Changeset 2543347
- Timestamp:
- 06/06/2021 06:03:13 PM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- woo-min-max-quantity-limit
- Files:
- 3 edited
- 4 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2512073 r2543347 1 1 *** WC Minimum & Maximum Quantity Changelog *** 2 2021.04.09 - version 2.1.4 2 2021.06.06 - version 2.1.6 3 * Bug Fix: If quantity item manually changed in the product page / cart page and if the changed quantity voids the minimum / maximum order quantity rule / the quantity increment rule then it throws error which was not earlier. 4 2021.04.09 - version 2.1.5 3 5 * Added feature to do increments based on the increment set by admin 4 6 2021.01.01 - version 2.1.4 -
r2512073 r2543347 4 4 Tags: woocommerce, minimum, maximum, quantity, minimum purchase, maximum purchase, purchase 5 5 Requires at least: 3.3.1 6 Tested up to: 5.7 7 Stable tag: 2.1. 58 WC tested up to: 5. 1.06 Tested up to: 5.7.2 7 Stable tag: 2.1.6 8 WC tested up to: 5.3.0 9 9 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 10 10 License URI: … … 30 30 * Select a particular product from the product list for which you need to enable this feature. 31 31 * Enable this feature and add the minimum and maximum allowed quantity in the respective boxes 32 * Setting up the increment, if the increment by is set other than one, the minimum order quantity should be the value of the increment set. 33 * Setting custom error notice / messages, in the admin panel go to Settings --> WooCommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity Limit, there you will find 2 text area, there you can set the custom error message which will override the default error message in the product and cart page 32 34 33 35 == Frequently Asked Questions == … … 42 44 43 45 == Changelog == 46 = 2.1.6 = 47 Bug Fix: If quantity item manually changed in the product page / cart page and if the changed quantity voids the minimum / maximum order quantity rule / the quantity increment rule then it throws error which was not earlier. 44 48 = 2.1.5 = 45 49 Added feature to do increments based on the increment set by admin -
r2512073 r2543347 1 1 <?php 2 2 /* 3 Plugin Name: Woocommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity4 Plugin URI: Description: Allow the site admin to enable the feature of minimum and maximum purchase of a particular product in each product.6 Version: 2.1.5 7 Author: Ashok G8 Text Domain: wcmmax9 Author URI: WC tested up to: 5.1.011 Copyright: © 2020 Ashok G.12 License: GNU General Public License v3.013 License URI: */3 Plugin Name: Woocommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity 4 Plugin URI: 5 Description: Allow the site admin to enable the feature of minimum and maximum purchase of a particular product in each product. 6 Version: 2.1.6 7 Author: Ashok G 8 Text Domain: wcmmax 9 Author URI: 10 WC tested up to: 5.3.0 11 Copyright: © 2020 Ashok G. 12 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 13 License URI: 14 */ 15 15 16 16 17 17 add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'wc_mmax_meta_box_create'); 18 18 add_action('save_post', 'wc_mmax_save_meta_box'); 19 function wc_mmax_meta_box_create() 20 {19 20 function wc_mmax_meta_box_create() { 21 21 add_meta_box('wc_mmax_enable', __('Min Max Quantity', 'wcmmax'), 'wc_mmax_meta_box', 'product', 'side'); 22 22 } 23 23 24 function wc_mmax_meta_box($post) 25 { 24 function wc_mmax_meta_box($post) { 26 25 wp_nonce_field('wc_mmax_cst_prd_nonce', 'wc_mmax_cst_prd_nonce'); 27 26 28 27 echo '<table>'; 29 28 echo '<tr><td><label for="_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable">' . __('Enable', 'wcmmax') . '</label>'; … … 46 45 echo '<td><input type="number" id="_wc_mmax_increment" class="short" name="_wc_mmax_increment" value="' . $wc_mmax_increment . '" /></td>'; 47 46 echo '</tr></table>'; 48 49 } 50 51 function wc_mmax_save_meta_box($post_id) 52 { 47 } 48 49 function wc_mmax_save_meta_box($post_id) { 53 50 if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) 54 51 return; … … 56 53 return; 57 54 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable']); 58 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_max', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_max']);55 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_max', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_max']); 59 56 