Changeset 3030821
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- Location:
- wp-white-label-login
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r3030343 r3030821 1 === White Label Custom WordPress Login Page === 1 === Easy White Label === 2 2 3 Contributors: icelayer 3 4 Donate link: 4 Tags: custom login page,custom login, wordpress login, white label, login customizer, branding,5 Tags: custom custom login, wordpress login, white label, login customizer, branding, 5 6 Requires at least: 3.4 6 7 Tested up to: 6.4 7 Stable tag: 7.2. 08 Stable tag: 7.2.1 8 9 Requires PHP: 7.4 9 10 License: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version 10 11 License URI: 11 12 12 White Label Login, Custom Login Page, Registration, and Lost Password Page Activate it and forget it... 13 14 Enhance login experience with a customized login, registration, and lost password page. Activate and enjoy a seamless branded login area. 13 15 14 16 == Description == 15 17 16 Custom Login Page with Login Customizer options, Customize WordPress Login Page, Registration, and Lost Password Page.18 Transform your WordPress login experience with the **Easy White Label** plugin. Tailor your login, registration, and lost password pages to match your brand's style and identity, offering a consistent and professional look across your site. 17 19 18 Easy to use and very simple after you activate this plugin you can choose to change some settings or leave everything as is the login page has already been white-labeled and customized.20 After activating the plugin, you can either tweak various settings to suit your branding needs or enjoy the immediate enhancement it brings to your login page. From changing the logo to customizing the background, this plugin offers an array of options to personalize your login area. 19 21 20 But maybe you want to change the logo or change the login page background, well you can now easily change the default logo and set custom login page background and much more. 22 = Key Features: = 21 23 22 = Custom Login Page Customizer detailed feature list: = 23 * Custom Login page header 24 * Custom Login page header background-color 25 * Custom Login page header description text 26 * Custom Login page header link 27 * Custom logo Change WordPress login logo 28 * Custom Login page logo link 29 * Change login form alignment 30 * Add a custom background image 31 * Add a custom background-attachment property set whether background image scrolls with the rest of the page or is fixed 32 * Add a custom background-size specifies the size of the background images 33 * Add a custom background-repeat property sets if/how the background image will be repeated. 34 * Add a custom background-position property set the starting position of a background image. 35 * Add a custom background-color 36 * Add Custom Login Page CSS 37 * Custom WordPress Login Page Footer 24 - **Customizable Login Header:** Modify the login page header, including background color and description text. 25 - **Logo Personalization:** Replace the default WordPress logo with your brand's logo and customize the link it directs to. 26 - **Form Alignment & Style:** Adjust the login form's alignment and inject custom CSS for unique styling. 27 - **Background Customization:** Set a custom background image, size, repeat, position, and color to align with your brand's aesthetic. 28 - **Enhanced Footer:** Personalize the WordPress login page footer for a complete branded experience. 38 29 39 By far the simplest login white label plugin for any WordPress Website, activate and you are done.30 Designed for simplicity, the plugin offers intuitive settings and defaults that require no adjustments. However, should you wish to fine-tune your login page, the options are readily available and easy to navigate. 40 31 41 Easy to use, simple settings options, simplified sensible defaults, you never need to change a single setting the new settings are completely optional. 42 43 The plugin options can be found by going to Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options. 44 45 If you found a bug or have suggestions head over to the [Support Section]( 32 Access the plugin settings via **Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options** in your WordPress dashboard. 46 33 47 34 == Installation == 48 35 49 1. Upload White Label Login to the /wp-content/plugins/directory.50 2. Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' menu in WordPress.51 3. That’s it!.36 1. Upload the `White Label Login` plugin to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 37 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 38 3. You're all set! Optionally, customize the settings via Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options. 52 39 53 40 == Frequently Asked Questions == 54 41 55 = Will this work with my current theme = 42 **Q: Will this plugin work with my theme?** 43 A: Absolutely! This plugin is designed to work seamlessly with any WordPress theme. 56 44 57 Yes, this plugin will work with any WordPress theme. 58 59 = Where can I find the Admin Settings = 60 61 The plugin options can be found by going to Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options 62 63 = = 64 65 66 45 **Q: Where can I find the plugin settings?** 46 A: Navigate to Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options in your WordPress dashboard to access and customize the plugin settings. 67 47 68 48 == Screenshots == 69 49 70 1. Custom login page.71 2. Customizer Options72 3. Customlogin page.50 1. Customized login page showcasing your brand's identity. 51 2. Easy-to-navigate customizer options for personalization. 52 3. Preview of a fully customized login page. 73 53 74 54 == Changelog == 75 55 56 76 57 77 58 == Upgrade Notice == 59 60 *Keep your plugin updated for the latest features and improvements.* -
r3030343 r3030821 40 40 41 41 /** 42 * Retrieves the option name. 43 * 44 * @return string The option name. 45 */ 46 public function get_opt_name(): string 47 { 48 return $this->option_name; 49 } 50 51 /** 42 52 * Retrieves the section ID. 43 53 * 44 54 * @return string The section ID. 45 55 */ 46 public function get_section_id() 56 public function get_section_id(): string 47 57 { 48 58 return $this->section_id; … … 148 158 'hidden' => false, 149 159 'disabled' => false, 150 'info' => false,160 'info' => null, 151 161 'width' => '200', 152 162 'checked' => null, … … 156 166 157 167 ?> 158 <div style=" padding-bottom: 1em; color:#333333;font-weight:600">168 <div style="margin-bottom: 1.4em;" id="input-<?php echo esc_attr( $params['id'] ); ?>"> 159 169 <input name="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['name'] ); ?>" type="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['type'] ); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['id'] ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $val ); ?>" <?php echo esc_attr( $params['checked'] ); ?> > 160 <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['id'] ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $fieldname ); ?></label>170 <label style="color:#333333;font-weight:600" for="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['id'] ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $fieldname ); ?></label> 161 171 <br/> 172 <?php self::_info( $params['info'] ); ?> 162 173 </div> 163 174 <?php … … 205 216 return str_replace( '-', '_', $field_id ); 206 217 } 218 219 private static function _info( ?string $description_info = null, string $item_id = 'item-description' ): void 220 { 221 if ( ! $description_info ) { 222 return; 223 } 224 225 ?> 226 <p class="description" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $item_id ); ?>"> 227 <?php echo wp_kses_post( $description_info ); ?> 228 </p> 229 <?php 230 } 207 231 } -
r3022707 r3030821 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 /** 4 * wpwhitelabel(). 5 * 6 * @return object 7 */ 8 function wpwhitelabel() 9 { 10 // new up wll object 11 return EasyWhiteLabel\Plugin::init(); 3 if ( ! \function_exists( 'wpwhitelabel' ) ) { 4 /** 5 * wpwhitelabel(). 6 * 7 * @return object 8 */ 9 function wpwhitelabel() 10 { 11 // new up wll object 12 return EasyWhiteLabel\Plugin::init(); 13 } 12 14 } 13 15 -
r3022487 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Background 5 class Background extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 7 /** 8 * Body. 9 * 10 * the page body 11 * 12 * @return 8 * Outputs the CSS for the page body background within a style tag. 13 9 */ 14 public static function body ()10 public static function body_css(): void 15 11 { 16 return self::css(); 12 $css = self::init()->get_css_rules(); 13 echo '<style type="text/css">' . $css . '</style>'; 17 14 } 18 15 19 16 /** 20 * background.17 * Generates the CSS for the page body background. 21 18 * 22 * echo the background for background-image css 23 * 24 * @see 19 * @return string The CSS rules for the body background. 25 20 */ 26 protected static function background(): void21 protected function generate_css(): ?string 27 22 { 28 $background_img = wp_get_attachment_url( wpwhitelabel()->option( 'background_image' ) ); 29 echo $background_img; 30 } 23 $background_img = wp_get_attachment_url( self::$whitelabel->option( 'background_image' ) ); 31 24 32 /** 33 * Body. 34 * 35 * the page body 36 * 37 * @return 38 */ 39 protected static function css() 40 { 41 ?><style type="text/css"> 25 $background_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_color', '#ffffff' ); 26 $background_image = esc_url( $background_img ); 27 $background_attachment = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_attachment' ); 28 $background_size = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_size', 'cover' ); 29 $background_repeat = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_repeat', 'no-repeat' ); 30 $background_position = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_position', 'left' ); 31 32 return " 42 33 body { 43 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_color', '#ffffff' ); ?>;44 background-image: url( <?php self::background(); ?>);45 background-attachment: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_attachment' ); ?>;46 background-size: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_size', 'cover' ); ?>;47 background-repeat: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_repeat', 'no-repeat' ); ?>;48 background-position: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_position', 'left' ); ?>;34 background-color: {$background_color}; 35 background-image: url({$background_image}); 36 background-attachment: {$background_attachment}; 37 background-size: {$background_size}; 38 background-repeat: {$background_repeat}; 39 background-position: {$background_position}; 49 40 } 50 </style> 51 <?php 41 "; 52 42 } 53 43 } -
