Changelog for Simple Statistics for Feeds > __Tip:__ Use a free markdown tool like to convert the changelog to a more readable format. > __Tip:__ Check announcement posts for details about pro updates and related news: **20250322** * Removes `sfs_i18n_init()` function * Bumps minimum required WP version * Updates plugin settings page * Generates new language template * Tests on WordPress 6.8 **20241014** * Tests on WordPress 6.7 **20240625** * Tests on WordPress 6.6 **20240306** * Updates plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Improves plugin docs/readme.txt * Tests on WordPress 6.5 **20231026** * Tests on WordPress 6.4 **20230714** * Improves support panel logic * Improves display of settings page * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.3 **20230311** * Adds fallback for `current_datetime()` * Tests on WordPress 6.2 **20230303** * Tweaks plugin settings UI * Improves responsive styles * Improves handling of dates/times * Improves logic when calling `get_current_screen()` * Moves WP Resources panel to its own function * Removes SES Pro from WP Resources panel * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 + 6.2 (beta) * Tests on PHP 8.1 and 8.2 **20221001** * Adds custom footer text to plugin settings * Improves plugin documentation * Updates "Show Support" panel * Updates translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 **20220517** * Tests on WordPress 6.0 **20220117** * Updates support panel * Changes plugin name to "Simple Statistics for Feeds" * Improves performance of plugin settings * Updates some links to external resources * Generates new default translation template * Changes minimum required WP version to 4.6 * Tests on WordPress 5.9 **20210717** * Tests on WordPress 5.8 **20210210** * Refines plugin documentation/readme.txt * Tests on WordPress 5.7 **20201114** * Adds number formatting to feed counts * Updates/improves readme.txt * Tests on PHP 7.4 and 8.0 * Tests on WordPress 5.6 **20200808** * Updates default translation template * Refines plugin setting page styles * Refines dashboard widget styles * Refines readme/documentation * Tests on WordPress 5.5 **20200317** * Tests on WordPress 5.4 **20191106** * Updates styles for plugin settings page * Tests on WordPress 5.3 **20190902** * Improves logic of SFS Tracker * Updates some links to https * Updates some 404 links * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.3 (alpha) **20190501** * Bumps [minimum PHP version]( to 5.6.20 * Tweaks plugin settings screen content * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.2 **20190310** * Adds check for admin user for settings shortcut link * Tweaks plugin settings screen UI * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.1 and 5.2 (alpha) **20190220** * Tests on WordPress 5.1 **20181116** * Adds homepage link to Plugins screen * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.0 **20180820** * Bugfix: "ignore bots" feature not working in all cases * Replaces `sanitize_text_field` and `wp_kses_post` with `wp_strip_all_tags` for custom CSS * Adds `rel="noopener noreferrer"` to all [blank-target links]( * Replaces `add_querystring_var` with `add_query_arg` * Replaces dropdown page menu for input field * Updates GDPR blurb and donate link * Regenerates default translation template * Further tests on WP versions 4.9 and 5.0 (alpha) **20180508** * Adds option to disable collection of visitor IP address * Adds `rel="noopener noreferrer"` to blank targets where needed * Improves escaping of `insert()` data * Generates new translation template * Updates Show Support panel * Updates plugin image files * Tests on WordPress 5.0 **20171103** * Removes extra `manage_options` check for settings validation * Tests on WordPress 4.9 **20171024** * Improves all tracking methods * Restructures entire plugin code * Adds new PHP class `SFS_Uninstall` * Improves logic of numerous functions * Removes unused function, `sfs_truncate` * Renames `sfs_cache_data` to `sfs_create_transients` * Revamps database-creation script, removes some legacy code * Fixes database bug on Multisite for network-wide activation * Adds `boolval` fallback function for older versions of PHP (<5.5) * Adds extra `manage_options` capability check to modify settings * Streamlines Support panel in plugin settings * Regenerates default translation template * Fixes bug causing Open Tracking to fail * Tests on WordPress 4.9 **20170801** * Updates GPL license blurb * Adds GPL license text file * Tests on WordPress 4.9 (alpha) **20170326** * Tweaked readme.txt :) **20170325** * Improves IP-detection script * Adds new simple count badge via shortcode and template tag * Refines display of settings panels * Updates show support panel in plugin settings * Improves default option functionality * Improves plugin alert functionality * Replaces global `$wp_version` with `get_bloginfo('version')` * Fixes some incorrect translation domains * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress version 4.8 **20161118** * Tweaked some styles on the settings page * Bug fix: apostrophes getting slashed in style setting * Updated plugin author URL * Changed stable tag from trunk to latest version * Refactored `add_sfs_links()` function * Updated URL for rate this plugin links * Added `»` to home link on plugins page * Removed styles for abbr on settings page * Tested on WordPress version 4.7 (beta) **20160815** * Streamlined and optimized the plugin settings page * Improved logic of sfs_cache_data() function * Replaced `_e()` with `esc_html_e()` or `esc_attr_e()` * Replaced `__()` with `esc_html__()` or `esc_attr__()` * Added more user agents to the list of ignored bots * Improved logic of sfs_count_badge() function * Added plugin icons and larger banner image * Changed text-domain from "sfs" to "simple-feed-stats" * Removed local translations in favor of [GlotPress]( * Improved translation support * Generated new translation template * Tested on WordPress 4.6 **20160409** * Modified CSS to make more specific in Dashboard