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Changeset 2438301

12/13/2020 01:02:34 PM (4 years ago)

Updated Readme

1 edited


  • piwi-warehouse/trunk/readme.txt

    r2438298 r2438301  
    1 *****************************************************************************
    2 *** Files Organization                                                    ***
    3 *****************************************************************************
     1=== Piwi Warehouse ===
     2Contributors: Rocco Marco Guglielmi (roccomarco), Marisa Monaco
     3Tags: warehouse, management system
     4Requires at least: 5.0
     5Tested up to: 5.6
     6Requires PHP: 7.2
     7Stable tag: 3.0
     8License: GPLv2 or later
     9License URI:
     11Piwi Warehouse is a simple warehouse management system that allows you to keep track of your items, their location and record loan and restitutions.
     13== Description ==
     15Piwi Warehouse allows to manage your Warehouse. It allows you to add Items into the system organized by Type and create hierarchical Locations.
    5 --{root}                          - Piwi Warehouse main folder.
    6   +--index.php                    - Index
    7   +--piwi-warehouse.php           - Main plugin file.
    8   +--admin/                       - Admin menu manager.
    9   |  +--_common/                  - Common engine for the menu manager.
    10   |  +--_main/                    - Main page.
    11   |  +--caps/                     - Capability page.
    12   +--core/                        - Warehouse core.
    13   |  +--capabilities/             - Capability engine.
    14   |  +--items/                    - Item related code.
    15   |  +--js/                       - Core common JS.
    16   |  +--lists/                    - List management engine.
    17   |  +--movements/                - Movement related code.
    18   |  +--lists/                    - List management engine.
    19   |  +--notes/                    - Notes engine.
    20   +--lib/                         - Utility library.
     17An item can then be Purchased and assigned to a specific Location. The system will automatically keep track of the amount of the Item per Location.
    22 *****************************************************************************
    23 *** Releases and Change Log                                               ***
    24 *****************************************************************************
     19The system allows also to register Holders: this is an entity that can borrow an Item. When you move an Item, the system will automatically keep track of
     20the amount and availability of the Item during the entire life cycle of a Movement. An Item can be lent, returned, donated or marked as lost.
    26 *** 3.1.0 ***
    28 - NEW: Purchases are now tied to the locations: when purchasing an item, it is
    29        required to assign a destination. Item locations are automatically
    30        assigned on a Purchase. Validation mechanism have been changed.
    31 - NEW: Extended Item Record postbox to handle the availability per location.
    32 - NEW: Item availabilities are now tied to location. Aside of the total
    33        availability, each item has an availability per location.
    34 - NEW: Implemented a new notes system for Purchase an Movement
    35 - NEW: Improved Post Submit Box management
    36 - BUG: Fixed issue with capability page restore action (bug #25)
    37        (backported to 3.0.1).
     22The movement will keep track of all the operations in its History.
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