r3020008 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Footer 5 class Footer extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 7 /** 8 * show footer navigation. 9 * 10 * @var [type] 8 * Outputs the footer content. 11 9 */ 12 private static $nav; 10 public static function footer(): void 11 { 12 $year = gmdate( 'Y' ); 13 $footer_text_color = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_text_color' ) ); 14 $footer_alignment = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_alignment' ) ); 15 $footer_text = esc_html( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_text' ) ); 16 $site_url = esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); 17 $site_name = esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ); 18 $copyright_text = esc_html( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'copyright_text' ) ); 13 19 14 public static function menu(): void 20 ob_start(); 21 ?> 22 23 <div class="push"></div> 24 </div><!--wrapper--> 25 <div style=" font-size: small; color:<?php echo $footer_text_color; ?>;" id="footer" class="footer footer-copyright" align="<?php echo $footer_alignment; ?>"> 26 <div style="padding:8px; width: 70%; margin-bottom:12px;" class="footer-text"> 27 <?php echo $footer_text; ?> 28 </div><!--footer-text--> 29 <?php self::footer_nav_menu(); ?> 30 <div style="padding:8px; width: 60%; margin-bottom:4px; color:<?php echo $footer_text_color; ?>;" class="footer-copyright"> 31 Copyright © <?php echo $year; ?> 32 <a href="<?php echo $site_url; ?>"> <?php echo $site_name; ?> </a> 33 <span class="wll-footer-copyright-text"> 34 <?php echo $copyright_text; ?> 35 </span> 36 </div><!--footer-copyright--> 37 </div><!--footer--> 38 <?php 39 $output = ob_get_clean(); 40 echo $output; 41 } 42 43 private static function footer_nav_menu(): void 15 44 { 16 self::$nav = wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav' ); 17 if ( self::$nav ) { ?> 18 <div align="<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav_alignment' ); ?>" style="padding: 12px; 19 border-top: solid thin <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav_backgorund' ); ?>; 20 border-bottom: solid thin <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav_backgorund' ); ?>; 21 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav_backgorund' ); ?>; 22 box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.08);"> 23 <?php 24 wp_nav_menu( 25 [ 26 'theme_location' => 'wll-footer-nav', 27 'container_class' => 'footer-navigation navigation clearfix', 28 ] 29 ); 45 if ( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_nav' ) ) { 46 $footer_nav_alignment = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_nav_alignment' ) ); 47 $footer_nav_background = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_nav_background' ) ); 48 30 49 ?> 31 </div> 32 <?php 50 <div class="footer-nav" style="text-align:<?php echo $footer_nav_alignment; ?>; background-color:<?php echo $footer_nav_background; ?>;"> 51 <?php 52 wp_nav_menu( 53 [ 54 'theme_location' => 'wll-footer-nav', 55 'container_class' => 'footer-navigation navigation clearfix', 56 ] 57 ); 58 ?> 59 </div> 60 <?php 33 61 } 34 62 } 35 36 /**37 * footer.38 *39 * @return mixed40 */41 public static function footer()42 {43 echo self::set_footer();44 45 return true;46 }47 48 /**49 * footer.50 *51 * add footer section to the login page52 *53 * @return mixed54 */55 protected static function set_footer()56 {57 $year = gmdate( 'Y' );58 ?>59 <div class="push"></div>60 </div><!--wrapper-->61 <div style=" font-size: small; color:<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_text_color' ); ?>;" id="footer" class="footer footer-copyright" align="<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_alignment' ); ?>">62 <div style="padding:8px; width: 70%; margin-bottom:12px;" class="footer-text">63 <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_text' ); ?>64 </div><!--footer-text-->65 <?php self::menu(); ?>66 <div style="padding:8px; width: 60%; margin-bottom:4px; color:<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_text_color' ); ?>;" class="footer-copyright">67 Copyright © <?php echo $year; ?>68 <a href="<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->site_info( 'url' ); ?>">69 <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->site_info( 'name' ); ?>70 </a>71 <span class="wll-footer-copyright-text">72 <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'copyright_text' ); ?>73 </span>74 </div><!--footer-copyright-->75 </div><!--footer-->76 <?php77 78 return true;79 }80 63 } -
r3020008 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Header 5 class Header extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 /** 8 * [header description]. 9 * 10 * @return [type] [description] 11 */ 12 p ublic static functionheader()7 public static function login_header() 8 { 9 echo self::_header(); 10 } 11 12 private static function _header() 13 13 { 14 return self::login_header(); 15 } 14 $style = sprintf( 15 'background-color: %s; color: %s;', 16 esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_background_color' ) ), 17 esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_text_color' ) ) 18 ); 16 19 17 /** 18 * header. 19 * 20 * add a header section to the login page 21 * 22 * @return 23 */ 24 protected static function login_header() 25 { 26 $header = '<div class="wrapper">'; 27 $header .= '<div style="background-color: ' . wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_background_color' ) . '; color: ' . wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_text_color' ) . ';" id="wll-header" class="wll-header" '; 28 $header .= 'align="' . wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_alignment' ) . '">'; 29 $header .= '<h2 align="' . wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_alignment' ) . '">'; 30 $header .= '<a href="' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) . '" title="' . wpwhitelabel()->site_info( 'name' ) . '">'; 31 $header .= wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_title' ); 32 $header .= '</a>'; 33 $header .= '</h2>'; 34 $header .= '<div class="wll-site-description">'; 35 $header .= wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_description' ); 36 $header .= '</div>'; 37 $header .= '</div>'; 38 echo $header; 20 return sprintf( 21 '<div class="wrapper"> 22 <div id="wll-header" class="wll-header" style="%s" align="%s"> 23 <h2 align="%s"> 24 <a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> 25 </h2> 26 <div class="wll-site-description">%s</div> 27 </div>', 28 $style, 29 esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_alignment' ) ), 30 esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_alignment' ) ), 31 esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ), 32 esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ), 33 esc_html( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_title' ) ), 34 esc_html( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_description' ) ), 35 ); 39 36 } 40 37 } -
r3020008 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Logo 5 class Logo extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 /**8 * [logo_text output.9 */10 7 public static function logo_text() 11 8 { 12 return self::set_logo_text();9 return get_bloginfo( 'name' ); 13 10 } 14 11 … … 18 15 * @return void 19 16 */ 20 public static function login_logo() 17 public static function login_logo(): void 21 18 { 22 return self::get_logo(); 19 $generate_css = self::init()->get_css_rules(); 20 echo '<style type="text/css">' . $generate_css . '</style>'; 23 21 } 24 22 25 23 /** 26 * logo.24 * Generates the CSS. 27 25 * 28 * get the logo26 * @return string The CSS rules. 29 27 */ 30 protected static function logo(): void28 protected function generate_css(): ?string 31 29 { 32 echo wp_get_attachment_url( wpwhitelabel()->option( 'logo' ) ); 33 } 30 $logo_image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( self::$whitelabel->option( 'logo' ) ); 31 $logo_position = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'logo_position' ) ); 32 $logo_display = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'logo_display' ) ); 34 33 35 /** 36 * login_logo. 37 * 38 * set the login screen logo 39 * 40 * @return 41 */ 42 protected static function get_logo() 43 { 44 ?><style type="text/css"> 34 return " 45 35 #login h1 a, .login h1 a { 46 background-image: url( <?php self::logo(); ?>);36 background-image: url({$logo_image_url}); 47 37 -webkit-background-size: 120px; 48 background-position: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'logo_position' ); ?>;38 background-position: {$logo_position}; 49 39 background-size: 120px; 50 40 height: 120px; 51 41 width: 100%; 52 display: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'logo_display' ); ?>;42 display: {$logo_display}; 53 43 } 54 </style> 55 <?php 56 } 57 58 /** 59 * [logo_text description]. 60 * 61 * @return [type] [description] 62 * TODO this was Introduced in WordPress 5.2.0 check WordPress version. 63 * 64 * @see 65 */ 66 protected static function set_logo_text() 67 { 68 return get_bloginfo( 'name' ); 44 "; 69 45 } 70 46 } -
r3023810 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Style 5 class Style extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 7 /** … … 37 37 */ 38 38 self::enqueue_style( 'wll-user-styles' ); 39 $user_custom_css = wpwhitelabel()->option( 'custom_css' );39 $user_custom_css = self::$whitelabel->option( 'custom_css' ); 40 40 wp_add_inline_style( 'wll-user-styles', $user_custom_css ); 41 41 … … 45 45 * @var [type] 46 46 */ 47 wp_add_inline_style( 'wll-user-styles', self::css () );47 wp_add_inline_style( 'wll-user-styles', self::css_output() ); 48 48 49 49 // use theme styles (users can turn this on if they want its off by default) 50 50 // wp_enqueue_style('wll-theme-style',get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css',array(),wp_get_theme()->get('Version') ); 51 } 52 53 /** 54 * Output custom CSS to the page. 55 * 56 * @return mixed 57 */ 58 public static function css_output() 59 { 60 $custom_css = self::init()->get_css_rules(); 61 echo '<style type="text/css">' . $custom_css . '</style>'; 51 62 } 52 63 … … 59 70 * @return 60 71 */ 61 protected static function align() 72 protected static function align(): ?string 62 73 { 63 74 $align = null; 64 75 65 switch ( wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'form_layout' ) ) {76 switch ( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'form_layout' ) ) { 66 77 case 'left': 67 78 $align = self::enqueue_style( 'wll-align-left' ); … … 104 115 } 105 116 117 106 118 /** 107 * css().119 * Generate custom CSS rules based on user-defined settings. 108 120 * 109 * Load up the user defined css rules 110 * 111 * @return [type] [description] 121 * @return string Custom CSS rules. 112 122 */ 113 protected static function css()123 protected function generate_css(): ?string 114 124 { 115 ?><style type="text/css"> 116 body.login { 117 color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'login_text_color' ); ?>; 118 } 119 body a { 120 color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'link_color' ); ?> !important; 121 } 122 #login { 123 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'login_container_color' ); ?>; 124 background-repeat: repeat-x; 125 background-position: left top; 126 margin-top: 8%; 127 margin-right: auto; 128 margin-bottom: 4%; 129 padding: 26px; 130 } 131 .login form { 132 box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #ffffff; 133 border: none; 134 border: none; 135 margin-top: 0px; 136 box-shadow: none; 137 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'login_form_color' ); ?> !important; 138 background: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'login_form_color' ); ?