Elementor kreator witryn – Więcej niż tylko kreator stron



Elementor, the leading WordPress website creation platform, empowers you to build professional, pixel-perfect websites seamlessly.

Odblokuj wszystkie funkcje za pomocą Elementora Pro.

Need fast and secure cloud hosting for your Elementor site? Try out Elementor Hosting Powered by Google Cloud & Cloudflare. 4.9/5 TrustPilot score.

🌟 Twórz profesjonalne, oszałamiające strony internetowe

  • Intuitive Drag & Drop Builder: Build any website with our no-code, drag-and-drop Editor. Achieve design precision with full control over layout and style.
  • Pixel-Perfect Design Tools: Upload SVGs, apply masks, gradients, box shadows, headline effects, shape dividers, and use built-in CSS controls for advanced customization.
  • Template Library: Apply complete website kits for instant setups, or choose from a vast library of single pages, blocks, and pop-up templates.
  • Advanced Widgets: Access over 40 FREE widgets, including heading, image, text editor, video, button, gallery, carousels, and more.
  • AI Capabilities: Revolutionize your design and content creation process with native AI integration. Instantly create sections, text, code, and images.

🗝️ Kluczowe funkcjonalności:

  • Design System: Use Elementor’s Design System for consistent colors, typography, and design elements, ensuring a cohesive, professional look.
  • Responsive Design: Optimize your design for every device with custom breakpoints, ensuring a seamless desktop, tablet, and mobile experience.
  • Mask Shapes: Turning any element, like an image or video, into whatever shape you desire to create standout designs.
  • CSS Transform: Use CSS Transform to rotate, scale, and skew elements, adding dynamic styling to your site.
  • Entrance Animations: Add entrance animations to elements to create engaging and interactive user experiences.
  • Revision History: Elementor’s Revision History feature enables users to track and revert to previous versions of their designs, providing peace of mind and flexibility during the creative process.
  • Developer-Friendly: Equipped with extensive documentation, API, developer tools, and custom code areas, Elementor offers a conducive environment for developers to extend its capabilities and create custom solutions.
  • Floating Buttons: Enhance user interaction with customizable, floating action buttons that stay in view as users scroll.
  • Theme Builder [Pro]: Design every part of your site—headers, footers, posts, and archives—for complete control over appearance.
  • Popup Builder [Pro]: Create eye-catching popups with Elementor’s Popup Builder, equipped with advanced targeting and triggering options to optimize user engagement and conversions.
  • Forms [Pro]: Design and integrate custom forms, utilizing advanced features and integrations to capture and manage submissions effectively.
  • WooCommerce Builder [Pro]: Integrate Elementor with WooCommerce to design custom product pages, shop layouts, archives, carts, checkout pages, my account, and more, enhancing your store’s visual appeal and functionality.
  • Dynamic Content [Pro]: Leverage dynamic content capabilities to create personalized and interactive web experiences by connecting your designs to various data sources.
  • Notes [Pro]: Enhance team collaboration by using Elementor’s Notes feature to leave feedback and comments directly on the design interface.
  • Custom Code [Pro]: Insert custom code to extend the functionality of your site, offering flexibility for advanced customizations.
  • Custom CSS [Pro]: Apply Custom CSS to fine-tune the styling of elements, ensuring precise control over the design aspects.
  • Motion Effects [Pro]: Add advanced motion effects to elements for a more dynamic and engaging user experience.
  • Custom Fonts & Icons [Pro]: Upload and use custom fonts and icons to match your brand’s identity.

😍 Bezpłatne widżety Elementor

Odkryj potencjał Elementora dzięki naszemu kompleksowemu zestawowi bezpłatnych widżetów i narzędzi, zaprojektowanych, aby usprawnić proces tworzenia twojej witryny i zwiększyć możliwości projektowania:

