Day #1 PKM Summit 2025

Today, the first day of the PKM Summit 2025 took place. Kicking off the summit with an appropriate pi-day challenge: the winning contender was able to reproduce the first 17 digits of pi, winning a PKM Summit t-shirt, using the tool we all share for our Personal Knowledge Management: our brain.

The summit is communal by heart, with an open and approachable atmosphere. At its core, the summit is a community of people from varying backgrounds and geographies with a focus on connecting and learning from peers. We don’t rely on experts, we rely on our community! You may know just a bit more than your peer(s) (Wim = Weet-Iets-Meer in Dutch, Knows-Just-A-Bit-More in English*) and by sharing your unique knowledge, experience and perspectives, we learn and inspire each other.

Read the post of PKM Summit founder Martijn Aslander about WIM and KIM in relation to Digital Fitness >>

WhatsApp Image 2025-03-15 at 07.24.10