> !important; 139 border-radius: 0px; 140 opacity: 0.99; 141 } 142 #wp-submit, input[type="submit"] { 143 transition: all 0.2s linear 0s; 144 margin-top: 20px; 145 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'button_background_color' ); ?>; 146 border-radius: 0px; 147 color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'button_text_color' ); ?>; 148 font-weight: normal; 149 border: solid thin <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'button_background_color' ); ?>; 150 } 151 </style> 152 <?php 125 $login_text_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'login_text_color' ); 126 $link_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'link_color' ); 127 $login_container_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'login_container_color' ); 128 $login_form_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'login_form_color' ); 129 $button_background_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'button_background_color' ); 130 $button_text_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'button_text_color' ); 131 132 return " 133 body.login { 134 color: {$login_text_color}; 135 } 136 body a { 137 color: {$link_color} !important; 138 } 139 #login { 140 background-color: {$login_container_color}; 141 background-repeat: repeat-x; 142 background-position: left top; 143 margin-top: 8%; 144 margin-right: auto; 145 margin-bottom: 4%; 146 padding: 26px; 147 } 148 .login form { 149 box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #ffffff; 150 border: none; 151 margin-top: 0px; 152 box-shadow: none; 153 background-color: {$login_form_color} !important; 154 background: {$login_form_color} !important; 155 border-radius: 0px; 156 opacity: 0.99; 157 } 158 #wp-submit, input[type='submit'] { 159 transition: all 0.2s linear 0s; 160 margin-top: 20px; 161 background-color: {$button_background_color}; 162 border-radius: 0px; 163 color: {$button_text_color}; 164 font-weight: normal; 165 border: solid thin {$button_background_color}; 166 } 167 "; 153 168 } 154 169 } -
r3030343 r3030821 7 7 class PageAccess 8 8 { 9 public const PAGE_ACCESS_OPTION = 'wpwll_page_access';10 11 9 protected $input_name; 12 10 protected $setting; … … 18 16 protected $page_ids; 19 17 20 public function __construct( )18 public function __construct( OptionSettings $setting ) 21 19 { 22 $this-> input_name = self::PAGE_ACCESS_OPTION;23 $this-> setting = new OptionSettings( self::PAGE_ACCESS_OPTION, 'selective_page_access', 'wll-page-access');20 $this->setting = $setting; 21 $this->input_name = $this->setting->get_opt_name(); 24 22 $this->options = $this->setting->get_option(); 25 23 $this->site_pages = get_pages(); … … 41 39 } 42 40 43 public static function init( )41 public static function init( OptionSettings $setting ) 44 42 { 45 return new self( );43 return new self( $setting ); 46 44 } 47 45 -
r3030343 r3030821 11 11 namespace EasyWhiteLabel; 12 12 13 use EasyWhiteLabel\Admin\OptionSettings; 13 14 use EasyWhiteLabel\Admin\WhiteLabelAdmin; 14 use EasyWhiteLabel\Customize\Customizer ;15 use EasyWhiteLabel\Customize\CustomizerPanel; 15 16 use EasyWhiteLabel\Login\Background; 16 17 use EasyWhiteLabel\Login\Footer; … … 21 22 use EasyWhiteLabel\UsefulPlugins\Installer; 22 23 23 class Plugin 24 class Plugin implements PluginInterface 24 25 { 25 26 use Singleton; 26 27 27 public $enabled; 28 public $customizer; 29 30 /** 31 * Add Shortcode [wpoption opt="myoption"]. 28 public const OPTION = [ 29 'logo' => 'wpwll_logo', 30 'background' => 'wpwll_background', 31 'logo_url' => 'wpwll_logo_url', 32 'background_url' => 'wpwll_background_url', 33 'align' => 'wpwll_align', 34 'custom_css' => 'wpwll_custom_css', 35 'copyright' => 'wpwll_copyright_text', 36 'options' => 'wpwll_options', 37 'page_access' => 'wpwll_page_access', 38 ]; 39 40 protected $settings; 41 protected $options; 42 43 /** 44 * Add Hooks. 32 45 * 33 46 * @param mixed $enabled 34 47 */ 35 public function hooks( $enabled = true ): void 36 { 37 $this->enabled = $enabled; 38 $this->customizer = new Customizer(); 39 40 if ( is_admin() ) { 41 $admin_menu = [ 42 'page_title' => 'White Label Login Settings ', 43 'menu_title' => 'WP White Label', 44 'capability' => 'manage_options', 45 'menu_slug' => 'white-label-options', 46 'function' => 'wllmenu_callback', 47 'icon_url' => 'dashicons-art', 48 'prefix' => 'wll', 49 'admin_views' => WhiteLabelAdmin::admin_views_dir(), 50 ]; 51 WhiteLabelAdmin::init( 52 $admin_menu, 53 [ 54 esc_html__( 'Settings', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 55 'background' => [ 56 'name' => esc_html__( 'Background', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 57 // 'hidden' => true, 58 'icon' => 'dashicons-format-image', 59 ], 60 'css' => [ 61 'name' => esc_html__( 'CSS Settings', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 62 // 'hidden' => true, 63 'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-customizer', 64 ], 65 'page-access' => [ 66 'name' => esc_html__( 'Page Access Redirect', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 67 'icon' => 'dashicons-lock', 68 ], 69 'plugins' => [ 70 'name' => esc_html__( 'Useful Plugins', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 71 // 'hidden' => true, 72 'icon' => 'dashicons-plugins-checked', 73 ], 74 ] 75 ); 76 }// end if 48 public function hooks(): void 49 { 50 $this->setup_wll_plugin(); 77 51 78 52 /** … … 81 55 add_action( 'init', [ Lang::class, 'i18n' ] ); 82 56 57 /** 58 * Register Customizer panel. 59 */ 60 add_action( 'customize_register', [ CustomizerPanel::class, 'setup_customizer_panel' ], 10 ); 61 62 /** 63 * Footer navigation menu. 64 */ 65 add_action( 66 'init', 67 function (): void { 68 register_nav_menu( 'wll-footer-nav', __( 'Login Page Footer Navigation' ) ); 69 } 70 ); 71 83 72 add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'appearance_submenu' ] ); 84 add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'footer_navigation' ] ); 85 add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', [ Style::class, 'login_styles' ] ); 73 // @phpstan-ignore-next-line. 74 add_filter( 'login_head', [ Background::class, 'body_css' ] ); 75 // @phpstan-ignore-next-line. 76 add_filter( 'login_footer', [ Footer::class, 'footer' ] ); 77 add_filter( 'login_head', [ Header::class, 'login_header' ] ); 86 78 add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', [ Logo::class, 'login_logo' ] ); 87 79 add_filter( 'login_headertext', [ Logo::class, 'logo_text' ] ); 88 add_filter( 'login_head', [ Header::class, 'header' ] ); 89 add_filter( 'login_head', [ Background::class, 'body' ] ); 90 add_filter( 'login_footer', [ Footer::class, 'footer' ] ); 91 add_filter( 'login_headerurl', [ $this, 'logo_link' ] ); 80 add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', [ Style::class, 'login_styles' ] ); 81 82 // login url. 83 add_filter( 84 'login_headerurl', 85 function () { 86 return get_bloginfo( 'url' ); 87 } 88 ); 92 89 93 90 // plugins … … 127 124 128 125 /** 129 * Footer Navigation.130 *131 * @return void132 */133 public function footer_navigation(): void134 {135 register_nav_menu( 'wll-footer-nav', __( 'Login Page Footer Navigation' ) );136 }137 138 /**139 126 * wp_slug. 140 127 * … … 146 133 { 147 134 return 'wp-white-label-login'; 148 }149 150 /**151 * plugin directory.152 *153 * repo slug154 *155 * @return [type] [description]156 */157 public function dir()158 {159 return EASYWHITELABEL_DIR;160 135 } 161 136 … … 256 231 257 232 /** 258 * Options.259 *260 * setup some the options array261 *262 * @param string $opt263 *264 * @return string265 */266 public function option( $opt = 'logo' )267 {268 $option = [269 'wpwll_options' => get_option( 'wpwll_options' ),270 'background_image' => get_option( 'wpwll_background' ),271 'logo' => get_option( 'wpwll_logo' ),272 'custom_css' => get_option( 'wpwll_custom_css' ),273 ];274 275 return $option[ $opt ];276 }277 278 /**279 233 * settings. 280 234 * … … 286 240 * @return string 287 241 */ 288 public function setting( $set = 'background', $default = '' ) 289 { 290 $setting = $this->option( 'wpwll_options' ); 291 if ( isset( $setting[ $set ] ) ) { 292 return $setting[ $set ]; 242 public function option( $set = 'background', $default = '' ) 243 { 244 if ( isset( $this->settings[ $set ] ) ) { 245 return $this->settings[ $set ]; 293 246 } 294 247 … … 296 249 } 297 250 298 /** 299 * site_info. 300 * 301 * setup some site specific vars 302 * 303 * @param string $info 304 * 305 * @return string 306 */ 307 public function site_info( $info = 'name' ) 308 { 309 $site_info = [ 310 'name' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ), 311 'url' => get_bloginfo( 'url' ), 312 'admin_url' => get_admin_url(), 313 'background_color' => 'none', 314 'header_text' => get_bloginfo( 'description' ), 251 public function get_setting( string $key = 'background', $default = '' ) 252 { 253 return $this->settings['options'][ $key ] ?? $default; 254 } 255 256 protected static function admin_menu(): void 257 { 258 if ( ! is_admin() ) { 259 return; 260 }// end if 261 262 // main menu args. 263 $admin = [ 264 'page_title' => 'White Label Login Settings ', 265 'menu_title' => 'WP White Label', 266 'capability' => 'manage_options', 267 'menu_slug' => 'white-label-options', 268 'function' => 'wllmenu_callback', 269 'icon_url' => 'dashicons-art', 270 'prefix' => 'wll', 271 'admin_views' => WhiteLabelAdmin::admin_views_dir(), 315 272 ]; 316 273 317 return $site_info[ $info ]; 318 } 319 320 /** 321 * logo_link. 322 * 323 * change the login link to site url 324 * 325 * @return string 326 */ 327 public function logo_link() 328 { 329 return $this->site_info( 'url' ); 274 // init menu 275 WhiteLabelAdmin::init( 276 $admin, 277 [ 278 esc_html__( 'Settings', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 279 'background' => [ 280 'name' => esc_html__( 'Background', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 281 // 'hidden' => true, 282 'icon' => 'dashicons-format-image', 283 ], 284 'css' => [ 285 'name' => esc_html__( 'CSS Settings', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 286 // 'hidden' => true, 287 'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-customizer', 288 ], 289 'page-access' => [ 290 'name' => esc_html__( 'Page Access Redirect', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 291 'icon' => 'dashicons-lock', 292 ], 293 'plugins' => [ 294 'name' => esc_html__( 'Useful Plugins', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 295 // 'hidden' => true, 296 'icon' => 'dashicons-plugins-checked', 297 ], 298 ] 299 ); 300 } 301 302 private function setup_wll_plugin(): void 303 { 304 $this->settings = [ 305 'logo' => get_option( self::OPTION['logo'] ), 306 'background_image' => get_option( self::OPTION['background'] ), 307 'logo_url' => get_option( self::OPTION['logo_url'] ), 308 'background_url' => get_option( self::OPTION['background_url'] ), 309 'align' => get_option( self::OPTION['align'] ), 310 'custom_css' => get_option( self::OPTION['custom_css'] ), 311 'copyright' => get_option( self::OPTION['copyright'] ), 312 'options' => get_option( self::OPTION['options'] ), 313 'page_access' => get_option( self::OPTION['page_access'] ), 314 ]; 315 316 // add admin menu. 317 self::admin_menu(); 318 319 // add page access. 320 PageAccess::init( new OptionSettings( self::OPTION['page_access'], 'selective_page_access', 'wll-page-access' ) ); 330 321 } 331 322 } -