  • Nagłówek . Dodaj przyciągające wzrok nagłówki.
  • Image. Control the size, opacity and more.
  • Text Editor. Just like the WordPress editor.
  • Video. Add YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion or self-hosted videos.
  • Przycisk. Twórz interaktywne przyciski.
  • Link in Bio. Build link in bio components to promote your business / services.
  • Pole obrazu. Pole zawierające obraz, nagłówek i tekst.
  • Testimonials. Customer testimonials.
  • Ikona . Umieść co najmniej jedną z ponad 600 dostępnych ikon.
  • Icon Box. An icon, headline, and text with one widget.
  • Social Icons. Link to your social pages with the Facebook/X (formerly Twitter) icons.
  • Galeria obrazów . Wyświetla obrazy w wyrównanej siatce.
  • Karuzela obrazków. Tworzy karuzelę z obrazków lub pokaz slajdów.
  • Lista ikonek. Użyj dowolnej ikonki, aby utworzyć listę punktowaną.
  • Licznik . Pokaż statystyki i liczby w dynamiczny sposób.
  • Pasek postępu . Uwzględnij eskalujący pasek postępu.
  • Nested Tabs. Display content in vertical or horizontal tabs.
  • Nested Accordion. Display any type of content in collapsible sections.
  • Przełącznik. Użyj przełącznika, aby ukryć lub wyświetlić zawartość, taką jak FAQ.
  • Rating. Display how many stars (or another icon) other visitors gave.
  • Alert. Dołącz kolorowe pole alertu, aby przyciągnąć uwagę odwiedzających.
  • HTML . Wstaw kod na stronę.
  • Krótki kod . Z łatwością wstawiaj skróty z dowolnej wtyczki na stronę.
  • Zakotwiczenie menu . Połącz dowolne menu z tą kotwicą.
  • Dowiedz się więcej. Ustaw wartość graniczną „Dowiedz się więcej” dla fragmentu na stronach archiwum.
  • Panel boczny. Dodaj panele boczne do strony.
  • Mapy Google . Osadź mapy na stronie.
  • SoundCloud. Add SoundCloud audio bits.
  • Rozdzielacz. Oddziel zawartość za pomocą zaprojektowanego separatora.
  • Spacer. Dodaje odstępy między elementami.
  • Tekst ścieżki. Dołącz tekst do ścieżki…
  • I liczę…

🚀 Ulepsz swoją witrynę internetową

High-Performing Websites: Website performance impacts your visitor’s experience and search result ranking. Elementor, in partnership with Google Chrome, continuously enhances performance without compromising design.

Key features include:

  • Reduced DOM Output: Streamlined HTML structure for faster rendering.
  • Improved Media File Loading: Optimized loading of images, videos, and other media assets.
  • Reduced CSS and JS Files: Minimized and concatenated stylesheets and scripts for quicker loading times.
  • Lazy Loading: Deferred loading of non-critical resources to improve initial page load speed.
  • Faster Font Loading: Efficient delivery of web fonts to enhance text rendering speed.
  • Optimized Front-End Asset Loading: Efficient loading of assets like JavaScript and CSS to minimize render-blocking.
  • Element Caching: Cache frequently accessed design elements to reduce server response time and enhance overall performance.

🔥 Opcje Elementor Pro

Create unparalleled websites while saving time, money and resources with Elementor Pro’s full website builder. Get access to 100+ professional widgets, features, and tools.

Pro Design Widgets:

  1. Posts: Display your blog posts with customizable layouts and styles.
  2. Share Buttons: Allow visitors to easily share your content on various social media platforms.
  3. Portfolio: Showcase your work or projects with stunning portfolio layouts.
  4. Slides: Create dynamic slideshows with custom animations and transitions.
  5. Form: Design and customize advanced forms for user interaction and data collection.
  6. Login: Add a login form or user registration module to your website.
  7. Nav Menu: Customize and style your website’s navigation menu for better user experience.
  8. Animated Headline: Create attention-grabbing headlines with animated effects.
  9. Price Table: Display pricing plans or packages in a structured and visually appealing format.
  10. Price List: Showcase a list of prices or services with customizable styling options.
  11. Gallery: Create beautiful image galleries with various layout options and lightbox support.
  12. Flip Box: Add interactive flip animations to highlight content or features.
  13. Call to Action: Encourage user interaction and conversions with compelling call-to-action sections.
  14. Media Carousel: Showcase a carousel of media files such as images or videos.
  15. Testimonial Carousel: Display client testimonials in a carousel format for social proof.
  16. Nested Carousel: Create nested carousels for more complex content organization.
  17. Loop Carousel: Display content in a looped carousel for continuous viewing.
  18. Table Of Content: Generate a table of contents for longer articles or guides to improve navigation.
  19. Odliczanie: Dodaj minutnik, aby stworzyć poczucie pilności w przypadku promocji lub wydarzeń.
  20. Facebook Page: Embed your Facebook page feed or content onto your website.
  21. Blockquote: Highlight quotes or testimonials with stylish formatting options.
  22. Template: Save and reuse design templates for consistent branding and layout.
  23. Reviews: Showcase customer reviews and ratings to build trust and credibility.
  24. Facebook Button: Add buttons to promote interactions with your Facebook page or content.
  25. Facebook Embed: Embed Facebook posts or content onto your website.
  26. Facebook Comments: Enable Facebook comments on your website’s pages or posts.
  27. PayPal Button: Integrate PayPal buttons for easy online payments.
  28. Stripe Button: Integrate Stripe payment buttons to facilitate secure online transactions.
  29. Lottie Widget: Add Lottie animations to enhance visual appeal and engagement.
  30. Podświetlanie kodu: Wyświetlaj fragmenty kodu z podświetlaniem składni w celu zwiększenia czytelności.
  31. Video Playlist: Create and customize playlists for video content on your website.
  32. Mega Menu: Customize advanced menus for better navigation and displaying complex content.
  33. Off Canvas: Create off-canvas areas that slide in to show extra info or menus without cluttering the main layout.

