Kreator stron, który jest szybki i łatwy w użyciu, Brizy to nowoczesny kreator witryn, który może być używany przez każdego. Nie są wymagane umiejętności projektowania ani programowania. Gdy raz spróbujesz Brizy, nic innego nie będzie wydawać się łatwe!
Inteligentne i wolne od bałaganu
Większość kreatorów stron umieszcza wszystkie opcje dla konkretnego elementu na odległych paskach bocznych, co utrudnia skupienie się na wykonywanym zadaniu. Nasz kreator stron pokazuje tylko to, co jest potrzebne, z przodu i na środku, blisko elementu, który edytujesz.
Intuicyjne przeciąganie i upuszczanie
Moving content elements, columns or rows is a breeze with our intuitive Drag & Drop feature. Just grab and drag them to the desired position and everything will instantly fall into place.
Elementy projektowania strony
Tekst, przyciski, obrazy, ikony, wideo, mapy i wiele innych są gotowe, aby pomóc Ci stworzyć projekt strony w mgnieniu oka.
Ponad 500 gotowych bloków
Specjalnie opracowany z myślą o konwersjach, zestaw do tworzenia stron Brizy to zbiór ponad 500 bloków, które umożliwią Ci tworzenie stron internetowych w ciągu kilku minut.
Ponad 4000 ikonek w zestawie
Dostępne w wersjach Konturu i Glif, spełniają nawet najbardziej wymagające potrzeby ikonek. Szybko znajdź ikonki, których szukasz, filtrowując przez kategorie lub wyszukując po słowach kluczowych.
Style globalne
Czy kiedykolwiek chciałeś zmienić wszystkie podobne kolory na swojej stronie internetowej za pomocą jednego kliknięcia? Dzięki kreatorowi stron Brizy możesz to zrobić! Nie tylko to, ale możesz także zmienić wszystkie teksty, które mają te same właściwości za jednym razem.
Przyjazny dla urządzeń mobilnych
Przełącz się natychmiast w tryb widoku mobilnego, gdzie możesz wprowadzać zmiany, które będą dotyczyć tylko tego rodzaju urządzeń. Daje to możliwość odróżnienia projektu strony i zoptymalizowania go dla mniejszych ekranów.
Inteligentny edytor tekstu
Wystarczy kliknąć, aby edytować wszystkie teksty w jednym miejscu. Zmiana kolorów, czcionek, wyrównań odbywa się natychmiast, co pozwala uzyskać doskonałą prezentację tego, jak projekt będzie wyglądał w końcowym efekcie.
Obrazki wykonane prawidłowo
Kreator stron Brizy pozwala Ci przejąć pełną kontrolę nad obrazami w Twojej witrynie, wykorzystując nasze potężne i łatwe w użyciu opcje. Przesyłaj, ustawiaj ostrość, powiększaj i zmieniaj rozmiar bez wysiłku, w ciągu kilku sekund.
Dostosowanie zawartości
Wystarczy kilka kliknięć, aby dostosować szerokość, wysokość i wyrównanie treści. Wszystko to dzięki intuicyjnym opcjom, umieszczonym tam, gdzie powinny się znajdować.
Cofnij / Powtórz
Nie martw się, jeśli popełnisz błąd lub usuniesz coś, czego nie powinieneś. Dzięki funkcji Cofnij możesz wszystko odzyskać.
Polubiłeś Brizy?
- Dołącz do naszej grupy na Facebooku.
Zrzuty ekranu
Dodaj elementy, aby stworzyć własny projekt Dodanych ponad 150 gotowych bloków Interfejs pokazuje tylko to, co jest potrzebne do wykonania zadania Będziesz wiedział, gdzie spadną twoje elementy, gdy je przeciągniesz Inteligentny edytor tekstu Wypróbuj różne czcionki i kolory na swoich stronach w ciągu kilku sekund To, co edytujesz w widoku mobilnym, zostanie zastosowane tylko na urządzeniach mobilnych. Brizy zawiera bibliotekę ponad 4000 ikon podzielonych na 27 kategorii Skupienie, powiększanie i zmiana rozmiaru obrazka są wykonywane bez wysiłku Dostosuj zawartość do swoich upodobań Zmień rozmiar kolumn, przeciągając uchwyt, który pojawia się pomiędzy nimi
Minimalne wymagania
- WordPress w wersji 4.5 lub nowszej
- PHP w wersji 5.4 lub nowszej
- MySQL w wersji 5.0 lub nowszej
Zalecamy, aby Twój host obsługiwał:
- PHP w wersji 7.0 lub nowszej
- MySQL w wersji 5.6 lub nowszej
- Limit pamięci WP 64 MB lub więcej (preferowane 128 MB lub więcej)
- Install using the WordPress built-in Plugin installer, or Extract the zip file and drop the contents in the
directory of your WordPress installation. - Włącz wtyczkę z menu „Wtyczki” w WordPressie.