Widget * Now using wp-load.php to call WP in tracker.php * Renamed "Your Info / More Info" to "Your Feed Information" * Changed "Number of results" setting input to number type * Swapped "Your Feed Information" with "Shortcodes" section * Improved "Shortcodes & Template Tags" information * Added sfs_cron_three_minutes() for internal use * Defined default tracking value in tracker.php * Placed relative path as parameter into plugins_url() funtions * Replaced one instance of admin_url() with get_admin_url() * Streamlined badge functions * Streamlined badge default styles * Added box-sizing property to badge styles * Replaced icon with retina version * Added screenshot to readme/docs * Added retina version of banner * Reorganized and refreshed readme.txt * General code cleanup and organization * Updated sfs.pot translation template * Tested on WordPress version 4.5 beta **20151111** * Admin notices now are dismissible * Added sfs_clear_cache() function * Added sfs_reset_stats() function * Improved functionality of clear cache feature * Improved functionality of reset stats feature * Refined functionality of plugin settings page * Updated some text in the plugin settings popup tips * Refined the Subscriber Count panels in the plugin settings * Removed unnecessary global variables from sfs_create_table() * Added setting to enable shortcodes in widgets * Change default stat value from "n/a" to "0" * Added tip to total subscriber count panel * Updated heading hierarchy in plugin settings * Updated minimum version requirement * Updated translation template file * Tested on WordPress 4.4 beta **20150808** * Tested on WordPress 4.3 * Updated minimum version requirement **20150507** * Tested with WP 4.2 + 4.3 (alpha) * Changed a few "http" links to "https" * Update: fixed stats for https sites * Update: fixed multisite stats **20150317** * Tested with latest version of WP (4.1) * Increased minimum version to WP 3.8 * Added $sfs_wp_vers for version check * Streamline/fine-tune plugin code * Added Text Domain and Domain Path to file header * Added alert panel in plugin setttings * Replaced __FILE__ with page slug for settings URL * Added UTF-8 as default for get_option() in htmlspecialchars() * Plugin now removes scheduled cron event on uninstall * Now scheduling cron event only on plugin activation * Replaced default .mo/.po templates with .pot template **20140925** * Tested on latest version of WordPress (4.0) * Increased min-version requirement to WP 3.7 * Replaced 'UTF-8' with get_option('blog_charset') in sfs_clean() * Added option to ignore the most common bots (googlebot, bingbot, etc.) * Updated i18n mo/po templates **20140308** * Summary: revamped plugin to make better use of the WP API * Improved logic for sfs_create_table for better performance * Bugfix: removed mysql_real_escape_string from sfs_clean * Added is_feed to simple_feed_stats, now hooks at wp * Improved localization support, added mo/po templates * Rewrote all database calls to use the WP API * sfs_require_wp_version only runs on plugin activation * sfs_feed_tracking improved logic, refined code * Rewrote tracker.php with cleaner code, improved security * Replaced default/PHP time/date with WP defaults * Completely revamped plugin settings page for latest WP * Added some missing transients to uninstall.php * Improved default, custom, alt, and open tracking methods * Updated feed-tracking XML for Alt Tracking method * Replaced word "Custom" for "Open" when displaying stats * Removed Firefox-specific conditional tracking * Dropped support for WP-deprecated comments RDF feed * Dropped support for WP-deprecated RSS1 (RSS) feeds * Updated Dashboard widget styles * General code check and clean * Extensive testing on default WP install **20140123** * Tested plugin with latest version of WordPress (3.8) * Added trailing slash to load_plugin_textdomain() * Fixed 3 incorrect _e() tags in core file **20131106** * Added uninstall.php file * Added "rate this plugin" links * Improved "Overview" panel * Added line to prevent direct loading of the script * Add i18n support * Improved database setup: `TIMESTAMP(8)` to `TIMESTAMP` * Removed closing `?>` from simple-feed-stats.php * Added "strict reporting" option * Made some improvements to the settings page * Replace `$options` with `$sfs_options` * Added custom key/value parameter for "custom" or "alt" tracking methods * Fixed filtering of "Feed Statistics" * Fixed some PHP notices * Cleaned up `simple_feed_stats` function * Cleaned up `tracker.php` file * Deprecated `$feed_rss` default tracking * Improved sanitization of POST vars * General code cleanup and maintenance * Tested plugin with latest version of WordPress (3.7) **20130715** * Improved localization support * Resolved numerous PHP Warnings * Replaced deprecated WP functions * Added additional info to readme.txt * Removed filter_cron_schedules() * Added cleanup of scheduled chron jobs upon deactivation * Tightened security of tracker file * Added default timezone (UTC) * Overview and Updates admin panels toggled open by default * General code check n clean **20130104** * Implemented WP Cron to improve caching * Updated database queries according to new protocols * Added margins to submit buttons (now required as WP 3.5) * Added sfs_display_total_count() template tag for "all-time" stats * Renamed external file used for current info and news * Added shortcode to display daily RSS2 stats: [sfs_rss2_count] * Added shortcode to display daily Comment stats: [sfs_comments_count] * Renamed "truncate" function to "sfs_truncate" * Disabled tracking for RSS feeds, which auto-redirect to RSS2 * Fixed bug causing occasional display of "0" for feed count **20121031** * Added MultiSite compatibility **20121029** * Renamed the wp-version check function to prefix with "sfs_" * Added easyTooltip jQuery plugin * Fixed toggle panels **20121027** * Fixed some PHP warnings and notices for undefined index and variables **20121025** * Added option to filter by referrer **20121010** * Initial plugin release