Changeset 2676428
- Timestamp:
- 02/10/2022 02:51:38 PM (3 years ago)
- Location:
- wp-all-import
- Files:
- 637 added
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2622630 r2676428 5 5 public static $cdata = array(); 6 6 7 protected $errors; 8 7 protected $errors; 8 9 9 /** 10 10 * Some pre-processing logic, such as removing control characters from xml to prevent parsing errors … … 12 12 */ 13 13 public static function preprocessXml( &$xml ) { 14 15 if ( empty(PMXI_Plugin::$session->is_csv) and empty(PMXI_Plugin::$is_csv)){ 16 17 self::$cdata = array(); 14 15 if ( empty(PMXI_Plugin::$session->is_csv) and empty(PMXI_Plugin::$is_csv)){ 16 17 self::$cdata = array(); 18 18 19 19 $is_preprocess_enabled = apply_filters('is_xml_preprocess_enabled', true); … … 30 30 } 31 31 } 32 } 33 } 32 } 33 } 34 34 } 35 35 … … 44 44 $errors and $errors->add('form-validation', __('WP All Import can\'t read your file.<br/><br/>Probably, you are trying to import an invalid XML feed. Try opening the XML feed in a web browser (Google Chrome is recommended for opening XML files) to see if there is an error message.<br/>Alternatively, run the feed through a validator:<br/>99% of the time, the reason for this error is because your XML feed isn\'t valid.<br/>If you are 100% sure you are importing a valid XML feed, please contact WP All Import support.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 45 45 } else { 46 47 PMXI_Import_Record::preprocessXml($xml); 46 47 PMXI_Import_Record::preprocessXml($xml); 48 48 49 49 if ( function_exists('simplexml_load_string')){ … … 51 51 libxml_clear_errors(); 52 52 $_x = @simplexml_load_string($xml); 53 $xml_errors = libxml_get_errors(); 53 $xml_errors = libxml_get_errors(); 54 54 libxml_clear_errors(); 55 if ($xml_errors) { 55 if ($xml_errors) { 56 56 $error_msg = '<strong>' . __('Invalid XML', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . '</strong><ul>'; 57 57 foreach($xml_errors as $error) { … … 64 64 } 65 65 $error_msg .= '</ul>'; 66 $errors and $errors->add('form-validation', $error_msg); 66 $errors and $errors->add('form-validation', $error_msg); 67 67 } else { 68 68 return true; … … 70 70 } 71 71 else{ 72 $errors and $errors->add('form-validation', __('Required PHP components are missing.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 73 $errors and $errors->add('form-validation', __('WP All Import requires the SimpleXML PHP module to be installed. This is a standard feature of PHP, and is necessary for WP All Import to read the files you are trying to import.<br/>Please contact your web hosting provider and ask them to install and activate the SimpleXML PHP module.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 72 $errors and $errors->add('form-validation', __('Required PHP components are missing.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 73 $errors and $errors->add('form-validation', __('WP All Import requires the SimpleXML PHP module to be installed. This is a standard feature of PHP, and is necessary for WP All Import to read the files you are trying to import.<br/>Please contact your web hosting provider and ask them to install and activate the SimpleXML PHP module.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 74 74 } 75 75 } … … 674 674 return $result; 675 675 } 676 676 677 677 public $post_meta_to_insert = array(); 678 678 … … 695 695 696 696 $this->options += PMXI_Plugin::get_default_import_options(); // make sure all options are defined 697 697 698 698 $avoid_pingbacks = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('pingbacks'); 699 699 700 700 $cron_sleep = (int) PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('cron_sleep'); 701 701 702 702 if ( $avoid_pingbacks and ! defined( 'WP_IMPORTING' ) ) define( 'WP_IMPORTING', true ); 703 703 704 $postRecord = new PMXI_Post_Record(); 705 704 $postRecord = new PMXI_Post_Record(); 705 706 706 $tmp_files = array(); 707 707 // compose records to import … … 726 726 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing titles...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 727 727 if ( ! empty($this->options['title'])){ 728 $titles = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['title'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 728 $titles = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['title'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 729 729 } 730 730 else{ … … 772 772 773 773 if ( "xpath" == $this->options['status'] ){ 774 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 774 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 775 775 $post_status = array(); 776 776 if ( ! empty($this->options['status_xpath']) && $this->is_parsing_required('is_update_status') ){ 777 $post_status = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['status_xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 777 $post_status = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['status_xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 778 778 } 779 779 else{ … … 781 781 } 782 782 } 783 783 784 784 if ( "xpath" == $this->options['comment_status'] ){ 785 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing comment statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 785 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing comment statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 786 786 $comment_status = array(); 787 787 if (!empty($this->options['comment_status_xpath']) && $this->is_parsing_required('is_update_comment_status') ){ … … 794 794 795 795 if ( "xpath" == $this->options['ping_status'] ){ 796 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ping statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 796 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ping statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 797 797 $ping_status = array(); 798 798 if (!empty($this->options['ping_status_xpath'])){ … … 805 805 806 806 if ( "xpath" == $this->options['post_format'] ){ 807 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing post formats...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 807 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing post formats...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 808 808 $post_format = array(); 809 809 if (!empty($this->options['post_format_xpath'])){ … … 828 828 829 829 if ( "no" == $this->options['is_multiple_page_template'] ){ 830 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing page templates...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 830 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing page templates...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 831 831 $page_template = array(); 832 832 if (!empty($this->options['single_page_template'])){ … … 836 836 count($titles) and $page_template = array_fill(0, count($titles), 'default'); 837 837 } 838 } 838 } 839 839 840 840 if ( $this->options['is_override_post_type'] and ! empty($this->options['post_type_xpath']) ){ … … 853 853 854 854 if ( "no" == $this->options['is_multiple_page_parent'] ){ 855 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing page parent...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 855 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing page parent...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 856 856 $page_parent = array(); 857 857 if ( ! empty($this->options['single_page_parent']) && $this->is_parsing_required('is_update_parent') ){ … … 904 904 } 905 905 906 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing slugs...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 906 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing slugs...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 907 907 $post_slug = array(); 908 908 if (!empty($this->options['post_slug']) && $this->is_parsing_required('is_update_slug') ){ … … 921 921 } 922 922 923 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing menu order...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 923 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing menu order...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 924 924 $menu_order = array(); 925 925 if (!empty($this->options['order']) && $this->is_parsing_required('is_update_menu_order')){ … … 930 930 } 931 931 932 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing contents...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 932 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing contents...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 933 933 if (!empty($this->options['content']) && $this->is_parsing_required('is_update_content') ){ 934 934 $contents = XmlImportParser::factory( … … 937 937 $this->options['content'], 938 938 $file)->parse($records 939 ); $tmp_files[] = $file; 939 ); $tmp_files[] = $file; 940 940 } 941 941 else{ 942 942 count($titles) and $contents = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); 943 943 } 944 944 945 945 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing dates...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 946 946 if ( $this->is_parsing_required('is_update_dates') ){ … … 982 982 count($titles) and $dates = array_fill(0, count($titles), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(current_time('mysql')))); 983 983 } 984 984 985 985 // [custom taxonomies] 986 986 require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php'); 987 987 988 $taxonomies = array(); 988 $taxonomies = array(); 989 989 $exclude_taxonomies = apply_filters('pmxi_exclude_taxonomies', (class_exists('PMWI_Plugin')) ? array('post_format', 'product_type', 'product_shipping_class', 'product_visibility') : array('post_format')); 990 990 $post_taxonomies = array_diff_key(get_taxonomies_by_object_type(array($this->options['custom_type']), 'object'), array_flip($exclude_taxonomies)); … … 999 999 case 'single': 1000 1000 if ( isset($this->options['tax_single_xpath'][$tx_name]) && $this->options['tax_single_xpath'][$tx_name] !