Changeset 2786706
- Timestamp:
- 09/19/2022 02:28:04 AM (2 years ago)
- Location:
- jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce
- Files:
- 253 added
- 1 deleted
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2785634 r2786706 55 55 $this->controller = new AdminAjaxSearchController(); 56 56 $this->publicmodel = new PublicAjaxSearchModel(); 57 58 57 add_action('admin_menu', array($this,'wcjc_register_menu_page')); 59 58 add_action('wp_ajax_SaveSearchForm',array($this,'SaveSearchForm')); … … 83 82 wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name.'sweetalert', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/sweetalert/sweetalert2.css', array(), $this->version, 'all' ); 84 83 wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/wc-ajax-search-jc-admin.css', array(), $this->version, 'all' ); 84 wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); 85 85 86 86 … … 107 107 wp_enqueue_script( $this->plugin_name.'sweetalert', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/sweetalert/sweetalert2.all.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, false ); 108 108 wp_enqueue_script( $this->plugin_name.'_admin_js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/wc-ajax-search-jc-admin.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, true ); 109 109 wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker'); 110 110 wp_localize_script( 111 111 $this->plugin_name.'_admin_js', -
r2785666 r2786706 3 3 * included in this file. 4 4 */ 5 .wcjc-form-configuration-container{padding: 20px;} 5 6 .jc-wp-ajax-form-create{max-width: 1200px;} 6 7 .jc-wp-ajax-form-create .btn-create{margin-bottom: 10px;} 7 .wcjc-form{max-width: 800px; padding: 20px; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3; margin: 20px;background: #fff;} 8 .wcjc-form fieldset{padding: 0; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3;margin-bottom: 30px;} 9 .wcjc-form fieldset .row{width: 98%; display: block; margin: 5px 10px; padding: 4px; position: relative;} 10 .wcjc-form fieldset .row input, 11 .wcjc-form fieldset .row label {max-width: 45%;} 12 .wcjc-form fieldset h2{ margin: 0; background: #0fa3e3; color: #fff; padding: 10px; font-size: 18px;} 13 .wcjc-form fieldset label{min-width: 235px; display: inline-block; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; font-weight: 500;} 14 .wcjc-form fieldset label.checkbox{text-align: left;} 15 .jcwp-search-form .actions a{margin: 0 4px;} 16 .toplevel_page_woocomerce_ajax_search img {max-width: 80%; margin: 0!important; padding: 0!important; margin-top: 3px!important; } 17 .wcjc-form .v-pro{background: #f1f0f0; border-radius: 5px;} 18 .wcjc-form .v-pro:after{content: 'PRO'; position: absolute; right: 8px; font-size: 11px; padding: 2px 4px; border-radius: 5px; background: #d3d3d3; font-weight: bold; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; display: block!important; height: 19px;} 19 8 .wcjc-form{max-width: 800px; padding: 20px; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3; margin: 20px;background: #fff;} 9 .wcjc-form fieldset{padding: 0; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3;margin-bottom: 30px;} 10 .wcjc-form fieldset .row{width: 98%; display: block; margin: 3px 10px; padding: 2px; position: relative;} 11 .wcjc-form fieldset .row input, 12 .wcjc-form fieldset .row label {max-width: 45%;font-size: 14px;} 13 .wcjc-form fieldset h2{ margin: 0; background: #0fa3e3; color: #fff; padding: 10px; font-size: 18px;} 14 .wcjc-form fieldset label{min-width: 235px; display: inline-block; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;} 15 .wcjc-form fieldset label.checkbox{text-align: left;} 16 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items{padding: 5px;} 17 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items .row{} 18 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row{vertical-align: top;} 19 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row input, 20 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row label{min-width: auto;font-size: 12px;max-width: none;} 21 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row .wp-picker-container, 22 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row input{width: auto;float: right;margin: 0;padding: 0;text-align: center;} 23 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row > div{clear: both; margin: 0; padding: 0; margin-bottom: 10px;} 24 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row .wp-picker-container button{margin: 0;} 25 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row .wp-picker-container .wp-color-result.button{padding: 0 0 0 25px; min-height: 25px;} 26 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row .wp-picker-container .wp-color-result.button .wp-color-result-text{line-height: 25px;} 27 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row .wp-picker-container .wp-picker-input-wrap{} 28 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row .wp-picker-container .wp-picker-input-wrap label, 29 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row .wp-picker-container .wp-picker-input-wrap input{max-width: none; width: 33px; padding: 0; margin-left: 5px;font-size: 12px;max-width: none;} 30 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .row .wp-picker-container .wp-picker-holder {position: absolute; z-index: 10;} 31 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .numbers-input{display: flex; float: right;} 32 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .numbers-input > span{width: 52px; text-align: center; line-height: 11px;} 33 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .numbers-input > span > span{text-align: center;color: gray; font-size: 10px;} 34 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.jcwp-design-form .numbers-input input{width: 100%;border-radius: 0;} 35 .wcjc-form fieldset .row input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, 36 .wcjc-form fieldset .row input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {opacity: 1; } 37 .wcjc-form fieldset .row-items.colums-2 .row{width: 40%; display: inline-block; margin: 0 4%; margin-bottom: 4px;} 38 .jcwp-search-form .actions a{margin: 0 4px;} 39 .toplevel_page_woocomerce_ajax_search img {max-width: 80%; margin: 0!important; padding: 0!important; margin-top: 3px!important; } 40 .wcjc-form .v-pro{background: #f1f0f0; border-radius: 5px;} 41 .wcjc-form .v-pro:after{content: 'PRO'; position: absolute; right: 8px; font-size: 11px; padding: 2px 4px; border-radius: 5px; background: #d3d3d3; font-weight: bold; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; display: block!important; height: 19px;} 42 .wcjc-form-example {max-width: 350px; padding-left: 15px!important; position: relative; display: block; height: 167px; } 43 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form{width: 100%;display: flex;position: relative;} 44 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1{display: flex; border: solid 1px #949494;margin: 0!important;width: 100%;overflow: hidden;} 45 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1 input{height: 40px; font-size: 14px!important; color: #000; display: block; width: 100%!important; border: 0; background: #fff; border-radius: 0; margin: 0!important; padding: 10px!important; text-align: left!important;} 46 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1 span{background: #d3d3d3; height: 40px; width: 50px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;cursor: pointer;} 47 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1 span svg{height: 20px;width: 20px;} 48 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .loader {border: 8px solid #f3f3f3; border-radius: 50%; border-top: 8px solid #3498db; width: 20px; height: 20px; -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; /* Safari */ animation: spin 2s linear infinite; } 49 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .jcwp-add_to_cart .loader {border: 4px solid #f3f3f3; border-radius: 50%; border-top: 4px solid #3498db; width: 15px; height: 15px; -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; animation: spin 2s linear infinite; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto;} 50 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result {position: absolute; left: 0; top: 100%; right: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 2px 35px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%); font-size: 1.3rem; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0; background: #fff; z-index: 1058;min-width: 350px;} 51 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content{ max-height: 316px; margin: 5px; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 4px;overflow-x: hidden;} 52 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul{margin: 0;padding: 0;position: relative;} 53 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li{margin: 0; list-style: none; display: flex; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3; margin-bottom: 2px; background: #fff; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; justify-content: space-between;padding: 0;} 54 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .image{width: 100px; height: 100px; position: relative; display: block;flex: 0 0 100px;} 55 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .image a{width: 100px; height: 100px;} 56 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .image img{ object-fit: cover; width: 100px; height: 100px;} 57 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li a{text-decoration: none;} 58 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li h2{font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: normal;} 59 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content{padding: 10px;width: calc(100% - 200px);} 60 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price{font-size: 14px; display: flex;} 61 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price del{color: #d3d3d3;margin-right: 5px;} 62 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price ins{} 63 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price > .amount{padding: 0 3px;} 64 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .jcwp-button{min-width: 90px; position: relative; margin: 2px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; max-width: 100%; padding: 8px 8px; height: auto; line-height: normal; background: #2271b1; color: #fff;font-size: 12px;} 65 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content { min-width: 100px; padding: 5px; max-width: 100px; margin-left: auto; position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center;} 66 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input{height: 40px; font-size: 14px; color: #000;width: 50px;display: inline-block;text-align: center; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3;border-radius: 0;} 67 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, 68 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } 69 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input[type=number] { -moz-appearance: