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Changeset 2812992

11/06/2022 03:49:14 PM (2 years ago)

TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker v2.46

  • GEO data update on country, state and city level
  • Interface tweaks for individual device layouts
  • Update of proxy servers data
  • Tracking engine speed optimizations
  • Minor documentation revisions
3 edited


  • tracemyip-visitor-analytics-ip-tracking-control/trunk/TraceMyIP-Wordpress-Plugin.php

    r2782834 r2812992  
    44 * Plugin URI:
    55 * Description: Website visitor IP address activity tracking, IP analytics, visitor email alerts, IP changes tracker and visitor IP address blocking. Tag visitors IPs, track, create email alerts, control and manage pages, links and protect contact forms. GDPR compliant. For visitor tracker setup instructions, see <a href="admin.php?page=tmip_lnk_wp_settings"><b>plugin settings</b></a>.
    6  * Version: 2.45
     6 * Version: 2.46
    77 * Author:
    88 * Author URI:
  • tracemyip-visitor-analytics-ip-tracking-control/trunk/languages/en.php

    r2782834 r2812992  
    66define("UVAR",":-v-:");             // tools URL var separator
    7 if (!defined('TMIP_VERSION') )      define('TMIP_VERSION', '2.45');
     7if (!defined('TMIP_VERSION') )      define('TMIP_VERSION', '2.46');
    88define("tmip_css_version",          831220526);
    1313define("tmip_domain_prot",          'https');
    1414define("tmip_subdomain",            'www');
    15 define("tmip_domain_name",          '');
     15define("tmip_domain_name",          '');  # 1234567890naaaaaa websiteinvestigator tracemyip
    1616define("tmip_service_url",          tmip_domain_prot.'://'.tmip_subdomain.'.'.tmip_domain_name);
    1717define("tmip_support_url",          tmip_service_url.'/contact.htm');
  • tracemyip-visitor-analytics-ip-tracking-control/trunk/readme.txt

    r2782834 r2812992  
    44Tags: website, visitor, ip, tracker, email, alerts, blog, analytics, gdpr, counters, counter, hit counter, visitors, tracker, visitor tracking, statcounter, ip blocker, ip redirecting, blocker, stats, ip tracker, stat, hidden, hits, count, track, tracking, online users, realtime, webpage views, spider, bot blocker, ip widget, analytics, ip address tracker
    55Requires at least: 2.0.4
    6 Tested up to: 6.0
     6Tested up to: 6.1
    77Requires PHP: 5.6
    88Stable tag: trunk
    1717== Description ==
    19 The Official TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker Plugin enables easy website analytics, visitor IP tracking, hits counting, visitor IP blocking, IP redirecting and email alerts with IP access control.
    21 = Powerful features that help stay in control and current =
    23 Optimized for current web technology accurately capturing real-time visitor website interaction
     19The Official TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker plugin enables easy website analytics, visitor IP tracking with email alerts, hits counting, visitor IP blocking, IP redirecting and IP access control.
     21= Powerful features that help stay in control of website visitations =
     23Optimized for current web technology accurately capturing real-time website visitor interaction
    2525* [Website & Blog Visitor Tracking & Analytics](
    3434== Installation ==
    36 TraceMyIP visitor IP tracking, website statistics, visitor email alerts with an IP control are activated by registering a account.
     36TraceMyIP visitor IP tracking, website statistics and visitor email alerts with an IP control are all activated by registering a account.
    3838The installation consists of 3 simple steps:
    39391. Install Wordpress plugin
    40 2. Register an account at which will provide you with a visitor tracker code
    41 3. Place the code into the "Visitor Tracker Code" input box on the bottom of TraceMyIP Wordpress plugin settings page
    43 To enable the tools for WordPress, follow these steps:
     402. Register an account at which will provide you with a unique visitor tracker code
     413. Place the code into the "Visitor Tracker Code" input box at the bottom of the TraceMyIP Wordpress plugin settings page
     43That's it! Now login to your TraceMyIP account and observe web visitor activity in real-time with no delays.
     45Here are the actual steps to enable the tools for WordPress, follow these steps:
    4547* [Register]( a new account by selecting a Visitor Tracker style or click on the [Add a New Project] if an existing TraceMyIP account is available.
    6062== Frequently Asked Questions ==
    62 Is TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker free service?
    64 Yes. The FREE TraceMyIP subscription that provides only basic information and features is completely free. Additional data storage space, enhanced visitor email alerts and advanced GEO tracking and GDPR control options are available for premium subscriptions.
     64Is TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker a free service?
     66Yes. The FREE TraceMyIP subscription level that provides only basic information and features is completely free. Additional data storage space, enhanced visitor email alerts and advanced GEO tracking and GDPR control options are available for premium subscriptions.
    6668What are the primary TraceMyIP functions?
    7779How many websites can be tracked with TraceMyIP?
    79 A single user account can track up to 95 websites simultaneously at the same time in real-time. All websites can be organized in groups with easy search function to quickly find any website project.
     81A single user account can track up to 95 websites simultaneously at the same time in real-time. All websites can be organized in groups with easy site search function to quickly locate an active website project.
    8183How do I get email notifications and alerts when a specific person visits my website?
    83 You can tag any visitor and setup an email alert
     85You can TAG (bookmark) any visitor and setup an email alert
    84861. Locate the visitor on your logs that you would like to monitor
    85872. Click on the Email Alerts icon next to the TAG button
    9597Website visitor IP address, IP address changes, GEO location on a city level, number of visits and returns over time, full browsing activity history, referrer or search engine information that brought the visitor to your website, organization and ISP data, host name, user agent data, advanced computer specifications including computer ID, screen resolution, operating system, browser type, version and device name and model.
     99You can also assign a custom street address, phone numbers, email addresses, create notes for the visitor and more. All of this custom information will be attached to each person, and in most cases even if an IP address has changed the detailed personal information will remain to be attached for easy visitor identification.
    98102== Screenshots ==
    122126== Changelog ==
     128= TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker v2.46 =
     129- GEO data update on country, state and city level
     130- Interface tweaks for individual device layouts
     131- Update of proxy servers data
     132- Tracking engine speed optimizations
     133- Minor documentation revisions
    124135= TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker v2.45 =
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