Changeset 1266757
- Timestamp:
- 10/15/2015 05:06:41 PM (9 years ago)
- Location:
- unbounce
- Files:
- 2 added
- 14 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1256907 r1266757 8 8 const UB_PAGE_SERVER_DOMAIN_KEY = 'ub-page-server-domain'; 9 9 const UB_REMOTE_LOG_URL_KEY = 'ub-remote-log-url'; 10 const UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL_KEY = 'ub-remote-events-url'; 10 11 const UB_API_URL_KEY = 'ub-api-url'; 11 12 const UB_API_CLIENT_ID_KEY = 'ub-api-client-id'; 12 13 const UB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_KEY = 'ub-authorized-domains'; 13 14 const UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY = 'ub-has-authorized'; 15 const UB_USER_ID_KEY = 'ub-user-id'; 16 const UB_DOMAIN_ID_KEY = 'ub-domain-id'; 17 const UB_CLIENT_ID_KEY = 'ub-client-id'; 14 18 const UB_CACHE_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY = 'UB_WP_ROUTES_CACHE_EXP'; 15 const UB_USER_AGENT = 'Unbounce WP Plugin 1.0. 4';16 const UB_VERSION = '1.0. 4';19 const UB_USER_AGENT = 'Unbounce WP Plugin 1.0.5'; 20 const UB_VERSION = '1.0.5'; 17 21 18 22 public static function default_page_server_domain() { … … 29 33 } 30 34 35 public static function default_remote_events_url() { 36 $url = getenv('UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL'); 37 if ($url == null) { 38 return ''; 39 } 40 return $url; 41 } 42 31 43 public static function default_api_url() { 32 44 $url = getenv('UB_API_URL'); … … 52 64 } 53 65 66 public static function remote_events_url() { 67 return get_option(UBConfig::UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL_KEY, UBConfig::default_remote_events_url()); 68 } 69 54 70 public static function api_url() { 55 71 return get_option(UBConfig::UB_API_URL_KEY, UBConfig::default_api_url()); … … 76 92 } 77 93 94 public static function create_none_response() { 95 return array(array('status' => 'NONE'), null, null, null); 96 } 97 98 public static function create_same_response($etag, $max_age) { 99 return array(array('status' => 'SAME'), $etag, $max_age, null); 100 } 101 102 public static function create_new_response($etag, $max_age, $proxyable_url_set) { 103 return array(array('status' => 'NEW'), $etag, $max_age, $proxyable_url_set); 104 } 105 106 public static function create_failure_response($failure_message) { 107 return array(array('status' => 'FAILURE', 108 'failure_message' => $failure_message), 109 null, null, null); 110 } 111 112 public static function domain() { 113 return parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST); 114 } 115 116 public static function domain_with_port() { 117 $port = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_PORT); 118 $host = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST); 119 if ($port) { 120 return $host . ':' . $port; 121 } else { 122 return $host; 123 } 124 } 125 78 126 public static function fetch_proxyable_url_set($domain, $etag, $ps_domain) { 79 127 if(!$domain) { 80 UBLogger::warning('Domain not provided, not fetching sitemap.xml'); 81 return array('FAILURE', null, null, null); 128 $failure_message = 'Domain not provided, not fetching sitemap.xml'; 129 UBLogger::warning($failure_message); 130 return UBConfig::create_failure_response($failure_message); 82 131 } 83 132 … … 130 179 if ($success) { 131 180 UBLogger::debug("Retrieved new routes, HTTP code: '$http_code'"); 132 return array('NEW',$etag, $max_age, $result);181 return UBConfig::create_new_response($etag, $max_age, $result); 133 182 } 134 183 else { 135 184 $errors = join(', ', $result); 136 UBLogger::warning("An error occurred while processing routes, XML errors: '$errors'"); 137 return array('FAILURE', null, null, null); 185 $failure_message = "An error occurred while processing pages, XML errors: '$errors'"; 186 UBLogger::warning($failure_message); 187 return UBConfig::create_failure_response($failure_message); 138 188 } 139 189 } 140 190 if ($http_code == 304) { 141 191 UBLogger::debug("Routes have not changed, HTTP code: '$http_code'"); 142 return array('SAME', $etag, $max_age, null);192 return UBConfig::create_same_response($etag, $max_age); 143 193 } 144 194 if ($http_code == 404) { 145 195 UBLogger::debug("No routes to retrieve, HTTP code: '$http_code'"); 146 return array('NONE', null, null, null);196 return UBConfig::create_none_response(); 147 197 } 148 198 else { 149 UBLogger::warning("An error occurred while retrieving routes; HTTP code: '$http_code'; Error: " . $curl_error); 150 return array('FAILURE', null, null, null); 151 } 199 $failure_message = "An error occurred while retrieving routes; HTTP code: '$http_code'; Error: " . $curl_error; 200 UBLogger::warning($failure_message); 201 return UBConfig::create_failure_response($failure_message); 202 } 203 152 204 } catch (Exception $e) { 153 UBLogger::warning("An error occurred while retrieving routes; Error: " . $e); 154 return array('FAILURE', null, null, null); 205 $failure_message = "An error occurred while retrieving routes; Error: " . $e; 206 UBLogger::warning($failure_message); 207 return UBConfig::create_failure_response($failure_message); 155 208 } 156 209 } … … 224 277 list($routes_status, $etag, $max_age, $proxyable_url_set_new) = $result_array; 225 278 226 if ($routes_status == 'NEW') {279 if ($routes_status['status'] == 'NEW') { 227 280 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set'] = $proxyable_url_set_new; 228 281 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_etag'] = $etag; 229 282 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_cache_timeout'] = $max_age; 230 283 } 231 elseif ($routes_status == 'SAME') {284 elseif ($routes_status['status'] == 'SAME') { 232 285 // Just extend the cache 233 286 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_cache_timeout'] = $max_age; 234 287 } 235 elseif ($routes_status == 'NONE') {288 elseif ($routes_status['status'] == 'NONE') { 236 289 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set'] = array(); 237 290 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_etag'] = null; 238 291 } 239 elseif ($routes_status == 'FAILURE') {292 elseif ($routes_status['status'] == 'FAILURE') { 240 293 UBLogger::warning('Route fetching failed'); 241 294 } … … 244 297 } 245 298 299 // Creation of domain_info entry 246 300 