== "" ){ 1001 $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['tax_single_xpath'][$tx_name], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1001 $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['tax_single_xpath'][$tx_name], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1002 1002 foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { 1003 1003 $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array( … … 1009 1009 'max_hierarchy_level' => 1 1010 1010 ), $mapping_rules, $tx_name); 1011 } 1011 } 1012 1012 } 1013 1013 break; 1014 1014 case 'multiple': 1015 1015 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_multiple_xpath'][$tx_name]) ){ 1016 $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['tax_multiple_xpath'][$tx_name], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1016 $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['tax_multiple_xpath'][$tx_name], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1017 1017 foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { 1018 1018 $_tx = $tx; 1019 1019 // apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol 1020 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]) ){ 1021 if ( ! empty( $mapping_rules) ){ 1020 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]) ){ 1021 if ( ! empty( $mapping_rules) ){ 1022 1022 foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { 1023 if ( ! empty($rule[trim($_tx)])){ 1023 if ( ! empty($rule[trim($_tx)])){ 1024 1024 $_tx = trim($rule[trim($_tx)]); 1025 1025 break; … … 1027 1027 } 1028 1028 } 1029 } 1030 $delimeted_taxonomies = explode( ! empty($this->options['tax_multiple_delim'][$tx_name]) ? $this->options['tax_multiple_delim'][$tx_name] : ',', $_tx); 1029 } 1030 $delimeted_taxonomies = explode( ! empty($this->options['tax_multiple_delim'][$tx_name]) ? $this->options['tax_multiple_delim'][$tx_name] : ',', $_tx); 1031 1031 if ( ! empty($delimeted_taxonomies) ){ 1032 foreach ($delimeted_taxonomies as $cc) { 1032 foreach ($delimeted_taxonomies as $cc) { 1033 1033 $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array( 1034 1034 'name' => $cc, … … 1040 1040 ), $mapping_rules, $tx_name); 1041 1041 } 1042 } 1042 } 1043 1043 } 1044 1044 } 1045 1045 break; 1046 1046 case 'hierarchical': 1047 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic_entire'][$tx_name])){ 1047 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic_entire'][$tx_name])){ 1048 1048 if (! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name]) and is_array($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name])){ 1049 1049 count($titles) and $iterator = array_fill(0, count($titles), 0); 1050 1050 $taxonomies_hierarchy_groups = array_fill(0, count($titles), array()); 1051 1051 1052 1052 // separate hierarchy groups via symbol 1053 1053 if ( ! empty($this->options['is_tax_hierarchical_group_delim'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_group_delim'][$tx_name])){ 1054 foreach ($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name] as $k => $tx_xpath) { 1054 foreach ($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name] as $k => $tx_xpath) { 1055 1055 if (empty($tx_xpath)) continue; 1056 $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $tx_xpath, $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1056 $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $tx_xpath, $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1057 1057 foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { 1058 1058 $_tx = $tx; 1059 1059 // apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol 1060 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]) ){ 1061 if ( ! empty( $mapping_rules) ){ 1060 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]) ){ 1061 if ( ! empty( $mapping_rules) ){ 1062 1062 foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { 1063 if ( ! empty($rule[trim($_tx)])){ 1063 if ( ! empty($rule[trim($_tx)])){ 1064 1064 $_tx = trim($rule[trim($_tx)]); 1065 1065 break; … … 1074 1074 } 1075 1075 } 1076 } 1076 } 1077 1077 } 1078 1078 } … … 1080 1080 foreach ($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name] as $k => $tx_xpath) { 1081 1081 if (empty($tx_xpath)) continue; 1082 $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $tx_xpath, $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1083 foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { 1082 $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $tx_xpath, $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1083 foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { 1084 1084 array_push($taxonomies_hierarchy_groups[$i], $tx); 1085 1085 } 1086 1086 } 1087 1087 } 1088 1088 1089 1089 foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy_groups as $i => $groups) { if (empty($groups)) continue; 1090 foreach ($groups as $kk => $tx) { 1090 foreach ($groups as $kk => $tx) { 1091 1091 $_tx = $tx; 1092 1092 // apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol 1093 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]) ){ 1094 if ( ! empty( $mapping_rules) ){ 1095 foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { 1096 if ( ! empty($rule[trim($_tx)])){ 1093 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]) ){ 1094 if ( ! empty( $mapping_rules) ){ 1095 foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { 1096 if ( ! empty($rule[trim($_tx)])){ 1097 1097 $_tx = trim($rule[trim($_tx)]); 1098 1098 break; … … 1102 1102 } 1103 1103 $delimeted_taxonomies = array_filter(array_filter(explode( ! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_delim'][$tx_name]) ? $this->options['tax_hierarchical_delim'][$tx_name] : ',', $_tx))); 1104 if ( ! empty($delimeted_taxonomies) ){ 1105 foreach ($delimeted_taxonomies as $j => $cc) { 1104 if ( ! empty($delimeted_taxonomies) ){ 1105 foreach ($delimeted_taxonomies as $j => $cc) { 1106 1106 $is_assign_term = true; 1107 1107 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_last_level_assign'][$tx_name]) ){ … … 1116 1116 'max_hierarchy_level' => count($delimeted_taxonomies) 1117 1117 ), $mapping_rules, $tx_name); 1118 $iterator[$i]++; 1118 $iterator[$i]++; 1119 1119 } 1120 } 1120 } 1121 1121 } 1122 } 1122 } 1123 1123 } 1124 1124 } 1125 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic_manual'][$tx_name])){ 1125 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic_manual'][$tx_name])){ 1126 1126 if ( ! empty($this->options['post_taxonomies'][$tx_name]) ){ 1127 1127 $taxonomies_hierarchy = json_decode($this->options['post_taxonomies'][$tx_name], true); 1128 1129 foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy as $k => $taxonomy){ if ("" == $taxonomy['xpath']) continue; 1130 $txes_raw = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $taxonomy['xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1128 1129 foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy as $k => $taxonomy){ if ("" == $taxonomy['xpath']) continue; 1130 $txes_raw = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $taxonomy['xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1131 1131 $warned = array(); 1132 1132 1133 1133 foreach ($txes_raw as $i => $cc) { 1134 1134 1135 1135 $_tx = $cc; 1136 1136 // apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol 1137 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]) ){ 1138 if ( ! empty( $mapping_rules) ){ 1137 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and ! empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]) ){ 1138 if ( ! empty( $mapping_rules) ){ 1139 1139 foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { 1140 if ( ! empty($rule[trim($_tx)])){ 1140 if ( ! empty($rule[trim($_tx)])){ 1141 1141 $_tx = trim($rule[trim($_tx)]); 1142 1142 break; … … 1145 1145 } 1146 1146 } 1147 1147 1148 1148 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_manualhierarchy_delim'][$tx_name])){ 1149 1149 $delimeted_taxonomies = explode($this->options['tax_manualhierarchy_delim'][$tx_name], $_tx); 1150 1150 } 1151 1151 1152 1152 if ( empty($delimeted_taxonomies) ) continue; 1153 1153 1154 1154 if (empty($taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]['txn_names'][$i])) $taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]['txn_names'][$i] = array(); 1155 1155 if (empty($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i] = array(); 1156 $count_cats = count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); 1157 1156 $count_cats = count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); 1157 1158 1158 foreach ($delimeted_taxonomies as $j => $dc) { 1159 1160 if (!empty($taxonomy['parent_id'])) { 1159 1160 if (!empty($taxonomy['parent_id'])) { 1161 1161 foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy as $key => $value){ 1162 if ($value['item_id'] == $taxonomy['parent_id'] and !empty($value['txn_names'][$i])){ 1163 foreach ($value['txn_names'][$i] as $parent) { 1162 if ($value['item_id'] == $taxonomy['parent_id'] and !empty($value['txn_names'][$i])){ 1163 foreach ($value['txn_names'][$i] as $parent) { 1164 1164 $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array( 1165 1165 'name' => trim($dc), … … 1172 1172 1173 1173 $taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]['txn_names'][$i][] = $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]) - 1]; 1174 } 1174 } 1175 1175 } 1176 } 1176 } 1177 1177 } 1178 else { 1178 else { 1179 1179 $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array( 1180 1180 'name' => trim($dc), … … 1188 1188 $taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]['txn_names'][$i][] = $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]) - 1]; 1189 1189 } 1190 } 1190 } 1191 1191 } 1192 1192 } 1193 1193 } 1194 } 1194 } 1195 1195 break; 1196 1196 1197 1197 default: 1198 1198 1199 1199 break; 1200 1200 } 1201 1201 } 1202 1202 endforeach; 1203 endif; 1203 endif; 1204 1204 // [/custom taxonomies] 1205 1205 1206 1206 // Composing featured images 1207 $image_sections = apply_filters('wp_all_import_image_sections', array( 1207 $image_sections = apply_filters('wp_all_import_image_sections', array( 1208 1208 array( 1209 1209 'slug' => '', … … 1211 1211 'type' => 'images' 1212 1212 ) 1213 )); 1213 )); 1214 1214 1215 1215 if ( ! (($uploads = wp_upload_dir()) && false === $uploads['error'])) { 1216 1216 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $uploads['error']); 1217 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: No featured images will be created. Uploads folder is not found.