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Data files for the vim editor (vi clone)
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 9.1.1170,
Package name: vim-share-9.1.1170,
Maintainer: morrVim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi. Many new features
have been added: multi level undo, syntax highlighting, command line history,
on-line help, filename completion, block operations, etc.
This package is only a shared data-package for the `actual' vim packages.
You also have to install one of vim, vim-xaw, vim-gtk, vim-gtk2 or vim-motif
to get a working editor.
Required to build:[
Master sites:
Filesize: 18078.236 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2025-03-05) Updated to version: vim-share-9.1.1170
- (2025-02-19) Updated to version: vim-share-9.1.1122
- (2025-01-28) Updated to version: vim-share-9.1.1054
- (2025-01-12) Updated to version: vim-share-9.1.1004
- (2024-11-16) Updated to version: vim-share-9.1.0789nb1
- (2024-10-17) Updated to version: vim-share-9.1.0789
CVS history: (Expand)
2025-03-05 17:55:15 by Daniel Horecki | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Update to patchlevel 9.1.1170
- patch 9.1.1170: wildmenu highlighting in popup can be improved
- runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v179
- runtime(doc): fix typo "bet" in :h 'completeopt'
- patch 9.1.1169: using global variable for get_insert()/get_lambda_name()
- patch 9.1.1168: wrong flags passed down to nextwild()
- patch 9.1.1167: mark '] wrong after copying text object
- runtime(doc): update how to get Vim
- patch 9.1.1166: command-line auto-completion hard with wildmenu
- runtime(tar): use readblob() instead of shelling out to file(1)
- patch 9.1.1165: diff: regression with multi-file diff blocks
- patch 9.1.1164: [security]: code execution with tar.vim and special crafted \
tar files
- translation(it): Update Italian translation
- runtime(tar): fix syntax error in tar.vim
- patch 9.1.1163: $MYVIMDIR is set too late
- runtime(syntax-tests): Apply stronger synchronisation between buffers
- patch 9.1.1162: completion popup not cleared in cmdline
- patch 9.1.1161: preinsert requires bot "menu" and \
"menuone" to be set
- runtime(misc): add support for bzip3 to tar, vimball and gzip plugins
- patch 9.1.1160: Ctrl-Y does not work well with "preinsert" when \
completing items
- patch 9.1.1159: $MYVIMDIR may not always be set
- patch 9.1.1158: :verbose set has wrong file name with :compiler!
- runtime(netrw): correctly handle shellslash variable
- patch 9.1.1157: command completion wrong for input()
- runtime(doc): fix confusing docs for 'completeitemalign'
- patch 9.1.1156: tests: No test for what patch 9.1.1152 fixes
- patch 9.1.1155: Mode message not cleared after :silent message
- runtime(lua): Improve 'include' and make '*expr' functions script-local
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match Vim9 function calls after "|"
- patch 9.1.1154: Vim9: not able to use autoload class accross scripts
- runtime(compiler): improve svelte-check
- patch 9.1.1153: build error on Haiku
- patch 9.1.1152: Patch v9.1.1151 causes problems
- runtime(new-tutor): update examples from Neovim to Vim
- nsis: add Portuguese Brazilian translation to nsis installer
- patch 9.1.1151: too many strlen() calls in getchar.c
- runtime(vim): make VimKeywordPrg even smarter for regexes
- patch 9.1.1150: :hi completion may complete to wrong value
- patch 9.1.1149: Unix Makefile does not support Brazilian lang for the installer
- patch 9.1.1148: Vim9: finding imported scripts can be further improved
- runtime(lua): Update lua ftplugin and documentation
- patch 9.1.1147: preview-window does not scroll correctly
- nsis: added support for pt-BR to installer and update README.txt
- translation(tr): Update Turkish translations
- patch 9.1.1146: Vim9: wrong context being used when evaluating class member
- patch 9.1.1145: multi-line completion has wrong indentation for last line
- runtime(netrw): runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v178
- patch 9.1.1144: no way to create raw strings from a blob
- patch 9.1.1143: illegal memory access when putting a register
- patch 9.1.1142: tests: test_startup fails if $HOME/$XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined
- runtime(vim): improve &keywordprg in ftplugin
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match :CompilerSet and :SynMenu commands
- patch 9.1.1141: Misplaced comment in readfile()
- patch 9.1.1140: filetype: m17ndb files are not detected
- patch 9.1.1139: [fifo] is not displayed when editing a fifo
- patch 9.1.1138: cmdline completion for :hi is too simplistic
- patch 9.1.1137: ins_str() is inefficient by calling STRLEN()
- CI: Install netbeans on windows to make sure to run test_netbeans.vim
- runtime(dockerfile): set comments in filetype plugin
- runtime(compiler): include svelte-check compiler
- runtime(doc): get rid of the titlestring hack for terminal-api
- patch 9.1.1136: Match highlighting marks a buffer region as changed
- patch 9.1.1135: 'suffixesadd' doesn't work with multiple items
- runtime(filetype): move filetype detection into filetypedetect augroup
- CI: add Makefile target to verify default highlighting groups are present
- patch 9.1.1134: filetype: Guile init file not recognized
- patch 9.1.1133: filetype: xkb files not recognized everywhere
- patch 9.1.1132: Mark positions wrong after triggering multiline completion
- patch 9.1.1131: potential out-of-memory issue in search.c
- runtime(doc): remove resolved complete item from todo list
- patch 9.1.1130: 'listchars' "precedes" is not drawn on Tabs.