Pro Theme Widgets:

Build and customize all the key parts of your website including headers, footers, 404 page, global archives, and more

  1. Post Title: Customize the title of individual blog posts or pages.
  2. Post Excerpt: Display a brief summary or teaser of your blog posts.
  3. Post Content: Customize the main content area of your blog posts or pages.
  4. Featured Image: Set and customize featured images for blog posts or pages.
  5. Author Box: Display author information and bios on blog posts.
  6. Post Comments: Customize the appearance and functionality of comments sections on your website.
  7. Post Navigation: Add navigation links to adjacent posts for easy browsing.
  8. Post Info: Display additional information about blog posts, such as author and date.
  9. Site Logo: Upload and customize your website’s logo for branding purposes.
  10. Site Title: Customize the title of your website.
  11. Page Title: Customize the title of individual pages.
  12. Search Bar: Add a search bar to allow users to search your website’s content.
  13. Okruszki: Wyświetla hierarchiczne ścieżki nawigacyjne ułatwiające użytkownikom nawigację.
  14. Sitemap: Generate a sitemap for better search engine indexing and user navigation.
  15. Loop Grid: Design and customize grid layouts for blog post archives or product listings.

Pro WooCommerce Widgets:

Design and customize a complete online shopping experience across your entire website.

  1. Product: Display individual products with customizable layouts and styles.
  2. Breadcrumbs: Display hierarchical navigation paths for better user navigation within your store.
  3. Product Title: Customize the title of individual products.
  4. Product Images: Set and customize images for product listings.
  5. Product Price: Display the price of individual products.
  6. Dodaj do koszyka: Dodaj konfigurowalne przyciski dodawania do koszyka, aby ułatwić zakupy.
  7. Product Rating: Display ratings and reviews for products.
  8. Product Stock: Display stock availability for products.
  9. Product Meta: Display additional information about products, such as SKU and categories.
  10. Product Content: Customize the main content area of product descriptions.
  11. Short Description: Display brief summaries or teasers of products.
  12. Product Data Tabs: Organize product information into tabbed sections for better organization.
  13. Dodatkowe informacje: Wyświetl dodatkowe szczegóły dotyczące produktów, takie jak wymiary i waga.
  14. Product Related: Showcase related products to encourage additional purchases.
  15. Upsells: Promote upsell products to increase average order value.
  16. Products: Display a grid or list of products with customizable settings.
  17. Custom Add To Cart: Customize the add to cart button for specific products.
  18. WooCommerce Pages: Design and customize WooCommerce-specific pages, such as the cart and checkout pages.
  19. Product Categories: Display product categories for easy navigation within your store.
  20. Menu Cart: Display a cart icon in your navigation menu for easy access to the shopping cart.
  21. Cart: Customize the appearance and functionality of the shopping cart page.
  22. Kasa: Dostosuj wygląd i funkcjonalność strony realizacji transakcji.
  23. My Account: Customize the appearance and functionality of the customer account area.
  24. Purchase Summary: Display a summary of purchases during the checkout process.
  25. WooCommerce Notices: Customize the appearance and functionality of WooCommerce notices, such as order confirmation messages.

Twórz profesjonalne witryny z Elementorem Pro!