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1218 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1217 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: No featured images will be created. Uploads folder is not found.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1218 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1219 1219 } else { 1220 1220 $images_bundle = array(); … … 1332 1332 // Composing attachments 1333 1333 if ( ! (($uploads = wp_upload_dir()) && false === $uploads['error'])) { 1334 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $uploads['error']); 1335 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: No attachments will be created', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1334 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $uploads['error']); 1335 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: No attachments will be created', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1336 1336 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1337 1337 } else { … … 1347 1347 if ($parse_multiple) { 1348 1348 foreach($atchs as $atch) { 1349 $posts_attachments = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, trim($atch), $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1350 foreach($posts_attachments as $i => $val) $attachments[$i][] = $val; 1349 $posts_attachments = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, trim($atch), $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1350 foreach($posts_attachments as $i => $val) $attachments[$i][] = $val; 1351 1351 } 1352 1352 } 1353 1353 else { 1354 $attachments = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['attachments'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1354 $attachments = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['attachments'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; 1355 1355 } 1356 1356 } … … 1368 1368 } 1369 1369 1370 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Processing posts...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1370 $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Processing posts...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1371 1371 1372 1372 $addons = array(); … … 1381 1381 'logger' => $logger, 1382 1382 'chunk' => $chunk, 1383 'xpath_prefix' => $xpath_prefix 1383 'xpath_prefix' => $xpath_prefix 1384 1384 ); 1385 1385 $parse_functions = apply_filters('wp_all_import_addon_parse', array()); 1386 foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { 1387 $model_class = str_replace("_Plugin", "_Import_Record", $class); 1388 if (class_exists($model_class)){ 1386 foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { 1387 $model_class = str_replace("_Plugin", "_Import_Record", $class); 1388 if (class_exists($model_class)){ 1389 1389 $addons[$class] = new $model_class(); 1390 $addons_data[$class] = ( method_exists($addons[$class], 'parse') ) ? $addons[$class]->parse($parsingData) : false; 1390 $addons_data[$class] = ( method_exists($addons[$class], 'parse') ) ? $addons[$class]->parse($parsingData) : false; 1391 1391 } else { 1392 1392 if ( ! empty($parse_functions[$class]) ){ 1393 1393 if ( is_array($parse_functions[$class]) and is_callable($parse_functions[$class]) or ! is_array($parse_functions[$class]) and function_exists($parse_functions[$class]) ){ 1394 $addons_data[$class] = call_user_func($parse_functions[$class], $parsingData); 1394 $addons_data[$class] = call_user_func($parse_functions[$class], $parsingData); 1395 1395 } 1396 1396 } … … 1398 1398 } 1399 1399 1400 // save current import state to variables before import 1400 // save current import state to variables before import 1401 1401 $created = $this->created; 1402 1402 $updated = $this->updated; 1403 $skipped = $this->skipped; 1404 1403 $skipped = $this->skipped; 1404 1405 1405 $specified_records = array(); 1406 1406 1407 1407 $simpleXml = simplexml_load_string($xml, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); 1408 1408 1409 1409 $rootNodes = $simpleXml->xpath($cxpath); 1410 1410 … … 1437 1437 } 1438 1438 1439 if ($is_cron and $cron_sleep) sleep($cron_sleep); 1439 if ($is_cron and $cron_sleep) sleep($cron_sleep); 1440 1440 1441 1441 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('---', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1442 1442 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Record #%s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->imported + $this->skipped + $i + 1)); 1443 1443 1444 if ( "manual" == $this->options['duplicate_matching'] 1445 and ! empty($specified_records) 1444 if ( "manual" == $this->options['duplicate_matching'] 1445 and ! empty($specified_records) 1446 1446 and ! in_array($created + $updated + $skipped + 1, $specified_records) ) 1447 1447 { 1448 $skipped++; 1448 $skipped++; 1449 1449 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>SKIPPED</b>: by specified records option', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1450 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1450 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1451 1451 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 1452 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1453 continue; 1452 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1453 continue; 1454 1454 } 1455 1455 … … 1469 1469 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1470 1470 } 1471 } 1471 } 1472 1472 1473 1473 switch ($this->options['custom_type']){ … … 1579 1579 break; 1580 1580 } 1581 1581 1582 1582 // Re-import Records Matching 1583 1583 $post_to_update = false; $post_to_update_id = false; 1584 1584 1585 1585 // An array representation of current XML node 1586 $current_xml_node = wp_all_import_xml2array($rootNodes[$i]); 1586 $current_xml_node = wp_all_import_xml2array($rootNodes[$i]); 1587 1587 1588 1588 $check_for_duplicates = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_check_duplicates', true, $this->id); … … 1591 1591 // if Auto Matching re-import option selected 1592 1592 if ( "manual" != $this->options['duplicate_matching'] ) { 1593 // find corresponding article among previously imported 1593 // find corresponding article among previously imported 1594 1594 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData))); 1595 1595 $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); … … 1623 1623 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Duplicate post wasn\'t found with unique key `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), wp_all_import_clear_xss($unique_keys[$i]))); 1624 1624 } 1625 1625 1626 1626 // if Manual Matching re-import option seleted 1627 1627 } else { 1628 1628 1629 1629 if ('custom field' == $this->options['duplicate_indicator']) { 1630 1630 $custom_duplicate_value = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['custom_duplicate_value'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; … … 1633 1633 count($titles) and $custom_duplicate_name = $custom_duplicate_value = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); 1634 1634 } 1635 1635 1636 1636 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Find corresponding article among database for post `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData))); 1637 1637 … … 1677 1677 } 1678 1678 } 1679 } 1679 } 1680 1680 1681 1681 $is_post_to_skip = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_post_to_skip', false, $this->id, $current_xml_node, $i, $post_to_update_id, $simpleXml); … … 1686 1686 } 1687 1687 $skipped++; 1688 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1688 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1689 1689 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 1690 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1691 continue; 1692 } 1690 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1691 continue; 1692 } 1693 1693 1694 1694 if ( ! empty($specified_records) ) { … … 1697 1697 $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); 1698 1698 } 1699 $skipped++; 1699 $skipped++; 1700 1700 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>SKIPPED</b>: by specified records option', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1701 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1701 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1702 1702 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 1703 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1703 