textfield; } 70 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .spinner-button {display: inline-block; width: 20px; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; background: #d3d3d3; cursor: pointer; height: 40px; clear: none; vertical-align: top; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;} 71 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar{width:6px;background-color: #fff;} 72 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background:rgba(194,194,194,0.3);border-radius:6px;margin-right: 5px;} 73 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-track {background-color: #fff; } 74 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-button {display: none; } 75 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form #tick-mark {position: absolute; display: inline-block; width: 15px; height: 15px; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 9px; margin: auto;} 76 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form #tick-mark::before {position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50%; height: 50%; width: 3px; background-color: #0bed0b; content: ""; transform: translateX(10px) rotate(-45deg); transform-origin: left bottom; } 77 .wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form #tick-mark::after {position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; height: 3px; width: 100%; background-color: #0bed0b; content: ""; transform: translateX(10px) rotate(-45deg); transform-origin: left bottom; } -
r2785634 r2786706 30 30 */ 31 31 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 32 generate_preview_form(); 33 34 $(".wcjc-color-picker").wpColorPicker({ 35 change: function (event, ui) { 36 setTimeout(generate_preview_form,100); 37 } 38 }); 39 40 $('.wcjc-form').change(function(event) { 41 setTimeout(generate_preview_form,100); 42 }); 43 32 44 $('.wcjc-form a.button').click(function(event) { 33 45 let form_id = ($(this).attr('data_id'))?$(this).attr('data_id'):''; … … 60 72 }); 61 73 function save_search_form(form_id){ 74 let wcjc_style_setting={ 75 wcjc_background_color : $('input[name="wcjc_background_color"]').val(), 76 wcjc_text_color : $('input[name="wcjc_text_color"]').val(), 77 wcjc_btn_background_color : $('input[name="wcjc_btn_background_color"]').val(), 78 wcjc_btn_icon_color : $('input[name="wcjc_btn_icon_color"]').val(), 79 wcjc_border_color : $('input[name="wcjc_border_color"]').val(), 80 wcjc_border_dadius : $('input[name="wcjc_border_dadius"]').val(), 81 wcjc_border_size_top : $('input[name="wcjc_border_size_top"]').val(), 82 wcjc_border_size_right : $('input[name="wcjc_border_size_right"]').val(), 83 wcjc_border_size_bottom : $('input[name="wcjc_border_size_bottom"]').val(), 84 wcjc_border_size_left : $('input[name="wcjc_border_size_left"]').val(), 85 wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color : $('input[name="wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color"]').val(), 86 wcjc_add_to_cart_color : $('input[name="wcjc_add_to_cart_color"]').val() 87 }; 62 88 let data = { 63 89 wcjc_title : $('input[name=wcjc_title]').val(), … … 73 99 wcjc_search_category : ($("input[name=wcjc_search_category]").is(':checked'))?1:0, 74 100 wcjc_search_tag : ($("input[name=wcjc_search_tag]").is(':checked'))?1:0, 75 wcjc_search_content : ($("input[name=wcjc_search_content]").is(':checked'))?1:0 101 wcjc_search_content : ($("input[name=wcjc_search_content]").is(':checked'))?1:0, 102 wcjc_style_setting : wcjc_style_setting, 76 103 }; 77 104 $.ajax({ … … 131 158 }); 132 159 } 160 161 function generate_preview_form(){ 162 let wcjc_background_color = $('input[name="wcjc_background_color"]').val(); 163 let wcjc_text_color = $('input[name="wcjc_text_color"]').val(); 164 let wcjc_btn_background_color = $('input[name="wcjc_btn_background_color"]').val(); 165 let wcjc_btn_icon_color = $('input[name="wcjc_btn_icon_color"]').val(); 166 let wcjc_border_color = $('input[name="wcjc_border_color"]').val(); 167 let wcjc_border_dadius = $('input[name="wcjc_border_dadius"]').val()+'px'; 168 let wcjc_border_size_top = $('input[name="wcjc_border_size_top"]').val(); 169 let wcjc_border_size_right = $('input[name="wcjc_border_size_right"]').val(); 170 let wcjc_border_size_bottom = $('input[name="wcjc_border_size_bottom"]').val(); 171 let wcjc_border_size_left = $('input[name="wcjc_border_size_left"]').val(); 172 let wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color = $('input[name="wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color"]').val(); 173 let wcjc_add_to_cart_color = $('input[name="wcjc_add_to_cart_color"]').val(); 174 let wcjc_placeholder = ($('input[name="wcjc_placeholder"]').val())?$('input[name="wcjc_placeholder"]').val():'Search'; 175 let wcjc_addtocartlabel = ($('input[name="wcjc_addtocartlabel"]').val())?$('input[name="wcjc_addtocartlabel"]').val():'Add to Cart'; 176 $('.wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1').css({ 177 'border-top': 'solid '+wcjc_border_size_top+'px '+wcjc_border_color, 178 'border-left': 'solid '+wcjc_border_size_left+'px '+wcjc_border_color, 179 'border-bottom': 'solid '+wcjc_border_size_bottom+'px '+wcjc_border_color, 180 'border-right': 'solid '+wcjc_border_size_right+'px '+wcjc_border_color, 181 'border-radius':wcjc_border_dadius, 182 background:wcjc_border_color 183 }); 184 $('.wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1 span').css({ 185 background: wcjc_btn_background_color 186 }); 187 $('.wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1 input').css({ 188 background: wcjc_background_color, 189 color:wcjc_text_color 190 }); 191 $('.wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1 input').attr('placeholder', wcjc_placeholder); 192 $('.wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .jcwp-button').text(wcjc_addtocartlabel); 193 $('.wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form form1 span svg path').attr('fill', wcjc_btn_icon_color); 194 $('.wcjc-form-example .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .jcwp-button').css({ 195 background: wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color, 196 color:wcjc_add_to_cart_color 197 }); 198 } 133 199 }); 134 200 })( jQuery ); -