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_fetched_at'] = $current_time; 247 $domain_info['last_status'] = $routes_status; 301 $domain_info['last_status'] = $routes_status['status']; 302 if ($routes_status['status'] == 'FAILURE') { 303 $domain_info['failure_message'] = $routes_status['failure_message']; 304 } 248 305 $domains_info[$domain] = $domain_info; 249 306 $options_setter(UBConfig::UB_ROUTES_CACHE_KEY, $domains_info); … … 253 310 array('proxyable_url_set', 254 311 'proxyable_url_set_fetched_at', 312 'failure_message', 255 313 'last_status')); 256 314 } … … 271 329 } 272 330 331 public static function update_authorization_options($domains, $data) { 332 update_option(UBConfig::UB_USER_ID_KEY, $data['user_id']); 333 update_option(UBConfig::UB_DOMAIN_ID_KEY, $data['domain_id']); 334 update_option(UBConfig::UB_CLIENT_ID_KEY, $data['client_id']); 335 update_option(UBConfig::UB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_KEY, $domains); 336 update_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY, true); 337 } 338 339 public static function int_min() { 340 return (PHP_INT_MAX * -1) - 1; 341 } 342 273 343 } 274 344 ?> -
r1256907 r1266757 29 29 'PHP Version' => phpversion(), 30 30 'WordPress Version' => UBDiagnostics::wordpress_version(), 31 'Unbounce Plugin Version' => "1.0. 4",31 'Unbounce Plugin Version' => "1.0.5", 32 32 'Permalink Structure' => get_option('permalink_structure', ''), 33 33 'Domain' => $domain, 34 34 'Domain Authorized' => print_r(UBConfig::is_authorized_domain($domain), true), 35 'Domain Information' => print_r($domain_info, true),36 'Page Server Domain' => UBConfig::page_server_domain(),37 'Remote Log URL' => UBConfig::remote_log_url(),38 'API URL' => UBConfig::api_url(),39 'API Client ID' => UBConfig::api_client_id(),40 'Authorized Domains' => join(', ', UBConfig::authorized_domains()),41 35 'Has Authorized' => print_r(UBConfig::has_authorized(), true), 42 36 'Active Plugins' => print_r(get_option('active_plugins'), true), … … 46 40 'Extensions' => print_r(get_loaded_extensions(), true), 47 41 'Operating System' => php_uname(), 48 'Checks' => print_r(UBDiagnostics::checks($domain, $domain_info), true) 42 'Checks' => print_r(UBDiagnostics::checks($domain, $domain_info), true), 43 'Options' => print_r(UBDiagnostics::ub_options(), true) 49 44 ); 45 } 46 47 private static function ub_options() { 48 $ub_options = array_filter(wp_load_alloptions(), function($key) { 49 return strpos($key, 'ub-') === 0; 50 }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); 51 52 return array_map(function($value) { 53 $unserialized = @unserialize($value); 54 return $unserialized ? $unserialized : $value; 55 }, $ub_options); 50 56 } 51 57 … … 66 72 private static function last_status_success($domain_info) { 67 73 $last_status = UBUtil::array_fetch($domain_info, 'last_status'); 68 return $last_status !== 'FAILURE' && $last_status !== null;74 return $last_status !== null && $last_status !== 'FAILURE'; 69 75 } 70 76 -
r1256907 r1266757 228 228 } 229 229 230 public static function send_event_to_events_gateway($url, $data_string) { 231 try { 232 $stream_function = function($curl, $str) { return strlen($str); }; 233 234 $curl = curl_init(); 235 $curl_options = array( 236 CURLOPT_URL => $url, 237 CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', 238 CURLOPT_USERAGENT => UBConfig::UB_USER_AGENT, 239 CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, 240 CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 241 'Content-Type: application/json', 242 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string) 243 ), 244 CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION => $stream_function, 245 CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION => $stream_function, 246 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data_string, 247 CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 2 248 ); 249 curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options); 250 $success = curl_exec($curl); 251 $http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); 252 253 if(!$success) { 254 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url . ': "' 255 . curl_error($curl) . '" - HTTP status: ' . curl_errno($curl); 256 UBLogger::warning($message); 257 } elseif($http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 300) { 258 $message = 'Successfully sent log messsages to ' . $url 259 . ' - HTTP status: ' . $http_code; 260 UBLogger::debug($message); 261 } else { 262 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url 263 . ' - HTTP status: ' . $http_code; 264 UBLogger::warning($message); 265 } 266 267 curl_close($curl); 268 } catch (Exception $e) { 269 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url 270 . ' - Error: ' . $e; 271 UBLogger::warning($message); 272 } 273 } 274 230 275 } 231 276 -
r1255261 r1266757 2 2 3 3 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBConfig.php'; 4 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBEvents.php'; 4 5 5 6 class UBLogger { … … 16 17 public static function upload_logs_to_unbounce($url) { 17 18 if(UBConfig::remote_debug_logging_enabled()) { 18 $datetime = new DateTime('NOW', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));19 19 $data = array( 20 'type' => 'WordpressLogV1.0',21 20 'messages' => $GLOBALS['wp_log'][UBConfig::UB_PLUGIN_NAME], 22 21 'vars' => $GLOBALS['wp_log'][UBConfig::UB_PLUGIN_NAME . '-vars'], 23 'id' => uniqid(),24 'time_sent' => $datetime->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z'),25 'source' => UBConfig::UB_USER_AGENT . ' ' . gethostname()26 22 ); 27 $json_unescaped = json_encode($data); 28 $data_string = str_replace('\\/', '/', $json_unescaped); 29 30 try { 31 $curl = curl_init(); 32 $curl_options = array( 33 CURLOPT_URL => $url, 34 CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', 35 CURLOPT_USERAGENT => UBConfig::UB_USER_AGENT, 36 CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, 37 CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 38 'Content-Type: application/json', 39 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string) 40 ), 41 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data_string, 42 CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 2 43 ); 44 curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options); 45 $success = curl_exec($curl); 46 $http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); 47 48 if(!$success) { 49 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url . ': "' 50 . curl_error($curl) . '" - HTTP status: ' . curl_errno($curl); 51 UBLogger::warning($message); 52 } elseif($http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 300) { 53 $message = 'Successfully sent log messsages to ' . $url 54 . ' - HTTP status: ' . $http_code; 55 UBLogger::debug($message); 56 } else { 57 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url 58 . ' - HTTP status: ' . $http_code; 59 UBLogger::warning($message); 60 } 61 62 curl_close($curl); 63 } catch (Exception $e) { 64 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url 65 . ' - Error: ' . $e; 66 UBLogger::warning($message); 67 } 23 UBHTTP::send_event_to_events_gateway($url, UBEvents::log_event($data)); 68 24 } 69 25 } -