- runtime(sieve): set fileformat=dos in filetype plugin
- patch 9.1.1129: missing out-of-memory test in buf_write()
- runtime(mail): add commentstring '> %s' to ftplugin
- patch 9.1.1128: patch 9.1.1119 caused a regression with imports
- runtime(dnsmasq): include simple filetype plugin
- patch 9.1.1127: preinsert text is not cleaned up correctly
- patch 9.1.1126: patch 9.1.1121 used a wrong way to handle enter
- patch 9.1.1125: cannot loop through pum menu with multiline items
- patch 9.1.1124: No test for 'listchars' "precedes" with double-width char
- patch 9.1.1123: popup hi groups not falling back to defaults
- runtime(dosini): Add support for # comments to ftplugin
2025-03-04 10:37:39 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (31) |
Log message:
*: Assume that the user has a C99-capable compiler.
A compiler that supports -std=c99 is required for
bootstrap, so it doesn't make sense to specify a c99
compiler everywhere in package makefiles.
At any rate, I would bet my entire life's savings that
this is a small fraction of the total number of packages
requiring c99.
Note that compilers that default to c89 but support c99
are still supported...
2025-02-18 22:15:26 by Daniel Horecki | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update to newest patchleve 9.1.1122.
- patch 9.1.1122: too many strlen() calls in findfile.c
- patch 9.1.1121: Enter does not insert newline with "noselect"
- runtime(netrw): fix s:NetrwHome() regression
- patch 9.1.1120: tests: Test_registers fails
- runtime(doc): add reference to extendnew() at extend()
- patch 9.1.1119: Vim9: Not able to use an autoloaded class from another \
autoloaded script
- patch 9.1.1118: tests: test_termcodes fails
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve performance
- patch 9.1.1117: there are a few minor style issues
- patch 9.1.1116: Vim9: super not supported in lambda expressions
- runtime(doc): Update the 'specifies' keyword documentation, slightly reformat
- patch 9.1.1115: [security]: use-after-free in str_to_reg()
- patch 9.1.1114: enabling termguicolors automatically confuses users
- runtime(keymap): Add ukrainian-enhanced keymap
- patch 9.1.1113: tests: Test_terminal_builtin_without_gui waits 2 seconds
- patch 9.1.1112: Inconsistencies in get_next_or_prev_match()
- runtime(doc): document ComplMatchIns highlight for insert-completion
- runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v177
- patch 9.1.1111: Vim9: variable not found in transitive import
- patch 9.1.1110: Vim tests are slow and flaky
- patch 9.1.1109: cmdexpand.c hard to read
- runtime(exports): include simple filetype plugin
- runtime(samba): include simple filetype plugin
- patch 9.1.1108: 'smoothscroll' gets stuck with 'listchars' "eol"
- patch 9.1.1107: cannot loop through completion menu with fuzzy
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, always match continuation comments to EOL
- runtime(nroff): set define option & add matchit config in ftplugin
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match Vim9 boolean and null literals in parens
- patch 9.1.1106: tests: Test_log_nonexistent() causes asan failure
- patch 9.1.1105: Vim9: no support for protected new() method
- patch 9.1.1104: CI: using Ubuntu 22.04 Github runners
- ci: syntax tests spam output
- patch 9.1.1103: if_perl: still some compile errors with Perl 5.38
- patch 9.1.1102: tests: Test_WinScrolled_Resized_eiw() uses wrong filename
- patch 9.1.1101: insexpand.c hard to read
- patch 9.1.1100: tests: Test_log_nonexistent only works on Linux
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve variable matching
- patch 9.1.1099: Vim9: import with extends may crash
- patch 9.1.1098: leaking memory with completing multi lines
