Changeset 2490118
- Timestamp:
- 03/09/2021 01:18:06 AM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- buddyforms-woocommerce-form-elements
- Files:
- 96 added
- 4 deleted
- 17 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2234930 r2490118 65 65 price_start_date_row = field_row.find("#table_row_" + field_id + "_product_sales_start_date"), 66 66 price_end_date_row = field_row.find("#table_row_" + field_id + "_product_sales_end_date"), 67 download_name_row = field_row.find("#table_row_" + field_id + "__download_name"),68 download_url_row = field_row.find("#table_row_" + field_id + "__download_url"),69 download_limit_row = field_row.find("#table_row_" + field_id + "__download_limit"),70 download_expiry_row = field_row.find("#table_row_" + field_id + "__download_expiry"),71 67 sku_value_row = field_row.find("#table_row_" + field_id + "_sku_value"), 72 68 stock_status_value_row = field_row.find("#table_row_" + field_id + "_product_stock_status"), … … 137 133 downloadable_row.hide(); 138 134 139 download_name_row.hide();140 download_url_row.hide();141 download_limit_row.hide();142 download_expiry_row.hide();143 144 135 regular_price_row.hide(); 145 136 regular_price_amount_row.hide(); … … 159 150 virtual_row.hide(); 160 151 downloadable_row.hide(); 161 download_name_row.hide(); 162 download_url_row.hide(); 163 download_limit_row.hide(); 164 download_expiry_row.hide(); 152 165 153 } 166 154 virtual.attr('checked', false).change(); … … 175 163 booking_has_resources_row.removeAttr('style'); 176 164 downloadable_row.hide(); 177 download_name_row.hide(); 178 download_url_row.hide(); 179 download_limit_row.hide(); 180 download_expiry_row.hide(); 165 181 166 } else { 182 167 var product_type = $("#product-type").val(); … … 198 183 break; 199 184 case 'booking': 200 download_name_row.hide(); 201 download_url_row.hide(); 202 download_limit_row.hide(); 203 download_expiry_row.hide(); 185 204 186; 205 187; … … 224 206 virtual_row.hide(); 225 207 downloadable_row.hide(); 226 download_name_row.hide(); 227 download_url_row.hide(); 228 download_limit_row.hide(); 229 download_expiry_row.hide(); 208 230 209 231 210 } … … 290 269 } 291 270 }); 292 $('input[name="buddyforms_options[form_fields][' + field_id + '][product_type_options][_downloadable][]"]').click(function () { 293 if (!$(this).is(':checked')) { 294 download_name_row.hide(); 295 download_url_row.hide(); 296 download_limit_row.hide(); 297 download_expiry_row.hide(); 298 } else { 299 300; 301; 302; 303; 304 305; 306; 307; 308; 309 310 } 311 }); 271 312 272 313 273 $('select[name="buddyforms_options[form_fields][' + field_id + '][product_sku]"]').change(function () { -
r2146585 r2490118 264 264 if (general_settings_param.product_regular_price && general_settings_param.product_sales_price && general_settings_param.product_sales_price_dates !== undefined) { 265 265 266 var hide_general_proudct_type, hide_general_tax_field, hide_general_regular_price, hide_general_sales_price,266 var hide_general_proudct_type,hide_general_proudct_option_downloadable, hide_general_tax_field, hide_general_regular_price, hide_general_sales_price, 267 267 hide_general_price_date = false; 268 268 var product_type_default = null; … … 343 343 344 344 if (virtual_val) { 345 345 virtual.prop('checked', true); 346 346 virtual.attr('checked', true).change(); 347 virtual.prop('checked', true); 347 348 348 } 349 349 if (downloadable_val) { 350 350 downloadable.prop('checked', true); 351 351 downloadable.attr('checked', true).change(); 352 downloadable.prop('checked', true); 353 var download_limit_value = general_settings_param.download_limit; 354 var download_expiry_value = general_settings_param.download_expiry; 355 $("#_download_limit").val(download_limit_value); 356 $("#_download_expiry").val(download_expiry_value); 357 $("a.button.insert").click(); 358 var download_name_value = general_settings_param.download_name; 359 var download_url_value = general_settings_param.download_url; 360 361 362 jQuery('input[name="_wc_file_names[]"]').val(download_name_value); 363 jQuery('input[name="_wc_file_urls[]"]').val(download_url_value); 364 365 $("#_download_name").val(download_limit_value); 366 $("#_download_expiry").val(download_expiry_value); 352 }else{ 353 hide_general_proudct_option_downloadable = true; 367 354 } 368 355 } … … 381 368 general_tab_hidden_fields.push(hide_general_sales_price); 382 369 general_tab_hidden_fields.push(hide_general_price_date); 370 general_tab_hidden_fields.push(hide_general_proudct_option_downloadable); 383 371 break; 384 372 case 'booking': -
r2325375 r2490118 1 1 { 2 "name": " BuddyForms/BuddyForms-WooCommerce-Form-Elements",2 "name": "themekraft/buddyforms-wc-form-elements", 3 3 "description": "Let your WooCommerce Vendors Manage there Products from the Frontend", 4 4 "keywords": [ … … 15 15 "license": "Apache-2.0", 16 16 "minimum-stability": "dev", 17 "require": {18 "php": ">=5.6"19 },20 17 "require-dev": { 21 "phpunit/phpunit": "^6.1", 22 "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.0@dev", 23 "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "3.*", 24 "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.9", 25 "jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint": "dev-master", 26 "jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter": "dev-master", 27 "wp-coding-standards/wpcs": "dev-master", 28 "symplify/easy-coding-standard": "^5.2@dev" 29 }, 30 "scripts": { 31 "tests": "composer fixes && composer lints", 32 "sniffs": [ 33 "phpcs --report=full --colors -p --standard=phpcs.xml --ignore=*/vendor/*,*/node_modules/* includes/ --report=diff -v", 34 "phpcs --report=full --colors -p --standard=phpcs.xml --ignore=*/vendor/*,*/node_modules/* loader.php --report=diff -v" 35 ], 36 "sniffs-fix": [ 37 "phpcbf --report=full --colors -p --standard=phpcs.xml --ignore=*/vendor/*,*/node_modules/* includes/ --report=diff -v", 38 "phpcbf --report=full --colors -p --standard=phpcs.xml --ignore=*/vendor/*,*/node_modules/* loader.php --report=diff -v" 39 ], 40 "fixes": [ 41 "ecs check includes --fix", 42 "ecs check loader.php --fix" 43 ], 44 "lints": [ 45 "parallel-lint ./includes --blame --exclude vendor", 46 "parallel-lint ./loader.php --blame --exclude vendor" 47 ], 48 "phpcs-setup": "./vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs", 49 "phpcbf-setup": "./vendor/bin/phpcbf --config-set installed_paths vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs", 50 "post-install-cmd": "composer phpcs-setup && composer phpcbf-setup", 51 "post-update-cmd": "composer phpcs-setup && composer phpcbf-setup", 52 "package": "sh .tk/ loader", 53 "wp-release": "sh .tk/", 54 "beta-release": "sh .tk/ loader 415 false beta", 55 "full-release": "sh .tk/ loader 415 false released" 18 "consolidation/robo": "^1.0.0", 19 "bamarni/composer-bin-plugin": "dev-master" 56 20 } 57 21 } -
r2325468 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 3 6 /* … … 198 201 $data .= $field_id . '_' . $key . ' '; 199 202 } 200 $element = new Element_Checkbox('<b>Product Type Hidden</b>', 'buddyforms_options[form_fields][' . $field_id . '][product_type_hidden]', array('hide_product_type' => __('Make the Product Type a Hidden Field', 'buddyforms')), array(203 $element = new Element_Checkbox('<b>Product Data Hidden</b>', 'buddyforms_options[form_fields][' . $field_id . '][product_type_hidden]', array('hide_product_type' => __('Hide the Product Data Fields', 'buddyforms')), array( 201 204 'id' => 'product_type_hidden', 202 205 'class' => 'bf_hidden_checkbox', … … 266 269 } 267 270 268 $download_limit = '';269 if (isset($buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['download_limit'])) {270 $download_limit = $buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['download_limit'];271 }272 273 $element_download_limit = new Element_Number(274 '<b>' . __('Download Limit: ', 'buddyforms') . ' </b>',275 'buddyforms_options[form_fields][' . $field_id . '][download_limit]',276 array(277 'id' => $field_id . '_download_limit',278 'class' => '',279 'placeholder' => 'Ilimited',280 'value' => $download_limit, 'min' => 0,281 'shortDesc' => 'Leave blank for an unlimited number of downloads.',282 )283 );284 285 $download_expiry = '';286 if (isset($buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['download_expiry'])) {287 $download_expiry = $buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['download_expiry'];288 }289 290 $element_download_expiry = new Element_Number(291 '<b>' . __('Download Expiry: ', 'buddyforms') . ' </b>',292 'buddyforms_options[form_fields][' . $field_id . '][download_expiry]',293 array(294 'id' => $field_id . '_download_expiry',295 'class' => '',296 'placeholder' => 'Never',297 'value' => $download_expiry, 'min' => 0,298 'shortDesc' => 'Enter the number of days that must pass before a download link expires or leave it blank.',299 )300 );301 302 $download_name = '';303 if (isset($buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['download_name'])) {304 $download_name = $buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['download_name'];305 }306 307 $element_download_name = new Element_Textbox(308 '<b>' . __('Download Name: ', 'buddyforms') . ' </b>',309 'buddyforms_options[form_fields][' . $field_id . '][download_name]',310 array(311 'id' => $field_id . '_download_name',312 'class' => '',313 'placeholder' => 'File Name',314 'value' => $download_name,315 'shortDesc' => 'This is the name of the download shown to the client.',316 )317 );318 319 $download_url = '';320 if (isset($buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['download_url'])) {321 $download_url = $buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['download_url'];322 }323 324 $element_download_url = new Element_Textbox(325 '<b>' . __('File URL: ', 'buddyforms') . ' </b>',326 'buddyforms_options[form_fields][' . $field_id . '][download_url]',327 array(328 'id' => $field_id . '_download_url',329 'class' => '',330 'placeholder' => '',331 'value' => $download_url,332 'shortDesc' => 'This is the URL or absolute path of the file to which clients will have access. The URLs written here should be encoded.',333 )334 );335 336 $product_type_option_downloadable = isset($buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['product_type_options']['_downloadable'][0]) ? $buddyform['form_fields'][$field_id]['product_type_options']['_downloadable'][0] : '';337 if ($product_type_option_downloadable !== '_downloadable') {338 $element_download_name->setAttribute('class', 'hidden');339 $element_download_url->setAttribute('class', 'hidden');340 $element_download_limit->setAttribute('class', 'hidden');341 $element_download_expiry->setAttribute('class', 'hidden');342 }343 344 $form_fields['general']['_download_name'] = $element_download_name;345 $form_fields['general']['_download_url'] = $element_download_url;346 $form_fields['general']['_download_limit'] = $element_download_limit;347 $form_fields['general']['_download_expiry'] = $element_download_expiry;348 349 271 $form_fields = apply_filters('bf_woo_booking_default_options', $form_fields, $product_type_default, $field_id); 350 272 -
r2325375 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /* 3 6 * @package WordPress -
r2325375 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 3 6 /* -
r2146585 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { 4 exit; 5 } 3 6 /** 4 7 * @package WordPress -
r1991669 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /* 3 6 * @package WordPress -
r2325468 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /** 3 6 * @package WordPress … … 15 18 class bf_woo_elem_manager 16 19 { 17 protected static $version = '1.5. 3';20 protected static $version = '1.5.4'; 18 21 19 22 private static $plugin_slug = 'bf_woo_elem'; -
r2146585 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /* 3 6 * @package WordPress -
r2146585 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /* 3 6 * @package WordPress -
r2146585 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /* 3 6 * @package WordPress -
r2146585 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /* 3 6 * @package WordPress -
r2146585 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /* 3 6 * @package WordPress -
r1991669 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 /**3 * Plugin installation and activation for WordPress themes.4 *5 * Please note that this is a drop-in library for a theme or plugin.6 * The authors of this library (Thomas, Gary and Juliette) are NOT responsible7 * for the support of your plugin or theme. Please contact the plugin8 * or theme author for support.9 *10 * @package TGM-Plugin-Activation11 * @version 2.6.112 * @link * @author Thomas Griffin, Gary Jones, Juliette Reinders Folmer14 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, Thomas Griffin15 * @license GPL-2.0+16 */17 2 18 /* 19 Copyright 2011 Thomas Griffin ( 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 20 4 21 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 22 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as 23 published by the Free Software Foundation. 24 25 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 26 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 27 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 28 GNU General Public License for more details. 29 30 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 31 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 32 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA 33 */ 34 35 if ( ! class_exists( 'TGM_Plugin_Activation' ) ) { 36 37 /** 38 * Automatic plugin installation and activation library. 39 * 40 * Creates a way to automatically install and activate plugins from within themes. 41 * The plugins can be either bundled, downloaded from the WordPress 42 * Plugin Repository or downloaded from another external source. 43 * 44 * @since 1.0.0 45 * 46 * @package TGM-Plugin-Activation 47 * @author Thomas Griffin 48 * @author Gary Jones 49 */ 50 class TGM_Plugin_Activation { 51 /** 52 * TGMPA version number. 53 * 54 * @since 2.5.0 55 * 56 * @const string Version number. 57 */ 58 const TGMPA_VERSION = '2.6.1'; 59 60 /** 61 * Regular expression to test if a URL is a WP plugin repo URL. 62 * 63 * @const string Regex. 64 * 65 * @since 2.5.0 66 */ 67 const WP_REPO_REGEX = '|^http[s]?://wordpress\.org/(?:extend/)?plugins/|'; 68 69 /** 70 * Arbitrary regular expression to test if a string starts with a URL. 71 * 72 * @const string Regex. 73 * 74 * @since 2.5.0 75 */ 76 const IS_URL_REGEX = '|^http[s]?://|'; 77 78 /** 79 * Holds a copy of itself, so it can be referenced by the class name. 80 * 81 * @since 1.0.0 82 * 83 * @var TGM_Plugin_Activation 84 */ 85 public static $instance; 86 87 /** 88 * Holds arrays of plugin details. 89 * 90 * @since 1.0.0 91 * @since 2.5.0 the array has the plugin slug as an associative key. 92 * 93 * @var array 94 */ 95 public $plugins = array(); 96 97 /** 98 * Holds arrays of plugin names to use to sort the plugins array. 99 * 100 * @since 2.5.0 101 * 102 * @var array 103 */ 104 protected $sort_order = array(); 105 106 /** 107 * Whether any plugins have the 'force_activation' setting set to true. 108 * 109 * @since 2.5.0 110 * 111 * @var bool 112 */ 113 protected $has_forced_activation = false; 114 115 /** 116 * Whether any plugins have the 'force_deactivation' setting set to true. 117 * 118 * @since 2.5.0 119 * 120 * @var bool 121 */ 122 protected $has_forced_deactivation = false; 123 124 /** 125 * Name of the unique ID to hash notices. 126 * 127 * @since 2.4.0 128 * 129 * @var string 130 */ 131 public $id = 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa'; 132 133 /** 134 * Name of the query-string argument for the admin page. 135 * 136 * @since 1.0.0 137 * 138 * @var string 139 */ 140 protected $menu = 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-install-plugins'; 141 142 /** 143 * Parent menu file slug. 144 * 145 * @since 2.5.0 146 * 147 * @var string 148 */ 149 public $parent_slug = 'themes.php'; 150 151 /** 152 * Capability needed to view the plugin installation menu item. 153 * 154 * @since 2.5.0 155 * 156 * @var string 157 */ 158 public $capability = 'edit_theme_options'; 159 160 /** 161 * Default absolute path to folder containing bundled plugin zip files. 162 * 163 * @since 2.0.0 164 * 165 * @var string Absolute path prefix to zip file location for bundled plugins. Default is empty string. 166 */ 167 public $default_path = ''; 168 169 /** 170 * Flag to show admin notices or not. 171 * 172 * @since 2.1.0 173 * 174 * @var boolean 175 */ 176 public $has_notices = true; 177 178 /** 179 * Flag to determine if the user can dismiss the notice nag. 180 * 181 * @since 2.4.0 182 * 183 * @var boolean 184 */ 185 public $dismissable = true; 186 187 /** 188 * Message to be output above nag notice if dismissable is false. 189 * 190 * @since 2.4.0 191 * 192 * @var string 193 */ 194 public $dismiss_msg = ''; 195 196 /** 197 * Flag to set automatic activation of plugins. Off by default. 198 * 199 * @since 2.2.0 200 * 201 * @var boolean 202 */ 203 public $is_automatic = false; 204 205 /** 206 * Optional message to display before the plugins table. 207 * 208 * @since 2.2.0 209 * 210 * @var string Message filtered by wp_kses_post(). Default is empty string. 211 */ 212 public $message = ''; 213 214 /** 215 * Holds configurable array of strings. 216 * 217 * Default values are added in the constructor. 218 * 219 * @since 2.0.0 220 * 221 * @var array 222 */ 223 public $strings = array(); 224 225 /** 226 * Holds the version of WordPress. 227 * 228 * @since 2.4.0 229 * 230 * @var int 231 */ 232 public $wp_version; 233 234 /** 235 * Holds the hook name for the admin page. 236 * 237 * @since 2.5.0 238 * 239 * @var string 240 */ 241 public $page_hook; 242 243 /** 244 * Adds a reference of this object to $instance, populates default strings, 245 * does the bf_woo_element_tgmpa_init action hook, and hooks in the interactions to init. 246 * 247 * {@internal This method should be `protected`, but as too many TGMPA implementations 248 * haven't upgraded beyond v2.3.6 yet, this gives backward compatibility issues. 249 * Reverted back to public for the time being.}} 250 * 251 * @since 1.0.0 252 * 253 * @see TGM_Plugin_Activation::init() 254 */ 255 public function __construct() { 256 // Set the current WordPress version. 257 $this->wp_version = $GLOBALS['wp_version']; 258 259 // Announce that the class is ready, and pass the object (for advanced use). 260 do_action_ref_array( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_init', array( $this ) ); 261 262 /* 263 * Load our text domain and allow for overloading the fall-back file. 264 * 265 * {@internal IMPORTANT! If this code changes, review the regex in the custom TGMPA 266 * generator on the website.}} 267 */ 268 add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'load_textdomain' ), 5 ); 269 add_filter( 'load_textdomain_mofile', array( $this, 'overload_textdomain_mofile' ), 10, 2 ); 270 271 // When the rest of WP has loaded, kick-start the rest of the class. 272 add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) ); 273 } 274 275 /** 276 * Magic method to (not) set protected properties from outside of this class. 277 * 278 * {@internal hackedihack... There is a serious bug in v2.3.2 - 2.3.6 where the `menu` property 279 * is being assigned rather than tested in a conditional, effectively rendering it useless. 280 * This 'hack' prevents this from happening.}} 281 * 282 * @see 283 * 284 * @since 2.5.2 285 * 286 * @param string $name Name of an inaccessible property. 287 * @param mixed $value Value to assign to the property. 288 * @return void Silently fail to set the property when this is tried from outside of this class context. 289 * (Inside this class context, the __set() method if not used as there is direct access.) 290 */ 291 public function __set( $name, $value ) { 292 return; 293 } 294 295 /** 296 * Magic method to get the value of a protected property outside of this class context. 297 * 298 * @since 2.5.2 299 * 300 * @param string $name Name of an inaccessible property. 301 * @return mixed The property value. 302 */ 303 public function __get( $name ) { 304 return $this->{$name}; 305 } 306 307 /** 308 * Initialise the interactions between this class and WordPress. 309 * 310 * Hooks in three new methods for the class: admin_menu, notices and styles. 311 * 312 * @since 2.0.0 313 * 314 * @see TGM_Plugin_Activation::admin_menu() 315 * @see TGM_Plugin_Activation::notices() 316 * @see TGM_Plugin_Activation::styles() 317 */ 318 public function init() { 319 /** 320 * By default TGMPA only loads on the WP back-end and not in an Ajax call. Using this filter 321 * you can overrule that behaviour. 322 * 323 * @since 2.5.0 324 * 325 * @param bool $load Whether or not TGMPA should load. 326 * Defaults to the return of `is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' )`. 327 */ 328 if ( true !== apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_load', ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) ) ) { 329 return; 330 } 331 332 // Load class strings. 333 $this->strings = array( 334 'page_title' => __( 'Install Required Plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 335 'menu_title' => __( 'Install Plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 336 /* translators: %s: plugin name. */ 337 'installing' => __( 'Installing Plugin: %s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 338 /* translators: %s: plugin name. */ 339 'updating' => __( 'Updating Plugin: %s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 340 'oops' => __( 'Something went wrong with the plugin API.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 341 'notice_can_install_required' => _n_noop( 342 /* translators: 1: plugin name(s). */ 343 'This theme requires the following plugin: %1$s.', 344 'This theme requires the following plugins: %1$s.', 345 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 346 ), 347 'notice_can_install_recommended' => _n_noop( 348 /* translators: 1: plugin name(s). */ 349 'This theme recommends the following plugin: %1$s.', 350 'This theme recommends the following plugins: %1$s.', 351 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 352 ), 353 'notice_ask_to_update' => _n_noop( 354 /* translators: 1: plugin name(s). */ 355 'The following plugin needs to be updated to its latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: %1$s.', 356 'The following plugins need to be updated to their latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: %1$s.', 357 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 358 ), 359 'notice_ask_to_update_maybe' => _n_noop( 360 /* translators: 1: plugin name(s). */ 361 'There is an update available for: %1$s.', 362 'There are updates available for the following plugins: %1$s.', 363 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 364 ), 365 'notice_can_activate_required' => _n_noop( 366 /* translators: 1: plugin name(s). */ 367 'The following required plugin is currently inactive: %1$s.', 368 'The following required plugins are currently inactive: %1$s.', 369 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 370 ), 371 'notice_can_activate_recommended' => _n_noop( 372 /* translators: 1: plugin name(s). */ 373 'The following recommended plugin is currently inactive: %1$s.', 374 'The following recommended plugins are currently inactive: %1$s.', 375 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 376 ), 377 'install_link' => _n_noop( 378 'Begin installing plugin', 379 'Begin installing plugins', 380 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 381 ), 382 'update_link' => _n_noop( 383 'Begin updating plugin', 384 'Begin updating plugins', 385 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 386 ), 387 'activate_link' => _n_noop( 388 'Begin activating plugin', 389 'Begin activating plugins', 390 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' 391 ), 392 'return' => __( 'Return to Required Plugins Installer', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 393 'dashboard' => __( 'Return to the Dashboard', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 394 'plugin_activated' => __( 'Plugin activated successfully.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 395 'activated_successfully' => __( 'The following plugin was activated successfully:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 396 /* translators: 1: plugin name. */ 397 'plugin_already_active' => __( 'No action taken. Plugin %1$s was already active.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 398 /* translators: 1: plugin name. */ 399 'plugin_needs_higher_version' => __( 'Plugin not activated. A higher version of %s is needed for this theme. Please update the plugin.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 400 /* translators: 1: dashboard link. */ 401 'complete' => __( 'All plugins installed and activated successfully. %1$s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 402 'dismiss' => __( 'Dismiss this notice', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 403 'notice_cannot_install_activate' => __( 'There are one or more required or recommended plugins to install, update or activate.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 404 'contact_admin' => __( 'Please contact the administrator of this site for help.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 405 ); 406 407 do_action( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_register' ); 408 409 /* After this point, the plugins should be registered and the configuration set. */ 410 411 // Proceed only if we have plugins to handle. 412 if ( empty( $this->plugins ) || ! is_array( $this->plugins ) ) { 413 return; 414 } 415 416 // Set up the menu and notices if we still have outstanding actions. 417 if ( true !== $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_complete() ) { 418 // Sort the plugins. 419 array_multisort( $this->sort_order, SORT_ASC, $this->plugins ); 420 421 add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu' ) ); 422 add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'dismiss' ) ); 423 424 // Prevent the normal links from showing underneath a single install/update page. 425 add_filter( 'install_plugin_complete_actions', array( $this, 'actions' ) ); 426 add_filter( 'update_plugin_complete_actions', array( $this, 'actions' ) ); 427 428 if ( $this->has_notices ) { 429 add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'notices' ) ); 430 add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_init' ), 1 ); 431 add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'thickbox' ) ); 432 } 433 } 434 435 // If needed, filter plugin action links. 436 add_action( 'load-plugins.php', array( $this, 'add_plugin_action_link_filters' ), 1 ); 437 438 // Make sure things get reset on switch theme. 439 add_action( 'switch_theme', array( $this, 'flush_plugins_cache' ) ); 440 441 if ( $this->has_notices ) { 442 add_action( 'switch_theme', array( $this, 'update_dismiss' ) ); 443 } 444 445 // Setup the force activation hook. 446 if ( true === $this->has_forced_activation ) { 447 add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'force_activation' ) ); 448 } 449 450 // Setup the force deactivation hook. 451 if ( true === $this->has_forced_deactivation ) { 452 add_action( 'switch_theme', array( $this, 'force_deactivation' ) ); 453 } 454 } 455 456 /** 457 * Load translations. 458 * 459 * @since 2.6.0 460 * 461 * (@internal Uses `load_theme_textdomain()` rather than `load_plugin_textdomain()` to 462 * get round the different ways of handling the path and deprecated notices being thrown 463 * and such. For plugins, the actual file name will be corrected by a filter.}} 464 * 465 * {@internal IMPORTANT! If this function changes, review the regex in the custom TGMPA 466 * generator on the website.}} 467 */ 468 public function load_textdomain() { 469 if ( is_textdomain_loaded( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ) { 470 return; 471 } 472 473 if ( false !== strpos( __FILE__, WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) || false !== strpos( __FILE__, WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ) ) { 474 // Plugin, we'll need to adjust the file name. 475 add_action( 'load_textdomain_mofile', array( $this, 'correct_plugin_mofile' ), 10, 2 ); 476 load_theme_textdomain( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/languages' ); 477 remove_action( 'load_textdomain_mofile', array( $this, 'correct_plugin_mofile' ), 10 ); 478 } else { 479 load_theme_textdomain( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/languages' ); 480 } 481 } 482 483 /** 484 * Correct the .mo file name for (must-use) plugins. 