r1256907 r1266757 4 4 Plugin URI: 5 5 Description: Publish Unbounce Landing Pages to your Wordpress Domain. 6 Version: 1.0. 46 Version: 1.0.5 7 7 Author: Unbounce 8 8 Author URI: … … 18 18 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBIcon.php'; 19 19 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBPageTable.php'; 20 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBEvents.php'; 20 21 21 22 register_activation_hook(__FILE__, function() { … … 33 34 UBConfig::default_authorized_domains()); 34 35 add_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY); 36 add_option(UBConfig::UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL_KEY, 37 UBConfig::default_remote_events_url()); 38 add_option(UBConfig::UB_USER_ID_KEY); 39 add_option(UBConfig::UB_DOMAIN_ID_KEY); 40 add_option(UBConfig::UB_CLIENT_ID_KEY); 35 41 }); 36 42 … … 44 50 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_KEY); 45 51 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY); 52 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL_KEY); 53 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_USER_ID_KEY); 54 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_DOMAIN_ID_KEY); 55 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_CLIENT_ID_KEY); 46 56 }); 47 57 … … 49 59 UBLogger::setup_logger(); 50 60 51 $domain = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);61 $domain = UBConfig::domain(); 52 62 53 63 if(!UBConfig::is_authorized_domain($domain)) { … … 90 100 } 91 101 elseif ($url_purpose == 'HealthCheck') { 102 if (UBConfig::domain_with_port() !== UBUtil::array_fetch($_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST')) { 103 http_response_code(412); 104 } 105 92 106 header('Content-Type: application/json'); 93 107 $version = UBConfig::UB_VERSION; … … 105 119 } 106 120 107 // Disable CDN for W3 Total Cache108 121 if(!defined('DONOTCDN')) { 109 122 define('DONOTCDN', true); 123 } 124 125 if(!defined('DONOTCACHEDB')) { 126 define('DONOTCACHEDB', true); 127 } 128 129 if(!defined('DONOTMINIFY')) { 130 define('DONOTMINIFY', true); 131 } 132 133 if(!defined('DONOTCACHEOBJECT')) { 134 define('DONOTCACHEOBJECT', true); 110 135 } 111 136 … … 137 162 exit(0); 138 163 } 139 } );164 }, UBConfig::int_min()); 140 165 141 166 add_action('admin_init', function() { … … 165 190 }, 0); 166 191 167 function authorization_button($text, $ wrap_in_p = false, $is_primary = true, $outer_text = '') {192 function authorization_button($text, $domain, $wrap_in_p = false, $is_primary = true, $outer_text = '') { 168 193 $set_domains_url = admin_url('admin-post.php?action=set_unbounce_domains'); 169 194 echo "<form method='post' action='$set_domains_url'>"; 170 195 echo "<input type='hidden' name='domains' />"; 196 echo "<input type='hidden' name='user_id' />"; 197 echo "<input type='hidden' name='domain_id' />"; 198 echo "<input type='hidden' name='client_id' />"; 171 199 echo $outer_text; 172 200 $style = $outer_text ? 'vertical-align: baseline' : ''; … … 179 207 'data-api-url' => UBConfig::api_url(), 180 208 'data-api-client-id' => UBConfig::api_client_id(), 209 'data-wordpress-domain-name' => $domain, 181 210 'style' => $style)); 182 211 echo '</form>'; … … 217 246 $proxyable_url_set_fetched_at = UBUtil::array_fetch($domain_info, 'proxyable_url_set_fetched_at'); 218 247 echo '<p>Last refreshed ' . UBUtil::time_ago($proxyable_url_set_fetched_at) . '.</p>'; 219 authorization_button('Update WordPress Enabled Domains', false, false);248 authorization_button('Update WordPress Enabled Domains', $domain, false, false); 220 249 echo '</p>'; 221 250 echo '</div>'; … … 234 263 $diagnostics_url = admin_url('admin.php?page=unbounce-pages-diagnostics'); 235 264 echo "<br/><a class='ub-diagnostics-link' href='${diagnostics_url}'>Diagnostics</a>"; 236 echo '<p class="ub-version">Unbounce Version 1.0. 4</p>';265 echo '<p class="ub-version">Unbounce Version 1.0.5</p>'; 237 266 }); 238 267 } else { … … 249 278 echo '</form>'; 250 279 251 authorization_button('Update WordPress Enabled Domains', false, false, 'After adding your domain in Unbounce, come back here and ');280 authorization_button('Update WordPress Enabled Domains', $domain, false, false, 'After adding your domain in Unbounce, come back here and '); 252 281 } else { 253 282 echo '<div class="ub-authorize-message">Before you can publish your pages to WordPress you will have to authorize your Unbounce account.</div>'; 254 283 255 authorization_button('Authorize With Unbounce', true);284 authorization_button('Authorize With Unbounce', $domain, true); 256 285 257 286 $try_unbounce_url = ""; … … 271 300 $diagnostics_url = admin_url('admin.php?page=unbounce-pages-diagnostics'); 272 301 echo "<br/><a class='ub-diagnostics-link' href='${diagnostics_url}'>Diagnostics</a>"; 273 echo '<p class="ub-version">Unbounce Version 1.0. 