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vtwm TWM with virtual desktop, m4, sound and 3-D buttons
w9wm 8 1/2-like Window Manager for X with virtual desktops
waimea Fast and highly customizable virtual window manager
wampager Virtual pager dockapp for the Waimea Window Manager
wbar Simple and highly customizable quick-launch tool
weewm Fast and ultra light windowmanager with total keyboard control
windowlab Small and simple window manager
windowmaker GNUStep-compliant NEXTSTEP(tm) window manager clone
wm2 Minimalist window manager for X
wmakerconf Gtk+ based configuration tool for Window Maker
wmctrl Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
wmextra Extras for Window Maker window manager
wmi Minimalist, flexible and highly customizable window manager
wmii Modular and keyboard-friendly window manager
wmutils-core Window Manipulation Utilities
wmutils-libwm Small library for X windows manipulation
wmutils-opt Optional addons to wmutils
wmx Another X11 window manager based on wm2
wmx-gnome Another X11 window manager based on wm2, with GNOME compliance
wsoundprefs (V) WSoundServer configuration utility
wsoundserver (V) Sound server for windowmaker
xfce4-wm Xfce window manager
xfce4-wm-themes Xfce window manager themes
xmonad Tiling window manager
xmonad-contrib Community-maintained extensions for xmonad
yeahwm Minimal X window manager with BeOS-like tabbed titles