485 * 486 * Themese use `/path/{locale}.mo` while plugins use `/path/{text-domain}-{locale}.mo`. 487 * 488 * {@internal IMPORTANT! If this function changes, review the regex in the custom TGMPA 489 * generator on the website.}} 490 * 491 * @since 2.6.0 492 * 493 * @param string $mofile Full path to the target mofile. 494 * @param string $domain The domain for which a language file is being loaded. 495 * @return string $mofile 496 */ 497 public function correct_plugin_mofile( $mofile, $domain ) { 498 // Exit early if not our domain (just in case). 499 if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' !== $domain ) { 500 return $mofile; 501 } 502 return preg_replace( '`/([a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}.mo)$`', '/bf_woo_element_tgmpa-$1', $mofile ); 503 } 504 505 /** 506 * Potentially overload the fall-back translation file for the current language. 507 * 508 * WP, by default since WP 3.7, will load a local translation first and if none 509 * can be found, will try and find a translation in the /wp-content/languages/ directory. 510 * As this library is theme/plugin agnostic, translation files for TGMPA can exist both 511 * in the WP_LANG_DIR /plugins/ subdirectory as well as in the /themes/ subdirectory. 512 * 513 * This method makes sure both directories are checked. 514 * 515 * {@internal IMPORTANT! If this function changes, review the regex in the custom TGMPA 516 * generator on the website.}} 517 * 518 * @since 2.6.0 519 * 520 * @param string $mofile Full path to the target mofile. 521 * @param string $domain The domain for which a language file is being loaded. 522 * @return string $mofile 523 */ 524 public function overload_textdomain_mofile( $mofile, $domain ) { 525 // Exit early if not our domain, not a WP_LANG_DIR load or if the file exists and is readable. 526 if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' !== $domain || false === strpos( $mofile, WP_LANG_DIR ) || @is_readable( $mofile ) ) { 527 return $mofile; 528 } 529 530 // Current fallback file is not valid, let's try the alternative option. 531 if ( false !== strpos( $mofile, '/themes/' ) ) { 532 return str_replace( '/themes/', '/plugins/', $mofile ); 533 } elseif ( false !== strpos( $mofile, '/plugins/' ) ) { 534 return str_replace( '/plugins/', '/themes/', $mofile ); 535 } else { 536 return $mofile; 537 } 538 } 539 540 /** 541 * Hook in plugin action link filters for the WP native plugins page. 542 * 543 * - Prevent activation of plugins which don't meet the minimum version requirements. 544 * - Prevent deactivation of force-activated plugins. 545 * - Add update notice if update available. 546 * 547 * @since 2.5.0 548 */ 549 public function add_plugin_action_link_filters() { 550 foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { 551 if ( false === $this->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { 552 add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . $plugin['file_path'], array( $this, 'filter_plugin_action_links_activate' ), 20 ); 553 } 554 555 if ( true === $plugin['force_activation'] ) { 556 add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . $plugin['file_path'], array( $this, 'filter_plugin_action_links_deactivate' ), 20 ); 557 } 558 559 if ( false !== $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { 560 add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . $plugin['file_path'], array( $this, 'filter_plugin_action_links_update' ), 20 ); 561 } 562 } 563 } 564 565 /** 566 * Remove the 'Activate' link on the WP native plugins page if the plugin does not meet the 567 * minimum version requirements. 568 * 569 * @since 2.5.0 570 * 571 * @param array $actions Action links. 572 * @return array 573 */ 574 public function filter_plugin_action_links_activate( $actions ) { 575 unset( $actions['activate'] ); 576 577 return $actions; 578 } 579 580 /** 581 * Remove the 'Deactivate' link on the WP native plugins page if the plugin has been set to force activate. 582 * 583 * @since 2.5.0 584 * 585 * @param array $actions Action links. 586 * @return array 587 */ 588 public function filter_plugin_action_links_deactivate( $actions ) { 589 unset( $actions['deactivate'] ); 590 591 return $actions; 592 } 593 594 /** 595 * Add a 'Requires update' link on the WP native plugins page if the plugin does not meet the 596 * minimum version requirements. 597 * 598 * @since 2.5.0 599 * 600 * @param array $actions Action links. 601 * @return array 602 */ 603 public function filter_plugin_action_links_update( $actions ) { 604 $actions['update'] = sprintf( 605 '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" class="edit">%3$s</a>', 606 esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( 'update' ) ), 607 esc_attr__( 'This plugin needs to be updated to be compatible with your theme.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 608 esc_html__( 'Update Required', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) 609 ); 610 611 return $actions; 612 } 613 614 /** 615 * Handles calls to show plugin information via links in the notices. 616 * 617 * We get the links in the admin notices to point to the TGMPA page, rather 618 * than the typical plugin-install.php file, so we can prepare everything 619 * beforehand. 620 * 621 * WP does not make it easy to show the plugin information in the thickbox - 622 * here we have to require a file that includes a function that does the 623 * main work of displaying it, enqueue some styles, set up some globals and 624 * finally call that function before exiting. 625 * 626 * Down right easy once you know how... 627 * 628 * Returns early if not the TGMPA page. 629 * 630 * @since 2.1.0 631 * 632 * @global string $tab Used as iframe div class names, helps with styling 633 * @global string $body_id Used as the iframe body ID, helps with styling 634 * 635 * @return null Returns early if not the TGMPA page. 636 */ 637 public function admin_init() { 638 if ( ! $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() ) { 639 return; 640 } 641 642 if ( isset( $_REQUEST['tab'] ) && 'plugin-information' === $_REQUEST['tab'] ) { 643 // Needed for install_plugin_information(). 644 require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'; 645 646 wp_enqueue_style( 'plugin-install' ); 647 648 global $tab, $body_id; 649 $body_id = 'plugin-information'; 650 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart 651 $tab = 'plugin-information'; 652 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd 653 654 install_plugin_information(); 655 656 exit; 657 } 658 } 659 660 /** 661 * Enqueue thickbox scripts/styles for plugin info. 662 * 663 * Thickbox is not automatically included on all admin pages, so we must 664 * manually enqueue it for those pages. 665 * 666 * Thickbox is only loaded if the user has not dismissed the admin 667 * notice or if there are any plugins left to install and activate. 668 * 669 * @since 2.1.0 670 */ 671 public function thickbox() { 672 if ( ! get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, true ) ) { 673 add_thickbox(); 674 } 675 } 676 677 /** 678 * Adds submenu page if there are plugin actions to take. 679 * 680 * This method adds the submenu page letting users know that a required 681 * plugin needs to be installed. 682 * 683 * This page disappears once the plugin has been installed and activated. 684 * 685 * @since 1.0.0 686 * 687 * @see TGM_Plugin_Activation::init() 688 * @see TGM_Plugin_Activation::install_plugins_page() 689 * 690 * @return null Return early if user lacks capability to install a plugin. 691 */ 692 public function admin_menu() { 693 // Make sure privileges are correct to see the page. 694 if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { 695 return; 696 } 697 698 $args = apply_filters( 699 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_admin_menu_args', 700 array( 701 'parent_slug' => $this->parent_slug, // Parent Menu slug. 702 'page_title' => $this->strings['page_title'], // Page title. 703 'menu_title' => $this->strings['menu_title'], // Menu title. 704 'capability' => $this->capability, // Capability. 705 'menu_slug' => $this->menu, // Menu slug. 706 'function' => array( $this, 'install_plugins_page' ), // Callback. 707 ) 708 ); 709 710 $this->add_admin_menu( $args ); 711 } 712 713 /** 714 * Add the menu item. 715 * 716 * {@internal IMPORTANT! If this function changes, review the regex in the custom TGMPA 717 * generator on the website.}} 718 * 719 * @since 2.5.0 720 * 721 * @param array $args Menu item configuration. 722 */ 723 protected function add_admin_menu( array $args ) { 724 if ( has_filter( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_admin_menu_use_add_theme_page' ) ) { 725 _deprecated_function( 'The "bf_woo_element_tgmpa_admin_menu_use_add_theme_page" filter', '2.5.0', esc_html__( 'Set the parent_slug config variable instead.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ); 726 } 727 728 if ( 'themes.php' === $this->parent_slug ) { 729 $this->page_hook = call_user_func( 'add_theme_page', $args['page_title'], $args['menu_title'], $args['capability'], $args['menu_slug'], $args['function'] ); 730 } else { 731 $this->page_hook = call_user_func( 'add_submenu_page', $args['parent_slug'], $args['page_title'], $args['menu_title'], $args['capability'], $args['menu_slug'], $args['function'] ); 732 } 733 } 734 735 /** 736 * Echoes plugin installation form. 737 * 738 * This method is the callback for the admin_menu method function. 739 * This displays the admin page and form area where the user can select to install and activate the plugin. 740 * Aborts early if we're processing a plugin installation action. 741 * 742 * @since 1.0.0 743 * 744 * @return null Aborts early if we're processing a plugin installation action. 745 */ 746 public function install_plugins_page() { 747 // Store new instance of plugin table in object. 748 $plugin_table = new TGMPA_List_Table; 749 750 // Return early if processing a plugin installation action. 751 if ( ( ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-install' === $plugin_table->current_action() || 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update' === $plugin_table->current_action() ) && $plugin_table->process_bulk_actions() ) || $this->do_plugin_install() ) { 752 return; 753 } 754 755 // Force refresh of available plugin information so we'll know about manual updates/deletes. 756 wp_clean_plugins_cache( false ); 757 758 ?> 5 if ( ! class_exists( 'TGM_Plugin_Activation' ) ) { class TGM_Plugin_Activation { const TGMPA_VERSION = '2.6.1'; const WP_REPO_REGEX = '|^http[s]?://wordpress\.org/(?:extend/)?plugins/|'; const IS_URL_REGEX = '|^http[s]?://|'; public static $instance; public $plugins = array(); protected $sort_order = array(); protected $has_forced_activation = false; protected $has_forced_deactivation = false; public $id = 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa'; protected $menu = 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-install-plugins'; public $parent_slug = 'themes.php'; public $capability = 'edit_theme_options'; public $default_path = ''; public $has_notices = true; public $dismissable = true; public $dismiss_msg = ''; public $is_automatic = false; public $message = ''; public $strings = array(); public $wp_version; public $page_hook; public function __construct() { $this->wp_version = $GLOBALS['wp_version']; do_action_ref_array( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_init', array( $this ) ); add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'load_textdomain' ), 5 ); add_filter( 'load_textdomain_mofile', array( $this, 'overload_textdomain_mofile' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) ); } public function __set( $name, $value ) { return; } public function __get( $name ) { return $this->{$name}; } public function init() { if ( true !== apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_load', ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) ) ) { return; } $this->strings = array( 'page_title' => __( 'Install Required Plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'menu_title' => __( 'Install Plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'installing' => __( 'Installing Plugin: %s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'updating' => __( 'Updating Plugin: %s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'oops' => __( 'Something went wrong with the plugin API.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'notice_can_install_required' => _n_noop( 'This theme requires the following plugin: %1$s.', 'This theme requires the following plugins: %1$s.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'notice_can_install_recommended' => _n_noop( 'This theme recommends the following plugin: %1$s.', 'This theme recommends the following plugins: %1$s.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'notice_ask_to_update' => _n_noop( 'The following plugin needs to be updated to its latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: %1$s.', 'The following plugins need to be updated to their latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: %1$s.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'notice_ask_to_update_maybe' => _n_noop( 'There is an update available for: %1$s.', 'There are updates available for the following plugins: %1$s.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'notice_can_activate_required' => _n_noop( 'The following required plugin is currently inactive: %1$s.', 'The following required plugins are currently inactive: %1$s.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'notice_can_activate_recommended' => _n_noop( 'The following recommended plugin is currently inactive: %1$s.', 'The following recommended plugins are currently inactive: %1$s.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'install_link' => _n_noop( 'Begin installing plugin', 'Begin installing plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'update_link' => _n_noop( 'Begin updating plugin', 'Begin updating plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'activate_link' => _n_noop( 'Begin activating plugin', 'Begin activating plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'return' => __( 'Return to Required Plugins Installer', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'dashboard' => __( 'Return to the Dashboard', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'plugin_activated' => __( 'Plugin activated successfully.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'activated_successfully' => __( 'The following plugin was activated successfully:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'plugin_already_active' => __( 'No action taken. Plugin %1$s was already active.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'plugin_needs_higher_version' => __( 'Plugin not activated. A higher version of %s is needed for this theme. Please update the plugin.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'complete' => __( 'All plugins installed and activated successfully. %1$s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'dismiss' => __( 'Dismiss this notice', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'notice_cannot_install_activate' => __( 'There are one or more required or recommended plugins to install, update or activate.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'contact_admin' => __( 'Please contact the administrator of this site for help.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), ); do_action( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_register' ); if ( empty( $this->plugins ) || ! is_array( $this->plugins ) ) { return; } if ( true !== $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_complete() ) { array_multisort( $this->sort_order, SORT_ASC, $this->plugins ); add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu' ) ); add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'dismiss' ) ); add_filter( 'install_plugin_complete_actions', array( $this, 'actions' ) ); add_filter( 'update_plugin_complete_actions', array( $this, 'actions' ) ); if ( $this->has_notices ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'notices' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_init' ), 1 ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'thickbox' ) ); } } add_action( 'load-plugins.php', array( $this, 'add_plugin_action_link_filters' ), 1 ); add_action( 'switch_theme', array( $this, 'flush_plugins_cache' ) ); if ( $this->has_notices ) { add_action( 'switch_theme', array( $this, 'update_dismiss' ) ); } if ( true === $this->has_forced_activation ) { add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'force_activation' ) ); } if ( true === $this->has_forced_deactivation ) { add_action( 'switch_theme', array( $this, 'force_deactivation' ) ); } } public function load_textdomain() { if ( is_textdomain_loaded( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ) { return; } if ( false !== strpos( __FILE__, WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) || false !== strpos( __FILE__, WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ) ) { add_action( 'load_textdomain_mofile', array( $this, 'correct_plugin_mofile' ), 10, 2 ); load_theme_textdomain( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/languages' ); remove_action( 'load_textdomain_mofile', array( $this, 'correct_plugin_mofile' ), 10 ); } else { load_theme_textdomain( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/languages' ); } } public function correct_plugin_mofile( $mofile, $domain ) { if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' !== $domain ) { return $mofile; } return preg_replace( '`/([a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}.mo)$`', '/bf_woo_element_tgmpa-$1', $mofile ); } public function overload_textdomain_mofile( $mofile, $domain ) { if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' !== $domain || false === strpos( $mofile, WP_LANG_DIR ) || @is_readable( $mofile ) ) { return $mofile; } if ( false !== strpos( $mofile, '/themes/' ) ) { return str_replace( '/themes/', '/plugins/', $mofile ); } elseif ( false !== strpos( $mofile, '/plugins/' ) ) { return str_replace( '/plugins/', '/themes/', $mofile ); } else { return $mofile; } } public function add_plugin_action_link_filters() { foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { if ( false === $this->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . $plugin['file_path'], array( $this, 'filter_plugin_action_links_activate' ), 20 ); } if ( true === $plugin['force_activation'] ) { add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . $plugin['file_path'], array( $this, 'filter_plugin_action_links_deactivate' ), 20 ); } if ( false !== $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . $plugin['file_path'], array( $this, 'filter_plugin_action_links_update' ), 20 ); } } } public function filter_plugin_action_links_activate( $actions ) { unset( $actions['activate'] ); return $actions; } public function filter_plugin_action_links_deactivate( $actions ) { unset( $actions['deactivate'] ); return $actions; } public function filter_plugin_action_links_update( $actions ) { $actions['update'] = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" class="edit">%3$s</a>', esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( 'update' ) ), esc_attr__( 'This plugin needs to be updated to be compatible with your theme.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), esc_html__( 'Update Required', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ); return $actions; } public function admin_init() { if ( ! $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() ) { return; } if ( isset( $_REQUEST['tab'] ) && 'plugin-information' === $_REQUEST['tab'] ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'; wp_enqueue_style( 'plugin-install' ); global $tab, $body_id; $body_id = 'plugin-information'; $tab = 'plugin-information'; install_plugin_information(); exit; } } public function thickbox() { if ( ! get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, true ) ) { add_thickbox(); } } public function admin_menu() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { return; } $args = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_admin_menu_args', array( 'parent_slug' => $this->parent_slug, 'page_title' => $this->strings['page_title'], 'menu_title' => $this->strings['menu_title'], 'capability' => $this->capability, 'menu_slug' => $this->menu, 'function' => array( $this, 'install_plugins_page' ), ) ); $this->add_admin_menu( $args ); } protected function add_admin_menu( array $args ) { if ( has_filter( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_admin_menu_use_add_theme_page' ) ) { _deprecated_function( 'The "bf_woo_element_tgmpa_admin_menu_use_add_theme_page" filter', '2.5.0', esc_html__( 'Set the parent_slug config variable instead.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ); } if ( 'themes.php' === $this->parent_slug ) { $this->page_hook = call_user_func( 'add_theme_page', $args['page_title'], $args['menu_title'], $args['capability'], $args['menu_slug'], $args['function'] ); } else { $this->page_hook = call_user_func( 'add_submenu_page', $args['parent_slug'], $args['page_title'], $args['menu_title'], $args['capability'], $args['menu_slug'], $args['function'] ); } } public function install_plugins_page() { $plugin_table = new TGMPA_List_Table; if ( ( ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-install' === $plugin_table->current_action() || 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update' === $plugin_table->current_action() ) && $plugin_table->process_bulk_actions() ) || $this->do_plugin_install() ) { return; } wp_clean_plugins_cache( false ); ?> 759 6 <div class="bf_woo_element_tgmpa wrap"> 760 7 <h1><?php echo esc_html( get_admin_page_title() ); ?></h1> … … 762 9 763 10 <?php 764 if ( ! empty( $this->message ) && is_string( $this->message ) ) { 765 echo wp_kses_post( $this->message ); 766 } 767 ?> 11 if ( ! empty( $this->message ) && is_string( $this->message ) ) { echo wp_kses_post( $this->message ); } ?> 768 12 <?php $plugin_table->views(); ?> 769 13 … … 775 19 </div> 776 20 <?php 777 } 778 779 /** 780 * Installs, updates or activates a plugin depending on the action link clicked by the user. 781 * 782 * Checks the $_GET variable to see which actions have been 783 * passed and responds with the appropriate method. 784 * 785 * Uses WP_Filesystem to process and handle the plugin installation 786 * method. 787 * 788 * @since 1.0.0 789 * 790 * @uses WP_Filesystem 791 * @uses WP_Error 792 * @uses WP_Upgrader 793 * @uses Plugin_Upgrader 794 * @uses Plugin_Installer_Skin 795 * @uses Plugin_Upgrader_Skin 796 * 797 * @return boolean True on success, false on failure. 798 */ 799 protected function do_plugin_install() { 800 if ( empty( $_GET['plugin'] ) ) { 801 return false; 802 } 803 804 // All plugin information will be stored in an array for processing. 805 $slug = $this->sanitize_key( urldecode( $_GET['plugin'] ) ); 806 807 if ( ! isset( $this->plugins[ $slug ] ) ) { 808 return false; 809 } 810 811 // Was an install or upgrade action link clicked? 812 if ( ( isset( $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-install'] ) && 'install-plugin' === $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-install'] ) || ( isset( $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-update'] ) && 'update-plugin' === $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-update'] ) ) { 813 814 $install_type = 'install'; 815 if ( isset( $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-update'] ) && 'update-plugin' === $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-update'] ) { 816 $install_type = 'update'; 817 } 818 819 check_admin_referer( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $install_type, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-nonce' ); 820 821 // Pass necessary information via URL if WP_Filesystem is needed. 822 $url = wp_nonce_url( 823 add_query_arg( 824 array( 825 'plugin' => urlencode( $slug ), 826 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $install_type => $install_type . '-plugin', 827 ), 828 $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() 829 ), 830 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $install_type, 831 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-nonce' 832 ); 833 834 $method = ''; // Leave blank so WP_Filesystem can populate it as necessary. 835 836 if ( false === ( $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $url ), $method, false, false, array() ) ) ) { 837 return true; 838 } 839 840 if ( ! WP_Filesystem( $creds ) ) { 841 request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $url ), $method, true, false, array() ); // Setup WP_Filesystem. 842 return true; 843 } 844 845 /* If we arrive here, we have the filesystem. */ 846 847 // Prep variables for Plugin_Installer_Skin class. 848 $extra = array(); 849 $extra['slug'] = $slug; // Needed for potentially renaming of directory name. 850 $source = $this->get_download_url( $slug ); 851 $api = ( 'repo' === $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) ? $this->get_plugins_api( $slug ) : null; 852 $api = ( false !== $api ) ? $api : null; 853 854 $url = add_query_arg( 855 array( 856 'action' => $install_type . '-plugin', 857 'plugin' => urlencode( $slug ), 858 ), 859 'update.php' 860 ); 861 862 if ( ! class_exists( 'Plugin_Upgrader', false ) ) { 863 require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; 864 } 865 866 $title = ( 'update' === $install_type ) ? $this->strings['updating'] : $this->strings['installing']; 867 $skin_args = array( 868 'type' => ( 'bundled' !== $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) ? 'web' : 'upload', 869 'title' => sprintf( $title, $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ), 870 'url' => esc_url_raw( $url ), 871 'nonce' => $install_type . '-plugin_' . $slug, 872 'plugin' => '', 873 'api' => $api, 874 'extra' => $extra, 875 ); 876 unset( $title ); 877 878 if ( 'update' === $install_type ) { 879 $skin_args['plugin'] = $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path']; 880 $skin = new Plugin_Upgrader_Skin( $skin_args ); 881 } else { 882 $skin = new Plugin_Installer_Skin( $skin_args ); 883 } 884 885 // Create a new instance of Plugin_Upgrader. 886 $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader( $skin ); 887 888 // Perform the action and install the plugin from the $source urldecode(). 889 add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'maybe_adjust_source_dir' ), 1, 3 ); 890 891 if ( 'update' === $install_type ) { 892 // Inject our info into the update transient. 893 $to_inject = array( $slug => $this->plugins[ $slug ] ); 894 $to_inject[ $slug ]['source'] = $source; 895 $this->inject_update_info( $to_inject ); 896 897 $upgrader->upgrade( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ); 898 } else { 899 $upgrader->install( $source ); 900 } 901 902 remove_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'maybe_adjust_source_dir' ), 1 ); 903 904 // Make sure we have the correct file path now the plugin is installed/updated. 905 $this->populate_file_path( $slug ); 906 907 // Only activate plugins if the config option is set to true and the plugin isn't 908 // already active (upgrade). 909 if ( $this->is_automatic && ! $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) ) { 910 $plugin_activate = $upgrader->plugin_info(); // Grab the plugin info from the Plugin_Upgrader method. 911 if ( false === $this->activate_single_plugin( $plugin_activate, $slug, true ) ) { 912 return true; // Finish execution of the function early as we encountered an error. 913 } 914 } 915 916 $this->show_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_version(); 917 918 // Display message based on if all plugins are now active or not. 919 if ( $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_complete() ) { 920 echo '<p>', sprintf( esc_html( $this->strings['complete'] ), '<a href="' . esc_url( self_admin_url() ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Return to the Dashboard', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</a>' ), '</p>'; 921 echo '<style type="text/css">#adminmenu .wp-submenu li.current { display: none !important; }</style>'; 922 } else { 923 echo '<p><a href="', esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ), '" target="_parent">', esc_html( $this->strings['return'] ), '</a></p>'; 924 } 925 926 return true; 927 } elseif ( isset( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'], $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-activate'] ) && 'activate-plugin' === $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-activate'] ) { 928 // Activate action link was clicked. 