Wtyczka nie została przetestowana z trzema ostatnimi głównymi wydaniami WordPressa. Może nie być już utrzymywana lub obsługiwana, co może skutkować problemem ze zgodnością z nowszymi wersjami WordPressa.

RODO Formularz prośby


Wtyczka używa natywnych dla WordPressa metod do pomocy z RODO.

Since release 4.9.6, WordPress admin has some tools to handle Privacy User Requests. Administrators are able to create Data Request for every users in order to send or erase users data. This plugin allow website administrators to display Data Request Forms in front-end, for example in your Privacy Policy Page.

Easily integrate a Personal Data Request Form for your visitors/users in front-end, with some options:
– Personal Data Export
– Personal Data Erasure
– Both of them

It’s easy to integrate:

  • Widget
    The widget allows to integrate Data Request Form in your theme widget areas. It comes with three options: Form Title, Form Description Paragraph and Form Type.

  • Gutenberg Block (since 1.4!)
    The Gutenberg Block makes it even easier to integrate front-end forms in your website. The block allows you to choose the type of form you need.

  • Shortcode
    [gpdr-data-request] shortcode allows to integrate Data Request Form where you need. This shortcode has no parameter.

  • PHP Function
    echo gdrf_data_request_form( $args ) function allows to integrate Data Request Form where you need. This function has some parameters and filters (see FAQ section below). Don’t forget to echo the function.

GDPR Data Request Form is using AJAX to provide clean and user-friendly forms in front-end. You can integrate them in any page of your website (like your Privacy Policy Page) or in your sidebar/footer.

The email address of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be changed in the Privacy Settings screen (Settings > Privacy).

Przepływ danych:

  • The user/visitor use your Personal Data Request Form to ask for Personal Data Export or Erasure.
  • Żądanie jest tworzone w menu Narzędzia & gt; Eksportuj/Usuwaj dane personalne.
  • An email is sent to the user/visitor to confirm this request.
  • Żądanie użytkownika jest ustawione na Potwierdzone w menu Narzędzia & gt; Eksportuj/Usuwaj dane personalne.
  • An email is sent to the website administrator to validate the request.
  • The personal data are sent by email to the user/visitor (as a 3-day available download link), or erased, depending on the user request type.

Zrzuty ekranu

  • Front-end form feature.
  • Front-end form request succeed.
  • Specific Gutenberg Block available.
  • Gutenberg Block rendering in the editor.
  • Widget parameters.
  • Confirmation email sent to the user/visitor.
  • Data requests screen updated in WordPress Admin.
  • The user/visitor confirmed this Data Request.
  • Website owner can email user/visitor personal data.
  • The user/visitor received an email with a download link.
  • Personal Data Export as received by the user/visitor.


Wtyczka dodaje 1 blok.

  • Privacy Data Request Form


  1. Upload this plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through „Plugins” WordPress menu: That’s all, there is no settings!
  3. To display Data Request Form, use our shortcode [gpdr-data-request] in your posts/pages or use our Widget RODO Formularz prośby available on „Widgets” Screen.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Wymagania wstępne

Do korzystania z tej wtyczki potrzebny jest WordPress w conajmniej wersji 4.9.6.

Data Request Workflow

  • The user/visitor use your Personal Data Request Form to ask for Personal Data Export or Erasure.
  • A request is created in WordPress Tools > Export/Erase personal data.
  • An email is sent to the user to confirm this request.
  • The user request is set to Confirmed in WordPress Tools > Export/Erase personal data.
  • An email is sent to the website administrator to validate the request.
  • The personal data are sent by email to the user/visitor (as a 3-day available download link), or erased, depending on the user request type.

How to display Data Request Forms using the shortcode?

Use our shortcode [gdpr-data-request] in your posts or pages.

How to display Data Request Forms using the PHP function?

Use our function: echo gdrf_data_request_form() in your theme/child theme.
This function has some parameters:

’form_id’ (type String): ID of the


form> HTML element. Default: gdrf-form.
'label_select_request’ (type String): label of the Request Type selector.
'label_select_export’ (type String): label of the export option radio button.
'label_select_remove’ (type String): label of the remove option radio button.
'label_input_email’ (type String): label of the „email” required field.
'label_input_captcha’ (type String): label of the „captcha” required field.
'value_submit’ (type String): text of the submit form button.
'request_type’ (type String): either you want to display the Export Personal Data Form, the Remove Personal Data Form, or to let the users choose their request by themselves.