- patch 9.1.1097: --log with non-existent path causes a crash
- patch 9.1.1096: if_perl: Perl 5.38 adds new symbols causing link failure
- patch 9.1.1095: tests: matchparen plugin test wrongly named
- patch 9.1.1094: Vim9: problem finding implemented method in type hierarchy
- runtime(qf): Update syntax file, match second delimiter
- patch 9.1.1093: tests: output of test ...win32_ctrl_z depends on python version
- patch 9.1.1092: tests: fix expected return code for python 3.13 on Windows
- patch 9.1.1091: tests: timeout might be a bit too small
- patch 9.1.1090: tests: test_terminwscroll_topline2 unreliable
- patch 9.1.1089: tests: No check when tests are run under Github actions
- patch 9.1.1088: tests: plugin tests are named inconsistently
- patch 9.1.1087: Vim9: import with extends may crash
- patch 9.1.1086: completion doesn't work with multi lines
- patch 9.1.1085: filetype: cmmt files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.1084: Unable to persistently ignore events in a window and its buffers
- runtime(tex): improve syntax highlighting
- patch 9.1.1083: setreg() doesn't correctly handle mbyte chars in blockwise mode
- patch 9.1.1082: unexpected DCS responses may cause out of bounds reads
- patch 9.1.1081: has('bsd') is true for GNU/Hurd
- patch 9.1.1080: filetype: Mill files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.1079: GUI late startup leads to uninitialized scrollbars
- runtime(misc): Add support for lz4 to tar & gzip plugin
- patch 9.1.1078: Terminal ansi colors off by one after tgc reset
- patch 9.1.1077: included syntax items do not understand contains=TOP
- patch 9.1.1076: vim_strnchr() is strange and unnecessary
- patch 9.1.1075: Vim9: len variable not used in compile_load()
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match :debuggreedy count prefix
- patch 9.1.1074: Strange error when heredoc marker starts with "trim"
- patch 9.1.1073: tests: test_compiler fails on Windows without Maven
- patch 9.1.1072: 'diffopt' "linematch" cannot be used with {n} less \
than 10
- patch 9.1.1071: args missing after failing to redefine a function
- patch 9.1.1070: Cannot control cursor positioning of getchar()
- patch 9.1.1069: preinsert text completions not deleted with <C-W>/<C-U>
- patch 9.1.1068: getchar() can't distinguish between C-I and Tab
- CI: bump windows python to 3.13
- patch 9.1.1067: tests: Test_termwinscroll_topline2 fails on MacOS
- patch 9.1.1066: heap-use-after-free and stack-use-after-scope with :14verbose
- patch 9.1.1065: no digraph for "Approaches the limit"
- patch 9.1.1064: not possible to use plural forms with gettext()
- patch 9.1.1063: too many strlen() calls in userfunc.c
- patch 9.1.1062: terminal: E315 when dragging the terminal with the mouse
- runtime(openPlugin): fix unclosed parenthesis in GetWordUnderCursor()
- runtime(doc): Tweak documentation style a bit
- patch 9.1.1061: tests: test_glvs fails when unarchiver not available
- patch 9.1.1060: Vim always enables 'termguicolors' in a terminal
- patch 9.1.1059: completion: input text deleted with preinsert when adding leader
- patch 9.1.1058: translation(sr): Missing Serbian translation for the tutor
- patch 9.1.1057: Superfluous cleanup steps in test_ins_complete.vim
- runtime(netrw): correct wrong version check
- patch 9.1.1056: Vim doesn't highlight to be inserted text when completing
- runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v176
- runtime(dist/vim9): fix regressions in dist#vim9#Open
- runtime(hyprlang): fix string recognition
- patch 9.1.1055: make install fails because of a missing dependency
- runtime(asm): add byte directives to syntax script
2025-01-28 00:04:48 by Daniel Horecki | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Update to newest snapshot 9.1.1054.