- Go to Pages > Add New
- Naciśnij przycisk „Edytuj z Brizy”.
Najczęściej zadawane pytania
Kod źródłowy, sugestie i problemy
Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy
„Brizy – Kreator stron” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
ZaangażowaniWtyczka „Brizy – Kreator stron” została przetłumaczona na 34 języki. Podziękuj tłumaczom za ich wkład.
Przetłumacz wtyczkę “Brizy – Kreator stron” na swój język.
Interesuje cię rozwój wtyczki?
Przeglądaj kod, sprawdź repozytorium SVN lub czytaj dziennik rozwoju przez RSS.
Rejestr zmian
2.6.12 – 2025-02-25
- Improved: 3rd party API
- Improved: Compiler Bundle Size
- Updated: Removed icons from blocks
- Fixed: Bug with Menu failing to open when clicked multiple times
- Fixed: Parallax animation in preview with open popup
- Fixed: Scroll on parallax in Safari
- Fixed: Mixed content error when Brizy is installed on subfolder
- Fixed: Deleting images on Media Gallery
2.6.11 – 2025-02-18
- Fixed: Gallery with layout justify
= 2.6.10 – 2025-02-11
* Fixed: SVG attachment creation
* Fixed: added a security fix on API endpoint
2.6.9 – 2025-01-30
- Fixed: Image upload
- Fixed: Importing starter template erases code snippet
- Fixed: Global block code gets added to SEO description
- Fixed: Images are not responsive
- Fixed: Blurry Image
2.6.8 – 2025-01-16
- Fixed: Bug with the html escape in preview
2.6.7 – 2025-01-15
- Fixed: Increased the minimum compiler version
2.6.6 – 2025-01-15
- Fixed: Image side load
2.6.4 – 2024-12-17
- Fixed: Incorrect style of Tabs element in table and mobile
- Fixed: Icon Box is not displayed correctly in preview
2.6.3 – 2024-11-19
- Fixed: SQL query using wrong prefixes
2.6.2 – 2024-11-18
- Fixed: Simplify the check if compilation is required
2.6.1 – 2024-11-15
- Fixed: Invalidate cached image URLs after site migration.
2.6.0 – 2024-11-12
- New: Added video „URL” option for the Playlist element
- New: Added „Blending Mode” styling option for the Image element
- New: Ability to add multi-line text in one Buttons
- New: Add mask on Video
- New:: Added decimal sizes for VW, EM, and REM font size option
- Fixed: Publish button not available on private pages
- Fixed: When scrolling to a block, consider the height of the menu
- Fixed: Global block renaming
- Fixed: Paralax effect
- Fixed: Download saved blocks and layouts on Firefox
- Fixed: Some WP templates broke the view in Editor
- Fixed: Translate Press switcher is not displayed correctly
- Fixed: Images loading in editor
- Fixed: Warnings displayed on Brizy pages
- Improved: Color Hex code input
- Updated: Brizy-ui library
2.5.9 – 2024-10-21
- Fixed: CSS styles in Hamburger Menu
- Fixed: File upload extension issues
- Fixed: Image links pointing incorrectly
- Improved: Page, Popup and Global Blocks dependencies
2.5.8 – 2024-09-19
- Fixed: Anchor link with dynamic ID placeholder
- Fixed: Missing Icon for help video
- Fixed: Global typography – Missing generate method in config
2.5.7 – 2024-09-18
- Fixed: Astra Pro compatibility issue
2.5.6 – 2024-09-18
- Fixed: Simplified the method that obtain the attachment by UID
2.5.5 – 2024-09-17
- Fixed: Simplified the method that obtain the attachment by UID
2.5.4 – 2024-09-17
- New: Hover animations for Buttons
- New: Paypal element
- New: Slideshow option for Section
- New: Text transform options for typography
- New: Subscript and superscript for Text element
- New: Background color option for Video element
- New: Background video for responsive modes for Section, Row and Column
- New: Regenerate Global styles with AI
- New: Ability to pin elements in left sidebar
- Improved: Ability to copy and paste effects and animations
- Improved: Box resizer restrictions for Map
- Improved: Removed „To dashboard” button
- Improved: After upload, Image element by default has original size
- Improved: Increase width of column resizer bar
- Improved: Tollbar options code base and migrate Map, Line and Video to new CSS generator
- Improved: Center „Styling” and „Effects” toolbar buttons:
- Fixed: Disabled zoom option for Section,Row and Column for respondive modes:
- Fixed: Background video error after cloning the container element:
- Fixed: Text selection opacity if mask/gradinent is set
- Fixed: Box resizer in responsive modes for all elements