See the documentation for further examples/use case: GitHub Repository

Jak wyświetlić formularz prośby za pomocą widżetu?

Use our widget RODO Formularz prośby available on Widgets Screen.

How to display Data Request Forms using Gutenberg Block?

Use our Privacy Request Block Block available on any page/post using Gutenberg Block Editor.

Czy mogę używać niestandardowych stylów CSS w moich formularzach danych dotyczących RODO?

Pewnie! wtyczka używa CSS tylko dla komunikatów o błędach lub sukcesach. Będzie używała domyślnych stylów CSS. Każdy element HTML formularza wykorzystuje określone klasy CSS, dzięki czemu można go dostosować w razie potrzeby. Nie ma domyślnych stylów CSS z wyjątkiem komunikatów błędów oraz sukcesów.

How can I manage Users Personal Data Request in WordPress Admin?

Please read this Make/Core post announcing 4.9.6 GDPR features (English).
If you speak French, you can also read the post I wrote on Whodunit Agency’s Blog: WordPress 4.9.6 et la conformité RGPD (French)

Mój język nie jest obsługiwany lub obsługiwany tylko częściowo, co mogę zrobić?

This plugin is handled by the WordPress polyglot’s community.
The plugin author is not responsible for translations or mistakes in other languages than English (and also French since this is my native language).
You can contribute to translate GDPR Data Request Form in your native language here (and fix any mistakes/typos by yourself as well).

Jak mogę dodać coś do wtyczki?

This plugin is being developed on Github.
Any comment, issue or pull request are more than welcome 🙂
You can also open a support ticket to ask for enhancements/bugfixes.

Lovely contributors: @audrasjb (plugin author), @juliobox, @wolly, @presskopp, @abdullahramzan, @xkon.


I use it on all my GDPR pages so that visitors can query the database and have their respective data removed, if they wish, without me having to do anything. Brilliant and essential!
An essential extension for those who want to comply with the GDPR. Not having this functionality in the Core is nonsense.
Przeczytaj 14 recenzji

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„RODO Formularz prośby” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Wtyczka „RODO Formularz prośby” została przetłumaczona na 21 języków. Podziękuj tłumaczom za ich wkład.

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Rejestr zmian


  • Security: Fixes a security issue discovered by Ngô Thiên An and responsively escalated by the Patchstack team. Thanks!
  • CSS: Adds the wp-element-button class to the form button to allow it to be automatically styled bye WordPress global styles. Props @maxpertici from Whodunit team.
  • Typo correction in the readme. Props Marc Lacroix from the French WP Slack team.


  • Enable the DPO email settings feature.


  • WP 5.9 compatibility.


  • Fix a potential PHP error in the DPO email address override.


  • New feature: the Data Protection Officer (DPO) email address can now be changed in the privacy settings screen.


  • Various WordPress coding standards enhancements. Props @leprincenoir for the patch: https://github.com/audrasjb/gdpr-data-request-form/pull/25


  • Fix: Simplify form data serialization when submitting form with AJAX. Props @gonzomir for the patch: https://github.com/audrasjb/gdpr-data-request-form/pull/24


  • New feature: introduce the Privacy Data Request Gutenberg Block.
  • New feature: introduce privacy_data_request_form_defaults Filter to hook the default form parameters.
  • Enhancement: new option on the Widget. Now you can choose the type of form you want to display.
  • Coding standards improvements.


  • Introduce gdrf_data_request_form() function.
  • General code refactoring to prepare potential Core inclusion of the plugin.
  • Introduce [gdpr-data-request] shortcode. Obviously, the old shortcake is still supported for backward compatibility.


  • Zastąpioną stała captchę na losową dla poprawy bezpieczeństwa.
  • Dodano function_exists, aby sprawdzić, czy WP 4.9.6 jest używane przed wyświetleniem formularza.
  • Napraw niektóre tekstów i18n
    Podziękowania @juliobox, @presskopp i @abdullahramzan za informacje zwrotne, poprawki i implementacje.


  • Używa style i skrypty tylko w razie potrzeby (dzięki @juliobox i @jmlapam za opinie i kilka poprawek)
  • Usuwa domyślny kolor CSS do etykiety pola jednokrotnego wyboru (dzięki @wolly za informację)


  • Small fix on widget part (thanks @juliobox for his feedback)


  • First version of this plugin: includes shortcode and widget to handle GDPR Personal Data Requests Form in front-end.