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_min', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_min']); 60 57 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_increment', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_increment']); 61 58 } 62 59 63 64 65 66 /** Functions For Custom Option Page for Plugin **/ 60 /** Functions For Custom Option Page for Plugin * */ 67 61 function _wcmmax_options_register_settings() { 68 add_option( '_wcmmax_options_option_name', 'Settings.'); 69 register_setting( '_wcmmax_options_group', '_wcmmax_options_option_name', '_wcmmax_options_callback' ); 70 } 71 add_action( 'admin_init', '_wcmmax_options_register_settings' ); 62 add_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name', ''); 63 add_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message', ''); 64 register_setting('_wcmmax_options_group', '_wcmmax_options_option_name', '_wcmmax_options_callback'); 65 register_setting('_wcmmax_options_group', '_wcmmax_cart_error_message', '_wcmmax_options_callback'); 66 } 67 68 add_action('admin_init', '_wcmmax_options_register_settings'); 72 69 73 70 function _wcmmax_register_options_page() { 74 add_options_page('WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit Settings', 'WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit', 'manage_options', '_wcmmax_', '_wcmmax_options_page'); 75 } 71 add_options_page('WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit Settings', 'WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit', 'manage_options', '_wcmmax_', '_wcmmax_options_page'); 72 } 73 76 74 add_action('admin_menu', '_wcmmax_register_options_page'); 77 75 78 function _wcmmax_options_page() 79 { 80 ?> 81 <div> 82 83 <h2>WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit Settings</h2> 84 <form method="post" action="options.php"> 85 <?php settings_fields( '_wcmmax_options_group' ); ?> 86 87 <table> 88 <tr valign="top"> 89 <th scope="row"><label for="_wcmmax_options_option_name">Custom alert message for maximum Quantity limit </label></th> 90 </tr> 91 <tr> 92 <td><textarea cols="60" rows="5" id="_wcmmax_options_option_name" name="_wcmmax_options_option_name" ><?php echo get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name'); ?> </textarea></td> 93 </tr> 94 </table> 95 <?php submit_button(); ?> 96 </form> 97 </div> 98 <?php 99 } 100 101 /** Functions For Custom Option Page for Plugin **/ 102 103 /*Function to manipulate custom minimum and maximum purchase*/ 76 function _wcmmax_options_page() { 77 ?> 78 <div> 79 80 <h2>WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit Settings</h2> 81 <form method="post" action="options.php"> 82 <?php settings_fields('_wcmmax_options_group'); ?> 83 84 <table> 85 <tr valign="top"> 86 <th scope="row"><label for="_wcmmax_options_option_name">Custom alert message for maximum Quantity limit </label></th> 87 </tr> 88 <tr> 89 <td><textarea cols="60" rows="5" id="_wcmmax_options_option_name" name="_wcmmax_options_option_name" ><?php echo get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name'); ?> </textarea></td> 90 </tr> 91 <tr valign="top"> 92 <th scope="row"><label for="_wcmmax_cart_error_message">Cart Page Custom alert message for quantity update voiding the increment rules </label></th> 93 </tr> 94 <tr> 95 <td><textarea cols="60" rows="5" id="_wcmmax_cart_error_message" placeholder="Enter Custom Error Message to be shown in the cart page for voiding the product quantity increment rules" name="_wcmmax_cart_error_message" ><?php echo get_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message'); ?> </textarea></td> 96 </tr> 97 98 </table> 99 <?php submit_button(); ?> 100 </form> 101 </div> 102 <?php 103 } 104 105 /** Functions For Custom Option Page for Plugin * */ 106 /* Function to manipulate custom minimum and maximum purchase */ 104 107 add_filter('woocommerce_quantity_input_args', 'wc_mmax_quantity_input_args', 10, 2); 105 function wc_mmax_quantity_input_args($args, $product) 106 {107 if(function_exists('icl_object_id')) {108 109 110 } else {111 $prodid = $product->get_id();112 }108 109 function wc_mmax_quantity_input_args($args, $product) { 110 if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) { 111 $default_language = wpml_get_default_language(); 112 $prodid = icl_object_id($product->get_id(), 'product', true, $default_language); 113 } else { 114 $prodid = $product->get_id(); 115 } 113 116 