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WordPress Facebook login via Firebase | Facebook social login via Firebase

Firebase social login with Facebook can be easily set up with WordPress Firebase Authentication plugin. Enabling Facebook Social login on your WordPress site will allow users to login with their Facebook account via Firebase instead of creating a separate account for the WordPress site and remembering a different set of credentials. Please refer to the below steps to configure the Firebase Facebook login and click here to know more about the Firebase Social Login features we provide.

1. Steps to create a facebook app:

  • To get started, Go to Facebook developers console click here and sign up/Login with your facebook developer account.
  • facebook wp developer login app
  • Go to the Facebook Developers apps page and click the Create App button to add new app.
  • facebook wp social login create facebook app
  • Then choose the Allow people to log in with their Facebook account option as use case and press Next.
  • social login facebook wp social login app options
  • Enter the App Name and Add Contact Email for your Facebook app respectively then click on Create App button to save your settings.
  • facebook social login app wp detials
  • Go to App Settings -> Basic to view your App Id and App Secret. The App ID is your Client ID and the App Secret is your Client Secret, keep these values handy as you will need them later to configure the miniOrange WordPress Firebase Authentication (Refer to the images below).
  • App Domain: Write your website’s domain there.
  • Privacy Policy URL: Fill in this box with the URL liked to your website’s privacy policy page.
  • Terms of Service: Fill in this box with the URL linked to your website’s terms of service page.
  • User Data Deletion:drop down, Select Data Deletion Instruction URL (Enter the URL of your page with the instructions on how users can delete their accounts on your site).
  • Choose a category from the dropdown in the Category field and pick the App Purpose option that describes your App the best, then press Save Changes to save your configurations.
  • fb wp social login facebook basic info fb wp social login facebook basic info
  • Now scroll down and click on Add Platform button. Select the Website option as you are trying to integrate your Facebook Login with a website. Click on Next.
  • facebook social login app review tab permissions
  • Next, enter the Site URL (from your miniOrange WordPress Firebase Authentication) and click Save. Then, click Continue.
  • facebook social login app review tab permissions
  • Click on the Use cases tab on the left side and then click on the Customize button that appears next to the Authentication and account creation item.
  • social login facebook request advance access
  • Below the Permissions section, find the email permission and click on the Add button.
  • By default, your application only has Standard Access for the “public_profile” and “email” permissions, which means that only you can log in with it. To get Advanced Access you will need to go trough the Business Verification, that you can start on the Verification tab on the left side.

    social login facebook developer status
  • Under the Facebook Login >> settings section click on Go to settings button to add the Redirect/Callback url.
  • facebook social login complete data checkup
  • Into the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field add the Redirect/Callback URL which you will get from the miniOrange WordPress Firebase Authentication Plugin. Click on Save changes button.
  • facebook social login enable advance permission
  • Currently your app is in Development Mode which also means that people outside of your business can not use it. Once your verification is completed, click on the Go live tab and publish your app by clicking on the Go live button at the bottom right corner. Before you press it, it is recommended to check the steps listed on the “Go live” page, if you configured everything properly.
  • facebook social login enable advance permission

2. Steps to configure facebook app in firebase:

  • Go to your firebase project, select Authentication from the left panel and then Sign-in method. Please refer to the image below.
  • Wordpress Firebase Facebook login - goto sign in method
  • Select Facebook option from the list of available sign-in options.
  • Wordpress Firebase Facebook login - select facebook app
  • Enable the Facebook method to configure it for sign-in as shown below.
  • Wordpress Firebase Facebook login - enable facebook method
  • Enter the App ID and App secret you got from Facebook in the previous step and click on Save.
  • NOTE: Here you will get the OAuth Redirect URI which you needed to configure in the facebook app in the previous step.
  • Wordpress Firebase Facebook login - enter app credentials

3. Complete the setup of Firebase Authentication plugin:

  • Go to the Firebase Authentication plugin on your wordpress dashboard in which you have configured this firebase project.
  • Wordpress Firebase Facebook login - goto plugin
  • In the Advanced settings tab, select Facebook from the list of available Firebase Authentication Method. Also enable the option to Show login button on WP login page and click on Save Settings.
  • Wordpress Firebase Facebook login - select facebook
  • Now your wp-login page will display a button to Login with Facebook.
  • Wordpress Firebase Facebook login - login to facebook
  • Clicking on the button will enable the users to login to your wordpress site with their Facebook credentials.
  • Wordpress Firebase Facebook login - login with fb credentials

Mail us on [email protected] for quick guidance(via email/meeting) on your requirement and our team will help you to select the best suitable solution/plan as per your requirement.

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