r3020008 r3030821 23 23 require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php'; 24 24 25 return ComposerAutoloaderInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::getLoader();25 return ComposerAutoloaderInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::getLoader(); -
r3030343 r3030821 26 26 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Admin\\Validate' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Admin/Validate.php', 27 27 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Admin\\WhiteLabelAdmin' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Admin/WhiteLabelAdmin.php', 28 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Customizer' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Customizer.php', 29 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Section' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Section.php', 28 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\CustomizerPanel' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/CustomizerPanel.php', 29 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Background' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Background.php', 30 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Button' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Button.php', 31 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Css' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Css.php', 32 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Footer' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Footer.php', 33 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Form' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Form.php', 34 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Header' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Header.php', 35 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Layout' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Layout.php', 36 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Links' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Links.php', 37 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Login' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Login.php', 38 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Logo' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Logo.php', 39 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Menu' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Menu.php', 40 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\SettingInterface' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/SettingInterface.php', 30 41 'EasyWhiteLabel\\DailyTask' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/DailyTask.php', 31 42 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Lang' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Lang.php', 32 43 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Lib\\ConnektInstaller' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Lib/ConnektInstaller.php', 44 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\AbstractSettings' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/AbstractSettings.php', 33 45 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\Background' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/Background.php', 34 46 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\Footer' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/Footer.php', … … 38 50 'EasyWhiteLabel\\PageAccess' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/PageAccess.php', 39 51 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Plugin' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Plugin.php', 52 'EasyWhiteLabel\\PluginInterface' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/PluginInterface.php', 40 53 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Traits\\Singleton' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Traits/Singleton.php', 41 54 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Transient' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Transient.php', -
r3020008 r3030821 3 3 // autoload_real.php @generated by Composer 4 4 5 class ComposerAutoloaderInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b35 class ComposerAutoloaderInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f 6 6 { 7 7 private static $loader; … … 25 25 require __DIR__ . '/platform_check.php'; 26 26 27 spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);27 spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true); 28 28 self::$loader = $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader(\dirname(__DIR__)); 29 spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3', 'loadClassLoader'));29 spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f', 'loadClassLoader')); 30 30 31 31 require __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php'; 32 call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::getInitializer($loader));32 call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::getInitializer($loader)); 33 33 34 34 $loader->setClassMapAuthoritative(true); 35 35 $loader->register(true); 36 36 37 $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::$files;37 $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::$files; 38 38 $requireFile = \Closure::bind(static function ($fileIdentifier, $file) { 39 39 if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) { -
r3030343 r3030821 5 5 namespace Composer\Autoload; 6 6 7 class ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b37 class ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f 8 8 { 9 9 public static $files = array ( … … 45 45 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Admin\\Validate' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Admin/Validate.php', 46 46 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Admin\\WhiteLabelAdmin' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Admin/WhiteLabelAdmin.php', 47 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Customizer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Customizer.php', 48 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Section' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Section.php', 47 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\CustomizerPanel' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/CustomizerPanel.php', 48 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Background' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Background.php', 49 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Button' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Button.php', 50 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Css' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Css.php', 51 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Footer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Footer.php', 52 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Form' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Form.php', 53 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Header' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Header.php', 54 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Layout' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Layout.php', 55 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Links' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Links.php', 56 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Login' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Login.php', 57 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Logo' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Logo.php', 58 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Menu' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Menu.php', 59 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\SettingInterface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/SettingInterface.php', 49 60 'EasyWhiteLabel\\DailyTask' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/DailyTask.php', 50 61 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Lang' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Lang.php', 51 62 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Lib\\ConnektInstaller' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Lib/ConnektInstaller.php', 63 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\AbstractSettings' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/AbstractSettings.php', 52 64 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\Background' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/Background.php', 53 65 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\Footer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/Footer.php', … … 57 69 'EasyWhiteLabel\\PageAccess' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/PageAccess.php', 58 70 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Plugin' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Plugin.php', 71 'EasyWhiteLabel\\PluginInterface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/PluginInterface.php', 59 72 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Traits\\Singleton' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Traits/Singleton.php', 60 73 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Transient' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Transient.php', … … 65 78 { 66 79 return \Closure::bind(function () use ($loader) { 67 $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::$prefixLengthsPsr4;68 $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::$prefixDirsPsr4;69 $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::$classMap;80 $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::$prefixLengthsPsr4; 81 $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::$prefixDirsPsr4; 82 $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::$classMap; 70 83 71 84 }, null, ClassLoader::class); -
r3030343 r3030821 4 4 'pretty_version' => 'dev-master', 5 5 'version' => 'dev-master', 6 'reference' => ' e8fe3ab5d1ae1402a4f2fc4d900e6943b611abb8',6 'reference' => 'd4af63fb8feb37619d18b2346725898a3a1bba49', 7 7 'type' => 'wordpress-plugin', 8 8 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', … … 14 14 'pretty_version' => 'dev-master', 15 15 'version' => 'dev-master', 16 'reference' => ' e8fe3ab5d1ae1402a4f2fc4d900e6943b611abb8',16 'reference' => 'd4af63fb8feb37619d18b2346725898a3a1bba49', 17 17 'type' => 'wordpress-plugin', 18 18 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', -
r3030343 r3030821 5 5 * Plugin URI: 6 6 * Description: White Label Login, Custom Login Page, Registration and Lost Password Page, Activate it and forget it... 7 * Version: 7.2. 07 * Version: 7.2.1 8 8 * Requires at least: 3.4 9 9 * Requires PHP: 7.4 … … 22 22 23 23 // plugin directory 24 \define( 'EASYWHITELABEL_VERSION', '7.2. 0' );24 \define( 'EASYWHITELABEL_VERSION', '7.2.1' ); 25 25 26 26 // plugin directory … … 60 60 ); 61 61 62 63 if ( ! \function_exists( 'wpwhitelabel' ) ) {64 /**65 * wpwhitelabel().66 *67 * @return object68 */69 function wpwhitelabel()70 {71 // new up wll object72 return EasyWhiteLabel\Plugin::init();73 }74 }75 76 62 // The plugin. 77 63 EasyWhiteLabel\Plugin::init()->hooks(); … … 79 65 // run events. 80 66 EasyWhiteLabel\DailyTask::init()->scheduled(); 81 82 EasyWhiteLabel\PageAccess::init(); -