- patch 9.1.1054: Vim doesn't work well with TERM=xterm-direct
- runtime(filetype): commit 99181205c5f8284a3 breaks V lang detection
- runtime: decouple Open and Launch commands and gx mapping from netrw
- patch 9.1.1053: "nosort" enables fuzzy filtering even if \
"fuzzy" isn't in 'completeopt'
- runtime(just): fix typo in syntax file
- runtime(filetype): Improve Verilog detection by checking for modules definition
- patch 9.1.1052: tests: off-by-one error in CheckCWD in test_debugger.vim
- patch 9.1.1051: tests: no support for env variables when running Vim in terminal
- patch 9.1.1050: too many strlen() calls in os_unix.c
- patch 9.1.1049: insert-completed items are always sorted
- patch 9.1.1048: crash after scrolling and pasting in silent Ex mode
- patch 9.1.1047: Makefiles uses non-portable syntax
- patch 9.1.1046: fuzzymatching doesn't prefer matching camelcase
- patch 9.1.1045: filetype: N-Tripels and TriG files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.1044: Vim9: Patch 9.1.1014 causes regressions
- Update .gitignore for v9.1.1036
- translation(sr): Update Serbian messages translation
- patch 9.1.1043: [security]: segfault in win_line()
- runtime(doc): update helptags
- patch 9.1.1042: filetype: just files are not recognized
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match ternary and falsy operators
- patch 9.1.1041: Vim9: out-of-bound access when echoing an enum
- patch 9.1.1040: Vim9: imported type cannot be used as func return type
- runtime(kconfig): updated ftplugin and syntax script
- runtime(doc): rename last t_BG reference to t_RB
- patch 9.1.1039: Vim9: comments are outdated
- patch 9.1.1038: tests: fails with IPv6
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, fix is/isnot operator matching
- patch 9.1.1037: Vim9: confusing error when using abstract method via super
- patch 9.1.1036: make install fails when using shadowdir
- patch 9.1.1035: Vim9: memory leak with blob2str()
- runtime(tex): add texEmphStyle to texMatchGroup in syntax script
- CI: bump windows python to 3.12
- runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v175
- CI: add Linux arm64 CI job
- patch 9.1.1033: Vim9: compiling abstract method fails without return
- CI: bump windows libsodium to 1.0.20
- runtime(c): add new constexpr keyword to syntax file (C23)
- patch 9.1.1033: tests: shaderslang was removed from test_filetype erroneously
- patch 9.1.1032: link error when FEAT_SPELL not defined
- patch 9.1.1031: Coverity complains about insecure data handling
- runtime(sh): update syntax script
- runtime(c): Add missing syntax test files
- patch 9.1.1030: filetype: setting bash filetype is backwards incompatible
- runtime(c): Update syntax and ftplugin files
- patch 9.1.1029: the installer can be improved
- patch 9.1.1028: too many strlen() calls in screen.c
- patch 9.1.1027: no sanitize check when running linematch
- patch 9.1.1026: filetype: swc configuration files are not recognized
- runtime(netrw): change netrw maintainer
- patch 9.1.1025: wrong return type of blob2str()
- patch 9.1.1024: blob2str/str2blob() do not support list of strings
- runtime(doc): fix typo in usr_02.txt
- patch 9.1.1023: Coverity complains about dereferencing NULL pointer
- patch 9.1.1022: linematch option value not completed
- patch 9.1.1021: string might be used without a trailing NUL
- patch 9.1.1020: no way to get current selected item in a async context
- patch 9.1.1019: filetype: fd ignore files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.1018: v9.1.0743 causes regression with diff mode
- runtime(doc): fix base64 encode/decode examples
- patch 9.1.1017: Vim9: Patch 9.1.1013 causes a few problems
- patch 9.1.1016: Not possible to convert string2blob and blob2string
- patch 9.1.1015: Coverity complains about dereferencing NULL value
- patch 9.1.1014: Vim9: variable not found in transitive import
- runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme
- patch 9.1.1013: Vim9: Regression caused by patch v9.1.0646
- runtime(lyrics): support milliseconds in syntax script
- runtime(vim): Split Vim legacy and Vim9 script indent tests
- patch 9.1.1012: Vim9: class interface inheritance not correctly working
- patch 9.1.1011: popupmenu internal error with some abbr in completion item
- patch 9.1.1010: filetype: VisualCode setting file not recognized
- patch 9.1.1009: diff feature can be improved
- patch 9.1.1008: tests: test for patch 9.1.1006 doesn't fail without the patch
- patch 9.1.1007: filetype: various ignore are not recognized
- tests: Load screendump files with "git vimdumps"
- patch 9.1.1006: PmenuMatch completion highlight can be combined
- patch 9.1.1005: completion text is highlighted even with no pattern found
2025-01-12 01:49:47 by Daniel Horecki | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
Update to patch 1004.