4</p>';302 echo '<p class="ub-version">Unbounce Version 1.0.5</p>'; 274 303 }); 275 304 } … … 307 336 // Main admin page 308 337 $print_admin_panel = function() { 309 $domain = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);338 $domain = UBConfig::domain(); 310 339 $domain_info = UBConfig::read_unbounce_domain_info($domain, false); 311 340 … … 322 351 // Diagnostics page 323 352 $print_diagnostics_panel = function() { 324 $domain = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);353 $domain = UBConfig::domain(); 325 354 $domain_info = UBConfig::read_unbounce_domain_info($domain, false); 326 355 … … 337 366 338 367 add_action('admin_post_set_unbounce_domains', function() { 339 $domains_json = UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'domains', ''); 340 $domains = explode(',', $domains_json); 341 342 if($domains_json && is_array($domains)) { 343 update_option(UBConfig::UB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_KEY, $domains); 344 update_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY, true); 368 $domains_list = UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'domains', ''); 369 $domains = explode(',', $domains_list); 370 371 if($domains && is_array($domains)) { 345 372 $authorization = 'success'; 373 $has_authorized = get_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY, false); 374 375 $data = array( 376 'domain_name' => UBConfig::domain(), 377 'first_authorization' => !$has_authorized, 378 'user_id' => UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'user_id', ''), 379 'client_id' => UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'client_id', ''), 380 'domain_id' => UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'domain_id', ''), 381 ); 382 383 UBConfig::update_authorization_options($domains, $data); 384 385 if(UBConfig::is_authorized_domain(UBConfig::domain())) { 386 $event = UBEvents::successful_authorization_event($data); 387 } else { 388 $event = UBEvents::failed_authorization_event($data); 389 } 390 UBHTTP::send_event_to_events_gateway(UBConfig::remote_events_url(), $event); 346 391 } else { 347 392 $authorization = 'failure'; … … 356 401 357 402 add_action('admin_post_flush_unbounce_pages', function() { 358 $domain = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);403 $domain = UBConfig::domain(); 359 404 // Expire cache and redirect 360 405 $_domain_info = UBConfig::read_unbounce_domain_info($domain, true); … … 365 410 366 411 add_action('shutdown', function() { 367 UBLogger::upload_logs_to_unbounce( get_option(UBConfig::UB_REMOTE_LOG_URL_KEY));412 UBLogger::upload_logs_to_unbounce(UBConfig::remote_log_url()); 368 413 }); 369 414 -
r1248703 r1266757 1 1 (function($) { 2 2 3 function apiGet (url, token) {4 var request =$.ajax({3 function apiGetPromise(url, token) { 4 return $.ajax({ 5 5 url: url, 6 6 method: 'get', … … 8 8 'Accept': 'application/vnd.unbounce.api.v0.4+json' }, 9 9 dataType: 'json' 10 }); 11 return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(request.promise()); 10 }).promise(); 12 11 } 13 12 14 function getDomainNames(result) { 15 if($.isArray( { 13 function apiGet(url, token) { 14 return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(apiGetPromise(url, token)); 15 } 16 17 function getDomainData(subAccount, domains) { 18 if($.isArray(domains)) { 16 19 return Rx.Observable.fromArray( 17 $.map(, function(domain) {20 $.map(domains, function(domain) { 18 21 if(domain && { 19 return; 22 return { 23 clientId:, 24 domainId:, 25 name: 26 }; 20 27 } else { 21 28 throw 'Unable to fetch domain name'; … … 27 34 } 28 35 29 function getUserSubAccount Ids(user) {36 function getUserSubAccounts(user, token) { 30 37 if(user.metadata && user.metadata.related && $.isArray(user.metadata.related.sub_accounts)) { 31 return Rx.Observable.fromArray( 32 $.map(user.metadata.related.sub_accounts, function(sub_account_url) { 33 var pieces = sub_account_url.split('/'); 34 return pieces[pieces.length - 1]; 35 })); 38 var promises = $.map(user.metadata.related.sub_accounts, function(subAccountUrl) { 39 return apiGetPromise(subAccountUrl, token); 40 }); 41 return Rx.Observable.fromArray(promises).flatMap(Rx.Observable.fromPromise); 36 42 } else { 37 43 throw 'Unable to fetch user'; … … 39 45 } 40 46 41 function postDomainsToWordpress($form, domains) { 42 $form.find('[name="domains"]').val(domains.join(',')); 47 function postDomainsToWordpress($form, data, wordpressDomainName) { 48 if($.isArray( { 49 var wordpressDomains = { 50 return === wordpressDomainName; 51 }); 52 53 if(wordpressDomains[0]) { 54 var wordpressDomain = wordpressDomains[0]; 55 $form.find('[name="domain_id"]').val(wordpressDomain.domainId); 56 $form.find('[name="client_id"]').val(wordpressDomain.clientId); 57 } 58 59 var domainNames = $.map(, function(domain) { 60 return; 61 }); 62 63 $form.find('[name="user_id"]').val(data.userId); 64 $form.find('[name="domains"]').val(domainNames.join(',')); 65 } 66 43 67 $form.submit(); 44 68 } … … 64 88 redirectUri = $submitButton.attr('data-redirect-uri'), 65 89 apiClientId = $submitButton.attr('data-api-client-id'), 90 wordpressDomainName = $submitButton.attr('data-wordpress-domain-name'), 66 91 getTokenUrl = apiUrl + '/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=' + apiClientId + '&redirect_uri=' + redirectUri, 67 92 getUserUrl = apiUrl + '/users/self?limit=1000', … … 84 109 loadingUI($submitButton, loadingText); 85 110 86 var source = apiGet(getUserUrl, accessToken) 111 var userObservable = apiGet(getUserUrl, accessToken).publish(), 112 domainsObservable = userObservable 87 113 .flatMap(function(user) { 88 return getUserSubAccountIds(user); 89 }) 90 .flatMap(function (subAccountId) { 91 return apiGet(getDomainsUrl.replace('{subAccountId}', subAccountId), accessToken); 92 }) 93 .flatMap(function(domains) { 94 return getDomainNames(domains); 114 return getUserSubAccounts(user, accessToken); 115 }).flatMap(function (subAccount) { 116 return apiGet(getDomainsUrl.replace('{subAccountId}',, accessToken) 117 .flatMap(function(response) { 118 return getDomainData(subAccount,; 119 }); 95 120 }).toArray().publish(), 96 subscription = source.subscribe( 121 userDomainsObservable = 122 userObservable, 123 domainsObservable, 124 function(user, domains) { 125 return {userId:, domains: domains}; 126 }).publish(), 127 subscription = userDomainsObservable.subscribe( 97 128 function (domains) { 98 postDomainsToWordpress($form, domains );129 postDomainsToWordpress($form, domains, wordpressDomainName); 99 130 }, 100 131 function (error) { … … 107 138 }); 108 139 109 source.connect(); 140 userDomainsObservable.connect(); 141 domainsObservable.connect(); 142 userObservable.connect(); 110 143 } 111 144 } -
