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Near the end of Qasr as-shawq (Palace of Desire), the second volume in Naguib Mahfouz's famous novel The Cairo Trilogy, one of the principal characters, Kamāl ʿAbd al-Jawād runs into his older brother Yāsīn at ʿAyūsha-Rose's brothel on... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
The idea for this special issue of boundary 2 has a complicated genealogy. Its beginnings go back to the summer of 1985, when I had been asked by Harold Bloom to contribute an original essay for the Ralph Ellison volume of his Modern... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesPhilosophyAfricana Studies
When Jonathan Arac and I sat down in my dining room four years ago in July 1999-at his strong suggestion, I must say-we could have and perhaps dared to imagine much of what was to transpire in the imminent future of the world,... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
Let me state from the outset that I have spent some time struggling with how to understand my relationship to this occasion, and, frankly, came to a view somewhat analogous to that of the pre-Islamic poet Amru' al-Qaiys's at the news of... more
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      HistoryCultural Studies
Kant's account of judgement in the Critique of Pure Reason and its relation to his concept of "the Negro".
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      PhilosophyCritical Race TheoryKant StudiesBlack Studies
Je tiens à exprimer mon profond respect et mes chaleureux remerciements à Alice Desclaux sans qui ce projet n'aurait ni vu le jour, ni pu être conduit à terme. Son accompagnement continu durant cette période m'a permis de mener l'aventure... more
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    • Literature
This study aims to describe the improvement of students' learning activities, describe the improvement of teacher's teaching skills in learning management, and to find out the improvement of students' mathematical understanding by using... more
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Rhetoric should be accorded a more central place in Aristotle's "Poetics" than it is usually given. Treating rhetoric as "thought" or "dianoia" overemphasizes logos at the expense of ethos and pathos. Aristotle himself restores pathos to... more
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We'll read primary texts from the classical Greek to the twentiethcentury French, British, Russian, Italian, and American with an eye to orienting ourselves to the theories and practices of criticism they underwrite and to the shifting... more
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cell) Office Hours: 4-5 TW or by appointment-I can usually stay after class to meet.
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Office Hours: 1-2 M, 4:30-5:30 W
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