- 9.1.1004: tests: a few termdebug tests are flaky
- 9.1.1003: [security]: heap-buffer-overflow with visual mode
- 9.1.1002: Vim9: unknown func error with interface declaring func var
- 9.1.1001: ComplMatchIns highlight hard to read on light background
- 9.1.1000: tests: ruby tests fail with Ruby 3.4
- 9.1.0999: Vim9: leaking finished exception
- 9.1.0998: filetype: TI assembly files are not recognized
- 9.1.0997: too many strlen() calls in drawscreen.c
- 9.1.0996: ComplMatchIns may highlight wrong text
- 9.1.0995: filetype: shaderslang files are not detected
- 9.1.0994: Vim9: not able to use comment after opening curly brace
- 9.1.0993: New 'cmdheight' behavior may be surprising
- 9.1.0992: Vim9: double-free after v9.1.0988
- 9.1.0991: v:stacktrace has wrong type in Vim9 script
- 9.1.0990: Inconsistent behavior when changing cmdheight
- 9.1.0989: Vim9: Whitespace after the final enum value causes a syntax error
- 9.1.0988: Vim9: no error when using uninitialized var in new()
- 9.1.0987: filetype: cake files are not recognized
- 9.1.0986: filetype: 'jj' filetype is a bit imprecise
- 9.1.0985: Vim9: some ex commands can be shortened
- 9.1.0984: exception handling can be improved
- 9.1.0983: not able to get the displayed items in complete_info()
- 9.1.0982: TI linker files are not recognized
- 9.1.0981: tests: typo in test_filetype.vim
- 9.1.0980: no support for base64 en-/decoding functions in Vim Script
- 9.1.0979: VMS: type warning with $XDG_VIMRC_FILE
- 9.1.0978: GUI tests sometimes fail when setting 'scroll' options
- 9.1.0977: filetype: msbuild filetypes are not recognized
- 9.1.0976: Vim9: missing return statement with throw
- 9.1.0975: Vim9: interpolated string expr not working in object methods
- 9.1.0974: typo in change of commit v9.1.0873
- 9.1.0973: too many strlen() calls in fileio.c
- 9.1.0972: filetype: TI linker map files are not recognized
- 9.1.0971: filetype: SLNX files are not recognized
- 9.1.0970: VMS: build errors on VMS architecture
- 9.1.0969: ghostty not using kitty protocol by default
- 9.1.0968: tests: GetFileNameChecks() isn't fully sorted by filetype name
- 9.1.0967: SpotBugs compiler setup can be further improved
- 9.1.0966: Vim9: :enum command can be shortened
- 9.1.0965: filetype: sh filetype set when detecting the use of bash
- 9.1.0964: MS-Windows: sed error with MinGW
- 9.1.0963: fuzzy-matching does not prefer full match
- 9.1.0962: filetype: bun.lock file is not recognized
- 9.1.0961: filetype: TI gel files are not recognized
- 9.1.0960: filetype: hy history files are not recognized
- 9.1.0959: Coverity complains about type conversion
- 9.1.0958: filetype: supertux2 config files detected as lisp
- 9.1.0957: MS-Windows: conversion warnings
- 9.1.0956: completion may crash, completion highlight wrong with preview window
- 9.1.0955: Vim9: vim9compile.c can be further improved
- 9.1.0954: popupmenu.c can be improved
- 9.1.0953: filetype: APKBUILD files not correctly detected
- 9.1.0952: Vim9: missing type checking for any type assignment
- 9.1.0951: filetype: jshell files are not recognized
- 9.1.0950: filetype: fennelrc files are not recognized
- 9.1.0949: popups inconsistently shifted to the left
- 9.1.0948: Missing cmdline completion for :pbuffer
- 9.1.0947: short-description
- 9.1.0946: cross-compiling fails on osx-arm64
- 9.1.0945: ComplMatchIns highlight doesn't end after inserted text
- 9.1.0944: tests: test_registers fails when not run under X11
- 9.1.0943: Vim9: vim9compile.c can be further improved
- 9.1.0942: a few typos were found
- 9.1.0941: ComplMatchIns doesn't work after multibyte chars
- 9.1.0940: Wrong cursor shape with "gq" and 'indentexpr' executes :normal
- 9.1.0939: make installtutor fails
- 9.1.0938: exclusive selection not respected when re-selecting block mode
- 9.1.0937: test_undolist() is flaky
- 9.1.0936: cannot highlight completed text
- 9.1.0935: SpotBugs compiler can be improved
- 9.1.0934: hard to view an existing buffer in the preview window
- 9.1.0933: Vim9: vim9compile.c can be further improved
- 9.1.0932: new Italian tutor not installed
- 9.1.0931: ml_get error in terminal buffer
- 9.1.0930: tests: test_terminal2 may hang in GUI mode
- 9.1.0929: filetype: lalrpop files are not recognized
- 9.1.0928: tests: test_popupwin fails because the filter command fails
- 9.1.0927: style issues in insexpand.c
- 9.1.0926: filetype: Pixi lock files are not recognized
- 9.1.0925: Vim9: expression compiled when not necessary
- 9.1.0924: patch 9.1.0923 causes issues
- 9.1.0923: too many strlen() calls in filepath.c
- 9.1.0923: wrong MIN macro in popupmenu.c
- 9.1.0921: popupmenu logic is a bit convoluted
- 9.1.0920: Vim9: compile_assignment() too long
- 9.1.0919: filetype: some assembler files are not recognized
