Plugin Directory

Changeset 3012154

12/19/2023 06:33:25 PM (15 months ago)

Version 2.54

  • New project Dashboard with new graphics, website performance meter, and configurable charts!
  • Updated and modified crawler definitions blocking module
  • Added bot-crawler auto-blocking function to Page Tracker logs
  • Fixed an issue with the "Entry Pages" report that did not perform properly on some projects
  • Improved rendering of selective graphics charts
  • Interface enhancement. Fixed an issue with a project menu being partially off-screen on some devices
  • Fixed an issue with visitor IP maps where the map was not loading for older browser versions
  • Improved tracker loading speed. The new tracking code loads independently of the website content, thus improving the page rendering speed.
  • Added "National vs International" stats to HTML visitor tracker code reports
  • Optimized "Came From" report for more accurate results
14 edited


  • tracemyip-visitor-analytics-ip-tracking-control/trunk/TraceMyIP-Wordpress-Plugin.php

    r2942970 r3012154  
    44    Plugin URI:
    55    Description: Website visitor IP address activity tracking, IP analytics, visitor email alerts, IP changes tracker and visitor IP address blocking. Tag visitors IPs, track, create email alerts, control and manage pages, links and protect contact forms. GDPR compliant. For visitor tracker setup instructions, see <a href="admin.php?page=tmip_lnk_wp_settings"><b>plugin settings</b></a>.
    6     Version: 2.53
     6    Version: 2.54
    77    Author:
    88    Author URI:
    1111    License URI:
    13 if (!defined('TMIP_VERSION') )      define('TMIP_VERSION', '2.53');
     13if (!defined('TMIP_VERSION') )      define('TMIP_VERSION', '2.54');
    1515### SET CONSTANTS ############################################
  • tracemyip-visitor-analytics-ip-tracking-control/trunk/includes/functions.php

    r2942970 r3012154  
    11801180                <section>
    11811181                    <ul class="tmip_sett_list_ol">
    1182                         <li><span>Full featured individual visitor <a href="'.tmip_home_page_url.'/website-analytics.htm" target="_blank">website statistics</a> IP tracker with individual visitor tagging and activity email alerts</span></li>
    1183                         <li><span>Visitor IP address, visitor IP address changes and computer IDs tracking</span></li>
    1184                         <li><span>Visitor redirecting, alerts and blocking based on custom rules by an IP address, location, number of visits or page views, browser type, operating system, referrers, computer hardware specifications, etc.</span></li>
     1182                        <li><span>Full featured individual visitor <a href="'.tmip_home_page_url.'/website-analytics.htm" target="_blank">website statistics</a> IP tracker with visitor IP tagging and new activity email alerts</span></li>
     1183                        <li><span>Visitor IP address GEO data, visitor IP address changes and computer IDs tracking</span></li>
     1184                        <li><span>Website visitor alerts, redirecting, and blocking based on custom rules by an IP address, computer ID, connection location, number of visits or page views, browser type, operating system, referrers, computer hardware specifications, etc.</span></li>
    11851185                        <li><span>Mobile and desktop device statistics, targeting, redirection and browsing path control</span></li>
    11861186                        <li><span>Individual Real-Time one-way message delivery to selected website visitors currently browsing a website</span></li>
    13881388        tmip_load_css();
    1390         $r=array('dove','heart','child'); $thankYouIcon=$r[array_rand($r)];
    1391         $r=array('hands-helping','leaf'); $helpNRateSec=$r[array_rand($r)];
     1390        $r=array('heart');                  $thankYouIcon=$r[array_rand($r)]; // 'dove','child'
     1391        $r=array('hands-helping','leaf');   $helpNRateSec=$r[array_rand($r)];
    13931393        $output='
    13941394            <h2 class="tmip_sec_title">
    1395             <i class="fa fa-'.$helpNRateSec.' fa-lg" style="color: #02970C; opacity: 0.8;"></i>
    1396             Help and rate '.tmip_service_Nname.'</h2>