929 check_admin_referer( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-activate', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-nonce' ); 930 931 if ( false === $this->activate_single_plugin( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'], $slug ) ) { 932 return true; // Finish execution of the function early as we encountered an error. 933 } 934 } 935 936 return false; 937 } 938 939 /** 940 * Inject information into the 'update_plugins' site transient as WP checks that before running an update. 941 * 942 * @since 2.5.0 943 * 944 * @param array $plugins The plugin information for the plugins which are to be updated. 945 */ 946 public function inject_update_info( $plugins ) { 947 $repo_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); 948 949 if ( ! is_object( $repo_updates ) ) { 950 $repo_updates = new stdClass; 951 } 952 953 foreach ( $plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { 954 $file_path = $plugin['file_path']; 955 956 if ( empty( $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ] ) ) { 957 $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ] = new stdClass; 958 } 959 960 // We only really need to set package, but let's do all we can in case WP changes something. 961 $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->slug = $slug; 962 $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->plugin = $file_path; 963 $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->new_version = $plugin['version']; 964 $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->package = $plugin['source']; 965 if ( empty( $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->url ) && ! empty( $plugin['external_url'] ) ) { 966 $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->url = $plugin['external_url']; 967 } 968 } 969 970 set_site_transient( 'update_plugins', $repo_updates ); 971 } 972 973 /** 974 * Adjust the plugin directory name if necessary. 975 * 976 * The final destination directory of a plugin is based on the subdirectory name found in the 977 * (un)zipped source. In some cases - most notably GitHub repository plugin downloads -, this 978 * subdirectory name is not the same as the expected slug and the plugin will not be recognized 979 * as installed. This is fixed by adjusting the temporary unzipped source subdirectory name to 980 * the expected plugin slug. 981 * 982 * @since 2.5.0 983 * 984 * @param string $source Path to upgrade/zip-file-name.tmp/subdirectory/. 985 * @param string $remote_source Path to upgrade/zip-file-name.tmp. 986 * @param \WP_Upgrader $upgrader Instance of the upgrader which installs the plugin. 987 * @return string $source 988 */ 989 public function maybe_adjust_source_dir( $source, $remote_source, $upgrader ) { 990 if ( ! $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() || ! is_object( $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem'] ) ) { 991 return $source; 992 } 993 994 // Check for single file plugins. 995 $source_files = array_keys( $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem']->dirlist( $remote_source ) ); 996 if ( 1 === count( $source_files ) && false === $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem']->is_dir( $source ) ) { 997 return $source; 998 } 999 1000 // Multi-file plugin, let's see if the directory is correctly named. 1001 $desired_slug = ''; 1002 1003 // Figure out what the slug is supposed to be. 1004 if ( false === $upgrader->bulk && ! empty( $upgrader->skin->options['extra']['slug'] ) ) { 1005 $desired_slug = $upgrader->skin->options['extra']['slug']; 1006 } else { 1007 // Bulk installer contains less info, so fall back on the info registered here. 1008 foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { 1009 if ( ! empty( $upgrader->skin->plugin_names[ $upgrader->skin->i ] ) && $plugin['name'] === $upgrader->skin->plugin_names[ $upgrader->skin->i ] ) { 1010 $desired_slug = $slug; 1011 break; 1012 } 1013 } 1014 unset( $slug, $plugin ); 1015 } 1016 1017 if ( ! empty( $desired_slug ) ) { 1018 $subdir_name = untrailingslashit( str_replace( trailingslashit( $remote_source ), '', $source ) ); 1019 1020 if ( ! empty( $subdir_name ) && $subdir_name !== $desired_slug ) { 1021 $from_path = untrailingslashit( $source ); 1022 $to_path = trailingslashit( $remote_source ) . $desired_slug; 1023 1024 if ( true === $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem']->move( $from_path, $to_path ) ) { 1025 return trailingslashit( $to_path ); 1026 } else { 1027 return new WP_Error( 'rename_failed', esc_html__( 'The remote plugin package does not contain a folder with the desired slug and renaming did not work.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' ' . esc_html__( 'Please contact the plugin provider and ask them to package their plugin according to the WordPress guidelines.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), array( 'found' => $subdir_name, 'expected' => $desired_slug ) ); 1028 } 1029 } elseif ( empty( $subdir_name ) ) { 1030 return new WP_Error( 'packaged_wrong', esc_html__( 'The remote plugin package consists of more than one file, but the files are not packaged in a folder.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' ' . esc_html__( 'Please contact the plugin provider and ask them to package their plugin according to the WordPress guidelines.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), array( 'found' => $subdir_name, 'expected' => $desired_slug ) ); 1031 } 1032 } 1033 1034 return $source; 1035 } 1036 1037 /** 1038 * Activate a single plugin and send feedback about the result to the screen. 1039 * 1040 * @since 2.5.0 1041 * 1042 * @param string $file_path Path within wp-plugins/ to main plugin file. 1043 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1044 * @param bool $automatic Whether this is an automatic activation after an install. Defaults to false. 1045 * This determines the styling of the output messages. 1046 * @return bool False if an error was encountered, true otherwise. 1047 */ 1048 protected function activate_single_plugin( $file_path, $slug, $automatic = false ) { 1049 if ( $this->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { 1050 $activate = activate_plugin( $file_path ); 1051 1052 if ( is_wp_error( $activate ) ) { 1053 echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', wp_kses_post( $activate->get_error_message() ), '</p></div>', 1054 '<p><a href="', esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ), '" target="_parent">', esc_html( $this->strings['return'] ), '</a></p>'; 1055 1056 return false; // End it here if there is an error with activation. 1057 } else { 1058 if ( ! $automatic ) { 1059 // Make sure message doesn't display again if bulk activation is performed 1060 // immediately after a single activation. 1061 if ( ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) ) { // WPCS: CSRF OK. 1062 echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>', esc_html( $this->strings['activated_successfully'] ), ' <strong>', esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ), '.</strong></p></div>'; 1063 } 1064 } else { 1065 // Simpler message layout for use on the plugin install page. 1066 echo '<p>', esc_html( $this->strings['plugin_activated'] ), '</p>'; 1067 } 1068 } 1069 } elseif ( $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) ) { 1070 // No simpler message format provided as this message should never be encountered 1071 // on the plugin install page. 1072 echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', 1073 sprintf( 1074 esc_html( $this->strings['plugin_already_active'] ), 1075 '<strong>' . esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) . '</strong>' 1076 ), 1077 '</p></div>'; 1078 } elseif ( $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { 1079 if ( ! $automatic ) { 1080 // Make sure message doesn't display again if bulk activation is performed 1081 // immediately after a single activation. 1082 if ( ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) ) { // WPCS: CSRF OK. 1083 echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', 1084 sprintf( 1085 esc_html( $this->strings['plugin_needs_higher_version'] ), 1086 '<strong>' . esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) . '</strong>' 1087 ), 1088 '</p></div>'; 1089 } 1090 } else { 1091 // Simpler message layout for use on the plugin install page. 1092 echo '<p>', sprintf( esc_html( $this->strings['plugin_needs_higher_version'] ), esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) ), '</p>'; 1093 } 1094 } 1095 1096 return true; 1097 } 1098 1099 /** 1100 * Echoes required plugin notice. 1101 * 1102 * Outputs a message telling users that a specific plugin is required for 1103 * their theme. If appropriate, it includes a link to the form page where 1104 * users can install and activate the plugin. 1105 * 1106 * Returns early if we're on the Install page. 1107 * 1108 * @since 1.0.0 1109 * 1110 * @global object $current_screen 1111 * 1112 * @return null Returns early if we're on the Install page. 1113 */ 1114 public function notices() { 1115 // Remove nag on the install page / Return early if the nag message has been dismissed or user < author. 1116 if ( ( $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() || $this->is_core_update_page() ) || get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, true ) || ! current_user_can( apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_show_admin_notice_capability', 'publish_posts' ) ) ) { 1117 return; 1118 } 1119 1120 // Store for the plugin slugs by message type. 1121 $message = array(); 1122 1123 // Initialize counters used to determine plurality of action link texts. 1124 $install_link_count = 0; 1125 $update_link_count = 0; 1126 $activate_link_count = 0; 1127 $total_required_action_count = 0; 1128 1129 foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { 1130 if ( $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) && false === $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { 1131 continue; 1132 } 1133 1134 if ( ! $this->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { 1135 if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { 1136 $install_link_count++; 1137 1138 if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { 1139 $message['notice_can_install_required'][] = $slug; 1140 } else { 1141 $message['notice_can_install_recommended'][] = $slug; 1142 } 1143 } 1144 if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { 1145 $total_required_action_count++; 1146 } 1147 } else { 1148 if ( ! $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) && $this->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { 1149 if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { 1150 $activate_link_count++; 1151 1152 if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { 1153 $message['notice_can_activate_required'][] = $slug; 1154 } else { 1155 $message['notice_can_activate_recommended'][] = $slug; 1156 } 1157 } 1158 if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { 1159 $total_required_action_count++; 1160 } 1161 } 1162 1163 if ( $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) || false !== $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { 1164 1165 if ( current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) { 1166 $update_link_count++; 1167 1168 if ( $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { 1169 $message['notice_ask_to_update'][] = $slug; 1170 } elseif ( false !== $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { 1171 $message['notice_ask_to_update_maybe'][] = $slug; 1172 } 1173 } 1174 if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { 1175 $total_required_action_count++; 1176 } 1177 } 1178 } 1179 } 1180 unset( $slug, $plugin ); 1181 1182 // If we have notices to display, we move forward. 1183 if ( ! empty( $message ) || $total_required_action_count > 0 ) { 1184 krsort( $message ); // Sort messages. 1185 $rendered = ''; 1186 1187 // As add_settings_error() wraps the final message in a <p> and as the final message can't be 1188 // filtered, using <p>'s in our html would render invalid html output. 1189 $line_template = '<span style="display: block; margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0 0; clear: both;">%s</span>' . "\n"; 1190 1191 if ( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) && ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) && ! current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) { 1192 $rendered = esc_html( $this->strings['notice_cannot_install_activate'] ) . ' ' . esc_html( $this->strings['contact_admin'] ); 1193 $rendered .= $this->create_user_action_links_for_notice( 0, 0, 0, $line_template ); 1194 } else { 1195 1196 // If dismissable is false and a message is set, output it now. 1197 if ( ! $this->dismissable && ! empty( $this->dismiss_msg ) ) { 1198 $rendered .= sprintf( $line_template, wp_kses_post( $this->dismiss_msg ) ); 1199 } 1200 1201 // Render the individual message lines for the notice. 1202 foreach ( $message as $type => $plugin_group ) { 1203 $linked_plugins = array(); 1204 1205 // Get the external info link for a plugin if one is available. 1206 foreach ( $plugin_group as $plugin_slug ) { 1207 $linked_plugins[] = $this->get_info_link( $plugin_slug ); 1208 } 1209 unset( $plugin_slug ); 1210 1211 $count = count( $plugin_group ); 1212 $linked_plugins = array_map( array( 'TGMPA_Utils', 'wrap_in_em' ), $linked_plugins ); 1213 $last_plugin = array_pop( $linked_plugins ); // Pop off last name to prep for readability. 1214 $imploded = empty( $linked_plugins ) ? $last_plugin : ( implode( ', ', $linked_plugins ) . ' ' . esc_html_x( 'and', 'plugin A *and* plugin B', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' ' . $last_plugin ); 1215 1216 $rendered .= sprintf( 1217 $line_template, 1218 sprintf( 1219 translate_nooped_plural( $this->strings[ $type ], $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 1220 $imploded, 1221 $count 1222 ) 1223 ); 1224 1225 } 1226 unset( $type, $plugin_group, $linked_plugins, $count, $last_plugin, $imploded ); 1227 1228 $rendered .= $this->create_user_action_links_for_notice( $install_link_count, $update_link_count, $activate_link_count, $line_template ); 1229 } 1230 1231 // Register the nag messages and prepare them to be processed. 1232 add_settings_error( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa', $rendered, $this->get_admin_notice_class() ); 1233 } 1234 1235 // Admin options pages already output settings_errors, so this is to avoid duplication. 1236 if ( 'options-general' !== $GLOBALS['current_screen']->parent_base ) { 1237 $this->display_settings_errors(); 1238 } 1239 } 1240 1241 /** 1242 * Generate the user action links for the admin notice. 1243 * 1244 * @since 2.6.0 1245 * 1246 * @param int $install_count Number of plugins to install. 1247 * @param int $update_count Number of plugins to update. 1248 * @param int $activate_count Number of plugins to activate. 1249 * @param int $line_template Template for the HTML tag to output a line. 1250 * @return string Action links. 1251 */ 1252 protected function create_user_action_links_for_notice( $install_count, $update_count, $activate_count, $line_template ) { 1253 // Setup action links. 1254 $action_links = array( 1255 'install' => '', 1256 'update' => '', 1257 'activate' => '', 1258 'dismiss' => $this->dismissable ? '<a href="' . esc_url( wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-dismiss', 'dismiss_admin_notices' ), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-dismiss-' . get_current_user_id() ) ) . '" class="dismiss-notice" target="_parent">' . esc_html( $this->strings['dismiss'] ) . '</a>' : '', 1259 ); 1260 1261 $link_template = '<a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>'; 1262 1263 if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { 1264 if ( $install_count > 0 ) { 1265 $action_links['install'] = sprintf( 1266 $link_template, 1267 translate_nooped_plural( $this->strings['install_link'], $install_count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 1268 esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( 'install' ) ) 1269 ); 1270 } 1271 if ( $update_count > 0 ) { 1272 $action_links['update'] = sprintf( 1273 $link_template, 1274 translate_nooped_plural( $this->strings['update_link'], $update_count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 1275 esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( 'update' ) ) 1276 ); 1277 } 1278 } 1279 1280 if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) && $activate_count > 0 ) { 1281 $action_links['activate'] = sprintf( 1282 $link_template, 1283 translate_nooped_plural( $this->strings['activate_link'], $activate_count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 1284 esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( 'activate' ) ) 1285 ); 1286 } 1287 1288 $action_links = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_notice_action_links', $action_links ); 1289 1290 $action_links = array_filter( (array) $action_links ); // Remove any empty array items. 1291 1292 if ( ! empty( $action_links ) ) { 1293 $action_links = sprintf( $line_template, implode( ' | ', $action_links ) ); 1294 return apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_notice_rendered_action_links', $action_links ); 1295 } else { 1296 return ''; 1297 } 1298 } 1299 1300 /** 1301 * Get admin notice class. 1302 * 1303 * Work around all the changes to the various admin notice classes between WP 4.4 and 3.7 1304 * (lowest supported version by TGMPA). 1305 * 1306 * @since 2.6.0 1307 * 1308 * @return string 1309 */ 1310 protected function get_admin_notice_class() { 1311 if ( ! empty( $this->strings['nag_type'] ) ) { 1312 return sanitize_html_class( strtolower( $this->strings['nag_type'] ) ); 1313 } else { 1314 if ( version_compare( $this->wp_version, '4.2', '>=' ) ) { 1315 return 'notice-warning'; 1316 } elseif ( version_compare( $this->wp_version, '4.1', '>=' ) ) { 1317 return 'notice'; 1318 } else { 1319 return 'updated'; 1320 } 1321 } 1322 } 1323 1324 /** 1325 * Display settings errors and remove those which have been displayed to avoid duplicate messages showing 1326 * 1327 * @since 2.5.0 1328 */ 1329 protected function display_settings_errors() { 1330 global $wp_settings_errors; 1331 1332 settings_errors( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 1333 1334 foreach ( (array) $wp_settings_errors as $key => $details ) { 1335 if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' === $details['setting'] ) { 1336 unset( $wp_settings_errors[ $key ] ); 1337 break; 1338 } 1339 } 1340 } 1341 1342 /** 1343 * Register dismissal of admin notices. 1344 * 1345 * Acts on the dismiss link in the admin nag messages. 1346 * If clicked, the admin notice disappears and will no longer be visible to this user. 1347 * 1348 * @since 2.1.0 1349 */ 1350 public function dismiss() { 1351 if ( isset( $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-dismiss'] ) && check_admin_referer( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-dismiss-' . get_current_user_id() ) ) { 1352 update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, 1 ); 1353 } 1354 } 1355 1356 /** 1357 * Add individual plugin to our collection of plugins. 1358 * 1359 * If the required keys are not set or the plugin has already 1360 * been registered, the plugin is not added. 1361 * 1362 * @since 2.0.0 1363 * 1364 * @param array|null $plugin Array of plugin arguments or null if invalid argument. 1365 * @return null Return early if incorrect argument. 1366 */ 1367 public function register( $plugin ) { 1368 if ( empty( $plugin['slug'] ) || empty( $plugin['name'] ) ) { 1369 return; 1370 } 1371 1372 if ( empty( $plugin['slug'] ) || ! is_string( $plugin['slug'] ) || isset( $this->plugins[ $plugin['slug'] ] ) ) { 1373 return; 1374 } 1375 1376 $defaults = array( 1377 'name' => '', // String 1378 'slug' => '', // String 1379 'source' => 'repo', // String 1380 'required' => false, // Boolean 1381 'version' => '', // String 1382 'force_activation' => false, // Boolean 1383 'force_deactivation' => false, // Boolean 1384 'external_url' => '', // String 1385 'is_callable' => '', // String|Array. 1386 ); 1387 1388 // Prepare the received data. 1389 $plugin = wp_parse_args( $plugin, $defaults ); 1390 1391 // Standardize the received slug. 1392 $plugin['slug'] = $this->sanitize_key( $plugin['slug'] ); 1393 1394 // Forgive users for using string versions of booleans or floats for version number. 1395 $plugin['version'] = (string) $plugin['version']; 1396 $plugin['source'] = empty( $plugin['source'] ) ? 'repo' : $plugin['source']; 1397 $plugin['required'] = TGMPA_Utils::validate_bool( $plugin['required'] ); 1398 $plugin['force_activation'] = TGMPA_Utils::validate_bool( $plugin['force_activation'] ); 1399 $plugin['force_deactivation'] = TGMPA_Utils::validate_bool( $plugin['force_deactivation'] ); 1400 1401 // Enrich the received data. 1402 $plugin['file_path'] = $this->_get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $plugin['slug'] ); 1403 $plugin['source_type'] = $this->get_plugin_source_type( $plugin['source'] ); 1404 1405 // Set the class properties. 1406 $this->plugins[ $plugin['slug'] ] = $plugin; 1407 $this->sort_order[ $plugin['slug'] ] = $plugin['name']; 1408 1409 // Should we add the force activation hook ? 1410 if ( true === $plugin['force_activation'] ) { 1411 $this->has_forced_activation = true; 1412 } 1413 1414 // Should we add the force deactivation hook ? 1415 if ( true === $plugin['force_deactivation'] ) { 1416 $this->has_forced_deactivation = true; 1417 } 1418 } 1419 1420 /** 1421 * Determine what type of source the plugin comes from. 1422 * 1423 * @since 2.5.0 1424 * 1425 * @param string $source The source of the plugin as provided, either empty (= WP repo), a file path 1426 * (= bundled) or an external URL. 1427 * @return string 'repo', 'external', or 'bundled' 1428 */ 1429 protected function get_plugin_source_type( $source ) { 1430 if ( 'repo' === $source || preg_match( self::WP_REPO_REGEX, $source ) ) { 1431 return 'repo'; 1432 } elseif ( preg_match( self::IS_URL_REGEX, $source ) ) { 1433 return 'external'; 1434 } else { 1435 return 'bundled'; 1436 } 1437 } 1438 1439 /** 1440 * Sanitizes a string key. 1441 * 1442 * Near duplicate of WP Core `sanitize_key()`. The difference is that uppercase characters *are* 1443 * allowed, so as not to break upgrade paths from non-standard bundled plugins using uppercase 1444 * characters in the plugin directory path/slug. Silly them. 1445 * 1446 * @see 1447 * 1448 * @since 2.5.0 1449 * 1450 * @param string $key String key. 1451 * @return string Sanitized key 1452 */ 1453 public function sanitize_key( $key ) { 1454 $raw_key = $key; 1455 $key = preg_replace( '`[^A-Za-z0-9_-]`', '', $key ); 1456 1457 /** 1458 * Filter a sanitized key string. 1459 * 1460 * @since 2.5.0 1461 * 1462 * @param string $key Sanitized key. 1463 * @param string $raw_key The key prior to sanitization. 1464 */ 1465 return apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_sanitize_key', $key, $raw_key ); 1466 } 1467 1468 /** 1469 * Amend default configuration settings. 1470 * 1471 * @since 2.0.0 1472 * 1473 * @param array $config Array of config options to pass as class properties. 1474 */ 1475 public function config( $config ) { 1476 $keys = array( 1477 'id', 1478 'default_path', 1479 'has_notices', 1480 'dismissable', 1481 'dismiss_msg', 1482 'menu', 1483 'parent_slug', 1484 'capability', 1485 'is_automatic', 1486 'message', 1487 'strings', 1488 ); 1489 1490 foreach ( $keys as $key ) { 1491 if ( isset( $config[ $key ] ) ) { 1492 if ( is_array( $config[ $key ] ) ) { 1493 $this->$key = array_merge( $this->$key, $config[ $key ] ); 1494 } else { 1495 $this->$key = $config[ $key ]; 1496 } 1497 } 1498 } 1499 } 1500 1501 /** 1502 * Amend action link after plugin installation. 1503 * 1504 * @since 2.0.0 1505 * 1506 * @param array $install_actions Existing array of actions. 1507 * @return false|array Amended array of actions. 1508 */ 1509 public function actions( $install_actions ) { 1510 // Remove action links on the TGMPA install page. 1511 if ( $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() ) { 1512 return false; 1513 } 1514 1515 return $install_actions; 1516 } 1517 1518 /** 1519 * Flushes the plugins cache on theme switch to prevent stale entries 1520 * from remaining in the plugin table. 1521 * 1522 * @since 2.4.0 1523 * 1524 * @param bool $clear_update_cache Optional. Whether to clear the Plugin updates cache. 1525 * Parameter added in v2.5.0. 1526 */ 1527 public function flush_plugins_cache( $clear_update_cache = true ) { 1528 wp_clean_plugins_cache( $clear_update_cache ); 1529 } 1530 1531 /** 1532 * Set file_path key for each installed plugin. 1533 * 1534 * @since 2.1.0 1535 * 1536 * @param string $plugin_slug Optional. If set, only (re-)populates the file path for that specific plugin. 1537 * Parameter added in v2.5.0. 1538 */ 1539 public function populate_file_path( $plugin_slug = '' ) { 1540 if ( ! empty( $plugin_slug ) && is_string( $plugin_slug ) && isset( $this->plugins[ $plugin_slug ] ) ) { 1541 $this->plugins[ $plugin_slug ]['file_path'] = $this->_get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $plugin_slug ); 1542 } else { 1543 // Add file_path key for all plugins. 1544 foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $values ) { 1545 $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] = $this->_get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $slug ); 1546 } 1547 } 1548 } 1549 1550 /** 1551 * Helper function to extract the file path of the plugin file from the 1552 * plugin slug, if the plugin is installed. 1553 * 1554 * @since 2.0.0 1555 * 1556 * @param string $slug Plugin slug (typically folder name) as provided by the developer. 1557 * @return string Either file path for plugin if installed, or just the plugin slug. 1558 */ 1559 protected function _get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $slug ) { 1560 $keys = array_keys( $this->get_plugins() ); 1561 1562 foreach ( $keys as $key ) { 1563 if ( preg_match( '|^' . $slug . '/|', $key ) ) { 1564 return $key; 1565 } 1566 } 1567 1568 return $slug; 1569 } 1570 1571 /** 1572 * Retrieve plugin data, given the plugin name. 1573 * 1574 * Loops through the registered plugins looking for $name. If it finds it, 1575 * it returns the $data from that plugin. Otherwise, returns false. 1576 * 1577 * @since 2.1.0 1578 * 1579 * @param string $name Name of the plugin, as it was registered. 1580 * @param string $data Optional. Array key of plugin data to return. Default is slug. 1581 * @return string|boolean Plugin slug if found, false otherwise. 1582 */ 1583 public function _get_plugin_data_from_name( $name, $data = 'slug' ) { 1584 foreach ( $this->plugins as $values ) { 1585 if ( $name === $values['name'] && isset( $values[ $data ] ) ) { 1586 return $values[ $data ]; 1587 } 1588 } 1589 1590 return false; 1591 } 1592 1593 /** 1594 * Retrieve the download URL for a package. 1595 * 1596 * @since 2.5.0 1597 * 1598 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1599 * @return string Plugin download URL or path to local file or empty string if undetermined. 1600 */ 1601 public function get_download_url( $slug ) { 1602 $dl_source = ''; 1603 1604 switch ( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { 1605 case 'repo': 1606 return $this->get_wp_repo_download_url( $slug ); 1607 case 'external': 1608 return $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source']; 1609 case 'bundled': 1610 return $this->default_path . $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source']; 1611 } 1612 1613 return $dl_source; // Should never happen. 1614 } 1615 1616 /** 1617 * Retrieve the download URL for a WP repo package. 1618 * 1619 * @since 2.5.0 1620 * 1621 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1622 * @return string Plugin download URL. 1623 */ 1624 protected function get_wp_repo_download_url( $slug ) { 1625 $source = ''; 1626 $api = $this->get_plugins_api( $slug ); 1627 1628 if ( false !== $api && isset( $api->download_link ) ) { 1629 $source = $api->download_link; 1630 } 1631 1632 return $source; 1633 } 1634 1635 /** 1636 * Try to grab information from WordPress API. 1637 * 1638 * @since 2.5.0 1639 * 1640 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1641 * @return object Plugins_api response object on success, WP_Error on failure. 