= 7.5 = * 18-03-2025 * New: Feature of Website Migration = 7.4 = * 17-12-2024 * Improvement: Improve UX #97 * Improvement: Modify the UI of the "Access your Data" button under the Cloud Backup section #105 * Improvement: Change tag on wordpress plugin page #107 * Improvement: Code Improvement Part 3 #108 * Security Fix: Unauthenticated BackUp Exposure disclosed by Noah Stead (TurtleBurg) * Test: Tested upto WP 6.7 = 7.3 = * 26-09-2024 * Improvement: DB Incremental Backup improvements. * Fix: Promo Notification dismiss issue #103 = 7.2 = * 20-09-2024 * Fix: Backup stuck on DB Backed up when using Incremental backup. * Improvement: Added resume capability to DB backup for Incremental backup. = 7.1 = * 09-09-2024 * Fix: Timeout and Write Failures Due to Large Database #96 * Improvement: Incremental backup for Backblaze #85 = 7.0.1 = * 28-08-2024 * Fix: Backup not starting after update 7.0 = 7.0 = * 27-08-2024 * New: Data Anonymization * New: Backup time and scheduling * New: BackupforWP Cloud Backup Service * New: Incremental backup for Backblaze = 6.12.1 = * 27-07-2024 * Fixed: Fatal error on PHP 7.2 and below after updating to version 6.12 #89 = 6.12 = * 24-07-2024 * Improvement: Code & Performance Improvement according to Plugin check #90 * Compatibility: Tested with WordPress version 6.6 * Fixed: Multiple backups are getting created #89 = 6.11 = * 13-06-2024 * Improvement: Added support for backblaze. #85 = 6.10 = * 24-05-2024 * Improvement: Unable to translate the language using Loco Traslate #31 = 6.9 = * 08-04-2024 * Improvement: Make an option to delete all plugin data on uninstall #77 * Improvement: Wrong polish encoding #83 * Compatibility : Tested with Wordpress 6.5 #82 = 6.8 = * 17-02-2024 * Fixed: Setting in the email notification is not being saved. #78 * Improvement: PHP version compatibility and other readme changes #76 = 6.7 = * 07-12-2023 * Added: Option to delete all the Backup lists at once #70 * Added: Support for database backup using SFTP #64 * Fixed: 1-click unsubscribe for email notification #24 * Compatibility: Tested with WordPress 6.4 #72 * Fixed: Auto Backup is not working for DropBox #58 * Fixed: Plugin is not being deactivated in multisite #74 * Improvement: readme txt improvements #22 #28 = 6.6 = * 22-09-2023 * Added: Support for background backup for plain permalink structure #67 * Improvement: DB backup leads to fatal error for large tables #68 * Added: Button to stop the background backups process. #62 * Fixed: Error in php log and console #66 * Compatibility: Tested with WordPress 6.3 #61 = 6.5.1 = * 04-08-2023 * Fixed: Warnings is showing on wp database-backup. #59 = 6.5 = * 26-07-2023 * Fixed: Dropbox says "Not Configured" but its connected and authenticated. #51 * Added: Data anonymous on the clone website for the GDPR integration. #20 = 6.4 = * 03-07-2023 * Fixed: The backup progress bar gets stuck while creating the backup #53 * Fixed: A Fatal error appears after clicking on "Create New Database backup" #52 = 6.3 = * 06-06-2023 * Added: Added a option for scheduling the Complete Backup. #29 * Fixed: Issue related to timezone #47 * Fixed: Compatible with PHP Compatibility Checker plugin #45 * Fixed: After deleting list backup files, notice keeps showing even after reloading the page #38 * Fixed: Google Drive backup is not being configured, and there are also multiple issues. #44 * Improvement: FullBack process will work in background and will show current progess. #46 * Improvement: UI/UX Improvement for notifications. #46 = 6.2 = * 04-04-2023 * Fixed: Undefinded variable $database_file error #33 * Added: ziparchive is not enable