
    70         $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $submissions_table DROP COLUMN name, DROP COLUMN lastname, DROP COLUMN email, DROP COLUMN phone, DROP COLUMN subject, DROP COLUMN object, DROP COLUMN ip, DROP COLUMN listable, DROP COLUMN movable");
    71         }
    72         $addon_settings = array( 'data_storing' => $settings['data_storing'], 'ip_storing' => $settings['ip_storing'], 'data_columns' => $settings['data_columns'], 'counter' => $settings['counter'], 'deleting_messages' => $settings['deleting_messages'] );
    73         $new_settings = array_diff_key($settings,$addon_settings);
    74         update_option('sform_settings', $new_settings);
    75         $shortcodes_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_shortcodes';
    76         if ( $result = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$shortcodes_table."'") ) {
    77          $ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT id FROM `$shortcodes_table` WHERE id != '1'");   
    78          if ( $ids ) {
    79           foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
    80           $form_settings = get_option('sform_'.$id.'_settings');
    81           if ( $form_settings != false ) {
    82            $addon_settings = array( 'data_storing' => $form_settings['data_storing'], 'ip_storing' => $form_settings['ip_storing'], 'data_columns' => $form_settings['data_columns'], 'counter' => $form_settings['counter'], 'deleting_messages' => $form_settings['deleting_messages'] );
    83            $new_form_settings = array_diff_key($form_settings,$addon_settings);
    84            update_option('sform_'.$id.'_settings', $new_form_settings);
    85           }
    86           }
    87          }
    88         }
    89       }
    90       delete_option( 'sform_sub_db_version' );
    91       delete_option( 'sform_screen_options' );
    92       delete_option( 'sform_entries_view' );
    93       delete_transient( 'sform_action_notice' );
    95       $shortcodes_table = "{$wpdb->prefix}sform_shortcodes";
    96       $forms = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT id FROM $shortcodes_table" );
    97       foreach($forms as $form) {
    98         $update = $wpdb->update($shortcodes_table, array( 'storing' => '1' ), array('id' => $form ) );
    99       }
    101     }
    102     switch_to_blog( $original_blog_id );
    103  }
    105 }
    107 else {
    108   global $wpdb;
    109   $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'sform_submissions' );
    110   $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE 'sform\_%'" );
    111   $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE 'sform\-%'" );
    112   $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE '%\_sform\_%'" );
    113 }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.