7plus | | Uuencode-like file coder for AMPR BBS S&F of binary files |
chirp | | Tool for programming Amateur Radio HTs |
codec2 | | Speech codec for between 700 and 3200 bit/s |
cwtext | | Morse Code Generator |
dpbox | | Multi-Protocol Amateur Packet Radio BBS |
fl_logbook | | FLTK-based amateur radio log book |
fldigi | | Digital radio modem |
flxmlrpc | | XmlRpc protocol written in C++ for fl*, ham emergency communications |
freedv | | FreeDV: HF Digital Voice for Radio Amateurs |
gnuradio (V) | | Collection of GNU Radio (meta package, easy to install whole thing) |
gnuradio-channels | | Signal processing blocks to simulate channel models of GNU Radio |
gnuradio-companion | | User interface entry of GNU Radio |
gnuradio-core | | Core part of GNU Radio, all others need this |
gnuradio-digital | | Digital related algorithms for GNU Radio |
gnuradio-doxygen | | Doxygen documentation of GNU Radio |
gnuradio-dtv | | Various digital television standards of GNU Radio |
gnuradio-fec | | Forward Error Correction blocks, utilities, & examples of GNU Radio |
gnuradio-network | | Network blocks for GNU Radio |
gnuradio-pdu | | Protocol Data Units for GNU Radio |
gnuradio-qtgui | | Qt GUI module of GNU Radio |
gnuradio-soapy-sdr | | GNU Radio bindings for SoapySDR |
gnuradio-trellis | | Trellis-based encoding and decoding algorithms for GNU Radio |
gnuradio-uhd | | Uhd-based encoding and decoding algorithms for GNU Radio |
gnuradio-utils | | Utilities in GNU Radio |
gnuradio-video-sdl | | SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) bindings for GNU Radio |
gnuradio-vocoder | | All available vocoders in GNU Radio |
gnuradio-wavelet | | Wavelet transform of GNU Radio |
gnuradio-zeromq | | All of the zeromq blocks, utilities, and examples |
gpredict | | Gnome satellite tracking program |
gqrx | | Open source software defined radio receiver |
gr-osmosdr | | SDR Hardware support for OsmoSDR and so many more |
hackrf | | HackRF, an open source SDR hardware platform |
hamlib | | API for digital communications equipment |
kalibrate-hackrf | | LO frequency offset calibration tool (hackrf fork) |
kalibrate-rtl | | LO frequency offset calibration tool (rtl-sdr fork) |
libmirisdr | | Osmocom Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR library |
locator | | Longitudes, latitudes to HAM locator converter |
lpcnetfreedv | | LPCNet library for use by FreeDV |
mtrack (V) | | Satellite tracking program for amateurs |
nec2c | | Numerical Electromagnetics Code in C |
osmo-sdr | | Small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) |
predict | | Curses satellite tracking/orbital prediction program |
py-soapy-sdr | | Python bindings for SoapySDR |
rtl-sdr | | Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver |
soapy-sdr | | Vendor and platform neutral SDR support library |
tfkiss | | Software implementation of TheFirmware for use with TNT |
tlf | | Advanced hamradio logging and contest program |
tnt | | Amateur packet radio terminal program for TNC2, AEA PK232 and PK88 |
trustedQSL | | TrustedQSL, uploading QSL Data to LoTW of ARRL |
uhd | | USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) Hardware Drivers |
wwl | | Calculates distance (qrb) |
xdx | | Amateur Radio tcp/ip DX-cluster client |
xlog | | Amateur Radio logging program |
xnec2c | | GTK+ graphical interactive version of nec2c |
yaesu | | Control interface for Yaesu FT-890 HF transceiver |