- 9.1.0918: tiny Vim crashes with fuzzy buffer completion
- 9.1.0917: various vartabstop and shiftround bugs when shifting lines
- 9.1.0916: messages.c is exceeding 80 columns
- 9.1.0915: GVim: default font size a bit too small
- 9.1.0914: Vim9: compile_assignment() is too long
- 9.1.0913: no error check for neg values for 'messagesopt'
- 9.1.0912: xxd: integer overflow with sparse files and -autoskip
- 9.1.0911: Variable name for 'messagesopt' doesn't match short name
- 9.1.0910: 'messagesopt' does not check max wait time
- 9.1.0909: Vim9: crash when calling instance method
- 9.1.0908: not possible to configure :messages
- 9.1.0907: printoptions:portrait does not change postscript Orientation
- 9.1.0906: filetype: Nvidia PTX files are not recognized
- 9.1.0905: Missing information in CompleteDone event
- 9.1.0904: Vim9: copy-paste error in class_defining_member()
- 9.1.0903: potential overflow in spell_soundfold_wsal()
- 9.1.0902: filetype: Conda configuration files are not recognized
- 9.1.0901: MS-Windows: vimtutor batch script can be improved
- 9.1.0900: Vim9: digraph_getlist() does not accept bool arg
- 9.1.0899: default for 'backspace' can be set in C code
- 9.1.0898: runtime(compiler): pytest compiler not included
- 9.1.0897: filetype: pyrex files are not detected
- 9.1.0896: completion list wrong after v9.1.0891
- 9.1.0895: default history value is too small
- 9.1.0894: No test for what the spotbug compiler parses
- 9.1.0893: No test that undofile format does not regress
- 9.1.0892: the max value of 'tabheight' is limited by other tabpages
- 9.1.0891: building the completion list array is inefficient
- 9.1.0890: %! item not allowed for 'rulerformat'
- 9.1.0889: Possible unnecessary redraw after adding/deleting lines
- 9.1.0888: leftcol property not available in getwininfo()
- 9.1.0887: Wrong expression in sign.c
- 9.1.0886: filetype: debian control file not detected
- 9.1.0885: style of sign.c can be improved
- 9.1.0884: gcc warns about uninitialized variable
- 9.1.0883: message history cleanup is missing some tests
- 9.1.0882: too many strlen() calls in insexpand.c
- 9.1.0881: GUI: message dialog may not get focus
- 9.1.0880: filetype: C3 files are not recognized
- 9.1.0879: source is not consistently formatted
- 9.1.0878: termdebug: cannot enable DEBUG mode
- 9.1.0877: tests: missing test for termdebug + decimal signs
- 9.1.0876: filetype: openCL files are not recognized
- 9.1.0875: filetype: hyprlang detection can be improved
- 9.1.0874: filetype: karel files are not detected
- 9.1.0873: filetype: Vivado files are not recognized
- 9.1.0872: No test for W23 message
- 9.1.0871: getcellpixels() can be further improved
- 9.1.0870: too many strlen() calls in eval.c
- 9.1.0869: Problem: curswant not set on gm in folded line
- 9.1.0868: the warning about missing clipboard can be improved
- 9.1.0867: ins_compl_add() has too many args
- 9.1.0866: filetype: LLVM IR files are not recognized
- 9.1.0865: filetype: org files are not recognized
- 9.1.0864: message history is fixed to 200
- 9.1.0863: getcellpixels() can be further improved
- 9.1.0862: 'wildmenu' not enabled by default in nocp mode
- 9.1.0861: Vim9: no runtime check for object member access of any var
- 9.1.0860: tests: mouse_shape tests use hard code sleep value
- 9.1.0859: several problems with the GLVS plugin
- 9.1.0858: Coverity complains about dead code
- 9.1.0857: xxd: --- is incorrectly recognized as end-of-options
- 9.1.0856: mouseshape might be wrong on r and gr
- 9.1.0855: setting 'cmdheight' may cause hit-enter-prompt
- 9.1.0854: cannot get terminal cell size
- 9.1.0853: filetype: kubernetes config file not recognized
- 9.1.0852: No warning when X11 registers are not available
- 9.1.0851: too many strlen() calls in getchar.c
- 9.1.0850: Vim9: cannot access nested object inside objects
- 9.1.0849: there are a few typos in the source
- 9.1.0848: if_lua: v:false/v:true are not evaluated to boolean
- 9.1.0847: tests: test_popupwin fails because of updated help file
- 9.1.0846: debug symbols for xxd are not cleaned in Makefile
- 9.1.0845: vimtutor shell script can be improved
- 9.1.0844: if_python: no way to pass local vars to python
- 9.1.0843: too many strlen() calls in undo.c
- 9.1.0842: not checking for the sync() systemcall
- 9.1.0841: tests: still preferring python2 over python3
- 9.1.0840: filetype: idris2 files are not recognized
- 9.1.0839: filetype: leo files are not recognized
- 9.1.0838: vimtutor is bash-specific
- 9.1.0837: cross-compiling has some issues
- 9.1.0836: The vimtutor can be improved
- 9.1.0835: :setglobal doesn't work properly for 'ffu' and 'tsrfu'
- 9.1.0834: tests: 2html test fails
- 9.1.0833: CI: recent ASAN changes do not work for indent tests