Elementor places a paramount focus on security, evident through our acquisition of industry certifications such as ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27018, ISO/IEC 27701, and SOC 2 Type II. These certifications underscore our commitment to implementing robust security measures, and highlight our dedication to adhering to recognized industry standards.

Zachęcamy do etycznych badań nad bezpieczeństwem poprzez nasz program Bug Bounty. Współpracujemy z wiodącymi usługami Bug Bounty, aby zapewnić badaczom możliwość zgłaszania luk w naszych usługach. Nasze programy bounty obejmują zespół wczesnego wykrywania dostępny 24/7/365.

For more information: Trust Center.

♿ Najlepsze praktyki w zakresie dostępności

Elementor offers accessibility tools and enhancements to help you provide a better experience for all users. Including HTML 5 semantic, full keyboard navigation menu, ongoing improvement of features, widget, and more.

🌐 Przetłumaczono na ponad 63 języki, obejmuje obsługę RTL

Elementor supports multiple languages, typographies, and RTL, with editor translations in over 63 languages.

It’s also compatible with WPML, Polylang, TranslatePress, Weglot, and more. To contribute, add a new language via translate.wordpress.org. See our guide on how to translate and localize the plugin.

⏩ Korzystanie z usług stron trzecich

To improve the user experience, Elementor may use the following 3rd party services if the required feature is enabled:

  • Google Fonts – are loaded to add additional fonts to your website. Google’s TOS and Privacy Policy
  • Some Elementor features require loading assets from Elementor.com. These assets are not used for tracking unless explicitly mentioned, requiring your approval and manual opt-in. Learn more in our TOS and Privacy Policy.

📧 Powiązane produkty Elementora

Image Optimizer: Superior image compression for faster, high-quality website performance.

Site Mailer: Reliable email management without SMTP plugins, keeping your communications streamlined and efficient.

📣 Zobacz, co mówią nasi użytkownicy

“Elementor is hands down the best page builder out there” – ★★★★★ Graphicvision1

“An incredibly user-friendly plugin” – ★★★★★ Hyeyoga

“Easily, my most used WP plugin” – ★★★★★ Xander Venske

“I upgraded to the Pro version and just love this plugin!” – ★★★★★ Andybarn56

“Excellent product with great tech support” – ★★★★★ Martywilsonnj

More testimonials

🌍 Dołącz do globalnej społeczności

Dołącz do globalnej społeczności, która pomaga sobie w osiąganiu celów.

  • Discord Community – Topic and language-specific channels, plus Ella, an amazing AI helper, ready to assist you.
  • Facebook Community – Over 150K+ members, offering support, advice, feedback, and tutorials.
  • GitHub Community – Get information about releases, request features, or report a bug.
  • Elementor Addons, Themes, and Kits Themes and Kits – created specifically for Elementor.
  • Learn valuable insights and techniques from our YouTube Channel.
  • Access our Academy and Help Center – Find guides, tutorials, and resources to answer your questions and boost creativity.
  • Show your support by rating us on WordPress. Your feedback fuels our growth! 🤗
  • If you have questions or need support, visit the Plugin’s Forum. Elementor Pro users can get 24/7 premium support, …

Zrzuty ekranu

  • Visual Drag and Drop Editor – Design your website layouts and place any element anywhere on the page for pixel-perfect designs.
  • Full Design System – Enjoy a professional workflow and ensure consistency across your site. Define your settings, use them globally, and instantly adjust them any time.
  • Responsive Design Fully edit your website and customize the behavior on desktop, tablet, & mobile to optimize the visitor experience on every device.
  • Kits and Templates – Jumpstart your web creation process or get inspired with professionally-designed templates or full website kits available for your immediate customization.
  • Nested Elements Leverage Elementor’s Nested widgets to place any widget inside the content area of another widget – like Tabs, and Accordion for complete design flexibility.
  • Motion Effects – Add entrance animations and transitions to any element in your website to captivate visitors.