r2785634 r2786706 21 21 $result = ''; 22 22 if ($_POST['data']) { 23 24 $swcjc_style_setting = json_encode($_POST['data']['wcjc_style_setting']); 25 error_log($swcjc_style_setting); 26 23 27 global $wpdb; 24 28 $form_id = intval($_POST['form_id']); … … 37 41 'wcjc_display_price' => (isset($_POST['data']['wcjc_display_price'])&& $_POST['data']['wcjc_display_price']==1)? 1 : 0, 38 42 'wcjc_display_quantity' => (isset($_POST['data']['wcjc_display_quantity'])&& $_POST['data']['wcjc_display_quantity']==1)? 1 : 0, 39 'wcjc_display_addtocart' => (isset($_POST['data']['wcjc_display_addtocart'])&& $_POST['data']['wcjc_display_addtocart']==1)? 1 : 0 43 'wcjc_display_addtocart' => (isset($_POST['data']['wcjc_display_addtocart'])&& $_POST['data']['wcjc_display_addtocart']==1)? 1 : 0, 44 'wcjc_style_setting' => (isset($_POST['data']['wcjc_style_setting']))? sanitize_text_field($swcjc_style_setting) : '', 40 45 ); 41 46 if($form_id && $form_id > 0){ -
r2785634 r2786706 15 15 $wcjc_placeholder = ( isset( $form_config[0]->wcjc_placeholder ) ? $form_config[0]->wcjc_placeholder : '' ); 16 16 $wcjc_addtocartlabel = ( isset( $form_config[0]->wcjc_addtocartlabel ) ? $form_config[0]->wcjc_addtocartlabel : '' ); 17 ?> 18 <form class="wcjc-form <?php 17 $json_wcjc_style_setting = ( isset( $form_config[0]->wcjc_style_setting ) ? json_decode( $form_config[0]->wcjc_style_setting ) : '' ); 18 $wcjc_background_color = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_background_color ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_background_color : '#fff' ); 19 $wcjc_text_color = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_text_color ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_text_color : '#000' ); 20 $wcjc_btn_background_color = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_btn_background_color ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_btn_background_color : '#d3d3d3' ); 21 $wcjc_btn_icon_color = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_btn_icon_color ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_btn_icon_color : '#000' ); 22 $wcjc_border_color = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_color ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_color : '#949494' ); 23 $wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color : '#2271b1' ); 24 $wcjc_add_to_cart_color = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_add_to_cart_color ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_add_to_cart_color : '#fff' ); 25 $wcjc_border_size_top = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_top ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_top : 1 ); 26 $wcjc_border_size_right = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_right ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_right : 1 ); 27 $wcjc_border_size_bottom = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_bottom ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_bottom : 1 ); 28 $wcjc_border_size_left = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_left ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_left : 1 ); 29 $wcjc_border_dadius = ( isset( $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_dadius ) ? $json_wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_dadius : 0 ); 30 ?> 31 32 <div class="wcjc-form-configuration-container"> 33 <div class="wcjc-form-example"> 34 <div class="wpjc-search-form wpjc-search-form-19"> 35 <form1> 36 <input autocomplete="off" type="text" name="wpjc-input-search" data-shop-url="" data-id="19" class="wpjc-input-search-19" placeholder="Search"> 37 <span class="gp-icon icon-search"> 38 <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em"> 39 <path fill="#AB7C94" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M208 48c-88.366 0-160 71.634-160 160s71.634 160 160 160 160-71.634 160-160S296.366 48 208 48zM0 208C0 93.125 93.125 0 208 0s208 93.125 208 208c0 48.741-16.765 93.566-44.843 129.024l133.826 134.018c9.366 9.379 9.355 24.575-.025 33.941-9.379 9.366-24.575 9.355-33.941-.025L337.238 370.987C301.747 399.167 256.839 416 208 416 93.125 416 0 322.875 0 208z"></path> 40 </svg> 41 </span> 42 </form1> 43 <div class="wpjc-rearch-result wpjc-rearch-result-19"> 44 <div class="wpjc-content"> 45 <ul> 46 <li> 47 <div class="image"> 48 <a href=""> 49 <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image"> 50 </a> 51 </div> 52 <div class="body-content"> 53 <a href=""> 54 <h2>Polo (Copy)</h2> 55 </a> 56 <div class="price"> 57 <span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">S/</span> 20.00</bdi></span> 58 </div> 59 </div> 60 <div class="btn-content"> 61 <span><div class="spinner-button dec-button">-</div><input min="1" name="qty" type="number" value="1"><div class="spinner-button inc-button">+</div></span> 62 <a class="jcwp-button jcwp-add_to_cart" data_add_to_cart="99">Add to Cart</a> 63 </div> 64 </li> 65 </ul> 66 </div> 67 </div> 68 </div> 69 </div> 70 <form class="wcjc-form <?php 19 71 echo esc_attr( $action_form ) ; 20 72 ?