- 9.1.0832: :set doesn't work for 'cot' and 'bkc' after :setlocal
- 9.1.0831: 'findexpr' can't be used as lambad or Funcref
- 9.1.0830: using wrong highlight group for spaces for popupmenu
- 9.1.0829: Vim source code uses a mix of tabs and spaces
- 9.1.0828: string_T struct could be used more often
- 9.1.0827: CI: tests can be improved
- 9.1.0826: filetype: sway files are not recognized
- 9.1.0825: compile error for non-diff builds
- 9.1.0824: too many strlen() calls in register.c
- 9.1.0823: filetype: Zephyr overlay files not recognized
- 9.1.0822: topline might be changed in diff mode unexpectedly
- 9.1.0821: 'findexpr' completion doesn't set v:fname to cmdline argument
- 9.1.0820: tests: Mac OS tests are too flaky
- 9.1.0819: tests: using findexpr and imported func not tested
- 9.1.0818: some global functions are only used in single files
- 9.1.0817: termdebug: cannot evaluate expr in a popup
- 9.1.0816: tests: not clear what tests cause asan failures
- 9.1.0815: "above" virtual text causes wrong 'colorcolumn' position
- 9.1.0814: mapset() may remove unrelated mapping
- 9.1.0813: no error handling with setglobal and number types
- 9.1.0812: Coverity warns about dereferencing NULL ptr
- 9.1.0811: :find expansion does not consider 'findexpr'
- 9.1.0810: cannot easily adjust the |:find| command
- 9.1.0809: filetype: petalinux config files not recognized
- 9.1.0808: Terminal scrollback doesn't shrink when decreasing 'termwinscroll'
- 9.1.0807: tests: having 'nolist' in modelines isn't always desired
- 9.1.0806: tests: no error check when setting global 'briopt'
- 9.1.0805: tests: minor issues in gen_opt_test.vim
- 9.1.0804: tests: no error check when setting global 'cc'
- 9.1.0803: tests: no error check when setting global 'isk'
- 9.1.0802: tests: no error check when setting global 'fdm' to empty value
- 9.1.0801: tests: no error check when setting global 'termwinkey'
- 9.1.0800: tests: no error check when setting global 'termwinsize'
- 9.1.0799: tests: gettwinvar()/gettabwinvar() tests are not comprehensive
- 9.1.0798: too many strlen() calls in cmdhist.c
- 9.1.0797: testing of options can be further improved
- 9.1.0796: filetype: libtool files are not recognized
- 9.1.0795: filetype: Vivado memory info file are not recognized
- 9.1.0794: tests: tests may fail on Windows environment
- 9.1.0793: xxd: -e does add one extra space
- 9.1.0792: tests: Test_set_values() is not comprehensive enough
- 9.1.0791: tests: errors in gen_opt_test.vim are not shown
- 9.1.0790: Amiga: AmigaOS4 build should use default runtime (newlib)
2024-11-16 13:08:07 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2504) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.40
2024-10-17 19:14:39 by Daniel Horecki | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Update to version 9.1.0789.
- patch 9.1.0789: tests: ':resize + 5' has invalid space after '+'
- patch 9.1.0788: <CSI>27;<mod>u is not decoded to literal Escape in \
- patch 9.1.0787: cursor position changed when using hidden terminal
- patch 9.1.0786: tests: quickfix update test does not test location list
- patch 9.1.0785: cannot preserve error position when setting quickfix list
- patch 9.1.0784: there are several problems with python 3.13
- patch 9.1.0783: 'spell' option setting has problems
- patch 9.1.0782: tests: using wrong neomuttlog file name
- patch 9.1.0781: tests: test_filetype fails
- patch 9.1.0780: MS-Windows: incorrect Win32 error checking
- patch 9.1.0779: filetype: neomuttlog files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0778: filetype: lf config files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0777: filetype: Some upstream php files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0776: test_strftime may fail because of missing TZ data
- patch 9.1.0775: tests: not enough tests for setting options
- patch 9.1.0774: "shellcmdline" doesn't work with getcompletion()
- patch 9.1.0773: filetype: some Apache files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0772: some missing changes from v9.1.0771
- patch 9.1.0771: completion attribute hl_group is confusing
- patch 9.1.0770: current command line completion is a bit limited
- patch 9.1.0769: filetype: MLIR files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0768: MS-Windows: incorrect cursor position when restoring screen
- patch 9.1.0767: A condition is always true in ex_getln.c
- patch 9.1.0766: too many strlen() calls in ex_getln.c
- patch 9.1.0765: No test for patches 6.2.418 and 7.3.489
- patch 9.1.0764: [security]: use-after-free when closing a buffer
- patch 9.1.0763: tests: cannot run single syntax tests
- patch 9.1.0762: 'cedit', 'termwinkey' and 'wildchar' may not be parsed correctly
- patch 9.1.0761: :cd completion fails on Windows with backslash in path