     1395            <i class="fa fa-'.$helpNRateSec.' fa-lg" style="color: #02970C; opacity: 0.8;"></i> Help '.tmip_service_Nname.'</h2>
    13971396            <div class="ratehelp">
    13981397                <i class="fa fa-star fa-1x tmip_outline-icon1" style="color: #FFFF00; opacity: 1.0;"></i>
    1399                 <b>Your kind feedback is cherished.</b>
     1398                <b>You have the power to make us smile!</b>
    14001399                <blockquote>
    1401                     As we all know, WordPress is alive thanks to the support from its users! Yet, the plugins development is what making the WordPress so powerful. As TraceMyIP developers and since 2008, we have spent <i>an enormous amount of time</i> to build and maintain '.tmip_service_Nname.' service. Up until recently, we have not asked for reviews. However, it\'s an absolutely vital factor for us in order to maintain the plugin and the service for WordPress.</blockquote>
    1402                 <blockquote>
    1403                     <b>We support and <u>value</u> our users.</b>
    1404                     <i class="fa fa-smile-beam fa-lg" style="color: #02970C; opacity: 0.8;"></i>
     1400                    <p>As we all know, WordPress thrives because of the incredible support from its users! But do you know who takes it up a notch? It\'s the dedicated plugin developers who add that extra power to WordPress.</p>
     1401                    <p>At '.tmip_service_Nname.', we\'ve been passionately crafting and nurturing our service since 2008. We\'ve poured an immense amount of time and effort into building and maintaining TraceMyIP. When you give us a 5-star rating, <b>YOU</b> are sending a heartfelt <b>"Thank You!"</b> our way.</p>
     1402                    <p>Positive reviews are like a turbo boost for both encouraging others to use the plugin and motivating us to keep enhancing and keeping the service tip-top. It\'s seriously THAT crucial!</p>
     1403                    <p>Just as we\'re here to support you, we kindly ask for your support too.
     1404                    <i class="fa fa-smile-beam fa-lg" style="color: #02970C; opacity: 0.8;"></i></p>
     1405                <p>If you find '.tmip_service_Nname.' useful, <b><u>please</u> vote 5 stars</b>.<br><br><b>Thank you</b> <i class="fa fa-'.$thankYouIcon.' fa-lg" style="color: #AA0000; opacity: 0.8;"></i></p>
    14051406                </blockquote>
    1406                 If you find '.tmip_service_Nname.' useful, <b><u>please</u> vote 5 stars</b> so we could keep improving '.tmip_service_Nname.'. <br><br><b>Thank you</b> <i class="fa fa-'.$thankYouIcon.' fa-lg" style="color: #02970C; opacity: 0.8;"></i>
    1407                 <hr>
    1408                 <button type="button" class="tmip_submit_button1" margin: -5px 0px 0px 15px; min-width; 124px; width: 124px; outline-color: transparent;" onclick="\'\')"> Click to Rate '.tmip_service_Nname.'</button>
     1407                <div style="width:100%; text-align:center;">
     1408                <button type="button" class="tmip_submit_button1" style="outline-color: transparent;" onclick="\'\')"> Click to Rate '.tmip_service_Nname.'</button>
     1409                </div>
    14091410            </div>
    14101411    ';
  • tracemyip-visitor-analytics-ip-tracking-control/trunk/readme.txt

    r2943512 r3012154  
    44Tags: visitors, ip, address, tracker, email, alerts, website, blocker, analytics, stats, doorbell, counters, hits, redirect, ip blocker, ip tracker, widget, gdpr
    55Requires at least: 2.0.4
    6 Tested up to: 6.3
     6Tested up to: 6.4
    77Requires PHP: 5.6
    8 Stable tag: 2.53
     8Stable tag: 2.54
    99License: GPLv2 (or later)
    1010License URI:
    3939**The installation consists of 3 simple steps:**
    40 1. Install TraceMyIP WordPress plugin
     401. Install the TraceMyIP WordPress plugin
    41412. Register an account at which will provide you with a unique visitor tracker code
    42423. Place the code into the "Visitor Tracker Code" input box at the bottom of the TraceMyIP WordPress plugin settings page
    4848* [Register]( a new account by selecting a Visitor Tracker style or click on the [Add a New Project] menu button of an existing TraceMyIP account.