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta($prodid, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true); 114 $minQty 115 $maxQty 116 $incrementbyQty 117 $minQty = get_post_meta($prodid, '_wc_mmax_min', true); 118 $maxQty = get_post_meta($prodid, '_wc_mmax_max', true); 119 $incrementbyQty = get_post_meta($prodid, '_wc_mmax_increment', true); 117 120 if ($minQty > 0 && $maxQty > 0 && $mmaxEnable == 1) { 118 121 $args['min_value'] = $minQty; // Starting value … … 120 123 $args['step'] = $incrementbyQty; // Increase by value 121 124 } 122 return $args; 123 124 } 125 /*Function to check weather the maximum quantity is already existing in the cart*/ 126 127 add_action('woocommerce_add_to_cart', 'wc_mmax_custom_add_to_cart',10,2); 128 129 function wc_mmax_custom_add_to_cart($args,$product) 130 { 131 $orderQTY = $_POST['quantity']; 125 return $args; 126 } 127 128 /* Function to check weather the maximum quantity is already existing in the cart */ 129 130 add_action('woocommerce_add_to_cart', 'wc_mmax_custom_add_to_cart', 10, 2); 131 132 function wc_mmax_custom_add_to_cart($args, $product) { 133 $orderQTY = $_POST['quantity']; 132 134 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true); 133 $minQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_min', true); 134 $maxQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_max', true); 135 $cartQty = wc_mmax_woo_in_cart($product); 136 if(get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name') != NULL && get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name') !='') 137 { 138 $maxQTYMsg = get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name'); 139 } 140 else { 141 $maxQTYMsg = 'You have already added the maximum Quantity for the product for the current purchase'; 142 } 143 if($maxQty < $cartQty && $mmaxEnable == 1) 144 { 145 146 wc_add_notice($maxQTYMsg,'error'); 147 exit(wp_redirect( get_permalink($product) )); 148 149 } 150 151 if(($orderQTY + $cartQty) < $minQty && $mmaxEnable == 1) 152 { 153 154 wc_add_notice(__('You have ordered '.$orderQTY.' which is less than the allowed Minimum Quantity '.$minQty.'','wcmax'),'error'); 155 exit(wp_redirect( get_permalink($product) )); 156 } 157 135 $minQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_min', true); 136 $maxQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_max', true); 137 $incrementbyQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_increment', true); 138 $cartQty = wc_mmax_woo_in_cart($product); 139 if (get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name') != NULL && get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name') != '') { 140 $maxQTYMsg = get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name'); 141 } else { 142 $maxQTYMsg = 'You have already added the maximum Quantity for the product for the current purchase'; 143 } 144 if ($maxQty < $cartQty && $mmaxEnable == 1) { 145 146 wc_add_notice($maxQTYMsg . $orderQTY+$cartQty, 'error'); 147 exit(wp_redirect(get_permalink($product))); 148 } 149 if ((($orderQTY + $cartQty) < $minQty || ($orderQTY + $cartQty) % $incrementbyQty > 0) && $mmaxEnable == 1) { 150 151 wc_add_notice(__('You have ordered ' . $orderQTY . ' which is less than the allowed Minimum Quantity ' . $minQty . ' or its not incremented in the specific format of x ' . $incrementbyQty, 'wcmax'), 'error'); 152 exit(wp_redirect(get_permalink($product))); 153 } 158 154 } 159 155 160 156 function wc_mmax_woo_in_cart($product_id) { 161 157 global $woocommerce; 162 foreach ($woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $key => $val) {163 158 foreach ($woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $key => $val) { 159 164 160 $_product = $val['data']; 165 if($product_id == $_product->get_id()) { 166 167 168 return $val['quantity']; 169 161 if ($product_id == $_product->get_id()) { 162 163 164 return $val['quantity']; 170 165 } 171 166 } 172 167 173 168 return 0; 174 169 } 175 170 176 177 171 #filter hook to remove extra add to cart button in the shop and category pages 178 add_filter( 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link','_wcmmax_add2cart' ); 179 function _wcmmax_add2cart( $link ) { 180 global $product; 181 $product_id = $product->get_id(); 182 $product_sku = $product->get_sku(); 183 $product_type = $product->get_type(); 184 $qtylink = ''; 185 $ajax_class = ''; 186 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta( $product_id, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true ); 187 $minQty = get_post_meta( $product_id, '_wc_mmax_min', true ); 188 189 if ( $product_type != 'simple' || $mmaxEnable != 1 ){ 190 return $link; 191 } 192 $qtylink = '&quantity='.