./net/amfora, Terminal browser for the Gemini protocol

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.10.0nb7, Package name: amfora-1.10.0nb7, Maintainer: mj

Amfora aims to be the best looking Gemini client with the most features... all
in the terminal. It does not support Gopher or other non-Web protocols

Master sites:

Filesize: 2287.888 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-07 21:54:34 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (190) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go124 update

I realize I forgot to do the revbump after updating the default Go
version to 1.24, so let's do that now.
   2024-09-06 20:49:02 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (180) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go122 update
   2024-08-11 17:57:15 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (176) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after update
   2024-07-03 08:59:36 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (169) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go122 security update
   2024-06-13 15:47:13 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (169) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go122 update
   2024-06-01 16:03:06 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (168)
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages, default Go version is now 1.22.
   2024-04-05 21:14:14 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (161) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go121 update
   2024-03-22 11:38:33 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
net/amfora: update to 1.10.0

Hello all! This will likely be the final release of Amfora.
For more information, please see my blog post, \ 

Thanks to all the users and especially the contributors, who made this project
the personal success it was for me.

The following is copied from the CHANGELOG.md file in this repo.
    Syntax highlighting for preformatted text blocks with alt text (#252, #263, \ 
wiki page)
    Client certificates can be restricted to certain paths of a host (#115)
    header config option in [subscriptions] to allow disabling the header text \ 
on the subscriptions page (#191)
    Selected link and scroll position stays for non-cached pages (#122)
    Keybinding to open URL with URL handler instead of configured proxy (#143)
    include theme key to import themes from an external file (#154, #290)
    Support SOCKS5 proxying by setting AMFORA_SOCKS5 environment variable (#155)
    When bookmarking a page, the first level one heading is suggested as the \ 
name (#267, #293)
    Confirmation prompts for URL schemes in new [url-prompts] config section \ 
(#301, #302)

    Center text automatically, removing left_margin from the config (#233)
    max_width defaults to 80 columns instead of 100 (#233)
    Tabs have the domain of the current page instead of numbers (#202)
    Closing Amfora with q was removed in favor of Shift-q (#243)
    Paging up or down scrolls by 50% instead of 75%, to match less (#303)
    Update deps, require Go 1.17 (#336)
    Show local directory index file if available (#319)
    Updated Project Gemini URLs (#342)

    Modal can't be closed when opening non-gemini text URLs from the commandline \ 
(#283, #284)
    External programs started by Amfora remain as zombie processes (#219)
    Prevent link lines (and other types) from being wider than the max_width \ 
setting (#280)
    new:7 on new tab page fails to open link (#306)
    Slashes aren't decoded in redirect URLs (#322, #324)
    Typing localhost in the bottom bar actually loads localhost instead of \ 
searching (#326, #327)