>"> 21 <fieldset> 22 <legend><h2><?php 73 <fieldset> 74 <legend><h2> <?php 75 echo __( 'Design Configuration', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 76 ?></h2></legend> 77 <div class="row-items colums-2 jcwp-design-form"> 78 <div class="row"> 79 <div><label><?php 80 echo __( 'Border Color', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 81 ?> </label><input type="text" name="wcjc_border_color" value="<?php 82 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_border_color ) ; 83 ?>" class="wcjc-color-picker"></div> 84 <div><label><?php 85 echo __( 'Background Color:', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 86 ?></label> <input type="text" name="wcjc_background_color" value="<?php 87 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_background_color ) ; 88 ?>" class="wcjc-color-picker"></div> 89 <div><label><?php 90 echo __( 'Text Color', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 91 ?> </label> <input type="text" name="wcjc_text_color" value="<?php 92 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_text_color ) ; 93 ?>" class="wcjc-color-picker"></div> 94 <div><label><?php 95 echo __( 'Background icon search', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 96 ?> </label> <input type="text" name="wcjc_btn_background_color" value="<?php 97 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_btn_background_color ) ; 98 ?>" class="wcjc-color-picker"></div> 99 <div><label><?php 100 echo __( 'Icon Search Color', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 101 ?> </label> <input type="text" name="wcjc_btn_icon_color" value="<?php 102 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_btn_icon_color ) ; 103 ?>" class="wcjc-color-picker"></div> 104 105 </div> 106 <div class="row"> 107 <div><label><?php 108 echo __( 'Add To Card Background', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 109 ?> </label><input type="text" name="wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color" value="<?php 110 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color ) ; 111 ?>" class="wcjc-color-picker"></div> 112 <div><label><?php 113 echo __( 'Add To Card Color', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 114 ?> </label><input type="text" name="wcjc_add_to_cart_color" value="<?php 115 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_add_to_cart_color ) ; 116 ?>" class="wcjc-color-picker"></div> 117 <div> <label><?php 118 echo __( 'Border Radius', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 119 ?> </label> <input name="wcjc_border_dadius" type="number" min="0" max="200" step="1" value="<?php 120 echo intval( $wcjc_border_dadius ) ; 121 ?>"> </div> 122 <div><label><?php 123 echo __( 'Border Size', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 124 ?></label> 125 <div class="numbers-input"> 126 <span> 127 <input name="wcjc_border_size_top" type="number" min="0" step="1" value="<?php 128 echo intval( $wcjc_border_size_top ) ; 129 ?>"> 130 <span>TOP</span> 131 </span> 132 <span> 133 <input name="wcjc_border_size_right" type="number" min="0" step="1" value="<?php 134 echo intval( $wcjc_border_size_right ) ; 135 ?>"> 136 <span>RIGHT</span> 137 </span> 138 <span> 139 <input name="wcjc_border_size_bottom" type="number" min="0" step="1" value="<?php 140 echo intval( $wcjc_border_size_bottom ) ; 141 ?>"> 142 <span>BOTTOM</span> 143 </span> 144 <span> 145 <input name="wcjc_border_size_left" type="number" min="0" step="1" value="<?php 146 echo intval( $wcjc_border_size_left ) ; 147 ?>"> 148 <span>LEFT</span> 149 </span> 150 </div> 151 </div> 152 </div> 153 </div> 154 </fieldset> 155 <fieldset> 156 <legend><h2><?php 23 157 echo __( 'Search form configuration', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 24 158 ?></h2></legend> 25 <div class="row"> <label><?php 159 <div class="row-items"> 160 <div class="row"> <label><?php 26 161 echo __( 'Admin Name:', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 27 162 ?> </label><input type="text" name="wcjc_title" value="<?php 28 163 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_title ) ; 29 164 ?>"> </div> 30 <div class="row"> <label><?php165 <div class="row"> <label><?php 31 166 echo __( 'Placeholder Input Search:', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 32 167 ?> </label><input type="text" name="wcjc_placeholder" value="<?php 33 168 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_placeholder ) ; 34 169 ?>"> </div> 35 <?php 36 ?> 37 <div class="row"> <label><?php 170 <div class="row"> <label><?php 38 171 echo __( 'Limit Results:', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 39 172 ?> </label><input type="number" name="wcjc_limitresult" value="<?php 40 173 echo intval( $wcjc_limitresult ) ; 41 174 ?>"></div> 42 </fieldset> 43 <fieldset> 44 <legend><h2> <?php 175 <?php 176 ?> 177 </div> 178 </fieldset> 179 <fieldset> 180 <legend><h2> <?php 45 181 echo __( 'Display Field Configuration', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 46 182 ?></h2></legend> 47 <div class="row"> <label class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="wcjc_display_image" <?php 183 <div class="row-items colums-2"> 184 <div class="row"> <label class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="wcjc_display_image" <?php 48 185 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_display_image ) ; 49 186 ?