$minQty; 193 $ajax_cart_en = 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_enable_ajax_add_to_cart' ); 194 if ( $ajax_cart_en && $mmaxEnable == 0 && $product_type !='variable' ) { //solution by @tigerrockmartialarts 195 $ajax_class = 'ajax_add_to_cart'; 196 } 197 $link = sprintf( '<a href="%s" rel="nofollow" data-product_id="%s" data-product_sku="%s" data-quantity="%s" class="button %s product_type_%s %s">%s</a>', 198 esc_url( $product->add_to_cart_url().$qtylink ), 199 esc_attr( $product_id ), 200 esc_attr( $product->get_sku() ), 201 esc_attr( isset( $minQty ) ? $minQty : 1 ), 202 $product->is_purchasable() && $product->is_in_stock() ? 'add_to_cart_button' : '', 203 esc_attr( $product->product_type ), 204 esc_attr( $ajax_class ), 205 esc_html( $product->add_to_cart_text() ) 206 ); 207 return $link; 208 } 172 add_filter('woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link', '_wcmmax_add2cart'); 173 174 function _wcmmax_add2cart($link) { 175 global $product; 176 $product_id = $product->get_id(); 177 $product_sku = $product->get_sku(); 178 $product_type = $product->get_type(); 179 $qtylink = ''; 180 $ajax_class = ''; 181 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta($product_id, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true); 182 $minQty = get_post_meta($product_id, '_wc_mmax_min', true); 183 184 if ($product_type != 'simple' || $mmaxEnable != 1) { 185 return $link; 186 } 187 $qtylink = '&quantity=' . $minQty; 188 $ajax_cart_en = 'yes' === get_option('woocommerce_enable_ajax_add_to_cart'); 189 if ($ajax_cart_en && $mmaxEnable == 0 && $product_type != 'variable') { //solution by @tigerrockmartialarts 190 $ajax_class = 'ajax_add_to_cart'; 191 } 192 $link = sprintf('<a href="%s" rel="nofollow" data-product_id="%s" data-product_sku="%s" data-quantity="%s" class="button %s product_type_%s %s">%s</a>', 193 esc_url($product->add_to_cart_url() . $qtylink), 194 esc_attr($product_id), 195 esc_attr($product->get_sku()), 196 esc_attr(isset($minQty) ? $minQty : 1), 197 $product->is_purchasable() && $product->is_in_stock() ? 'add_to_cart_button' : '', 198 esc_attr($product->get_type()), 199 esc_attr($ajax_class), 200 esc_html($product->add_to_cart_text()) 201 ); 202 return $link; 203 } 204 205 add_action('woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'wc_mmxax_limit_cart_item_quantity_rule', 99); 206 207 function wc_mmxax_limit_cart_item_quantity_rule() { 208 if (!is_cart() || !isset($_POST)) 209 return; // Only on cart page 210 211 foreach (WC()->cart->cart_contents as $cart_items => $ci) { 212 $minQty = get_post_meta($ci['product_id'], '_wc_mmax_min', true); 213 $maxQty = get_post_meta($ci['product_id'], '_wc_mmax_max', true); 214 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta($ci['product_id'], '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true); 215 $incrementbyQty = get_post_meta($ci['product_id'], '_wc_mmax_increment', true); 216 $factory = new WC_Product_Factory(); 217 $product = $factory->get_product($ci['product_id']); 218 $mod = $ci['quantity'] % $incrementbyQty; 219 $qty = wc_mmax_closestCartQuantity($ci['quantity'], $incrementbyQty); 220 if ($mod > 0 && $mmaxEnable == 1) { 221 WC()->cart->set_quantity($cart_items, $qty); 222 if (get_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message') != NULL && get_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message') != '') { 223 $cartQtyRuleError = get_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message'); 224 } else { 225 $cartQtyRuleError = __('The Quantity that you try to set voids the Increment rule for the product <strong>' . $product->get_title() . '</strong>, so the cart is updated with possible nearest Quantity.', 'wcmmax'); 226 } 227 wc_clear_notices(); 228 wc_add_notice($cartQtyRuleError, 'error'); 229 break; 230 } 231 } 232 } 233 234 function wc_mmax_closestCartQuantity($n, $m) { 235 // find the quotient 236 $q = (int) ($n / $m); 237 238 // 1st possible closest number 239 $n1 = $m * $q; 240 241 // 2nd possible closest number 242 $n2 = ($n * $m) > 0 ? 243 ($m * ($q + 1)) : ($m * ($q - 1)); 244 245 // if true, then n1 is the 246 // required closest number 247 if (abs($n - $n1) < abs($n - $n2)) 248 return $n1; 249 250 // else n2 is the required 251 // closest number 252 return $n2; 253 } -