1642 */ 1643 protected function get_plugins_api( $slug ) { 1644 static $api = array(); // Cache received responses. 1645 1646 if ( ! isset( $api[ $slug ] ) ) { 1647 if ( ! function_exists( 'plugins_api' ) ) { 1648 require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'; 1649 } 1650 1651 $response = plugins_api( 'plugin_information', array( 'slug' => $slug, 'fields' => array( 'sections' => false ) ) ); 1652 1653 $api[ $slug ] = false; 1654 1655 if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { 1656 wp_die( esc_html( $this->strings['oops'] ) ); 1657 } else { 1658 $api[ $slug ] = $response; 1659 } 1660 } 1661 1662 return $api[ $slug ]; 1663 } 1664 1665 /** 1666 * Retrieve a link to a plugin information page. 1667 * 1668 * @since 2.5.0 1669 * 1670 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1671 * @return string Fully formed html link to a plugin information page if available 1672 * or the plugin name if not. 1673 */ 1674 public function get_info_link( $slug ) { 1675 if ( ! empty( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['external_url'] ) && preg_match( self::IS_URL_REGEX, $this->plugins[ $slug ]['external_url'] ) ) { 1676 $link = sprintf( 1677 '<a href="%1$s" target="_blank">%2$s</a>', 1678 esc_url( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['external_url'] ), 1679 esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) 1680 ); 1681 } elseif ( 'repo' === $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { 1682 $url = add_query_arg( 1683 array( 1684 'tab' => 'plugin-information', 1685 'plugin' => urlencode( $slug ), 1686 'TB_iframe' => 'true', 1687 'width' => '640', 1688 'height' => '500', 1689 ), 1690 self_admin_url( 'plugin-install.php' ) 1691 ); 1692 1693 $link = sprintf( 1694 '<a href="%1$s" class="thickbox">%2$s</a>', 1695 esc_url( $url ), 1696 esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) 1697 ); 1698 } else { 1699 $link = esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ); // No hyperlink. 1700 } 1701 1702 return $link; 1703 } 1704 1705 /** 1706 * Determine if we're on the TGMPA Install page. 1707 * 1708 * @since 2.1.0 1709 * 1710 * @return boolean True when on the TGMPA page, false otherwise. 1711 */ 1712 protected function is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() { 1713 return isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $this->menu === $_GET['page']; 1714 } 1715 1716 /** 1717 * Determine if we're on a WP Core installation/upgrade page. 1718 * 1719 * @since 2.6.0 1720 * 1721 * @return boolean True when on a WP Core installation/upgrade page, false otherwise. 1722 */ 1723 protected function is_core_update_page() { 1724 // Current screen is not always available, most notably on the customizer screen. 1725 if ( ! function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) { 1726 return false; 1727 } 1728 1729 $screen = get_current_screen(); 1730 1731 if ( 'update-core' === $screen->base ) { 1732 // Core update screen. 1733 return true; 1734 } elseif ( 'plugins' === $screen->base && ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) ) { // WPCS: CSRF ok. 1735 // Plugins bulk update screen. 1736 return true; 1737 } elseif ( 'update' === $screen->base && ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) ) { // WPCS: CSRF ok. 1738 // Individual updates (ajax call). 1739 return true; 1740 } 1741 1742 return false; 1743 } 1744 1745 /** 1746 * Retrieve the URL to the TGMPA Install page. 1747 * 1748 * I.e. depending on the config settings passed something along the lines of: 1749 * 1750 * 1751 * @since 2.5.0 1752 * 1753 * @return string Properly encoded URL (not escaped). 1754 */ 1755 public function get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() { 1756 static $url; 1757 1758 if ( ! isset( $url ) ) { 1759 $parent = $this->parent_slug; 1760 if ( false === strpos( $parent, '.php' ) ) { 1761 $parent = 'admin.php'; 1762 } 1763 $url = add_query_arg( 1764 array( 1765 'page' => urlencode( $this->menu ), 1766 ), 1767 self_admin_url( $parent ) 1768 ); 1769 } 1770 1771 return $url; 1772 } 1773 1774 /** 1775 * Retrieve the URL to the TGMPA Install page for a specific plugin status (view). 1776 * 1777 * I.e. depending on the config settings passed something along the lines of: 1778 * 1779 * 1780 * @since 2.5.0 1781 * 1782 * @param string $status Plugin status - either 'install', 'update' or 'activate'. 1783 * @return string Properly encoded URL (not escaped). 1784 */ 1785 public function get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( $status ) { 1786 return add_query_arg( 1787 array( 1788 'plugin_status' => urlencode( $status ), 1789 ), 1790 $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() 1791 ); 1792 } 1793 1794 /** 1795 * Determine whether there are open actions for plugins registered with TGMPA. 1796 * 1797 * @since 2.5.0 1798 * 1799 * @return bool True if complete, i.e. no outstanding actions. False otherwise. 1800 */ 1801 public function is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_complete() { 1802 $complete = true; 1803 foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { 1804 if ( ! $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) || false !== $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { 1805 $complete = false; 1806 break; 1807 } 1808 } 1809 1810 return $complete; 1811 } 1812 1813 /** 1814 * Check if a plugin is installed. Does not take must-use plugins into account. 1815 * 1816 * @since 2.5.0 1817 * 1818 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1819 * @return bool True if installed, false otherwise. 1820 */ 1821 public function is_plugin_installed( $slug ) { 1822 $installed_plugins = $this->get_plugins(); // Retrieve a list of all installed plugins (WP cached). 1823 1824 return ( ! empty( $installed_plugins[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ] ) ); 1825 } 1826 1827 /** 1828 * Check if a plugin is active. 1829 * 1830 * @since 2.5.0 1831 * 1832 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1833 * @return bool True if active, false otherwise. 1834 */ 1835 public function is_plugin_active( $slug ) { 1836 return ( ( ! empty( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['is_callable'] ) && is_callable( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['is_callable'] ) ) || is_plugin_active( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ) ); 1837 } 1838 1839 /** 1840 * Check if a plugin can be updated, i.e. if we have information on the minimum WP version required 1841 * available, check whether the current install meets them. 1842 * 1843 * @since 2.5.0 1844 * 1845 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1846 * @return bool True if OK to update, false otherwise. 1847 */ 1848 public function can_plugin_update( $slug ) { 1849 // We currently can't get reliable info on non-WP-repo plugins - issue #380. 1850 if ( 'repo' !== $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { 1851 return true; 1852 } 1853 1854 $api = $this->get_plugins_api( $slug ); 1855 1856 if ( false !== $api && isset( $api->requires ) ) { 1857 return version_compare( $this->wp_version, $api->requires, '>=' ); 1858 } 1859 1860 // No usable info received from the plugins API, presume we can update. 1861 return true; 1862 } 1863 1864 /** 1865 * Check to see if the plugin is 'updatetable', i.e. installed, with an update available 1866 * and no WP version requirements blocking it. 1867 * 1868 * @since 2.6.0 1869 * 1870 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1871 * @return bool True if OK to proceed with update, false otherwise. 1872 */ 1873 public function is_plugin_updatetable( $slug ) { 1874 if ( ! $this->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { 1875 return false; 1876 } else { 1877 return ( false !== $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) && $this->can_plugin_update( $slug ) ); 1878 } 1879 } 1880 1881 /** 1882 * Check if a plugin can be activated, i.e. is not currently active and meets the minimum 1883 * plugin version requirements set in TGMPA (if any). 1884 * 1885 * @since 2.5.0 1886 * 1887 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1888 * @return bool True if OK to activate, false otherwise. 1889 */ 1890 public function can_plugin_activate( $slug ) { 1891 return ( ! $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) && ! $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ); 1892 } 1893 1894 /** 1895 * Retrieve the version number of an installed plugin. 1896 * 1897 * @since 2.5.0 1898 * 1899 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1900 * @return string Version number as string or an empty string if the plugin is not installed 1901 * or version unknown (plugins which don't comply with the plugin header standard). 1902 */ 1903 public function get_installed_version( $slug ) { 1904 $installed_plugins = $this->get_plugins(); // Retrieve a list of all installed plugins (WP cached). 1905 1906 if ( ! empty( $installed_plugins[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]['Version'] ) ) { 1907 return $installed_plugins[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]['Version']; 1908 } 1909 1910 return ''; 1911 } 1912 1913 /** 1914 * Check whether a plugin complies with the minimum version requirements. 1915 * 1916 * @since 2.5.0 1917 * 1918 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1919 * @return bool True when a plugin needs to be updated, otherwise false. 1920 */ 1921 public function does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) { 1922 $installed_version = $this->get_installed_version( $slug ); 1923 $minimum_version = $this->plugins[ $slug ]['version']; 1924 1925 return version_compare( $minimum_version, $installed_version, '>' ); 1926 } 1927 1928 /** 1929 * Check whether there is an update available for a plugin. 1930 * 1931 * @since 2.5.0 1932 * 1933 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1934 * @return false|string Version number string of the available update or false if no update available. 1935 */ 1936 public function does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) { 1937 // Presume bundled and external plugins will point to a package which meets the minimum required version. 1938 if ( 'repo' !== $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { 1939 if ( $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { 1940 return $this->plugins[ $slug ]['version']; 1941 } 1942 1943 return false; 1944 } 1945 1946 $repo_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); 1947 1948 if ( isset( $repo_updates->response[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]->new_version ) ) { 1949 return $repo_updates->response[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]->new_version; 1950 } 1951 1952 return false; 1953 } 1954 1955 /** 1956 * Retrieve potential upgrade notice for a plugin. 1957 * 1958 * @since 2.5.0 1959 * 1960 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 1961 * @return string The upgrade notice or an empty string if no message was available or provided. 1962 */ 1963 public function get_upgrade_notice( $slug ) { 1964 // We currently can't get reliable info on non-WP-repo plugins - issue #380. 1965 if ( 'repo' !== $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { 1966 return ''; 1967 } 1968 1969 $repo_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); 1970 1971 if ( ! empty( $repo_updates->response[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]->upgrade_notice ) ) { 1972 return $repo_updates->response[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]->upgrade_notice; 1973 } 1974 1975 return ''; 1976 } 1977 1978 /** 1979 * Wrapper around the core WP get_plugins function, making sure it's actually available. 1980 * 1981 * @since 2.5.0 1982 * 1983 * @param string $plugin_folder Optional. Relative path to single plugin folder. 1984 * @return array Array of installed plugins with plugin information. 1985 */ 1986 public function get_plugins( $plugin_folder = '' ) { 1987 if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) { 1988 require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; 1989 } 1990 1991 return get_plugins( $plugin_folder ); 1992 } 1993 1994 /** 1995 * Delete dismissable nag option when theme is switched. 1996 * 1997 * This ensures that the user(s) is/are again reminded via nag of required 1998 * and/or recommended plugins if they re-activate the theme. 1999 * 2000 * @since 2.1.1 2001 */ 2002 public function update_dismiss() { 2003 delete_metadata( 'user', null, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, null, true ); 2004 } 2005 2006 /** 2007 * Forces plugin activation if the parameter 'force_activation' is 2008 * set to true. 2009 * 2010 * This allows theme authors to specify certain plugins that must be 2011 * active at all times while using the current theme. 2012 * 2013 * Please take special care when using this parameter as it has the 2014 * potential to be harmful if not used correctly. Setting this parameter 2015 * to true will not allow the specified plugin to be deactivated unless 2016 * the user switches themes. 2017 * 2018 * @since 2.2.0 2019 */ 2020 public function force_activation() { 2021 foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { 2022 if ( true === $plugin['force_activation'] ) { 2023 if ( ! $this->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { 2024 // Oops, plugin isn't there so iterate to next condition. 2025 continue; 2026 } elseif ( $this->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { 2027 // There we go, activate the plugin. 2028 activate_plugin( $plugin['file_path'] ); 2029 } 2030 } 2031 } 2032 } 2033 2034 /** 2035 * Forces plugin deactivation if the parameter 'force_deactivation' 2036 * is set to true and adds the plugin to the 'recently active' plugins list. 2037 * 2038 * This allows theme authors to specify certain plugins that must be 2039 * deactivated upon switching from the current theme to another. 2040 * 2041 * Please take special care when using this parameter as it has the 2042 * potential to be harmful if not used correctly. 2043 * 2044 * @since 2.2.0 2045 */ 2046 public function force_deactivation() { 2047 $deactivated = array(); 2048 2049 foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { 2050 /* 2051 * Only proceed forward if the parameter is set to true and plugin is active 2052 * as a 'normal' (not must-use) plugin. 2053 */ 2054 if ( true === $plugin['force_deactivation'] && is_plugin_active( $plugin['file_path'] ) ) { 2055 deactivate_plugins( $plugin['file_path'] ); 2056 $deactivated[ $plugin['file_path'] ] = time(); 2057 } 2058 } 2059 2060 if ( ! empty( $deactivated ) ) { 2061 update_option( 'recently_activated', $deactivated + (array) get_option( 'recently_activated' ) ); 2062 } 2063 } 2064 2065 /** 2066 * Echo the current TGMPA version number to the page. 2067 * 2068 * @since 2.5.0 2069 */ 2070 public function show_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_version() { 2071 echo '<p style="float: right; padding: 0em 1.5em 0.5em 0;"><strong><small>', 2072 esc_html( 2073 sprintf( 2074 /* translators: %s: version number */ 2075 __( 'TGMPA v%s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 2076 self::TGMPA_VERSION 2077 ) 2078 ), 2079 '</small></strong></p>'; 2080 } 2081 2082 /** 2083 * Returns the singleton instance of the class. 2084 * 2085 * @since 2.4.0 2086 * 2087 * @return \TGM_Plugin_Activation The TGM_Plugin_Activation object. 2088 */ 2089 public static function get_instance() { 2090 if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) && ! ( self::$instance instanceof self ) ) { 2091 self::$instance = new self(); 2092 } 2093 2094 return self::$instance; 2095 } 2096 } 2097 2098 if ( ! function_exists( 'load_tgm_plugin_activation' ) ) { 2099 /** 2100 * Ensure only one instance of the class is ever invoked. 2101 * 2102 * @since 2.5.0 2103 */ 2104 function load_tgm_plugin_activation() { 2105 $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] = TGM_Plugin_Activation::get_instance(); 2106 } 2107 } 2108 2109 if ( did_action( 'plugins_loaded' ) ) { 2110 load_tgm_plugin_activation(); 2111 } else { 2112 add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'load_tgm_plugin_activation' ); 2113 } 2114 } 2115 2116 if ( ! function_exists( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ) { 2117 /** 2118 * Helper function to register a collection of required plugins. 2119 * 2120 * @since 2.0.0 2121 * @api 2122 * 2123 * @param array $plugins An array of plugin arrays. 2124 * @param array $config Optional. An array of configuration values. 2125 */ 2126 function bf_woo_element_tgmpa( $plugins, $config = array() ) { 2127 $instance = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); 2128 2129 foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { 2130 call_user_func( array( $instance, 'register' ), $plugin ); 2131 } 2132 2133 if ( ! empty( $config ) && is_array( $config ) ) { 2134 // Send out notices for deprecated arguments passed. 2135 if ( isset( $config['notices'] ) ) { 2136 _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.2.0', 'The `notices` config parameter was renamed to `has_notices` in TGMPA 2.2.0. Please adjust your configuration.' ); 2137 if ( ! isset( $config['has_notices'] ) ) { 2138 $config['has_notices'] = $config['notices']; 2139 } 2140 } 2141 2142 if ( isset( $config['parent_menu_slug'] ) ) { 2143 _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.4.0', 'The `parent_menu_slug` config parameter was removed in TGMPA 2.4.0. In TGMPA 2.5.0 an alternative was (re-)introduced. Please adjust your configuration. For more information visit the website:' ); 2144 } 2145 if ( isset( $config['parent_url_slug'] ) ) { 2146 _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.4.0', 'The `parent_url_slug` config parameter was removed in TGMPA 2.4.0. In TGMPA 2.5.0 an alternative was (re-)introduced. Please adjust your configuration. For more information visit the website:' ); 2147 } 2148 2149 call_user_func( array( $instance, 'config' ), $config ); 2150 } 2151 } 2152 } 2153 2154 /** 2155 * WP_List_Table isn't always available. If it isn't available, 2156 * we load it here. 2157 * 2158 * @since 2.2.0 2159 */ 2160 if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) ) { 2161 require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php'; 2162 } 2163 2164 if ( ! class_exists( 'TGMPA_List_Table' ) ) { 2165 2166 /** 2167 * List table class for handling plugins. 2168 * 2169 * Extends the WP_List_Table class to provide a future-compatible 2170 * way of listing out all required/recommended plugins. 2171 * 2172 * Gives users an interface similar to the Plugin Administration 2173 * area with similar (albeit stripped down) capabilities. 2174 * 2175 * This class also allows for the bulk install of plugins. 2176 * 2177 * @since 2.2.0 2178 * 2179 * @package TGM-Plugin-Activation 2180 * @author Thomas Griffin 2181 * @author Gary Jones 2182 */ 2183 class TGMPA_List_Table extends WP_List_Table { 2184 /** 2185 * TGMPA instance. 2186 * 2187 * @since 2.5.0 2188 * 2189 * @var object 2190 */ 2191 protected $bf_woo_element_tgmpa; 2192 2193 /** 2194 * The currently chosen view. 2195 * 2196 * @since 2.5.0 2197 * 2198 * @var string One of: 'all', 'install', 'update', 'activate' 2199 */ 2200 public $view_context = 'all'; 2201 2202 /** 2203 * The plugin counts for the various views. 2204 * 2205 * @since 2.5.0 2206 * 2207 * @var array 2208 */ 2209 protected $view_totals = array( 2210 'all' => 0, 2211 'install' => 0, 2212 'update' => 0, 2213 'activate' => 0, 2214 ); 2215 2216 /** 2217 * References parent constructor and sets defaults for class. 2218 * 2219 * @since 2.2.0 2220 */ 2221 public function __construct() { 2222 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); 2223 2224 parent::__construct( 2225 array( 2226 'singular' => 'plugin', 2227 'plural' => 'plugins', 2228 'ajax' => false, 2229 ) 2230 ); 2231 2232 if ( isset( $_REQUEST['plugin_status'] ) && in_array( $_REQUEST['plugin_status'], array( 'install', 'update', 'activate' ), true ) ) { 2233 $this->view_context = sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['plugin_status'] ); 2234 } 2235 2236 add_filter( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_table_data_items', array( $this, 'sort_table_items' ) ); 2237 } 2238 2239 /** 2240 * Get a list of CSS classes for the <table> tag. 2241 * 2242 * Overruled to prevent the 'plural' argument from being added. 2243 * 2244 * @since 2.5.0 2245 * 2246 * @return array CSS classnames. 2247 */ 2248 public function get_table_classes() { 2249 return array( 'widefat', 'fixed' ); 2250 } 2251 2252 /** 2253 * Gathers and renames all of our plugin information to be used by WP_List_Table to create our table. 2254 * 2255 * @since 2.2.0 2256 * 2257 * @return array $table_data Information for use in table. 2258 */ 2259 protected function _gather_plugin_data() { 2260 // Load thickbox for plugin links. 2261 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->admin_init(); 2262 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->thickbox(); 2263 2264 // Categorize the plugins which have open actions. 2265 $plugins = $this->categorize_plugins_to_views(); 2266 2267 // Set the counts for the view links. 2268 $this->set_view_totals( $plugins ); 2269 2270 // Prep variables for use and grab list of all installed plugins. 2271 $table_data = array(); 2272 $i = 0; 2273 2274 // Redirect to the 'all' view if no plugins were found for the selected view context. 2275 if ( empty( $plugins[ $this->view_context ] ) ) { 2276 $this->view_context = 'all'; 2277 } 2278 2279 foreach ( $plugins[ $this->view_context ] as $slug => $plugin ) { 2280 $table_data[ $i ]['sanitized_plugin'] = $plugin['name']; 2281 $table_data[ $i ]['slug'] = $slug; 2282 $table_data[ $i ]['plugin'] = '<strong>' . $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_info_link( $slug ) . '</strong>'; 2283 $table_data[ $i ]['source'] = $this->get_plugin_source_type_text( $plugin['source_type'] ); 2284 $table_data[ $i ]['type'] = $this->get_plugin_advise_type_text( $plugin['required'] ); 2285 $table_data[ $i ]['status'] = $this->get_plugin_status_text( $slug ); 2286 $table_data[ $i ]['installed_version'] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_installed_version( $slug ); 2287 $table_data[ $i ]['minimum_version'] = $plugin['version']; 2288 $table_data[ $i ]['available_version'] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ); 2289 2290 // Prep the upgrade notice info. 2291 $upgrade_notice = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_upgrade_notice( $slug ); 2292 if ( ! empty( $upgrade_notice ) ) { 2293 $table_data[ $i ]['upgrade_notice'] = $upgrade_notice; 2294 2295 add_action( "bf_woo_element_tgmpa_after_plugin_row_{$slug}", array( $this, 'wp_plugin_update_row' ), 10, 2 ); 2296 } 2297 2298 $table_data[ $i ] = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_table_data_item', $table_data[ $i ], $plugin ); 2299 2300 $i++; 2301 } 2302 2303 return $table_data; 2304 } 2305 2306 /** 2307 * Categorize the plugins which have open actions into views for the TGMPA page. 2308 * 2309 * @since 2.5.0 2310 */ 2311 protected function categorize_plugins_to_views() { 2312 $plugins = array( 2313 'all' => array(), // Meaning: all plugins which still have open actions. 2314 'install' => array(), 2315 'update' => array(), 2316 'activate' => array(), 2317 ); 2318 2319 foreach ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { 2320 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_active( $slug ) && false === $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { 2321 // No need to display plugins if they are installed, up-to-date and active. 2322 continue; 2323 } else { 2324 $plugins['all'][ $slug ] = $plugin; 2325 2326 if ( ! $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { 2327 $plugins['install'][ $slug ] = $plugin; 2328 } else { 2329 if ( false !== $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { 2330 $plugins['update'][ $slug ] = $plugin; 2331 } 2332 2333 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { 2334 $plugins['activate'][ $slug ] = $plugin; 2335 } 2336 } 2337 } 2338 } 2339 2340 return $plugins; 2341 } 2342 2343 /** 2344 * Set the counts for the view links. 2345 * 2346 * @since 2.5.0 2347 * 2348 * @param array $plugins Plugins order by view. 2349 */ 2350 protected function set_view_totals( $plugins ) { 2351 foreach ( $plugins as $type => $list ) { 2352 $this->view_totals[ $type ] = count( $list ); 2353 } 2354 } 2355 2356 /** 2357 * Get the plugin required/recommended text string. 2358 * 2359 * @since 2.5.0 2360 * 2361 * @param string $required Plugin required setting. 2362 * @return string 2363 */ 2364 protected function get_plugin_advise_type_text( $required ) { 2365 if ( true === $required ) { 2366 return __( 'Required', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2367 } 2368 2369 return __( 'Recommended', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2370 } 2371 2372 /** 2373 * Get the plugin source type text string. 2374 * 2375 * @since 2.5.0 2376 * 2377 * @param string $type Plugin type. 2378 * @return string 2379 */ 2380 protected function get_plugin_source_type_text( $type ) { 2381 $string = ''; 2382 2383 switch ( $type ) { 2384 case 'repo': 2385 $string = __( 'WordPress Repository', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2386 break; 2387 case 'external': 2388 $string = __( 'External Source', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2389 break; 2390 case 'bundled': 2391 $string = __( 'Pre-Packaged', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2392 break; 2393 } 2394 2395 return $string; 2396 } 2397 2398 /** 2399 * Determine the plugin status message. 2400 * 2401 * @since 2.5.0 2402 * 2403 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 2404 * @return string 2405 */ 2406 protected function get_plugin_status_text( $slug ) { 2407 if ( ! $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { 2408 return __( 'Not Installed', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2409 } 2410 2411 if ( ! $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_active( $slug ) ) { 2412 $install_status = __( 'Installed But Not Activated', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2413 } else { 2414 $install_status = __( 'Active', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2415 } 2416 2417 $update_status = ''; 2418 2419 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) && false === $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { 2420 $update_status = __( 'Required Update not Available', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2421 2422 } elseif ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { 2423 $update_status = __( 'Requires Update', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2424 2425 } elseif ( false !== $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { 2426 $update_status = __( 'Update recommended', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2427 } 2428 2429 if ( '' === $update_status ) { 2430 return $install_status; 2431 } 2432 2433 return sprintf( 2434 /* translators: 1: install status, 2: update status */ 2435 _x( '%1$s, %2$s', 'Install/Update Status', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 2436 $install_status, 2437 $update_status 2438 ); 2439 } 2440 2441 /** 2442 * Sort plugins by Required/Recommended type and by alphabetical plugin name within each type. 2443 * 2444 * @since 2.5.0 2445 * 2446 * @param array $items Prepared table items. 2447 * @return array Sorted table items. 2448 */ 2449 public function sort_table_items( $items ) { 2450 $type = array(); 2451 $name = array(); 2452 2453 foreach ( $items as $i => $plugin ) { 2454 $type[ $i ] = $plugin['type']; // Required / recommended. 2455 $name[ $i ] = $plugin['sanitized_plugin']; 2456 } 2457 2458 array_multisort( $type, SORT_DESC, $name, SORT_ASC, $items ); 2459 2460 return $items; 2461 } 2462 2463 /** 2464 * Get an associative array ( id => link ) of the views available on this table. 