11:51am 01/02/2005 |
oh my god, your entrys sound awesome..........I odnt knwo if you guys check this anymore but you seem like perfect cndidates for the_chaos_post. check us out. otherwise, is this comminuty still up and running? |
Sloth |
08:51pm 02/02/2004 |
I have a plan people:
This is Called OPERATION: DELIVERY we need to go around slowly and steal all the car roof top signs that the use at dominos and pizza hut, this will be dangerous and quite hard but after some lengthy scouting i think i know what to do. we already have Papa Johns. we have two cars currently which includes me and Mung Whos in? |
04:43am 02/01/2004 |
This is leader gecko. As most of you know i have recently acquired a camera. We must push onward in the production of our video. Simi Valley has gone far too long without some chaos. Or at least a disturbance. yes i could settle for a disturbance.
We must pull together and unite our members. we are falling apart. I fear for our future.
Please don't abandon the platypus.
Gecko |
01:20am 13/12/2003 |
Sorry about missing a friday gang. I was REALLY tired lol. -Gecko |
04:05am 27/11/2003 |
Is the platypus gangs going to do anything for thanksgiving? We had plans but no one seems to remember/care? Where they illusions of grandeur? Just wanna get an opinion and see if anyone is still even interested. -Leader Gecko |
02:08pm 24/11/2003 |
This is leader gecko reporting in.
Status Report
This friday if funds can be gathered i motion we begin building of lasairs cannon. If funds cannot be gathered then we shall continue using mine. Suggestions are appreciated. Anyones voice who is not heard shall not recieve a cookie. That is all. -Gecko |
new idea |
06:17pm 23/11/2003 |
mood:  depressed
Hey guys i have been depressed as you all know. But not all is bad During one of my fits of not sleeping i finalized the design for the next cannon up to perfection but the price will be up to about 50 but it will be worth it my estimated fps on barrel exit is 700 plus with an addition of 10 to 15 i could make it breach load so yea i have to most beautiful design its also mapp gas powered so yea much more powerfull. still stuck on ignition system though post if you have an idea |
04:43pm 16/11/2003 |
We have some new members. Fortune has shined upon us for we are gifted with several valuable assets and contributors. Our Updated roster should be posted within the week. For now rejoice in the fact that we are swiftly growing larger. Once we hit critical mass all of simi shall have fear stricken into their hearts. Your Leader, Gecko |
01:51pm 15/11/2003 |
ive wondered something for a long time... why is it that people who have no religious attachments (or even say it themselves they arent christian or catholic or any religion) always have to have add the word jesus or jehova or such religious names to things or they have to have something to do with angels or make refrences to angels or somethign angelic when you denouce the religion in a whole only ten minutes before... if your not going to accept the whoel religion then dont include parts of it in your conversation unless its about religion (and if you choose to bring up religion with me i will shove my foot up your ass) i really got angry today with one of my moms co workers god i hate her she thinks after a life of fucking up, screwing anything with a dick and fucking up her children she thinks that she can become a born again christian and all theyr sins are forgiven... NO it dosnt work that way you cant just put your religion in your top pocket when your gonna sin then pull it out later thinking automatically your forgiven for you sins.
