Changeset 3102003
- Timestamp:
- 06/12/2024 07:47:59 PM (10 months ago)
- Location:
- woocommerce-pos
- Files:
- 414 added
- 6 deleted
- 42 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3096777 r3102003 69 69 */ 70 70 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 71 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));71 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 72 72 } 73 73 … … 237 237 * Also, querying by role is not as simple as querying by post type. 238 238 * 239 * @param array $fields Fields to return. Default is ID.240 * 241 * @return array|WP_Error242 */ 243 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{239 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 240 * 241 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 242 */ 243 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 244 244 global $wpdb; 245 245 246 // Start timing execution 247 $start_time = microtime( true ); 248 249 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 250 $dates_are_gmt = true; 251 $fields = $request->get_param( 'fields' ); 246 252 $id_with_modified_date = array( 'id', 'date_modified_gmt' ) === $fields; 247 253 248 254 $args = array( 249 'fields' => array( 'ID', ' registered' ), // Return only the ID and registered date.255 'fields' => array( 'ID', 'user_registered' ), // Return only the ID and registered date. 250 256 // 'role__in' => 'all', // @TODO: could be an array of roles, like ['customer', 'cashier'] 251 257 ); … … 263 269 264 270 if ( $id_with_modified_date ) { 265 $last_update_results = $wpdb->get_results( 266 " 267 SELECT user_id, meta_value 268 FROM $wpdb->usermeta 269 WHERE meta_key = 'last_update'", 270 OBJECT_K 271 ); 272 273 foreach ( $last_update_results as $user_id => $meta ) { 274 $last_updates[ $user_id ] = $meta->meta_value; 271 $query = " 272 SELECT user_id, meta_value 273 FROM $wpdb->usermeta 274 WHERE meta_key = 'last_update' 275 "; 276 277 // If modified_after param is set, add the condition to the query 278 if ( $modified_after ) { 279 $modified_after_timestamp = strtotime( $modified_after ); 280 $query .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND meta_value > %d', $modified_after_timestamp ); 281 } 282 283 $last_update_results = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); 284 285 // Manually create the associative array of user_id => last_update 286 foreach ( $last_update_results as $result ) { 287 $last_updates[ $result->user_id ] = is_numeric( $result->meta_value ) ? gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s', (int) $result->meta_value ) : null; 275 288 } 276 289 } 277 290 278 // Merge user IDs with their corresponding 'last_updated' values or fallback to user_registered. 279 $user_data = array_map( 280 function ( $user ) use ( $last_updates, $id_with_modified_date ) { 281 $user_info = array( 'id' => (int) $user->ID ); 282 if ( $id_with_modified_date ) { 283 if ( isset( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ) ) { 284 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = wc_rest_prepare_date_response( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ); 285 } else { 286 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = wc_rest_prepare_date_response( $user->user_registered ); 291 /** 292 * Performance notes: 293 * - Using a generator is faster than array_map when dealing with large datasets. 294 * - If date is in the format 'Y-m-d H:i:s' we just do preg_replace to 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s', 295 * rather than using wc_rest_prepare_date_response 296 * 297 * This resulted in execution time of 10% of the original time. 298 * 299 * If the modified_after param is set, we don't need to loop through the entire user list. 300 * The last_update_results array will only contain the users that have been modified after the given date. 301 * We just need to check they are valid user ids, this sucks, but there could be orphaned last_update meta values. 302 */ 303 $formatted_results = array(); 304 305 if ( $modified_after ) { 306 foreach ( $users as $user ) { 307 if ( isset( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ) ) { 308 $user_info = array( 'id' => (int) $user->ID ); 309 if ( $id_with_modified_date ) { 310 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = $last_updates[ $user->ID ]; 287 311 } 312 $formatted_results[] = $user_info; 288 313 } 289 return $user_info; 290 }, 291 $users 292 ); 293 294 return $user_data; 314 } 315 } else { 316 function format_results( $users, $last_updates, $id_with_modified_date ) { 317 foreach ( $users as $user ) { 318 $user_info = array( 'id' => (int) $user->ID ); 319 if ( $id_with_modified_date ) { 320 if ( isset( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ) && ! empty( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ) ) { 321 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = $last_updates[ $user->ID ]; 322 } else { 323 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = null; // users can have null date_modified_gmt 324 } 325 } 326 yield $user_info; 327 } 328 } 329 330 $formatted_results = iterator_to_array( format_results( $users, $last_updates, $id_with_modified_date ) ); 331 } 332 333 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 334 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 335 336 // Collect execution time and server load. 337 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 338 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 339 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 340 341 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 342 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 343 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 344 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 345 346 return $response; 295 347 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 296 348 Logger::log( 'Error fetching order IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 20 20 use WP_REST_Server; 21 21 use Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\OrderUtil; 22 use WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\Services\Cache; 22 23 use WP_Error; 23 24 … … 102 103 */ 103 104 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 104 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));105 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 105 106 } 106 107 … … 194 195 /** 195 196 * Create a single order. 197 * - Validate billing email. 198 * - Do a sanity check on the UUID, if the internet connection is bad, several requests can be made with the same UUID. 196 199 * 197 200 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. … … 200 203 */ 201 204 public function create_item( $request ) { 205 // check if the UUID is already in use. 206 if ( isset( $request['meta_data'] ) && is_array( $request['meta_data'] ) ) { 207 foreach ( $request['meta_data'] as $meta ) { 208 if ( $meta['key'] === '_woocommerce_pos_uuid' ) { 209 $uuid = $meta['value']; 210 $ids = $this->get_order_ids_by_uuid( $uuid ); 211 212 /** 213 * If the UUID is already in use, and there is only one order with that UUID, return the existing order. 214 * This can happen if the internet connection is bad and the request is made several times. 215 * 216 * @NOTE: This means that $request data is lost, but we can't update existing order because it has resource ids now. 217 * The alternative would be to update the existing order, but that would require a lot of extra work. 218 * Or return an error, which would be a bad user experience. 219 */ 220 if ( count( $ids ) === 1 ) { 221 Logger::log( 'UUID already in use, return existing order.', $ids[0] ); 222 223 // Create a new WP_REST_Request object for the GET request. 224 $get_request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->namespace . '/' . $this->rest_base . '/' . $ids[0] ); 225 $get_request->set_param( 'id', $ids[0] ); 226 227 return $this->get_item( $get_request ); 228 } 229 if ( count( $ids ) > 1 ) { 230 Logger::log( 'UUID already in use for multiple orders. This should not happen.', $ids ); 231 return new WP_Error( 'woocommerce_rest_order_invalid_id', __( 'UUID already in use.', 'woocommerce' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); 232 } 233 } 234 } 235 } 236 202 237 $valid_email = $this->wcpos_validate_billing_email( $request ); 203 238 if ( is_wp_error( $valid_email ) ) { … … 321 356 */ 322 357 public function wcpos_validate_billing_email( WP_REST_Request $request ) { 323 // Your custom validation logic for the request data324 358 $billing = $request['billing'] ?? null; 325 359 $email = \is_array( $billing ) ? ( $billing['email'] ?? null ) : null; … … 637 671 * Returns array of all order ids. 638 672 * 639 * @param array $fields Fields to return.640 * 641 * @return array|WP_Error642 */ 643 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{673 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 674 * 675 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 676 */ 677 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 644 678 global $wpdb; 645 679 680 // Start timing execution. 681 $start_time = microtime( true ); 682 683 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 684 $dates_are_gmt = true; // Dates are always in GMT. 685 $fields = $request->get_param( 'fields' ); 646 686 $id_with_modified_date = array( 'id', 'date_modified_gmt' ) === $fields; 647 687 … … 662 702 $sql .= ' AND status IN (' . implode( ',', $statuses ) . ')'; 663 703 704 // Add modified_after condition if provided. 705 if ( $modified_after ) { 706 $modified_after_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $modified_after ) ); 707 $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND date_updated_gmt > %s', $modified_after_date ); 708 } 709 664 710 // Order by date_created_gmt DESC to maintain order consistency. 665 711 $sql .= " ORDER BY {$wpdb->prefix}wc_orders.date_created_gmt DESC"; … … 669 715 $sql .= ' AND post_status IN (' . implode( ',', $statuses ) . ')'; 670 716 717 // Add modified_after condition if provided. 718 if ( $modified_after ) { 719 $modified_after_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $modified_after ) ); 720 $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND post_modified_gmt > %s', $modified_after_date ); 721 } 722 671 723 // Order by post_date DESC to maintain order consistency. 672 724 $sql .= " ORDER BY {$wpdb->posts}.post_date DESC"; … … 674 726 675 727 try { 676 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); 677 return $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 728 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); 729 $formatted_results = $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 730 731 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 732 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 733 734 // Collect execution time and server load. 735 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 736 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 737 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 738 739 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 740 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 741 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 742 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 743 744 return $response; 678 745 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 679 746 Logger::log( 'Error fetching order data: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 57 57 */ 58 58 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 60 60 } 61 61 … … 142 142 * Returns array of all product category ids. 143 143 * 144 * @param array $fields144 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 145 145 * 146 * @return array|WP_Error146 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 147 147 */ 148 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array { 148 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 149 // Start timing execution. 