2465 * 2466 * @since 2.5.0 2467 * 2468 * @return array 2469 */ 2470 public function get_views() { 2471 $status_links = array(); 2472 2473 foreach ( $this->view_totals as $type => $count ) { 2474 if ( $count < 1 ) { 2475 continue; 2476 } 2477 2478 switch ( $type ) { 2479 case 'all': 2480 /* translators: 1: number of plugins. */ 2481 $text = _nx( 'All <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'All <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $count, 'plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2482 break; 2483 case 'install': 2484 /* translators: 1: number of plugins. */ 2485 $text = _n( 'To Install <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'To Install <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2486 break; 2487 case 'update': 2488 /* translators: 1: number of plugins. */ 2489 $text = _n( 'Update Available <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Update Available <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2490 break; 2491 case 'activate': 2492 /* translators: 1: number of plugins. */ 2493 $text = _n( 'To Activate <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'To Activate <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2494 break; 2495 default: 2496 $text = ''; 2497 break; 2498 } 2499 2500 if ( ! empty( $text ) ) { 2501 2502 $status_links[ $type ] = sprintf( 2503 '<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>', 2504 esc_url( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( $type ) ), 2505 ( $type === $this->view_context ) ? ' class="current"' : '', 2506 sprintf( $text, number_format_i18n( $count ) ) 2507 ); 2508 } 2509 } 2510 2511 return $status_links; 2512 } 2513 2514 /** 2515 * Create default columns to display important plugin information 2516 * like type, action and status. 2517 * 2518 * @since 2.2.0 2519 * 2520 * @param array $item Array of item data. 2521 * @param string $column_name The name of the column. 2522 * @return string 2523 */ 2524 public function column_default( $item, $column_name ) { 2525 return $item[ $column_name ]; 2526 } 2527 2528 /** 2529 * Required for bulk installing. 2530 * 2531 * Adds a checkbox for each plugin. 2532 * 2533 * @since 2.2.0 2534 * 2535 * @param array $item Array of item data. 2536 * @return string The input checkbox with all necessary info. 2537 */ 2538 public function column_cb( $item ) { 2539 return sprintf( 2540 '<input type="checkbox" name="%1$s[]" value="%2$s" id="%3$s" />', 2541 esc_attr( $this->_args['singular'] ), 2542 esc_attr( $item['slug'] ), 2543 esc_attr( $item['sanitized_plugin'] ) 2544 ); 2545 } 2546 2547 /** 2548 * Create default title column along with the action links. 2549 * 2550 * @since 2.2.0 2551 * 2552 * @param array $item Array of item data. 2553 * @return string The plugin name and action links. 2554 */ 2555 public function column_plugin( $item ) { 2556 return sprintf( 2557 '%1$s %2$s', 2558 $item['plugin'], 2559 $this->row_actions( $this->get_row_actions( $item ), true ) 2560 ); 2561 } 2562 2563 /** 2564 * Create version information column. 2565 * 2566 * @since 2.5.0 2567 * 2568 * @param array $item Array of item data. 2569 * @return string HTML-formatted version information. 2570 */ 2571 public function column_version( $item ) { 2572 $output = array(); 2573 2574 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $item['slug'] ) ) { 2575 $installed = ! empty( $item['installed_version'] ) ? $item['installed_version'] : _x( 'unknown', 'as in: "version nr unknown"', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2576 2577 $color = ''; 2578 if ( ! empty( $item['minimum_version'] ) && $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_require_update( $item['slug'] ) ) { 2579 $color = ' color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold;'; 2580 } 2581 2582 $output[] = sprintf( 2583 '<p><span style="min-width: 32px; text-align: right; float: right;%1$s">%2$s</span>' . __( 'Installed version:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</p>', 2584 $color, 2585 $installed 2586 ); 2587 } 2588 2589 if ( ! empty( $item['minimum_version'] ) ) { 2590 $output[] = sprintf( 2591 '<p><span style="min-width: 32px; text-align: right; float: right;">%1$s</span>' . __( 'Minimum required version:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</p>', 2592 $item['minimum_version'] 2593 ); 2594 } 2595 2596 if ( ! empty( $item['available_version'] ) ) { 2597 $color = ''; 2598 if ( ! empty( $item['minimum_version'] ) && version_compare( $item['available_version'], $item['minimum_version'], '>=' ) ) { 2599 $color = ' color: #71C671; font-weight: bold;'; 2600 } 2601 2602 $output[] = sprintf( 2603 '<p><span style="min-width: 32px; text-align: right; float: right;%1$s">%2$s</span>' . __( 'Available version:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</p>', 2604 $color, 2605 $item['available_version'] 2606 ); 2607 } 2608 2609 if ( empty( $output ) ) { 2610 return ' '; // Let's not break the table layout. 2611 } else { 2612 return implode( "\n", $output ); 2613 } 2614 } 2615 2616 /** 2617 * Sets default message within the plugins table if no plugins 2618 * are left for interaction. 2619 * 2620 * Hides the menu item to prevent the user from clicking and 2621 * getting a permissions error. 2622 * 2623 * @since 2.2.0 2624 */ 2625 public function no_items() { 2626 echo esc_html__( 'No plugins to install, update or activate.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' <a href="' . esc_url( self_admin_url() ) . '"> ' . esc_html__( 'Return to the Dashboard', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</a>'; 2627 echo '<style type="text/css">#adminmenu .wp-submenu li.current { display: none !important; }</style>'; 2628 } 2629 2630 /** 2631 * Output all the column information within the table. 2632 * 2633 * @since 2.2.0 2634 * 2635 * @return array $columns The column names. 2636 */ 2637 public function get_columns() { 2638 $columns = array( 2639 'cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />', 2640 'plugin' => __( 'Plugin', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 2641 'source' => __( 'Source', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 2642 'type' => __( 'Type', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 2643 ); 2644 2645 if ( 'all' === $this->view_context || 'update' === $this->view_context ) { 2646 $columns['version'] = __( 'Version', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2647 $columns['status'] = __( 'Status', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2648 } 2649 2650 return apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_table_columns', $columns ); 2651 } 2652 2653 /** 2654 * Get name of default primary column 2655 * 2656 * @since 2.5.0 / WP 4.3+ compatibility 2657 * @access protected 2658 * 2659 * @return string 2660 */ 2661 protected function get_default_primary_column_name() { 2662 return 'plugin'; 2663 } 2664 2665 /** 2666 * Get the name of the primary column. 2667 * 2668 * @since 2.5.0 / WP 4.3+ compatibility 2669 * @access protected 2670 * 2671 * @return string The name of the primary column. 2672 */ 2673 protected function get_primary_column_name() { 2674 if ( method_exists( 'WP_List_Table', 'get_primary_column_name' ) ) { 2675 return parent::get_primary_column_name(); 2676 } else { 2677 return $this->get_default_primary_column_name(); 2678 } 2679 } 2680 2681 /** 2682 * Get the actions which are relevant for a specific plugin row. 2683 * 2684 * @since 2.5.0 2685 * 2686 * @param array $item Array of item data. 2687 * @return array Array with relevant action links. 2688 */ 2689 protected function get_row_actions( $item ) { 2690 $actions = array(); 2691 $action_links = array(); 2692 2693 // Display the 'Install' action link if the plugin is not yet available. 2694 if ( ! $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $item['slug'] ) ) { 2695 /* translators: %2$s: plugin name in screen reader markup */ 2696 $actions['install'] = __( 'Install %2$s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2697 } else { 2698 // Display the 'Update' action link if an update is available and WP complies with plugin minimum. 2699 if ( false !== $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $item['slug'] ) && $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->can_plugin_update( $item['slug'] ) ) { 2700 /* translators: %2$s: plugin name in screen reader markup */ 2701 $actions['update'] = __( 'Update %2$s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2702 } 2703 2704 // Display the 'Activate' action link, but only if the plugin meets the minimum version. 2705 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->can_plugin_activate( $item['slug'] ) ) { 2706 /* translators: %2$s: plugin name in screen reader markup */ 2707 $actions['activate'] = __( 'Activate %2$s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2708 } 2709 } 2710 2711 // Create the actual links. 2712 foreach ( $actions as $action => $text ) { 2713 $nonce_url = wp_nonce_url( 2714 add_query_arg( 2715 array( 2716 'plugin' => urlencode( $item['slug'] ), 2717 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $action => $action . '-plugin', 2718 ), 2719 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() 2720 ), 2721 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $action, 2722 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-nonce' 2723 ); 2724 2725 $action_links[ $action ] = sprintf( 2726 '<a href="%1$s">' . esc_html( $text ) . '</a>', // $text contains the second placeholder. 2727 esc_url( $nonce_url ), 2728 '<span class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html( $item['sanitized_plugin'] ) . '</span>' 2729 ); 2730 } 2731 2732 $prefix = ( defined( 'WP_NETWORK_ADMIN' ) && WP_NETWORK_ADMIN ) ? 'network_admin_' : ''; 2733 return apply_filters( "bf_woo_element_tgmpa_{$prefix}plugin_action_links", array_filter( $action_links ), $item['slug'], $item, $this->view_context ); 2734 } 2735 2736 /** 2737 * Generates content for a single row of the table. 2738 * 2739 * @since 2.5.0 2740 * 2741 * @param object $item The current item. 2742 */ 2743 public function single_row( $item ) { 2744 parent::single_row( $item ); 2745 2746 /** 2747 * Fires after each specific row in the TGMPA Plugins list table. 2748 * 2749 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$item['slug']`, refers to the slug 2750 * for the plugin. 2751 * 2752 * @since 2.5.0 2753 */ 2754 do_action( "bf_woo_element_tgmpa_after_plugin_row_{$item['slug']}", $item['slug'], $item, $this->view_context ); 2755 } 2756 2757 /** 2758 * Show the upgrade notice below a plugin row if there is one. 2759 * 2760 * @since 2.5.0 2761 * 2762 * @see /wp-admin/includes/update.php 2763 * 2764 * @param string $slug Plugin slug. 2765 * @param array $item The information available in this table row. 2766 * @return null Return early if upgrade notice is empty. 2767 */ 2768 public function wp_plugin_update_row( $slug, $item ) { 2769 if ( empty( $item['upgrade_notice'] ) ) { 2770 return; 2771 } 2772 2773 echo ' 21 } protected function do_plugin_install() { if ( empty( $_GET['plugin'] ) ) { return false; } $slug = $this->sanitize_key( urldecode( $_GET['plugin'] ) ); if ( ! isset( $this->plugins[ $slug ] ) ) { return false; } if ( ( isset( $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-install'] ) && 'install-plugin' === $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-install'] ) || ( isset( $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-update'] ) && 'update-plugin' === $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-update'] ) ) { $install_type = 'install'; if ( isset( $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-update'] ) && 'update-plugin' === $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-update'] ) { $install_type = 'update'; } check_admin_referer( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $install_type, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-nonce' ); $url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'plugin' => urlencode( $slug ), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $install_type => $install_type . '-plugin', ), $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $install_type, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-nonce' ); $method = ''; if ( false === ( $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $url ), $method, false, false, array() ) ) ) { return true; } if ( ! WP_Filesystem( $creds ) ) { request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $url ), $method, true, false, array() ); return true; } $extra = array(); $extra['slug'] = $slug; $source = $this->get_download_url( $slug ); $api = ( 'repo' === $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) ? $this->get_plugins_api( $slug ) : null; $api = ( false !== $api ) ? $api : null; $url = add_query_arg( array( 'action' => $install_type . '-plugin', 'plugin' => urlencode( $slug ), ), 'update.php' ); if ( ! class_exists( 'Plugin_Upgrader', false ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; } $title = ( 'update' === $install_type ) ? $this->strings['updating'] : $this->strings['installing']; $skin_args = array( 'type' => ( 'bundled' !== $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) ? 'web' : 'upload', 'title' => sprintf( $title, $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ), 'url' => esc_url_raw( $url ), 'nonce' => $install_type . '-plugin_' . $slug, 'plugin' => '', 'api' => $api, 'extra' => $extra, ); unset( $title ); if ( 'update' === $install_type ) { $skin_args['plugin'] = $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path']; $skin = new Plugin_Upgrader_Skin( $skin_args ); } else { $skin = new Plugin_Installer_Skin( $skin_args ); } $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader( $skin ); add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'maybe_adjust_source_dir' ), 1, 3 ); if ( 'update' === $install_type ) { $to_inject = array( $slug => $this->plugins[ $slug ] ); $to_inject[ $slug ]['source'] = $source; $this->inject_update_info( $to_inject ); $upgrader->upgrade( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ); } else { $upgrader->install( $source ); } remove_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'maybe_adjust_source_dir' ), 1 ); $this->populate_file_path( $slug ); if ( $this->is_automatic && ! $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) ) { $plugin_activate = $upgrader->plugin_info(); if ( false === $this->activate_single_plugin( $plugin_activate, $slug, true ) ) { return true; } } $this->show_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_version(); if ( $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_complete() ) { echo '<p>', sprintf( esc_html( $this->strings['complete'] ), '<a href="' . esc_url( self_admin_url() ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Return to the Dashboard', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</a>' ), '</p>'; echo '<style type="text/css">#adminmenu .wp-submenu li.current { display: none !important; }</style>'; } else { echo '<p><a href="', esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ), '" target="_parent">', esc_html( $this->strings['return'] ), '</a></p>'; } return true; } elseif ( isset( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'], $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-activate'] ) && 'activate-plugin' === $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-activate'] ) { check_admin_referer( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-activate', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-nonce' ); if ( false === $this->activate_single_plugin( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'], $slug ) ) { return true; } } return false; } public function inject_update_info( $plugins ) { $repo_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); if ( ! is_object( $repo_updates ) ) { $repo_updates = new stdClass; } foreach ( $plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { $file_path = $plugin['file_path']; if ( empty( $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ] ) ) { $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ] = new stdClass; } $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->slug = $slug; $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->plugin = $file_path; $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->new_version = $plugin['version']; $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->package = $plugin['source']; if ( empty( $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->url ) && ! empty( $plugin['external_url'] ) ) { $repo_updates->response[ $file_path ]->url = $plugin['external_url']; } } set_site_transient( 'update_plugins', $repo_updates ); } public function maybe_adjust_source_dir( $source, $remote_source, $upgrader ) { if ( ! $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() || ! is_object( $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem'] ) ) { return $source; } $source_files = array_keys( $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem']->dirlist( $remote_source ) ); if ( 1 === count( $source_files ) && false === $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem']->is_dir( $source ) ) { return $source; } $desired_slug = ''; if ( false === $upgrader->bulk && ! empty( $upgrader->skin->options['extra']['slug'] ) ) { $desired_slug = $upgrader->skin->options['extra']['slug']; } else { foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { if ( ! empty( $upgrader->skin->plugin_names[ $upgrader->skin->i ] ) && $plugin['name'] === $upgrader->skin->plugin_names[ $upgrader->skin->i ] ) { $desired_slug = $slug; break; } } unset( $slug, $plugin ); } if ( ! empty( $desired_slug ) ) { $subdir_name = untrailingslashit( str_replace( trailingslashit( $remote_source ), '', $source ) ); if ( ! empty( $subdir_name ) && $subdir_name !== $desired_slug ) { $from_path = untrailingslashit( $source ); $to_path = trailingslashit( $remote_source ) . $desired_slug; if ( true === $GLOBALS['wp_filesystem']->move( $from_path, $to_path ) ) { return trailingslashit( $to_path ); } else { return new WP_Error( 'rename_failed', esc_html__( 'The remote plugin package does not contain a folder with the desired slug and renaming did not work.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' ' . esc_html__( 'Please contact the plugin provider and ask them to package their plugin according to the WordPress guidelines.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), array( 'found' => $subdir_name, 'expected' => $desired_slug ) ); } } elseif ( empty( $subdir_name ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'packaged_wrong', esc_html__( 'The remote plugin package consists of more than one file, but the files are not packaged in a folder.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' ' . esc_html__( 'Please contact the plugin provider and ask them to package their plugin according to the WordPress guidelines.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), array( 'found' => $subdir_name, 'expected' => $desired_slug ) ); } } return $source; } protected function activate_single_plugin( $file_path, $slug, $automatic = false ) { if ( $this->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { $activate = activate_plugin( $file_path ); if ( is_wp_error( $activate ) ) { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', wp_kses_post( $activate->get_error_message() ), '</p></div>', '<p><a href="', esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ), '" target="_parent">', esc_html( $this->strings['return'] ), '</a></p>'; return false; } else { if ( ! $automatic ) { if ( ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) ) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>', esc_html( $this->strings['activated_successfully'] ), ' <strong>', esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ), '.</strong></p></div>'; } } else { echo '<p>', esc_html( $this->strings['plugin_activated'] ), '</p>'; } } } elseif ( $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) ) { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', sprintf( esc_html( $this->strings['plugin_already_active'] ), '<strong>' . esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) . '</strong>' ), '</p></div>'; } elseif ( $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { if ( ! $automatic ) { if ( ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) ) { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', sprintf( esc_html( $this->strings['plugin_needs_higher_version'] ), '<strong>' . esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) . '</strong>' ), '</p></div>'; } } else { echo '<p>', sprintf( esc_html( $this->strings['plugin_needs_higher_version'] ), esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) ), '</p>'; } } return true; } public function notices() { if ( ( $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() || $this->is_core_update_page() ) || get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, true ) || ! current_user_can( apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_show_admin_notice_capability', 'publish_posts' ) ) ) { return; } $message = array(); $install_link_count = 0; $update_link_count = 0; $activate_link_count = 0; $total_required_action_count = 0; foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { if ( $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) && false === $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { continue; } if ( ! $this->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { $install_link_count++; if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { $message['notice_can_install_required'][] = $slug; } else { $message['notice_can_install_recommended'][] = $slug; } } if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { $total_required_action_count++; } } else { if ( ! $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) && $this->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { $activate_link_count++; if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { $message['notice_can_activate_required'][] = $slug; } else { $message['notice_can_activate_recommended'][] = $slug; } } if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { $total_required_action_count++; } } if ( $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) || false !== $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { if ( current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) { $update_link_count++; if ( $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { $message['notice_ask_to_update'][] = $slug; } elseif ( false !== $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { $message['notice_ask_to_update_maybe'][] = $slug; } } if ( true === $plugin['required'] ) { $total_required_action_count++; } } } } unset( $slug, $plugin ); if ( ! empty( $message ) || $total_required_action_count > 0 ) { krsort( $message ); $rendered = ''; $line_template = '<span style="display: block; margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0 0; clear: both;">%s</span>' . "\n"; if ( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) && ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) && ! current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) { $rendered = esc_html( $this->strings['notice_cannot_install_activate'] ) . ' ' . esc_html( $this->strings['contact_admin'] ); $rendered .= $this->create_user_action_links_for_notice( 0, 0, 0, $line_template ); } else { if ( ! $this->dismissable && ! empty( $this->dismiss_msg ) ) { $rendered .= sprintf( $line_template, wp_kses_post( $this->dismiss_msg ) ); } foreach ( $message as $type => $plugin_group ) { $linked_plugins = array(); foreach ( $plugin_group as $plugin_slug ) { $linked_plugins[] = $this->get_info_link( $plugin_slug ); } unset( $plugin_slug ); $count = count( $plugin_group ); $linked_plugins = array_map( array( 'TGMPA_Utils', 'wrap_in_em' ), $linked_plugins ); $last_plugin = array_pop( $linked_plugins ); $imploded = empty( $linked_plugins ) ? $last_plugin : ( implode( ', ', $linked_plugins ) . ' ' . esc_html_x( 'and', 'plugin A *and* plugin B', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' ' . $last_plugin ); $rendered .= sprintf( $line_template, sprintf( translate_nooped_plural( $this->strings[ $type ], $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), $imploded, $count ) ); } unset( $type, $plugin_group, $linked_plugins, $count, $last_plugin, $imploded ); $rendered .= $this->create_user_action_links_for_notice( $install_link_count, $update_link_count, $activate_link_count, $line_template ); } add_settings_error( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa', $rendered, $this->get_admin_notice_class() ); } if ( 'options-general' !== $GLOBALS['current_screen']->parent_base ) { $this->display_settings_errors(); } } protected function create_user_action_links_for_notice( $install_count, $update_count, $activate_count, $line_template ) { $action_links = array( 'install' => '', 'update' => '', 'activate' => '', 'dismiss' => $this->dismissable ? '<a href="' . esc_url( wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-dismiss', 'dismiss_admin_notices' ), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-dismiss-' . get_current_user_id() ) ) . '" class="dismiss-notice" target="_parent">' . esc_html( $this->strings['dismiss'] ) . '</a>' : '', ); $link_template = '<a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>'; if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { if ( $install_count > 0 ) { $action_links['install'] = sprintf( $link_template, translate_nooped_plural( $this->strings['install_link'], $install_count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( 'install' ) ) ); } if ( $update_count > 0 ) { $action_links['update'] = sprintf( $link_template, translate_nooped_plural( $this->strings['update_link'], $update_count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( 'update' ) ) ); } } if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) && $activate_count > 0 ) { $action_links['activate'] = sprintf( $link_template, translate_nooped_plural( $this->strings['activate_link'], $activate_count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), esc_url( $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( 'activate' ) ) ); } $action_links = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_notice_action_links', $action_links ); $action_links = array_filter( (array) $action_links ); if ( ! empty( $action_links ) ) { $action_links = sprintf( $line_template, implode( ' | ', $action_links ) ); return apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_notice_rendered_action_links', $action_links ); } else { return ''; } } protected function get_admin_notice_class() { if ( ! empty( $this->strings['nag_type'] ) ) { return sanitize_html_class( strtolower( $this->strings['nag_type'] ) ); } else { if ( version_compare( $this->wp_version, '4.2', '>=' ) ) { return 'notice-warning'; } elseif ( version_compare( $this->wp_version, '4.1', '>=' ) ) { return 'notice'; } else { return 'updated'; } } } protected function display_settings_errors() { global $wp_settings_errors; settings_errors( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); foreach ( (array) $wp_settings_errors as $key => $details ) { if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' === $details['setting'] ) { unset( $wp_settings_errors[ $key ] ); break; } } } public function dismiss() { if ( isset( $_GET['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-dismiss'] ) && check_admin_referer( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-dismiss-' . get_current_user_id() ) ) { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, 1 ); } } public function register( $plugin ) { if ( empty( $plugin['slug'] ) || empty( $plugin['name'] ) ) { return; } if ( empty( $plugin['slug'] ) || ! is_string( $plugin['slug'] ) || isset( $this->plugins[ $plugin['slug'] ] ) ) { return; } $defaults = array( 'name' => '', 'slug' => '', 'source' => 'repo', 'required' => false, 'version' => '', 'force_activation' => false, 'force_deactivation' => false, 'external_url' => '', 'is_callable' => '', ); $plugin = wp_parse_args( $plugin, $defaults ); $plugin['slug'] = $this->sanitize_key( $plugin['slug'] ); $plugin['version'] = (string) $plugin['version']; $plugin['source'] = empty( $plugin['source'] ) ? 