- Fixed: Copya and paste styles for responsive modes
- Fixed: Bullet list alignment in Text element
- Fixed: Text formatting after clear in Story
- Fixed: Button size with default fill type
- Fixed: Size of typography text decoration icons
- Fixed: Background color does not remove on clear formatting on Text element
- Fixed: Paste style of font style in Text element
- Fixed: Section slider content snaps after slider load
- Fixed: Slider block hover arrow color
- Fixed: Slider block remains active after deleting
- Fixed: Close dropdown of internal link after selection
- Fixed: Compilation error
- Fixed: Excerpt recursion when using Brizy posts in post loops
- Fixed: Global block rule matching
2.5.3 – 2024-08-16
- Fixed: Send the form nonce on submit when the user is authenticated
2.5.2 – 2024-08-01
- Fixed: Assets not loading on subfolder WordPress instances
2.5.1 – 2024-07-26
- Fixed: Icons not loading on subfolder WordPress instances
- Fixed: 404 templates not displaying correctly
- Fixed: Restored backward compatibility support for Astra
- Fixed: reCAPTCHA issues for current users
- Fixed: Page content visibility in wp-admin when editing pages
2.5.0 – 2024-07-22
- New: HTML Compilation process for major page-loading improvements
- Fixed: Copy-Paste Styles for Text Element when using selected text
- Fixed: Various vulnerabilities
- Fixed: Global Styles not saving current state in some instances
- Fixed: Text multi-select with gradients bug
- Fixed: Section background displaying incorrect option
- Improved: Uploading images in WEBP format
- Improved: Moved Form element from FREE to PRO
- Improved: Added rich-text formatting clearance
- Improved: Reload the preview tab if already open instead of new tab
- Updated: Builder developer dependencies
2.4.45 – 2024-07-05
- Fixed: small fixes in how the uploaded files are hnadled
2.4.44 – 2024-05-14
- Fixed: Fixed vulnerabilities reported by Worldfence
2.4.43 – 2024-03-26
- Fixed: dynamic content
- FIxed: Embed element is not working
2.4.42 – 2024-03-20
- Fixed: Drag and drop functionality not working outside the visible viewport
- Fixed: Copy and Paste for Text element with color gradient
- Fixed: Selecting all text via shortcut then writing does not show new texts
- Fixed: Text element with selection for text-transform
- Fixed: Mask for Text element when using Dynamic Image not working
- Fixed: Screenshots for blocks inside Reorder sidebar
- Fixed: Global Typography in responsive viewports
- Fixed: Text element broken error
- Improved: Added fade option for Carousel element and Slider option in blocks
- Improved: Added 'Open in new tab’ option for internal page links
- Improved: Added Underline for links on hover
- Improved: Changed UI for Dynamic population option
- Improved: Text element performance with color change
2.4.41 – 2024-02-13
- Fixed: Text color from hex when we have the type transparent
- Fixed: Text Copy and Paste
- Fixed: Added image content validator on import blocks
- Fixed: Directory Traversal on screenshot update
2.4.40 – 2024-02-07
- New: Help video functionality inside the builder
- New: Added variable fonts
- New: Text highlight color
- Improved: Custom Attributes position in the right sidebar
- Improved: Include Global Style when saving layouts
- Improved: Toolbar options arrow position on Rows
- Improved: Extract React from editor build, and add this as standalone script in HTML
- Improved: Disable shorten/extend actions for AI text in some cases
- Ulepszono: Przeciągnij i upuść dla ikonek i przycisków
- Improved: Tabs UI colors in right sidebar
- Fixed: Progress bar comes out of the wrapper
- Fixed: Text Link option pasted value doesn’t save if instantly closing toolbar
- Naprawiono: Odtwarzacz wideo nie rozszerza się na urządzeniach mobilnych z systemem IOS
- Naprawiono: Strzałka wyboru formularza
- Naprawiono: Wyrównanie kolumny, gdy efekty są włączone
- Naprawiono: Pisanie długich tekstów w polach formularza
- Naprawiono: Element filmu zawieszał się podczas importowania z blokiem
- Fixed: Column alignment doesn’t work on Auto distribute option
- Fixed: Toolbar css issue when searching a Collection Type name
- Fixed: Copy Styles don’t apply for Dynamic Content Rich Text
- Naprawiono: Kolor tła przycisku i ikonki podczas najechania kursorem nie pasował do podglądu.