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1704 1704 continue; 1705 } 1706 } 1705 } 1706 } 1707 1707 1708 1708 $missing_images = array(); … … 1716 1716 if ( ! $continue_import ){ 1717 1717 1718 if ( ! $postRecord->isEmpty() ) $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); 1718 if ( ! $postRecord->isEmpty() ) $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); 1719 1719 1720 1720 $skipped++; 1721 1721 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>SKIPPED</b>: By filter wp_all_import_is_post_to_update `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); 1722 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1723 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 1724 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1722 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1723 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 1724 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1725 1725 do_action('wp_all_import_post_skipped', $post_to_update_id, $this->id, $current_xml_node); 1726 1726 continue; … … 1730 1730 1731 1731 // Do not update already existing records option selected 1732 if ("yes" == $this->options['is_keep_former_posts']) { 1733 1734 if ( ! $postRecord->isEmpty() ) $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); 1732 if ("yes" == $this->options['is_keep_former_posts']) { 1733 1734 if ( ! $postRecord->isEmpty() ) $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); 1735 1735 1736 1736 do_action('pmxi_do_not_update_existing', $post_to_update_id, $this->id, $this->iteration, $xml, $i); … … 1738 1738 $skipped++; 1739 1739 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>SKIPPED</b>: Previously imported record found for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData))); 1740 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1741 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 1742 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1740 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1741 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 1742 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1743 1743 do_action('wp_all_import_post_skipped', $post_to_update_id, $this->id, $current_xml_node); 1744 1744 continue; … … 1964 1964 } 1965 1965 elseif ( ! $postRecord->isEmpty() ){ 1966 1966 1967 1967 // existing post not found though it's track was found... clear the leftover, plugin will continue to treat record as new 1968 1968 $postRecord->clear(); 1969 1970 } 1969 1970 } 1971 1971 1972 1972 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData))); 1973 1973 $articleData = apply_filters('pmxi_article_data', $articleData, $this, $post_to_update, $current_xml_node); 1974 1974 1975 1975 // no new records are created. it will only update posts it finds matching duplicates for 1976 if ( ! $this->options['create_new_records'] and empty($articleData['ID']) ){ 1977 1976 if ( ! $this->options['create_new_records'] and empty($articleData['ID']) ){ 1977 1978 1978 if ( ! $postRecord->isEmpty() ) $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); 1979 1979 1980 1980 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>SKIPPED</b>: The option \'Create new posts from records newly present in your file\' is disabled in your import settings.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 1981 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1981 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 1982 1982 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 1983 $skipped++; 1984 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1983 $skipped++; 1984 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 1985 1985 do_action('wp_all_import_post_skipped', 0, $this->id, $current_xml_node); 1986 1986 continue; 1987 1987 } 1988 1988 1989 1989 // cloak urls with `WP Wizard Cloak` if corresponding option is set 1990 1990 if ( ! empty($this->options['is_cloak']) and class_exists('PMLC_Plugin')) { … … 2062 2062 } 2063 2063 } 2064 } 2065 2066 // insert article being imported 2064 } 2065 2066 // insert article being imported 2067 2067 if ($this->options['is_fast_mode']){ 2068 2068 foreach (array('transition_post_status', 'save_post', 'pre_post_update', 'add_attachment', 'edit_attachment', 'edit_post', 'post_updated', 'wp_insert_post', 'save_post_' . $post_type[$i]) as $act) { … … 2076 2076 $continue_import = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_post_to_create', $continue_import, $current_xml_node, $this->id); 2077 2077 2078 if ( ! $continue_import ){ 2078 if ( ! $continue_import ){ 2079 2079 $skipped++; 2080 2080 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>SKIPPED</b>: By filter wp_all_import_is_post_to_create `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData))); 2081 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 2082 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 2083 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 2081 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 2082 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; 2083 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 2084 2084 do_action('wp_all_import_post_skipped', 0, $this->id, $current_xml_node); 2085 2085 continue; … … 2206 2206 break; 2207 2207 } 2208 2208 2209 2209 if (empty($pid)) { 2210 2210 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ERROR</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': something wrong, ID = 0 was generated.'); … … 2228 2228 2229 2229 if ("manual" != $this->options['duplicate_matching'] or empty($articleData['ID'])){ 2230 // associate post with import 2230 // associate post with import 2231 2231 $product_key = (($post_type[$i] == "product" and PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_addon('PMWI_Plugin')) ? $addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']['single_product_ID'][$i] : ''); 2232 2232 if ($post_type[$i] == "taxonomies"){ … … 2314 2314 foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { 2315 2315 if (class_exists($class)) { 2316 if ( method_exists($addons[$class], 'import') ) $addons[$class]->import($importData); 2316 if ( method_exists($addons[$class], 'import') ) $addons[$class]->import($importData); 2317 2317 } else { 2318 2318 if (!empty($import_functions[$class])) { 2319 2319 if (is_array($import_functions[$class]) and is_callable($import_functions[$class]) or ! is_array($import_functions[$class]) and function_exists($import_functions[$class]) ) { 2320 call_user_func($import_functions[$class], $importData, $addons_data[$class]); 2321 } 2320 call_user_func($import_functions[$class], $importData, $addons_data[$class]); 2321 } 2322 2322 } 2323 2323 } … … 2331 2331 update_post_meta($pid, '_wp_page_template', ("no" == $this->options['is_multiple_page_template']) ? $page_template[$i] : $this->options['page_template']); 2332 2332 } 2333 2333 2334 2334 // [featured image] 2335 2335 … … 2442 2442 } 2443 2443 2444 if (empty($image) || !preg_match('% ^(http|ftp)s?://%i', $image)) continue;2444 if (empty($image) || !preg_match('%\W(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|svg)$%i', trim(basename($image)))) continue; 2445 2445 2446 2446 $attid = false; … … 2581 2581 2582 2582 if ( ! empty($images_bundle) ){ 2583 2584 require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); 2583 2584 require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); 2585 2585 2586 2586 $is_show_add_new_images = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_show_add_new_images', true, $post_type[$i]); … … 2591 2591 2592 2592 if ( ! $is_images_section_enabled && $slug == 'pmxi_gallery_image' ) continue; 2593 2593 2594 2594 $featured_images = $bundle_data['files']; 2595 2595 2596 2596 $option_slug = ($slug == 'pmxi_gallery_image') ? '' : $slug; 2597 2597 2598 $gallery_attachment_ids = array(); 2598 $gallery_attachment_ids = array(); 2599 2599 2600 2600 if ( ! empty($featured_images[$i]) ){ … … 2606 2606 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>ERROR</b>: Target directory %s is not writable', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $targetDir)); 2607 2607 } 2608 else{ 2609 2610 $success_images = false; 2611 2608 else{ 2609 2610 $success_images = false; 2611 2612 2612 $imgs = array(); 2613 2613 … … 2618 2618 case 'gallery': 2619 2619 $featured_delim = $this->options[$option_slug . 'gallery_featured_delim']; 2620 break; 2620 break; 2621 2621 default: // yes 2622 2622 $featured_delim = $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_featured_delim']; 2623 2623 break; 2624 } 2624 } 2625 2625 2626 2626 $line_imgs = explode("\n", $featured_images[$i]); 2627 2627 if ( ! empty($line_imgs) ) 2628 2628 foreach ($line_imgs as $line_img) 2629 $imgs = array_merge($imgs, ( ! empty($featured_delim) ) ? str_getcsv($line_img, $featured_delim) : array($line_img) ); 2629 $imgs = array_merge($imgs, ( ! empty($featured_delim) ) ? str_getcsv($line_img, $featured_delim) : array($line_img) ); 2630 2630 2631 2631 // keep existing and add newest images 2632 2632 if ( ! empty($articleData['ID']) and $this->options['is_update_images'] and $this->options['update_images_logic'] == "add_new" and $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $is_show_add_new_images){ 2633 2633 2634 2634 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- Keep existing and add newest images ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 2635 2635 2636 $attachment_imgs = get_attached_media( 'image', $pid ); 2636 $attachment_imgs = get_attached_media( 'image', $pid ); 2637 2637 2638 2638 if ( $post_type[$i] == "product" ){ … … 2640 2640 } 2641 2641 2642 if ( $attachment_imgs ) { 2643 foreach ( $attachment_imgs as $attachment_img ) { 2642 if ( $attachment_imgs ) { 2643 foreach ( $attachment_imgs as $attachment_img ) { 2644 2644 $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $pid ); 2645 2645 if ( empty($post_thumbnail_id) and $this->options[$option_slug . 