Plugin Directory

Changeset 2973720

10/02/2023 08:37:35 AM (18 months ago)

1.6.1 provides some UX improvements

5 edited


  • fcp-first-screen-css/trunk/

    r2973591 r2973720  
    11# First Screen CSS & Settings
    3 Insert the inline CSS into your website's head tag. You can choose to inline, defer, or de-register existing styles and scripts. Additionally, you can add custom non-inline styles. Apply everything individually, by post-type, or for archives.
     3This is a professional tool to manipulate enqueued styles and scripts on your website and add custom CSS to first screen and not first screen optionally. Use it to improve your Core Web Vitals score or just add custom styling.
    55## Features
    7 * Full control over your website's CSS
     7* Control your website's CSS
    88* Apply changes to individual posts/pages/custom post types
    99* Apply changes to all posts of a specific type
  • fcp-first-screen-css/trunk/assets/codemirror/init.js

    r2934071 r2973720  
    33    const add_editor = textarea => {
    5         const placeholder = `/* enter your css here */\n* {\n    border: 1px dotted red;\n    box-sizing: border-box;\n}`;
     5        const placeholder = `/* enter your css here */`;//+`\n* {\n    border: 1px dotted red;\n    box-sizing: border-box;\n}`;
    66        const $editor = $( textarea );
  • fcp-first-screen-css/trunk/first-screen.php

    r2973591 r2973720  
    33Plugin Name: First Screen CSS & Settings
    4 Description: Insert the inline CSS into your website's head tag. You can choose to inline, defer, or de-register existing styles and scripts. Additionally, you can add custom non-inline styles. Apply everything individually, by post-type, or for archives.
    5 Version: 1.6
     4Description: This is a professional tool to manipulate enqueued styles and scripts on your website and add custom CSS to first screen and not first screen optionally. Use it to improve your Core Web Vitals score or just add custom styling.
     5Version: 1.6.1
    66Requires at least: 5.8
    77Tested up to: 6.3
    1616defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
    18 define( 'FCPFSC_DEV', true );
     18define( 'FCPFSC_DEV', false );
    1919define( 'FCPFSC_VER', get_file_data( __FILE__, [ 'ver' => 'Version' ] )[ 'ver' ] . ( FCPFSC_DEV ? time() : '' ) );
    2525define( 'FCPFSC_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );
    2626define( 'FCPFSC_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
     27define( 'FCPFSC_BSN', plugin_basename(__FILE__) );
    2829define( 'FCPFSC_REST_URL', wp_upload_dir()['baseurl'] . '/' . basename( FCPFSC_DIR ) );
  • fcp-first-screen-css/trunk/inc/admin/main.php

    r2973591 r2973720  
    6666    register_post_type( FCPFSC_SLUG, $args );
     69// link the new css from the plugins list
     70add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_'.FCPFSC_BSN, function($links) {
     71    $settings_link = '<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'post-new.php?post_type='.FCPFSC_SLUG ) ) . '">Add new Settings</a>';
     72    array_unshift( $links, $settings_link );
     73    return $links;
  • fcp-first-screen-css/trunk/readme.txt

    r2973591 r2973720  
    1 === FCP First Screen CSS ===
     1=== First Screen CSS & Settings ===
    22Contributors: Firmcatalyst
    3 Tags: inline, css, firstscreen, style, web vitals, cls, fcp, defer, dequeue, deregister
     3Tags: css, first screen, style, web vitals, inline, defer, deregister
    44Requires at least: 5.8
    55Tested up to: 6.3
    66Requires PHP: 7.4
    7 Stable tag: 1.6
     7Stable tag: 1.6.1
    88Author: Vadim Volkov, Firmcatalyst
    99Author URI:
    1515== Description ==
    17 Insert the inline CSS into your website's head tag. You can choose to inline, defer, or de-register existing styles and scripts. Additionally, you can add custom non-inline styles. Apply everything individually, by post-type, or for archives.
     17This is a professional tool to manipulate enqueued styles and scripts on your website and add custom CSS to first screen and not first screen optionally. Use it to improve your Core Web Vitals score or just add custom styling.
    1919= Features =
    21 * Full control over your website's CSS
     21* Control your website's CSS
    2222* Apply changes to individual posts/pages/custom post types
    2323* Apply changes to all posts of a specific type
    2424* Apply changes to the blog or any post-type archive
    2525* Inline, defer, or de-register Styles or JS
     26* Edit CSS easily with the CodeMirror visual editor
    2627* Automatic CSS minification
    27 * Edit CSS easily with the CodeMirror visual editor
    2929= Demo =
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