r1256907 r1266757 4 4 Requires at least: 4.1.5 5 5 Tested up to: 4.3 6 Stable tag: 1.0. 46 Stable tag: 1.0.5 7 7 License: GPLv2 or later 8 8 License URI: -
r1256907 r1266757 8 8 const UB_PAGE_SERVER_DOMAIN_KEY = 'ub-page-server-domain'; 9 9 const UB_REMOTE_LOG_URL_KEY = 'ub-remote-log-url'; 10 const UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL_KEY = 'ub-remote-events-url'; 10 11 const UB_API_URL_KEY = 'ub-api-url'; 11 12 const UB_API_CLIENT_ID_KEY = 'ub-api-client-id'; 12 13 const UB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_KEY = 'ub-authorized-domains'; 13 14 const UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY = 'ub-has-authorized'; 15 const UB_USER_ID_KEY = 'ub-user-id'; 16 const UB_DOMAIN_ID_KEY = 'ub-domain-id'; 17 const UB_CLIENT_ID_KEY = 'ub-client-id'; 14 18 const UB_CACHE_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY = 'UB_WP_ROUTES_CACHE_EXP'; 15 const UB_USER_AGENT = 'Unbounce WP Plugin 1.0. 4';16 const UB_VERSION = '1.0. 4';19 const UB_USER_AGENT = 'Unbounce WP Plugin 1.0.5'; 20 const UB_VERSION = '1.0.5'; 17 21 18 22 public static function default_page_server_domain() { … … 29 33 } 30 34 35 public static function default_remote_events_url() { 36 $url = getenv('UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL'); 37 if ($url == null) { 38 return ''; 39 } 40 return $url; 41 } 42 31 43 public static function default_api_url() { 32 44 $url = getenv('UB_API_URL'); … … 52 64 } 53 65 66 public static function remote_events_url() { 67 return get_option(UBConfig::UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL_KEY, UBConfig::default_remote_events_url()); 68 } 69 54 70 public static function api_url() { 55 71 return get_option(UBConfig::UB_API_URL_KEY, UBConfig::default_api_url()); … … 76 92 } 77 93 94 public static function create_none_response() { 95 return array(array('status' => 'NONE'), null, null, null); 96 } 97 98 public static function create_same_response($etag, $max_age) { 99 return array(array('status' => 'SAME'), $etag, $max_age, null); 100 } 101 102 public static function create_new_response($etag, $max_age, $proxyable_url_set) { 103 return array(array('status' => 'NEW'), $etag, $max_age, $proxyable_url_set); 104 } 105 106 public static function create_failure_response($failure_message) { 107 return array(array('status' => 'FAILURE', 108 'failure_message' => $failure_message), 109 null, null, null); 110 } 111 112 public static function domain() { 113 return parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST); 114 } 115 116 public static function domain_with_port() { 117 $port = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_PORT); 118 $host = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST); 119 if ($port) { 120 return $host . ':' . $port; 121 } else { 122 return $host; 123 } 124 } 125 78 126 public static function fetch_proxyable_url_set($domain, $etag, $ps_domain) { 79 127 if(!$domain) { 80 UBLogger::warning('Domain not provided, not fetching sitemap.xml'); 81 return array('FAILURE', null, null, null); 128 $failure_message = 'Domain not provided, not fetching sitemap.xml'; 129 UBLogger::warning($failure_message); 130 return UBConfig::create_failure_response($failure_message); 82 131 } 83 132 … … 130 179 if ($success) { 131 180 UBLogger::debug("Retrieved new routes, HTTP code: '$http_code'"); 132 return array('NEW',$etag, $max_age, $result);181 return UBConfig::create_new_response($etag, $max_age, $result); 133 182 } 134 183 else { 135 184 $errors = join(', ', $result); 136 UBLogger::warning("An error occurred while processing routes, XML errors: '$errors'"); 137 return array('FAILURE', null, null, null); 185 $failure_message = "An error occurred while processing pages, XML errors: '$errors'"; 186 UBLogger::warning($failure_message); 187 return UBConfig::create_failure_response($failure_message); 138 188 } 139 189 } 140 190 if ($http_code == 304) { 141 191 UBLogger::debug("Routes have not changed, HTTP code: '$http_code'"); 142 return array('SAME', $etag, $max_age, null);192 return UBConfig::create_same_response($etag, $max_age); 143 193 } 144 194 if ($http_code == 404) { 145 195 UBLogger::debug("No routes to retrieve, HTTP code: '$http_code'"); 146 return array('NONE', null, null, null);196 return UBConfig::create_none_response(); 147 197 } 148 198 else { 149 UBLogger::warning("An error occurred while retrieving routes; HTTP code: '$http_code'; Error: " . $curl_error); 150 return array('FAILURE', null, null, null); 151 } 199 $failure_message = "An error occurred while retrieving routes; HTTP code: '$http_code'; Error: " . $curl_error; 200 UBLogger::warning($failure_message); 201 return UBConfig::create_failure_response($failure_message); 202 } 203 152 204 } catch (Exception $e) { 153 UBLogger::warning("An error occurred while retrieving routes; Error: " . $e); 154 return array('FAILURE', null, null, null); 205 $failure_message = "An error occurred while retrieving routes; Error: " . $e; 206 UBLogger::warning($failure_message); 207 return UBConfig::create_failure_response($failure_message); 155 208 } 156 209 } … … 224 277 list($routes_status, $etag, $max_age, $proxyable_url_set_new) = $result_array; 225 278 226 if ($routes_status == 'NEW') {279 if ($routes_status['status'] == 'NEW') { 227 280 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set'] = $proxyable_url_set_new; 228 281 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_etag'] = $etag; 229 282 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_cache_timeout'] = $max_age; 230 283 } 231 elseif ($routes_status == 'SAME') {284 elseif ($routes_status['status'] == 'SAME') { 232 285 // Just extend the cache 233 286 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_cache_timeout'] = $max_age; 234 287 } 235 elseif ($routes_status == 'NONE') {288 elseif ($routes_status['status'] == 'NONE') { 236 289 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set'] = array(); 237 290 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_etag'] = null; 238 291 } 239 elseif ($routes_status == 'FAILURE') {292 elseif ($routes_status['status'] == 'FAILURE') { 240 293 UBLogger::warning('Route fetching failed'); 241 294 } … … 244 297 } 245 298 299 // Creation of domain_info entry 246 300 $domain_info['proxyable_url_set_fetched_at'] = $current_time; 247 $domain_info['last_status'] = $routes_status; 