r2512073 r2543347 1 1 *** WC Minimum & Maximum Quantity Changelog *** 2 2021.04.09 - version 2.1.4 2 2021.06.06 - version 2.1.6 3 * Bug Fix: If quantity item manually changed in the product page / cart page and if the changed quantity voids the minimum / maximum order quantity rule / the quantity increment rule then it throws error which was not earlier. 4 2021.04.09 - version 2.1.5 3 5 * Added feature to do increments based on the increment set by admin 4 6 2021.01.01 - version 2.1.4 -
r2512073 r2543347 4 4 Tags: woocommerce, minimum, maximum, quantity, minimum purchase, maximum purchase, purchase 5 5 Requires at least: 3.3.1 6 Tested up to: 5.7 7 Stable tag: 2.1. 58 WC tested up to: 5. 1.06 Tested up to: 5.7.2 7 Stable tag: 2.1.6 8 WC tested up to: 5.3.0 9 9 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 10 10 License URI: … … 30 30 * Select a particular product from the product list for which you need to enable this feature. 31 31 * Enable this feature and add the minimum and maximum allowed quantity in the respective boxes 32 * Setting up the increment, if the increment by is set other than one, the minimum order quantity should be the value of the increment set. 33 * Setting custom error notice / messages, in the admin panel go to Settings --> WooCommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity Limit, there you will find 2 text area, there you can set the custom error message which will override the default error message in the product and cart page 32 34 33 35 == Frequently Asked Questions == … … 42 44 43 45 == Changelog == 46 = 2.1.6 = 47 Bug Fix: If quantity item manually changed in the product page / cart page and if the changed quantity voids the minimum / maximum order quantity rule / the quantity increment rule then it throws error which was not earlier. 44 48 = 2.1.5 = 45 49 Added feature to do increments based on the increment set by admin -
r2512073 r2543347 1 1 <?php 2 2 /* 3 Plugin Name: Woocommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity4 Plugin URI: Description: Allow the site admin to enable the feature of minimum and maximum purchase of a particular product in each product.6 Version: 2.1.5 7 Author: Ashok G8 Text Domain: wcmmax9 Author URI: WC tested up to: 5.1.011 Copyright: © 2020 Ashok G.12 License: GNU General Public License v3.013 License URI: */3 Plugin Name: Woocommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity 4 Plugin URI: 5 Description: Allow the site admin to enable the feature of minimum and maximum purchase of a particular product in each product. 6 Version: 2.1.6 7 Author: Ashok G 8 Text Domain: wcmmax 9 Author URI: 10 WC tested up to: 5.3.0 11 Copyright: © 2020 Ashok G. 12 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 13 License URI: 14 */ 15 15 16 16 17 17 add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'wc_mmax_meta_box_create'); 18 18 add_action('save_post', 'wc_mmax_save_meta_box'); 19 function wc_mmax_meta_box_create() 20 {19 20 function wc_mmax_meta_box_create() { 21 21 add_meta_box('wc_mmax_enable', __('Min Max Quantity', 'wcmmax'), 'wc_mmax_meta_box', 'product', 'side'); 22 22 } 23 23 24 function wc_mmax_meta_box($post) 25 { 24 function wc_mmax_meta_box($post) { 26 25 wp_nonce_field('wc_mmax_cst_prd_nonce', 'wc_mmax_cst_prd_nonce'); 27 26 28 27 echo '<table>'; 29 28 echo '<tr><td><label for="_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable">' . __('Enable', 'wcmmax') . '</label>'; … … 46 45 echo '<td><input type="number" id="_wc_mmax_increment" class="short" name="_wc_mmax_increment" value="' . $wc_mmax_increment . '" /></td>'; 47 46 echo '</tr></table>'; 48 49 } 50 51 function wc_mmax_save_meta_box($post_id) 52 { 47 } 48 49 function wc_mmax_save_meta_box($post_id) { 53 50 if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) 54 51 return; … … 56 53 return; 57 54 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable']); 58 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_max', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_max']);55 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_max', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_max']); 59 56 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_min', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_min']); 