- Fixed: Video background for blocks and columns unable to pause
2.4.39 – 2024-01-17
- New: Add Right Click Context Menu to Tabs Element
- Nowość: Dodano podpowiedź podczas zapisywania wersji roboczych stron
- Improved: Speed when searching pages URL for Links
- Improved: Reduced file size of the Client API
- Improved: UI Translation
- Fixed: Link To option loses focus
- Fixed: Icon Background corner is not active
- Fixed: Save selected Page in Link option on any Text element
- Fixed: Scroll in toolbara and typography is not working when parallax effect is set
- Fixed: Some Saved Blocks thumbnails are not displayed
- Fixed: Styling Dividers Show thin line on some mobile devices
- Fixed: Background color on hover „Get a pro Plan” button
- Fixed: Drag & Drop for Posts, Accordion Tab elements
- Fixed: Drag & Drop Lines remain active randomly
- Fixed: Padding bottom for Video with Cover Image
2.4.38 – 2023-12-28
- Fixed: Small layout fixes in templates
2.4.37 – 2023-12-28
- Nowość: Dodano 16 nowych szablonów.
2.4.36 – 2023-12-19
- New: Added corner radius styling for tabs in Tab Element
- New: Added ability to filter by keywords in the element panel
- New: Added ability to delete, duplicate all buttons or icons at once
- Improved: Added additional styling for the dynamic placeholder in Text elements
- Improved: Localisation strings for Icons tab
- Improved: Localisation strings for Audio element
- Improved: Localisation strings for Video element
- Improved: Localisation strings for Accordion element
- Improved: Localisation strings for Accordion tags
- Improved: Localisation strings for Block option translation
- Improved: Localisation strings for Form element
- Improved: Localisation strings for „View as” option in left sidebar
- Improved: Localisation for Right Sidebar
- Improved: Localisation for Posts element
- Improved: Localisation for Blocks popup
- Improved: Localisation for Counter element
- Improved: Localisation for Text
- Improved: Localisation for Right Sidebar effects
- Improved: Localisation for Shortcuts popup
- Improved: Hide longer title options in UI with elipse
- Naprawiono: Nie można usunąć tytułu w zapisanych blokach i układach.
- Fixed: Youtube Shorts in Video element
- Fixed: Hover effects break column dimensions
- Fixed: Show explicit error messages when import saved blocks
- Naprawiono: Popraw dane JSON przed wysłaniem do kompilatora
2.4.35 – 2023-12-07
- Improved: Reduce text generation time
2.4.34 – 2023-12-05
- Fixed: Lightbox option on images is not working on frontend
- Fixed: Accordion icon size issue on front end
2.4.33 – 2023-12-01
- Naprawiono: Szerokość przycisków w podglądzie
- Fixed: Overlay was visible under gradient color
2.4.32 – 2023-11-29
- Nowość: Używaj domyślnych czcionek systemowych zamiast czcionek Google lub własnych
- Improved: Reduce icons size
- Improved: Save form checkbox value in preview
- Improved: Move „Show on Desktop” icon under the Basic tab in the right sidebar
- Improved: Delete dynamic content inside Text in one backspace
- Improved: Optimised code output for the Accordion element
- Improved: Optimised code output for the Tabs element
- Improved: Optimised code output for the Icon element
- Improved: Optimised code output for the Button element
- Improved: Reduced ID length in HTML attributes
- Improved: Removed „data-uid” and „name” attributes from section in preview
- Improved: Integrations API new data output format
- Fixed: Drag image with link
- Fixed: Icon sizes values in the Icon element
- Fixed: Dynamic content text color in preview
- Fixed: Sound of video with cover image plays twice
- Fixed: Custom video loop not working
- Naprawiono: Kopiowanie i wklejanie stylów dla nakładki najechania kursorem
- Fixed: Return empty for placeholders that are working with WooCommerce functions
2.4.31 – 2023-11-08
- Fixed: Malformed attribute selector data-brz-popup
- Fixed: Order By feature in Posts and Archive element is not displayed
2.4.30 – 2023-11-06
- Nowość: Dodano tytuł i tagi dla bloków globalnych
- Nowość: Dodano opcję usuwania dla integracji formularzy
- Improved: Brizy UI Library in Editor
- Improved: Added notification for outdated Safari browser (version 16.3 and below)
- Improved: Styling option for the Button element in responsive