    49 * Generate a Website Visitor Tracker code with If the code is lost, log in to your TraceMyIP account, go to "My Projects" page and click on the "tracker code" link to recover your code.
    50 * Install the Official Trace My IP plugin for WordPress and go to TraceMyIP Settings page using the WordPress dashboard menu
     49* Generate a Website Visitor Tracker code with If the code is lost, log in to your TraceMyIP account, go to "My Projects" page, and click on the "tracker code" link to recover your code.
     50* Install the Official Trace My IP plugin for WordPress and go to the TraceMyIP Settings page using the WordPress dashboard menu
    5151* Paste the TraceMyIP Visitor Tracker code into the [visitor tracker code] input box and click on the Update Settings button
    5252* Verify that the Visitor Tracker icon shows up on ALL pages of your WordPress site
    53 * If the visitor IP blocking, redirecting, and the page controls are required, generate a Page Tracker Code within your TraceMyIP project and place the code into the [Page Tracker Code] input box using TraceMyIP plugin settings page
     53* If the visitor IP blocking, redirecting, and page controls are required, generate a Page Tracker Code within your TraceMyIP project and place the code into the [Page Tracker Code] input box using the TraceMyIP plugin settings page
    5454* To access the TraceMyIP console, login to your WordPress and go to [Dashboard] => [TraceMyIP Reports]
    5555* To configure GDPR Compliance Tools, log in to and navigate to [My Account] => [Advanced Tracking Settings]
    7171Yes. The FREE TraceMyIP subscription level that provides only basic essential information and features is completely free. Additional data storage space, enhanced visitor email alerts, and advanced GEO tracking and GDPR control options are available for premium subscriptions.
    73 = What are the primary TraceMyIP functions? =
     73= What are the primary TraceMyIP features? =
    75751. Website Visitor GEO IP Tracking, Address Book tagging and visitor IP email alerts and console doorbell-like alerts
    81817. EU GDPR-compliant visitor tracking with selective GEO IP masking, Computer IP masking, and other GDPR compliance tools
    82828. Compatibility with WordPress multisite, JavaScript tracking, and basic HTML tracking codes
     839. User-configurable dashboard with advanced options, auto update and animated graphic charts
    8485= How TraceMyIP plugin is different from other website statistics services? =
    8889* **No inflated stats**. Ever noticed how your current statistics show plenty of visits to your site but you can rarely see actual continued interest in your content, very few conversions/purchases, or contact requests? This is because, on some sites, **over 80%** of logged visits are actually bots, scripts, and content scraping mechanisms that forge real visitor activity to gain access to the content.  As a result, it provides you with a false sense that your website attracts real people to read the content. TraceMyIP on the other hand blocks and filters the majority of content-scrapping mechanisms and bots, providing you with a more accurate picture of the amount of real people browsing your site.
    8990* **Email and console sound alerts**. Get notified via email and console when a specific person visits your site and get sound alerts whenever there's a new visit to your website while using your TraceMyIP console
    90 * **No major interface modifications**. We keep the interface consistent with a design that had been stable for over a decade and is based on user feedback. This prevents our users avoid never-ending interface changes that cause additional learning curves, reduce productivity, and cause headaches. Once you learn TraceMyIP, you will not need to completely re-learn it again anytime soon. Stability is the key to productivity.
     91* **No major interface modifications**. We keep the interface consistent with a design that has been stable for over a decade and is based on user feedback. This prevents our users from avoiding never-ending interface changes that cause additional learning curves, reduce productivity, and cause headaches. Once you learn TraceMyIP, you will not need to completely re-learn it again anytime soon. Stability is the key to productivity.
    9192* **No spam** and your account information is never sold or shared with third parties. Your account information, email address, and IP address remain private. You will only receive your TraceMyIP account notifications to the email address provided. TraceMyIP is proud to be a spam-free service!
    133134* Visitor Computer specifications include computer ID, screen resolution, operating system, browser type, version, and device name and model.
    135 Additionally, you have the flexibility to assign custom street addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and create visitor notes. This custom information will be associated with each person, ensuring easy visitor identification even if their IP address changes.