150 $start_time = microtime( true ); 151 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 152 149 153 $args = array( 150 154 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', … … 154 158 155 159 try { 156 $results = get_terms( $args ); 160 /** 161 * @TODO - terms don't have a modified date, it would be good to add a term_meta for last_update 162 * - ideally WooCommerce would provide a modified_after filter for terms 163 * - for now we'll just return empty for modified terms 164 */ 165 $results = $modified_after ? array() : get_terms( $args ); 157 166 158 167 // Format the response. 159 returnarray_map(160 function ( $i tem) {161 return array( 'id' => (int) $i tem);168 $formatted_results = array_map( 169 function ( $id ) { 170 return array( 'id' => (int) $id ); 162 171 }, 163 172 $results 164 173 ); 174 175 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 176 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 177 178 // Collect execution time and server load. 179 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 180 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 181 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 182 183 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 184 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 185 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 186 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 187 188 return $response; 165 189 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 166 190 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product category IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 57 57 */ 58 58 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 60 60 } 61 61 … … 142 142 * Returns array of all product tag ids. 143 143 * 144 * @param array $fields144 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 145 145 * 146 * @return array|WP_Error146 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 147 147 */ 148 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array { 148 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ): array { 149 // Start timing execution. 150 $start_time = microtime( true ); 151 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 152 149 153 $args = array( 150 154 'taxonomy' => 'product_tag', … … 154 158 155 159 try { 156 $results = get_terms( $args ); 160 /** 161 * @TODO - terms don't have a modified date, it would be good to add a term_meta for last_update 162 * - ideally WooCommerce would provide a modified_after filter for terms 163 * - for now we'll just return empty for modified terms 164 */ 165 $results = $modified_after ? array() : get_terms( $args ); 157 166 158 167 // Format the response. 159 returnarray_map(160 function ( $i tem) {161 return array( 'id' => (int) $i tem);168 $formatted_results = array_map( 169 function ( $id ) { 170 return array( 'id' => (int) $id ); 162 171 }, 163 172 $results 164 173 ); 174 175 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 176 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 177 178 // Collect execution time and server load. 179 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 180 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 181 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 182 183 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 184 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 185 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 186 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 187 188 return $response; 165 189 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 166 190 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product tags IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 66 66 */ 67 67 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 68 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));68 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 69 69 } 70 70 … … 367 367 * Returns array of all product ids, name. 368 368 * 369 * @param array $fields370 * 371 * @return array|WP_Error372 */ 373 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{369 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 370 * 371 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 372 */ 373 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 374 374 global $wpdb; 375 375 376 // Start timing execution. 377 $start_time = microtime( true ); 378 379 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 380 $fields = $request->get_param( 'fields' ); 376 381 $parent_id = (int) $this->wcpos_request->get_param( 'product_id' ); 377 382 $id_with_modified_date = array( 'id', 'date_modified_gmt' ) === $fields; … … 391 396 } 392 397 398 // Add modified_after condition if provided. 399 if ( $modified_after ) { 400 $modified_after_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $modified_after ) ); 401 $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND post_modified_gmt > %s', $modified_after_date ); 402 } 403 393 404 // Dynamically add the post_parent clause if a parent ID is provided. 394 405 if ( $parent_id ) { … … 398 409 try { 399 410 // Execute the query. 400 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); 401 // Format and return the results. 402 return $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 411 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); 412 $formatted_results = $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 413 414 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 415 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 416 417 // Collect execution time and server load. 418 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 419 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 420 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 421 422 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 423 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 424 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 425 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 426 427 return $response; 403 428 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 404 429 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product variation IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 76 76 */ 77 77 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 78 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));78 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 79 79 } 80 80 … … 430 430 * Returns array of all product ids, name. 431 431 * 432 * @param array $fields Fields to return.433 * 434 * @return array|WP_Error435 */ 436 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{432 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 433 * 434 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 435 */ 436 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 437 437 global $wpdb; 438 438 439 // Start timing execution. 440 $start_time = microtime( true ); 441 442 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 443 $dates_are_gmt = true; // Dates are always in GMT. 444 $fields = $request->get_param( 'fields' ); 439 445 $id_with_modified_date = array( 'id', 'date_modified_gmt' ) === $fields; 440 446 $select_fields = $id_with_modified_date ? 'ID as id, post_modified_gmt as date_modified_gmt' : 'ID as id'; … … 451 457 } 452 458 459 // Add modified_after condition if provided. 460 if ( $modified_after ) { 461 $modified_after_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $modified_after ) ); 462 $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND post_modified_gmt > %s', $modified_after_date ); 463 } 464 453 465 // Order by post_date DESC to maintain order consistency. 454 466 $sql .= " ORDER BY {$wpdb->posts}.post_date DESC"; 455 467 456 468 try { 457 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); 458 return $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 469 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); 470 $formatted_results = $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 471 472 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 473 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 474 475 // Collect execution time and server load. 476 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 477 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 478 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 479 480 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 481 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 482 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 483 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 484 485 return $response; 459 486 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 460 487 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product data: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 9 9 } 10 10 11 use Exception; 11 12 use WC_REST_Taxes_Controller; 13 use WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\Logger; 12 14 use WP_REST_Request; 15 use WP_REST_Response; 13 16 14 17 /** … … 54 57 */ 55 58 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 56 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 57 60 } 58 61 … … 207 210 * Returns array of all tax_rate ids. 208 211 * 209 * @param array $fields210 * 211 * @return array|WP_Error212 */ 213 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{212 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 213 * 214 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 215 */ 216 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 214 217 global $wpdb; 215 218 216 $results = $wpdb->get_results( 217 ' 218 SELECT tax_rate_id as id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_tax_rates 219 ', 220 ARRAY_A 221 ); 222 223 // Format the response. 224 return array_map( 225 function ( $item ) { 226 return array( 'id' => (int) $item['id'] ); 227 }, 228 $results 229 ); 219 // Start timing execution. 220 $start_time = microtime( true ); 221 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 222 223 try { 224 /** 225 * @TODO - taxes doen't have a modified date, so we can't filter by modified_after 226 * - ideally WooCommerce would provide a modified_after filter for terms 227 * - for now we'll just return empty for modified terms 228 */ 229 $results = $modified_after ? array() : $wpdb->get_results( 230 ' 231 SELECT tax_rate_id as id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_tax_rates 232 ', 233 ARRAY_A 234 ); 235 236 // Format the response. 237 $formatted_results = array_map( 238 function ( $item ) { 239 return array( 'id' => (int) $item['id'] ); 240 }, 241 $results 242 ); 243 244 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 245 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 246 247 // Collect execution time and server load. 248 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 249 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 250 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 251 252 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 253 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 254 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 255 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 256 257 return $response; 258 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 259 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product tax rate IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); 260 261 return new \WP_Error( 262 'woocommerce_pos_rest_cannot_fetch', 263 'Error fetching product tax rate IDs.', 264 array( 'status' => 500 ) 265 ); 266 } 230 267 } 231 268 } -