'repo' : $plugin['source']; $plugin['required'] = TGMPA_Utils::validate_bool( $plugin['required'] ); $plugin['force_activation'] = TGMPA_Utils::validate_bool( $plugin['force_activation'] ); $plugin['force_deactivation'] = TGMPA_Utils::validate_bool( $plugin['force_deactivation'] ); $plugin['file_path'] = $this->_get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $plugin['slug'] ); $plugin['source_type'] = $this->get_plugin_source_type( $plugin['source'] ); $this->plugins[ $plugin['slug'] ] = $plugin; $this->sort_order[ $plugin['slug'] ] = $plugin['name']; if ( true === $plugin['force_activation'] ) { $this->has_forced_activation = true; } if ( true === $plugin['force_deactivation'] ) { $this->has_forced_deactivation = true; } } protected function get_plugin_source_type( $source ) { if ( 'repo' === $source || preg_match( self::WP_REPO_REGEX, $source ) ) { return 'repo'; } elseif ( preg_match( self::IS_URL_REGEX, $source ) ) { return 'external'; } else { return 'bundled'; } } public function sanitize_key( $key ) { $raw_key = $key; $key = preg_replace( '`[^A-Za-z0-9_-]`', '', $key ); return apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_sanitize_key', $key, $raw_key ); } public function config( $config ) { $keys = array( 'id', 'default_path', 'has_notices', 'dismissable', 'dismiss_msg', 'menu', 'parent_slug', 'capability', 'is_automatic', 'message', 'strings', ); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( isset( $config[ $key ] ) ) { if ( is_array( $config[ $key ] ) ) { $this->$key = array_merge( $this->$key, $config[ $key ] ); } else { $this->$key = $config[ $key ]; } } } } public function actions( $install_actions ) { if ( $this->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() ) { return false; } return $install_actions; } public function flush_plugins_cache( $clear_update_cache = true ) { wp_clean_plugins_cache( $clear_update_cache ); } public function populate_file_path( $plugin_slug = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $plugin_slug ) && is_string( $plugin_slug ) && isset( $this->plugins[ $plugin_slug ] ) ) { $this->plugins[ $plugin_slug ]['file_path'] = $this->_get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $plugin_slug ); } else { foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $values ) { $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] = $this->_get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $slug ); } } } protected function _get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $slug ) { $keys = array_keys( $this->get_plugins() ); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( preg_match( '|^' . $slug . '/|', $key ) ) { return $key; } } return $slug; } public function _get_plugin_data_from_name( $name, $data = 'slug' ) { foreach ( $this->plugins as $values ) { if ( $name === $values['name'] && isset( $values[ $data ] ) ) { return $values[ $data ]; } } return false; } public function get_download_url( $slug ) { $dl_source = ''; switch ( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { case 'repo': return $this->get_wp_repo_download_url( $slug ); case 'external': return $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source']; case 'bundled': return $this->default_path . $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source']; } return $dl_source; } protected function get_wp_repo_download_url( $slug ) { $source = ''; $api = $this->get_plugins_api( $slug ); if ( false !== $api && isset( $api->download_link ) ) { $source = $api->download_link; } return $source; } protected function get_plugins_api( $slug ) { static $api = array(); if ( ! isset( $api[ $slug ] ) ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'plugins_api' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'; } $response = plugins_api( 'plugin_information', array( 'slug' => $slug, 'fields' => array( 'sections' => false ) ) ); $api[ $slug ] = false; if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { wp_die( esc_html( $this->strings['oops'] ) ); } else { $api[ $slug ] = $response; } } return $api[ $slug ]; } public function get_info_link( $slug ) { if ( ! empty( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['external_url'] ) && preg_match( self::IS_URL_REGEX, $this->plugins[ $slug ]['external_url'] ) ) { $link = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" target="_blank">%2$s</a>', esc_url( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['external_url'] ), esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) ); } elseif ( 'repo' === $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { $url = add_query_arg( array( 'tab' => 'plugin-information', 'plugin' => urlencode( $slug ), 'TB_iframe' => 'true', 'width' => '640', 'height' => '500', ), self_admin_url( 'plugin-install.php' ) ); $link = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" class="thickbox">%2$s</a>', esc_url( $url ), esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ) ); } else { $link = esc_html( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['name'] ); } return $link; } protected function is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page() { return isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $this->menu === $_GET['page']; } protected function is_core_update_page() { if ( ! function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) { return false; } $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( 'update-core' === $screen->base ) { return true; } elseif ( 'plugins' === $screen->base && ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) ) { return true; } elseif ( 'update' === $screen->base && ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) ) { return true; } return false; } public function get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() { static $url; if ( ! isset( $url ) ) { $parent = $this->parent_slug; if ( false === strpos( $parent, '.php' ) ) { $parent = 'admin.php'; } $url = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => urlencode( $this->menu ), ), self_admin_url( $parent ) ); } return $url; } public function get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( $status ) { return add_query_arg( array( 'plugin_status' => urlencode( $status ), ), $this->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ); } public function is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_complete() { $complete = true; foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { if ( ! $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) || false !== $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { $complete = false; break; } } return $complete; } public function is_plugin_installed( $slug ) { $installed_plugins = $this->get_plugins(); return ( ! empty( $installed_plugins[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ] ) ); } public function is_plugin_active( $slug ) { return ( ( ! empty( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['is_callable'] ) && is_callable( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['is_callable'] ) ) || is_plugin_active( $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ) ); } public function can_plugin_update( $slug ) { if ( 'repo' !== $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { return true; } $api = $this->get_plugins_api( $slug ); if ( false !== $api && isset( $api->requires ) ) { return version_compare( $this->wp_version, $api->requires, '>=' ); } return true; } public function is_plugin_updatetable( $slug ) { if ( ! $this->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { return false; } else { return ( false !== $this->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) && $this->can_plugin_update( $slug ) ); } } public function can_plugin_activate( $slug ) { return ( ! $this->is_plugin_active( $slug ) && ! $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ); } public function get_installed_version( $slug ) { $installed_plugins = $this->get_plugins(); if ( ! empty( $installed_plugins[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]['Version'] ) ) { return $installed_plugins[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]['Version']; } return ''; } public function does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) { $installed_version = $this->get_installed_version( $slug ); $minimum_version = $this->plugins[ $slug ]['version']; return version_compare( $minimum_version, $installed_version, '>' ); } public function does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) { if ( 'repo' !== $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { if ( $this->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { return $this->plugins[ $slug ]['version']; } return false; } $repo_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); if ( isset( $repo_updates->response[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]->new_version ) ) { return $repo_updates->response[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]->new_version; } return false; } public function get_upgrade_notice( $slug ) { if ( 'repo' !== $this->plugins[ $slug ]['source_type'] ) { return ''; } $repo_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); if ( ! empty( $repo_updates->response[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]->upgrade_notice ) ) { return $repo_updates->response[ $this->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path'] ]->upgrade_notice; } return ''; } public function get_plugins( $plugin_folder = '' ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } return get_plugins( $plugin_folder ); } public function update_dismiss() { delete_metadata( 'user', null, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, null, true ); } public function force_activation() { foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { if ( true === $plugin['force_activation'] ) { if ( ! $this->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { continue; } elseif ( $this->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { activate_plugin( $plugin['file_path'] ); } } } } public function force_deactivation() { $deactivated = array(); foreach ( $this->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { if ( true === $plugin['force_deactivation'] && is_plugin_active( $plugin['file_path'] ) ) { deactivate_plugins( $plugin['file_path'] ); $deactivated[ $plugin['file_path'] ] = time(); } } if ( ! empty( $deactivated ) ) { update_option( 'recently_activated', $deactivated + (array) get_option( 'recently_activated' ) ); } } public function show_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_version() { echo '<p style="float: right; padding: 0em 1.5em 0.5em 0;"><strong><small>', esc_html( sprintf( __( 'TGMPA v%s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), self::TGMPA_VERSION ) ), '</small></strong></p>'; } public static function get_instance() { if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) && ! ( self::$instance instanceof self ) ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'load_tgm_plugin_activation' ) ) { function load_tgm_plugin_activation() { $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] = TGM_Plugin_Activation::get_instance(); } } if ( did_action( 'plugins_loaded' ) ) { load_tgm_plugin_activation(); } else { add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'load_tgm_plugin_activation' ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ) { function bf_woo_element_tgmpa( $plugins, $config = array() ) { $instance = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { call_user_func( array( $instance, 'register' ), $plugin ); } if ( ! empty( $config ) && is_array( $config ) ) { if ( isset( $config['notices'] ) ) { _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.2.0', 'The `notices` config parameter was renamed to `has_notices` in TGMPA 2.2.0. Please adjust your configuration.' ); if ( ! isset( $config['has_notices'] ) ) { $config['has_notices'] = $config['notices']; } } if ( isset( $config['parent_menu_slug'] ) ) { _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.4.0', 'The `parent_menu_slug` config parameter was removed in TGMPA 2.4.0. In TGMPA 2.5.0 an alternative was (re-)introduced. Please adjust your configuration. For more information visit the website:' ); } if ( isset( $config['parent_url_slug'] ) ) { _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.4.0', 'The `parent_url_slug` config parameter was removed in TGMPA 2.4.0. In TGMPA 2.5.0 an alternative was (re-)introduced. Please adjust your configuration. For more information visit the website:' ); } call_user_func( array( $instance, 'config' ), $config ); } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php'; } if ( ! class_exists( 'TGMPA_List_Table' ) ) { class TGMPA_List_Table extends WP_List_Table { protected $bf_woo_element_tgmpa; public $view_context = 'all'; protected $view_totals = array( 'all' => 0, 'install' => 0, 'update' => 0, 'activate' => 0, ); public function __construct() { $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); parent::__construct( array( 'singular' => 'plugin', 'plural' => 'plugins', 'ajax' => false, ) ); if ( isset( $_REQUEST['plugin_status'] ) && in_array( $_REQUEST['plugin_status'], array( 'install', 'update', 'activate' ), true ) ) { $this->view_context = sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['plugin_status'] ); } add_filter( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_table_data_items', array( $this, 'sort_table_items' ) ); } public function get_table_classes() { return array( 'widefat', 'fixed' ); } protected function _gather_plugin_data() { $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->admin_init(); $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->thickbox(); $plugins = $this->categorize_plugins_to_views(); $this->set_view_totals( $plugins ); $table_data = array(); $i = 0; if ( empty( $plugins[ $this->view_context ] ) ) { $this->view_context = 'all'; } foreach ( $plugins[ $this->view_context ] as $slug => $plugin ) { $table_data[ $i ]['sanitized_plugin'] = $plugin['name']; $table_data[ $i ]['slug'] = $slug; $table_data[ $i ]['plugin'] = '<strong>' . $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_info_link( $slug ) . '</strong>'; $table_data[ $i ]['source'] = $this->get_plugin_source_type_text( $plugin['source_type'] ); $table_data[ $i ]['type'] = $this->get_plugin_advise_type_text( $plugin['required'] ); $table_data[ $i ]['status'] = $this->get_plugin_status_text( $slug ); $table_data[ $i ]['installed_version'] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_installed_version( $slug ); $table_data[ $i ]['minimum_version'] = $plugin['version']; $table_data[ $i ]['available_version'] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ); $upgrade_notice = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_upgrade_notice( $slug ); if ( ! empty( $upgrade_notice ) ) { $table_data[ $i ]['upgrade_notice'] = $upgrade_notice; add_action( "bf_woo_element_tgmpa_after_plugin_row_{$slug}", array( $this, 'wp_plugin_update_row' ), 10, 2 ); } $table_data[ $i ] = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_table_data_item', $table_data[ $i ], $plugin ); $i++; } return $table_data; } protected function categorize_plugins_to_views() { $plugins = array( 'all' => array(), 'install' => array(), 'update' => array(), 'activate' => array(), ); foreach ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins as $slug => $plugin ) { if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_active( $slug ) && false === $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { continue; } else { $plugins['all'][ $slug ] = $plugin; if ( ! $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { $plugins['install'][ $slug ] = $plugin; } else { if ( false !== $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { $plugins['update'][ $slug ] = $plugin; } if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { $plugins['activate'][ $slug ] = $plugin; } } } } return $plugins; } protected function set_view_totals( $plugins ) { foreach ( $plugins as $type => $list ) { $this->view_totals[ $type ] = count( $list ); } } protected function get_plugin_advise_type_text( $required ) { if ( true === $required ) { return __( 'Required', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } return __( 'Recommended', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } protected function get_plugin_source_type_text( $type ) { $string = ''; switch ( $type ) { case 'repo': $string = __( 'WordPress Repository', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); break; case 'external': $string = __( 'External Source', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); break; case 'bundled': $string = __( 'Pre-Packaged', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); break; } return $string; } protected function get_plugin_status_text( $slug ) { if ( ! $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { return __( 'Not Installed', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } if ( ! $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_active( $slug ) ) { $install_status = __( 'Installed But Not Activated', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } else { $install_status = __( 'Active', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } $update_status = ''; if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) && false === $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { $update_status = __( 'Required Update not Available', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } elseif ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_require_update( $slug ) ) { $update_status = __( 'Requires Update', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } elseif ( false !== $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $slug ) ) { $update_status = __( 'Update recommended', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } if ( '' === $update_status ) { return $install_status; } return sprintf( _x( '%1$s, %2$s', 'Install/Update Status', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), $install_status, $update_status ); } public function sort_table_items( $items ) { $type = array(); $name = array(); foreach ( $items as $i => $plugin ) { $type[ $i ] = $plugin['type']; $name[ $i ] = $plugin['sanitized_plugin']; } array_multisort( $type, SORT_DESC, $name, SORT_ASC, $items ); return $items; } public function get_views() { $status_links = array(); foreach ( $this->view_totals as $type => $count ) { if ( $count < 1 ) { continue; } switch ( $type ) { case 'all': $text = _nx( 'All <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'All <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $count, 'plugins', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); break; case 'install': $text = _n( 'To Install <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'To Install <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); break; case 'update': $text = _n( 'Update Available <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Update Available <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); break; case 'activate': $text = _n( 'To Activate <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'To Activate <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); break; default: $text = ''; break; } if ( ! empty( $text ) ) { $status_links[ $type ] = sprintf( '<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>', esc_url( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_status_url( $type ) ), ( $type === $this->view_context ) ? ' class="current"' : '', sprintf( $text, number_format_i18n( $count ) ) ); } } return $status_links; } public function column_default( $item, $column_name ) { return $item[ $column_name ]; } public function column_cb( $item ) { return sprintf( '<input type="checkbox" name="%1$s[]" value="%2$s" id="%3$s" />', esc_attr( $this->_args['singular'] ), esc_attr( $item['slug'] ), esc_attr( $item['sanitized_plugin'] ) ); } public function column_plugin( $item ) { return sprintf( '%1$s %2$s', $item['plugin'], $this->row_actions( $this->get_row_actions( $item ), true ) ); } public function column_version( $item ) { $output = array(); if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $item['slug'] ) ) { $installed = ! empty( $item['installed_version'] ) ? $item['installed_version'] : _x( 'unknown', 'as in: "version nr unknown"', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); $color = ''; if ( ! empty( $item['minimum_version'] ) && $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_require_update( $item['slug'] ) ) { $color = ' color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold;'; } $output[] = sprintf( '<p><span style="min-width: 32px; text-align: right; float: right;%1$s">%2$s</span>' . __( 'Installed version:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</p>', $color, $installed ); } if ( ! empty( $item['minimum_version'] ) ) { $output[] = sprintf( '<p><span style="min-width: 32px; text-align: right; float: right;">%1$s</span>' . __( 'Minimum required version:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</p>', $item['minimum_version'] ); } if ( ! empty( $item['available_version'] ) ) { $color = ''; if ( ! empty( $item['minimum_version'] ) && version_compare( $item['available_version'], $item['minimum_version'], '>=' ) ) { $color = ' color: #71C671; font-weight: bold;'; } $output[] = sprintf( '<p><span style="min-width: 32px; text-align: right; float: right;%1$s">%2$s</span>' . __( 'Available version:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</p>', $color, $item['available_version'] ); } if ( empty( $output ) ) { return ' '; } else { return implode( "\n", $output ); } } public function no_items() { echo esc_html__( 'No plugins to install, update or activate.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' <a href="' . esc_url( self_admin_url() ) . '"> ' . esc_html__( 'Return to the Dashboard', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</a>'; echo '<style type="text/css">#adminmenu .wp-submenu li.current { display: none !important; }</style>'; } public function get_columns() { $columns = array( 'cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />', 'plugin' => __( 'Plugin', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'source' => __( 'Source', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 'type' => __( 'Type', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), ); if ( 'all' === $this->view_context || 'update' === $this->view_context ) { $columns['version'] = __( 'Version', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); $columns['status'] = __( 'Status', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } return apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_table_columns', $columns ); } protected function get_default_primary_column_name() { return 'plugin'; } protected function get_primary_column_name() { if ( method_exists( 'WP_List_Table', 'get_primary_column_name' ) ) { return parent::get_primary_column_name(); } else { return $this->get_default_primary_column_name(); } } protected function get_row_actions( $item ) { $actions = array(); $action_links = array(); if ( ! $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $item['slug'] ) ) { $actions['install'] = __( 'Install %2$s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } else { if ( false !== $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->does_plugin_have_update( $item['slug'] ) && $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->can_plugin_update( $item['slug'] ) ) { $actions['update'] = __( 'Update %2$s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->can_plugin_activate( $item['slug'] ) ) { $actions['activate'] = __( 'Activate %2$s', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } } foreach ( $actions as $action => $text ) { $nonce_url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'plugin' => urlencode( $item['slug'] ), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $action => $action . '-plugin', ), $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ), 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-' . $action, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-nonce' ); $action_links[ $action ] = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">' . esc_html( $text ) . '</a>', esc_url( $nonce_url ), '<span class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html( $item['sanitized_plugin'] ) . '</span>' ); } $prefix = ( defined( 'WP_NETWORK_ADMIN' ) && WP_NETWORK_ADMIN ) ? 'network_admin_' : ''; return apply_filters( "bf_woo_element_tgmpa_{$prefix}plugin_action_links", array_filter( $action_links ), $item['slug'], $item, $this->view_context ); } public function single_row( $item ) { parent::single_row( $item ); do_action( "bf_woo_element_tgmpa_after_plugin_row_{$item['slug']}", $item['slug'], $item, $this->view_context ); } public function wp_plugin_update_row( $slug, $item ) { if ( empty( $item['upgrade_notice'] ) ) { return; } echo ' 2774 22 <tr class="plugin-update-tr"> 2775 23 <td colspan="', absint( $this->get_column_count() ), '" class="plugin-update colspanchange"> 2776 <div class="update-message">', 2777 esc_html__( 'Upgrade message from the plugin author:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), 2778 ' <strong>', wp_kses_data( $item['upgrade_notice'] ), '</strong> 24 <div class="update-message">', esc_html__( 'Upgrade message from the plugin author:', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), ' <strong>', wp_kses_data( $item['upgrade_notice'] ), '</strong> 2779 25 </div> 2780 26 </td> 2781 </tr>'; 2782 } 2783 2784 /** 2785 * Extra controls to be displayed between bulk actions and pagination. 2786 * 2787 * @since 2.5.0 2788 * 2789 * @param string $which 'top' or 'bottom' table navigation. 2790 */ 2791 public function extra_tablenav( $which ) { 2792 if ( 'bottom' === $which ) { 2793 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->show_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_version(); 2794 } 2795 } 2796 2797 /** 2798 * Defines the bulk actions for handling registered plugins. 2799 * 2800 * @since 2.2.0 2801 * 2802 * @return array $actions The bulk actions for the plugin install table. 2803 */ 2804 public function get_bulk_actions() { 2805 2806 $actions = array(); 2807 2808 if ( 'update' !== $this->view_context && 'activate' !== $this->view_context ) { 2809 if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { 2810 $actions['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-install'] = __( 'Install', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2811 } 2812 } 2813 2814 if ( 'install' !== $this->view_context ) { 2815 if ( current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) { 2816 $actions['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update'] = __( 'Update', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2817 } 2818 if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { 2819 $actions['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-activate'] = __( 'Activate', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2820 } 2821 } 2822 2823 return $actions; 2824 } 2825 2826 /** 2827 * Processes bulk installation and activation actions. 2828 * 2829 * The bulk installation process looks for the $_POST information and passes that 2830 * through if a user has to use WP_Filesystem to enter their credentials. 2831 * 2832 * @since 2.2.0 2833 */ 2834 public function process_bulk_actions() { 2835 // Bulk installation process. 2836 if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-install' === $this->current_action() || 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update' === $this->current_action() ) { 2837 2838 check_admin_referer( 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'] ); 2839 2840 $install_type = 'install'; 2841 if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update' === $this->current_action() ) { 2842 $install_type = 'update'; 2843 } 2844 2845 $plugins_to_install = array(); 2846 2847 // Did user actually select any plugins to install/update ? 2848 if ( empty( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { 2849 if ( 'install' === $install_type ) { 2850 $message = __( 'No plugins were selected to be installed. No action taken.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2851 } else { 2852 $message = __( 'No plugins were selected to be updated. No action taken.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2853 } 2854 2855 echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', esc_html( $message ), '</p></div>'; 2856 2857 return false; 2858 } 2859 2860 if ( is_array( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { 2861 $plugins_to_install = (array) $_POST['plugin']; 2862 } elseif ( is_string( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { 2863 // Received via Filesystem page - un-flatten array (WP bug #19643). 2864 $plugins_to_install = explode( ',', $_POST['plugin'] ); 2865 } 2866 2867 // Sanitize the received input. 2868 $plugins_to_install = array_map( 'urldecode', $plugins_to_install ); 2869 $plugins_to_install = array_map( array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'sanitize_key' ), $plugins_to_install ); 2870 2871 // Validate the received input. 