Plugin Directory

Changeset 2839964

12/27/2022 03:13:13 PM (2 years ago)


2 edited


  • smartlink-dinamic-urls/tags/1.0.9/readme.txt

    r2803616 r2839964  
    1414== Description ==
    16 With SmartLink DU you can insert up to 5 URLs to a single link and use them in a single anchor text depending on visitor GeoLocalization or randomly.
     16With the SmartLink DU you plugin you can insert up to 5 URLs to a single link and use them in a single anchor text depending on visitor GeoLocalization or randomly.
    1818Every time the page is loaded, one of the 5 URLs you've entered will be inserted randomly in the link if there is no GeoTargeting match or if Geotargeting feature is off.
    2828You can use SmartLink to show different external URLs to each of your visitors from different countrys using the GeoTargeting feature.
    30 This plugin is in its first stages of development, if you want to get involved into development please register and post a thread in <a href="">Smartlink Du Forum.</a>.
     30If facing some kind of issue or error and you think it is related to this plugin, please <a href="">open a thread on the support Forum</a>.
    32 [Test the plugin here](
     32This plugin will be updated and more features will be added depending on the community support,
     34* [Leave a positive review here.](
     35* [Make a PayPal donation](
    3437== Features ==
    46493. Click on "add new"
    47504. Click on "upload plugin"
    48 5. Browse the file you've just downloaded
    49 6. Click "install now"
    50 7. Activate plugin
     514. Browse the file you've just downloaded
     525. Click "install now"
     536. Activate plugin
    7881GT feature uses Geo-localization API to know were user is located.
    7982This way it is possible to choose which URLs will be used in smartlink depending on users country location.
    80 GT feature supports a limited list of countries. Please <a href="">make your request here</a> if you want to extend this list.
     83GT feature supports a limited list of countries.
    8184Current list of countries available: Argentina, Australia, Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Mexico, EEUU, India, Israel, Italy.
  • smartlink-dinamic-urls/trunk/readme.txt

    r2828611 r2839964  
    2828You can use SmartLink to show different external URLs to each of your visitors from different countrys using the GeoTargeting feature.
    30 This plugin is in its first stages of development, if you want to get involved into development please register and post a thread in <a href="">Smartlink Du Forum.</a>.
     30If facing some kind of issue or error and you think it is related to this plugin, please <a href="">open a thread on the support Forum</a>.
    32 [Test the plugin here](
     32This plugin will be updated and more features will be added depending on the community support,
     34* [Leave a positive review here.](
     35* [Make a PayPal donation](
    3437== Features ==
    7881GT feature uses Geo-localization API to know were user is located.
    7982This way it is possible to choose which URLs will be used in smartlink depending on users country location.
    80 GT feature supports a limited list of countries. Please <a href="">make your request here</a> if you want to extend this list.
     83GT feature supports a limited list of countries.
    8184Current list of countries available: Argentina, Australia, Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Mexico, EEUU, India, Israel, Italy.
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