60 57 update_post_meta($post_id, '_wc_mmax_increment', (int) $_POST['_wc_mmax_increment']); 61 58 } 62 59 63 64 65 66 /** Functions For Custom Option Page for Plugin **/ 60 /** Functions For Custom Option Page for Plugin * */ 67 61 function _wcmmax_options_register_settings() { 68 add_option( '_wcmmax_options_option_name', 'Settings.'); 69 register_setting( '_wcmmax_options_group', '_wcmmax_options_option_name', '_wcmmax_options_callback' ); 70 } 71 add_action( 'admin_init', '_wcmmax_options_register_settings' ); 62 add_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name', ''); 63 add_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message', ''); 64 register_setting('_wcmmax_options_group', '_wcmmax_options_option_name', '_wcmmax_options_callback'); 65 register_setting('_wcmmax_options_group', '_wcmmax_cart_error_message', '_wcmmax_options_callback'); 66 } 67 68 add_action('admin_init', '_wcmmax_options_register_settings'); 72 69 73 70 function _wcmmax_register_options_page() { 74 add_options_page('WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit Settings', 'WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit', 'manage_options', '_wcmmax_', '_wcmmax_options_page'); 75 } 71 add_options_page('WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit Settings', 'WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit', 'manage_options', '_wcmmax_', '_wcmmax_options_page'); 72 } 73 76 74 add_action('admin_menu', '_wcmmax_register_options_page'); 77 75 78 function _wcmmax_options_page() 79 { 80 ?> 81 <div> 82 83 <h2>WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit Settings</h2> 84 <form method="post" action="options.php"> 85 <?php settings_fields( '_wcmmax_options_group' ); ?> 86 87 <table> 88 <tr valign="top"> 89 <th scope="row"><label for="_wcmmax_options_option_name">Custom alert message for maximum Quantity limit </label></th> 90 </tr> 91 <tr> 92 <td><textarea cols="60" rows="5" id="_wcmmax_options_option_name" name="_wcmmax_options_option_name" ><?php echo get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name'); ?> </textarea></td> 93 </tr> 94 </table> 95 <?php submit_button(); ?> 96 </form> 97 </div> 98 <?php 99 } 100 101 /** Functions For Custom Option Page for Plugin **/ 102 103 /*Function to manipulate custom minimum and maximum purchase*/ 76 function _wcmmax_options_page() { 77 ?> 78 <div> 79 80 <h2>WooCommerce Minimum & Maximum Quantity Limit Settings</h2> 81 <form method="post" action="options.php"> 82 <?php settings_fields('_wcmmax_options_group'); ?> 83 84 <table> 85 <tr valign="top"> 86 <th scope="row"><label for="_wcmmax_options_option_name">Custom alert message for maximum Quantity limit </label></th> 87 </tr> 88 <tr> 89 <td><textarea cols="60" rows="5" id="_wcmmax_options_option_name" name="_wcmmax_options_option_name" ><?php echo get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name'); ?> </textarea></td> 90 </tr> 91 <tr valign="top"> 92 <th scope="row"><label for="_wcmmax_cart_error_message">Cart Page Custom alert message for quantity update voiding the increment rules </label></th> 93 </tr> 94 <tr> 95 <td><textarea cols="60" rows="5" id="_wcmmax_cart_error_message" placeholder="Enter Custom Error Message to be shown in the cart page for voiding the product quantity increment rules" name="_wcmmax_cart_error_message" ><?php echo get_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message'); ?> </textarea></td> 96 </tr> 97 98 </table> 99 <?php submit_button(); ?> 100 </form> 101 </div> 102 <?php 103 } 104 105 /** Functions For Custom Option Page for Plugin * */ 106 /* Function to manipulate custom minimum and maximum purchase */ 104 107 add_filter('woocommerce_quantity_input_args', 'wc_mmax_quantity_input_args', 10, 2); 105 function wc_mmax_quantity_input_args($args, $product) 106 {107 if(function_exists('icl_object_id')) {108 109 110 } else {111 $prodid = $product->get_id();112 }108 109 function wc_mmax_quantity_input_args($args, $product) { 110 if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) { 111 $default_language = wpml_get_default_language(); 112 $prodid = icl_object_id($product->get_id(), 'product', true, $default_language); 113 } else { 114 $prodid = $product->get_id(); 115 } 113 116 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta($prodid, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true); 