so show message #36 * Fixed: When we configued the email backup, then local backup is getting unconfigued. #37 * Fixed: Escaping is missing #40 * Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: ftp_quit(): Argument #1 ($ftp) must be of type FTP\Connection, bool given #41 = 6.1 = * 21-01-2023 * Added Feature - Added full backup files and database = 6.0 = * 22-12-2022 * UI/UX and other Improvements = 5.9 = * 09-08-2022 * Sanitised multiple inputs and escape output to remove further risk of cross site script security. = 5.8.2 = * 06-01-2022 * Filter hook for Dropbox file name = 5.8.1 = * 01-08-2021 * Fix issue with PHP 8 * Added Feature - Create Database Backup On Upgrade/Update Plugin, Theme, WordPress. = 5.8 = * 30-07-2021 * Added Feature - Show WordPress/Database/Theme Version and Active Theme Name in log to get backup info. = 5.7.2 = * 24-07-2021 * Tested latest WordPress Version = 5.7.1 = * 17-01-2021 * Change support link * Tested latest WordPress Version = 5.7 = * 13-11-2020 * Added Feature - Exclude Table : Select/Unselect All Option = 5.6 = * 24-09-2020 * Added Feature - Search-and-replace. = 5.5.5 = * 10-09-2020 * Added Feature - Download created Backup link on create message. = 5.5.4 = * 01-09-2020 * Fixed PHP Warning in System Information tab = 5.5.3 = * 16-08-2020 * Fixed issue Array to string conversion header notification = 5.5.2 = * 13-08-2020 * Tested latest WordPress Version * UI Changes = 5.5.1 = * 10-05-2020 * Changes in config * UI Changes = 5.5 = * 12-01-2020 * Added New Destination : Local Backup Path = 5.4.2 = * 07-12-2019 * UI Issue Fixed * Error Fix = 5.4.1 = * 06-10-2019 * Update code for Backup-filenames without time * Added Missing sort-icons. * Resolved issue loading progress image = 5.4= * 28-09-2019 * Tested Compatible with WordPress 5.2.3 * Added Feature - Added red label for invalid backup list i.e empty backup file. = 5.3 = * 04-05-2019 * Added loading icon on create backup action for show in-progress backup action. = 5.2 = * 30-04-2019 * Security Changes - Fixed Vulnerability = 5.1.2 = * 22-04-2019 * Fixed Vulnerability - XSS issue = 5.1.1 = * 23-02-2019 * Fixed Vulnerability = 5.1 = * 02-02-2019 * Added Confirmation box to the restore and delete backup = 5.0 = * 13-01-2019 * Fixed WordPress Plugin Security Vulnerability : curl = 4.6.5 = * 12-11-2018 * Changelog order reversal = 4.6.4 = * 29-10-2018 * Resolved page breaks SSL wp-admin with insecure images issue = 4.6.3 = * 22-10-2018 * Fix Restore a database issue = 4.6.2 = * 21-08-2018 * Changes references and document URL = 4.6.1 = * 07-08-2018 * Fixed bug * Changes in email notification template text = 4.6 = * 16-05-2018 * Lightweight - Remove unwanted file * UI Changes = 4.5.6 = * 23-03-2018 * Added : display destination icon in backup list * UI Changes = 4.5.5 = * 08-03-2018 * Add Setting -Enable/Disable .htaccess File In Storage Directory = 4.5.4 = * 08-01-2018 * Fixed urgent bug ticket #2680 = 4.5.3 = * 08-01-2018 * Changed documentation/help url = 4.5.2 = * 26-10-2017 * Changed : Email(Destination) subject for identify domains. = 4.5.1 = * 28-09-2017 * Fixed issue : Update caused fatal error: Can’t return function value Dropbox_upload.php = 4.5 = * 27-09-2017 * Migrated to Dropbox API V2 * Dropbox API v1 shutdown - 28-09-2017 = 4.4.2 = * 20-09-2017 * Fixed UI log popover display issue = 4.4.1 = * 29-08-2017 * If Class ZipArchive Not Present then create zip using PclZip = 4.4 = * 02-08-2017 * Added Setting : Remove local backup * If Checked then it will remove local backup. = 4.3.8 = * 01-06-2017 * Changed icon = 4.3.7 = * 06-12-2016 * Changed label Minimum Local