i dont blieve a little black box with a pedophile father can forgive you personally form gods desk. and i also dont believe you need church to talk to god..... always a middle man in european religion. |
01:23am 15/11/2003 |
Tonight Platypus Ops was very fortunate enough to intiate 2 new members Meet the new Platypi:
Powers New Camera Man to Replace Sloth and making another member of the Neo Platypi STATS Misssions: 1 Job: Camera Man
Agent J Seeing that a proper name has not yet been assigned or chosen for this member he has been stuck with a generic name. another one of the Neo Platypi who is also a Scapper STATS missions: 1 Job: Scapper
Tonights mission other than GS27 was to test fire it at Panchos Landing and then around random locations in simi which then was accompanied by P90 which we started out with Sloth and Gecko were we decided that we would construct the new cannon which then became the new Gun.. we then later picked up Arson Angel and went to the local Home Depot also Past employer of sloth. we then constructed the cannon at Sloths Garage. we then drove around scouting areas to test fire.... were we landed ourselves shooting many things and wound up back at school to show Powers the new cannon and we then acquired another member who hasnt been named yet either but soon will join among the ranks. we then drove around shot and repeated such until we landed at Dennys to shoot Scott with the P90 which he took like a man unlike we would have wanted. we then went to pick up the other new members from the Show. were we played many a game of car hide n seek which we shot shit here and their with the cannon and the P90 gunning down one cop accidentaly witht he P90 but we only hit his car and with plastic BBs and seeing that he was going the opposite direction from us i didnt think he would have minded... we then made the discovery of the boxes behind the soon to be Reeds we played around till a car spooked us and the fact that a shift of security was schedualed we soon bolted... Blockbuster is where the initiation for Powers and Agent J took place. J in the Trash Can Sealed in and Powers Taking pictures of such we then took the jump behind target and mervyns 4 times with jeff in the trash can and Random Nameless platypi with him we they caught a total of 5 feet of air druing the jumps at 50 MPH at a very steep upward incline. they both survived with minor injuries. we then concluded the night with a drive home for all.

UnTiL ThE NeXt TiMe We MeEt |
The Lengendary ABS has a Successor |
12:20am 15/11/2003 |
Are you ready?
GS27 is here Galvanized Steel ABS135 Classic Ignition system 2' 5" length for small arms 1" barrel perfect for launching Bouncy Balls 3" Expansion Chamber
The Children Of ABS live on in the next generation of urban warfare/recreation We Are Platypus Ops We Are Ready Are You? |
07:24am 13/11/2003 |

What you guys think of that? |
11:34pm 12/11/2003 |
mood:  mischievous
%54%68%69%73%20%69%73%20%50%6f%77%65%72%73%2c%20%77%68%6f%20%68%61%73%20%6e%6f%20%6e%69%63%6b%6e%61%6d%65%20%66%6f%72%20%50%6c%61%74%79%70%75%73%4f%70%73%2e%20%57%68%6f%20%77%61%6e%74%73%20%74%6f%20%68%61%76%65%20%66%75%6e%20%77%69%74%68%20%61%6e%20%65%67%6f%2d%6d%61%6e%69%61%63%20%64%72%61%6d%61%20%66%72%65%61%6b%3f%3f%3f%20%53%69%64%20%6b%6e%6f%77%73%20%77%68%61%74%20%49%27%6d%20%74%61%6c%6b%69%6e%67%20%61%62%6f%75%74%2e%20%53%69%64%20%61%63%74%65%64%20%61%20%6c%69%74%74%6c%65%20%65%61%72%6c%79%20%61%6e%64%20%64%65%63%69%64%65%64%20%74%6f%20%70%69%73%73%20%6f%6e%20%68%69%73%20%63%61%72%2e%20%54%68%69%73%20%69%73%20%44%61%6e%20%49%27%6d%20%74%61%6c%6b%69%6e%67%20%61%62%6f%75%74%2e%20%48%65%20%70%6c%61%79%65%64%20%74%68%65%20%70%61%72%74%20%6f%66%20%52%6f%62%69%6e%20%48%6f%6f%64%2e%20%59%65%61%68%2c%20%74%68%61%74%27%73%20%68%69%6d%2e%20%53%6f%20%6d%61%6e%79%20%69%64%65%61%73%2e%2e%2e%20%4a%75%73%74%20%6b%6e%6f%77%69%6e%67%20%77%68%61%74%20%63%61%72%20%69%74%20%69%73%2e%2e%2e%20%73%6f%20%74%65%6d%70%74%69%6e%67%2e%2e%2e%20%54%68%65%20%6f%74%68%65%72%20%70%65%6f%70%6c%65%20%69%6e%76%6f%6c%76%65%64%20%69%6e%20%64%72%61%6d%61%20%73%68%61%72%65%20%74%68%65%20%73%61%6d%65%20%66%65%65%6c%69%6e%67%73%20%77%65%20%64%6f%2e%20%45%69%74%68%65%72%20%6f%70%65%6e%69%6e%67%20%6f%72%20%63%6c%6f%73%69%6e%67%20%6e%69%67%68%74%2e%20%59%65%61%68%2c%20%74%68%61%74%27%73%20%69%74%2e%20 |
its encoded in hex btw. |
12:07am 12/11/2003 |