> > <?php 50 187 echo __( 'Display Image', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 51 188 ?></label> </div> 52 <div class="row"> <label class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="wcjc_display_image_link" <?php189 <div class="row"> <label class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="wcjc_display_image_link" <?php 53 190 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_display_image_link ) ; 54 191 ?> > <?php 55 192 echo __( 'Add url to Image', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 56 193 ?></label> </div> 57 <div class="row"> <label class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="wcjc_display_price" <?php194 <div class="row"> <label class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="wcjc_display_price" <?php 58 195 echo esc_attr( $wcjc_display_price ) ; 59 196 ?> > <?php 60 197 echo __( 'Display Price', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 61 198 ?></label> </div> 199 <?php 200 ?> 201 </div> 202 </fieldset> 62 203 <?php 63 204 ?> 64 </fieldset> 65 <?php 66 ?> 67 68 <div class="row"> 69 <a data_id="<?php 205 <div class="row"> 206 <a data_id="<?php 70 207 echo intval( $id ) ; 71 208 ?>" class="button button-primary button-large" href="#"><?php 72 209 echo __( 'Save', 'jc-ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ) ; 73 210 ?></a> 74 </div> 75 </form> 211 </div> 212 </form> 213 </div> -
r2785634 r2786706 31 31 $wcjc_placeholder = $FormConfig[0]->wcjc_placeholder; 32 32 $wcjc_addtocartlabel = $FormConfig[0]->wcjc_addtocartlabel; 33 $wcjc_style_setting = ( $FormConfig[0]->wcjc_style_setting ? json_decode( $FormConfig[0]->wcjc_style_setting ) : '' ); 33 34 $shop_page_url = get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ); 34 35 include plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '../views/wpjc-shorcode-search-print.php'; -
r2785634 r2786706 4 4 */ 5 5 .wpjc-search-form{width: 100%;display: flex;position: relative;} 6 .wpjc-search-form form{display: flex; border: solid 1px #949494;margin: 0!important;width: 100%; }6 .wpjc-search-form form{display: flex; border: solid 1px #949494;margin: 0!important;width: 100%;overflow: hidden;} 7 7 .wpjc-search-form form input{height: 40px; font-size: 14px; color: #000; display: block; width: 100%; border: 0; background: #fff; border-radius: 0;margin: 0!important;padding: 10px;} 8 8 .wpjc-search-form form span{background: #d3d3d3; height: 40px; width: 50px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;cursor: pointer;} 9 9 .wpjc-search-form form span svg{height: 20px;width: 20px;} 10 11 .wpjc-rearch-result{position: absolute; left: 0; top: 100%; right: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 2px 35px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%); font-size: 1.3rem; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0; background: #fff; z-index: 1058;min-width: 350px;}12 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content{ max-height: 316px; margin: 5px; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 4px;overflow-x: hidden;}13 14 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul{margin: 0;padding: 0;position: relative;}15 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li{margin: 0; list-style: none; display: flex; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3; margin-bottom: 2px; background: #fff; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; justify-content: space-between;padding: 0;}16 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .image{width: 100px; height: 100px; position: relative; display: block;flex: 0 0 100px;}17 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .image img{object-fit: cover;}18 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li a{text-decoration: none;}19 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li h2{font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: normal;}20 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content{padding: 10px;width: calc(100% - 200px);}21 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price{font-size: 14px; display: flex;}22 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price del{color: #d3d3d3;margin-right: 5px;}23 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price ins{}24 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price > .amount{padding: 0 3px;}25 26 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .jcwp-button{min-width: 90px; position: relative; margin: 2px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; max-width: 100%; padding: 8px 8px; height: auto; line-height: normal; background: #2271b1; color: #fff;font-size: 12px;}27 28 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content{ min-width: 100px; padding: 5px; max-width: 100px; margin-left: auto; position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center;}29 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input{height: 40px; font-size: 14px; color: #000;width: 50px;display: inline-block;text-align: center; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3;}30 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input::-webkit-outer-spin-button,31 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; }32 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input[type=number] { -moz-appearance: textfield; }33 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .spinner-button {display: inline-block; width: 