'is_featured'] ) { … … 2647 2647 } 2648 2648 elseif(!in_array($attachment_img->ID, $gallery_attachment_ids) and $post_thumbnail_id != $attachment_img->ID) { 2649 $gallery_attachment_ids[] = $attachment_img->ID; 2650 } 2651 } 2652 $success_images = true; 2653 } 2649 $gallery_attachment_ids[] = $attachment_img->ID; 2650 } 2651 } 2652 $success_images = true; 2653 } 2654 2654 2655 2655 if ( ! empty($gallery_attachment_ids) ){ … … 2659 2659 } 2660 2660 } 2661 2661 2662 2662 if ( ! empty($imgs) ) { 2663 2663 2664 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_title'] and !empty($image_meta_titles_bundle[$slug])){ 2665 $img_titles = array(); 2664 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_title'] and !empty($image_meta_titles_bundle[$slug])){ 2665 $img_titles = array(); 2666 2666 $line_img_titles = explode("\n", $image_meta_titles_bundle[$slug][$i]); 2667 2667 if ( ! empty($line_img_titles) ) 2668 2668 foreach ($line_img_titles as $line_img_title) 2669 2669 $img_titles = array_merge($img_titles, ( ! empty($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_title_delim']) ) ? explode($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_title_delim'], $line_img_title) : array($line_img_title) ); 2670 2670 2671 2671 } 2672 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_caption'] and !empty($image_meta_captions_bundle[$slug])){ 2673 $img_captions = array(); 2672 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_caption'] and !empty($image_meta_captions_bundle[$slug])){ 2673 $img_captions = array(); 2674 2674 $line_img_captions = explode("\n", $image_meta_captions_bundle[$slug][$i]); 2675 2675 if ( ! empty($line_img_captions) ) … … 2678 2678 2679 2679 } 2680 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_alt'] and !empty($image_meta_alts_bundle[$slug])){ 2681 $img_alts = array(); 2680 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_alt'] and !empty($image_meta_alts_bundle[$slug])){ 2681 $img_alts = array(); 2682 2682 $line_img_alts = explode("\n", $image_meta_alts_bundle[$slug][$i]); 2683 2683 if ( ! empty($line_img_alts) ) … … 2686 2686 2687 2687 } 2688 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_description'] and !empty($image_meta_descriptions_bundle[$slug])){ 2689 $img_descriptions = array(); 2688 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_description'] and !empty($image_meta_descriptions_bundle[$slug])){ 2689 $img_descriptions = array(); 2690 2690 $line_img_descriptions = ($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_description_delim_logic'] == 'line' or empty($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_description_delim'])) ? explode("\n", $image_meta_descriptions_bundle[$slug][$i]) : array($image_meta_descriptions_bundle[$slug][$i]); 2691 2691 if ( ! empty($line_img_descriptions) ) … … 2693 2693 $img_descriptions = array_merge($img_descriptions, ($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_description_delim_logic'] == 'separate' and ! empty($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_description_delim']) ) ? explode($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_description_delim'], $line_img_description) : array($line_img_description) ); 2694 2694 2695 } 2696 2697 $is_keep_existing_images = ( ! empty($articleData['ID']) and $this->options['is_update_images'] and $this->options['update_images_logic'] == "add_new" and $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $is_show_add_new_images); 2695 } 2696 2697 $is_keep_existing_images = ( ! empty($articleData['ID']) and $this->options['is_update_images'] and $this->options['update_images_logic'] == "add_new" and $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $is_show_add_new_images); 2698 2698 2699 2699 foreach ($imgs as $k => $img_url) { … … 2714 2714 } 2715 2715 2716 $attid = false; 2717 2718 $attch = null; 2716 $attid = false; 2717 2718 $attch = null; 2719 2719 2720 2720 // remove encoded quotes from url (" and ') 2721 2721 $url = html_entity_decode(trim($img_url), ENT_QUOTES); 2722 2722 2723 if (empty($url)) continue; 2723 if (empty($url)) continue; 2724 2724 2725 2725 $bn = wp_all_import_sanitize_filename(urldecode(wp_all_import_basename($url))); … … 2732 2732 $img_ext = pmxi_getExtensionFromStr($url); 2733 2733 2734 if ($img_ext == "") $img_ext = pmxi_get_remote_image_ext($url); 2734 if ($img_ext == "") $img_ext = pmxi_get_remote_image_ext($url); 2735 2735 } 2736 2736 … … 2741 2741 $image_name = apply_filters("wp_all_import_image_filename", $image_name, empty($img_titles[$k]) ? '' : $img_titles[$k], empty($img_captions[$k]) ? '' : $img_captions[$k], empty($img_alts[$k]) ? '' : $img_alts[$k], $articleData, $this->id, $img_url); 2742 2742 2743 // if wizard store image data to custom field 2743 // if wizard store image data to custom field 2744 2744 $create_image = false; 2745 2745 $download_image = true; 2746 2746 $wp_filetype = false; 2747 2747 2748 $is_base64_images_allowed = apply_filters("wp_all_import_is_base64_images_allowed", true, $url, $this->id); 2749 2750 if ( $bundle_data['type'] == 'images' and base64_encode(base64_decode($url)) == $urland $is_base64_images_allowed ){2748 $is_base64_images_allowed = apply_filters("wp_all_import_is_base64_images_allowed", true, $url, $this->id); 2749 2750 if ( $bundle_data['type'] == 'images' and wp_all_import_is_base64_encoded($url) and $is_base64_images_allowed ){ 2751 2751 $image_name = empty($this->options[$option_slug . 'auto_rename_images']) ? md5($url) . '.jpg' : sanitize_file_name($auto_rename_images_bundle[$slug][$i]) . '.jpg'; 2752 2752 $image_name = apply_filters("wp_all_import_image_filename", $image_name, empty($img_titles[$k]) ? '' : $img_titles[$k], empty($img_captions[$k]) ? '' : $img_captions[$k], empty($img_alts[$k]) ? '' : $img_alts[$k], $articleData, $this->id, $img_url); … … 2789 2789 } 2790 2790 } 2791 } 2792 2793 if ( ! $create_image) {2794 2791 } 2792 2793 if ( ! $create_image && empty($attch) ) { 2794 2795 2795 if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'auto_rename_images'] and !empty($auto_rename_images_bundle[$slug][$i])) { 2796 2796 if ($k) { 2797 2797 $image_name = str_replace('.' . pmxi_getExtension($image_name), '', $image_name) . '-' . $k . '.' . pmxi_getExtension($image_name); 2798 } 2798 } 2799 2799 } 2800 2800 2801 2801 $image_filename = wp_unique_filename($targetDir, $image_name); 2802 2802 $image_filepath = $targetDir . '/' . $image_filename; … … 2804 2804 // search existing attachment 2805 2805 if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'search_existing_images'] or "gallery" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_images']){ 2806 2806 2807 2807 $image_filename = $image_name; 2808 2808 … … 2854 2854 $imageRecord->set(array( 2855 2855 'attachment_id' => $attid, 2856 'image_url' => ( base64_encode(base64_decode($url)) == $url&& $is_base64_images_allowed) ? '' : $url,2856 'image_url' => (wp_all_import_is_base64_encoded($url) && $is_base64_images_allowed) ? '' : $url, 2857 2857 'image_filename' => $image_name 2858 2858 ))->insert(); … … 2864 2864 if (empty($imageRecord->image_url)){ 2865 2865 $imageRecord->set(array( 2866 'image_url' => ( base64_encode(base64_decode($url)) == $url&& $is_base64_images_allowed) ? '' : $url,2866 'image_url' => (wp_all_import_is_base64_encoded($url) && $is_base64_images_allowed) ? '' : $url, 2867 2867 ))->update(); 2868 2868 } … … 2885 2885 2886 2886 // do not download images 2887 if ( "no" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_images'] ){ 2887 if ( "no" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_images'] ){ 2888 2888 2889 2889 $image_filename = wp_unique_filename($targetDir, $image_name); 2890 $image_filepath = $targetDir . '/' . $image_filename; 2891 2890 $image_filepath = $targetDir . '/' . $image_filename; 2891 2892 2892 $wpai_uploads = $uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::FILES_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; 2893 2893 $wpai_image_path = $wpai_uploads . str_replace('%20', ' ', $url); … … 2896 2896 2897 2897 if ( @file_exists($wpai_image_path) and @copy( $wpai_image_path, $image_filepath )){ 2898 $download_image = false; 2898 $download_image = false; 2899 2899 // validate import attachments 2900 2900 if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'files'){ … … 2905 2905 } 2906 2906 else { 2907 $create_image = true; 2907 $create_image = true; 2908 2908 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- File `%s` has been successfully found', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $wpai_image_path)); 2909 2909 } … … 2912 2912 elseif($bundle_data['type'] == 'images'){ 2913 2913 if( preg_match('%\W(svg)$%i', wp_all_import_basename($image_filepath)) or $image_info = apply_filters('pmxi_getimagesize', @getimagesize($image_filepath), $image_filepath) and in_array($image_info[2], wp_all_import_supported_image_types())) { 2914 $create_image = true; 2914 $create_image = true; 2915 2915 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Image `%s` has been successfully found', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $wpai_image_path)); 2916 2916 } … … 2920 2920 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; 2921 2921 @unlink($image_filepath); 2922 } 2922 } 2923 2923 } 2924 } 2925 } 2924 } 2925 } 2926 2926 else { 2927 2927 $image_info = $this->downloadFile($url, $image_filepath, $is_cron, $logger, $bundle_data['type']); … … 