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Changeset 2860477

02/05/2023 06:24:07 PM (2 years ago)

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  • tracemyip-visitor-analytics-ip-tracking-control/tags/2.42/readme.txt

    r2741083 r2860477  
    6363What are the primary TraceMyIP functions?
    65 1. Visitor GEO IP Tracking and Address Book Tagging and visitor IP email alerts
    66 2. Visitor Computer ID Tracking and IP Changes Tracking (Subject to GDPR Directive)
     651. Website Visitor GEO IP Tracking, Address Book tagging and visitor IP email alerts
     662. Visitor IP Changes Tracking and Computer ID Tracking (Subject to GDPR Directive)
    67673. Advanced Website Analytics and Statistics (some functions are similar to Google Analytics, but on a visitor level)
    68 4. Visitor Flow Control via IP Redirect and Computer ID Rules
    69 5. Individual Link and Page Tracking and access control based on an IP address
     684. Visitor IP Blocking and visitor Traffic Control via IP and Computer ID Redirecting Rules
     695. Individual Link and Page Tracking and security access control based on an IP address and other visitor data
    70706. AD Campaigns Tracking (some features are similar to Google Analytics + individual visitor tracking and surveillance)
    71717. EU GDPR compliant visitor tracking with selective GEO IP masking, Computer IP masking, and other GDPR compliancy tools
     728. Compatibility with WordPress multisite, JavaScript tracking and basic HTML tracking codes
    7374How many websites can be tracked with TraceMyIP?
    7576A single user account can track up to 95 websites simultaneously at the same time in real-time
    77 How do I get notified via email if a specific person visits my website?
    79 An alert setup steps are:
    80 1. Locate the visitor that you'd like to monitor on your logs
    81 2. Click on the Email Alerts icon
     78How do I get email notifications and alerts when a specific person visits my website?
     80You can tag any visitor and setup an email alert
     811. Locate the visitor on your logs that you would like to monitor
     822. Click on the Email Alerts icon next to the TAG button
    82833. Assign the name and select when and how often you would like to get notified via email
     84For a step-by-step tutorial, see [Visitor Email Alerts](
    8486How do I hide the visitor tracker on my pages?
    8688You can enable the [Invisible Tracker] option by going to [My Projects] page, clicking on the [edit] link for the project and selecting the [Invisible Tracker] option.
    88 What information do I get about each visitor?
    90 Visitor IP address, IP address changes, GEO location on a city level, number of visits and returns over time, full browsing activity, referrer or search engine information and referred the visitor, organization and ISP data, host name, user agent data, advanced computer specifications including computer ID, screen resolution, operating system, browser type, version and device name and model.
    92 How do I get email notifications when specific visitors view the pages of my website?
    94 Login to your TraceMyIP account, go to "Visitors" report and click on the "Alerts" button of any specific IP to setup visitor email and console notifications
     90What information do I get about each website visitor?
     92Website visitor IP address, IP address changes, GEO location on a city level, number of visits and returns over time, full browsing activity, referrer or search engine information and referred the visitor, organization and ISP data, host name, user agent data, advanced computer specifications including computer ID, screen resolution, operating system, browser type, version and device name and model.
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