Plugin Directory

Changeset 2800992

10/19/2022 05:56:41 AM (2 years ago)

UPDATE: assets & readme

2 added
1 deleted
2 edited


  • wppool-turnstile-captcha-spam-filter/tags/1.0.2/readme.txt

    r2800528 r2800992  
    50504. **SEO boost:** Spambots often include low-quality or malicious outbound links, risking your website’s ranking. Turnstile prevents these bots from spamming and ensures you continue receiving a good ranking.
    51515. **Mobile-friendly Anti Spam:** Our Turnstile integration is fully optimized for mobile devices and will not break under any circumstances.
    52 6. **WooCommerce spam protection:**
    53    - Signup/registration form spam protection
    54    - Login form - my account spam protection
    55    - Lost/Reset password form spam protection
    56    - Checkout billing form spam protection
     526. **WooCommerce spam protection:** Protect your WooCommerce store against malicious spam attacks. This reCAPTCHA alternative for WooCommerce provides protection against every kind WooCommerce form. 
     53- Signup/registration form spam protection
     54- Login form - my account spam protection
     55- Lost/Reset password form spam protection
     56- Checkout billing form spam protection
    57587. **Contact Form 7 spam protection:** Experience flawless Turnstile integration for Contact Form 7 forms. Protect your CF7 forms from spam comments. After configuration, add `[easy_cloudflare_turnstile]` to any Contact Form 7 form.
  • wppool-turnstile-captcha-spam-filter/trunk/readme.txt

    r2800528 r2800992  
    50504. **SEO boost:** Spambots often include low-quality or malicious outbound links, risking your website’s ranking. Turnstile prevents these bots from spamming and ensures you continue receiving a good ranking.
    51515. **Mobile-friendly Anti Spam:** Our Turnstile integration is fully optimized for mobile devices and will not break under any circumstances.
    52 6. **WooCommerce spam protection:**
    53    - Signup/registration form spam protection
    54    - Login form - my account spam protection
    55    - Lost/Reset password form spam protection
    56    - Checkout billing form spam protection
     526. **WooCommerce spam protection:** Protect your WooCommerce store against malicious spam attacks. This reCAPTCHA alternative for WooCommerce provides protection against every kind WooCommerce form. 
     53- Signup/registration form spam protection
     54- Login form - my account spam protection
     55- Lost/Reset password form spam protection
     56- Checkout billing form spam protection
    57587. **Contact Form 7 spam protection:** Experience flawless Turnstile integration for Contact Form 7 forms. Protect your CF7 forms from spam comments. After configuration, add `[easy_cloudflare_turnstile]` to any Contact Form 7 form.
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