301 $domain_info['last_status'] = $routes_status['status']; 302 if ($routes_status['status'] == 'FAILURE') { 303 $domain_info['failure_message'] = $routes_status['failure_message']; 304 } 248 305 $domains_info[$domain] = $domain_info; 249 306 $options_setter(UBConfig::UB_ROUTES_CACHE_KEY, $domains_info); … … 253 310 array('proxyable_url_set', 254 311 'proxyable_url_set_fetched_at', 312 'failure_message', 255 313 'last_status')); 256 314 } … … 271 329 } 272 330 331 public static function update_authorization_options($domains, $data) { 332 update_option(UBConfig::UB_USER_ID_KEY, $data['user_id']); 333 update_option(UBConfig::UB_DOMAIN_ID_KEY, $data['domain_id']); 334 update_option(UBConfig::UB_CLIENT_ID_KEY, $data['client_id']); 335 update_option(UBConfig::UB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_KEY, $domains); 336 update_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY, true); 337 } 338 339 public static function int_min() { 340 return (PHP_INT_MAX * -1) - 1; 341 } 342 273 343 } 274 344 ?> -
r1256907 r1266757 29 29 'PHP Version' => phpversion(), 30 30 'WordPress Version' => UBDiagnostics::wordpress_version(), 31 'Unbounce Plugin Version' => "1.0. 4",31 'Unbounce Plugin Version' => "1.0.5", 32 32 'Permalink Structure' => get_option('permalink_structure', ''), 33 33 'Domain' => $domain, 34 34 'Domain Authorized' => print_r(UBConfig::is_authorized_domain($domain), true), 35 'Domain Information' => print_r($domain_info, true),36 'Page Server Domain' => UBConfig::page_server_domain(),37 'Remote Log URL' => UBConfig::remote_log_url(),38 'API URL' => UBConfig::api_url(),39 'API Client ID' => UBConfig::api_client_id(),40 'Authorized Domains' => join(', ', UBConfig::authorized_domains()),41 35 'Has Authorized' => print_r(UBConfig::has_authorized(), true), 42 36 'Active Plugins' => print_r(get_option('active_plugins'), true), … … 46 40 'Extensions' => print_r(get_loaded_extensions(), true), 47 41 'Operating System' => php_uname(), 48 'Checks' => print_r(UBDiagnostics::checks($domain, $domain_info), true) 42 'Checks' => print_r(UBDiagnostics::checks($domain, $domain_info), true), 43 'Options' => print_r(UBDiagnostics::ub_options(), true) 49 44 ); 45 } 46 47 private static function ub_options() { 48 $ub_options = array_filter(wp_load_alloptions(), function($key) { 49 return strpos($key, 'ub-') === 0; 50 }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); 51 52 return array_map(function($value) { 53 $unserialized = @unserialize($value); 54 return $unserialized ? $unserialized : $value; 55 }, $ub_options); 50 56 } 51 57 … … 66 72 private static function last_status_success($domain_info) { 67 73 $last_status = UBUtil::array_fetch($domain_info, 'last_status'); 68 return $last_status !== 'FAILURE' && $last_status !== null;74 return $last_status !== null && $last_status !== 'FAILURE'; 69 75 } 70 76 -
r1256907 r1266757 228 228 } 229 229 230 public static function send_event_to_events_gateway($url, $data_string) { 231 try { 232 $stream_function = function($curl, $str) { return strlen($str); }; 233 234 $curl = curl_init(); 235 $curl_options = array( 236 CURLOPT_URL => $url, 237 CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', 238 CURLOPT_USERAGENT => UBConfig::UB_USER_AGENT, 239 CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, 240 CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 241 'Content-Type: application/json', 242 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string) 243 ), 244 CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION => $stream_function, 245 CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION => $stream_function, 246 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data_string, 247 CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 2 248 ); 249 curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options); 250 $success = curl_exec($curl); 251 $http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); 252 253 if(!$success) { 254 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url . ': "' 255 . curl_error($curl) . '" - HTTP status: ' . curl_errno($curl); 256 UBLogger::warning($message); 257 } elseif($http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 300) { 258 $message = 'Successfully sent log messsages to ' . $url 259 . ' - HTTP status: ' . $http_code; 260 UBLogger::debug($message); 261 } else { 262 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url 263 . ' - HTTP status: ' . $http_code; 264 UBLogger::warning($message); 265 } 266 267 curl_close($curl); 268 } catch (Exception $e) { 269 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url 270 . ' - Error: ' . $e; 271 UBLogger::warning($message); 272 } 273 } 274 230 275 } 231 276 -
r1255261 r1266757 2 2 3 3 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBConfig.php'; 4 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBEvents.php'; 4 5 5 6 class UBLogger { … … 16 17 public static function upload_logs_to_unbounce($url) { 17 18 if(UBConfig::remote_debug_logging_enabled()) { 18 $datetime = new DateTime('NOW', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));19 19 $data = array( 20 'type' => 'WordpressLogV1.0',21 20 'messages' => $GLOBALS['wp_log'][UBConfig::UB_PLUGIN_NAME], 22 21 'vars' => $GLOBALS['wp_log'][UBConfig::UB_PLUGIN_NAME . '-vars'], 23 'id' => uniqid(),24 'time_sent' => $datetime->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z'),25 'source' => UBConfig::UB_USER_AGENT . ' ' . gethostname()26 22 ); 27 $json_unescaped = json_encode($data); 28 $data_string = str_replace('\\/', '/', $json_unescaped); 29 30 try { 31 $curl = curl_init(); 32 $curl_options = array( 33 CURLOPT_URL => $url, 34 CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', 35 CURLOPT_USERAGENT => UBConfig::UB_USER_AGENT, 36 CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, 37 CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 38 'Content-Type: application/json', 39 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string) 40 ), 41 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data_string, 42 CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 2 43 ); 44 curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options); 45 $success = curl_exec($curl); 46 $http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); 47 48 if(!$success) { 49 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url . ': "' 50 . curl_error($curl) . '" - HTTP status: ' . curl_errno($curl); 51 UBLogger::warning($message); 52 } elseif($http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 300) { 53 $message = 'Successfully sent log messsages to ' . $url 54 . ' - HTTP status: ' . $http_code; 55 UBLogger::debug($message); 56 } else { 57 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url 58 . ' - HTTP status: ' . $http_code; 59 UBLogger::warning($message); 60 } 61 62 curl_close($curl); 63 } catch (Exception $e) { 64 $message = 'Unable to send log messages to ' . $url 65 . ' - Error: ' . $e; 66 UBLogger::warning($message); 67 } 23 UBHTTP::send_event_to_events_gateway($url, UBEvents::log_event($data)); 68 24 } 69 25 } -