2936 2936 } 2937 2937 $create_image = empty($image_info) ? false : true; 2938 } 2938 } 2939 2939 } 2940 2940 } … … 2950 2950 if ( ! empty($image_info) && is_array($image_info) ) { 2951 2951 $file_mime_type = image_type_to_mime_type($image_info[2]); 2952 } 2952 } 2953 2953 $file_mime_type = apply_filters('wp_all_import_image_mime_type', $file_mime_type, $image_filepath); 2954 2954 } … … 2974 2974 $imageRecord->set(array( 2975 2975 'attachment_id' => $attid, 2976 'image_url' => ( base64_encode(base64_decode($url)) == $url&& $is_base64_images_allowed) ? '' : $url,2976 'image_url' => (wp_all_import_is_base64_encoded($url) && $is_base64_images_allowed) ? '' : $url, 2977 2977 'image_filename' => $image_name 2978 2978 ))->insert(); … … 2985 2985 if (empty($imageRecord->image_url)){ 2986 2986 $imageRecord->set(array( 2987 'image_url' => ( base64_encode(base64_decode($url)) == $url&& $is_base64_images_allowed) ? '' : $url2987 'image_url' => (wp_all_import_is_base64_encoded($url) && $is_base64_images_allowed) ? '' : $url 2988 2988 ))->update(); 2989 2989 } … … 3007 3007 wp_update_post( 3008 3008 array( 3009 'ID' => $attch->ID, 3009 'ID' => $attch->ID, 3010 3010 'post_parent' => $pid 3011 3011 ) … … 3018 3018 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_description'] and ! empty($img_descriptions[$k]) ) $update_attachment_meta['post_content'] = trim($img_descriptions[$k]); 3019 3019 if ( $this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_alt'] and ! empty($img_alts[$k]) ) update_post_meta($attid, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', trim($img_alts[$k])); 3020 3020 3021 3021 if ( !empty($update_attachment_meta)) { 3022 3022 $update_attachment_meta['ID'] = $attid; … … 3027 3027 } 3028 3028 3029 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- <b>ACTION</b>: ' . $slug, 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3030 do_action( $slug, $pid, $attid, ($handle_image) ? $handle_image['file'] : $image_filepath, $is_keep_existing_images ? 'add_images' : 'update_images'); 3029 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- <b>ACTION</b>: ' . $slug, 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3030 do_action( $slug, $pid, $attid, ($handle_image) ? $handle_image['file'] : $image_filepath, $is_keep_existing_images ? 'add_images' : 'update_images'); 3031 3031 3032 3032 $success_images = true; … … 3048 3048 if ($attch != null and empty($attch->post_parent)) { 3049 3049 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attachment with ID: `%s` has been successfully updated for image `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $attid, ($handle_image) ? $handle_image['url'] : $targetUrl . '/' . $image_filename)); 3050 } 3050 } 3051 3051 elseif(empty($attch)) { 3052 3052 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attachment with ID: `%s` has been successfully created for image `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $attid, ($handle_image) ? $handle_image['url'] : $targetUrl . '/' . $image_filename)); 3053 3053 } 3054 } 3055 } 3054 } 3055 } 3056 3056 } 3057 3057 3058 3058 // Set product gallery images 3059 3059 if ( $post_type[$i] == "product" ){ … … 3066 3066 $this->wpdb->update( $this->wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'draft'), array('ID' => $pid) ); 3067 3067 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Post `%s` saved as Draft, because no images are downloaded successfully', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData))); 3068 } 3068 } 3069 3069 } 3070 3070 } 3071 else{ 3071 else{ 3072 3072 // Create entry as Draft if no images are downloaded successfully 3073 $final_post_type = get_post_type($pid); 3073 $final_post_type = get_post_type($pid); 3074 3074 if ( "yes" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'create_draft'] and $final_post_type != 'product_variation' and ! in_array($post_type[$i], array('taxonomies', 'comments', 'woo_reviews'))){ 3075 3075 $this->wpdb->update( $this->wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'draft'), array('ID' => $pid) ); … … 3122 3122 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Images import skipped for post `%s` according to \'pmxi_is_images_to_update\' filter...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData))); 3123 3123 } 3124 // [/featured image] 3124 // [/featured image] 3125 3125 3126 3126 // [attachments] … … 3310 3310 if ( ! empty($taxonomies) ){ 3311 3311 3312 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>TAXONOMIES:</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3313 3314 foreach ($taxonomies as $tx_name => $txes) { 3312 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>TAXONOMIES:</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3313 3314 foreach ($taxonomies as $tx_name => $txes) { 3315 3315 3316 3316 // Skip updating product attributes … … 3318 3318 3319 3319 if ( empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "yes" or ( $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_categories'] )) { 3320 3321 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Importing taxonomy `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $tx_name)); 3320 3321 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Importing taxonomy `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $tx_name)); 3322 3322 3323 3323 if ( ! empty($this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name]) and $this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name] == 'hierarchical' and ! empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic'][$tx_name]) and $this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic'][$tx_name] == 'entire'){ … … 3326 3326 3327 3327 if (!empty($articleData['ID'])){ 3328 if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "all_except" and !empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) 3329 and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and in_array($tx_name, $this->options['taxonomies_list'])){ 3328 if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "all_except" and !empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) 3329 and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and in_array($tx_name, $this->options['taxonomies_list'])){ 3330 3330 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- %s %s has been skipped attempted to `Leave these taxonomies alone, update all others`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name)); 3331 3331 continue; 3332 } 3333 if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "only" and ((!empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) 3334 and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and ! in_array($tx_name, $this->options['taxonomies_list'])) or empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']))){ 3332 } 3333 if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "only" and ((!empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) 3334 and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and ! in_array($tx_name, $this->options['taxonomies_list'])) or empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']))){ 3335 3335 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- %s %s has been skipped attempted to `Update only these taxonomies, leave the rest alone`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name)); 3336 3336 continue; 3337 3337 } 3338 } 3338 } 3339 3339 3340 3340 $assign_taxes = array(); 3341 3341 3342 3342 if ($this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "add_new" and !empty($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])){ 3343 $assign_taxes = $existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]; 3343 $assign_taxes = $existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]; 3344 3344 unset($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); 3345 3345 } … … 3385 3385 } 3386 3386 } 3387 } 3388 3389 if ( is_wp_error($term) ){ 3387 } 3388 3389 if ( is_wp_error($term) ){ 3390 3390 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $term->get_error_message())); 3391 3391 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; … … 3402 3402 } 3403 3403 } 3404 } 3405 if (!in_array($term->term_taxonomy_id, $assign_taxes)) $assign_taxes[] = $term->term_taxonomy_id; 3406 if (!$is_created_term){ 3407 if ( empty($parent_id) ){ 3408 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attempted to create parent %s %s `%s`, duplicate detected. Importing %s to existing `%s` %s, ID %d, slug `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $term->name, $tx_name, $term->term_id, $term->slug)); 3404 } 3405 if (!in_array($term->term_taxonomy_id, $assign_taxes)) $assign_taxes[] = $term->term_taxonomy_id; 3406 if (!