r3042209 r3102003 197 197 198 198 /** 199 * 200 */ 201 private function get_order_ids_by_uuid( string $uuid ) { 202 global $wpdb; 203 204 if ( class_exists( OrderUtil::class ) && OrderUtil::custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ) { 205 // Check the orders meta table. 206 $result = $wpdb->get_col( 207 $wpdb->prepare( 208 "SELECT order_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wc_orders_meta WHERE meta_key = '_woocommerce_pos_uuid' AND meta_value = %s", 209 $uuid 210 ) 211 ); 212 } else { 213 // Check the postmeta table. 214 $result = $wpdb->get_col( 215 $wpdb->prepare( 216 "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_woocommerce_pos_uuid' AND meta_value = %s", 217 $uuid 218 ) 219 ); 220 } 221 222 return $result; 223 } 224 225 /** 199 226 * Check if the given UUID already exists for any user. 200 227 * -
r3096777 r3102003 15 15 */ 16 16 public function wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ) { 17 $formatted_results = array_map( 18 function ( $result ) { 19 // Initialize the formatted result as an associative array. 20 $formatted_result = array( 21 'id' => (int) $result->id, // Cast ID to integer for consistency. 22 ); 17 /** 18 * Performance notes: 19 * - Using a generator is faster than array_map when dealing with large datasets. 20 * - If date is in the format 'Y-m-d H:i:s' we just do preg_replace to 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s', rather than using wc_rest_prepare_date_response 21 * 22 * This resulted in execution time of 10% of the original time. 23 */ 24 function format_results( $results ) { 25 foreach ( $results as $result ) { 26 $result['id'] = (int) $result['id']; 23 27 24 // Check if post_modified_gmt exists and is not null, then set date_modified_gmt. 25 if ( isset( $result->date_modified_gmt ) && ! empty( $result->date_modified_gmt ) ) { 26 $formatted_result['date_modified_gmt'] = wc_rest_prepare_date_response( $result->date_modified_gmt ); 28 if ( isset( $result['date_modified_gmt'] ) ) { 29 if ( preg_match( '/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/', $result['date_modified_gmt'] ) ) { 30 $result['date_modified_gmt'] = preg_replace( '/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/', '$1T$2', $result['date_modified_gmt'] ); 31 } else { 32 $result['date_modified_gmt'] = wc_rest_prepare_date_response( $result['date_modified_gmt'] ); 33 } 27 34 } 28 35 29 return $formatted_result; 30 }, 31 $results 32 ); 36 yield $result; 37 } 38 } 33 39 34 return $formatted_results;40 return iterator_to_array( format_results( $results ) ); 35 41 } 36 42 -
r3042209 r3102003 150 150 */ 151 151 public function order_received_url( string $order_received_url, WC_Abstract_Order $order ): string { 152 global $wp; 153 152 154 // check is pos 153 if ( ! woocommerce_pos_request() ) {155 if ( ! woocommerce_pos_request() || ! isset( $wp->query_vars['order-pay'] ) ) { 154 156 return $order_received_url; 155 157 } -
r3096777 r3102003 13 13 use const WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\SHORT_NAME; 14 14 use const WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\VERSION; 15 use const WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\PLUGIN_URL; 15 16 16 17 /** … … 87 88 $development = isset( $_ENV['DEVELOPMENT'] ) && $_ENV['DEVELOPMENT']; 88 89 $user = wp_get_current_user(); 89 $github_url = ' 5/';90 $github_url = ''; 90 91 $auth_service = Auth::instance(); 91 92 $stores = array_map( … … 149 150 $dev_bundle = ''; 150 151 151 // getScript helper and initialProps 152 /** 153 * Add path to worker scripts 154 */ 155 $idbWorker = PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/indexeddb.worker.js'; 156 157 /** 158 * getScript helper and initialProps 159 */ 152 160 echo "<script> 153 161 function getScript(source, callback) { … … 169 177 } 170 178 171 var initialProps={$initial_props}; 179 var idbWorker = '{$idbWorker}'; 180 var initialProps = {$initial_props}; 172 181 </script>" . "\n"; 173 182 183 /** 184 * The actual app bundle 185 */ 174 186 if ( $development ) { 175 187 // Development -
r3020971 r3102003 79 79 echo '<script> 80 80 (function() { 81 // Parse the order JSON from PHP82 81 var credentials = ' . $credentials . " 83 82 -
r3096870 r3102003 4 4 Requires at least: 5.6 5 5 Tested up to: 6.5 6 Stable tag: 1. 5.16 Stable tag: 1.6.0 7 7 License: GPL-3.0 8 8 License URI: … … 29 29 * Add new customers or checkout via Guest account 30 30 * Add miscellaneous products to cart, ie: products not in WooCommerce 31 * Live chat support within the application 31 32 * **Pro:** Use any WooCommerce gateway 32 33 * **Pro:** Create multiple POS Stores … … 80 81 == Changelog == 81 82 83 = 1.6.0 - 2024/06/12 = 84 * Improved: Performance for large stores 85 * Added: Log screen for insights into the POS performance and events 86 * Added: Cart setting to enable/disable show receipt after checkout 87 * Added: Cart setting to enable/disable auto-print receipt after checkout 88 * Fix: Prevent order create duplication from the POS 89 * Fix: Cart subtotal showing tax when tax display is not enabled 90 82 91 = 1.5.1 - 2024/06/03 = 83 92 * Fix: "Sorry, you cannot list resources." error for cashier role 84 85 93 86 94 = 1.5.0 - 2024/06/03 = -
r3096869 r3102003 23 23 require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php'; 24 24 25 return ComposerAutoloaderInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::getLoader();25 return ComposerAutoloaderInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::getLoader(); -
r3096777 r3102003 25 25 'CURLStringFile' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php81/Resources/stubs/CURLStringFile.php', 26 26 'Composer\\InstalledVersions' => $vendorDir . '/composer/InstalledVersions.php', 27 'Handlebars\\Autoloader' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Autoloader.php',28 'Handlebars\\Cache' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache.php',29 'Handlebars\\Cache\\APC' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/APC.php',30 'Handlebars\\Cache\\Disk' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/Disk.php',31 'Handlebars\\Cache\\Dummy' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/Dummy.php',32 'Handlebars\\Context' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Context.php',33 'Handlebars\\Handlebars' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Handlebars.php',34 'Handlebars\\HandlebarsString' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/HandlebarsString.php',35 'Handlebars\\Helpers' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Helpers.php',36 'Handlebars\\Loader' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader.php',37 'Handlebars\\Loader\\FilesystemLoader' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader/FilesystemLoader.php',38 'Handlebars\\Loader\\StringLoader' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader/StringLoader.php',39 'Handlebars\\Parser' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Parser.php',40 'Handlebars\\Template' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Template.php',41 'Handlebars\\Tokenizer' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Tokenizer.php',42 27 'Parsedown' => $vendorDir . '/erusev/parsedown/Parsedown.php', 43 28 'PhpToken' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/PhpToken.php', … … 183 168 'UnhandledMatchError' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/UnhandledMatchError.php', 184 169 'ValueError' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/ValueError.php', 185 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\BeforeValidException' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/BeforeValidException.php',186 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\CachedKeySet' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/CachedKeySet.php',187 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\ExpiredException' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/ExpiredException.php',188 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWK' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWK.php',189 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWT' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT.php',190 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface.php',191 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\Key' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/Key.php',192 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\SignatureInvalidException' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/SignatureInvalidException.php',193 170 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\AJAX' => $baseDir . '/includes/AJAX.php', 194 171 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\API' => $baseDir . '/includes/API.php', … … 241 218 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Server' => $baseDir . '/includes/Server.php', 242 219 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Auth' => $baseDir . '/includes/Services/Auth.php', 220 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Cache' => $baseDir . '/includes/Services/Cache.php', 243 221 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Settings' => $baseDir . '/includes/Services/Settings.php', 244 222 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Templates' => $baseDir . '/includes/Templates.php', -
r3020668 r3102003 8 8 return array( 9 9 'Parsedown' => array($vendorDir . '/erusev/parsedown'), 10 'Handlebars' => array($vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src'),11 10 ); -
r3096869 r3102003 3 3 // autoload_real.php @generated by Composer 4 4 5 class ComposerAutoloaderInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e775 class ComposerAutoloaderInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0 6 6 { 7 7 private static $loader; … … 23 23 } 24 24 25 spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);25 spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true); 26 26 self::$loader = $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader(\dirname(__DIR__)); 27 spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77', 'loadClassLoader'));27 spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0', 'loadClassLoader')); 28 28 29 29 require __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php'; 30 call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::getInitializer($loader));30 call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::getInitializer($loader)); 31 31 32 32 $loader->register(true); 33 33 34 $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$files;34 $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$files; 35 35 $requireFile = \Closure::bind(static function ($fileIdentifier, $file) { 36 36 if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) { -