r3030343 r3030821 1 === White Label Custom WordPress Login Page === 1 === Easy White Label === 2 2 3 Contributors: icelayer 3 4 Donate link: 4 Tags: custom login page,custom login, wordpress login, white label, login customizer, branding,5 Tags: custom custom login, wordpress login, white label, login customizer, branding, 5 6 Requires at least: 3.4 6 7 Tested up to: 6.4 7 Stable tag: 7.2. 08 Stable tag: 7.2.1 8 9 Requires PHP: 7.4 9 10 License: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version 10 11 License URI: 11 12 12 White Label Login, Custom Login Page, Registration, and Lost Password Page Activate it and forget it... 13 14 Enhance login experience with a customized login, registration, and lost password page. Activate and enjoy a seamless branded login area. 13 15 14 16 == Description == 15 17 16 Custom Login Page with Login Customizer options, Customize WordPress Login Page, Registration, and Lost Password Page.18 Transform your WordPress login experience with the **Easy White Label** plugin. Tailor your login, registration, and lost password pages to match your brand's style and identity, offering a consistent and professional look across your site. 17 19 18 Easy to use and very simple after you activate this plugin you can choose to change some settings or leave everything as is the login page has already been white-labeled and customized.20 After activating the plugin, you can either tweak various settings to suit your branding needs or enjoy the immediate enhancement it brings to your login page. From changing the logo to customizing the background, this plugin offers an array of options to personalize your login area. 19 21 20 But maybe you want to change the logo or change the login page background, well you can now easily change the default logo and set custom login page background and much more. 22 = Key Features: = 21 23 22 = Custom Login Page Customizer detailed feature list: = 23 * Custom Login page header 24 * Custom Login page header background-color 25 * Custom Login page header description text 26 * Custom Login page header link 27 * Custom logo Change WordPress login logo 28 * Custom Login page logo link 29 * Change login form alignment 30 * Add a custom background image 31 * Add a custom background-attachment property set whether background image scrolls with the rest of the page or is fixed 32 * Add a custom background-size specifies the size of the background images 33 * Add a custom background-repeat property sets if/how the background image will be repeated. 34 * Add a custom background-position property set the starting position of a background image. 35 * Add a custom background-color 36 * Add Custom Login Page CSS 37 * Custom WordPress Login Page Footer 24 - **Customizable Login Header:** Modify the login page header, including background color and description text. 25 - **Logo Personalization:** Replace the default WordPress logo with your brand's logo and customize the link it directs to. 26 - **Form Alignment & Style:** Adjust the login form's alignment and inject custom CSS for unique styling. 27 - **Background Customization:** Set a custom background image, size, repeat, position, and color to align with your brand's aesthetic. 28 - **Enhanced Footer:** Personalize the WordPress login page footer for a complete branded experience. 38 29 39 By far the simplest login white label plugin for any WordPress Website, activate and you are done.30 Designed for simplicity, the plugin offers intuitive settings and defaults that require no adjustments. However, should you wish to fine-tune your login page, the options are readily available and easy to navigate. 40 31 41 Easy to use, simple settings options, simplified sensible defaults, you never need to change a single setting the new settings are completely optional. 42 43 The plugin options can be found by going to Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options. 44 45 If you found a bug or have suggestions head over to the [Support Section]( 32 Access the plugin settings via **Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options** in your WordPress dashboard. 46 33 47 34 == Installation == 48 35 49 1. Upload White Label Login to the /wp-content/plugins/directory.50 2. Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' menu in WordPress.51 3. That’s it!.36 1. Upload the `White Label Login` plugin to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 37 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 38 3. You're all set! Optionally, customize the settings via Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options. 52 39 53 40 == Frequently Asked Questions == 54 41 55 = Will this work with my current theme = 42 **Q: Will this plugin work with my theme?** 43 A: Absolutely! This plugin is designed to work seamlessly with any WordPress theme. 56 44 57 Yes, this plugin will work with any WordPress theme. 58 59 = Where can I find the Admin Settings = 60 61 The plugin options can be found by going to Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options 62 63 = = 64 65 66 45 **Q: Where can I find the plugin settings?** 46 A: Navigate to Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options in your WordPress dashboard to access and customize the plugin settings. 67 47 68 48 == Screenshots == 69 49 70 1. Custom login page.71 2. Customizer Options72 3. Customlogin page.50 1. Customized login page showcasing your brand's identity. 51 2. Easy-to-navigate customizer options for personalization. 52 3. Preview of a fully customized login page. 73 53 74 54 == Changelog == 75 55 56 76 57 77 58 == Upgrade Notice == 59 60 *Keep your plugin updated for the latest features and improvements.* -
r3030343 r3030821 40 40 41 41 /** 42 * Retrieves the option name. 43 * 44 * @return string The option name. 45 */ 46 public function get_opt_name(): string 47 { 48 return $this->option_name; 49 } 50 51 /** 42 52 * Retrieves the section ID. 43 53 * 44 54 * @return string The section ID. 45 55 */ 46 public function get_section_id() 56 public function get_section_id(): string 47 57 { 48 58 return $this->section_id; … … 148 158 'hidden' => false, 149 159 'disabled' => false, 150 'info' => false,160 'info' => null, 151 161 'width' => '200', 152 162 'checked' => null, … … 156 166 157 167 ?> 158 <div style=" padding-bottom: 1em; color:#333333;font-weight:600">168 <div style="margin-bottom: 1.4em;" id="input-<?php echo esc_attr( $params['id'] ); ?>"> 159 169 <input name="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['name'] ); ?>" type="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['type'] ); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['id'] ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $val ); ?>" <?php echo esc_attr( $params['checked'] ); ?> > 160 <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['id'] ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $fieldname ); ?></label>170 <label style="color:#333333;font-weight:600" for="<?php echo esc_attr( $params['id'] ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $fieldname ); ?></label> 161 171 <br/> 172 <?php self::_info( $params['info'] ); ?> 162 173 </div> 163 174 <?php … … 205 216 return str_replace( '-', '_', $field_id ); 206 217 } 218 219 private static function _info( ?string $description_info = null, string $item_id = 'item-description' ): void 220 { 221 if ( ! $description_info ) { 222 return; 223 } 224 225 ?> 226 <p class="description" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $item_id ); ?>"> 227 <?php echo wp_kses_post( $description_info ); ?> 228 </p> 229 <?php 230 } 207 231 } -
r3022707 r3030821 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 /** 4 * wpwhitelabel(). 5 * 6 * @return object 7 */ 8 function wpwhitelabel() 9 { 10 // new up wll object 11 return EasyWhiteLabel\Plugin::init(); 3 if ( ! \function_exists( 'wpwhitelabel' ) ) { 4 /** 5 * wpwhitelabel(). 6 * 7 * @return object 8 */ 9 function wpwhitelabel() 10 { 11 // new up wll object 12 return EasyWhiteLabel\Plugin::init(); 13 } 12 14 } 13 15 -
r3022487 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Background 5 class Background extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 7 /** 8 * Body. 9 * 10 * the page body 11 * 12 * @return 8 * Outputs the CSS for the page body background within a style tag. 13 9 */ 14 public static function body ()10 public static function body_css(): void 15 11 { 16 return self::css(); 12 $css = self::init()->get_css_rules(); 13 echo '<style type="text/css">' . $css . '</style>'; 17 14 } 18 15 19 16 /** 20 * background.17 * Generates the CSS for the page body background. 21 18 * 22 * echo the background for background-image css 23 * 24 * @see 19 * @return string The CSS rules for the body background. 25 20 */ 26 protected static function background(): void21 protected function generate_css(): ?string 27 22 { 28 $background_img = wp_get_attachment_url( wpwhitelabel()->option( 'background_image' ) ); 29 echo $background_img; 30 } 23 $background_img = wp_get_attachment_url( self::$whitelabel->option( 'background_image' ) ); 31 24 32 /** 33 * Body. 34 * 35 * the page body 36 * 37 * @return 38 */ 39 protected static function css() 40 { 41 ?><style type="text/css"> 25 $background_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_color', '#ffffff' ); 26 $background_image = esc_url( $background_img ); 27 $background_attachment = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_attachment' ); 28 $background_size = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_size', 'cover' ); 29 $background_repeat = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_repeat', 'no-repeat' ); 30 $background_position = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'background_position', 'left' ); 31 32 return " 42 33 body { 43 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_color', '#ffffff' ); ?>;44 background-image: url( <?php self::background(); ?>);45 background-attachment: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_attachment' ); ?>;46 background-size: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_size', 'cover' ); ?>;47 background-repeat: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_repeat', 'no-repeat' ); ?>;48 background-position: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'background_position', 'left' ); ?>;34 background-color: {$background_color}; 35 background-image: url({$background_image}); 36 background-attachment: {$background_attachment}; 37 background-size: {$background_size}; 38 background-repeat: {$background_repeat}; 39 background-position: {$background_position}; 49 40 } 50 </style> 51 <?php 41 "; 52 42 } 53 43 } -