114 $minQty 115 $maxQty 116 $incrementbyQty 117 $minQty = get_post_meta($prodid, '_wc_mmax_min', true); 118 $maxQty = get_post_meta($prodid, '_wc_mmax_max', true); 119 $incrementbyQty = get_post_meta($prodid, '_wc_mmax_increment', true); 117 120 if ($minQty > 0 && $maxQty > 0 && $mmaxEnable == 1) { 118 121 $args['min_value'] = $minQty; // Starting value … … 120 123 $args['step'] = $incrementbyQty; // Increase by value 121 124 } 122 return $args; 123 124 } 125 /*Function to check weather the maximum quantity is already existing in the cart*/ 126 127 add_action('woocommerce_add_to_cart', 'wc_mmax_custom_add_to_cart',10,2); 128 129 function wc_mmax_custom_add_to_cart($args,$product) 130 { 131 $orderQTY = $_POST['quantity']; 125 return $args; 126 } 127 128 /* Function to check weather the maximum quantity is already existing in the cart */ 129 130 add_action('woocommerce_add_to_cart', 'wc_mmax_custom_add_to_cart', 10, 2); 131 132 function wc_mmax_custom_add_to_cart($args, $product) { 133 $orderQTY = $_POST['quantity']; 132 134 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true); 133 $minQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_min', true); 134 $maxQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_max', true); 135 $cartQty = wc_mmax_woo_in_cart($product); 136 if(get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name') != NULL && get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name') !='') 137 { 138 $maxQTYMsg = get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name'); 139 } 140 else { 141 $maxQTYMsg = 'You have already added the maximum Quantity for the product for the current purchase'; 142 } 143 if($maxQty < $cartQty && $mmaxEnable == 1) 144 { 145 146 wc_add_notice($maxQTYMsg,'error'); 147 exit(wp_redirect( get_permalink($product) )); 148 149 } 150 151 if(($orderQTY + $cartQty) < $minQty && $mmaxEnable == 1) 152 { 153 154 wc_add_notice(__('You have ordered '.$orderQTY.' which is less than the allowed Minimum Quantity '.$minQty.'','wcmax'),'error'); 155 exit(wp_redirect( get_permalink($product) )); 156 } 157 135 $minQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_min', true); 136 $maxQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_max', true); 137 $incrementbyQty = get_post_meta($product, '_wc_mmax_increment', true); 138 $cartQty = wc_mmax_woo_in_cart($product); 139 if (get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name') != NULL && get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name') != '') { 140 $maxQTYMsg = get_option('_wcmmax_options_option_name'); 141 } else { 142 $maxQTYMsg = 'You have already added the maximum Quantity for the product for the current purchase'; 143 } 144 if ($maxQty < $cartQty && $mmaxEnable == 1) { 145 146 wc_add_notice($maxQTYMsg . $orderQTY+$cartQty, 'error'); 147 exit(wp_redirect(get_permalink($product))); 148 } 149 if ((($orderQTY + $cartQty) < $minQty || ($orderQTY + $cartQty) % $incrementbyQty > 0) && $mmaxEnable == 1) { 150 151 wc_add_notice(__('You have ordered ' . $orderQTY . ' which is less than the allowed Minimum Quantity ' . $minQty . ' or its not incremented in the specific format of x ' . $incrementbyQty, 'wcmax'), 'error'); 152 exit(wp_redirect(get_permalink($product))); 153 } 158 154 } 159 155 160 156 function wc_mmax_woo_in_cart($product_id) { 161 157 global $woocommerce; 162 foreach ($woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $key => $val) {163 158 foreach ($woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $key => $val) { 159 164 160 $_product = $val['data']; 165 if($product_id == $_product->get_id()) { 166 167 168 return $val['quantity']; 169 161 if ($product_id == $_product->get_id()) { 162 163 164 return $val['quantity']; 170 165 } 171 166 } 172 167 173 168 return 0; 174 169 } 175 170 176 177 171 #filter hook to remove extra add to cart button in the shop and category pages 178 add_filter( 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link','_wcmmax_add2cart' ); 179 function _wcmmax_add2cart( $link ) { 180 global $product; 181 $product_id = $product->get_id(); 182 $product_sku = $product->get_sku(); 183 $product_type = $product->get_type(); 184 $qtylink = ''; 185 $ajax_class = ''; 186 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta( $product_id, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true ); 187 $minQty = get_post_meta( $product_id, '_wc_mmax_min', true ); 188 189 if ( $product_type != 'simple' || $mmaxEnable != 1 ){ 190 return $link; 191 } 192 $qtylink = '&quantity='.