Shortcodes available to get plkugin information from WordPress.org using the plugin.api.
Parameter of slug is passed to the shortcode; the slug is the name of the plugin (for example, for this plugin, the slug is azurecurve-get-plugin-info). For example, to get information on the azurecurve Toggle Show/Hide plugin the slug of azurecurve-toggle-showhide would be passed.
The available shortcodes are:
- getpluginname
- getpluginactiveinstalls – number of active installs
- getpluginauthor – automatically linked back to the authors WordPress.org profile
- getpluginauthorprofile – address of author profile on WordPress.org
- getpluginhomepage – address of developers website
- getpluginrepository – address of theplugin on the WordPress Plugin Repository
- getplugindescription
- getpluginadded – date plugin was added to the WordPress Plugin repository
- getplugindownloaded – number of times the plugin has been downloaded
- getpluginsupportthreads – number of support threads
- getpluginratings – shows rating with text; e.g. 5 stars (120)
- getpluginstarratings – shows star image rating
- getpluginrating
- getplugininstallation – installation instructions
- getpluginchangelog – changelog
- getpluginfaq – faq
- getplugindonatelink – donate link
- getplugintags – list of hyperlinked tags
CSS formatting can be used to change appearence of links and tags.
- Download and extract the azurecurve-plugin-info plugin files.
- Upload the azurecurve-plugin-info directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin under the Plugins menu in the WordPress administration panel.
Najczęściej zadawane pytania
- Is this plugin compatible with both WordPress and ClassicPress?
- Yes, this plugin will work with both.
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Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy
„azurecurve Get Plugin Info” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
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Rejestr zmian
Changes and feature additions for the Plugin Info plugin:
- Move menu to includes folder for easier maintenance
- Move menu to includes folder for easier maintenance
- Add azurecurve menu
- Initial release