Contact us Category listing - ham
((V)irtual = Package is only listed here)
7plus Uuencode-like file coder for AMPR BBS S&F of binary files
chirp Tool for programming Amateur Radio HTs
codec2 Speech codec for between 700 and 3200 bit/s
cwtext Morse Code Generator
dpbox Multi-Protocol Amateur Packet Radio BBS
fl_logbook FLTK-based amateur radio log book
fldigi Digital radio modem
flxmlrpc XmlRpc protocol written in C++ for fl*, ham emergency communications
freedv FreeDV: HF Digital Voice for Radio Amateurs
gnuradio (V) Collection of GNU Radio (meta package, easy to install whole thing)
gnuradio-channels Signal processing blocks to simulate channel models of GNU Radio
gnuradio-companion User interface entry of GNU Radio
gnuradio-core Core part of GNU Radio, all others need this
gnuradio-digital Digital related algorithms for GNU Radio
gnuradio-doxygen Doxygen documentation of GNU Radio
gnuradio-dtv Various digital television standards of GNU Radio
gnuradio-fec Forward Error Correction blocks, utilities, & examples of GNU Radio
gnuradio-network Network blocks for GNU Radio
gnuradio-pdu Protocol Data Units for GNU Radio
gnuradio-qtgui Qt GUI module of GNU Radio
gnuradio-soapy-sdr GNU Radio bindings for SoapySDR
gnuradio-trellis Trellis-based encoding and decoding algorithms for GNU Radio
gnuradio-uhd Uhd-based encoding and decoding algorithms for GNU Radio
gnuradio-utils Utilities in GNU Radio
gnuradio-video-sdl SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) bindings for GNU Radio
gnuradio-vocoder All available vocoders in GNU Radio
gnuradio-wavelet Wavelet transform of GNU Radio
gnuradio-zeromq All of the zeromq blocks, utilities, and examples
gpredict Gnome satellite tracking program
gqrx Open source software defined radio receiver
gr-osmosdr SDR Hardware support for OsmoSDR and so many more
hackrf HackRF, an open source SDR hardware platform
hamlib API for digital communications equipment
kalibrate-hackrf LO frequency offset calibration tool (hackrf fork)
kalibrate-rtl LO frequency offset calibration tool (rtl-sdr fork)
libmirisdr Osmocom Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR library
locator Longitudes, latitudes to HAM locator converter
lpcnetfreedv LPCNet library for use by FreeDV
mtrack (V) Satellite tracking program for amateurs
nec2c Numerical Electromagnetics Code in C
osmo-sdr Small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio)
predict Curses satellite tracking/orbital prediction program
py-soapy-sdr Python bindings for SoapySDR
rtl-sdr Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver
soapy-sdr Vendor and platform neutral SDR support library
tfkiss Software implementation of TheFirmware for use with TNT
tlf Advanced hamradio logging and contest program
tnt Amateur packet radio terminal program for TNC2, AEA PK232 and PK88
trustedQSL TrustedQSL, uploading QSL Data to LoTW of ARRL
uhd USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) Hardware Drivers
wwl Calculates distance (qrb)
xdx Amateur Radio tcp/ip DX-cluster client
xlog Amateur Radio logging program
xnec2c GTK+ graphical interactive version of nec2c
yaesu Control interface for Yaesu FT-890 HF transceiver