r3020008 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Footer 5 class Footer extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 7 /** 8 * show footer navigation. 9 * 10 * @var [type] 8 * Outputs the footer content. 11 9 */ 12 private static $nav; 10 public static function footer(): void 11 { 12 $year = gmdate( 'Y' ); 13 $footer_text_color = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_text_color' ) ); 14 $footer_alignment = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_alignment' ) ); 15 $footer_text = esc_html( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_text' ) ); 16 $site_url = esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); 17 $site_name = esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ); 18 $copyright_text = esc_html( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'copyright_text' ) ); 13 19 14 public static function menu(): void 20 ob_start(); 21 ?> 22 23 <div class="push"></div> 24 </div><!--wrapper--> 25 <div style=" font-size: small; color:<?php echo $footer_text_color; ?>;" id="footer" class="footer footer-copyright" align="<?php echo $footer_alignment; ?>"> 26 <div style="padding:8px; width: 70%; margin-bottom:12px;" class="footer-text"> 27 <?php echo $footer_text; ?> 28 </div><!--footer-text--> 29 <?php self::footer_nav_menu(); ?> 30 <div style="padding:8px; width: 60%; margin-bottom:4px; color:<?php echo $footer_text_color; ?>;" class="footer-copyright"> 31 Copyright © <?php echo $year; ?> 32 <a href="<?php echo $site_url; ?>"> <?php echo $site_name; ?> </a> 33 <span class="wll-footer-copyright-text"> 34 <?php echo $copyright_text; ?> 35 </span> 36 </div><!--footer-copyright--> 37 </div><!--footer--> 38 <?php 39 $output = ob_get_clean(); 40 echo $output; 41 } 42 43 private static function footer_nav_menu(): void 15 44 { 16 self::$nav = wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav' ); 17 if ( self::$nav ) { ?> 18 <div align="<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav_alignment' ); ?>" style="padding: 12px; 19 border-top: solid thin <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav_backgorund' ); ?>; 20 border-bottom: solid thin <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav_backgorund' ); ?>; 21 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_nav_backgorund' ); ?>; 22 box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.08);"> 23 <?php 24 wp_nav_menu( 25 [ 26 'theme_location' => 'wll-footer-nav', 27 'container_class' => 'footer-navigation navigation clearfix', 28 ] 29 ); 45 if ( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_nav' ) ) { 46 $footer_nav_alignment = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_nav_alignment' ) ); 47 $footer_nav_background = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'footer_nav_background' ) ); 48 30 49 ?> 31 </div> 32 <?php 50 <div class="footer-nav" style="text-align:<?php echo $footer_nav_alignment; ?>; background-color:<?php echo $footer_nav_background; ?>;"> 51 <?php 52 wp_nav_menu( 53 [ 54 'theme_location' => 'wll-footer-nav', 55 'container_class' => 'footer-navigation navigation clearfix', 56 ] 57 ); 58 ?> 59 </div> 60 <?php 33 61 } 34 62 } 35 36 /**37 * footer.38 *39 * @return mixed40 */41 public static function footer()42 {43 echo self::set_footer();44 45 return true;46 }47 48 /**49 * footer.50 *51 * add footer section to the login page52 *53 * @return mixed54 */55 protected static function set_footer()56 {57 $year = gmdate( 'Y' );58 ?>59 <div class="push"></div>60 </div><!--wrapper-->61 <div style=" font-size: small; color:<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_text_color' ); ?>;" id="footer" class="footer footer-copyright" align="<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_alignment' ); ?>">62 <div style="padding:8px; width: 70%; margin-bottom:12px;" class="footer-text">63 <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_text' ); ?>64 </div><!--footer-text-->65 <?php self::menu(); ?>66 <div style="padding:8px; width: 60%; margin-bottom:4px; color:<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'footer_text_color' ); ?>;" class="footer-copyright">67 Copyright © <?php echo $year; ?>68 <a href="<?php echo wpwhitelabel()->site_info( 'url' ); ?>">69 <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->site_info( 'name' ); ?>70 </a>71 <span class="wll-footer-copyright-text">72 <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'copyright_text' ); ?>73 </span>74 </div><!--footer-copyright-->75 </div><!--footer-->76 <?php77 78 return true;79 }80 63 } -
r3020008 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Header 5 class Header extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 /** 8 * [header description]. 9 * 10 * @return [type] [description] 11 */ 12 p ublic static functionheader()7 public static function login_header() 8 { 9 echo self::_header(); 10 } 11 12 private static function _header() 13 13 { 14 return self::login_header(); 15 } 14 $style = sprintf( 15 'background-color: %s; color: %s;', 16 esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_background_color' ) ), 17 esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_text_color' ) ) 18 ); 16 19 17 /** 18 * header. 19 * 20 * add a header section to the login page 21 * 22 * @return 23 */ 24 protected static function login_header() 25 { 26 $header = '<div class="wrapper">'; 27 $header .= '<div style="background-color: ' . wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_background_color' ) . '; color: ' . wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_text_color' ) . ';" id="wll-header" class="wll-header" '; 28 $header .= 'align="' . wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_alignment' ) . '">'; 29 $header .= '<h2 align="' . wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_alignment' ) . '">'; 30 $header .= '<a href="' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) . '" title="' . wpwhitelabel()->site_info( 'name' ) . '">'; 31 $header .= wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_title' ); 32 $header .= '</a>'; 33 $header .= '</h2>'; 34 $header .= '<div class="wll-site-description">'; 35 $header .= wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'header_description' ); 36 $header .= '</div>'; 37 $header .= '</div>'; 38 echo $header; 20 return sprintf( 21 '<div class="wrapper"> 22 <div id="wll-header" class="wll-header" style="%s" align="%s"> 23 <h2 align="%s"> 24 <a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> 25 </h2> 26 <div class="wll-site-description">%s</div> 27 </div>', 28 $style, 29 esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_alignment' ) ), 30 esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_alignment' ) ), 31 esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ), 32 esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ), 33 esc_html( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_title' ) ), 34 esc_html( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'header_description' ) ), 35 ); 39 36 } 40 37 } -
r3020008 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Logo 5 class Logo extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 /**8 * [logo_text output.9 */10 7 public static function logo_text() 11 8 { 12 return self::set_logo_text();9 return get_bloginfo( 'name' ); 13 10 } 14 11 … … 18 15 * @return void 19 16 */ 20 public static function login_logo() 17 public static function login_logo(): void 21 18 { 22 return self::get_logo(); 19 $generate_css = self::init()->get_css_rules(); 20 echo '<style type="text/css">' . $generate_css . '</style>'; 23 21 } 24 22 25 23 /** 26 * logo.24 * Generates the CSS. 27 25 * 28 * get the logo26 * @return string The CSS rules. 29 27 */ 30 protected static function logo(): void28 protected function generate_css(): ?string 31 29 { 32 echo wp_get_attachment_url( wpwhitelabel()->option( 'logo' ) ); 33 } 30 $logo_image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( self::$whitelabel->option( 'logo' ) ); 31 $logo_position = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'logo_position' ) ); 32 $logo_display = esc_attr( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'logo_display' ) ); 34 33 35 /** 36 * login_logo. 37 * 38 * set the login screen logo 39 * 40 * @return 41 */ 42 protected static function get_logo() 43 { 44 ?><style type="text/css"> 34 return " 45 35 #login h1 a, .login h1 a { 46 background-image: url( <?php self::logo(); ?>);36 background-image: url({$logo_image_url}); 47 37 -webkit-background-size: 120px; 48 background-position: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'logo_position' ); ?>;38 background-position: {$logo_position}; 49 39 background-size: 120px; 50 40 height: 120px; 51 41 width: 100%; 52 display: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'logo_display' ); ?>;42 display: {$logo_display}; 53 43 } 54 </style> 55 <?php 56 } 57 58 /** 59 * [logo_text description]. 60 * 61 * @return [type] [description] 62 * TODO this was Introduced in WordPress 5.2.0 check WordPress version. 63 * 64 * @see 65 */ 66 protected static function set_logo_text() 67 { 68 return get_bloginfo( 'name' ); 44 "; 69 45 } 70 46 } -
r3023810 r3030821 3 3 namespace EasyWhiteLabel\Login; 4 4 5 class Style 5 class Style extends AbstractSettings 6 6 { 7 7 /** … … 37 37 */ 38 38 self::enqueue_style( 'wll-user-styles' ); 39 $user_custom_css = wpwhitelabel()->option( 'custom_css' );39 $user_custom_css = self::$whitelabel->option( 'custom_css' ); 40 40 wp_add_inline_style( 'wll-user-styles', $user_custom_css ); 41 41 … … 45 45 * @var [type] 46 46 */ 47 wp_add_inline_style( 'wll-user-styles', self::css () );47 wp_add_inline_style( 'wll-user-styles', self::css_output() ); 48 48 49 49 // use theme styles (users can turn this on if they want its off by default) 50 50 // wp_enqueue_style('wll-theme-style',get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css',array(),wp_get_theme()->get('Version') ); 51 } 52 53 /** 54 * Output custom CSS to the page. 55 * 56 * @return mixed 57 */ 58 public static function css_output() 59 { 60 $custom_css = self::init()->get_css_rules(); 61 echo '<style type="text/css">' . $custom_css . '</style>'; 51 62 } 52 63 … … 59 70 * @return 60 71 */ 61 protected static function align() 72 protected static function align(): ?string 62 73 { 63 74 $align = null; 64 75 65 switch ( wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'form_layout' ) ) {76 switch ( self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'form_layout' ) ) { 66 77 case 'left': 67 78 $align = self::enqueue_style( 'wll-align-left' ); … … 104 115 } 105 116 117 106 118 /** 107 * css().119 * Generate custom CSS rules based on user-defined settings. 108 120 * 109 * Load up the user defined css rules 110 * 111 * @return [type] [description] 121 * @return string Custom CSS rules. 112 122 */ 113 protected static function css()123 protected function generate_css(): ?string 114 124 { 115 ?><style type="text/css"> 116 body.login { 117 color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'login_text_color' ); ?>; 118 } 119 body a { 120 color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'link_color' ); ?> !important; 121 } 122 #login { 123 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'login_container_color' ); ?>; 124 background-repeat: repeat-x; 125 background-position: left top; 126 margin-top: 8%; 127 margin-right: auto; 128 margin-bottom: 4%; 129 padding: 26px; 130 } 131 .login form { 132 box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #ffffff; 133 border: none; 134 border: none; 135 margin-top: 0px; 136 box-shadow: none; 137 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'login_form_color' ); ?> !important; 138 background: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'login_form_color' ); ?> !important; 139 border-radius: 0px; 140 opacity: 0.99; 141 } 142 #wp-submit, input[type="submit"] { 143 transition: all 0.2s linear 0s; 144 margin-top: 20px; 145 background-color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'button_background_color' ); ?