Backups to Maximum Local Backups in Setting Tab = 4.3.6 = * 21-10-2016 * Fixed CSRF vulnerabilities issue (suggestion by Tristan) = 4.3.5 = * 20-10-2016 * Add Option Enable/Disable destination. = 4.3.4 = * 09-09-2016 * Add Option Clear all old/temp database backup files (resolve issue for low disk space) = 4.3.3 = * 04-08-2016 * Fixed CSRF and XSS vuln issue (suggestion by Chen Ruiqi) = 4.3.2 = * 02-08-2016 * resolved urgent bug = 4.3.1 = * 01-08-2016 * Fixed CSRF and XSS vuln issue = 4.3 = * 07-07-2016 * Fixed Amazon s3 collapse tab issue * Added documentation links in Help tab = 4.2 = * 24-06-2016 * Added New Feature : Amazon s3 integration. * Fixed Vulnerability : prevent direct download = 4.1 = * 20-06-2016 * Added New Feature : Google drive integration. * Changes in email notification template * Add new Tab : Subscribe = 4.0 = * 04-05-2016 * Resolved : time out error. * Resolved : undefined function ftp_connect error. * Changed : look and feel. = 3.9.4 = * 28-04-2016 * Added : Disk space checkup (memory available). = 3.9.3 = * 24-04-2016 * Added New Tab : System Check (i.e backup folder permission, execution time etc) = 3.9.2 = * 14-04-2016 * Compatible wordpress version 4.5 : Depricated function : mysql_real_escape_string. use _real_escape insted mysql_real_escape_string * Resolved issue : PHP Strict Standards: mktime(). use the time() function instead mktime(). = 3.9.1 =
Resolved issue : The website is built under a directory i.e. www.xyz.com/demo = 3.9 = * 06-03-2016 * Uses mysqldump for faster back ups if they are available. = 3.8 = * 03-12-2015 * Added Twice Daily Auto Database Backup Frequency * Resolved bug :Warning: Cannot modify header information(FTP) = 3.7 = * Removed PHP warnings = 3.6 = * Exclude Tables. * Add drop down button for Quick setting view, Update notifications = 3.5 = * Backup zip label with the site name(Help when backing up multiple sites). * Changes in Email Notification template. = 3.4 = * Improve security(CSRF protection): Validate that the contents of the form request came from the current site and not somewhere else. = 3.3 =
New Feature : Save database backup file in zip format on local server. = 3.2 = * Added Setting Tab. * Added Feature: Minimum number of Local Database Backups(Setting Tab). * Added Feature: Enable Error Log(Setting Tab). * Resolved Error: Undefined index: page * Changes in Email Notification template. = 3.1 =
Added Support and Documentation link in help section.
Resolved .htasses file issue(remove create .htasses file code). = 3.0 = * Added log message. * Send database backup to destination in zip format. * Download database backup file in zip format. * Resoled Database information tab issue. = 2.4 = * Added Hourly Auto Database Backup Frequency * Added Advance Feature Tab. = 2.3 = * Added new tab- Database information. * Include random number in the file name(Improve security). * Added .htaccess file in db-backup directory for prevent database dump listing(Improve security). = 2.2 = * Added new Feature * Database backup list pagination * Search backup (Date/ Database Size) * Sort backup list (Date/ Database Size) = 2.1.3 = * Fixed Vulnerability = 2.1.2 = * Fixed Dropbox issue ( it saves me a "backup" that weight 0KB.) = 2.1.1 = * Fixed bug: Conflict issue with Disqus Comments System, NextGen Gallery etc. = 2.1 = * Store Database Backup FTP, Dropbox, Email * Email Notification * fixed bug: Warning: Illegal offset type in /wp-admin/includes/template.php * Fixed bug: Warning: Illegal string offset 'enable_autobackups = 2.0 = * Restore Database Backup on singe click * Change look and feel = 1.0.0 = *Plugin Created