- Improved: Removed Effects from the Text element in responsive
- Improved: Various option toolbars where the title of the label is too long
- Improved: Added scroll navigation to active element when device mode changes
- Ulepszono: Dodano GET, POST dla webhooków formularza
- Ulepszono: Dodano prefiksy do wszystkich atrybutów danych
- Ulepszono: Dodano szerokość w pikselach dla elementu Wiersz
- Improved: Removed the terms & conditions checkbox from authorization form
- Improved: Sidebar device mode titles
- Improved: Google Fonts updated to the latest version
- Fixed: HTML tags being removed from the Embed element
- Fixed: Autoplay for video background in block slider
- Fixed: Line element does not align if hover is set
- Fixed: Random Google Fonts were not displayed in the preview
- Fixed: Word break does not work correctly in the Alert element
- Fixed: Background video on block slider does not resize correctly
- Fixed: Updated Twitter icon to X
- Fixed: Hide background preview for popups
- Fixed: XSS vulnerability to Text Editor
- Fixed: Accordion tags not working correctly in preview
- Fixed: Version checking for zip files when moving blocks or layouts from WP to Cloud
- Fixed: Setup config data for help videos inside the builder
- Fixed: Added permission to download svg files
- Fixed: Default template display in preview
- Fixed: Jump to the second block by link
- Fixed: Sites give a 500 Error when Brizy Free is updated to latest version on WordPress.com
- Fixed: Gutenberg opens in iframe and the edit with brizy button is not displayed
2.4.29 – 2023-10-20
- Fixed: Login element error when try to register
2.4.28 – 2023-10-11
- New: Added Internal Link on the link option for all elements
- Improved: Removed getPage request added pageData inside config
- Improved: Sections container width was changed in 1170px
- Improved: Changed icon for the Webhooks integration on forms
- Improved: Removed the ability to change icons in responsive views for the icon element
- Improved: Button width for default fill type
- Improved: Rename Tags titles in Saved blocks
- Improved: Rearrange Global typography styles
- Improved: Responsive views change automatically when you select the devices in global typography styling
- Fixed: Text color picker on dynamic elements
- Fixed: Hover on certain elements that have motion effects set
- Fixed: Drag and Drop was not working on images with link
- Fixed: Lightbox preview
- Fixed: Toolbars label text length
- Fixed: Dynamic text with gradient color was not visible
- Fixed: Hover animation not working for the same item after sliding
- Fixed: Column content align when scroll animation is applied
- Fixed: Text space for ordered and unordered lists
- Fixed: The accordion element disappears after deleting tags
- Fixed: Opacity for Gradient color does not work correctly
- Fixed: Button Spacing incorrectly affects position and alignment
- Fixed: Global styling not changing
- Fixed: Audio element is still playing after the pop-up is closed
- Fixes: Global colors for Image shadow
- Fixes: Global colors for Image border
- Fixed: Tab and Accordion elements heading get hidden under Sticky/Fixed menu on mobiles
2.4.27 – 2023-08-08
- Nowość: Dodano 26 nowych, gotowych szablonów
2.4.26 – 2023-07-12
- New: Added custom video URL for Block background
- New: Added copy/paste styles for Text element
- New: Added mask option for all containers: Rows, Columns, Blocks
- Improved: Display selected font at top of font list in the Typography options
- Improved: Hexagon Shape in the Mask options
- Improved: Updated icons library Font Awesome to version 6
- Fixed: Text crashed after population change
- Fixed: Block Slider on preview
- Fixed: Element with rotate motion effect moves when hovering on toolbar
- Fixed: Text alignment in the preview
- Fixed: Remove saved block tag
- Fixed: Label text pushing the options out of the UI
- Fixed: Container width in PX shows 1400px max slider value instead of 1170px
2.4.25 – 2023-07-03
- Fixed: Hot Fix – Redirect only in admin after activation of the plugin
2.4.24 – 2023-06-26
- Fixed: Scrollbar inside Popup
2.4.23 – 2023-06-22
- Fixed: Image sizes on the preview
- Fixed: Section Parallax
- Fixed: Section containers
2.4.22 – 2023-06-21