r3096869 r3102003 5 5 namespace Composer\Autoload; 6 6 7 class ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e777 class ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0 8 8 { 9 9 public static $files = array ( … … 73 73 array ( 74 74 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/erusev/parsedown', 75 ),76 ),77 'H' =>78 array (79 'Handlebars' =>80 array (81 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src',82 75 ), 83 76 ), … … 103 96 'CURLStringFile' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php81/Resources/stubs/CURLStringFile.php', 104 97 'Composer\\InstalledVersions' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/InstalledVersions.php', 105 'Handlebars\\Autoloader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Autoloader.php',106 'Handlebars\\Cache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache.php',107 'Handlebars\\Cache\\APC' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/APC.php',108 'Handlebars\\Cache\\Disk' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/Disk.php',109 'Handlebars\\Cache\\Dummy' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/Dummy.php',110 'Handlebars\\Context' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Context.php',111 'Handlebars\\Handlebars' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Handlebars.php',112 'Handlebars\\HandlebarsString' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/HandlebarsString.php',113 'Handlebars\\Helpers' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Helpers.php',114 'Handlebars\\Loader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader.php',115 'Handlebars\\Loader\\FilesystemLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader/FilesystemLoader.php',116 'Handlebars\\Loader\\StringLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader/StringLoader.php',117 'Handlebars\\Parser' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Parser.php',118 'Handlebars\\Template' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Template.php',119 'Handlebars\\Tokenizer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Tokenizer.php',120 98 'Parsedown' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/erusev/parsedown/Parsedown.php', 121 99 'PhpToken' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/PhpToken.php', … … 261 239 'UnhandledMatchError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/UnhandledMatchError.php', 262 240 'ValueError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/ValueError.php', 263 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\BeforeValidException' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/BeforeValidException.php',264 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\CachedKeySet' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/CachedKeySet.php',265 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\ExpiredException' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/ExpiredException.php',266 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWK' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWK.php',267 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWT' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT.php',268 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface.php',269 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\Key' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/Key.php',270 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\SignatureInvalidException' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/SignatureInvalidException.php',271 241 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\AJAX' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/AJAX.php', 272 242 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\API' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/API.php', … … 319 289 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Server' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Server.php', 320 290 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Auth' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Services/Auth.php', 291 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Cache' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Services/Cache.php', 321 292 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Settings' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Services/Settings.php', 322 293 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Templates' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Templates.php', … … 333 304 { 334 305 return \Closure::bind(function () use ($loader) { 335 $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$prefixLengthsPsr4;336 $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$prefixDirsPsr4;337 $loader->prefixesPsr0 = ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$prefixesPsr0;338 $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$classMap;306 $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$prefixLengthsPsr4; 307 $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$prefixDirsPsr4; 308 $loader->prefixesPsr0 = ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$prefixesPsr0; 309 $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$classMap; 339 310 340 311 }, null, ClassLoader::class); -
r3048280 r3102003 312 312 }, 313 313 { 314 "name": "salesforce/handlebars-php",315 "version": "3.0.1",316 "version_normalized": "",317 "source": {318 "type": "git",319 "url": "",320 "reference": "d3a0552d85472249617ef6b56197c844d62d2ac3"321 },322 "dist": {323 "type": "zip",324 "url": "",325 "reference": "d3a0552d85472249617ef6b56197c844d62d2ac3",326 "shasum": ""327 },328 "require": {329 "php": ">=5.4.0"330 },331 "require-dev": {332 "phpunit/phpunit": "^9"333 },334 "time": "2023-01-12T16:24:23+00:00",335 "type": "library",336 "installation-source": "dist",337 "autoload": {338 "psr-0": {339 "Handlebars": "src/"340 }341 },342 "notification-url": "",343 "license": [344 "MIT"345 ],346 "authors": [347 {348 "name": "fzerorubigd",349 "email": "[email protected]"350 },351 {352 "name": "Behrooz Shabani (everplays)",353 "email": "[email protected]"354 },355 {356 "name": "Mardix",357 "homepage": ""358 }359 ],360 "description": "Handlebars processor for php",361 "homepage": "",362 "keywords": [363 "handlebars",364 "mustache",365 "templating"366 ],367 "support": {368 "issues": "",369 "source": ""370 },371 "install-path": "../salesforce/handlebars-php"372 },373 {374 314 "name": "symfony/polyfill-ctype", 375 315 "version": "v1.29.0", -
r3096869 r3102003 2 2 'root' => array( 3 3 'name' => 'wcpos/woocommerce-pos', 4 'pretty_version' => 'v1. 5.1',5 'version' => '1. 5.1.0',6 'reference' => ' 9eea9f85c69bc5a569f86994f6d03582ed87177e',4 'pretty_version' => 'v1.6.0', 5 'version' => '', 6 'reference' => '561cf10f1312c6951c577048394f6f198652652b', 7 7 'type' => 'wordpress-plugin', 8 8 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', … … 53 53 ), 54 54 ), 55 'salesforce/handlebars-php' => array(56 'pretty_version' => '3.0.1',57 'version' => '',58 'reference' => 'd3a0552d85472249617ef6b56197c844d62d2ac3',59 'type' => 'library',60 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../salesforce/handlebars-php',61 'aliases' => array(),62 'dev_requirement' => false,63 ),64 55 'symfony/polyfill-ctype' => array( 65 56 'pretty_version' => 'v1.29.0', … … 90 81 ), 91 82 'wcpos/woocommerce-pos' => array( 92 'pretty_version' => 'v1. 5.1',93 'version' => '1. 5.1.0',94 'reference' => ' 9eea9f85c69bc5a569f86994f6d03582ed87177e',83 'pretty_version' => 'v1.6.0', 84 'version' => '', 85 'reference' => '561cf10f1312c6951c577048394f6f198652652b', 95 86 'type' => 'wordpress-plugin', 96 87 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', -
r3096869 r3102003 4 4 * Plugin URI: 5 5 * Description: A simple front-end for taking WooCommerce orders at the Point of Sale. Requires <a href="">WooCommerce</a>. 6 * Version: 1. 5.16 * Version: 1.6.0 7 7 * Author: kilbot 8 8 * Author URI: … … 18 18 * WC requires at least: 5.3 19 19 * 20 * @author Paul Kilmurray <[email protected]>21 *22 20 * @see 23 * @package 21 * @package WCPOS\WooCommercePOS 24 22 */ 25 23 … … 27 25 28 26 // Define plugin constants. 29 const VERSION = '1. 5.1';27 const VERSION = '1.6.0'; 30 28 const PLUGIN_NAME = 'woocommerce-pos'; 31 29 const SHORT_NAME = 'wcpos'; … … 34 32 \define( __NAMESPACE__ . '\PLUGIN_URL', trailingslashit( plugins_url( basename( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ), basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) ); 35 33 36 // minimum requirements.34 // Minimum requirements. 37 35 const WC_MIN_VERSION = '5.3'; 38 36 const PHP_MIN_VERSION = '7.4'; 39 37 const MIN_PRO_VERSION = '1.5.0'; 40 38 41 // load .env flags (for development).39 // Load .env flags (for development). 42 40 function load_env( $file ) { 43 41 if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { 44 42 return; 45 43 } 46 44 … … 48 46 foreach ( $lines as $line ) { 49 47 if ( strpos( trim( $line ), '#' ) === 0 ) { 50 48 continue; 51 49 } 52 50 … … 56 54 57 55 if ( ! array_key_exists( $name, $_SERVER ) && ! array_key_exists( $name, $_ENV ) ) { 58 59 56 putenv( sprintf( '%s=%s', $name, $value ) ); 57 $_ENV[ $name ] = $value; 60 58 } 61 59 } 62 60 } 63 61 64 // Autoloader. 65 if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' ) ) { 66 require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; 62 // Autoload vendor and prefixed libraries. 63 function wcpos_load_autoloaders() { 64 $vendor_autoload = __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; 65 $vendor_prefixed_autoload = __DIR__ . '/vendor_prefixed/autoload.php'; 67 66 68 // Environment variables. 69 load_env( __DIR__ . '/.env' ); 67 if ( file_exists( $vendor_autoload ) ) { 68 require_once $vendor_autoload; 69 } 70 if ( file_exists( $vendor_prefixed_autoload ) ) { 71 require_once $vendor_prefixed_autoload; 72 } 73 } 70 74 71 // Activate plugin. 72 new Activator(); 75 wcpos_load_autoloaders(); 73 76 74 // Deactivate plugin. 75 new Deactivator(); 76 } else { 77 // Environment variables. 78 load_env( __DIR__ . '/.env' ); 79 80 // Error handling for autoload failure. 81 if ( ! class_exists( \WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\Activator::class ) || ! class_exists( \WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\Deactivator::class ) ) { 77 82 add_action( 78 83 'admin_notices', 79 84 function (): void { 80 85 ?> 81 <div class="notice notice-error">82 <p><?php esc_html_e( 'The WooCommerce POS plugin failed to load correctly.', 'woocommerce-pos' ); ?></p>83 </div>86 <div class="notice notice-error"> 87 <p><?php esc_html_e( 'The WooCommerce POS plugin failed to load correctly.', 'woocommerce-pos' ); ?></p> 88 </div> 84 89 <?php 85 90 } 86 91 ); 92 return; // Exit early if classes are not found. 87 93 } 94 95 // Activate plugin. 96 new Activator(); 97 98 // Deactivate plugin. 99 new Deactivator(); 88 100 89 101 // Declare HPOS compatible. -