     136Additionally, you have the flexibility to assign custom street addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, and create visitor notes. This custom information will be associated with each person, ensuring easy visitor identification even if their IP address changes.
    137138= Can a specific visitor activity be identified on all of my websites? =
    141142== Screenshots ==
    143 1. Project Summary screen, enables viewing all website and blog stats on a single page. These include current visitors online, today, yesterday, last 7 days, this month, and the total. Sound notifications are available when new visitors come to the site. The 30-day mini bar graph shows website page load activity over time.
    145 2. Zoomable visitor map shows all visitors available in the real-time log. By clicking on each visitor icon, a new report is generated with detailed visitor activity, page view times, physical location, and other information.
    147 3. Variety of statistical graphic charts gives quick visualization of recurring visitor traffic, traffic sources, social engagement, and National vs. International traffic sources.
    149 4. Visitor IP Log shows individual visitors and their activity on a page level. If a visitor is online, he or she will be highlighted. Visitors can be tagged and tracked for IP changes over an extended period of time.
    151 5. Page loads log provides detailed visitor and web page/blog activity information about every single page load in real-time. This includes visitor geolocation, ISP, organization, user agent, IP address changes, referrers, and landing pages
    153 6. Individual Link and Page Tracking and Visitor Redirecting
    155 7. Integrated Page Tracker module allows controlling visitor traffic and redirecting visitors based on custom redirect and messaging rules.
    157 8. Some of the Page and Link Tracker rules can be triggered based on a variety of website and blog visitor data such as visitor's Current IP address, First IP address, Last or First IP address, Computer ID, Referrer URL, Referring subdomain, Referring search engine keywords, Landing page title, Landing page URL, Device types such as mobile, tablet and desktop, Device names such as iPad, iPhone, User agent strings, Device OS, Device OS version, Browsers, and other options.
    159 9. Advanced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)(EU) 2016/679 regulation tools allow for flexible custom configuration that allows web publishers to maintain the ability to capture blog and website visitor tracking data with maximum efficiency and data management scalability.
    161 10. Visitor Email Alerts - a highly configurable email alerts system. Schedule immediate, daily, weekly, or monthly alerts to capture website visitor activity and email you the reports.
    163 11. Visitor Console Alerts - the console alerts work together with email alerts and notify users of a tagged visitor activity. The console alerts can either be configured as real-time popup notifications or compact single-line notifications that can be opened to see a full list of recent visitor activity alerts.
     1441. Website project dashboard. The configurable visitor statistics dashboard can be configured with more than 40 reports and variations available. It can also be configured to update the current number of site visitors, site performance and site access statistics at regular intervals.
     1462. Dashboard reports selection screen.
     1483. Project Summary screen, enables viewing all website and blog stats on a single page. These include current visitors online, today, yesterday, last 7 days, this month, and the total. Sound notifications are available when new visitors come to the site. The 30-day mini bar graph shows website page load activity over time.
     1504. Zoomable visitor map shows all visitors available in the real-time log. By clicking on each visitor icon, a new report is generated with detailed visitor activity, page view times, physical location, and other information.
     1525. A variety of statistical graphic charts gives quick visualization of recurring visitor traffic, traffic sources, social engagement, and National vs. International traffic sources.
     1546. Visitor IP Log shows individual visitors and their activity on a page level. If a visitor is online, he or she will be highlighted. Visitors can be tagged and tracked for IP changes over an extended period of time.
     1567. Page loads log provides detailed visitor and web page/blog activity information about every single page load in real-time. This includes visitor geolocation, ISP, organization, user agent, IP address changes, referrers, and landing pages
     1588. Individual Link and Page Tracking and Visitor Redirecting
     1609. The Integrated Page Tracker module allows controlling visitor traffic and redirecting visitors based on custom redirect and messaging rules.
     16210. Some of the Page and Link Tracker rules can be triggered based on a variety of website and blog visitor data such as visitor's Current IP address, First IP address, Last or First IP address, Computer ID, Referrer URL, Referring subdomain, Referring search engine keywords, Landing page title, Landing page URL, Device types such as mobile, tablet and desktop, Device names such as iPad, iPhone, User agent strings, Device OS, Device OS version, Browsers, and other options.