- New: Added option to sort tags alphabetically in the Accordion element
- New: Added vertical space option for Accordion element
- New: Add width in px for the boxed option on Blocks
- New: Tags and Titles for saved blocks and saved layouts
- Fixed: Builder UI Themes
- Fixed: W3C Accessibility issues: AA, AAA, W3C
- Fixed: Countdown timezone offset
- Fixed: Numbering unordered list in Text element
- Fixed: Image Alt Title option in Right Sidebar
- Fixed: Scroll for code Mirror in Right Sidebar
- Improved: Full width for WordPress Media gallery in tablet and mobile mode
- Improved: Codebase migrate to node 18
- Improved: Changed some elements positions and order in the elements panel
- Improved: Builder select option
- Improved: Added a helper icon for YouTube links in the Video element
- Improved: Omit 1 request for get project
2.4.21 – 2023-06-07
- Fixed: Button style fill
- Fixed: IconBox with hover effect
2.4.20 – 2023-06-01
- Fixed: Image resize on preview
- Fixed: Uploaded webp Image
2.4.19 – 2023-05-31
- New: Advanced Hover animation
- Improved: Button old options to new options
- Improved: Removed title attribute from HTML for the block slider .svg arrows
- Improved: Remove icon on global style in the left sidebar
- Improved: Added IST timezone in the Countdown element
- Improved: Youtube video in the Video element
- Improved: Made all UI scrollbars custom
- Improved: Added .min suffix for all css and js minified files
- Updated: Codemirror plugins
- Updated: Core-js library
- Fixed: Added support to escaping singe and double quotes
- Fixed: Link anchor is not working on the correct block if you scroll
- Fixed: Screenshots browser compatibility on Safari when saving blocks
- Fixed: Link option in a Row element
- Fixed: Escape backslashes in the form data json before inserting in the post content
- New: Added a Getting Started Page for easier onboarding
- New: Added left sidebar config (module groups in config)
- Fixed: Append text via parser by CSS class only
- Fixed: Click twice or more to close a pop-up
- Fixed: Starter template import
- Fixed: Remove the sufix from version compare when importing from archives
- Fixed: Restore WP revisions
2.4.18 – 2023-04-03
- Fixed: onclick Custom Attribute RightSidebar
- Fixed: Responsive brackground map
- Fixed: Reorder column – option
- Fixed: Background overflow && z-index auto
- Fixed: Tabs text on responsiveMode
- Fixed: Opacity for language switcher drop-down
- Fixed: Form input length validation
- Fixed: Flash on hover transition bg gradient
- Fixed: Text link
- Fixed: Global Style Colorpicker
- Fixed: Element Tabs icon
- Fixed: Form Email input length
- Fixed: Text with Mask
- Fixed: Option file upload remove
- Fixed: Resolve CSS conflicts with woo commerce products
- Fixed: Added dom encoding to utf-8
- Improved: ImageUpload canceling
- Improved: Countdown new timezone
- Improved: LeftSidebar Bottom panel
- Improved: Video Element options
- Improved: Text font size option increased to 200
- Improved: Multiline for Custom Attribute
- Updated: Slick Slider
2.4.17 – 2023-03-10
- Fixed: Screenshots
- Fixed: Section Background Image
2.4.16 – 2023-03-07
- New: New eye dropper feature for colors
- New: Preparations for future UI color themes
- Improved: Minified CSS in HTML
- Improved: Editor strings improvements
- Improved: Added Pro visual cues for PRO options inside the builder
- Fixed: Value for Form checkbox was sent in lead even if empty
- Fixed: Background Vimeo video is getting zoomed in preview mode
- Fixed: Right Sidebar advanced settings for icons and buttons
- Fixed: Losing global styling in Text element after refresh
- Fixed: Text on top of custom video is pushed under the video in preview
- Fixed: Made it more clear what video formats can be added for custom video URLs
- Fixed: Removed black strip on the top of the custom video
- Fixed: Broken Links checker is reporting incorrect image URLs
- Fixed: Compatibility with php 8.1
- Fixed: Conflicts with SiteGround Optimizer
- Fixed: The possibility to disable our meta tag viewport, viewport meta tag was duplicated in some cases
- Fixed: The disappearance of texts in the editor when TranslatePress is enabled
2.4.15 – 2023-01-31
- Fixed: Menu hamburger – items link on responsive mode
2.4.13 – 2022-11-17