r3096777 r3102003 69 69 */ 70 70 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 71 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));71 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 72 72 } 73 73 … … 237 237 * Also, querying by role is not as simple as querying by post type. 238 238 * 239 * @param array $fields Fields to return. Default is ID.240 * 241 * @return array|WP_Error242 */ 243 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{239 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 240 * 241 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 242 */ 243 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 244 244 global $wpdb; 245 245 246 // Start timing execution 247 $start_time = microtime( true ); 248 249 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 250 $dates_are_gmt = true; 251 $fields = $request->get_param( 'fields' ); 246 252 $id_with_modified_date = array( 'id', 'date_modified_gmt' ) === $fields; 247 253 248 254 $args = array( 249 'fields' => array( 'ID', ' registered' ), // Return only the ID and registered date.255 'fields' => array( 'ID', 'user_registered' ), // Return only the ID and registered date. 250 256 // 'role__in' => 'all', // @TODO: could be an array of roles, like ['customer', 'cashier'] 251 257 ); … … 263 269 264 270 if ( $id_with_modified_date ) { 265 $last_update_results = $wpdb->get_results( 266 " 267 SELECT user_id, meta_value 268 FROM $wpdb->usermeta 269 WHERE meta_key = 'last_update'", 270 OBJECT_K 271 ); 272 273 foreach ( $last_update_results as $user_id => $meta ) { 274 $last_updates[ $user_id ] = $meta->meta_value; 271 $query = " 272 SELECT user_id, meta_value 273 FROM $wpdb->usermeta 274 WHERE meta_key = 'last_update' 275 "; 276 277 // If modified_after param is set, add the condition to the query 278 if ( $modified_after ) { 279 $modified_after_timestamp = strtotime( $modified_after ); 280 $query .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND meta_value > %d', $modified_after_timestamp ); 281 } 282 283 $last_update_results = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); 284 285 // Manually create the associative array of user_id => last_update 286 foreach ( $last_update_results as $result ) { 287 $last_updates[ $result->user_id ] = is_numeric( $result->meta_value ) ? gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s', (int) $result->meta_value ) : null; 275 288 } 276 289 } 277 290 278 // Merge user IDs with their corresponding 'last_updated' values or fallback to user_registered. 279 $user_data = array_map( 280 function ( $user ) use ( $last_updates, $id_with_modified_date ) { 281 $user_info = array( 'id' => (int) $user->ID ); 282 if ( $id_with_modified_date ) { 283 if ( isset( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ) ) { 284 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = wc_rest_prepare_date_response( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ); 285 } else { 286 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = wc_rest_prepare_date_response( $user->user_registered ); 291 /** 292 * Performance notes: 293 * - Using a generator is faster than array_map when dealing with large datasets. 294 * - If date is in the format 'Y-m-d H:i:s' we just do preg_replace to 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s', 295 * rather than using wc_rest_prepare_date_response 296 * 297 * This resulted in execution time of 10% of the original time. 298 * 299 * If the modified_after param is set, we don't need to loop through the entire user list. 300 * The last_update_results array will only contain the users that have been modified after the given date. 301 * We just need to check they are valid user ids, this sucks, but there could be orphaned last_update meta values. 302 */ 303 $formatted_results = array(); 304 305 if ( $modified_after ) { 306 foreach ( $users as $user ) { 307 if ( isset( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ) ) { 308 $user_info = array( 'id' => (int) $user->ID ); 309 if ( $id_with_modified_date ) { 310 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = $last_updates[ $user->ID ]; 287 311 } 312 $formatted_results[] = $user_info; 288 313 } 289 return $user_info; 290 }, 291 $users 292 ); 293 294 return $user_data; 314 } 315 } else { 316 function format_results( $users, $last_updates, $id_with_modified_date ) { 317 foreach ( $users as $user ) { 318 $user_info = array( 'id' => (int) $user->ID ); 319 if ( $id_with_modified_date ) { 320 if ( isset( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ) && ! empty( $last_updates[ $user->ID ] ) ) { 321 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = $last_updates[ $user->ID ]; 322 } else { 323 $user_info['date_modified_gmt'] = null; // users can have null date_modified_gmt 324 } 325 } 326 yield $user_info; 327 } 328 } 329 330 $formatted_results = iterator_to_array( format_results( $users, $last_updates, $id_with_modified_date ) ); 331 } 332 333 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 334 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 335 336 // Collect execution time and server load. 337 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 338 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 339 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 340 341 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 342 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 343 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 344 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 345 346 return $response; 295 347 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 296 348 Logger::log( 'Error fetching order IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 20 20 use WP_REST_Server; 21 21 use Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\OrderUtil; 22 use WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\Services\Cache; 22 23 use WP_Error; 23 24 … … 102 103 */ 103 104 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 104 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));105 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 105 106 } 106 107 … … 194 195 /** 195 196 * Create a single order. 197 * - Validate billing email. 198 * - Do a sanity check on the UUID, if the internet connection is bad, several requests can be made with the same UUID. 196 199 * 197 200 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. … … 200 203 */ 201 204 public function create_item( $request ) { 205 // check if the UUID is already in use. 206 if ( isset( $request['meta_data'] ) && is_array( $request['meta_data'] ) ) { 207 foreach ( $request['meta_data'] as $meta ) { 208 if ( $meta['key'] === '_woocommerce_pos_uuid' ) { 209 $uuid = $meta['value']; 210 $ids = $this->get_order_ids_by_uuid( $uuid ); 211 212 /** 213 * If the UUID is already in use, and there is only one order with that UUID, return the existing order. 214 * This can happen if the internet connection is bad and the request is made several times. 215 * 216 * @NOTE: This means that $request data is lost, but we can't update existing order because it has resource ids now. 217 * The alternative would be to update the existing order, but that would require a lot of extra work. 218 * Or return an error, which would be a bad user experience. 219 */ 220 if ( count( $ids ) === 1 ) { 221 Logger::log( 'UUID already in use, return existing order.', $ids[0] ); 222 223 // Create a new WP_REST_Request object for the GET request. 224 $get_request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->namespace . '/' . $this->rest_base . '/' . $ids[0] ); 225 $get_request->set_param( 'id', $ids[0] ); 226 227 return $this->get_item( $get_request ); 228 } 229 if ( count( $ids ) > 1 ) { 230 Logger::log( 'UUID already in use for multiple orders. This should not happen.', $ids ); 231 return new WP_Error( 'woocommerce_rest_order_invalid_id', __( 'UUID already in use.', 'woocommerce' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); 232 } 233 } 234 } 235 } 236 202 237 $valid_email = $this->wcpos_validate_billing_email( $request ); 203 238 if ( is_wp_error( $valid_email ) ) { … … 321 356 */ 322 357 public function wcpos_validate_billing_email( WP_REST_Request $request ) { 323 // Your custom validation logic for the request data324 358 $billing = $request['billing'] ?? null; 325 359 $email = \is_array( $billing ) ? ( $billing['email'] ?? null ) : null; … … 637 671 * Returns array of all order ids. 638 672 * 639 * @param array $fields Fields to return.640 * 641 * @return array|WP_Error642 */ 643 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{673 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 674 * 675 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 676 */ 677 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 644 678 global $wpdb; 645 679 680 // Start timing execution. 681 $start_time = microtime( true ); 682 683 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 684 $dates_are_gmt = true; // Dates are always in GMT. 685 $fields = $request->get_param( 'fields' ); 646 686 $id_with_modified_date = array( 'id', 'date_modified_gmt' ) === $fields; 647 687 … … 662 702 $sql .= ' AND status IN (' . implode( ',', $statuses ) . ')'; 663 703 704 // Add modified_after condition if provided. 705 if ( $modified_after ) { 706 $modified_after_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $modified_after ) ); 707 $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND date_updated_gmt > %s', $modified_after_date ); 708 } 709 664 710 // Order by date_created_gmt DESC to maintain order consistency. 665 711 $sql .= " ORDER BY {$wpdb->prefix}wc_orders.date_created_gmt DESC"; … … 669 715 $sql .= ' AND post_status IN (' . implode( ',', $statuses ) . ')'; 670 716 717 // Add modified_after condition if provided. 718 if ( $modified_after ) { 719 $modified_after_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $modified_after ) ); 720 $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND post_modified_gmt > %s', $modified_after_date ); 721 } 722 671 723 // Order by post_date DESC to maintain order consistency. 672 724 $sql .= " ORDER BY {$wpdb->posts}.post_date DESC"; … … 674 726 675 727 try { 676 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); 677 return $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 728 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); 729 $formatted_results = $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 730 731 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 732 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 733 734 // Collect execution time and server load. 735 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 736 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 737 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 738 739 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 740 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 741 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 742 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 743 744 return $response; 678 745 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 679 746 Logger::log( 'Error fetching order data: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 57 57 */ 58 58 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 60 60 } 61 61 … … 142 142 * Returns array of all product category ids. 143 143 * 144 * @param array $fields144 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 145 145 * 146 * @return array|WP_Error146 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 147 147 */ 148 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array { 148 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 149 // Start timing execution. 