Changeset 2050228
- Timestamp:
- 03/14/2019 06:17:27 AM (6 years ago)
- Location:
- ad-publisher/trunk
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2022827 r2050228 3 3 * Plugin Name: AD Publisher 4 4 * Plugin URI - 5 * Version: 1. 0.65 * Version: 1.1.0 6 6 * Author: Adsstudio 7 7 * Description: Plugin for automatic insertion of the ad code -
r2021672 r2050228 108 108 public function get_modules_list() { 109 109 $module_list = array( 110 'smart_shortcode' => array( 111 'slug' => 'smart_shortcode', 112 'name' => 'Smart shortcode', 113 'descr' => __( 'Вставляйте рекламный или любой другой код в записи на страницы или в виджеты вашего сайта, с помощью шорткодов', 'ad-publisher' ), 114 'tos_url' => '', 115 'img_url' => ADP_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/images/module-4.png', 116 'basename' => 'smart_shortcode/smart_shortcode.php', 117 'download_url' => '', 118 'not_free' => true, 119 ), 110 120 'ctr_booster' => array( 111 121 'slug' => 'ctr_booster', … … 135 145 'disabled' => true, 136 146 ), 137 'smart_shortcode' => array(138 'slug' => 'smart_shortcode',139 'name' => 'Smart shortcode',140 'descr' => 'Display random ads banner on page refresh.',141 'tos_url' => '',142 'img_url' => ADP_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/images/module-3.png',143 'basename' => 'smart_shortcode/smart_shortcode.php',144 'disabled' => true,145 ),146 147 ); 147 148 -
r2021672 r2050228 24 24 $is_active = is_plugin_active( $module['basename'] ); 25 25 $is_disabled = isset( $module['disabled'] ) ? true : false; 26 $is_not_free = isset( $module['not_free'] ) ? true : false; 26 27 ?> 27 28 <div class="adp-module"> 28 29 <div class="adp-module__title"><?php echo esc_attr( $module['name'] ); ?></div> 29 <?php if ( ! $is_disabled ) : ?>30 <?php if ( ! $is_disabled && ! $is_not_free ) : ?> 30 31 <div class="adp-module__free"><?php _e( '6 months', 'ad-publisher' ); ?> <span><?php _e( 'FREE', 'ad-publisher' ); ?></span></div> 31 32 <?php endif; ?> -
r2023370 r2050228 3 3 "Project-Id-Version: AD Publisher\n" 4 4 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-0 2-01 17:44+0400\n"6 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-0 2-01 17:46+0400\n"5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-13 12:32+0400\n" 6 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-13 12:33+0400\n" 7 7 "Last-Translator: admin <[email protected]>\n" 8 8 "Language-Team: English (United States)\n" … … 15 15 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" 16 16 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c\n" 17 "X-Poedit-Basepath: ad-publisher\n"17 "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" 18 18 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" 19 19 … … 97 97 #: includes/classes/class-module-manager.php:113 98 98 msgid "" 99 "Вставляйте рекламный или любой другой код в записи на страницы или в виджеты " 100 "вашего сайта, с помощью шорткодов" 101 msgstr "" 102 "Insert the ad code or any other code to the posts, pages or your website " 103 "widgets using the shortcodes" 104 105 #: includes/classes/class-module-manager.php:123 106 msgid "" 99 107 "Позволяет в 2-3 раза увеличить число кликов по рекламме благодаря блокировке " 100 108 "части статьи и подстановке рекламмного блока" … … 103 111 "inserting an ad unit" 104 112 105 #: includes/classes/class-module-manager.php:1 22113 #: includes/classes/class-module-manager.php:132 106 114 msgid "" 107 115 "Увеличивает число кликов на рекламу благодаря прилипающему к верхней части " … … 140 148 #: includes/views/adp-post-metabox.php:84 141 149 msgid "After paragraph number" 142 msgstr "After Paragraph No ."150 msgstr "After Paragraph No" 143 151 144 152 #: includes/views/adp-post-metabox.php:90 … … 234 242 msgstr "Module Management" 235 243 236 #: includes/views/modules.php:3 0244 #: includes/views/modules.php:31 237 245 msgid "6 months" 238 246 msgstr "6 months" 239 247 240 #: includes/views/modules.php:3 0248 #: includes/views/modules.php:31 241 249 msgid "FREE" 242 250 msgstr "FREE" 243 251 244 #: includes/views/modules.php:4 0252 #: includes/views/modules.php:41 245 253 msgid "Согласен" 246 254 msgstr "Accept" 247 255 248 #: includes/views/modules.php:4 1256 #: includes/views/modules.php:42 249 257 msgid "условия использования" 250 258 msgstr "terms & conditions" 251 259 252 #: includes/views/modules.php:4 3260 #: includes/views/modules.php:44 253 261 msgid "Deactivate" 254 262 msgstr "Deactivate" 255 263 256 #: includes/views/modules.php:4 3264 #: includes/views/modules.php:44 257 265 msgid "Activate" 258 266 msgstr "Activate" 259 267 260 #: includes/views/modules.php:4 3268 #: includes/views/modules.php:44 261 269 msgid "Dectivate" 262 270 msgstr "Deactivate" 263 271 264 #: includes/views/modules.php: 59272 #: includes/views/modules.php:60 265 273 msgid "Deactivate all" 266 274 msgstr "Deactivate all" -
r2023223 r2050228 70 70 == Changelog == 71 71 72 == 1.1.0 == 73 Add smart shortcodes. 74 Fix some bugs. 75 76 72 77 == 1.0.6 ==
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