Contact us Category listing - archivers
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7-zip Latest command-line tool for .7z and some archive formats
9e Explode Plan9 archives
advancecomp Recompression utilities for .zip, .png, .mng and .gz files
afio Data corruption handling cpio-format archive creator
ancient Decompression routines for ancient formats
arc Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
archangel Compressing archiver which can sign and encrypt entries
arj Open-source ARJ archiver
ark Manages various archive formats within the KDE environment
arqiver Simple Qt5/Qt6 archive manager
atool Manage file archives of various types
bicom Data compressor in the PPM family
bkcrack Crack legacy zip encryption
bmap-tools Block map tools
brotli Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
bsdtar Fast multi-format tape archiver
bunzip Decompressor for bzip .bz files
bzip2 Block-sorting file compressor
bzip3 Successor to BZip2
cabextract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) file extractor
dact Dynamic adaptive compression tool
dar Disk archiver
engrampa Archive manager utility for the MATE Environment
fastjar C language version of the 'jar' archiver normally used by Java
fcrackzip Zip password cracker
file-roller Archive manager for the GNOME desktop environment
freeze FREEZE / MELT compression program - often used in QNX
gcpio GNU copy-in/out (cpio) with remote magnetic tape (rmt) support
gnome-autoar GLib wrapper around libarchive
gsharutils Allow packing and unpacking of shell archives
gtar The meta-package for the GNU tape archiver (tar)
gtar-base The GNU tape archiver with remote magnetic tape support
gtar-info Info format documentation for the GNU tape archiver
gzip Compress or expand files
gzrecover GZip Recovery Toolkit
ha The HA archiver using the HSC compression method
heirloom-tar Collection of standard Unix utilities (tar)
hpack Multi-System Archiver with open keys PGP-based security
hs-hslua-module-zip Lua module to work with file zips
hs-tar Reading, writing, and manipulating .tar archive files
hs-tar-conduit Extract and create tar files using conduit for streaming
hs-zip-archive Library for creating and modifying zip archives
hs-zlib Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
hs-zlib-bindings Low-level bindings to the zlib package. (deprecated)
innoextract Tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup
jamjar Acunia version of the jar archiver
karchive Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives
kf6-karchive Qt 6 addon providing access to numerous types of archives
lbrate Extract/decompress CP/M LBR archives
lcab Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) file creator
lha Archive files using LZW compression (.lzh, .lha files)
lhasa Freely licensed lha archiving tool (for .lzh and .lha files)
libaec Adaptive entropy coding library
libarchive Library to read/create different archive formats
libcomprex Library to handle (de)compression of files
liblzo Portable lossless data compression library (v1)
libmspack Archiver for Microsoft format CAB, CHM, WIM, LIT, HLP, KWAJ and SZDD
libunrar Extract, view & test RAR archives
libzip C library to manipulate zip archives
lrzip Long Range ZIP or Lzma RZIP
lua-zlib Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua
lunzip Decompressor for the lzip format
lxqt-archiver Simple and lightweight Qt file archiver
lz4 Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
lz4json Unpack lz4json files as generated by Firefox's bookmark backups
lzip Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
lziprecover Recovery tool for lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
lzlib In-memory LZMA compression and decompression library
lzma LZMA compression utility from 7zip
lzmalib Thin wrapper library of LZMA
lzo Portable lossless data compression library
lzop Fast file compressor similar to gzip, using the LZO library
lzsa Compression algorithm designed for 8-bit systems
macutil Create & extract Mac archive files
makeself Neat script to make self-extracting archives
minizip Zip file manipulation library from the zlib distribution
minizip-ng Zip manipulation library written in C
mousetar Version of tar program from der Mouse
mscompress Microsoft compress.exe/expand.exe compatible (de)compressor
nomarch Free replacement for the arc program
nulib2 Handles Apple II ShrinkIt (NuFX) file/disk archives
ocaml-bz2 OCaml library to manipulate bz2 archives
ocaml-decompress Pure OCaml implementation of Zlib
ocaml-zip OCaml library to manipulate ZIP/GZIP/JAR archives