%57%65%6C%6C%20%6E%6F%77%2E%20%20%49%20%74%68%69%6E%6B%20%74%68%61%74%20%69%66%20%61%6E%79%6F%6E%65%20%62%6F%74%68%65%72%73%20%74%6F%20%64%65%63%6F%64%65%20%74%68%69%73%20%74%68%65%79%20%64%65%73%65%72%76%65%20%61%20%63%6F%6F%6B%69%65%2E%20%20%74%68%69%73%20%69%73%20%79%6F%75%72%20%6C%65%61%64%65%72%20%67%65%63%6B%6F%20%72%65%70%6F%72%74%69%6E%67%20%69%6E%2E%20%20%57%68%61%74%20%61%72%65%20%6F%75%72%20%70%6C%61%6E%73%20%66%6F%72%20%66%72%69%64%61%79%3F%20%20%49%20%73%61%79%20%74%68%61%74%20%77%65%20%74%61%6B%65%20%61%20%62%72%65%61%6B%20%66%72%6F%6D%20%6D%61%79%68%65%6D%20%61%6E%64%20%62%65%67%69%6E%20%63%6F%6E%73%74%72%75%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%6F%6E%20%74%68%65%20%6E%65%77%20%63%61%6E%6E%6F%6E%2E%D0%A0%2D%67%65%63%6B%6F%00 |
Cannon Testing Complete |
12:03am 03/11/2003 |
operation platypus took one step forward in the destruction of simi ABS135  which was the first prototype of the platypi potato cannons had reached its life span end, when earlier today around 4 we took it out for more test rounds at little vietnam. we worked tirelessly to make a nice remote detonator but to our avail we went back to the first prototype design with barbecue ignitors and standard Aussie brand hairspray which we tested with 4 other chemicals to find the least flammable but most combustible. we proceded into lil V. to our astonishment the fire had ravaged the landscape leaving it looking like something out of WWII see below

 we went as far in as the first battle ground with the lawnmower were we procedded to use tinfoil balls "all compressed of course" as ammunition and then we started with Paintball buckshot while viewing flaws and problems that might occur with the new upgrades.. which we will base the next production model after. all the test rounds and blank rounds were quite succesful with little problem or error if any it was structure error of the designer "me" which i am using to construct my next prototype ABSBL135 which i will work with a breach loading system for better and more accurate fire with a rifled barrel. after little more than an hour treking...
 and testing the unit we were quite busy making more buckshot when sid and i noticed the 2 sqaud cars that had pulled foolishly into the sand... we dismantled all the incurring parts and ditched the prototype. we ran about 3 minutes from our original position where we ditched arson angels quite illegal knife and we thought about just turning ourselves in for the Albatross was just parked on the side of the road were the pigs would just wait with coffee and donuts... we were talking and conversing about the options and actions we should proceed with.. "while i went jungle stlye and began to sink into the foiliage" the sherrif soon caught arsons then geckos then finally my attention rather quickly with his colt carbine fully auto with laser sight and tech sling... which i observed the safty to be quite off... my pathetic heart soon came to give out mostly because of my heart problems and the memories or weapons pointed at me collectivly made my heart hurt like a motherfucker... he soon proceeded to call us out and our hands met our heads and we came out of the brush for frisking were the porks younger comrade with a benelli hunting house protector standard issue shotgun with hunting shell sling watched us.... the fear was mostly mutual during the frisking because of geckos machete and his wide collection of lighters... which the pig rearranged in his pockets afterwards... had our descriptions taken and our IDs recorded... they then made us march in a stupid fashion through tons of pungee sticks and soot to the location of ABS135 were they went on telling us that its private property and we were trespassing... the mobile home village called the police on a "shots fired" disturbance which meant the pigs were scared enough of us to take out the heavy artillery and trek almost a mile from their car locations to find us. they told us that we should not be doing such things and asked of what ammo we were using and we told them paintballs which is probably why we got let off the hook.... the older and more experianced pig then made the choice to have us destroy the weapon or be arrested.... we sacrificed ABS135 in order to save our asses and end its inevitable death... after we did so they let us go... and keep ABS's remains.... we will miss ABS135... i will edit this entry with updated pictures ASAP. we then went and celebrated our data increase and our freedom granted by the moorpark police officer and the ventura county sherrif. |
I have arrived |
09:07pm 02/11/2003 |
*comlink online* Connecting....... Hello fellow platypi your scrapper has arrived. Todays operations successfull starting designs for cannon ver 2.0 *disconnect* |