20px; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; background: #d3d3d3; cursor: pointer; height: 40px; clear: none; vertical-align: top; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;}34 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .inc-button { }35 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .dec-button { }36 #tick-mark {position: absolute; display: inline-block; width: 15px; height: 15px; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 9px; margin: auto;}37 #tick-mark::before {position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50%; height: 50%; width: 3px; background-color: #0bed0b; content: ""; transform: translateX(10px) rotate(-45deg); transform-origin: left bottom; }38 #tick-mark::after {position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; height: 3px; width: 100%; background-color: #0bed0b; content: ""; transform: translateX(10px) rotate(-45deg); transform-origin: left bottom; }39 10 .wpjc-search-form .loader {border: 8px solid #f3f3f3; border-radius: 50%; border-top: 8px solid #3498db; width: 20px; height: 20px; -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; /* Safari */ animation: spin 2s linear infinite; } 40 11 .wpjc-search-form .jcwp-add_to_cart .loader {border: 4px solid #f3f3f3; border-radius: 50%; border-top: 4px solid #3498db; width: 15px; height: 15px; -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; animation: spin 2s linear infinite; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto;} 41 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar{width:6px;background-color: #fff;} 42 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background:rgba(194,194,194,0.3);border-radius:6px;margin-right: 5px;} 43 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-track {background-color: #fff; } 44 .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-button {display: none; } 12 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result {position: absolute; left: 0; top: 100%; right: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 2px 35px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%); font-size: 1.3rem; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0; background: #fff; z-index: 1058;min-width: 350px;} 13 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content{ max-height: 316px; margin: 5px; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 4px;overflow-x: hidden;} 14 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul{margin: 0;padding: 0;position: relative;} 15 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li{margin: 0; list-style: none; display: flex; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3; margin-bottom: 2px; background: #fff; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; justify-content: space-between;padding: 0;} 16 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .image{width: 100px; height: 100px; position: relative; display: block;flex: 0 0 100px;} 17 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .image img{object-fit: cover;} 18 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li a{text-decoration: none;} 19 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li h2{font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: normal;} 20 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content{padding: 10px;width: calc(100% - 200px);} 21 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price{font-size: 14px; display: flex;} 22 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price del{color: #d3d3d3;margin-right: 5px;} 23 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price ins{} 24 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .body-content .price > .amount{padding: 0 3px;} 25 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .jcwp-button{min-width: 90px; position: relative; margin: 2px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; max-width: 100%; padding: 8px 8px; height: auto; line-height: normal; background: #2271b1; color: #fff;font-size: 12px;} 26 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content { min-width: 100px; padding: 5px; max-width: 100px; margin-left: auto; position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center;} 27 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input{height: 40px; font-size: 14px; color: #000;width: 50px;display: inline-block;text-align: center; border: solid 1px #d3d3d3;} 28 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, 29 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } 30 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content input[type=number] { -moz-appearance: textfield; } 31 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .spinner-button {display: inline-block; width: 20px; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; background: #d3d3d3; cursor: pointer; height: 40px; clear: none; vertical-align: top; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;} 32 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar{width:6px;background-color: #fff;} 33 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background:rgba(194,194,194,0.3);border-radius:6px;margin-right: 5px;} 34 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-track {background-color: #fff; } 35 .wpjc-search-form .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content::-webkit-scrollbar-button {display: none; } 36 .wpjc-search-form #tick-mark {position: absolute; display: inline-block; width: 15px; height: 15px; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 9px; margin: auto;} 37 .wpjc-search-form #tick-mark::before {position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50%; height: 50%; width: 3px; background-color: #0bed0b; content: ""; transform: translateX(10px) rotate(-45deg); transform-origin: left bottom; } 38 .wpjc-search-form #tick-mark::after {position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; height: 3px; width: 100%; background-color: #0bed0b; content: ""; transform: translateX(10px) rotate(-45deg); transform-origin: left bottom; } 39 45 40 /* Safari */ 46 41 @-webkit-keyframes spin { -