- New: Added styles and more options for the Line element
- New: Added paddings for Counter, Embed, Video, Map, Audio & Countdown elements
- New: Added Mask option for the Image element
- New: Video element new options: Lazy Load, Privacy Mode, Suggested Videos, Muted
- Improved: Borders moved from toolbar to sidebar
- Improved: Color works under CSS variables in Text CSS classes
- Fixed: Column width changed when you click the column resize handle
- Fixed: Hover styles for Update toolbar icons
- Fixed: Border global color on Tabs
- Fixed: Hover styles on icons from Effects
- Fixed: Right Click on Row element
- Fixed: Added new rule matches for current page
2.4.11 – 2022-10-12
- Fixed: Images URL
2.4.10 – 2022-10-11
- Fixed: Using SVGs in Image element
- Fixed: Image URLs when using Sync
- Fixed: Fonts when missing fontFamilyType
- Improved: Prefetch for Bunny Fonts
- Improved: Rename Base category to Essentials in element panel
- Improved: Grid elements moved to the top in the element panel
2.4.9 – 2022-10-03
- Fixed: Global Blocks rules for the Archive template
2.4.8 – 2022-09-28
- Fixed: The crash when the WooComerce plugin is disabled.
2.4.7 – 2022-09-28
- Improved: Get fonts from https://fonts.bunny.net instead of https://fonts.googleapis.com to address GDPR font issues
- Improved: Saved blocks pagination 50 blocks
- Improved: Deleting request when you delete saved block or saved layout
- Improved: Removed Math.random for security
- Fixed: Map – popup is not closed when the cover on map is clicked
- Fixed: Parallax in responsive mode
- Fixed: Menu element – Icon size option
- Fixed: Product Archive template shows posts instead of products
- Fixed: Wp Optimize plugin compatibility
2.4.6 – 2022-09-17
- New: Infinite animation option
- New: Added select All option for custom post types in Global blocks conditions
- Fixed: Lag when you select colors in Global styles
- Fixed: Added from category display condition for global blocks
- Fixed: Made mouse pointer when you hover the color option on block dividers
- Fixed: Undo and Redo in Text element
- Fixed: Empty column crash on Editor role
- Fixed: Mute video when you set the cover option in Video element
- Fixed: Divider on Section
- Fixed: Parallax in responsive views
- Fixed: Enable update button on undo or redo
- Fixed: Diacritics are converted to unicode characters
- Fixed: Image crashing when clicking the resize pointers
- Fixed: Counter style 2-3-4 in Story
- Fixed: Countdown height in Story
- Fixed: Form submit button in Story
- Fixed: Button border in Story
- Fixed: Accordion – border-radius on tags
- Fixed: Tabs – Title in responsive views
- Fixed: Carousel – Working with text breaks the carousel
- Fixed: Fast scroll on Blocks that have Parallax option on
- Improved: UI improvement to accommodate long text translation
- Improved: Minify global typography CSS variables
- Improved: Root window referrer request
- Improved: Color picker gradient issues
- Improved: LeftSidebar icon position in dropdown menu
- Improved: Added First Name and Last Name in Authorization form with Cloud when you save blocks layouts
2.4.5 – 2022-08-30
- Fixed: Mute on video with cover
- Fixed: Recaptcha keys not saving in the contact form
2.4.4 – 2022-08-16
- Fixed: Copy/Paste RichText
- Fixed: Global Style LetterSpacing
2.4.3 – 2022-07-20
- New: New Templates
2.4.2 – 2022-06-15
- Fixed: Template Conditions
- Fixed: Polylang fix home url in breadcrumbs
- Fixed: Remove logs for cropping images
- Fixed: Escape the script contents for non adminstrators users. This vulnerability was discovered by Vishnupriya Ilango of Fortinets FortiGuard Labs
- Fixed: Fix autoupdate of the pro version, added an admin notice in the plugins list page when a major update is available
2.4.1 – 2022-06-02
- Improved: Saved blocks lazy load
- Improved: Performance on columns drag and drop
- Improved: Performance on videos and images resize
- Improved: Performance on column resize
- Improved: Section padding resize
- Fixed: Column issue when is inside a Tab element
- Fixed: Featured image on columns hover did not inherit image from normal state
- Fixed: The right sidebar on Tab element was messed up
- Fixed: Endless spinning on the Video element
- Fixed: Block margin in px and %