04:53pm 28/10/2003 |
011101110110010101101100011011000010000001100011011011110110110101110010011000010110010001100101011100110010110000001101000010100111011101101000011000010111010000100000011010010111001100100000011101000110100001100101001000000111000001101100011000010110111000100000011001100110111101110010001000000110100001100001011011000110110001101111011101110110010101100101011011100011111100001101000010100110000101101110011110010010000001110011011101010110011101100111011001010111001101110100011010010110111101101110011100110010000001100110011011110111001000100000011011010110000101111001011001010110110100111111000011010000101001110111011010000110111100100000011001010110110001110011011001010010000001101001011100110010000001101010011011110110100101101110011010010110111001100111001000000111010101110011001111110000110100001010011000010110111001100100001000000110100101100110001000000111011101100101001000000110000101110010011001010010000001110100011011110010000001100010011101010110100101101100011001000010000001100001001000000111010001100001011011100110101100100000011011110111010101110100001000000110111101100110001000000110110101111001001000000111010001110010011101010110001101101011001000000111011101100101001000000110111001100101011001010110010000100000011101000110111100100000011100110111010001100001011100100111010000100000011101000110111101101101011011010110111101110010011011110111011100100000011010010110011000100000011100000110111101110011011100110110100101100010011011000110010100101110001000000110100101110100011100110010000001100001001000000110001001101001011001110010000001101010011011110110001000100000011000010110111001100100001000000110100101101101001000000110111001101111011101000010000001100111011011110110100101101110011001110010000001110100011011110010000001100010011001010010000001110100011010000110010100100000011011110110111001100101001000000111011101101000011011110010000001100100011011110110010101110011001000000110000101101100011011000010000001110100011010000110010100100000011101110110111101110010011010110010000001100001011001110110000101101001011011100010111000001101000010100111011101100101011011000110110000100000011010010110110100100000011100110111010001101001011011000110110000100000011101110110000101101001011101000110100101101110011001110010000001100110011011110111001000100000011100110110111101101101011001010110111101101110011001010111001100100000011100100110010101110000011011000111100100100000011000010110111001100100001000000111011101101000011011110010000001110111011010010110110001101100001000000110001001100101001000000110101001101111011010010110111001101001011011100110011100100000011101010111001100100000011011110110111000100000011010000110000101101100011011000110111101110111011001010110010101101110001011000010000001100100011001010111000001100101011011100110010001101001011011100110011100100000011011110110111000100000011010010110011000100000011101110110010100100000011100000110110001100001011011100010000001110100011011110010000001100100011011110010000001110100011010000110100101101110011001110111001100100000011000010110111001100100001000000111011101101000011011110010000001101010011011110110100101101110011100110010000001101001011011100010000001101111011011100010000001110100011010000110010100100000011000010110001101110100011010010110111101101110001000000111011101101001011011000110110000100000011001000110010101110100011001010111001001101101011010010110111001100101001000000110100001101111011101110010000001101101011101010110001101101000001000000111011101100101001000000110111001100101011001010110010000100000011010010110111000100000011101000110010101110010011011010111001100100000011011110110011000100000011100110111010101110000011100000110110001101001011001010111001100101110000011010000101000001101000010100101001101101100011011110111010001101000 |
01001101011010010111001101110011011010010110111101101110 |
12:12pm 22/10/2003 |
mood:  enthralled