150 $start_time = microtime( true ); 151 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 152 149 153 $args = array( 150 154 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', … … 154 158 155 159 try { 156 $results = get_terms( $args ); 160 /** 161 * @TODO - terms don't have a modified date, it would be good to add a term_meta for last_update 162 * - ideally WooCommerce would provide a modified_after filter for terms 163 * - for now we'll just return empty for modified terms 164 */ 165 $results = $modified_after ? array() : get_terms( $args ); 157 166 158 167 // Format the response. 159 returnarray_map(160 function ( $i tem) {161 return array( 'id' => (int) $i tem);168 $formatted_results = array_map( 169 function ( $id ) { 170 return array( 'id' => (int) $id ); 162 171 }, 163 172 $results 164 173 ); 174 175 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 176 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 177 178 // Collect execution time and server load. 179 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 180 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 181 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 182 183 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 184 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 185 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 186 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 187 188 return $response; 165 189 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 166 190 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product category IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 57 57 */ 58 58 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 60 60 } 61 61 … … 142 142 * Returns array of all product tag ids. 143 143 * 144 * @param array $fields144 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 145 145 * 146 * @return array|WP_Error146 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 147 147 */ 148 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array { 148 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ): array { 149 // Start timing execution. 150 $start_time = microtime( true ); 151 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 152 149 153 $args = array( 150 154 'taxonomy' => 'product_tag', … … 154 158 155 159 try { 156 $results = get_terms( $args ); 160 /** 161 * @TODO - terms don't have a modified date, it would be good to add a term_meta for last_update 162 * - ideally WooCommerce would provide a modified_after filter for terms 163 * - for now we'll just return empty for modified terms 164 */ 165 $results = $modified_after ? array() : get_terms( $args ); 157 166 158 167 // Format the response. 159 returnarray_map(160 function ( $i tem) {161 return array( 'id' => (int) $i tem);168 $formatted_results = array_map( 169 function ( $id ) { 170 return array( 'id' => (int) $id ); 162 171 }, 163 172 $results 164 173 ); 174 175 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 176 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 177 178 // Collect execution time and server load. 179 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 180 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 181 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 182 183 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 184 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 185 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 186 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 187 188 return $response; 165 189 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 166 190 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product tags IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 66 66 */ 67 67 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 68 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));68 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 69 69 } 70 70 … … 367 367 * Returns array of all product ids, name. 368 368 * 369 * @param array $fields370 * 371 * @return array|WP_Error372 */ 373 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{369 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 370 * 371 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 372 */ 373 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 374 374 global $wpdb; 375 375 376 // Start timing execution. 377 $start_time = microtime( true ); 378 379 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 380 $fields = $request->get_param( 'fields' ); 376 381 $parent_id = (int) $this->wcpos_request->get_param( 'product_id' ); 377 382 $id_with_modified_date = array( 'id', 'date_modified_gmt' ) === $fields; … … 391 396 } 392 397 398 // Add modified_after condition if provided. 399 if ( $modified_after ) { 400 $modified_after_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $modified_after ) ); 401 $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND post_modified_gmt > %s', $modified_after_date ); 402 } 403 393 404 // Dynamically add the post_parent clause if a parent ID is provided. 394 405 if ( $parent_id ) { … … 398 409 try { 399 410 // Execute the query. 400 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); 401 // Format and return the results. 402 return $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 411 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); 412 $formatted_results = $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 413 414 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 415 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 416 417 // Collect execution time and server load. 418 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 419 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 420 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 421 422 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 423 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 424 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 425 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 426 427 return $response; 403 428 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 404 429 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product variation IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 76 76 */ 77 77 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 78 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));78 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 79 79 } 80 80 … … 430 430 * Returns array of all product ids, name. 431 431 * 432 * @param array $fields Fields to return.433 * 434 * @return array|WP_Error435 */ 436 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{432 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 433 * 434 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 435 */ 436 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 437 437 global $wpdb; 438 438 439 // Start timing execution. 440 $start_time = microtime( true ); 441 442 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 443 $dates_are_gmt = true; // Dates are always in GMT. 444 $fields = $request->get_param( 'fields' ); 439 445 $id_with_modified_date = array( 'id', 'date_modified_gmt' ) === $fields; 440 446 $select_fields = $id_with_modified_date ? 'ID as id, post_modified_gmt as date_modified_gmt' : 'ID as id'; … … 451 457 } 452 458 459 // Add modified_after condition if provided. 460 if ( $modified_after ) { 461 $modified_after_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $modified_after ) ); 462 $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND post_modified_gmt > %s', $modified_after_date ); 463 } 464 453 465 // Order by post_date DESC to maintain order consistency. 454 466 $sql .= " ORDER BY {$wpdb->posts}.post_date DESC"; 455 467 456 468 try { 457 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); 458 return $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 469 $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); 470 $formatted_results = $this->wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ); 471 472 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 473 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 474 475 // Collect execution time and server load. 476 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 477 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 478 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 479 480 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 481 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 482 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 483 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 484 485 return $response; 459 486 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 460 487 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product data: ' . $e->getMessage() ); -
r3096777 r3102003 9 9 } 10 10 11 use Exception; 11 12 use WC_REST_Taxes_Controller; 13 use WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\Logger; 12 14 use WP_REST_Request; 15 use WP_REST_Response; 13 16 14 17 /** … … 54 57 */ 55 58 if ( $request->get_param( 'posts_per_page' ) == -1 && $request->get_param( 'fields' ) !== null ) { 56 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ->get_param( 'fields' ));59 return $this->wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ); 57 60 } 58 61 … … 207 210 * Returns array of all tax_rate ids. 208 211 * 209 * @param array $fields210 * 211 * @return array|WP_Error212 */ 213 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( array $fields = array() ): array{212 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. 213 * 214 * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error 215 */ 216 public function wcpos_get_all_posts( $request ) { 214 217 global $wpdb; 215 218 216 $results = $wpdb->get_results( 217 ' 218 SELECT tax_rate_id as id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_tax_rates 219 ', 220 ARRAY_A 221 ); 222 223 // Format the response. 224 return array_map( 225 function ( $item ) { 226 return array( 'id' => (int) $item['id'] ); 227 }, 228 $results 229 ); 219 // Start timing execution. 220 $start_time = microtime( true ); 221 $modified_after = $request->get_param( 'modified_after' ); 222 223 try { 224 /** 225 * @TODO - taxes doen't have a modified date, so we can't filter by modified_after 226 * - ideally WooCommerce would provide a modified_after filter for terms 227 * - for now we'll just return empty for modified terms 228 */ 229 $results = $modified_after ? array() : $wpdb->get_results( 230 ' 231 SELECT tax_rate_id as id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_tax_rates 232 ', 233 ARRAY_A 234 ); 235 236 // Format the response. 237 $formatted_results = array_map( 238 function ( $item ) { 239 return array( 'id' => (int) $item['id'] ); 240 }, 241 $results 242 ); 243 244 // Get the total number of orders for the given criteria. 245 $total = count( $formatted_results ); 246 247 // Collect execution time and server load. 248 $execution_time = microtime( true ) - $start_time; 249 $execution_time_ms = number_format( $execution_time * 1000, 2 ); 250 $server_load = sys_getloadavg(); 251 252 $response = rest_ensure_response( $formatted_results ); 253 $response->header( 'X-WP-Total', (int) $total ); 254 $response->header( 'X-Execution-Time', $execution_time_ms . ' ms' ); 255 $response->header( 'X-Server-Load', json_encode( $server_load ) ); 256 257 return $response; 258 } catch ( Exception $e ) { 259 Logger::log( 'Error fetching product tax rate IDs: ' . $e->getMessage() ); 260 261 return new \WP_Error( 262 'woocommerce_pos_rest_cannot_fetch', 263 'Error fetching product tax rate IDs.', 264 array( 'status' => 500 ) 265 ); 266 } 230 267 } 231 268 } -
