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Changeset 2943512

07/26/2023 09:11:48 AM (20 months ago)

readme file update to comply with requirements

1 edited


  • tracemyip-visitor-analytics-ip-tracking-control/trunk/readme.txt

    r2942970 r2943512  
    33Contributors: TraceMyIP
    4 Tags: website, visitor, ip, tracker, email, alerts, blog, analytics, doorbell, gdpr, counters, counter, hit counter, visitors, tracker, visitor tracking, statcounter, ip blocker, ip redirecting, blocker, stats, ip tracker, stat, hidden, hits, count, track, tracking, online users, realtime, webpage views, spider, bot blocker, ip widget, analytics, IP address tracker
     4Tags: visitors, ip, address, tracker, email, alerts, website, blocker, analytics, stats, doorbell, counters, hits, redirect, ip blocker, ip tracker, widget, gdpr
    55Requires at least: 2.0.4
    66Tested up to: 6.3
    77Requires PHP: 5.6
    8 Stable tag: trunk
     8Stable tag: 2.53
    99License: GPLv2 (or later)
    1010License URI:
    3030* [EU GDPR Compliant Website & Blog Tracking](
    3131* [Cookieless Tracking](
     32* Provides additional features and targeted IP data to complement and associate with built-in dashboard statistics, Google Analytics, Semrush, Adobe Analytics, Statcounter, Clicky, Matomo Analytics and others. The IP address data can be matched to other stats packages and tagged to provide visit history data for specific site visits.
    4344That's all! Now login to your TraceMyIP account and instantly observe website visitor activity in real-time.
    45 **Here are the steps to enable tools for WordPress:**
     46**Steps to enable tools for WordPress:**
    4748* [Register]( a new account by selecting a Visitor Tracker style or click on the [Add a New Project] menu button of an existing TraceMyIP account.
    8889* **Email and console sound alerts**. Get notified via email and console when a specific person visits your site and get sound alerts whenever there's a new visit to your website while using your TraceMyIP console
    8990* **No major interface modifications**. We keep the interface consistent with a design that had been stable for over a decade and is based on user feedback. This prevents our users avoid never-ending interface changes that cause additional learning curves, reduce productivity, and cause headaches. Once you learn TraceMyIP, you will not need to completely re-learn it again anytime soon. Stability is the key to productivity.
    90 * No spam and your account information is never sold to anyone for monetization. You will only receive your TraceMyIP account notifications. Your account information, email address, and IP will remain private. TraceMyIP is proud to be a spam-free service.
     91* **No spam** and your account information is never sold or shared with third parties. Your account information, email address, and IP address remain private. You will only receive your TraceMyIP account notifications to the email address provided. TraceMyIP is proud to be a spam-free service!
    9293= How many websites can be tracked with TraceMyIP?=
    122123= What information do I get about each website visitor? =
    124 Some of the important information about each visit you will find on your TraceMyIP reports is
     125Some key information you'll find on your TraceMyIP reports includes:
    126127* Website visitor IP address, IP address changes
    132133* Visitor Computer specifications include computer ID, screen resolution, operating system, browser type, version, and device name and model.
    134 You can also assign a custom street address, phone number, email address, create notes for a visitor, and more. All of this custom information will be attached to each person, and in most cases even if an IP address has changed the detailed personal information will remain to be attached for easy visitor identification.
     135Additionally, you have the flexibility to assign custom street addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and create visitor notes. This custom information will be associated with each person, ensuring easy visitor identification even if their IP address changes.
    136137= Can a specific visitor activity be identified on all of my websites? =
    138 You can scan through all projects simultaneously to find an activity of a tagged visitor using the IP tracking address book. Simply TAG a visitor and click on the [activity] link to scan all of your website logs to find an activity of a specific computer IP or ID.
     139With the IP tracking address book, you can effortlessly scan through all projects to locate the activity of a tagged visitor. Just TAG a visitor and click on the [activity] link to search all website logs for specific computer IP or ID activity.
    140141== Screenshots ==
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