Papers by Tomasz Wojciechowski

Global climate change is a significant challenge that will significantly lower crop yield and sta... more Global climate change is a significant challenge that will significantly lower crop yield and staple grain quality. The present investigation was conducted to assess the effects of the foliar application of either Si (1.5 mM) or Si nanoparticles (1.66 mM) on the yield and grain quality attributes of two wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.), cv. Shandweel 1 and cv. Gemmeiza 9, planted at normal sowing date and late sowing date (heat stress). Si and Si nanoparticles markedly mitigated the observed decline in yield and reduced the heat stress intensity index value at late sowing dates, and improved yield quality via the decreased level of protein, particularly glutenin, as well as the lowered activity of α-amylase in wheat grains, which is considered a step in improving grain quality. Moreover, Si and nanoSi significantly increased the oil absorption capacity (OAC) of the flour of stressed wheat grains. In addition, both silicon and nanosilicon provoked an increase in cellulose, pect...

Progressive climate changes are the most important challenges for modern agriculture. Permanent g... more Progressive climate changes are the most important challenges for modern agriculture. Permanent grassland represents around 70% of all agricultural land. In comparison with other agroecosystems, grasslands are more sensitive to climate change. The aim of this study was to create deterministic models based on artificial neural networks to identify highly significant factors influencing the yield and digestibility of grassland sward in the climatic conditions of central Poland. The models were based on data from a grassland experiment conducted between 2014 and 2016. Phytophenological data (harvest date and botanical composition of sward) and meteorological data (average temperatures, total rainfall, and total effective temperatures) were used as independent variables, whereas qualitative and quantitative parameters of the feed made from the grassland sward (dry matter digestibility, dry matter yield, and protein yield) were used as dependent variables. Nine deterministic models were ...

Agronomy, 2022
Agriculture is essential to ensuring food security and prosperity around the world. The importanc... more Agriculture is essential to ensuring food security and prosperity around the world. The importance of cultivating agricultural plant species cannot be overestimated. One of the key challenges faced by modern food producers is to increase efficiency while ensuring sustainability and improving resilience to unfavorable environmental conditions brought about by ongoing climate change. To meet these challenges, it is vital to continue breeding work and to select plant varieties best adapted to local farming conditions. Undoubtedly, future yield increases will only be achievable by way of genetic improvement. In turn, crop-variety recommendations should rely on the results of properly designed post-registration variety testing (PRVT, in polish PDO), followed up by specific variety recommendations for growers. In this article, we attempt to fill a gap in the international literature regarding post-registration variety testing. We present PRVT as a unique scheme that is key to selecting ag...

The paper presents the application of a high precision positioning system ASG-EUPOS and its servi... more The paper presents the application of a high precision positioning system ASG-EUPOS and its service NAWGEO for agricultural machines positioning. A measurement set was mounted on a cereal combine harvester and consisted of a GNSS antenna and receiver with a GSM modem for RTK corrections transfer. The positioning system was validated in a field during the 2011 harvest period in selected farms in southern and western Wielkopolska region in Poland. The total area of the field under study was 75 hectares. The quality of determining the machine's position was monitored. It was understood as standard deviation values for longitude, latitude and altitude above the mean sea level. The hypothesis about the importance of impact of the adopted criteria on the level of changes in the recorded deviation errors was tested. Field tests show usefulness of the ASG-EUPOS network and its VRS NAWGEO service for precise positioning of agricultural machinery in dynamic conditions. The obtained data can be used to create numerical models of fields on-line, for example, in selective cereals harvesting technology, but they require filtration to remove the points affected by positioning error exceeding the acceptable value.

Horticulturae, 2021
Garlic is an important vegetable in terms of its economic value and also as a medicinal plant. In... more Garlic is an important vegetable in terms of its economic value and also as a medicinal plant. In this study, chitosan (300 mM) and yeast extract (8 g/L) were used individually or in combination to improve the yields of garlic plants under drought conditions (i.e., 75% and 50% of the water they would normally receive from irrigation) for two seasons. Significant decreases in numbers of leaves per plant and plant height, plant dry weight, relative water content, and chlorophyll a and b concentrations were found in stressed garlic plants in both seasons. The greatest reductions in these characters were recorded in plants that received only 50% of the normal irrigation in both seasons. Levels of hydrogen peroxide, products of lipid peroxidation such as malondialdehyde, and superoxide, as well as percentages of electrolyte leakage, were elevated considerably and were signals of oxidative damage. The application of the yeast extract (8 g/L) or chitosan (300 mM) individually or in combina...

Agriculture, 2021
Enhancing digital and precision agriculture is currently inevitable to overcome the economic and ... more Enhancing digital and precision agriculture is currently inevitable to overcome the economic and environmental challenges of the agriculture in the 21st century. The purpose of this study was to generate and compare management zones (MZ) based on the Sentinel-2 satellite data for variable rate application of mineral nitrogen in wheat production, calculated using different remote sensing (RS)-based models under varied soil, yield and crop data availability. Three models were applied, including (1) a modified “RS- and threshold-based clustering”, (2) a “hybrid-based, unsupervised clustering”, in which data from different sources were combined for MZ delineation, and (3) a “RS-based, unsupervised clustering”. Various data processing methods including machine learning were used in the model development. Statistical tests such as the Paired Sample T-test, Kruskal–Wallis H-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were applied to evaluate the final delineated MZ maps. Additionally, a procedure f...

