PH News Center Pro

PH News Center Pro is the perfect theme to create a new website using WordPress. It supports multiple featured areas, a ticker, and a post carousel. It works with most plugins right away, and the page speed and core web vital scores are fantastic too. Such features make this a perfect choice for creating a Google News, PBN, or any other magazine or blog website. Moreover, this theme comes with advanced features like a reading progress meter, excerpt control, and preloader.

PH News Center Pro Features

Fully Customizable Colors

PH News Center Pro comes with a colorizer that gives you the power to teak each and every color of the theme.

Complete Free Setup

It can be an extremely stressful task to set up a website if you don't know how to do it right. We are providing full setup for free in order to make sure you benefit from every feature of the theme.

Magazine Layout

PH News Daily Pro is based on a magazine layout. It includes various different style featured areas that you can use to give your site a modern magazine look.

Layout Choice

It comes with different layout options. For instance, you can choose between wide width and boxed width as you like. Moreover, you can also decide if you want to use a sidebar or not.

PH News Center Free Vs Pro Features Comparison

Features Free Pro
Responsive Design Yes Yes
Translation Ready Yes Yes
Fully Customizable Colors Yes Yes
Social Menu Yes Yes
Social Menu Color Customization Yes Yes
Sidebar Position Choice Yes Yes
Archive Layout Choices Yes Yes
Single Post Layout Choices Yes Yes
Page Layout Choice Yes Yes
Full Color Customization Control Yes Yes
Sticky Header No Yes
Number of Featured Areas 6 8
Custom Google Fonts 20 Unlimited
Header Layouts 6 7  and more coming
Copyright Text Yes Yes
Numbered Pagination Yes Yes
Scroll to Top Yes Yes
Carousel for Trending Post Yes Yes
Trending Post Ticker Yes Yes
Mobiles Friendly Header Yes Yes
Footer Widgets Yes Yes
Multiple Page Layouts Yes Yes
Excerpt Length Control No Yes
Drop Cap Yes Yes
Pre-loader No Yes
SEO Friendly Yes Yes
Modern Hover Effects Normal Advance
Upcoming Features Limited Unlimited
Premium Header Design Standard Advance
Reading Progress Bar No Yes
Support Standard Dedicated