r3042209 r3102003 197 197 198 198 /** 199 * 200 */ 201 private function get_order_ids_by_uuid( string $uuid ) { 202 global $wpdb; 203 204 if ( class_exists( OrderUtil::class ) && OrderUtil::custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ) { 205 // Check the orders meta table. 206 $result = $wpdb->get_col( 207 $wpdb->prepare( 208 "SELECT order_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wc_orders_meta WHERE meta_key = '_woocommerce_pos_uuid' AND meta_value = %s", 209 $uuid 210 ) 211 ); 212 } else { 213 // Check the postmeta table. 214 $result = $wpdb->get_col( 215 $wpdb->prepare( 216 "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_woocommerce_pos_uuid' AND meta_value = %s", 217 $uuid 218 ) 219 ); 220 } 221 222 return $result; 223 } 224 225 /** 199 226 * Check if the given UUID already exists for any user. 200 227 * -
r3096777 r3102003 15 15 */ 16 16 public function wcpos_format_all_posts_response( $results ) { 17 $formatted_results = array_map( 18 function ( $result ) { 19 // Initialize the formatted result as an associative array. 20 $formatted_result = array( 21 'id' => (int) $result->id, // Cast ID to integer for consistency. 22 ); 17 /** 18 * Performance notes: 19 * - Using a generator is faster than array_map when dealing with large datasets. 20 * - If date is in the format 'Y-m-d H:i:s' we just do preg_replace to 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s', rather than using wc_rest_prepare_date_response 21 * 22 * This resulted in execution time of 10% of the original time. 23 */ 24 function format_results( $results ) { 25 foreach ( $results as $result ) { 26 $result['id'] = (int) $result['id']; 23 27 24 // Check if post_modified_gmt exists and is not null, then set date_modified_gmt. 25 if ( isset( $result->date_modified_gmt ) && ! empty( $result->date_modified_gmt ) ) { 26 $formatted_result['date_modified_gmt'] = wc_rest_prepare_date_response( $result->date_modified_gmt ); 28 if ( isset( $result['date_modified_gmt'] ) ) { 29 if ( preg_match( '/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/', $result['date_modified_gmt'] ) ) { 30 $result['date_modified_gmt'] = preg_replace( '/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/', '$1T$2', $result['date_modified_gmt'] ); 31 } else { 32 $result['date_modified_gmt'] = wc_rest_prepare_date_response( $result['date_modified_gmt'] ); 33 } 27 34 } 28 35 29 return $formatted_result; 30 }, 31 $results 32 ); 36 yield $result; 37 } 38 } 33 39 34 return $formatted_results;40 return iterator_to_array( format_results( $results ) ); 35 41 } 36 42 -
r3042209 r3102003 150 150 */ 151 151 public function order_received_url( string $order_received_url, WC_Abstract_Order $order ): string { 152 global $wp; 153 152 154 // check is pos 153 if ( ! woocommerce_pos_request() ) {155 if ( ! woocommerce_pos_request() || ! isset( $wp->query_vars['order-pay'] ) ) { 154 156 return $order_received_url; 155 157 } -
r3096777 r3102003 13 13 use const WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\SHORT_NAME; 14 14 use const WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\VERSION; 15 use const WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\PLUGIN_URL; 15 16 16 17 /** … … 87 88 $development = isset( $_ENV['DEVELOPMENT'] ) && $_ENV['DEVELOPMENT']; 88 89 $user = wp_get_current_user(); 89 $github_url = ' 5/';90 $github_url = ''; 90 91 $auth_service = Auth::instance(); 91 92 $stores = array_map( … … 149 150 $dev_bundle = ''; 150 151 151 // getScript helper and initialProps 152 /** 153 * Add path to worker scripts 154 */ 155 $idbWorker = PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/indexeddb.worker.js'; 156 157 /** 158 * getScript helper and initialProps 159 */ 152 160 echo "<script> 153 161 function getScript(source, callback) { … … 169 177 } 170 178 171 var initialProps={$initial_props}; 179 var idbWorker = '{$idbWorker}'; 180 var initialProps = {$initial_props}; 172 181 </script>" . "\n"; 173 182 183 /** 184 * The actual app bundle 185 */ 174 186 if ( $development ) { 175 187 // Development -
r3020971 r3102003 79 79 echo '<script> 80 80 (function() { 81 // Parse the order JSON from PHP82 81 var credentials = ' . $credentials . " 83 82 -
r3096870 r3102003 4 4 Requires at least: 5.6 5 5 Tested up to: 6.5 6 Stable tag: 1. 5.16 Stable tag: 1.6.0 7 7 License: GPL-3.0 8 8 License URI: … … 29 29 * Add new customers or checkout via Guest account 30 30 * Add miscellaneous products to cart, ie: products not in WooCommerce 31 * Live chat support within the application 31 32 * **Pro:** Use any WooCommerce gateway 32 33 * **Pro:** Create multiple POS Stores … … 80 81 == Changelog == 81 82 83 = 1.6.0 - 2024/06/12 = 84 * Improved: Performance for large stores 85 * Added: Log screen for insights into the POS performance and events 86 * Added: Cart setting to enable/disable show receipt after checkout 87 * Added: Cart setting to enable/disable auto-print receipt after checkout 88 * Fix: Prevent order create duplication from the POS 89 * Fix: Cart subtotal showing tax when tax display is not enabled 90 82 91 = 1.5.1 - 2024/06/03 = 83 92 * Fix: "Sorry, you cannot list resources." error for cashier role 84 85 93 86 94 = 1.5.0 - 2024/06/03 = -
r3096869 r3102003 23 23 require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php'; 24 24 25 return ComposerAutoloaderInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::getLoader();25 return ComposerAutoloaderInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::getLoader(); -
r3096777 r3102003 25 25 'CURLStringFile' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php81/Resources/stubs/CURLStringFile.php', 26 26 'Composer\\InstalledVersions' => $vendorDir . '/composer/InstalledVersions.php', 27 'Handlebars\\Autoloader' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Autoloader.php',28 'Handlebars\\Cache' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache.php',29 'Handlebars\\Cache\\APC' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/APC.php',30 'Handlebars\\Cache\\Disk' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/Disk.php',31 'Handlebars\\Cache\\Dummy' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/Dummy.php',32 'Handlebars\\Context' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Context.php',33 'Handlebars\\Handlebars' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Handlebars.php',34 'Handlebars\\HandlebarsString' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/HandlebarsString.php',35 'Handlebars\\Helpers' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Helpers.php',36 'Handlebars\\Loader' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader.php',37 'Handlebars\\Loader\\FilesystemLoader' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader/FilesystemLoader.php',38 'Handlebars\\Loader\\StringLoader' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader/StringLoader.php',39 'Handlebars\\Parser' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Parser.php',40 'Handlebars\\Template' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Template.php',41 'Handlebars\\Tokenizer' => $vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Tokenizer.php',42 27 'Parsedown' => $vendorDir . '/erusev/parsedown/Parsedown.php', 43 28 'PhpToken' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/PhpToken.php', … … 183 168 'UnhandledMatchError' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/UnhandledMatchError.php', 184 169 'ValueError' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/ValueError.php', 185 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\BeforeValidException' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/BeforeValidException.php',186 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\CachedKeySet' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/CachedKeySet.php',187 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\ExpiredException' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/ExpiredException.php',188 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWK' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWK.php',189 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWT' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT.php',190 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface.php',191 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\Key' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/Key.php',192 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\SignatureInvalidException' => $baseDir . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/SignatureInvalidException.php',193 170 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\AJAX' => $baseDir . '/includes/AJAX.php', 194 171 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\API' => $baseDir . '/includes/API.php', … … 241 218 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Server' => $baseDir . '/includes/Server.php', 242 219 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Auth' => $baseDir . '/includes/Services/Auth.php', 220 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Cache' => $baseDir . '/includes/Services/Cache.php', 243 221 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Settings' => $baseDir . '/includes/Services/Settings.php', 244 222 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Templates' => $baseDir . '/includes/Templates.php', -
r3020668 r3102003 8 8 return array( 9 9 'Parsedown' => array($vendorDir . '/erusev/parsedown'), 10 'Handlebars' => array($vendorDir . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src'),11 10 ); -
r3096869 r3102003 3 3 // autoload_real.php @generated by Composer 4 4 5 class ComposerAutoloaderInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e775 class ComposerAutoloaderInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0 6 6 { 7 7 private static $loader; … … 23 23 } 24 24 25 spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);25 spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true); 26 26 self::$loader = $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader(\dirname(__DIR__)); 27 spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77', 'loadClassLoader'));27 spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0', 'loadClassLoader')); 28 28 29 29 require __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php'; 30 call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::getInitializer($loader));30 call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::getInitializer($loader)); 31 31 32 32 $loader->register(true); 33 33 34 $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$files;34 $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$files; 35 35 $requireFile = \Closure::bind(static function ($fileIdentifier, $file) { 36 36 if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) { -
