=== Before You Are Dead Countdown HELP Code file ===
Contributors: anou

-----> NOTA BENE: All code below can go in your theme - function.php - file. <-----

 * ==== LOCALIZATION ==== *

== Date picker in English ==

function my_date_picker_lg($params){

  //Change language code to localize the datepicker
  $params['byadRegional'] = 'en';
  //you can also change the datepicker icon
  //$params['byadIcon'] = 'http://absolute-custom-path/my-futur-death-calendar.png@';
  return $params;

 * Since BYAD Countdown 1.5, you just need to implement the add_filter() function above (my_date_picker_lg())
 * == Before version 1.5 ==
 * If you want the date picker in another language then English or French (default)
 * In addition with the my_date_picker_lg() function above
 * You must use the add_action() below to enqueue your JS datepicker file in your own language.

== Custom Language JS file for Datepicker (before 1.5) ==
 * custom language for byad-countdown datepicker

function my_own_js_language() {

  wp_enqueue_script( 'datepicker-LANG', PATH-TO-JS-FILE, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-datepicker') );

add_action('byad_datepicker_lang', 'my_own_js_language');

==== Custom CSS file ====
 * custom css for byad-countdown plugin

function my_own_css () {

  wp_register_style( 'custom_plugin_css', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/my-custom-css.css' );
  wp_enqueue_style( 'custom_plugin_css' );

add_action('byad_stylesheet', 'my_own_css');

== Short code == 
[byad_countdown title="Your-custom-title"]

the title attribute is optional. title="" will output the countdown with no title.