p5-Archive-Any Perl5 module with single interface to deal with archives
p5-Archive-Any-Lite Simple CPAN package extractor
p5-Archive-Extract Perl5 module interface to manipulate zip files
p5-Archive-Peek Perl5 module to peek into archives without extracting them
p5-Archive-Tar-Wrapper API wrapper around the 'tar' utility
p5-Archive-Zip Perl5 module interface to manipulate zip files
p5-Compress-Bzip2 Perl5 interface to bzip2 compression library
p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple Perl interface of lzmalib
p7zip File archiver with high compression
par2 PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool
pax POSIX standard archiver with many extensions
pbzip2 Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor
pdbar Palm database archiver
php-bz2 PHP extension for bzip2 compression
php-pecl-zip Zip management extension with libzip
php-zip PHP extension for ZIP archive handling
php-zlib PHP extension for zlib compression
pigz Parallel implementation of gzip
pixz Parallel, indexed xz compressor
plzip Multi-threaded data compressor based on lzlib
ppmd PPM file compressor
ppunpack Decompresses Amiga PowerPacker files
pxz Parallel LZMA compressor using liblzma
py-brotli Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm (Python module)
py-brotlicffi Python CFFI bindings to the Brotli library
py-bz2file Read and write bzip2-compressed files
py-cramjam Extremely thin Python bindings to de/compression algorithms in Rust
py-lhafile LHA(.lzh) file extract interface
py-libarchive-c Python interface to libarchive
py-liblzma (V) Python bindings for liblzma
py-lz4 Python LZ4 binding
py-lzma (V) Python bindings for the LZMA library by Igor Pavlov
py-lzstring LZ-based in-memory string compression
py-patool (V) Portable archive file manager
py-rarfile RAR archive reader for Python
py-swh-vault (V) Software Heritage vault
py-unrardll Python bindings for libunrar
py-zipp Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files
py-zipstream Zipfile generator
py-zipstream-ng Modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator
py-zlib-ng Drop-in replacement for zlib and gzip modules using zlib-ng
py-zopfli Zopfli module for Python
py-zstandard Zstandard bindings for Python
quazip Qt/C++ wrapper for Minizip
R-brotli Compression Format Optimized for the Web
R-zip Cross-platform 'zip' compression
rar RAR file archiver (binary)
rox-archive Simple archiver
ruby-bz2 Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
ruby-ffi-libarchive Ruby FFI binding to libarchive
ruby-libarchive Ruby bindings for Libarchive
ruby-minitar Pure-Ruby library to deal with POSIX tar(1) archive files
ruby-minitar-cli Pure-Ruby command-line tool that uses minitar library
ruby-mixlib-archive Simple interface to various archive formats
ruby-xz Ruby bindings for liblzma
ruby-zip Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
rzip Create or extract .rz files, like gzip but smaller
sarab Schedule And Rotate Automatic Backups
squsq Compressor/decompressor for CP/M Squeeze compressed files
star Unique standard tape archiver
szip Extended-Rice lossless compression
tarlz Combined implementation of tar archiver and lzip compressor
tartest Test tar archive for POSIX.1-1990 compliance
trrntzip Create zip archives in a standard format
unace Extract, list and test files in ACE archives
unace-bin Extract, list and test files in ACE archives (Linux binary)
unalz Alzip archive (.alz) extractor
unarchiver Command-line tools for The Unarchiver
unarj Allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives
undms Converts .dms Amiga disk images to uncompressed .adf images
unlzx Extracts .lzx archives from Amiga systems
unrar Extract, view & test RAR archives
unrar5 Extract, view & test RAR archives (C++98 version)
unshield Extract InstallShield .CAB files
unzip List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzoo Extract zoo archives
upx Ultimate packer for executables
xarchiver GTK+ frontend to various command line archivers
xbin Convert mailable BinHex format into binary
xfce4-thunar-archive Thunar archive plugin
xmill Specialized compressor for XML
xpk The eXternal PacKer (XPK) library system
xz General-purpose data compression software (5.4)
zip Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
zlib-ng Replacement for zlib with optimizations for next generation systems
zoo Manipulate archives of files in compressed form
zopfli Very good but slow deflate/zlib compression
zstd Fast real-time compression algorithm
zutils Utilities for any combination of compressed and non-compressed files
zziplib Library for ZIP archive handling