01001001001000000110000101101101001000000111010001101000011001010010000001101111011011100110010100100000011010110110111001101111011101110110111000100000011000010111001100100000011001110110010101100011011010110110111100101110001000000010000001010100011010000110100101110011001000000110100101110011001000000110000100100000011101000111001001100001011011100111001101101101011010010111001101110011011010010110111101101110001000000110100101101110011101000110010101101110011001000110010101100100001000000110011001101111011100100010000001110100011010000110010100100000011000110110111101110010011001010010000001101101011001010110110101100010011001010111001001110011001000000110111101100110001000000110111101110000011001010111001001100001011101000110100101101111011011100010000001110000011011000110000101110100011110010111000001110101011100110010111000100000001000000100000100100000011011010110100101110011011100110110100101101111011011100010000001110100011010000110100101110011001000000110011001110010011010010110010001100001011110010010000001110111011011110111010101101100011001000010000001100010011001010010000001100001001000000110011101101111011011110110010000100000011010010110010001100101011000010010111000100000001000000101011101100101001000000110110101110101011100110111010000100000011000110110111101101110011101000110100101101110011101010110010100100000011101000110111100100000011000010111011101100001011010110110010101101110001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110011011011000110010101100101011100000110010101110010011100110010111000100000001000000101011101100101001000000110110101110101011100110111010000100000011001010110111001101100011010010110011101101000011101000110010101101110001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110101011011100110010101101110011011000110100101100111011010000111010001100101011011100110010101100100001011100010000000100000010101110110010100100000011011010111010101110011011101000010000001110011011100000111001001100101011000010110010000100000011011110111010101110010001000000111000001100101011100100111001101101111011011100110000101101100001000000110001001110010011001010110010101100100001000000110111101100110001000000110100001100001011101100110111101101011001011100010000000100000010011110110111001110111011000010111001001100100001000000110110101111001001000000110001001110010011001010111010001101000011100100110010101101110001000000110011001101111011100100010000001100011011010000110000101101111011100110010000001101001011100110010000001100001011101000010000001101000011000010110111001100100001011100010000000100000010101000110100001100101001000000110110101101001011100110111001101101001011011110110111000100000011100110110100001100001011011000110110000100000011000100110010100100000011101000110111100100000011000110111001001100101011000010111010001100101001000000110000101110011001000000110001001101001011001110010000001100001001000000110011001101001011100100110010100100000011000010111001100100000011100000110111101110011011100110110100101100010011011000110010100100000011010010110111000100000011000010010000001110011011011010110000101101100011011000010000001110000011000010111001001101011001011100010000000100000010010010110011000100000011000010110111001111001011011110110111001100101001000000110010101101100011100110110010100100000011010000110000101110011001000000111001101101111011011010110010100100000011011110111010001101000011001010111001000100000011100110111010101100111011001110110010101110011011101000110100101101111011011100111001100100000011001100110111101110010001000000110110101101001011100110110001101101000011010010110010101100110001000000110001001100101011110010110111101101110011001000010000001110111011010000110000101110100001000000110100101110011001000000111001101110101011001110110011101100101011100110111010001100101011001000010000001110000011011000110010101100001011100110110010100100000011001000110010101110100011000010110100101101100001011100010000000100000010011110111010001101000011001010111001001110111011010010111001101100101001000000111011101100101001000000110110101110101011100110111010000100000011100110111010001100001011100100111010000100000011100110110010101100101011010110110100101101110011001110010000001101101011000010111010001100101011100100110100101100001011011000111001100101110001000000010000001011001011011110111010101110010001000000110110001100101011000010110010001100101011100100010110000100000001000000100011101100101011000110110101101101111 |
Sloth's Rant Corner |
12:55am 15/10/2003 |
And its time children for another one of.... Sloth's Rants
Well well well..... today was a great day with little to nothing to rant about besides the basic bullshit like kids in math class, math teacher, pesky police and snooping parents... but the Albatross was Fixed and is now back in commision, which means we can now continue with our plans to well..... do the things we do. this sunday i will hopefully be getting my leg tattoo if i some how come up with the money considering i might have to sell shit cus all my money went to fucking fixing the mobility. God Send Death
*.*Transmission Ended*.* |