Minimalne wymagania

  • WordPress 6.5 or greater
  • Wersja PHP 7.4 lub wyższa
  • MySQL 5.0 lub nowszy

Zalecane wymagania

  • Wersja PHP 8.1 lub wyższa
  • Wersja MySQL 5.6 lub wyższa
  • Limit pamięci na WordPressie w wysokości 64 MB lub większy (preferowany limit w wysokości 128 MB lub większy)


  1. Zainstaluj za pomocą wbudowanego instalatora wtyczki WordPress lub wyodrębnij plik zip i upuść jego zawartość w katalogu wp-content / plugins / instalacji WordPress.
  2. Włącz wtyczkę z menu „Wtyczki” w WordPressie.
  3. Idź do Strony & gt; Dodaj nowe
  4. Naciśnij przycisk „Edytuj za pomocą Elementora”.
  5. Teraz możesz przeciągać i upuszczać widżety z lewego panelu na obszar zawartości, a także dodawać nowe sekcje i kolumny, które tworzą strukturę strony.

For documentation and tutorials visit our Knowledge Base.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Jak mam zainstalować Elementor?

To install the free version of Elementor, follow the steps below:
From your WordPress dashboard -> Go to Plugins -> Click on 'Add new’-> In the Search field, enter Elementor and choose Elementor website builder.
Press install -> After installation, click Activate.

Czy Elementor działa ze wszystkimi motywami?

Elementor works all the themes that respect the coding standards of WordPress set by its Codex. It is recommended to use Elementor’s Hello Theme, a lightweight blank canvas, to enjoy full flexibility when using Elementor, and optimize your experience.

Czy Elementor jest kompatybilny z Gutenbergiem?

Elementor i Gutenberg działają bezproblemowo. Jako użytkownik możesz łatwo zdecydować, którego edytora użyć w każdym momencie podczas edycji swojej witryny.

Czy mogę stworzyć sklep online?

Tak, dzięki Elementor Pro WooCommerce Builder możesz dostosować każdą stronę swojego sklepu, aby stworzyć niesamowite doświadczenie klienta, które zwiększy sprzedaż.

Czy działa z innymi wtyczkami WordPressa?

It works with almost all the plugins. If you experience an incompatibility issue, please report it to us and to the plugin that conflicts with Elementor.

Czy muszę wiedzieć jak programować?

Nie! Elementor zapewnia wszystkie widżety i funkcje potrzebne do zbudowania profesjonalnej strony internetowej bez znajomości kodowania.

Do I need to know how to design?

Nie, możesz wybierać spośród profesjonalnie zaprojektowanych zestawów i szablonów, które pasują do każdej branży i mają wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby stworzyć własną profesjonalną stronę internetową.

Will Elementor slow down my website?

As Elementor prioritizes speed and performance, you enjoy better and faster performance with each new version of Elementor. When testing the same page layout on older versions you can see a significant performance improvement, from a score of 82 in Google PageSpeed Insight in version 3.1, to a score of 95 i in version 3.5.

Czy moja witryna jest bezpieczna z Elementorem?

The security of your website is extremely important to us and we take proactive measures to assure that your websites are secure. Elementor is ISO 27001 certified, and has a dedicated team of security professionals that implements industry best-practices for maximum security and compliance, 24/7.

There is also a managed security Bug Bounty program, utilizing the community power by enabling 24/7/365 crowdsourced vulnerability detection.

Czy mogę kupować szablony oddzielnie?

Oczywiście, możesz używać dowolnego szablonu, który wspiera Elementora.

Czy Elementor jest kompatybilny z postami i niestandardowymi typami postów?

Oczywiście! Można wybrać typy treści która będą włączać Elementora na stronie ustawień.

Jaka jest różnica pomiędzy zwykłym Elementorem a wersją Pro

Elementor’s Free version allows you to explore our revolutionary drag & drop live editor, basic widgets and templates. Elementor Pro (Essential, Advanced, Expert, Studio, and Agency) empowers you with more professional tools that speed up your workflow, give you access to human-powered support, help you build more advanced content, and convert visitors. See full comparison here.

Jak mogę zostać współtwórcą

If you want to contribute, go to our Elementor GitHub Repository and see where you can help.
You can also add a new language via translate.wordpress.org. We’ve built a short guide explaining how to translate and localize the plugin.