r1256907 r1266757 4 4 Plugin URI: 5 5 Description: Publish Unbounce Landing Pages to your Wordpress Domain. 6 Version: 1.0. 46 Version: 1.0.5 7 7 Author: Unbounce 8 8 Author URI: … … 18 18 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBIcon.php'; 19 19 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBPageTable.php'; 20 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/UBEvents.php'; 20 21 21 22 register_activation_hook(__FILE__, function() { … … 33 34 UBConfig::default_authorized_domains()); 34 35 add_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY); 36 add_option(UBConfig::UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL_KEY, 37 UBConfig::default_remote_events_url()); 38 add_option(UBConfig::UB_USER_ID_KEY); 39 add_option(UBConfig::UB_DOMAIN_ID_KEY); 40 add_option(UBConfig::UB_CLIENT_ID_KEY); 35 41 }); 36 42 … … 44 50 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_KEY); 45 51 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY); 52 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_REMOTE_EVENTS_URL_KEY); 53 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_USER_ID_KEY); 54 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_DOMAIN_ID_KEY); 55 delete_option(UBConfig::UB_CLIENT_ID_KEY); 46 56 }); 47 57 … … 49 59 UBLogger::setup_logger(); 50 60 51 $domain = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);61 $domain = UBConfig::domain(); 52 62 53 63 if(!UBConfig::is_authorized_domain($domain)) { … … 90 100 } 91 101 elseif ($url_purpose == 'HealthCheck') { 102 if (UBConfig::domain_with_port() !== UBUtil::array_fetch($_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST')) { 103 http_response_code(412); 104 } 105 92 106 header('Content-Type: application/json'); 93 107 $version = UBConfig::UB_VERSION; … … 105 119 } 106 120 107 // Disable CDN for W3 Total Cache108 121 if(!defined('DONOTCDN')) { 109 122 define('DONOTCDN', true); 123 } 124 125 if(!defined('DONOTCACHEDB')) { 126 define('DONOTCACHEDB', true); 127 } 128 129 if(!defined('DONOTMINIFY')) { 130 define('DONOTMINIFY', true); 131 } 132 133 if(!defined('DONOTCACHEOBJECT')) { 134 define('DONOTCACHEOBJECT', true); 110 135 } 111 136 … … 137 162 exit(0); 138 163 } 139 } );164 }, UBConfig::int_min()); 140 165 141 166 add_action('admin_init', function() { … … 165 190 }, 0); 166 191 167 function authorization_button($text, $ wrap_in_p = false, $is_primary = true, $outer_text = '') {192 function authorization_button($text, $domain, $wrap_in_p = false, $is_primary = true, $outer_text = '') { 168 193 $set_domains_url = admin_url('admin-post.php?action=set_unbounce_domains'); 169 194 echo "<form method='post' action='$set_domains_url'>"; 170 195 echo "<input type='hidden' name='domains' />"; 196 echo "<input type='hidden' name='user_id' />"; 197 echo "<input type='hidden' name='domain_id' />"; 198 echo "<input type='hidden' name='client_id' />"; 171 199 echo $outer_text; 172 200 $style = $outer_text ? 'vertical-align: baseline' : ''; … … 179 207 'data-api-url' => UBConfig::api_url(), 180 208 'data-api-client-id' => UBConfig::api_client_id(), 209 'data-wordpress-domain-name' => $domain, 181 210 'style' => $style)); 182 211 echo '</form>'; … … 217 246 $proxyable_url_set_fetched_at = UBUtil::array_fetch($domain_info, 'proxyable_url_set_fetched_at'); 218 247 echo '<p>Last refreshed ' . UBUtil::time_ago($proxyable_url_set_fetched_at) . '.</p>'; 219 authorization_button('Update WordPress Enabled Domains', false, false);248 authorization_button('Update WordPress Enabled Domains', $domain, false, false); 220 249 echo '</p>'; 221 250 echo '</div>'; … … 234 263 $diagnostics_url = admin_url('admin.php?page=unbounce-pages-diagnostics'); 235 264 echo "<br/><a class='ub-diagnostics-link' href='${diagnostics_url}'>Diagnostics</a>"; 236 echo '<p class="ub-version">Unbounce Version 1.0. 4</p>';265 echo '<p class="ub-version">Unbounce Version 1.0.5</p>'; 237 266 }); 238 267 } else { … … 249 278 echo '</form>'; 250 279 251 authorization_button('Update WordPress Enabled Domains', false, false, 'After adding your domain in Unbounce, come back here and ');280 authorization_button('Update WordPress Enabled Domains', $domain, false, false, 'After adding your domain in Unbounce, come back here and '); 252 281 } else { 253 282 echo '<div class="ub-authorize-message">Before you can publish your pages to WordPress you will have to authorize your Unbounce account.</div>'; 254 283 255 authorization_button('Authorize With Unbounce', true);284 authorization_button('Authorize With Unbounce', $domain, true); 256 285 257 286 $try_unbounce_url = ""; … … 271 300 $diagnostics_url = admin_url('admin.php?page=unbounce-pages-diagnostics'); 272 301 echo "<br/><a class='ub-diagnostics-link' href='${diagnostics_url}'>Diagnostics</a>"; 273 echo '<p class="ub-version">Unbounce Version 1.0. 