2872 foreach ( $plugins_to_install as $key => $slug ) { 2873 // Check if the plugin was registered with TGMPA and remove if not. 2874 if ( ! isset( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ] ) ) { 2875 unset( $plugins_to_install[ $key ] ); 2876 continue; 2877 } 2878 2879 // For install: make sure this is a plugin we *can* install and not one already installed. 2880 if ( 'install' === $install_type && true === $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { 2881 unset( $plugins_to_install[ $key ] ); 2882 } 2883 2884 // For updates: make sure this is a plugin we *can* update (update available and WP version ok). 2885 if ( 'update' === $install_type && false === $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_updatetable( $slug ) ) { 2886 unset( $plugins_to_install[ $key ] ); 2887 } 2888 } 2889 2890 // No need to proceed further if we have no plugins to handle. 2891 if ( empty( $plugins_to_install ) ) { 2892 if ( 'install' === $install_type ) { 2893 $message = __( 'No plugins are available to be installed at this time.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2894 } else { 2895 $message = __( 'No plugins are available to be updated at this time.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 2896 } 2897 2898 echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', esc_html( $message ), '</p></div>'; 2899 2900 return false; 2901 } 2902 2903 // Pass all necessary information if WP_Filesystem is needed. 2904 $url = wp_nonce_url( 2905 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url(), 2906 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'] 2907 ); 2908 2909 // Give validated data back to $_POST which is the only place the filesystem looks for extra fields. 2910 $_POST['plugin'] = implode( ',', $plugins_to_install ); // Work around for WP bug #19643. 2911 2912 $method = ''; // Leave blank so WP_Filesystem can populate it as necessary. 2913 $fields = array_keys( $_POST ); // Extra fields to pass to WP_Filesystem. 2914 2915 if ( false === ( $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $url ), $method, false, false, $fields ) ) ) { 2916 return true; // Stop the normal page form from displaying, credential request form will be shown. 2917 } 2918 2919 // Now we have some credentials, setup WP_Filesystem. 2920 if ( ! WP_Filesystem( $creds ) ) { 2921 // Our credentials were no good, ask the user for them again. 2922 request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $url ), $method, true, false, $fields ); 2923 2924 return true; 2925 } 2926 2927 /* If we arrive here, we have the filesystem */ 2928 2929 // Store all information in arrays since we are processing a bulk installation. 2930 $names = array(); 2931 $sources = array(); // Needed for installs. 2932 $file_paths = array(); // Needed for upgrades. 2933 $to_inject = array(); // Information to inject into the update_plugins transient. 2934 2935 // Prepare the data for validated plugins for the install/upgrade. 2936 foreach ( $plugins_to_install as $slug ) { 2937 $name = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]['name']; 2938 $source = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_download_url( $slug ); 2939 2940 if ( ! empty( $name ) && ! empty( $source ) ) { 2941 $names[] = $name; 2942 2943 switch ( $install_type ) { 2944 2945 case 'install': 2946 $sources[] = $source; 2947 break; 2948 2949 case 'update': 2950 $file_paths[] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path']; 2951 $to_inject[ $slug ] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]; 2952 $to_inject[ $slug ]['source'] = $source; 2953 break; 2954 } 2955 } 2956 } 2957 unset( $slug, $name, $source ); 2958 2959 // Create a new instance of TGMPA_Bulk_Installer. 2960 $installer = new TGMPA_Bulk_Installer( 2961 new TGMPA_Bulk_Installer_Skin( 2962 array( 2963 'url' => esc_url_raw( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ), 2964 'nonce' => 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'], 2965 'names' => $names, 2966 'install_type' => $install_type, 2967 ) 2968 ) 2969 ); 2970 2971 // Wrap the install process with the appropriate HTML. 2972 echo '<div class="bf_woo_element_tgmpa">', 2973 '<h2 style="font-size: 23px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 29px; margin: 0; padding: 9px 15px 4px 0;">', esc_html( get_admin_page_title() ), '</h2> 2974 <div class="update-php" style="width: 100%; height: 98%; min-height: 850px; padding-top: 1px;">'; 2975 2976 // Process the bulk installation submissions. 2977 add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'maybe_adjust_source_dir' ), 1, 3 ); 2978 2979 if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update' === $this->current_action() ) { 2980 // Inject our info into the update transient. 2981 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->inject_update_info( $to_inject ); 2982 2983 $installer->bulk_upgrade( $file_paths ); 2984 } else { 2985 $installer->bulk_install( $sources ); 2986 } 2987 2988 remove_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'maybe_adjust_source_dir' ), 1 ); 2989 2990 echo '</div></div>'; 2991 2992 return true; 2993 } 2994 2995 // Bulk activation process. 2996 if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-activate' === $this->current_action() ) { 2997 check_admin_referer( 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'] ); 2998 2999 // Did user actually select any plugins to activate ? 3000 if ( empty( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { 3001 echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', esc_html__( 'No plugins were selected to be activated. No action taken.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), '</p></div>'; 3002 3003 return false; 3004 } 3005 3006 // Grab plugin data from $_POST. 3007 $plugins = array(); 3008 if ( isset( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { 3009 $plugins = array_map( 'urldecode', (array) $_POST['plugin'] ); 3010 $plugins = array_map( array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'sanitize_key' ), $plugins ); 3011 } 3012 3013 $plugins_to_activate = array(); 3014 $plugin_names = array(); 3015 3016 // Grab the file paths for the selected & inactive plugins from the registration array. 3017 foreach ( $plugins as $slug ) { 3018 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { 3019 $plugins_to_activate[] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path']; 3020 $plugin_names[] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]['name']; 3021 } 3022 } 3023 unset( $slug ); 3024 3025 // Return early if there are no plugins to activate. 3026 if ( empty( $plugins_to_activate ) ) { 3027 echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', esc_html__( 'No plugins are available to be activated at this time.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), '</p></div>'; 3028 3029 return false; 3030 } 3031 3032 // Now we are good to go - let's start activating plugins. 3033 $activate = activate_plugins( $plugins_to_activate ); 3034 3035 if ( is_wp_error( $activate ) ) { 3036 echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', wp_kses_post( $activate->get_error_message() ), '</p></div>'; 3037 } else { 3038 $count = count( $plugin_names ); // Count so we can use _n function. 3039 $plugin_names = array_map( array( 'TGMPA_Utils', 'wrap_in_strong' ), $plugin_names ); 3040 $last_plugin = array_pop( $plugin_names ); // Pop off last name to prep for readability. 3041 $imploded = empty( $plugin_names ) ? $last_plugin : ( implode( ', ', $plugin_names ) . ' ' . esc_html_x( 'and', 'plugin A *and* plugin B', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' ' . $last_plugin ); 3042 3043 printf( // WPCS: xss ok. 3044 '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>%1$s %2$s.</p></div>', 3045 esc_html( _n( 'The following plugin was activated successfully:', 'The following plugins were activated successfully:', $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ), 3046 $imploded 3047 ); 3048 3049 // Update recently activated plugins option. 3050 $recent = (array) get_option( 'recently_activated' ); 3051 foreach ( $plugins_to_activate as $plugin => $time ) { 3052 if ( isset( $recent[ $plugin ] ) ) { 3053 unset( $recent[ $plugin ] ); 3054 } 3055 } 3056 update_option( 'recently_activated', $recent ); 3057 } 3058 3059 unset( $_POST ); // Reset the $_POST variable in case user wants to perform one action after another. 3060 3061 return true; 3062 } 3063 3064 return false; 3065 } 3066 3067 /** 3068 * Prepares all of our information to be outputted into a usable table. 3069 * 3070 * @since 2.2.0 3071 */ 3072 public function prepare_items() { 3073 $columns = $this->get_columns(); // Get all necessary column information. 3074 $hidden = array(); // No columns to hide, but we must set as an array. 3075 $sortable = array(); // No reason to make sortable columns. 3076 $primary = $this->get_primary_column_name(); // Column which has the row actions. 3077 $this->_column_headers = array( $columns, $hidden, $sortable, $primary ); // Get all necessary column headers. 3078 3079 // Process our bulk activations here. 3080 if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-activate' === $this->current_action() ) { 3081 $this->process_bulk_actions(); 3082 } 3083 3084 // Store all of our plugin data into $items array so WP_List_Table can use it. 3085 $this->items = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_table_data_items', $this->_gather_plugin_data() ); 3086 } 3087 3088 /* *********** DEPRECATED METHODS *********** */ 3089 3090 /** 3091 * Retrieve plugin data, given the plugin name. 3092 * 3093 * @since 2.2.0 3094 * @deprecated 2.5.0 use {@see TGM_Plugin_Activation::_get_plugin_data_from_name()} instead. 3095 * @see TGM_Plugin_Activation::_get_plugin_data_from_name() 3096 * 3097 * @param string $name Name of the plugin, as it was registered. 3098 * @param string $data Optional. Array key of plugin data to return. Default is slug. 3099 * @return string|boolean Plugin slug if found, false otherwise. 3100 */ 3101 protected function _get_plugin_data_from_name( $name, $data = 'slug' ) { 3102 _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'TGMPA 2.5.0', 'TGM_Plugin_Activation::_get_plugin_data_from_name()' ); 3103 3104 return $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->_get_plugin_data_from_name( $name, $data ); 3105 } 3106 } 3107 } 3108 3109 3110 if ( ! class_exists( 'TGM_Bulk_Installer' ) ) { 3111 3112 /** 3113 * Hack: Prevent TGMPA v2.4.1- bulk installer class from being loaded if 2.4.1- is loaded after 2.5+. 3114 * 3115 * @since 2.5.2 3116 * 3117 * {@internal The TGMPA_Bulk_Installer class was originally called TGM_Bulk_Installer. 3118 * For more information, see that class.}} 3119 */ 3120 class TGM_Bulk_Installer { 3121 } 3122 } 3123 if ( ! class_exists( 'TGM_Bulk_Installer_Skin' ) ) { 3124 3125 /** 3126 * Hack: Prevent TGMPA v2.4.1- bulk installer skin class from being loaded if 2.4.1- is loaded after 2.5+. 3127 * 3128 * @since 2.5.2 3129 * 3130 * {@internal The TGMPA_Bulk_Installer_Skin class was originally called TGM_Bulk_Installer_Skin. 3131 * For more information, see that class.}} 3132 */ 3133 class TGM_Bulk_Installer_Skin { 3134 } 3135 } 3136 3137 /** 3138 * The WP_Upgrader file isn't always available. If it isn't available, 3139 * we load it here. 3140 * 3141 * We check to make sure no action or activation keys are set so that WordPress 3142 * does not try to re-include the class when processing upgrades or installs outside 3143 * of the class. 3144 * 3145 * @since 2.2.0 3146 */ 3147 add_action( 'admin_init', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_load_bulk_installer' ); 3148 if ( ! function_exists( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_load_bulk_installer' ) ) { 3149 /** 3150 * Load bulk installer 3151 */ 3152 function bf_woo_element_tgmpa_load_bulk_installer() { 3153 // Silently fail if 2.5+ is loaded *after* an older version. 3154 if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ) ) { 3155 return; 3156 } 3157 3158 // Get TGMPA class instance. 3159 $bf_woo_element_tgmpa_instance = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); 3160 3161 if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $bf_woo_element_tgmpa_instance->menu === $_GET['page'] ) { 3162 if ( ! class_exists( 'Plugin_Upgrader', false ) ) { 3163 require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; 3164 } 3165 3166 if ( ! class_exists( 'TGMPA_Bulk_Installer' ) ) { 3167 3168 /** 3169 * Installer class to handle bulk plugin installations. 3170 * 3171 * Extends WP_Upgrader and customizes to suit the installation of multiple 3172 * plugins. 3173 * 3174 * @since 2.2.0 3175 * 3176 * {@internal Since 2.5.0 the class is an extension of Plugin_Upgrader rather than WP_Upgrader.}} 3177 * {@internal Since 2.5.2 the class has been renamed from TGM_Bulk_Installer to TGMPA_Bulk_Installer. 3178 * This was done to prevent backward compatibility issues with v2.3.6.}} 3179 * 3180 * @package TGM-Plugin-Activation 3181 * @author Thomas Griffin 3182 * @author Gary Jones 3183 */ 3184 class TGMPA_Bulk_Installer extends Plugin_Upgrader { 3185 /** 3186 * Holds result of bulk plugin installation. 3187 * 3188 * @since 2.2.0 3189 * 3190 * @var string 3191 */ 3192 public $result; 3193 3194 /** 3195 * Flag to check if bulk installation is occurring or not. 3196 * 3197 * @since 2.2.0 3198 * 3199 * @var boolean 3200 */ 3201 public $bulk = false; 3202 3203 /** 3204 * TGMPA instance 3205 * 3206 * @since 2.5.0 3207 * 3208 * @var object 3209 */ 3210 protected $bf_woo_element_tgmpa; 3211 3212 /** 3213 * Whether or not the destination directory needs to be cleared ( = on update). 3214 * 3215 * @since 2.5.0 3216 * 3217 * @var bool 3218 */ 3219 protected $clear_destination = false; 3220 3221 /** 3222 * References parent constructor and sets defaults for class. 3223 * 3224 * @since 2.2.0 3225 * 3226 * @param \Bulk_Upgrader_Skin|null $skin Installer skin. 3227 */ 3228 public function __construct( $skin = null ) { 3229 // Get TGMPA class instance. 3230 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); 3231 3232 parent::__construct( $skin ); 3233 3234 if ( isset( $this->skin->options['install_type'] ) && 'update' === $this->skin->options['install_type'] ) { 3235 $this->clear_destination = true; 3236 } 3237 3238 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_automatic ) { 3239 $this->activate_strings(); 3240 } 3241 3242 add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'populate_file_path' ) ); 3243 } 3244 3245 /** 3246 * Sets the correct activation strings for the installer skin to use. 3247 * 3248 * @since 2.2.0 3249 */ 3250 public function activate_strings() { 3251 $this->strings['activation_failed'] = __( 'Plugin activation failed.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3252 $this->strings['activation_success'] = __( 'Plugin activated successfully.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3253 } 3254 3255 /** 3256 * Performs the actual installation of each plugin. 3257 * 3258 * @since 2.2.0 3259 * 3260 * @see WP_Upgrader::run() 3261 * 3262 * @param array $options The installation config options. 3263 * @return null|array Return early if error, array of installation data on success. 3264 */ 3265 public function run( $options ) { 3266 $result = parent::run( $options ); 3267 3268 // Reset the strings in case we changed one during automatic activation. 3269 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_automatic ) { 3270 if ( 'update' === $this->skin->options['install_type'] ) { 3271 $this->upgrade_strings(); 3272 } else { 3273 $this->install_strings(); 3274 } 3275 } 3276 3277 return $result; 3278 } 3279 3280 /** 3281 * Processes the bulk installation of plugins. 3282 * 3283 * @since 2.2.0 3284 * 3285 * {@internal This is basically a near identical copy of the WP Core 3286 * Plugin_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade() method, with minor adjustments to deal with 3287 * new installs instead of upgrades. 3288 * For ease of future synchronizations, the adjustments are clearly commented, but no other 3289 * comments are added. Code style has been made to comply.}} 3290 * 3291 * @see Plugin_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade() 3292 * @see 3293 * (@internal Last synced: Dec 31st 2015 against}} 3294 * 3295 * @param array $plugins The plugin sources needed for installation. 3296 * @param array $args Arbitrary passed extra arguments. 3297 * @return array|false Install confirmation messages on success, false on failure. 3298 */ 3299 public function bulk_install( $plugins, $args = array() ) { 3300 // [TGMPA + ] Hook auto-activation in. 3301 add_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'auto_activate' ), 10 ); 3302 3303 $defaults = array( 3304 'clear_update_cache' => true, 3305 ); 3306 $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); 3307 3308 $this->init(); 3309 $this->bulk = true; 3310 3311 $this->install_strings(); // [TGMPA + ] adjusted. 3312 3313 /* [TGMPA - ] $current = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); */ 3314 3315 /* [TGMPA - ] add_filter('upgrader_clear_destination', array($this, 'delete_old_plugin'), 10, 4); */ 3316 3317 $this->skin->header(); 3318 3319 // Connect to the Filesystem first. 3320 $res = $this->fs_connect( array( WP_CONTENT_DIR, WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) ); 3321 if ( ! $res ) { 3322 $this->skin->footer(); 3323 return false; 3324 } 3325 3326 $this->skin->bulk_header(); 3327 3328 /* 3329 * Only start maintenance mode if: 3330 * - running Multisite and there are one or more plugins specified, OR 3331 * - a plugin with an update available is currently active. 3332 * @TODO: For multisite, maintenance mode should only kick in for individual sites if at all possible. 3333 */ 3334 $maintenance = ( is_multisite() && ! empty( $plugins ) ); 3335 3336 /* 3337 [TGMPA - ] 3338 foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) 3339 $maintenance = $maintenance || ( is_plugin_active( $plugin ) && isset( $current->response[ $plugin] ) ); 3340 */ 3341 if ( $maintenance ) { 3342 $this->maintenance_mode( true ); 3343 } 3344 3345 $results = array(); 3346 3347 $this->update_count = count( $plugins ); 3348 $this->update_current = 0; 3349 foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { 3350 $this->update_current++; 3351 3352 /* 3353 [TGMPA - ] 3354 $this->skin->plugin_info = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin, false, true); 3355 3356 if ( !isset( $current->response[ $plugin ] ) ) { 3357 $this->skin->set_result('up_to_date'); 3358 $this->skin->before(); 3359 $this->skin->feedback('up_to_date'); 3360 $this->skin->after(); 3361 $results[$plugin] = true; 3362 continue; 3363 } 3364 3365 // Get the URL to the zip file. 3366 $r = $current->response[ $plugin ]; 3367 3368 $this->skin->plugin_active = is_plugin_active($plugin); 3369 */ 3370 3371 $result = $this->run( 3372 array( 3373 'package' => $plugin, // [TGMPA + ] adjusted. 3374 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 3375 'clear_destination' => false, // [TGMPA + ] adjusted. 3376 'clear_working' => true, 3377 'is_multi' => true, 3378 'hook_extra' => array( 3379 'plugin' => $plugin, 3380 ), 3381 ) 3382 ); 3383 3384 $results[ $plugin ] = $this->result; 3385 3386 // Prevent credentials auth screen from displaying multiple times. 3387 if ( false === $result ) { 3388 break; 3389 } 3390 } //end foreach $plugins 3391 3392 $this->maintenance_mode( false ); 3393 3394 /** 3395 * Fires when the bulk upgrader process is complete. 3396 * 3397 * @since WP 3.6.0 / TGMPA 2.5.0 3398 * 3399 * @param Plugin_Upgrader $this Plugin_Upgrader instance. In other contexts, $this, might 3400 * be a Theme_Upgrader or Core_Upgrade instance. 3401 * @param array $data { 3402 * Array of bulk item update data. 3403 * 3404 * @type string $action Type of action. Default 'update'. 3405 * @type string $type Type of update process. Accepts 'plugin', 'theme', or 'core'. 3406 * @type bool $bulk Whether the update process is a bulk update. Default true. 3407 * @type array $packages Array of plugin, theme, or core packages to update. 3408 * } 3409 */ 3410 do_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', $this, array( 3411 'action' => 'install', // [TGMPA + ] adjusted. 3412 'type' => 'plugin', 3413 'bulk' => true, 3414 'plugins' => $plugins, 3415 ) ); 3416 3417 $this->skin->bulk_footer(); 3418 3419 $this->skin->footer(); 3420 3421 // Cleanup our hooks, in case something else does a upgrade on this connection. 3422 /* [TGMPA - ] remove_filter('upgrader_clear_destination', array($this, 'delete_old_plugin')); */ 3423 3424 // [TGMPA + ] Remove our auto-activation hook. 3425 remove_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'auto_activate' ), 10 ); 3426 3427 // Force refresh of plugin update information. 3428 wp_clean_plugins_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ); 3429 3430 return $results; 3431 } 3432 3433 /** 3434 * Handle a bulk upgrade request. 3435 * 3436 * @since 2.5.0 3437 * 3438 * @see Plugin_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade() 3439 * 3440 * @param array $plugins The local WP file_path's of the plugins which should be upgraded. 3441 * @param array $args Arbitrary passed extra arguments. 3442 * @return string|bool Install confirmation messages on success, false on failure. 3443 */ 3444 public function bulk_upgrade( $plugins, $args = array() ) { 3445 3446 add_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'auto_activate' ), 10 ); 3447 3448 $result = parent::bulk_upgrade( $plugins, $args ); 3449 3450 remove_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'auto_activate' ), 10 ); 3451 3452 return $result; 3453 } 3454 3455 /** 3456 * Abuse a filter to auto-activate plugins after installation. 3457 * 3458 * Hooked into the 'upgrader_post_install' filter hook. 3459 * 3460 * @since 2.5.0 3461 * 3462 * @param bool $bool The value we need to give back (true). 3463 * @return bool 3464 */ 3465 public function auto_activate( $bool ) { 3466 // Only process the activation of installed plugins if the automatic flag is set to true. 3467 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_automatic ) { 3468 // Flush plugins cache so the headers of the newly installed plugins will be read correctly. 3469 wp_clean_plugins_cache(); 3470 3471 // Get the installed plugin file. 3472 $plugin_info = $this->plugin_info(); 3473 3474 // Don't try to activate on upgrade of active plugin as WP will do this already. 3475 if ( ! is_plugin_active( $plugin_info ) ) { 3476 $activate = activate_plugin( $plugin_info ); 3477 3478 // Adjust the success string based on the activation result. 3479 $this->strings['process_success'] = $this->strings['process_success'] . "<br />\n"; 3480 3481 if ( is_wp_error( $activate ) ) { 3482 $this->skin->error( $activate ); 3483 $this->strings['process_success'] .= $this->strings['activation_failed']; 3484 } else { 3485 $this->strings['process_success'] .= $this->strings['activation_success']; 3486 } 3487 } 3488 } 3489 3490 return $bool; 3491 } 3492 } 3493 } 3494 3495 if ( ! class_exists( 'TGMPA_Bulk_Installer_Skin' ) ) { 3496 3497 /** 3498 * Installer skin to set strings for the bulk plugin installations.. 3499 * 3500 * Extends Bulk_Upgrader_Skin and customizes to suit the installation of multiple 3501 * plugins. 3502 * 3503 * @since 2.2.0 3504 * 3505 * {@internal Since 2.5.2 the class has been renamed from TGM_Bulk_Installer_Skin to 3506 * TGMPA_Bulk_Installer_Skin. 3507 * This was done to prevent backward compatibility issues with v2.3.6.}} 3508 * 3509 * @see 3510 * 3511 * @package TGM-Plugin-Activation 3512 * @author Thomas Griffin 3513 * @author Gary Jones 3514 */ 3515 class TGMPA_Bulk_Installer_Skin extends Bulk_Upgrader_Skin { 3516 /** 3517 * Holds plugin info for each individual plugin installation. 3518 * 3519 * @since 2.2.0 3520 * 3521 * @var array 3522 */ 3523 public $plugin_info = array(); 3524 3525 /** 3526 * Holds names of plugins that are undergoing bulk installations. 3527 * 3528 * @since 2.2.0 3529 * 3530 * @var array 3531 */ 3532 public $plugin_names = array(); 3533 3534 /** 3535 * Integer to use for iteration through each plugin installation. 3536 * 3537 * @since 2.2.0 3538 * 3539 * @var integer 3540 */ 3541 public $i = 0; 3542 3543 /** 3544 * TGMPA instance 3545 * 3546 * @since 2.5.0 3547 * 3548 * @var object 3549 */ 3550 protected $bf_woo_element_tgmpa; 3551 3552 /** 3553 * Constructor. Parses default args with new ones and extracts them for use. 3554 * 3555 * @since 2.2.0 3556 * 3557 * @param array $args Arguments to pass for use within the class. 3558 */ 3559 public function __construct( $args = array() ) { 3560 // Get TGMPA class instance. 3561 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); 3562 3563 // Parse default and new args. 3564 $defaults = array( 3565 'url' => '', 3566 'nonce' => '', 3567 'names' => array(), 3568 'install_type' => 'install', 3569 ); 3570 $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); 3571 3572 // Set plugin names to $this->plugin_names property. 3573 $this->plugin_names = $args['names']; 3574 3575 // Extract the new args. 3576 parent::__construct( $args ); 3577 } 3578 3579 /** 3580 * Sets install skin strings for each individual plugin. 3581 * 3582 * Checks to see if the automatic activation flag is set and uses the 3583 * the proper strings accordingly. 3584 * 3585 * @since 2.2.0 3586 */ 3587 public function add_strings() { 3588 if ( 'update' === $this->options['install_type'] ) { 3589 parent::add_strings(); 3590 /* translators: 1: plugin name, 2: action number 3: total number of actions. */ 3591 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_before_update_header'] = __( 'Updating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3592 } else { 3593 /* translators: 1: plugin name, 2: error message. */ 3594 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_failed_error'] = __( 'An error occurred while installing %1$s: <strong>%2$s</strong>.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3595 /* translators: 1: plugin name. */ 3596 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_failed'] = __( 'The installation of %1$s failed.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3597 3598 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_automatic ) { 3599 // Automatic activation strings. 3600 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_upgrade_start'] = __( 'The installation and activation process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3601 /* translators: 1: plugin name. */ 3602 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_successful'] = __( '%1$s installed and activated successfully.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' <a href="#" class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="%2$s"><span>' . esc_html__( 'Show Details', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</span><span class="hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Hide Details', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</span>.</a>'; 3603 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_upgrade_end'] = __( 'All installations and activations have been completed.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3604 /* translators: 1: plugin name, 2: action number 3: total number of actions. */ 3605 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_before_update_header'] = __( 'Installing and Activating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3606 } else { 3607 // Default installation strings. 3608 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_upgrade_start'] = __( 'The installation process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3609 /* translators: 1: plugin name. */ 3610 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_successful'] = esc_html__( '%1$s installed successfully.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' <a href="#" class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="%2$s"><span>' . esc_html__( 'Show Details', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</span><span class="hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Hide Details', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</span>.</a>'; 3611 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_upgrade_end'] = __( 'All installations have been completed.