r3096869 r3102003 5 5 namespace Composer\Autoload; 6 6 7 class ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e777 class ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0 8 8 { 9 9 public static $files = array ( … … 73 73 array ( 74 74 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/erusev/parsedown', 75 ),76 ),77 'H' =>78 array (79 'Handlebars' =>80 array (81 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src',82 75 ), 83 76 ), … … 103 96 'CURLStringFile' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php81/Resources/stubs/CURLStringFile.php', 104 97 'Composer\\InstalledVersions' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/InstalledVersions.php', 105 'Handlebars\\Autoloader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Autoloader.php',106 'Handlebars\\Cache' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache.php',107 'Handlebars\\Cache\\APC' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/APC.php',108 'Handlebars\\Cache\\Disk' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/Disk.php',109 'Handlebars\\Cache\\Dummy' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Cache/Dummy.php',110 'Handlebars\\Context' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Context.php',111 'Handlebars\\Handlebars' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Handlebars.php',112 'Handlebars\\HandlebarsString' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/HandlebarsString.php',113 'Handlebars\\Helpers' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Helpers.php',114 'Handlebars\\Loader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader.php',115 'Handlebars\\Loader\\FilesystemLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader/FilesystemLoader.php',116 'Handlebars\\Loader\\StringLoader' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Loader/StringLoader.php',117 'Handlebars\\Parser' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Parser.php',118 'Handlebars\\Template' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Template.php',119 'Handlebars\\Tokenizer' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/salesforce/handlebars-php/src/Handlebars/Tokenizer.php',120 98 'Parsedown' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/erusev/parsedown/Parsedown.php', 121 99 'PhpToken' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/PhpToken.php', … … 261 239 'UnhandledMatchError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/UnhandledMatchError.php', 262 240 'ValueError' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/ValueError.php', 263 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\BeforeValidException' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/BeforeValidException.php',264 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\CachedKeySet' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/CachedKeySet.php',265 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\ExpiredException' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/ExpiredException.php',266 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWK' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWK.php',267 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWT' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT.php',268 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface.php',269 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\Key' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/Key.php',270 'WCPOS\\Vendor\\Firebase\\JWT\\SignatureInvalidException' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/vendor_prefixed/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/SignatureInvalidException.php',271 241 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\AJAX' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/AJAX.php', 272 242 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\API' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/API.php', … … 319 289 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Server' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Server.php', 320 290 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Auth' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Services/Auth.php', 291 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Cache' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Services/Cache.php', 321 292 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Services\\Settings' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Services/Settings.php', 322 293 'WCPOS\\WooCommercePOS\\Templates' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/includes/Templates.php', … … 333 304 { 334 305 return \Closure::bind(function () use ($loader) { 335 $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$prefixLengthsPsr4;336 $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$prefixDirsPsr4;337 $loader->prefixesPsr0 = ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$prefixesPsr0;338 $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit 048927fcd0f6e1bd2ab86d49767e2e77::$classMap;306 $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$prefixLengthsPsr4; 307 $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$prefixDirsPsr4; 308 $loader->prefixesPsr0 = ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$prefixesPsr0; 309 $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInitf0c7d8ce923efae83025b27d0c5bc6c0::$classMap; 339 310 340 311 }, null, ClassLoader::class); -
r3048280 r3102003 312 312 }, 313 313 { 314 "name": "salesforce/handlebars-php",315 "version": "3.0.1",316 "version_normalized": "",317 "source": {318 "type": "git",319 "url": "",320 "reference": "d3a0552d85472249617ef6b56197c844d62d2ac3"321 },322 "dist": {323 "type": "zip",324 "url": "",325 "reference": "d3a0552d85472249617ef6b56197c844d62d2ac3",326 "shasum": ""327 },328 "require": {329 "php": ">=5.4.0"330 },331 "require-dev": {332 "phpunit/phpunit": "^9"333 },334 "time": "2023-01-12T16:24:23+00:00",335 "type": "library",336 "installation-source": "dist",337 "autoload": {338 "psr-0": {339 "Handlebars": "src/"340 }341 },342 "notification-url": "",343 "license": [344 "MIT"345 ],346 "authors": [347 {348 "name": "fzerorubigd",349 "email": "[email protected]"350 },351 {352 "name": "Behrooz Shabani (everplays)",353 "email": "[email protected]"354 },355 {356 "name": "Mardix",357 "homepage": ""358 }359 ],360 "description": "Handlebars processor for php",361 "homepage": "",362 "keywords": [363 "handlebars",364 "mustache",365 "templating"366 ],367 "support": {368 "issues": "",369 "source": ""370 },371 "install-path": "../salesforce/handlebars-php"372 },373 {374 314 "name": "symfony/polyfill-ctype", 375 315 "version": "v1.29.0", -
r3096869 r3102003 2 2 'root' => array( 3 3 'name' => 'wcpos/woocommerce-pos', 4 'pretty_version' => 'v1. 5.1',5 'version' => '1. 5.1.0',6 'reference' => ' 9eea9f85c69bc5a569f86994f6d03582ed87177e',4 'pretty_version' => 'v1.6.0', 5 'version' => '', 6 'reference' => '561cf10f1312c6951c577048394f6f198652652b', 7 7 'type' => 'wordpress-plugin', 8 8 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', … … 53 53 ), 54 54 ), 55 'salesforce/handlebars-php' => array(56 'pretty_version' => '3.0.1',57 'version' => '',58 'reference' => 'd3a0552d85472249617ef6b56197c844d62d2ac3',59 'type' => 'library',60 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../salesforce/handlebars-php',61 'aliases' => array(),62 'dev_requirement' => false,63 ),64 55 'symfony/polyfill-ctype' => array( 65 56 'pretty_version' => 'v1.29.0', … … 90 81 ), 91 82 'wcpos/woocommerce-pos' => array( 92 'pretty_version' => 'v1. 5.1',93 'version' => '1. 5.1.0',94 'reference' => ' 9eea9f85c69bc5a569f86994f6d03582ed87177e',83 'pretty_version' => 'v1.6.0', 84 'version' => '', 85 'reference' => '561cf10f1312c6951c577048394f6f198652652b', 95 86 'type' => 'wordpress-plugin', 96 87 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', -
r3096869 r3102003 4 4 * Plugin URI: 5 5 * Description: A simple front-end for taking WooCommerce orders at the Point of Sale. Requires <a href="">WooCommerce</a>. 6 * Version: 1. 5.16 * Version: 1.6.0 7 7 * Author: kilbot 8 8 * Author URI: … … 18 18 * WC requires at least: 5.3 19 19 * 20 * @author Paul Kilmurray <[email protected]>21 *22 20 * @see 23 * @package 21 * @package WCPOS\WooCommercePOS 24 22 */ 25 23 … … 27 25 28 26 // Define plugin constants. 29 const VERSION = '1. 5.1';27 const VERSION = '1.6.0'; 30 28 const PLUGIN_NAME = 'woocommerce-pos'; 31 29 const SHORT_NAME = 'wcpos'; … … 34 32 \define( __NAMESPACE__ . '\PLUGIN_URL', trailingslashit( plugins_url( basename( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ), basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) ); 35 33 36 // minimum requirements.34 // Minimum requirements. 37 35 const WC_MIN_VERSION = '5.3'; 38 36 const PHP_MIN_VERSION = '7.4'; 39 37 const MIN_PRO_VERSION = '1.5.0'; 40 38 41 // load .env flags (for development).39 // Load .env flags (for development). 42 40 function load_env( $file ) { 43 41 if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { 44 42 return; 45 43 } 46 44 … … 48 46 foreach ( $lines as $line ) { 49 47 if ( strpos( trim( $line ), '#' ) === 0 ) { 50 48 continue; 51 49 } 52 50 … … 56 54 57 55 if ( ! array_key_exists( $name, $_SERVER ) && ! array_key_exists( $name, $_ENV ) ) { 58 59 56 putenv( sprintf( '%s=%s', $name, $value ) ); 57 $_ENV[ $name ] = $value; 60 58 } 61 59 } 62 60 } 63 61 64 // Autoloader. 65 if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' ) ) { 66 require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; 62 // Autoload vendor and prefixed libraries. 63 function wcpos_load_autoloaders() { 64 $vendor_autoload = __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; 65 $vendor_prefixed_autoload = __DIR__ . '/vendor_prefixed/autoload.php'; 67 66 68 // Environment variables. 69 load_env( __DIR__ . '/.env' ); 67 if ( file_exists( $vendor_autoload ) ) { 68 require_once $vendor_autoload; 69 } 70 if ( file_exists( $vendor_prefixed_autoload ) ) { 71 require_once $vendor_prefixed_autoload; 72 } 73 } 70 74 71 // Activate plugin. 72 new Activator(); 75 wcpos_load_autoloaders(); 73 76 74 // Deactivate plugin. 75 new Deactivator(); 76 } else { 77 // Environment variables. 78 load_env( __DIR__ . '/.env' ); 79 80 // Error handling for autoload failure. 81 if ( ! class_exists( \WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\Activator::class ) || ! class_exists( \WCPOS\WooCommercePOS\Deactivator::class ) ) { 77 82 add_action( 78 83 'admin_notices', 79 84 function (): void { 80 85 ?> 81 <div class="notice notice-error">82 <p><?php esc_html_e( 'The WooCommerce POS plugin failed to load correctly.', 'woocommerce-pos' ); ?></p>83 </div>86 <div class="notice notice-error"> 87 <p><?php esc_html_e( 'The WooCommerce POS plugin failed to load correctly.', 'woocommerce-pos' ); ?></p> 88 </div> 84 89 <?php 85 90 } 86 91 ); 92 return; // Exit early if classes are not found. 87 93 } 94 95 // Activate plugin. 96 new Activator(); 97 98 // Deactivate plugin. 99 new Deactivator(); 88 100 89 101 // Declare HPOS compatible.
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