./wm/stumpwm, Tiling, keyboard driven window manager written in Common Lisp

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 24.11, Package name: stumpwm-24.11, Maintainer: ktnb

StumpWM is a window manager written entirely in Common Lisp. It
attempts to be highly customizable while relying entirely on the
keyboard for input. You will not find buttons, icons, title bars,
tool bars, or any of the other conventional GUI widgets. StumpWM
attempts to be customizable yet visually minimal. There are no
window decorations, no icons, and no buttons. It does have various
hooks to attach your personal customizations, and variables to

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   2025-02-21 22:24:33 by Kevin Bloom | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
stumpwm: add version 24.11

StumpWM is a window manager written entirely in Common Lisp. It
attempts to be highly customizable while relying entirely on the
keyboard for input. You will not find buttons, icons, title bars,
tool bars, or any of the other conventional GUI widgets. StumpWM
attempts to be customizable yet visually minimal. There are no
window decorations, no icons, and no buttons. It does have various
hooks to attach your personal customizations, and variables to