     16411. Advanced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)(EU) 2016/679 regulation tools allow for flexible custom configuration that allows web publishers to maintain the ability to capture blog and website visitor tracking data with maximum efficiency and data management scalability.
     16612. Visitor Email Alerts - a highly configurable email alert system. Schedule immediate, daily, weekly, or monthly alerts to capture website visitor activity and email you the reports.
     16813. Visitor Console Alerts - the console alerts work together with email alerts and notify users of a tagged visitor activity. The console alerts can either be configured as real-time popup notifications or compact single-line notifications that can be opened to see a full list of recent visitor activity alerts.
    165170== Changelog ==
     172= Version 2.54 =
     173- New project Dashboard with new graphics, website performance meter, and configurable charts!
     174- Updated and modified crawler definitions blocking module
     175- Added bot-crawler auto-blocking function to Page Tracker logs
     176- Fixed an issue with the "Entry Pages" report that did not perform properly on some projects
     177- Improved rendering of selective graphics charts
     178- Interface enhancement. Fixed an issue with a project menu being partially off-screen on some devices
     179- Fixed an issue with visitor IP maps where the map was not loading for older browser versions
     180- Improved tracker loading speed. The new tracking code loads independently of the website content, thus improving the page rendering speed.
     181- Added "National vs International" stats to HTML visitor tracker code reports
     182- Optimized "Came From" report for more accurate results
    167184= Version 2.53 =
    197214- Optimized proxy detection
    198215- Corrected and added new timezone definitions
    199 - Added new GeoIP territories definitions
     216- Added new GeoIP territory definitions
    200217- Performed minor WordPress plugin user interface modifications
    275292- Enhanced visitor email alerts combo notifications
    276293- Improved GEO reporting speeds for large data blocks
    277 - Added new bots definitions for detecting and blocking
     294- Added new bot definitions for detecting and blocking
    278295- Corrected a minor issue with an undefined variable
    279296- Minor interface improvements
    283300- Added new sounds to instant visitor alerts
    284301- Implemented computer IDs exporting to a batch file
    285 - Enhanced Computer IDs tracking
     302- Enhanced Computer ID tracking
    286303- Various interface improvements
    287304- Improved spam traffic filtering
    309326* Provisional compatibility update # 0701200421
    310327* Improved console loading speeds
    311 * Improved GEO location algorithms for premiums subscriptions
     328* Improved GEO location algorithms for premium subscriptions
    312329* Improved Computer ID resolution accuracy
    321338* Updated GEO tracking engine
    322339* Improved visitor control redirect-to function
    323 * Updated definitions for BOTs filtering
     340* Updated definitions for BOT filtering
    324341* Improved interface loading speed
    325342* Verified security and vulnerability routines
    380397* Added new definitions for bots blocking filters
    381398* Improved bot detection and blocking
    382 * Updated referrer spam filters definitions
     399* Updated referrer spam filter definitions
    383400* Improved GEO Tracking resolution for premium accounts
    384401* Fixed an intermittent issue with Visitor Redirect Control Tokens
    393410* Improved user interface graphical and responsiveness
    394411* Added new OS and browser configuration detection algorithms
    395 * Improved accuracy of visitor avatars data on GEO maps
    396 * Added ability to search the range of IP addresses by replacing the last digit of an IP with 0.
     412* Improved accuracy of visitor avatar data on GEO maps
     413* Added the ability to search the range of IP addresses by replacing the last digit of an IP with 0.
    397414* Corrected an issue with reports generated in Excel when some columns were not assigned values
    398415* Improved the RAW Log export layout for .CSV format
    413430= Version 2.16 =
    414 * Improved accuracy of referrer keywords detection
    415 * Updated list of spam IPs for auto filtering
     431* Improved accuracy of referrer keyword detection
     432* Updated list of spam IPs for auto-filtering
    416433* Fixed a bug that occasionally caused Page Tracker editing issues
    418435= Version 2.15 =
    419436* Improved visitor tracker loading speed
    420 * Optimized reverse DNS host queries performance
     437* Optimized reverse DNS host query performance
    421438* Improved TraceMyIP user interface loading times
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.