Cracow University of Technology
Civil Engineering
This paper discusses the results of in situ vibration measurements that have been performed during the homologation tests of the line L2 of the high speed train (HST) track between Brussels and Köln. Measurements have been performed on... more
- by Janusz Kogut
Some problems regarding numerical modeling of predicted vibrations excited by railway traffic are discussed. Model formulation in the field of structural mechanics comprises a vehicle, a track (often in a tunnel) and soil. Time consuming... more
- by Janusz Kogut
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest określenie niektórych cech dynamicznych gruntu wpływających na propagację fali sprężystej. Wykorzystano tutaj informacje uzyskane z dynamicznych badań powierzchniowych, wykonanych w przekroju... more
This paper focuses on the results of in situ vibration measurements that have been performed prior and during the homologation tests of the line L2 of the high speed train (HST) track between Brussels and Köln. Several experiments have... more
Landslides in the Carpathian flysch have a peculiar susceptibility to activation. This is due to the geological structure of the flysch. This study addresses analysing the effects of a landslide, particularly in regards to the operation... more
- by Janusz Kogut
Terrestrial laser scanning helps us to detect unstable subsurface behaviour, assessing the slope stability and potential landslide failure modes. If the slopes are regularly observed, the risk of slope movement and subsequent consequences... more
- by Janusz Kogut
Przedmiotem artykułu jest system pomiarowy wykorzystywany w badaniach laboratoryjnych osiadań gruntu. System zbudowany jest z wielu elementów (modułów) składowych, pozwala kontrolować przebieg różnych eksperymentów. Szczególnie przydaje... more
- by Janusz Kogut
Docelowe wartości poziomów (wskaźników) niezawodności według różnych zaleceń normowych krajowych i międzynarodowych nie są spójne. Zalecane wartości wskaźników niezawodności są zwykle podawane dla jednego lub dwóch okresów odniesienia (1... more
- by Janusz Kogut
In recent years, there is an increase of landslide risk observed, which is associated with intensive anthropogenic activities and extreme weather conditions. Appropriate monitoring and proper development of measurements resulting as maps... more
- by Janusz Kogut
Due to the significant role and noticeable development of transportation routes running from the north to the south of central Europe, several problems related to the construction and functioning of roads in the Carpathian foothills have... more
- by Janusz Kogut
The aim of the work is to acquire the answer for a question if, and to what extent the dynamic excitation forced by underground movement of metro carts or another vibration source impacts the condition of the existing building. To get... more
- by Janusz Kogut
The main activity of open pit mining of aggregates are aggregates' exploitation of natural mineral deposits and its modification in order to obtain high-quality aggregates. The development of aggregate production is conditioned by a... more
- by Janusz Kogut
At present, the requirements for thermal insulation of the external walls in buildings are being increased. There is a need to reduce energy consumption for heating rooms during the winter season. This may be achieved by increasing the... more
- by Janusz Kogut