$is_created_term){ 3407 if ( empty($parent_id) ){ 3408 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attempted to create parent %s %s `%s`, duplicate detected. Importing %s to existing `%s` %s, ID %d, slug `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $term->name, $tx_name, $term->term_id, $term->slug)); 3409 3409 } 3410 else{ 3411 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attempted to create child %s %s `%s`, duplicate detected. Importing %s to existing `%s` %s, ID %d, slug `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $term->name, $tx_name, $term->term_id, $term->slug)); 3412 } 3410 else{ 3411 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attempted to create child %s %s `%s`, duplicate detected. Importing %s to existing `%s` %s, ID %d, slug `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $term->name, $tx_name, $term->term_id, $term->slug)); 3412 } 3413 3413 } 3414 } 3415 } 3414 } 3415 } 3416 3416 } 3417 } 3417 } 3418 3418 endif; 3419 3419 $assign_taxes = apply_filters('wp_all_import_set_post_terms', $assign_taxes, $tx_name, $pid, $this->id); 3420 // associate taxes with post 3420 // associate taxes with post 3421 3421 $this->associate_terms($pid, ( empty($assign_taxes) ? false : $assign_taxes ), $tx_name, $logger, $is_cron, $articleData['post_status']); 3422 3422 } … … 3426 3426 } 3427 3427 if ( $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and ( ($this->options['is_update_categories'] and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] != 'full_update') or ( ! $this->options['is_update_categories'] and ( is_object_in_taxonomy( $post_type[$i], 'category' ) or is_object_in_taxonomy( $post_type[$i], 'post_tag' ) ) ) ) ) { 3428 3428 3429 3429 if ( ! empty($existing_taxonomies) ){ 3430 3430 foreach ($existing_taxonomies as $tx_name => $txes) { … … 3432 3432 if ( PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_addon('PMWI_Plugin') and strpos($tx_name, "pa_") === 0 ) continue; 3433 3433 3434 if (!empty($txes[$i])) 3434 if (!empty($txes[$i])) 3435 3435 $this->associate_terms($pid, $txes[$i], $tx_name, $logger, $is_cron, $articleData['post_status']); 3436 3436 } 3437 3437 } 3438 3438 } 3439 } 3440 // [/custom taxonomies] 3441 3442 if (empty($articleData['ID'])) { 3439 } 3440 // [/custom taxonomies] 3441 3442 if (empty($articleData['ID'])) { 3443 3443 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>CREATED</b> `%s` `%s` (ID: %s)', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $pid)); 3444 } else { 3444 } else { 3445 3445 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>UPDATED</b> `%s` `%s` (ID: %s)', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->getRecordTitle($articleData), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $pid)); 3446 3446 } … … 3462 3462 // prepare data for import 3463 3463 $importData = array( 3464 'pid' => $pid, 3465 'import' => $this, 3464 'pid' => $pid, 3465 'import' => $this, 3466 3466 'logger' => $logger, 3467 'is_update' => $is_update 3467 'is_update' => $is_update 3468 3468 ); 3469 3469 … … 3471 3471 3472 3472 // deligate operation to addons 3473 foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class){ 3473 foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class){ 3474 3474 if (class_exists($class)){ 3475 if ( method_exists($addons[$class], 'saved_post') ) $addons[$class]->saved_post($importData); 3475 if ( method_exists($addons[$class], 'saved_post') ) $addons[$class]->saved_post($importData); 3476 3476 } else { 3477 3477 if ( ! empty($saved_functions[$class]) ){ 3478 3478 if ( is_array($saved_functions[$class]) and is_callable($saved_functions[$class]) or ! is_array($saved_functions[$class]) and function_exists($saved_functions[$class]) ){ 3479 call_user_func($saved_functions[$class], $importData); 3480 } 3481 } 3479 call_user_func($saved_functions[$class], $importData); 3480 } 3481 } 3482 3482 } 3483 3483 } 3484 3485 // [/addons import] 3484 3485 // [/addons import] 3486 3486 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_saved_post', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3487 3487 do_action( 'pmxi_saved_post', $pid, $rootNodes[$i], $is_update ); // hook that was triggered immediately after post saved 3488 3489 if (empty($articleData['ID'])) $created++; else $updated++; 3488 3489 if (empty($articleData['ID'])) $created++; else $updated++; 3490 3490 3491 3491 if ( ! $is_cron and "default" == $this->options['import_processing'] ){ … … 3493 3493 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<span class="processing_info"><span class="created_count">%s</span><span class="updated_count">%s</span><span class="percents_count">%s</span></span>', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $created, $updated, ceil(($processed_records/$this->count) * 100))); 3494 3494 } 3495 3496 } 3495 3496 } 3497 3497 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_after_post_import', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3498 3498 do_action('pmxi_after_post_import', $this->id); … … 3503 3503 } 3504 3504 3505 $this->set(array( 3506 'imported' => $created + $updated, 3505 $this->set(array( 3506 'imported' => $created + $updated, 3507 3507 'created' => $created, 3508 3508 'updated' => $updated, 3509 3509 'skipped' => $skipped, 3510 'last_activity' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') 3510 'last_activity' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') 3511 3511 ))->update(); 3512 3512 3513 3513 if ( ! $is_cron ){ 3514 3514 3515 PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 3515 PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); 3516 3516 3517 3517 $records_count = $this->created + $this->updated + $this->skipped; … … 3519 3519 $records_to_import = (empty($specified_records)) ? $this->count : $specified_records[count($specified_records) -1]; 3520 3520 3521 $is_import_complete = ($records_count == $records_to_import); 3521 $is_import_complete = ($records_count == $records_to_import); 3522 3522 3523 3523 // Set out of stock status for missing records [Woocommerce add-on option] … … 3527 3527 $args = array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $this->iteration); 3528 3528 if (!empty($this->options['is_import_specified'])) $args['specified'] = 1; 3529 $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); 3529 $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); 3530 3530 $missingPosts = $postList->getBy($args); 3531 3531 if ( ! $missingPosts->isEmpty() ){ 3532 foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { 3532 foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { 3533 3533 update_post_meta( $missingPost['post_id'], '_stock_status', 'outofstock' ); 3534 3534 update_post_meta( $missingPost['post_id'], '_stock', 0 ); … … 3549 3549 } 3550 3550 } 3551 } 3552 } 3553 3551 } 3552 } 3553 3554 3554 } catch (XmlImportException $e) { 3555 3555 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ERROR</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $e->getMessage()); 3556 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->errors++; 3557 } 3558 3556 $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->errors++; 3557 } 3558 3559 3559 $logger and $is_import_complete and call_user_func($logger, __('Cleaning temporary data...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3560 3560 foreach ($tmp_files as $file) { // remove all temporary files created 3561 3561 @unlink($file); 3562 } 3563 3562 } 3563 3564 3564 remove_filter('user_has_cap', array($this, '_filter_has_cap_unfiltered_html')); kses_init(); // return any filtering rules back if they has been disabled for import procedure 3565 3565 3566 3566 return $this; 3567 3567 } … … 3671 3671 public function delete_source($logger = false) 3672 3672 { 3673 if ($this->options['is_delete_source']) 3673 if ($this->options['is_delete_source']) 3674 3674 { 3675 3675 $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); 3676 3676 3677 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Deleting source XML file...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3677 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Deleting source XML file...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3678 3678 3679 3679 // Delete chunks 3680 3680 foreach (PMXI_Helper::safe_glob($uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::TEMP_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pmxi_chunk_*', PMXI_Helper::GLOB_RECURSE | PMXI_Helper::GLOB_PATH) as $filePath) { 3681 3681 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Deleting chunks files...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3682 @file_exists($filePath) and wp_all_import_remove_source($filePath, false); 3682 @file_exists($filePath) and wp_all_import_remove_source($filePath, false); 3683 3683 } 3684 3684 … … 3700 3700 } 3701 3701 } 3702 } 3702 } 3703 3703 3704 3704 public function delete_missing_records($logger, $iteration) 3705 3705 { 3706 if ( ! empty($this->options['is_delete_missing']) and $this->options['duplicate_matching'] == 'auto') { 3706 if ( ! empty($this->options['is_delete_missing']) and $this->options['duplicate_matching'] == 'auto') { 3707 3707 3708 3708 empty($this->deleted) and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Removing previously imported posts which are no longer actual...