>; 146 border-radius: 0px; 147 color: <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'button_text_color' ); ?>; 148 font-weight: normal; 149 border: solid thin <?php echo wpwhitelabel()->setting( 'button_background_color' ); ?>; 150 } 151 </style> 152 <?php 125 $login_text_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'login_text_color' ); 126 $link_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'link_color' ); 127 $login_container_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'login_container_color' ); 128 $login_form_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'login_form_color' ); 129 $button_background_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'button_background_color' ); 130 $button_text_color = self::$whitelabel->get_setting( 'button_text_color' ); 131 132 return " 133 body.login { 134 color: {$login_text_color}; 135 } 136 body a { 137 color: {$link_color} !important; 138 } 139 #login { 140 background-color: {$login_container_color}; 141 background-repeat: repeat-x; 142 background-position: left top; 143 margin-top: 8%; 144 margin-right: auto; 145 margin-bottom: 4%; 146 padding: 26px; 147 } 148 .login form { 149 box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #ffffff; 150 border: none; 151 margin-top: 0px; 152 box-shadow: none; 153 background-color: {$login_form_color} !important; 154 background: {$login_form_color} !important; 155 border-radius: 0px; 156 opacity: 0.99; 157 } 158 #wp-submit, input[type='submit'] { 159 transition: all 0.2s linear 0s; 160 margin-top: 20px; 161 background-color: {$button_background_color}; 162 border-radius: 0px; 163 color: {$button_text_color}; 164 font-weight: normal; 165 border: solid thin {$button_background_color}; 166 } 167 "; 153 168 } 154 169 } -
r3030343 r3030821 7 7 class PageAccess 8 8 { 9 public const PAGE_ACCESS_OPTION = 'wpwll_page_access';10 11 9 protected $input_name; 12 10 protected $setting; … … 18 16 protected $page_ids; 19 17 20 public function __construct( )18 public function __construct( OptionSettings $setting ) 21 19 { 22 $this-> input_name = self::PAGE_ACCESS_OPTION;23 $this-> setting = new OptionSettings( self::PAGE_ACCESS_OPTION, 'selective_page_access', 'wll-page-access');20 $this->setting = $setting; 21 $this->input_name = $this->setting->get_opt_name(); 24 22 $this->options = $this->setting->get_option(); 25 23 $this->site_pages = get_pages(); … … 41 39 } 42 40 43 public static function init( )41 public static function init( OptionSettings $setting ) 44 42 { 45 return new self( );43 return new self( $setting ); 46 44 } 47 45 -
r3030343 r3030821 11 11 namespace EasyWhiteLabel; 12 12 13 use EasyWhiteLabel\Admin\OptionSettings; 13 14 use EasyWhiteLabel\Admin\WhiteLabelAdmin; 14 use EasyWhiteLabel\Customize\Customizer ;15 use EasyWhiteLabel\Customize\CustomizerPanel; 15 16 use EasyWhiteLabel\Login\Background; 16 17 use EasyWhiteLabel\Login\Footer; … … 21 22 use EasyWhiteLabel\UsefulPlugins\Installer; 22 23 23 class Plugin 24 class Plugin implements PluginInterface 24 25 { 25 26 use Singleton; 26 27 27 public $enabled; 28 public $customizer; 29 30 /** 31 * Add Shortcode [wpoption opt="myoption"]. 28 public const OPTION = [ 29 'logo' => 'wpwll_logo', 30 'background' => 'wpwll_background', 31 'logo_url' => 'wpwll_logo_url', 32 'background_url' => 'wpwll_background_url', 33 'align' => 'wpwll_align', 34 'custom_css' => 'wpwll_custom_css', 35 'copyright' => 'wpwll_copyright_text', 36 'options' => 'wpwll_options', 37 'page_access' => 'wpwll_page_access', 38 ]; 39 40 protected $settings; 41 protected $options; 42 43 /** 44 * Add Hooks. 32 45 * 33 46 * @param mixed $enabled 34 47 */ 35 public function hooks( $enabled = true ): void 36 { 37 $this->enabled = $enabled; 38 $this->customizer = new Customizer(); 39 40 if ( is_admin() ) { 41 $admin_menu = [ 42 'page_title' => 'White Label Login Settings ', 43 'menu_title' => 'WP White Label', 44 'capability' => 'manage_options', 45 'menu_slug' => 'white-label-options', 46 'function' => 'wllmenu_callback', 47 'icon_url' => 'dashicons-art', 48 'prefix' => 'wll', 49 'admin_views' => WhiteLabelAdmin::admin_views_dir(), 50 ]; 51 WhiteLabelAdmin::init( 52 $admin_menu, 53 [ 54 esc_html__( 'Settings', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 55 'background' => [ 56 'name' => esc_html__( 'Background', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 57 // 'hidden' => true, 58 'icon' => 'dashicons-format-image', 59 ], 60 'css' => [ 61 'name' => esc_html__( 'CSS Settings', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 62 // 'hidden' => true, 63 'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-customizer', 64 ], 65 'page-access' => [ 66 'name' => esc_html__( 'Page Access Redirect', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 67 'icon' => 'dashicons-lock', 68 ], 69 'plugins' => [ 70 'name' => esc_html__( 'Useful Plugins', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 71 // 'hidden' => true, 72 'icon' => 'dashicons-plugins-checked', 73 ], 74 ] 75 ); 76 }// end if 48 public function hooks(): void 49 { 50 $this->setup_wll_plugin(); 77 51 78 52 /** … … 81 55 add_action( 'init', [ Lang::class, 'i18n' ] ); 82 56 57 /** 58 * Register Customizer panel. 59 */ 60 add_action( 'customize_register', [ CustomizerPanel::class, 'setup_customizer_panel' ], 10 ); 61 62 /** 63 * Footer navigation menu. 64 */ 65 add_action( 66 'init', 67 function (): void { 68 register_nav_menu( 'wll-footer-nav', __( 'Login Page Footer Navigation' ) ); 69 } 70 ); 71 83 72 add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'appearance_submenu' ] ); 84 add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'footer_navigation' ] ); 85 add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', [ Style::class, 'login_styles' ] ); 73 // @phpstan-ignore-next-line. 74 add_filter( 'login_head', [ Background::class, 'body_css' ] ); 75 // @phpstan-ignore-next-line. 76 add_filter( 'login_footer', [ Footer::class, 'footer' ] ); 77 add_filter( 'login_head', [ Header::class, 'login_header' ] ); 86 78 add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', [ Logo::class, 'login_logo' ] ); 87 79 add_filter( 'login_headertext', [ Logo::class, 'logo_text' ] ); 88 add_filter( 'login_head', [ Header::class, 'header' ] ); 89 add_filter( 'login_head', [ Background::class, 'body' ] ); 90 add_filter( 'login_footer', [ Footer::class, 'footer' ] ); 91 add_filter( 'login_headerurl', [ $this, 'logo_link' ] ); 80 add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', [ Style::class, 'login_styles' ] ); 81 82 // login url. 83 add_filter( 84 'login_headerurl', 85 function () { 86 return get_bloginfo( 'url' ); 87 } 88 ); 92 89 93 90 // plugins … … 127 124 128 125 /** 129 * Footer Navigation.130 *131 * @return void132 */133 public function footer_navigation(): void134 {135 register_nav_menu( 'wll-footer-nav', __( 'Login Page Footer Navigation' ) );136 }137 138 /**139 126 * wp_slug. 140 127 * … … 146 133 { 147 134 return 'wp-white-label-login'; 148 }149 150 /**151 * plugin directory.152 *153 * repo slug154 *155 * @return [type] [description]156 */157 public function dir()158 {159 return EASYWHITELABEL_DIR;160 135 } 161 136 … … 256 231 257 232 /** 258 * Options.259 *260 * setup some the options array261 *262 * @param string $opt263 *264 * @return string265 */266 public function option( $opt = 'logo' )267 {268 $option = [269 'wpwll_options' => get_option( 'wpwll_options' ),270 'background_image' => get_option( 'wpwll_background' ),271 'logo' => get_option( 'wpwll_logo' ),272 'custom_css' => get_option( 'wpwll_custom_css' ),273 ];274 275 return $option[ $opt ];276 }277 278 /**279 233 * settings. 280 234 * … … 286 240 * @return string 287 241 */ 288 public function setting( $set = 'background', $default = '' ) 289 { 290 $setting = $this->option( 'wpwll_options' ); 291 if ( isset( $setting[ $set ] ) ) { 292 return $setting[ $set ]; 242 public function option( $set = 'background', $default = '' ) 243 { 244 if ( isset( $this->settings[ $set ] ) ) { 245 return $this->settings[ $set ]; 293 246 } 294 247 … … 296 249 } 297 250 298 /** 299 * site_info. 300 * 301 * setup some site specific vars 302 * 303 * @param string $info 304 * 305 * @return string 306 */ 307 public function site_info( $info = 'name' ) 308 { 309 $site_info = [ 310 'name' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ), 311 'url' => get_bloginfo( 'url' ), 312 'admin_url' => get_admin_url(), 313 'background_color' => 'none', 314 'header_text' => get_bloginfo( 'description' ), 251 public function get_setting( string $key = 'background', $default = '' ) 252 { 253 return $this->settings['options'][ $key ] ?? $default; 254 } 255 256 protected static function admin_menu(): void 257 { 258 if ( ! is_admin() ) { 259 return; 260 }// end if 261 262 // main menu args. 263 $admin = [ 264 'page_title' => 'White Label Login Settings ', 265 'menu_title' => 'WP White Label', 266 'capability' => 'manage_options', 267 'menu_slug' => 'white-label-options', 268 'function' => 'wllmenu_callback', 269 'icon_url' => 'dashicons-art', 270 'prefix' => 'wll', 271 'admin_views' => WhiteLabelAdmin::admin_views_dir(), 315 272 ]; 316 273 317 return $site_info[ $info ]; 318 } 319 320 /** 321 * logo_link. 322 * 323 * change the login link to site url 324 * 325 * @return string 326 */ 327 public function logo_link() 328 { 329 return $this->site_info( 'url' ); 274 // init menu 275 WhiteLabelAdmin::init( 276 $admin, 277 [ 278 esc_html__( 'Settings', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 279 'background' => [ 280 'name' => esc_html__( 'Background', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 281 // 'hidden' => true, 282 'icon' => 'dashicons-format-image', 283 ], 284 'css' => [ 285 'name' => esc_html__( 'CSS Settings', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 286 // 'hidden' => true, 287 'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-customizer', 288 ], 289 'page-access' => [ 290 'name' => esc_html__( 'Page Access Redirect', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 291 'icon' => 'dashicons-lock', 292 ], 293 'plugins' => [ 294 'name' => esc_html__( 'Useful Plugins', 'wp-white-label-login' ), 295 // 'hidden' => true, 296 'icon' => 'dashicons-plugins-checked', 297 ], 298 ] 299 ); 300 } 301 302 private function setup_wll_plugin(): void 303 { 304 $this->settings = [ 305 'logo' => get_option( self::OPTION['logo'] ), 306 'background_image' => get_option( self::OPTION['background'] ), 307 'logo_url' => get_option( self::OPTION['logo_url'] ), 308 'background_url' => get_option( self::OPTION['background_url'] ), 309 'align' => get_option( self::OPTION['align'] ), 310 'custom_css' => get_option( self::OPTION['custom_css'] ), 311 'copyright' => get_option( self::OPTION['copyright'] ), 312 'options' => get_option( self::OPTION['options'] ), 313 'page_access' => get_option( self::OPTION['page_access'] ), 314 ]; 315 316 // add admin menu. 317 self::admin_menu(); 318 319 // add page access. 320 PageAccess::init( new OptionSettings( self::OPTION['page_access'], 'selective_page_access', 'wll-page-access' ) ); 330 321 } 331 322 } -
r3020008 r3030821 23 23 require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php'; 24 24 25 return ComposerAutoloaderInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::getLoader();25 return ComposerAutoloaderInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::getLoader(); -