2016 International Conference on Optoelectronics and Image Processing (ICOIP), 2016
The development of non-destructive methods like VIS-NIR reflection spectroscopy and artificial ne... more The development of non-destructive methods like VIS-NIR reflection spectroscopy and artificial neural networks to analyse the rape seeds content of fat and protein was the subject of this work. The research material contained the seeds of 46 winter rapeseed lines obtained from interspecies crossing male sterile lines of MS-8 and 6 control forms. The seeds were pre-cleaned and crude fat and crude protein content were determined using a laboratory spectrometer NIRS 6500 (FOSS) with factory calibration. Acquisition of VIS-NIR spectra were carried out on five gram seeds samples. Spectra in the range of 400-2200 nm with 10 nm and 16 nm resolution respectively, and interpolated to 2 nm resolution were obtained using Agrospec spectrometer (Tec5, Germany) equipped with the RP-7 fiber optic measuring head. Obtained spectra, after pretreatment, were analysed by artificial neural networks in the Statistica software. 901 independent features network input were presented in total. At the output of the network one independent features were presented indicating the level of seeds crude fat and crude protein as LOW (up to 42% of crude fat and 19% crude protein level), and HIGH (above 42% of crude fat and above 19% crude protein level). Two neural networks were prepared with RBF topology and structure of 901: 901-4-1: 1 (for crude fat) and 901: 901-22-1: 1 (for crude protein). Data set separation was done based on the structure of 139 training set cases and 60 cases in the validation and testing set. In total 259 cases were analyzed. Analysis of classification accuracy for fat reached 76.19% level of correct classification for HIGH and 68.90% for LOW. Analysis of classification accuracy for crude protein was at 74.72% of correct classification level for HIGH and 69.04% correct for LOW. The proposed method of rapeseed seeds classification is appropriate for this type of issues. The further development of this method must consider the automatic analysis during samples scanning process.

Foods, 2021
Coatings that reduce the fat content of fried food are an alternate option to reach both health c... more Coatings that reduce the fat content of fried food are an alternate option to reach both health concerns and consumer demand. Mucilage of garden cress (Lepidium sativum) seed extract (MSE) was modified into an edible coating with or without ascorbic acid (AA) to coat fresh-cut potato strips during cold storage (5 °C and 95% RH for 12 days) and subsequent frying. Physical attributes such as color, weight loss, and texture of potato strips coated with MSE solutions with or without AA showed that coatings efficiently delayed browning, reduced weight loss, and maintained the texture during cold storage. Moreover, MSE with AA provided the most favorable results in terms of reduction in oil uptake. In addition, the total microbial count was lower for MSE-coated samples when compared to the control during the cold storage. MSE coating also performed well on sensory attributes, showing no off flavors or color changes. As a result, the edible coating of garden cress mucilage could be a promi...

Winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the most important oil crop in Europe. Optimizing the ... more Winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the most important oil crop in Europe. Optimizing the profile and quantity of fatty acids in rapeseed is critical for maximizing the value of edible oil. Although the utilization of crop heterosis for hybrid breeding in rapeseed is limited by the relatively narrow genetic basis of adapted germplasm, an up-to-date significant effort has been made to broaden the rapeseed gene pool using different strategies. The present study was aimed to estimate heterosis for oil quality of the newly developed Brassica interspecific hybrids, using selected parental lines. For this purpose, five parental genotypes and twenty-two interspecific cross-derived Brassica lines were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the Greater Poland region during 2009, 2010 and 2011. Generally, the variation among genotypes was evident for most of the tested fatty acids mean values, but the differences between genotypes were not always sta...

Winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the most important oil crop in Europe. Optimizing the ... more Winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the most important oil crop in Europe. Optimizing the profile and quantity of fatty acids in rapeseed is critical for maximizing the value of edible oil. Although the utilization of crop heterosis for hybrid breeding in rapeseed is limited by the relatively narrow genetic basis of adapted germplasm, an up-to-date significant effort has been made to broaden the rapeseed gene pool using different strategies. The present study was aimed to estimate heterosis for oil quality of the newly developed Brassica interspecific hybrids, using selected parental lines. For this purpose, five parental genotypes and twenty-two interspecific cross-derived Brassica lines were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the Greater Poland region during 2009, 2010 and 2011. Generally, the variation among genotypes was evident for most of the tested fatty acids mean values, but the differences between genotypes were not always sta...

Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 2013
The aim of the study was to attempt to build and validate the neural model controlling the qualit... more The aim of the study was to attempt to build and validate the neural model controlling the qualitative selection of the stream of grain mass as early as the stage of combine harvesting of winter wheat. The model uses the highest possible number of data describing locally changeable environmental conditions such as: protein content, moisture and yield of wheat grain, soil abundance in basic nutrients (total Kjeldahl nitrogen, exchangeable phosphorus and potassium, magnesium) and additionally -the pH coefficient, content of organic matter in soil and the relative altitude. The construction of the neural model was preceded with a multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis (α = 0.05) indicated statistical significance of all of the traits under analysis, which influence grain quality and are defined as the content of protein. The MLP neural network (9-30-1) consisted of one hidden layer containing 30 neurons, one output and nine inputs. The network learning was done with the BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) algorithm in a single phase during 827 epochs with the SOS error function. The study was a part of the development project No. R12 0073 06 entitled "Development and validation of the technology for separation grain stream during cereals selective harvesting", financed by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development. WYKORZYSTANIE SZTUCZNYCH SIECI NEURONOWYCH DO PROGNOZOWANIA ZMIENNOŚCI PRZESTRZENNEJ JAKOŚCI ZIARNA PODCZAS ZBIORU KOMBAJNOWEGO PSZENICY Streszczenie Celem pracy było podjęcie próby budowy i walidacji modelu neuronowego sterującego selekcją jakościową strumienia masy ziarna już na etapie kombajnowego zbioru pszenicy ozimej. Model wykorzystuje jak najwięcej danych opisujących lokalnie zmienne warunki środowiskowe takie jak: zawartości białka, wilgotność i wielkość plonu ziarna pszenicy, zasobność gleby w podstawowe składniki pokarmowe (azot ogólny, fosfor i potas wymienny, magnez) oraz dodatkowo współczynnik pH, zawartość materii organicznej w glebie oraz wysokość względną NPM. Budowę modelu neuronowego poprzedzono analizą regresji wielorakiej. Wyniki tej analizy na poziomie α = 0,05 wskazały istotność statystyczną wszystkich badanych cech wpływających na jakość ziarna zdefiniowaną jako zawartość białka. Zbudowana sieć neuronowa typu MLP (9-30-1) składała się jednej warstwy ukrytej zawierającej 30 neuronów, jednego wyjścia i dziewięciu wejść. Uczenie sieci z wykorzystaniem algorytmu BFGS wykonano jednofazowo w trakcie 827 epok z funkcją błędu SOS. Pracę zrealizowano w ramach projektu rozwojowego nr R12 0073 06 pt: "Opracowanie i walidacja technologii rozdziału strumienia ziarna podczas selektywnego zbioru zbóż" finansowanego przez NCBIR. Słowa kluczowe: sztuczne sieci neuronowe, MLP, predykcja neuronowa, selektywny zbiór zbóż, spektroskopia VIS-NIR

The study presents the correlation between the quality of winter wheat grain, understood as the c... more The study presents the correlation between the quality of winter wheat grain, understood as the content of protein, and the parameters of harvested grain (moisture and yield) and locally variable environmental conditions (relative altitude, the content of total Kjeldahl nitrogen, exchangeable phosphorus and potassium, magnesium, the pH coefficient, the content of organic matter in soil). The results obtained on the basis of the data collected from 5 production fields of the total area of 112 ha give grounds for the conclusion that by application of multiple regression it is possible to construct a relatively pre-cise model for prediction of the content of protein in wheat grain even on the basis of the measurement of easily obtainable information about the relative altitude and yield. However, the effectiveness of the model will be limited to a small field ar-ea. The construction of universal model using information about locally variable environmental conditions is difficult due to...
Popularisation of precise agriculture systems is limited by complete lack or low availabil- ity o... more Popularisation of precise agriculture systems is limited by complete lack or low availabil- ity of efficient, dynamic methods for soil environment monitoring. Using a reflection method for soil humidity measurement may play a role here. In the scope of carried out works, the researchers devel- oped a methodology for dynamic soil humidity measurement using the reflection method, formulated guidelines and designed a meter with commercial reflection sensor. Spectrophotometric tests in NIR range were carried out, allowing to determine wavelengths most strongly correlated with humidity of soils, and to compare them to an operating wavelength of sensor in an optoelectronic meter.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mycorrhization and hydrogel soil condition- ... more The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mycorrhization and hydrogel soil condition- ing on conditions of growth of elder urban street trees, by determining their effects on soil available water and tree health status during the growing season. The experiment which was set up in the urban area in Poznan, where in 2006 mycorrhizal Aesculus Mikoflor (Mykoflor) and hydrogel Agro- aquagel-P (Artagro) were applied. The observation of leaf damage and soil tension measurement at a depth 0.3 and 0.6 m were conducted in 2007–2010. The results of performed studies revealed a positive impact of additives on soil water availability. The effect varied at different depths and depended on weather conditions. The influence of soil additives on the degree of drought leaf damage was confirmed. No effect of soil additives on leaf damage by horse chestnut leaf miner were found.
Papers by Tomasz Wojciechowski