Plugin Directory

Changeset 1185678

06/22/2015 04:49:51 PM (10 years ago)

Description update

1 edited


  • filtr8-magazine/trunk/readme.txt

    r991909 r1185678  
    11=== Filtr8 Magazine ===
    22Contributors: Filtr8
    3 Tags: content, curation, discovery, content discovery, content curation, content marketing, retention, engagement, leads, new leads, leads generation, media, marketing, newsletter, magazine, page, shortcode
     3Tags: content, media, marketing, newsletter, magazine, page, shortcode
    44Requires at least: 3.0
    55Tested up to: 4.0
    88License URI:
    10 Easily curate and publish amazing magazine on specific subjects highly relevant for your business. Improve retention, drive conversion, be awesome!
     10Filtr8 Magazine plugin is a simple way to display content curated with Filtr8 in your WordPress site
    1212== Description ==
    1414Filtr8 Magazine Plugin is a simple way to display content curated with [Filtr8]( "Welcome to Filtr8") in your WordPress site.
    16 With [Filtr8]( "Welcome to Filtr8") you become a publisher of engaging magazine about the latest developments and insights in your business area.
     16With [Filtr8]( "Welcome to Filtr8") you become a publisher of engaging magazine about the latest news, developments and insights in your business area.
    1717New relevant stories come to your Filtr8 Newsroom automatically, and you just choose which ones to publish.
    19 Add to your web site a beautiful professional magazine with amazing stories, highly relevant to your business.
    20 Providing the relevant high-qualiy content to your audience is a proven way of growing engagement,
     19Add to your web site a stunning magazine widget with amazing news and stories, highly relevant to your business.
     20Providing the relevant high-qualiy content to your audience is an excellent way of growing engagement,
    2121establishing thought leadership and getting new leads for your business.
    3131== Installation ==
    33 1. Sign up for [Filtr8]( "Sign up for Filtr8"), create your Newsroom feed and publish some items
     331. Sign up for [Filtr8]( "Sign up for Filtr8"), create your Newsroom feed and publish some items
    34341. Install and activate Filtr8 Magazine plugin on your WordPress Plugins page
    35 1. Grab the shortcut code for your magazine from your Filtr8 Newsroom using the "Magazine" button (see Screenshots for illustration)
    36 1. Add shortcode to your page (see Screenshots for illustration)
     351. Grab the shortcut code for your magazine from your Filtr8 Newsroom using the "Magazine" button
     361. Add shortcode to your page
    3838== Changelog ==
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