- Fixed: Block border radius on color hover
- Fixed: YouTube header script
- Fixed: Do not render PRO elements in preview
- Fixed: Added controls option for Vimeo videos
2.4.0 – 2022-05-18
- New: Counter width changing the location in color section of toolbar
- New: Possibility to add URL for video like .mp4 URLs
- New: Added block bg. options: auto, contain, cover and bg. repeat
- New: More options for SoundCloud
- New: Added background map and video for columns
- New: Added Overlay color for image
- New: Added example for Shortcode element
- New: Added reorder option for columns
- New: Added new line styles
- New: RichText Matching HTML tag with typography font style
- New: Added new align option for column, auto and custom height
- New: Created possibility to change default font
- New: Added order to tabs
- New: Section Added slider reorder
- New: Counter added text shadow
- New: Added Form reorder option
- New: Add New Block Divider
- New: Added Accordion Title padding
- New: Added reorder option to accordion
- New: Moved entrance animation effects functionality in right sidebar
- New: Added vh and em suffixes to Spacer
- New: Add new style blending mode for certain elements
- New: Added Column width option
- New: Added status badge in the block display conditions popup
- New: Added support for placeholders in email templates
- Improved: Added new shortcut Ctrl+M opens Styling right panel
- Improved: Added new shortcut Ctrl + K opens Effects right panel
- Improved: All options in the builder were refactored
- Improved: Publish Update button state
- Improved: Added input value change on scroll
- Improved: Toolbar option for shortcode element
- Improved: Added additional animation styles for tabs and accordions
- Improved: Added new icon for breadcrumbs
- Improved: Added Autoplay and loop for Youtube and Vimeo
- Improved: Removed separator option for Counter types Empty and Pie
- Improved: Can change name for All tag in Accordion element
- Improved: Reply-to user email placeholder for contact forms
- Improved: More settings icon alignment
- Improved: Added typography value boundaries
- Improved: Added loading icon when importing a Layout
- Improved: Enabled swipe option for slider
- Improved: Working with code in Embed element
- Improved: Opacity value for colors is displayed on hover
- Improved: Tabs hover transition
- Fixed: Sidebar update for Switcher, Table, Tabs
- Fixed: The scale option for Rating appears only for desktop view
- Fixed: Counter suffix option when working with dynamic values
- Fixed: Filters Hover for certain elements
- Fixed: Rename size to width for Map element
- Fixed: Overlay option for Images appears only for desktop view
- Fixed: Countdown redirect label
- Fixed: Accordion item head align and css
- Fixed: Responsive slider dots option with a lot of slides
- Fixed: Outline border when resizing an element from the resize dots
- Fixed: Remove Products from single template type
- Fixed: Added option to allow json file upload
- Fixed: Fixed placeholder strip on post save.
- Fixed: Cast rule values to int on serialization
- Fixed: Refactor post_type to postType in editor config
- Fixed: Show Products post type in global block rules
- Fixed: Send post_term_parents as an array not object when the array is not empty
- Fixed: Added additional data about the post in editor config.
- Fixed: Return all global block ignoring the status
- Fixed: Added post_status in brizy_get_posts actions
- Fixed: Change the Pages group name to Main Content in template rule form
2.3.37 – 2022-05-05
- Fixed: Section dividers on Firefox
- Fixed: Tab background color on mobile responsive view
- Fixed: Unexpected token h in JSON at position 0 error when saving a layout
2.3.36 – 2022-05-03
- Improved: Improved performance when you have a lot of columns on the page
- Improved: Improved performance when you change global styling
- Improved: Improved performance when you copy paste styles
- Fixed: Mouse cursor when hovering the UI on the left sidebar
- Fixed: Moved layout Ekstra to PRO
- Fixed: Import Blocks button in Safari
- Fixed: Buttons conflicts with GTM
2.3.35 – 2022-04-21
- Fixed: Text blink
- Fixed: Section Dividers
2.3.34 – 2022-04-20
- New: Added hover Transition for elements: Accordion, ProgressBar and Tabs
- New: …