$minQty; 193 $ajax_cart_en = 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_enable_ajax_add_to_cart' ); 194 if ( $ajax_cart_en && $mmaxEnable == 0 && $product_type !='variable' ) { //solution by @tigerrockmartialarts 195 $ajax_class = 'ajax_add_to_cart'; 196 } 197 $link = sprintf( '<a href="%s" rel="nofollow" data-product_id="%s" data-product_sku="%s" data-quantity="%s" class="button %s product_type_%s %s">%s</a>', 198 esc_url( $product->add_to_cart_url().$qtylink ), 199 esc_attr( $product_id ), 200 esc_attr( $product->get_sku() ), 201 esc_attr( isset( $minQty ) ? $minQty : 1 ), 202 $product->is_purchasable() && $product->is_in_stock() ? 'add_to_cart_button' : '', 203 esc_attr( $product->product_type ), 204 esc_attr( $ajax_class ), 205 esc_html( $product->add_to_cart_text() ) 206 ); 207 return $link; 208 } 172 add_filter('woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link', '_wcmmax_add2cart'); 173 174 function _wcmmax_add2cart($link) { 175 global $product; 176 $product_id = $product->get_id(); 177 $product_sku = $product->get_sku(); 178 $product_type = $product->get_type(); 179 $qtylink = ''; 180 $ajax_class = ''; 181 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta($product_id, '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true); 182 $minQty = get_post_meta($product_id, '_wc_mmax_min', true); 183 184 if ($product_type != 'simple' || $mmaxEnable != 1) { 185 return $link; 186 } 187 $qtylink = '&quantity=' . $minQty; 188 $ajax_cart_en = 'yes' === get_option('woocommerce_enable_ajax_add_to_cart'); 189 if ($ajax_cart_en && $mmaxEnable == 0 && $product_type != 'variable') { //solution by @tigerrockmartialarts 190 $ajax_class = 'ajax_add_to_cart'; 191 } 192 $link = sprintf('<a href="%s" rel="nofollow" data-product_id="%s" data-product_sku="%s" data-quantity="%s" class="button %s product_type_%s %s">%s</a>', 193 esc_url($product->add_to_cart_url() . $qtylink), 194 esc_attr($product_id), 195 esc_attr($product->get_sku()), 196 esc_attr(isset($minQty) ? $minQty : 1), 197 $product->is_purchasable() && $product->is_in_stock() ? 'add_to_cart_button' : '', 198 esc_attr($product->get_type()), 199 esc_attr($ajax_class), 200 esc_html($product->add_to_cart_text()) 201 ); 202 return $link; 203 } 204 205 add_action('woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'wc_mmxax_limit_cart_item_quantity_rule', 99); 206 207 function wc_mmxax_limit_cart_item_quantity_rule() { 208 if (!is_cart() || !isset($_POST)) 209 return; // Only on cart page 210 211 foreach (WC()->cart->cart_contents as $cart_items => $ci) { 212 $minQty = get_post_meta($ci['product_id'], '_wc_mmax_min', true); 213 $maxQty = get_post_meta($ci['product_id'], '_wc_mmax_max', true); 214 $mmaxEnable = get_post_meta($ci['product_id'], '_wc_mmax_prd_opt_enable', true); 215 $incrementbyQty = get_post_meta($ci['product_id'], '_wc_mmax_increment', true); 216 $factory = new WC_Product_Factory(); 217 $product = $factory->get_product($ci['product_id']); 218 $mod = $ci['quantity'] % $incrementbyQty; 219 $qty = wc_mmax_closestCartQuantity($ci['quantity'], $incrementbyQty); 220 if ($mod > 0 && $mmaxEnable == 1) { 221 WC()->cart->set_quantity($cart_items, $qty); 222 if (get_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message') != NULL && get_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message') != '') { 223 $cartQtyRuleError = get_option('_wcmmax_cart_error_message'); 224 } else { 225 $cartQtyRuleError = __('The Quantity that you try to set voids the Increment rule for the product <strong>' . $product->get_title() . '</strong>, so the cart is updated with possible nearest Quantity.', 'wcmmax'); 226 } 227 wc_clear_notices(); 228 wc_add_notice($cartQtyRuleError, 'error'); 229 break; 230 } 231 } 232 } 233 234 function wc_mmax_closestCartQuantity($n, $m) { 235 // find the quotient 236 $q = (int) ($n / $m); 237 238 // 1st possible closest number 239 $n1 = $m * $q; 240 241 // 2nd possible closest number 242 $n2 = ($n * $m) > 0 ? 243 ($m * ($q + 1)) : ($m * ($q - 1)); 244 245 // if true, then n1 is the 246 // required closest number 247 if (abs($n - $n1) < abs($n - $n2)) 248 return $n1; 249 250 // else n2 is the required 251 // closest number 252 return $n2; 253 }
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.