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A step-by-step guide to configure the Two-Factor Authentication plugin

The miniOrange Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) plugin enhances WordPress security by requiring users to verify their identity during login. You can set up WordPress 2FA using the Setup Wizard for a guided process or configure it manually from the dashboard. Choose from multiple authentication methods like Google Authenticator, OTP over SMS, OTP over Email, and more to secure your site effortlessly.

Let’s see how an administrator can setup 2FA for users. This can be done in two very simple ways:-

  1. Setup Wizard
  2. Dashboard of the plugin

The setup wizard appears right after the successful installation and activation of the WordPress 2FA plugin. The Wizard helps you set up 2FA.

Let’s follow the steps below to Setup Wizard

Step 1: Once the plugin is activated, the setup wizard screen appears.

  • Click on the Let’s get started! button.
  • Setup 2FA - let's get started button

Step 2: The wizard guides you to choose any one options for inline registration.

    There are two option under inline registration:-

  • Choose the first option “User should setup 2FA during first login.”
    Choosing this option, as the name suggests, will require users to configure 2FA methods compulsorily.
  • Click on the Continue Setup button.
  • WordPress 2FA Plugin - user should setup 2FA during first login

Step 3: Next you are guided to choose the user’s role for which you want to set a 2FA method.

  • Choose the ”All users” option to set 2FA for all and click on the Continue Setup button.
  • WordPress 2FA Plugin - choose all users

  • Choose only for a specific roles option.
  • Select the particular role for which you want to set 2FA. (As administrator has been chosen here. This will set the 2FA only for the administrator's role.)
  • Then, click on the Continue Setup button.
  • WordPress 2FA Plugin - choose particular role like admin

Step 4: Now, it guides you to set the Grace period for your users. There are again two options:-

    1. Users should be directly enforced for 2FA Setup:- If you don’t want to give your users any period to set 2FA you can go with the first option.
    Users will have to set 2FA during their first login to gain access to the account.

    2. Give users a grace period to configure 2FA:- choosing this option will allow you to give your users a certain grace period within which users will be required to set their 2FA. Users will have to set 2FA after expiration of the grace period.

  • Choose the “Users should be directly enforced for 2FA Setup” option and click on the All Done button.
  • WordPress Two-Factor Authentication plugin - enfore 2fa for users

  • You have successfully configured the two-factor authentication.
  • WordPress Two-Factor Authentication plugin - compelted

  • If you have choose to Skip Setup Wizard, here's an alternate way to setup 2FA through the plugin dashboard.
  • WordPress Two-Factor Authentication plugin - skipping setup wizard

    After clicking on the Skip Setup Wizard option, you will be redirected to the plugin dashbord i.e, Login Settings tab of two-factor authentication menu where you can enable 2FA for all the desired roles.

  • Enable 2FA for the all the roles for which you need to set 2FA.
  • Then, click on the Save Settings button.
  • WordPress Two-Factor Authentication plugin - for other roles

After setting up the plugin, simply pick any 2FA method and configure it in a few easy steps!

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