Papers by paola zamperlin

Obiettivo principale dell’articolo è quello di presentare un approccio di studio e di rappresenta... more Obiettivo principale dell’articolo è quello di presentare un approccio di studio e di rappresentazione cartografica delle smart cities che parta dalla ridefinizione della scala territoriale di analisi, poiché si ritiene che quella strettamente urbana, attualmente impiegata, sia una scala riduttiva nel contesto italiano, poiché essa non tiene conto della configurazione policentrica e della distribuzione della maggior parte di nuclei di medie e piccole dimensioni in relazione a un numero esiguo di centri urbani di maggiore estensione. Si è scelto, pertanto, di utilizzare il perimetro delle città metropolitane di recente costituzione come ritaglio amministrativo ai fini della comprensione e della misurazione della smartness di un territorio, filtrata attraverso indicatori relativi alla mobilità delle persone, alla densità della popolazione in relazione al consumo di suolo e alla distribuzione della ricchezza. The main objective of this paper is to show a study approach and a cartograph...

J-Reading - Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography, 2017
In this paper we present the results of some educational workshops held at selected lower seconda... more In this paper we present the results of some educational workshops held at selected lower secondary schools within the Le chiavi della citta (The Keys to the City) project, coordinated by the municipality of Florence. The main objective of these workshops was to motivate students towards an analytical reflection on their city, observed through the guiding principles of the Smart City concept. The students were prompted to discover the new geographies that are modeling contemporary cities and, in order to do this, they were provided with both theoretical and technological tools. The former are necessary for a critical reading of the phenomenon, and the latter to enable them to re-interpret and redesign their city in the light of new findings. The teachers primarily defined the problem domain and presented traditional concepts of scale, place and space identified according to the pillars of the Smart City: Environment, Mobility, Economy, People, Living. Then the students were asked to...

J-Reading - Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography, 2013
If it is true that every period of our history is marked by important revolutions which shaped it... more If it is true that every period of our history is marked by important revolutions which shaped its spirit and nature, today we can claim to live in what has been aptly defined, by a Pennsylvania State University project, as a “Geospatial Revolution”. Understanding the world in which we live, how it has changed and how the ways in which humans interact with it have changed, how people try to know, interpret and represent it, all provide crucial aspects for the planning of curricula, training courses and in the production of appropriate contents for them. GIS represents an effective tool for teaching the understanding of space and place. GIS finds application in various fields from natural science and geology to sociology and anthropology, from political sciences, economics and urban studies to archaeology and history. The use of this tool enables the introduction of research methods in geography teaching, leading, for example, to the acquisition of the ability to create a conceptual ...

The project is a study for developing a digital archive about Italian scientific expeditions in N... more The project is a study for developing a digital archive about Italian scientific expeditions in Northern and Eastern Africa and the former Italian colonies (19th-20th century). The aim of the project is to assess, protect and enhance an important corpus of documents (historical cartographies, photographs, scientific papers and archive documents) distributed in public archives and private collections. The database structure is based on Dublin Core metadata standard. The information system is designed to integrate and make interoperable digital resources, to ensure standardized and complex indexing, to support advanced retrieval, according to the standards in use. The geolocation of the resources in a GIS environment can display query results in Google Maps environment. Le but du projet Arces est le developpement d’une archive numerique pour le recensement, la protection et la valorisation d’une diversifiee patrimoine cartographique et photographique sur les expeditions scientifiques ...
International Journal of Cartography
Papers by paola zamperlin