
Ascend is a classic theme, built before the Gutenberg block editor was created. While some support has been added for the block editor it’s a WordPress legacy theme. Ascend is amazingly versatile, easily customizable and loaded with features you will love. You can use with any page builder, like Elementor. We built this multipurpose theme with several fresh and original layout options for your website’s header and menus, including a very stylish vertical menu and a stunning transparent header that changes as you scroll.
Niestandardowe tło, Kolory niestandardowe, Własne logo, Własne menu, Handel elektroniczny, Styl edytora, Obrazki wyróżniające, Widgety stopki, Układ siatki, Panel boczny po lewej, Jedna kolumna, Formaty wpisu, Panel boczny po prawej, Obsługa języka RTL, Opcje motywu, Wątki w komentarzach, Gotowe do tłumaczenia, Dwie kolumny
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