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3709 $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); 3710 3711 $args = array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $iteration); 3712 if ( ! empty($this->options['is_import_specified']) ) $args['specified'] = 1; 3709 $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); 3710 3711 $args = array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $iteration); 3712 if ( ! empty($this->options['is_import_specified']) ) $args['specified'] = 1; 3713 3713 3714 3714 $missing_ids = array(); 3715 3715 $missingPosts = $postList->getBy($args); 3716 3716 3717 if ( ! $missingPosts->isEmpty() ): 3718 3717 if ( ! $missingPosts->isEmpty() ): 3718 3719 3719 foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { 3720 3720 3721 3721 $missing_ids[] = $missingPost; 3722 3722 3723 3723 } 3724 3724 3725 endif; 3725 endif; 3726 3726 3727 3727 // Delete posts from database 3728 if ( ! empty($missing_ids) && is_array($missing_ids) ){ 3729 3730 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_delete_post', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3728 if ( ! empty($missing_ids) && is_array($missing_ids) ){ 3729 3730 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_delete_post', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); 3731 3731 3732 3732 $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Deleting posts from database', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); … … 3741 3741 3742 3742 foreach ( $missingPostRecords as $k => $missingPostRecord ) { 3743 3743 3744 3744 $to_delete = true; 3745 3745 3746 3746 // Instead of deletion, set Custom Field 3747 3747 if ($this->options['is_update_missing_cf']){ … … 3765 3765 } 3766 3766 3767 // Instead of deletion, change post status to Draft 3767 // Instead of deletion, change post status to Draft 3768 3768 if ($this->options['set_missing_to_draft']){ 3769 3769 if ($final_post_type = get_post_type($missingPostRecord['post_id']) and $final_post_type != 'product_variation' and 'draft' != get_post_status($missingPostRecord['post_id'])) … … 3772 3772 $this->recount_terms($missingPostRecord['post_id'], $final_post_type); 3773 3773 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Instead of deletion, change post with ID `%s` status to Draft', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $missingPostRecord['post_id'])); 3774 } 3774 } 3775 3775 $to_delete = false; 3776 3776 } 3777 3777 3778 3778 $to_delete = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_post_to_delete', $to_delete, $missingPostRecord['post_id'], $this); 3779 3779 … … 3788 3788 wp_delete_object_term_relationships($missingPostRecord['post_id'], get_object_taxonomies('' != $this->options['custom_type'] ? $this->options['custom_type'] : 'post')); 3789 3789 } 3790 } 3790 } 3791 3791 else { 3792 3792 $skipp_from_deletion[] = $missingPostRecord['post_id']; … … 3811 3811 do_action('pmxi_missing_post', $missingPostRecord['post_id']); 3812 3812 3813 unset($missingPostRecords[$k]); 3813 unset($missingPostRecords[$k]); 3814 3814 } 3815 3815 } … … 3849 3849 break; 3850 3850 } 3851 3851 3852 3852 // Delete record form pmxi_posts 3853 3853 $sql = "DELETE FROM " . PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . "posts WHERE post_id IN (".implode(',', $ids).") AND import_id = %d"; 3854 $this->wpdb->query( 3854 $this->wpdb->query( 3855 3855 $this->wpdb->prepare($sql, $this->id) 3856 ); 3857 3858 $this->set(array('deleted' => $this->deleted + count($ids)))->update(); 3856 ); 3857 3858 $this->set(array('deleted' => $this->deleted + count($ids)))->update(); 3859 3859 3860 3860 $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('%d Posts deleted from database. IDs (%s)', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->deleted, implode(",", $ids))); 3861 3861 } 3862 } 3862 } 3863 3863 3864 3864 if ( PMXI_Plugin::is_ajax() ) break; … … 3876 3876 protected function pushmeta($pid, $meta_key, $meta_value){ 3877 3877 3878 if (empty($meta_key)) return; 3878 if (empty($meta_key)) return; 3879 3879 3880 3880 $this->post_meta_to_insert[] = array( … … 3882 3882 'meta_value' => $meta_value, 3883 3883 'pid' => $pid 3884 ); 3884 ); 3885 3885 3886 3886 } 3887 3887 3888 3888 protected function executeSQL(){ 3889 3889 3890 3890 $import_entry = ( in_array( $this->options['custom_type'], array('import_users', 'shop_customer') ) ) ? 'user' : 'post'; 3891 3891 3892 3892 // prepare bulk SQL query 3893 3893 $meta_table = _get_meta_table( $import_entry ); 3894 3895 if ( $this->post_meta_to_insert ){ 3894 3895 if ( $this->post_meta_to_insert ){ 3896 3896 $values = array(); 3897 3897 $already_added = array(); 3898 3898 3899 3899 foreach (array_reverse($this->post_meta_to_insert) as $key => $value) { 3900 3900 if ( ! empty($value['meta_key']) and ! in_array($value['pid'] . '-' . $value['meta_key'], $already_added) ){ 3901 $already_added[] = $value['pid'] . '-' . $value['meta_key']; 3902 $values[] = '(' . $value['pid'] . ',"' . $value['meta_key'] . '",\'' . maybe_serialize($value['meta_value']) .'\')'; 3901 $already_added[] = $value['pid'] . '-' . $value['meta_key']; 3902 $values[] = '(' . $value['pid'] . ',"' . $value['meta_key'] . '",\'' . maybe_serialize($value['meta_value']) .'\')'; 3903 3903 } 3904 3904 } 3905 3905 3906 3906 $this->wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $meta_table (`" . $import_entry . "_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES " . implode(',', $values)); 3907 3907 $this->post_meta_to_insert = array(); 3908 } 3908 } 3909 3909 } 3910 3910 3911 3911 public function _filter_has_cap_unfiltered_html($caps) 3912 3912 { … … 3993 3993 $missing_ids = array(); 3994 3994 $sql = "SELECT post_id FROM " . PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . "posts WHERE import_id = %d"; 3995 $missingPosts = $this->wpdb->get_results( 3995 $missingPosts = $this->wpdb->get_results( 3996 3996 $this->wpdb->prepare($sql, $this->id) 3997 3997 ); … … 4009 4009 // Delete record form pmxi_posts 4010 4010 $sql = "DELETE FROM " . PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . "posts WHERE post_id IN (".implode(',', $ids).") AND import_id = %d"; 4011 $this->wpdb->query( 4011 $this->wpdb->query( 4012 4012 $this->wpdb->prepare($sql, $this->id) 4013 4013 ); 4014 $this->set(array('deleted' => $this->deleted + count($ids)))->update(); 4014 $this->set(array('deleted' => $this->deleted + count($ids)))->update(); 4015 4015 } 4016 4016 break; 4017 4017 } 4018 4018 return (count($missing_ids_arr) > 1) ? false : true; 4019 } 4019 } 4020 4020 } 4021 4021 return true; … … 4029 4029 */ 4030 4030 public function deletePosts($keepPosts = TRUE, $is_deleted_images = 'auto', $is_delete_attachments = 'auto') { 4031 $post = new PMXI_Post_List(); 4032 if ( ! $keepPosts) { 4031 $post = new PMXI_Post_List(); 4032 if ( ! $keepPosts) { 4033 4033 $ids = array(); 4034 foreach ($post->getBy('import_id', $this->id)->convertRecords() as $p) { 4034 foreach ($post->getBy('import_id', $this->id)->convertRecords() as $p) { 4035 4035 $ids[] = $p->post_id; 4036 4036 } 4037 4037 if ( ! empty($ids) ){ 4038 4038 $this->deleteRecords($is_delete_attachments, $is_deleted_images, $ids); 4039 } 4039 } 4040 4040 } 4041 4041 $this->wpdb->query($this->wpdb->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . $post->getTable() . ' WHERE import_id = %s', $this->id)); … … 4100 4100 public function deleteFiles() { 4101 4101 $fileList = new PMXI_File_List(); 4102 foreach($fileList->getBy('import_id', $this->id)->convertRecords() as $f) { 4102 foreach($fileList->getBy('import_id', $this->id)->convertRecords() as $f) { 4103 4103 $f->delete(); 4104 4104 } … … 4110 4110 * @chainable 4111 4111 */ 4112 public function deleteHistories(){ 4112 public function deleteHistories(){ 4113 4113 $historyList = new PMXI_History_List(); 4114 foreach ($historyList->getBy('import_id', $this->id)->convertRecords() as $h) { 4114 foreach ($historyList->getBy('import_id', $this->id)->convertRecords() as $h) { 4115 4115 $h->delete(); 4116 4116 } … … 4128 4128 } 4129 4129 return $this; 4130 } 4130 } 4131 4131 /** 4132 4132 * @see parent::delete() … … 4138 4138 { 4139 4139 $this->deleteFiles()->deleteHistories()->deleteChildren($keepPosts); 4140 } 4140 } 4141 4141 $expired_sessions = array(); 4142 4142 $expired_sessions[] = "_wpallimport_session_expires_" . $this->id . "_"; … … 4153 4153 return in_array($this->type, array('url', 'ftp', 'file')); 4154 4154 } 4155 4155 4156 4156 } -
r2640889 r2676428 4 4 Plugin URI: 5 5 Description: The most powerful solution for importing XML and CSV files to WordPress. Create Posts and Pages with content from any XML or CSV file. A paid upgrade to WP All Import Pro is available for support and additional features. 6 Version: 3.6. 56 Version: 3.6.6 7 7 Author: Soflyy 8 8 */ … … 26 26 define('WP_ALL_IMPORT_PREFIX', 'pmxi_'); 27 27 28 define('PMXI_VERSION', '3.6. 5');28 define('PMXI_VERSION', '3.6.6'); 29 29 30 30 define('PMXI_EDITION', 'free'); -
r2640889 r2676428 2 2 Contributors: soflyy, wpallimport 3 3 Requires at least: 4.1 4 Tested up to: 5. 85 Stable tag: 3.6. 54 Tested up to: 5.9 5 Stable tag: 3.6.6 6 6 Tags: wordpress csv import, wordpress xml import, xml, csv, datafeed, import, migrate, import csv to wordpress, import xml to wordpress, advanced xml import, advanced csv import, bulk csv import, bulk xml import, bulk data import, xml to custom post type, csv to custom post type, woocommerce csv import, woocommerce xml import, csv import, import csv, xml import, import xml, csv importer 7 7 … … 105 105 106 106 == Changelog == 107 108 = 3.6.6 = 109 * bug fix: jQuery nestedSortable compatibility with WordPress 5.9 107 110 108 111 = 3.6.5 = -
r1259687 r2676428 87 87 } 88 88 89 this.dragDirection = { 90 vertical: this._getDragVerticalDirection(), 91 horizontal: this._getDragHorizontalDirection() 92 }; 93 89 94 //Regenerate the absolute position used for position checks 90 95 this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo("absolute"); … … 166 171 167 172 this.beyondMaxLevels = 0; 168 173 169 174 // If the item is moved to the left, send it to its parent's level unless there are siblings below it. 170 175 if (parentItem != null && nextItem == null && … … 333 338 } 334 339 335 id = ($(item).attr(o.attribute || 'id') ).match(o.expression || (/(.+)[-=_](.+)/));340 id = ($(item).attr(o.attribute || 'id') || '').match(o.expression || (/(.+)[-=_](.+)/)); 336 341 337 342 if (depth === sDepth + 1) { … … 344 349 pid = parentItem[2]; 345 350 } 346 351 347 352 if (id) { 348 353 var pmxi_is_assign = $(item).find('input.assign_term:first').is(':checked'); … … 371 376 if (this.options.listType) { 372 377 var list = item.closest(this.options.listType); 373 while (list && list.length > 0 && 378 while (list && list.length > 0 && 374 379 !'.ui-sortable')) { 375 380 level++;
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.