r2785634 r2786706 10 10 </div> 11 11 </div> 12 <?php } ?> 12 <?php 13 if ($wcjc_style_setting) { 14 $wcjc_background_color = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_background_color)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_background_color:''; 15 $wcjc_text_color = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_text_color)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_text_color:''; 16 $wcjc_btn_background_color = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_btn_background_color)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_btn_background_color:''; 17 $wcjc_btn_icon_color = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_btn_icon_color)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_btn_icon_color:''; 18 $wcjc_border_color = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_color)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_color:''; 19 $wcjc_border_dadius = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_dadius)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_dadius:0; 20 $wcjc_border_size_top = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_top)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_top:0; 21 $wcjc_border_size_right = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_right)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_right:0; 22 $wcjc_border_size_bottom = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_bottom)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_bottom:0; 23 $wcjc_border_size_left = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_left)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_border_size_left:0; 24 $wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color:''; 25 $wcjc_add_to_cart_color = ($wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_add_to_cart_color)?$wcjc_style_setting->wcjc_add_to_cart_color:''; 26 ?> 27 <style type="text/css"> 28 .wpjc-search-form.wpjc-search-form-<?php echo intval($id); ?> form input:focus{outline: none; } 29 .wpjc-search-form.wpjc-search-form-<?php echo intval($id); ?> form input{background: <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_background_color ) ?> ; color: <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_text_color );?>;} 30 .wpjc-search-form.wpjc-search-form-<?php echo intval($id); ?> form span{background:<?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_btn_background_color );?>;} 31 .wpjc-search-form.wpjc-search-form-<?php echo intval($id); ?> form{ 32 border-top: solid <?php echo intval($wcjc_border_size_top); ?>px <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_border_color ); ?>; 33 border-left: solid <?php echo intval($wcjc_border_size_right); ?>px <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_border_color ); ?>; 34 border-bottom: solid <?php echo intval($wcjc_border_size_bottom); ?>px <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_border_color ); ?>; 35 border-right: solid <?php echo intval($wcjc_border_size_left); ?>px <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_border_color ); ?>; 36 border-radius: <?php echo intval($wcjc_border_dadius); ?>px; 37 background: <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_border_color ); ?>; 38 } 39 .wpjc-search-form.wpjc-search-form-<?php echo intval($id); ?> .wpjc-rearch-result .wpjc-content ul li .btn-content .jcwp-button{ 40 background: <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_add_to_cart_background_color ); ?>; 41 color: <?php echo esc_attr( $wcjc_add_to_cart_color ); ?>; 42 } 43 </style> 44 <script type="text/javascript"> 45 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 46 $('.wpjc-search-form.wpjc-search-form-<?php echo intval($id); ?> form span svg path').attr('fill', '<?php echo esc_attr($wcjc_btn_icon_color); ?>'); 47 }); 48 </script> 49 <?php } } ?> -
r2785634 r2786706 48 48 wcjc_display_quantity boolean NOT NULL, 49 49 wcjc_display_addtocart boolean NOT NULL, 50 wcjc_style_setting longtext NOT NULL, 50 51 PRIMARY KEY (id) 51 52 ) $charset_collate;"; -
r2785666 r2786706 5 5 * Plugin URI: 6 6 * Description: JC Ajax Search for WooCommerce allows you to create search forms with different settings to search for products without refreshing the page 7 * Version: 1.0. 17 * Version: 1.0.2 8 8 * Author: JcwpPlugins 9 9 * Author URI: … … 65 65 * Rename this for your plugin and update it as you release new versions. 66 66 */ 67 define( 'WC_AJAX_SEARCH_JC_VERSION', '1.0. 1' );67 define( 'WC_AJAX_SEARCH_JC_VERSION', '1.0.2' ); 68 68 /** 69 69 * The code that runs during plugin activation. -
r2785666 r2786706 5 5 Requires at least: 4.0 6 6 Tested up to: 6.0.2 7 Stable tag: 1.0. 17 Stable tag: 1.0.2 8 8 Requires PHP: 7.0 9 9 License: GPLv2 or later … … 47 47 48 48 == Changelog == 49 = 1.0.2 = 50 * Add configuration options for layout colors 49 51 = 1.0.1 = 50 52 * Styles are added in configuration form
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