r3030343 r3030821 26 26 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Admin\\Validate' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Admin/Validate.php', 27 27 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Admin\\WhiteLabelAdmin' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Admin/WhiteLabelAdmin.php', 28 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Customizer' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Customizer.php', 29 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Section' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Section.php', 28 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\CustomizerPanel' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/CustomizerPanel.php', 29 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Background' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Background.php', 30 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Button' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Button.php', 31 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Css' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Css.php', 32 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Footer' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Footer.php', 33 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Form' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Form.php', 34 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Header' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Header.php', 35 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Layout' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Layout.php', 36 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Links' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Links.php', 37 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Login' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Login.php', 38 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Logo' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Logo.php', 39 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Menu' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Menu.php', 40 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\SettingInterface' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/SettingInterface.php', 30 41 'EasyWhiteLabel\\DailyTask' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/DailyTask.php', 31 42 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Lang' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Lang.php', 32 43 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Lib\\ConnektInstaller' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Lib/ConnektInstaller.php', 44 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\AbstractSettings' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/AbstractSettings.php', 33 45 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\Background' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/Background.php', 34 46 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\Footer' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/Footer.php', … … 38 50 'EasyWhiteLabel\\PageAccess' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/PageAccess.php', 39 51 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Plugin' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Plugin.php', 52 'EasyWhiteLabel\\PluginInterface' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/PluginInterface.php', 40 53 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Traits\\Singleton' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Traits/Singleton.php', 41 54 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Transient' => $baseDir . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Transient.php', -
r3020008 r3030821 3 3 // autoload_real.php @generated by Composer 4 4 5 class ComposerAutoloaderInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b35 class ComposerAutoloaderInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f 6 6 { 7 7 private static $loader; … … 25 25 require __DIR__ . '/platform_check.php'; 26 26 27 spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);27 spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true); 28 28 self::$loader = $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader(\dirname(__DIR__)); 29 spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3', 'loadClassLoader'));29 spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f', 'loadClassLoader')); 30 30 31 31 require __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php'; 32 call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::getInitializer($loader));32 call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::getInitializer($loader)); 33 33 34 34 $loader->setClassMapAuthoritative(true); 35 35 $loader->register(true); 36 36 37 $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::$files;37 $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::$files; 38 38 $requireFile = \Closure::bind(static function ($fileIdentifier, $file) { 39 39 if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) { -
r3030343 r3030821 5 5 namespace Composer\Autoload; 6 6 7 class ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b37 class ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f 8 8 { 9 9 public static $files = array ( … … 45 45 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Admin\\Validate' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Admin/Validate.php', 46 46 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Admin\\WhiteLabelAdmin' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Admin/WhiteLabelAdmin.php', 47 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Customizer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Customizer.php', 48 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Section' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Section.php', 47 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\CustomizerPanel' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/CustomizerPanel.php', 48 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Background' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Background.php', 49 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Button' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Button.php', 50 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Css' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Css.php', 51 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Footer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Footer.php', 52 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Form' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Form.php', 53 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Header' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Header.php', 54 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Layout' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Layout.php', 55 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Links' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Links.php', 56 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Login' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Login.php', 57 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Logo' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Logo.php', 58 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\Menu' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/Menu.php', 59 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Customize\\Settings\\SettingInterface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Customize/Settings/SettingInterface.php', 49 60 'EasyWhiteLabel\\DailyTask' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/DailyTask.php', 50 61 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Lang' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Lang.php', 51 62 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Lib\\ConnektInstaller' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Lib/ConnektInstaller.php', 63 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\AbstractSettings' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/AbstractSettings.php', 52 64 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\Background' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/Background.php', 53 65 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Login\\Footer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Login/Footer.php', … … 57 69 'EasyWhiteLabel\\PageAccess' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/PageAccess.php', 58 70 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Plugin' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Plugin.php', 71 'EasyWhiteLabel\\PluginInterface' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/PluginInterface.php', 59 72 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Traits\\Singleton' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Traits/Singleton.php', 60 73 'EasyWhiteLabel\\Transient' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/EasyWhiteLabel/Transient.php', … … 65 78 { 66 79 return \Closure::bind(function () use ($loader) { 67 $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::$prefixLengthsPsr4;68 $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::$prefixDirsPsr4;69 $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit fad86c4de6683a712b18e6702e3e65b3::$classMap;80 $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::$prefixLengthsPsr4; 81 $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::$prefixDirsPsr4; 82 $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInit9c99636985841428f174d414af05dd2f::$classMap; 70 83 71 84 }, null, ClassLoader::class); -
r3030343 r3030821 4 4 'pretty_version' => 'dev-master', 5 5 'version' => 'dev-master', 6 'reference' => ' e8fe3ab5d1ae1402a4f2fc4d900e6943b611abb8',6 'reference' => 'd4af63fb8feb37619d18b2346725898a3a1bba49', 7 7 'type' => 'wordpress-plugin', 8 8 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', … … 14 14 'pretty_version' => 'dev-master', 15 15 'version' => 'dev-master', 16 'reference' => ' e8fe3ab5d1ae1402a4f2fc4d900e6943b611abb8',16 'reference' => 'd4af63fb8feb37619d18b2346725898a3a1bba49', 17 17 'type' => 'wordpress-plugin', 18 18 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', -
r3030343 r3030821 5 5 * Plugin URI: 6 6 * Description: White Label Login, Custom Login Page, Registration and Lost Password Page, Activate it and forget it... 7 * Version: 7.2. 07 * Version: 7.2.1 8 8 * Requires at least: 3.4 9 9 * Requires PHP: 7.4 … … 22 22 23 23 // plugin directory 24 \define( 'EASYWHITELABEL_VERSION', '7.2. 0' );24 \define( 'EASYWHITELABEL_VERSION', '7.2.1' ); 25 25 26 26 // plugin directory … … 60 60 ); 61 61 62 63 if ( ! \function_exists( 'wpwhitelabel' ) ) {64 /**65 * wpwhitelabel().66 *67 * @return object68 */69 function wpwhitelabel()70 {71 // new up wll object72 return EasyWhiteLabel\Plugin::init();73 }74 }75 76 62 // The plugin. 77 63 EasyWhiteLabel\Plugin::init()->hooks(); … … 79 65 // run events. 80 66 EasyWhiteLabel\DailyTask::init()->scheduled(); 81 82 EasyWhiteLabel\PageAccess::init();
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