Plugin Directory

Changeset 2749441

06/29/2022 05:33:47 AM (3 years ago)

Change the link to buy the Pro version

3 edited


  • nirweb-smart-sms/trunk/core/core.php

    r2729124 r2749441  
    601601                        <h5><?= esc_html__( 'professional version and tutorial','nss') ?></h5>
    602602                        <p><?= esc_html__('to use options below , you can easily purchase and download the pro version of the plugin form the link below','nss') ?></p>
    603                         <a href="<?= esc_url('') ?>"><?= esc_url('') ?></a>
     603                        <a href="<?= esc_url('') ?>"><?= esc_url('') ?></a>
    604604                        <svg width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
    605605                            <path fill="none" stroke="#caf3e5" stroke-width="2" d="M10,13 L10,16 L13,16 L13,19 L16,19 L16,21 L18,23 L23,23 L23,19 L12.74,8.74 C12.91,8.19 13,7.6 13,7 C13,3.69 10.31,1 7,1 C3.69,1 1,3.69 1,7 C1,10.31 3.69,13 7,13 C7.88,13 8.72,12.81 9.47,12.47 L10,13 Z M6,7 C5.4475,7 5,6.5525 5,6 C5,5.4475 5.4475,5 6,5 C6.5525,5 7,5.4475 7,6 C7,6.5525 6.5525,7 6,7 Z"/>
    692692                        <h5><?= esc_html__( 'professional version and tutorial','nss') ?></h5>
    693693                        <p><?= esc_html__('to use options below , you can easily purchase and download the pro version of the plugin form the link below','nss') ?></p>
    694                         <a href="<?= esc_url('') ?>"><?= esc_url('') ?></a>
     694                        <a href="<?= esc_url('') ?>"><?= esc_url('') ?></a>
    695695                        <svg width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
    696696                            <path fill="none" stroke="#caf3e5" stroke-width="2" d="M10,13 L10,16 L13,16 L13,19 L16,19 L16,21 L18,23 L23,23 L23,19 L12.74,8.74 C12.91,8.19 13,7.6 13,7 C13,3.69 10.31,1 7,1 C3.69,1 1,3.69 1,7 C1,10.31 3.69,13 7,13 C7.88,13 8.72,12.81 9.47,12.47 L10,13 Z M6,7 C5.4475,7 5,6.5525 5,6 C5,5.4475 5.4475,5 6,5 C6.5525,5 7,5.4475 7,6 C7,6.5525 6.5525,7 6,7 Z"/>
    802802                        <h5><?= esc_html__( 'professional version and tutorial','nss') ?></h5>
    803803                        <p><?= esc_html__('to use options below , you can easily purchase and download the pro version of the plugin form the link below','nss') ?></p>
    804                         <a href="<?= esc_url('') ?>"><?= esc_url('') ?></a>
     804                        <a href="<?= esc_url('') ?>"><?= esc_url('') ?></a>
    805805                        <svg width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
    806806                            <path fill="none" stroke="#caf3e5" stroke-width="2" d="M10,13 L10,16 L13,16 L13,19 L16,19 L16,21 L18,23 L23,23 L23,19 L12.74,8.74 C12.91,8.19 13,7.6 13,7 C13,3.69 10.31,1 7,1 C3.69,1 1,3.69 1,7 C1,10.31 3.69,13 7,13 C7.88,13 8.72,12.81 9.47,12.47 L10,13 Z M6,7 C5.4475,7 5,6.5525 5,6 C5,5.4475 5.4475,5 6,5 C6.5525,5 7,5.4475 7,6 C7,6.5525 6.5525,7 6,7 Z"/>
    12821282                        <h5><?= esc_html__( 'professional version and tutorial','nss') ?></h5>
    12831283                        <p><?= esc_html__('to use options below , you can easily purchase and download the pro version of the plugin form the link below','nss') ?></p>
    1284                         <a href="<?= esc_url('') ?>"><?= esc_url('') ?></a>
     1284                        <a href="<?= esc_url('') ?>"><?= esc_url('') ?></a>
    12851285                        <svg width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
    12861286                            <path fill="none" stroke="#caf3e5" stroke-width="2" d="M10,13 L10,16 L13,16 L13,19 L16,19 L16,21 L18,23 L23,23 L23,19 L12.74,8.74 C12.91,8.19 13,7.6 13,7 C13,3.69 10.31,1 7,1 C3.69,1 1,3.69 1,7 C1,10.31 3.69,13 7,13 C7.88,13 8.72,12.81 9.47,12.47 L10,13 Z M6,7 C5.4475,7 5,6.5525 5,6 C5,5.4475 5.4475,5 6,5 C6.5525,5 7,5.4475 7,6 C7,6.5525 6.5525,7 6,7 Z"/>
  • nirweb-smart-sms/trunk/nirweb-smart-sms.php

    r2729089 r2749441  
    44 * Plugin URI:
    55 * Description:       کاملترین افزونه پیامک ووکامرس و وردپرس
    6  * Version:           1.0
     6 * Version:           1.0.1
    77 * Requires at least: 5.2
    88 * Requires PHP:      7.2
  • nirweb-smart-sms/trunk/readme.txt

    r2730397 r2749441  
    66Tested up to: 6.0
    77Requires PHP: 7.2
    8 Stable tag: 1.0
     8Stable tag: 1.0.1
    99License: GPLv2 or later
    1010License URI:
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