Peking University
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Welches Bevölkerungssegment mit dem in den Primärquellen der Zhōu-Periode allseits präsenten Wort mín bezeichnet wird, das traditionellerweise meist im Sinne von »das einfache Volk« oder schlichtweg als »die Menschen« übersetzt wird, ist... more
This paper is a follow-up to a previous study whose results suggest that the term min 民 in texts of the Western Zhou Period (ca. 1045–771 BC) primarily refers to subjected lineages and rulers outside of the ancestral homeland of the Zhou... more
This article analyzes concepts of factual narration in the Kongcongzi 孔叢子, a text that has received little scholarly attention so far. The author argues that the text indicates a pronounced interest in this subject and presents different... more
- by Thomas Crone
This chapter discusses the methodological principles of the text-critical work of the Han dynasty scholar Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 (127–200). It examines ZhengXuan’s approach in comparison with critics in his immediate historical environment... more
The scribe has been granted a special role in the creation of ancient Chinese narrative prose. Many texts seem to imply the presence of his person or written records, and scholars have often treated this feature as an indication of... more
W. V. Quine is one of the most prominent advocates of the naturalistic approach to epistemology and he argues that epistemology should be naturalized and transformed into a sub-discipline of psychology and hence a chapter in science. In... more
北京嘉实印刷有限公司印刷 全国新华书店发行 版次 2 006 年 9 月第 1 版 印 次 2006 年 9 月第 1 次印 刷 开本 787 mm× 1092 mm 1/ 16 印张 21. 75 字数 403 千 定价 36.00 元 版权所有违者必究 如有质量问题 请与出版社联系退换
- by Qilin Li
In this paper, the truth-maker solution to the Gettier problem, which is advocated by Adrian Heathcote, will be closely examined. This investigation of the truth maker theory will reveal the theoretical advantages as well as the... more
在《理性、真理与历史》一书当中,普特南构造了一个名为“缸中之脑”( Brains in a Vat)的情形并声称有一种语义外在主义(Semantic Externalism)的方法可以证明那个“我们都是缸中之脑”的陈述总是(甚至必然是)假的。通过这种方式,普特南认为他可以成功地反驳认知怀疑论 (Epistemic... more