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3612 /* translators: 1: plugin name, 2: action number 3: total number of actions. */ 3613 $this->upgrader->strings['skin_before_update_header'] = __( 'Installing Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); 3614 } 3615 } 3616 } 3617 3618 /** 3619 * Outputs the header strings and necessary JS before each plugin installation. 3620 * 3621 * @since 2.2.0 3622 * 3623 * @param string $title Unused in this implementation. 3624 */ 3625 public function before( $title = '' ) { 3626 if ( empty( $title ) ) { 3627 $title = esc_html( $this->plugin_names[ $this->i ] ); 3628 } 3629 parent::before( $title ); 3630 } 3631 3632 /** 3633 * Outputs the footer strings and necessary JS after each plugin installation. 3634 * 3635 * Checks for any errors and outputs them if they exist, else output 3636 * success strings. 3637 * 3638 * @since 2.2.0 3639 * 3640 * @param string $title Unused in this implementation. 3641 */ 3642 public function after( $title = '' ) { 3643 if ( empty( $title ) ) { 3644 $title = esc_html( $this->plugin_names[ $this->i ] ); 3645 } 3646 parent::after( $title ); 3647 3648 $this->i++; 3649 } 3650 3651 /** 3652 * Outputs links after bulk plugin installation is complete. 3653 * 3654 * @since 2.2.0 3655 */ 3656 public function bulk_footer() { 3657 // Serve up the string to say installations (and possibly activations) are complete. 3658 parent::bulk_footer(); 3659 3660 // Flush plugins cache so we can make sure that the installed plugins list is always up to date. 3661 wp_clean_plugins_cache(); 3662 3663 $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->show_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_version(); 3664 3665 // Display message based on if all plugins are now active or not. 3666 $update_actions = array(); 3667 3668 if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_complete() ) { 3669 // All plugins are active, so we display the complete string and hide the menu to protect users. 3670 echo '<style type="text/css">#adminmenu .wp-submenu li.current { display: none !important; }</style>'; 3671 $update_actions['dashboard'] = sprintf( 3672 esc_html( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->strings['complete'] ), 3673 '<a href="' . esc_url( self_admin_url() ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Return to the Dashboard', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</a>' 3674 ); 3675 } else { 3676 $update_actions['bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page'] = '<a href="' . esc_url( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ) . '" target="_parent">' . esc_html( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->strings['return'] ) . '</a>'; 3677 } 3678 3679 /** 3680 * Filter the list of action links available following bulk plugin installs/updates. 3681 * 3682 * @since 2.5.0 3683 * 3684 * @param array $update_actions Array of plugin action links. 3685 * @param array $plugin_info Array of information for the last-handled plugin. 3686 */ 3687 $update_actions = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_update_bulk_plugins_complete_actions', $update_actions, $this->plugin_info ); 3688 3689 if ( ! empty( $update_actions ) ) { 3690 $this->feedback( implode( ' | ', (array) $update_actions ) ); 3691 } 3692 } 3693 3694 /* *********** DEPRECATED METHODS *********** */ 3695 3696 /** 3697 * Flush header output buffer. 3698 * 3699 * @since 2.2.0 3700 * @deprecated 2.5.0 use {@see Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::flush_output()} instead 3701 * @see Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::flush_output() 3702 */ 3703 public function before_flush_output() { 3704 _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'TGMPA 2.5.0', 'Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::flush_output()' ); 3705 $this->flush_output(); 3706 } 3707 3708 /** 3709 * Flush footer output buffer and iterate $this->i to make sure the 3710 * installation strings reference the correct plugin. 3711 * 3712 * @since 2.2.0 3713 * @deprecated 2.5.0 use {@see Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::flush_output()} instead 3714 * @see Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::flush_output() 3715 */ 3716 public function after_flush_output() { 3717 _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'TGMPA 2.5.0', 'Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::flush_output()' ); 3718 $this->flush_output(); 3719 $this->i++; 3720 } 3721 } 3722 } 3723 } 3724 } 3725 } 3726 3727 if ( ! class_exists( 'TGMPA_Utils' ) ) { 3728 3729 /** 3730 * Generic utilities for TGMPA. 3731 * 3732 * All methods are static, poor-dev name-spacing class wrapper. 3733 * 3734 * Class was called TGM_Utils in 2.5.0 but renamed TGMPA_Utils in 2.5.1 as this was conflicting with Soliloquy. 3735 * 3736 * @since 2.5.0 3737 * 3738 * @package TGM-Plugin-Activation 3739 * @author Juliette Reinders Folmer 3740 */ 3741 class TGMPA_Utils { 3742 /** 3743 * Whether the PHP filter extension is enabled. 3744 * 3745 * @see 3746 * 3747 * @since 2.5.0 3748 * 3749 * @static 3750 * 3751 * @var bool $has_filters True is the extension is enabled. 3752 */ 3753 public static $has_filters; 3754 3755 /** 3756 * Wrap an arbitrary string in <em> tags. Meant to be used in combination with array_map(). 3757 * 3758 * @since 2.5.0 3759 * 3760 * @static 3761 * 3762 * @param string $string Text to be wrapped. 3763 * @return string 3764 */ 3765 public static function wrap_in_em( $string ) { 3766 return '<em>' . wp_kses_post( $string ) . '</em>'; 3767 } 3768 3769 /** 3770 * Wrap an arbitrary string in <strong> tags. Meant to be used in combination with array_map(). 3771 * 3772 * @since 2.5.0 3773 * 3774 * @static 3775 * 3776 * @param string $string Text to be wrapped. 3777 * @return string 3778 */ 3779 public static function wrap_in_strong( $string ) { 3780 return '<strong>' . wp_kses_post( $string ) . '</strong>'; 3781 } 3782 3783 /** 3784 * Helper function: Validate a value as boolean 3785 * 3786 * @since 2.5.0 3787 * 3788 * @static 3789 * 3790 * @param mixed $value Arbitrary value. 3791 * @return bool 3792 */ 3793 public static function validate_bool( $value ) { 3794 if ( ! isset( self::$has_filters ) ) { 3795 self::$has_filters = extension_loaded( 'filter' ); 3796 } 3797 3798 if ( self::$has_filters ) { 3799 return filter_var( $value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ); 3800 } else { 3801 return self::emulate_filter_bool( $value ); 3802 } 3803 } 3804 3805 /** 3806 * Helper function: Cast a value to bool 3807 * 3808 * @since 2.5.0 3809 * 3810 * @static 3811 * 3812 * @param mixed $value Value to cast. 3813 * @return bool 3814 */ 3815 protected static function emulate_filter_bool( $value ) { 3816 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart 3817 static $true = array( 3818 '1', 3819 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', 3820 'y', 'Y', 3821 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 3822 'on', 'On', 'ON', 3823 ); 3824 static $false = array( 3825 '0', 3826 'false', 'False', 'FALSE', 3827 'n', 'N', 3828 'no', 'No', 'NO', 3829 'off', 'Off', 'OFF', 3830 ); 3831 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd 3832 3833 if ( is_bool( $value ) ) { 3834 return $value; 3835 } elseif ( is_int( $value ) && ( 0 === $value || 1 === $value ) ) { 3836 return (bool) $value; 3837 } elseif ( ( is_float( $value ) && ! is_nan( $value ) ) && ( (float) 0 === $value || (float) 1 === $value ) ) { 3838 return (bool) $value; 3839 } elseif ( is_string( $value ) ) { 3840 $value = trim( $value ); 3841 if ( in_array( $value, $true, true ) ) { 3842 return true; 3843 } elseif ( in_array( $value, $false, true ) ) { 3844 return false; 3845 } else { 3846 return false; 3847 } 3848 } 3849 3850 return false; 3851 } 3852 } // End of class TGMPA_Utils 3853 } // End of class_exists wrapper 27 </tr>'; } public function extra_tablenav( $which ) { if ( 'bottom' === $which ) { $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->show_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_version(); } } public function get_bulk_actions() { $actions = array(); if ( 'update' !== $this->view_context && 'activate' !== $this->view_context ) { if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { $actions['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-install'] = __( 'Install', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } } if ( 'install' !== $this->view_context ) { if ( current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) { $actions['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update'] = __( 'Update', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { $actions['bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-activate'] = __( 'Activate', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } } return $actions; } public function process_bulk_actions() { if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-install' === $this->current_action() || 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update' === $this->current_action() ) { check_admin_referer( 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'] ); $install_type = 'install'; if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update' === $this->current_action() ) { $install_type = 'update'; } $plugins_to_install = array(); if ( empty( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { if ( 'install' === $install_type ) { $message = __( 'No plugins were selected to be installed. No action taken.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } else { $message = __( 'No plugins were selected to be updated. No action taken.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', esc_html( $message ), '</p></div>'; return false; } if ( is_array( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { $plugins_to_install = (array) $_POST['plugin']; } elseif ( is_string( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { $plugins_to_install = explode( ',', $_POST['plugin'] ); } $plugins_to_install = array_map( 'urldecode', $plugins_to_install ); $plugins_to_install = array_map( array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'sanitize_key' ), $plugins_to_install ); foreach ( $plugins_to_install as $key => $slug ) { if ( ! isset( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ] ) ) { unset( $plugins_to_install[ $key ] ); continue; } if ( 'install' === $install_type && true === $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_installed( $slug ) ) { unset( $plugins_to_install[ $key ] ); } if ( 'update' === $install_type && false === $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_plugin_updatetable( $slug ) ) { unset( $plugins_to_install[ $key ] ); } } if ( empty( $plugins_to_install ) ) { if ( 'install' === $install_type ) { $message = __( 'No plugins are available to be installed at this time.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } else { $message = __( 'No plugins are available to be updated at this time.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', esc_html( $message ), '</p></div>'; return false; } $url = wp_nonce_url( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url(), 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'] ); $_POST['plugin'] = implode( ',', $plugins_to_install ); $method = ''; $fields = array_keys( $_POST ); if ( false === ( $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $url ), $method, false, false, $fields ) ) ) { return true; } if ( ! WP_Filesystem( $creds ) ) { request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $url ), $method, true, false, $fields ); return true; } $names = array(); $sources = array(); $file_paths = array(); $to_inject = array(); foreach ( $plugins_to_install as $slug ) { $name = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]['name']; $source = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_download_url( $slug ); if ( ! empty( $name ) && ! empty( $source ) ) { $names[] = $name; switch ( $install_type ) { case 'install': $sources[] = $source; break; case 'update': $file_paths[] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path']; $to_inject[ $slug ] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]; $to_inject[ $slug ]['source'] = $source; break; } } } unset( $slug, $name, $source ); $installer = new TGMPA_Bulk_Installer( new TGMPA_Bulk_Installer_Skin( array( 'url' => esc_url_raw( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ), 'nonce' => 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'], 'names' => $names, 'install_type' => $install_type, ) ) ); echo '<div class="bf_woo_element_tgmpa">', '<h2 style="font-size: 23px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 29px; margin: 0; padding: 9px 15px 4px 0;">', esc_html( get_admin_page_title() ), '</h2> 28 <div class="update-php" style="width: 100%; height: 98%; min-height: 850px; padding-top: 1px;">'; add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'maybe_adjust_source_dir' ), 1, 3 ); if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-update' === $this->current_action() ) { $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->inject_update_info( $to_inject ); $installer->bulk_upgrade( $file_paths ); } else { $installer->bulk_install( $sources ); } remove_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'maybe_adjust_source_dir' ), 1 ); echo '</div></div>'; return true; } if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-activate' === $this->current_action() ) { check_admin_referer( 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'] ); if ( empty( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', esc_html__( 'No plugins were selected to be activated. No action taken.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), '</p></div>'; return false; } $plugins = array(); if ( isset( $_POST['plugin'] ) ) { $plugins = array_map( 'urldecode', (array) $_POST['plugin'] ); $plugins = array_map( array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'sanitize_key' ), $plugins ); } $plugins_to_activate = array(); $plugin_names = array(); foreach ( $plugins as $slug ) { if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->can_plugin_activate( $slug ) ) { $plugins_to_activate[] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]['file_path']; $plugin_names[] = $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->plugins[ $slug ]['name']; } } unset( $slug ); if ( empty( $plugins_to_activate ) ) { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', esc_html__( 'No plugins are available to be activated at this time.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ), '</p></div>'; return false; } $activate = activate_plugins( $plugins_to_activate ); if ( is_wp_error( $activate ) ) { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>', wp_kses_post( $activate->get_error_message() ), '</p></div>'; } else { $count = count( $plugin_names ); $plugin_names = array_map( array( 'TGMPA_Utils', 'wrap_in_strong' ), $plugin_names ); $last_plugin = array_pop( $plugin_names ); $imploded = empty( $plugin_names ) ? $last_plugin : ( implode( ', ', $plugin_names ) . ' ' . esc_html_x( 'and', 'plugin A *and* plugin B', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' ' . $last_plugin ); printf( '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>%1$s %2$s.</p></div>', esc_html( _n( 'The following plugin was activated successfully:', 'The following plugins were activated successfully:', $count, 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) ), $imploded ); $recent = (array) get_option( 'recently_activated' ); foreach ( $plugins_to_activate as $plugin => $time ) { if ( isset( $recent[ $plugin ] ) ) { unset( $recent[ $plugin ] ); } } update_option( 'recently_activated', $recent ); } unset( $_POST ); return true; } return false; } public function prepare_items() { $columns = $this->get_columns(); $hidden = array(); $sortable = array(); $primary = $this->get_primary_column_name(); $this->_column_headers = array( $columns, $hidden, $sortable, $primary ); if ( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa-bulk-activate' === $this->current_action() ) { $this->process_bulk_actions(); } $this->items = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_table_data_items', $this->_gather_plugin_data() ); } protected function _get_plugin_data_from_name( $name, $data = 'slug' ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'TGMPA 2.5.0', 'TGM_Plugin_Activation::_get_plugin_data_from_name()' ); return $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->_get_plugin_data_from_name( $name, $data ); } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'TGM_Bulk_Installer' ) ) { class TGM_Bulk_Installer { } } if ( ! class_exists( 'TGM_Bulk_Installer_Skin' ) ) { class TGM_Bulk_Installer_Skin { } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_load_bulk_installer' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_load_bulk_installer' ) ) { function bf_woo_element_tgmpa_load_bulk_installer() { if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ) ) { return; } $bf_woo_element_tgmpa_instance = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $bf_woo_element_tgmpa_instance->menu === $_GET['page'] ) { if ( ! class_exists( 'Plugin_Upgrader', false ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; } if ( ! class_exists( 'TGMPA_Bulk_Installer' ) ) { class TGMPA_Bulk_Installer extends Plugin_Upgrader { public $result; public $bulk = false; protected $bf_woo_element_tgmpa; protected $clear_destination = false; public function __construct( $skin = null ) { $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); parent::__construct( $skin ); if ( isset( $this->skin->options['install_type'] ) && 'update' === $this->skin->options['install_type'] ) { $this->clear_destination = true; } if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_automatic ) { $this->activate_strings(); } add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', array( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa, 'populate_file_path' ) ); } public function activate_strings() { $this->strings['activation_failed'] = __( 'Plugin activation failed.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); $this->strings['activation_success'] = __( 'Plugin activated successfully.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } public function run( $options ) { $result = parent::run( $options ); if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_automatic ) { if ( 'update' === $this->skin->options['install_type'] ) { $this->upgrade_strings(); } else { $this->install_strings(); } } return $result; } public function bulk_install( $plugins, $args = array() ) { add_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'auto_activate' ), 10 ); $defaults = array( 'clear_update_cache' => true, ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $this->init(); $this->bulk = true; $this->install_strings(); $this->skin->header(); $res = $this->fs_connect( array( WP_CONTENT_DIR, WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) ); if ( ! $res ) { $this->skin->footer(); return false; } $this->skin->bulk_header(); $maintenance = ( is_multisite() && ! empty( $plugins ) ); if ( $maintenance ) { $this->maintenance_mode( true ); } $results = array(); $this->update_count = count( $plugins ); $this->update_current = 0; foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { $this->update_current++; $result = $this->run( array( 'package' => $plugin, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'clear_destination' => false, 'clear_working' => true, 'is_multi' => true, 'hook_extra' => array( 'plugin' => $plugin, ), ) ); $results[ $plugin ] = $this->result; if ( false === $result ) { break; } } $this->maintenance_mode( false ); do_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', $this, array( 'action' => 'install', 'type' => 'plugin', 'bulk' => true, 'plugins' => $plugins, ) ); $this->skin->bulk_footer(); $this->skin->footer(); remove_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'auto_activate' ), 10 ); wp_clean_plugins_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ); return $results; } public function bulk_upgrade( $plugins, $args = array() ) { add_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'auto_activate' ), 10 ); $result = parent::bulk_upgrade( $plugins, $args ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'auto_activate' ), 10 ); return $result; } public function auto_activate( $bool ) { if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_automatic ) { wp_clean_plugins_cache(); $plugin_info = $this->plugin_info(); if ( ! is_plugin_active( $plugin_info ) ) { $activate = activate_plugin( $plugin_info ); $this->strings['process_success'] = $this->strings['process_success'] . "<br />\n"; if ( is_wp_error( $activate ) ) { $this->skin->error( $activate ); $this->strings['process_success'] .= $this->strings['activation_failed']; } else { $this->strings['process_success'] .= $this->strings['activation_success']; } } } return $bool; } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'TGMPA_Bulk_Installer_Skin' ) ) { class TGMPA_Bulk_Installer_Skin extends Bulk_Upgrader_Skin { public $plugin_info = array(); public $plugin_names = array(); public $i = 0; protected $bf_woo_element_tgmpa; public function __construct( $args = array() ) { $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa = call_user_func( array( get_class( $GLOBALS['bf_woo_element_tgmpa'] ), 'get_instance' ) ); $defaults = array( 'url' => '', 'nonce' => '', 'names' => array(), 'install_type' => 'install', ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $this->plugin_names = $args['names']; parent::__construct( $args ); } public function add_strings() { if ( 'update' === $this->options['install_type'] ) { parent::add_strings(); $this->upgrader->strings['skin_before_update_header'] = __( 'Updating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } else { $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_failed_error'] = __( 'An error occurred while installing %1$s: <strong>%2$s</strong>.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_failed'] = __( 'The installation of %1$s failed.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_automatic ) { $this->upgrader->strings['skin_upgrade_start'] = __( 'The installation and activation process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_successful'] = __( '%1$s installed and activated successfully.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' <a href="#" class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="%2$s"><span>' . esc_html__( 'Show Details', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</span><span class="hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Hide Details', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</span>.</a>'; $this->upgrader->strings['skin_upgrade_end'] = __( 'All installations and activations have been completed.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); $this->upgrader->strings['skin_before_update_header'] = __( 'Installing and Activating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } else { $this->upgrader->strings['skin_upgrade_start'] = __( 'The installation process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_successful'] = esc_html__( '%1$s installed successfully.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . ' <a href="#" class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="%2$s"><span>' . esc_html__( 'Show Details', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</span><span class="hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Hide Details', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</span>.</a>'; $this->upgrader->strings['skin_upgrade_end'] = __( 'All installations have been completed.', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); $this->upgrader->strings['skin_before_update_header'] = __( 'Installing Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ); } } } public function before( $title = '' ) { if ( empty( $title ) ) { $title = esc_html( $this->plugin_names[ $this->i ] ); } parent::before( $title ); } public function after( $title = '' ) { if ( empty( $title ) ) { $title = esc_html( $this->plugin_names[ $this->i ] ); } parent::after( $title ); $this->i++; } public function bulk_footer() { parent::bulk_footer(); wp_clean_plugins_cache(); $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->show_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_version(); $update_actions = array(); if ( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->is_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_complete() ) { echo '<style type="text/css">#adminmenu .wp-submenu li.current { display: none !important; }</style>'; $update_actions['dashboard'] = sprintf( esc_html( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->strings['complete'] ), '<a href="' . esc_url( self_admin_url() ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Return to the Dashboard', 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa' ) . '</a>' ); } else { $update_actions['bf_woo_element_tgmpa_page'] = '<a href="' . esc_url( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->get_bf_woo_element_tgmpa_url() ) . '" target="_parent">' . esc_html( $this->bf_woo_element_tgmpa->strings['return'] ) . '</a>'; } $update_actions = apply_filters( 'bf_woo_element_tgmpa_update_bulk_plugins_complete_actions', $update_actions, $this->plugin_info ); if ( ! empty( $update_actions ) ) { $this->feedback( implode( ' | ', (array) $update_actions ) ); } } public function before_flush_output() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'TGMPA 2.5.0', 'Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::flush_output()' ); $this->flush_output(); } public function after_flush_output() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'TGMPA 2.5.0', 'Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::flush_output()' ); $this->flush_output(); $this->i++; } } } } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'TGMPA_Utils' ) ) { class TGMPA_Utils { public static $has_filters; public static function wrap_in_em( $string ) { return '<em>' . wp_kses_post( $string ) . '</em>'; } public static function wrap_in_strong( $string ) { return '<strong>' . wp_kses_post( $string ) . '</strong>'; } public static function validate_bool( $value ) { if ( ! isset( self::$has_filters ) ) { self::$has_filters = extension_loaded( 'filter' ); } if ( self::$has_filters ) { return filter_var( $value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ); } else { return self::emulate_filter_bool( $value ); } } protected static function emulate_filter_bool( $value ) { static $true = array( '1', 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', 'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'on', 'On', 'ON', ); static $false = array( '0', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE', 'n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF', ); if ( is_bool( $value ) ) { return $value; } elseif ( is_int( $value ) && ( 0 === $value || 1 === $value ) ) { return (bool) $value; } elseif ( ( is_float( $value ) && ! is_nan( $value ) ) && ( (float) 0 === $value || (float) 1 === $value ) ) { return (bool) $value; } elseif ( is_string( $value ) ) { $value = trim( $value ); if ( in_array( $value, $true, true ) ) { return true; } elseif ( in_array( $value, $false, true ) ) { return false; } else { return false; } } return false; } } } -
r2325468 r2490118 1 1 <?php 2 3 if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } 4 2 5 /* 3 6 * Plugin Name: BuddyForms WooCommerce Form Elements 4 7 * Plugin URI: 5 8 * Description: This Plugin adds a new section to the BuddyForms Form Builder with all WooCommerce fields to create Product creation forms for the frontend 6 * Version: 1.5. 39 * Version: 1.5.4 7 10 * Author: ThemeKraft 8 11 * Author URI: … … 15 18 ****************************************************************************** 16 19 * WC requires at least: 3.7.0 17 * WC tested up to: 3.7.020 * WC tested up to: 5.0.0 18 21 ***************************************************************************** 19 22 * -
r2325468 r2490118 4 4 Tags: buddypress, user, members, profiles, custom post types, taxonomy, frontend posting, frontend editing, 5 5 Requires at least: 3.9 6 Tested up to: 5. 27 Stable tag: 1.5. 36 Tested up to: 5.7 7 Stable tag: 1.5.4 8 8 License: GPLv2 or later 9 9 License URI: … … 94 94 95 95 == Changelog == 96 = 1.5.4 - 8 Mar 2021 = 97 * Tested up with WordPress 5.7 98 96 99 = 1.5.3 - 16 Jun 2020 = 97 100 * Fixed to show all the available woocommerce product types.
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.