4</p>';302 echo '<p class="ub-version">Unbounce Version 1.0.5</p>'; 274 303 }); 275 304 } … … 307 336 // Main admin page 308 337 $print_admin_panel = function() { 309 $domain = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);338 $domain = UBConfig::domain(); 310 339 $domain_info = UBConfig::read_unbounce_domain_info($domain, false); 311 340 … … 322 351 // Diagnostics page 323 352 $print_diagnostics_panel = function() { 324 $domain = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);353 $domain = UBConfig::domain(); 325 354 $domain_info = UBConfig::read_unbounce_domain_info($domain, false); 326 355 … … 337 366 338 367 add_action('admin_post_set_unbounce_domains', function() { 339 $domains_json = UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'domains', ''); 340 $domains = explode(',', $domains_json); 341 342 if($domains_json && is_array($domains)) { 343 update_option(UBConfig::UB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_KEY, $domains); 344 update_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY, true); 368 $domains_list = UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'domains', ''); 369 $domains = explode(',', $domains_list); 370 371 if($domains && is_array($domains)) { 345 372 $authorization = 'success'; 373 $has_authorized = get_option(UBConfig::UB_HAS_AUTHORIZED_KEY, false); 374 375 $data = array( 376 'domain_name' => UBConfig::domain(), 377 'first_authorization' => !$has_authorized, 378 'user_id' => UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'user_id', ''), 379 'client_id' => UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'client_id', ''), 380 'domain_id' => UBUtil::array_fetch($_POST, 'domain_id', ''), 381 ); 382 383 UBConfig::update_authorization_options($domains, $data); 384 385 if(UBConfig::is_authorized_domain(UBConfig::domain())) { 386 $event = UBEvents::successful_authorization_event($data); 387 } else { 388 $event = UBEvents::failed_authorization_event($data); 389 } 390 UBHTTP::send_event_to_events_gateway(UBConfig::remote_events_url(), $event); 346 391 } else { 347 392 $authorization = 'failure'; … … 356 401 357 402 add_action('admin_post_flush_unbounce_pages', function() { 358 $domain = parse_url(get_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);403 $domain = UBConfig::domain(); 359 404 // Expire cache and redirect 360 405 $_domain_info = UBConfig::read_unbounce_domain_info($domain, true); … … 365 410 366 411 add_action('shutdown', function() { 367 UBLogger::upload_logs_to_unbounce( get_option(UBConfig::UB_REMOTE_LOG_URL_KEY));412 UBLogger::upload_logs_to_unbounce(UBConfig::remote_log_url()); 368 413 }); 369 414 -
r1248703 r1266757 1 1 (function($) { 2 2 3 function apiGet (url, token) {4 var request =$.ajax({3 function apiGetPromise(url, token) { 4 return $.ajax({ 5 5 url: url, 6 6 method: 'get', … … 8 8 'Accept': 'application/vnd.unbounce.api.v0.4+json' }, 9 9 dataType: 'json' 10 }); 11 return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(request.promise()); 10 }).promise(); 12 11 } 13 12 14 function getDomainNames(result) { 15 if($.isArray( { 13 function apiGet(url, token) { 14 return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(apiGetPromise(url, token)); 15 } 16 17 function getDomainData(subAccount, domains) { 18 if($.isArray(domains)) { 16 19 return Rx.Observable.fromArray( 17 $.map(, function(domain) {20 $.map(domains, function(domain) { 18 21 if(domain && { 19 return; 22 return { 23 clientId:, 24 domainId:, 25 name: 26 }; 20 27 } else { 21 28 throw 'Unable to fetch domain name'; … … 27 34 } 28 35 29 function getUserSubAccount Ids(user) {36 function getUserSubAccounts(user, token) { 30 37 if(user.metadata && user.metadata.related && $.isArray(user.metadata.related.sub_accounts)) { 31 return Rx.Observable.fromArray( 32 $.map(user.metadata.related.sub_accounts, function(sub_account_url) { 33 var pieces = sub_account_url.split('/'); 34 return pieces[pieces.length - 1]; 35 })); 38 var promises = $.map(user.metadata.related.sub_accounts, function(subAccountUrl) { 39 return apiGetPromise(subAccountUrl, token); 40 }); 41 return Rx.Observable.fromArray(promises).flatMap(Rx.Observable.fromPromise); 36 42 } else { 37 43 throw 'Unable to fetch user'; … … 39 45 } 40 46 41 function postDomainsToWordpress($form, domains) { 42 $form.find('[name="domains"]').val(domains.join(',')); 47 function postDomainsToWordpress($form, data, wordpressDomainName) { 48 if($.isArray( { 49 var wordpressDomains = { 50 return === wordpressDomainName; 51 }); 52 53 if(wordpressDomains[0]) { 54 var wordpressDomain = wordpressDomains[0]; 55 $form.find('[name="domain_id"]').val(wordpressDomain.domainId); 56 $form.find('[name="client_id"]').val(wordpressDomain.clientId); 57 } 58 59 var domainNames = $.map(, function(domain) { 60 return; 61 }); 62 63 $form.find('[name="user_id"]').val(data.userId); 64 $form.find('[name="domains"]').val(domainNames.join(',')); 65 } 66 43 67 $form.submit(); 44 68 } … … 64 88 redirectUri = $submitButton.attr('data-redirect-uri'), 65 89 apiClientId = $submitButton.attr('data-api-client-id'), 90 wordpressDomainName = $submitButton.attr('data-wordpress-domain-name'), 66 91 getTokenUrl = apiUrl + '/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=' + apiClientId + '&redirect_uri=' + redirectUri, 67 92 getUserUrl = apiUrl + '/users/self?limit=1000', … … 84 109 loadingUI($submitButton, loadingText); 85 110 86 var source = apiGet(getUserUrl, accessToken) 111 var userObservable = apiGet(getUserUrl, accessToken).publish(), 112 domainsObservable = userObservable 87 113 .flatMap(function(user) { 88 return getUserSubAccountIds(user); 89 }) 90 .flatMap(function (subAccountId) { 91 return apiGet(getDomainsUrl.replace('{subAccountId}', subAccountId), accessToken); 92 }) 93 .flatMap(function(domains) { 94 return getDomainNames(domains); 114 return getUserSubAccounts(user, accessToken); 115 }).flatMap(function (subAccount) { 116 return apiGet(getDomainsUrl.replace('{subAccountId}',, accessToken) 117 .flatMap(function(response) { 118 return getDomainData(subAccount,; 119 }); 95 120 }).toArray().publish(), 96 subscription = source.subscribe( 121 userDomainsObservable = 122 userObservable, 123 domainsObservable, 124 function(user, domains) { 125 return {userId:, domains: domains}; 126 }).publish(), 127 subscription = userDomainsObservable.subscribe( 97 128 function (domains) { 98 postDomainsToWordpress($form, domains );129 postDomainsToWordpress($form, domains, wordpressDomainName); 99 130 }, 100 131 function (error) { … … 107 138 }); 108 139 109 source.connect(); 140 userDomainsObservable.connect(); 141 domainsObservable.connect(); 142 userObservable.connect(); 110 143 } 111 144 } -
r1256907 r1266757 4 4 Requires at least: 4.1.5 5 5 Tested up to: 4.3 6 Stable tag: 1.0. 46 Stable tag: 1.0.5 7 7 License: GPLv2 or later 8 8 License URI:
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