- patch 9.1.0760: tests: no error reported, if gen_opt_test.vim fails
- patch 9.1.0759: screenpos() may return invalid position
- patch 9.1.0758: it's possible to set an invalid key to 'wildcharm'
- patch 9.1.0757: tests: messages files contains ANSI escape sequences
- patch 9.1.0756: missing change from patch v9.1.0754
- patch 9.1.0755: quickfix list does not handle hardlinks well
- patch 9.1.0754: fixed order of items in insert-mode completion menu
- patch 9.1.0753: Wrong display when typing in diff mode with 'smoothscroll'
- patch 9.1.0752: can set 'cedit' to an invalid value
- patch 9.1.0751: Error callback for term_start() not used
- patch 9.1.0750: there are some Win9x legacy references
- patch 9.1.0749: filetype: http files not recognized
- patch 9.1.0748: :keep* commmands are sometimes misidentified as :k
- patch 9.1.0747: various typos in repo found
- patch 9.1.0746: tests: Test_halfpage_longline() fails on large terminals
- patch 9.1.0745: filetype: bun and deno history files not recognized
- patch 9.1.0744: filetype: notmuch configs are not recognised
- patch 9.1.0743: diff mode does not handle overlapping diffs correctly
- patch 9.1.0742: getcmdprompt() implementation can be improved
- patch 9.1.0741: No way to get prompt for input()/confirm()
- patch 9.1.0740: incorrect internal diff with empty file
- patch 9.1.0739: [security]: use-after-free in ex_getln.c
- patch 9.1.0738: filetype: rapid files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0737: tests: screendump tests may require a bit more time
- patch 9.1.0736: Unicode tables are outdated
- patch 9.1.0735: filetype: salt files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0734: filetype: jinja files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0733: keyword completion does not work with fuzzy
- patch 9.1.0732: xxd: cannot use -b and -i together
- patch 9.1.0731: inconsistent case sensitive extension matching
- patch 9.1.0730: Crash with cursor-screenline and narrow window
- patch 9.1.0729: Wrong cursor-screenline when resizing window
- patch 9.1.0728: [security]: heap-use-after-free in garbage collection with \
location list user data
- patch 9.1.0727: too many strlen() calls in option.c
- patch 9.1.0726: not using correct python3 API with dynamic linking
- patch 9.1.0725: filetype: swiftinterface files are not recognized
- patch 9.1.0724: if_python: link error with python 3.13 and stable ABI
- patch 9.1.0723: if_python: dynamic linking fails with python3 >= 3.13
- patch 9.1.0722: crash with large id in text_prop interface
- patch 9.1.0721: tests: test_mksession does not consider XDG_CONFIG_HOME
- patch 9.1.0720: Wrong breakindentopt=list:-1 with multibyte or TABs
- patch 9.1.0719: Resetting cell widths can make 'listchars' or 'fillchars' invalid
- patch 9.1.0718: hard to know the users personal Vim Runtime Directory
- patch 9.1.0717: Unnecessary nextcmd NULL checks in parse_command_modifiers()
- patch 9.1.0716: resetting setcellwidth() doesn't update the screen
- patch 9.1.0715: Not correctly parsing color names (after v9.1.0709)
- patch 9.1.0714: tests: GuiEnter_Turkish test may fail
- patch 9.1.0713: Newline causes E749 in Ex mode
- patch 9.1.0712: tests: missing dependency of Test_gettext_makefile
- patch 9.1.0711: tests: test_xxd may file when using different xxd
- patch 9.1.0710: popup window may hide part of Command line
2024-09-03 20:31:21 by Daniel Horecki | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
update to patchlevel 9.1.0708.
- patch 9.1.0709: GUIEnter event not found in Turkish locale
- runtime(sudoers): improve recognized Runas_Spec and Tag_Spec items
- patch 9.1.0708: Recursive window update does not account for reset skipcol
- runtime(nu): include filetype plugin
- patch 9.1.0707: [security]: invalid cursor position may cause a crash
- patch 9.1.0706: tests: test_gettext fails when using shadow dir
- CI: Install locales-all package
- patch 9.1.0705: Sorting of fuzzy filename completion is not stable
- translation(pt): update Portuguese/Brazilian menu translation
- runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match bracket mark ranges
- runtime(doc): Update :help :command-complete list
- patch 9.1.0704: inserting with a count is inefficient
- runtime(doc): use mkdir -p to save a command
- patch 9.1.0703: crash with 2byte encoding and glob2regpat()
- runtime(hollywood): update syn highlight for If-Then statements and For-In-Loops
- patch 9.1.0702: Patch 9.1.0700 broke CI
- patch 9.1.0701: crash with NFA regex engine when searching for composing chars
- patch 9.1.0700: crash with 2byte encoding and glob2regpat()
- patch 9.1.0699: "dvgo" is not always an inclusive motion
- runtime(java): Provide support for syntax preview features