Desde hace años utilizaba otro famoso tema con su propio constructor visual, y aunque me habían hablado bien de Elementor, no acabada de encontrar el momento de probarlo, por la comodidad de tener el otro constructor muy por la mano. En el momento que probé Elementor vi que tiene una curva de aprendizaje muy rápida y que muchas de las funciones nativas me evitan tener que utilizar bastantes plugins que con el otro construcctor necesitaba para diseñar webs más complejas.
2025-03-20 1 odpowiedź
Bought Elementor Pro but am unable to use it because these idiots don’t provide the license key anywhere on the website after purchase nor in the confirmation emails. Waste of my time and money.
2025-03-17 2 odpowiedzi
Elementor is certainly a nice tool for people unfamiliar with HTML, CSS, webdesign and all that stuff to make a nice-looking site. However, it is terrible for advanced users. I am constantly struggling with the spaghetti code it creates, the HTML of Elementor-built sites is nigh unreadable and writing a CSS or SCSS stylesheet for a site built with elementor is a chore due to a lack of proper class/document structure, due to all that inline CSS Elementor uses and due to CSS classes assigned to Elementor elements (using the built-in entry field, not some hack) randomly disappearing. Also, once a site is built with Elementor, it is basically impossible to turn it back into a „normal” Wordpress site, which means if you take over a client’s website, you either have to completely rebuild it from scratch or deal with Elementor. Over all, while it might be useful to „beginners”, I can’t recommend it at all to people who have the skills necessary to create websites without such a tool – it’s much easier and much faster to write your own code for your website, your website will perform better and it’s much easier to make changes down the line.
Wehe man braucht Support. Dann bist du verloren! Es kommen nur standardisierte Antworten ohne meinen Beschrieb zu lesen. Es gibt ein Kompatibilitätsproblem mit einem anderen Plugin, aber sie wollen eine Auswertung meiner Seite. Was für ein Quatsch! Finger weg von dieser Grütze!
2025-03-16 1 odpowiedź
I don’t know it’s been more than 5, maybe 7 years since I first obtained Elementor?Sometimes I’ll use another theme just to see how bad they have it. I Just renewed again.
Przeczytaj 7 025 recenzji

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„Elementor kreator witryn – Więcej niż tylko kreator stron” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Wtyczka „Elementor kreator witryn – Więcej niż tylko kreator stron” została przetłumaczona na 63 języki. Podziękuj tłumaczom za ich wkład.

Przetłumacz wtyczkę “Elementor kreator witryn – Więcej niż tylko kreator stron” na swój język.

Interesuje cię rozwój wtyczki?

Przeglądaj kod, sprawdź repozytorium SVN lub czytaj dziennik rozwoju przez RSS.

Rejestr zmian

3.28.1 – 2025-03-23

  • Fix: Font URL is not updating after domain change when „Load Google Fonts Locally” feature is activated

3.28.0 – 2025-03-17

  • New: Added a Clear Files & Data button to the WordPress frontend admin bar for quick and easy cache clearing (#21642)
  • Tweak: Added a note clarifying that the Image Resolution control doesn’t support dynamic background images (#21359, #22055)
  • Tweak: Added hover state Box Shadow controls to Button widget (#4859, #30210, #17509)
  • Tweak: Renamed „Regenerate CSS & Data” to „Elementor Cache” in Elementor Tools for better clarity
  • Tweak: Hide Landing Page feature when no landing page posts exist on the site
  • Tweak: Promoted Load Google Fonts Locally feature to Stable status and enabled it by default for all websites
  • Tweak: Improved rendering functionality when updating CSS ID control to enhance editing performance in Accordion widget
  • Tweak: Improved rendering functionality when updating CSS ID control to enhance editing performance in Tabs widget
  • Tweak: Removed unused deprecated methods from elementorCommon.helpers
  • Tweak: Optimized style loading for the Text Editor widget by applying styles at the control level ensuring Drop Cap styles load only when enabled
  • Tweak: Updated Drop Cap controls to use CSS logical properties in Text Editor widget
  • Tweak: Updated minimum required WordPress version to 6.5
  • Tweak: Removed Modest Branding control from Video widget
  • Tweak: Promoted Optimized Markup feature to Beta status
  • Tweak: Added link color controls in Text Editor widget
  • Tweak: Applied hover color on focus for keyboard users in the Heading widget
  • Fix: Button icon alignment breaks when Inline Font Icons feature is activated (#16077, #16511, #17692, #17922, #19253, #19370, #21236, #21844, #28080)
  • Fix: Editor fails to load in some edge cases when ACF Term fields are used as Dynamic Tags (#29160)
  • Fix: Improved sanitization of titles to ensure consistent handling for Admin users in the Heading widget
  • Fix: Hover link color transition duration is not being applied in Heading widget

Zobacz dziennik zmian dla wszystkich wersji.